Yohimbine hydrochloride in bodybuilding: the secret to success. How to take the sports nutrition drug yohimbine hydrochloride Yohimbine properties

This drug is used to solve problems with erection, but its other important property is also known - the ability to burn fat. So, yohimbine for weight loss: how to use this remedy correctly, what results can you expect?

Helpful information

Why is yohimbine used for weight loss, what is its mechanism of action? As you know, alpha-adrenergic receptors are present in our body - they block the release of fat from lipocytes.

Fat is most easily deposited in the abdomen and thighs - there is the highest concentration of such receptors. Yohimbine (an alkaloid obtained from the bark of the African yohimbe tree) blocks these receptors, which allows fat to be burned evenly throughout the body.

It is believed that yohimbine is a kind of testosterone booster, and this hormone causes the body to burn fat. The alkaloid enhances thermogenesis (converts fat calories into heat).


When using the drug before training, the release of norepinephrine is accelerated, due to which the concentration of fatty acids in the blood increases by 2 times.

Forms of release of the drug: capsules, tablets, tea. Yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss can be purchased at the pharmacy. Nutritional supplements and teas with this active ingredient are sold on the Internet, as well as in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies (active ingredient content is about 3%).


How to take yohimbine for weight loss? The maximum daily rate of yohimbe extract is 2000 mg (1 dose – 1000 mg), the rate of yohimbe hydrochloride is 30 mg (1 dose – 5 mg). Athletes take the drug at the rate of 0.2 mg/1 kg of body weight. Course duration is 2-3 weeks. You can repeat it after 2 months.

When treating impotence, yohimbine is taken with or after meals, while when treating obesity, it is taken on an empty stomach.

The fact is that this alkaloid, in combination with food, promotes the release of insulin, and this leads to fat deposition rather than burning it. The optimal break between food and the drug is 4 hours. During this period, you are allowed to drink water and coffee.

Caffeine is known to enhance the fat-burning effects of yohimbine. Some athletes use caffeine tablets instead of coffee.


Yohimbine cannot be used for weight loss in case of individual intolerance, as well as hypertension, arrhythmia and hypotension.

You should not use the drug in cases of severe vascular atherosclerosis and hyperthyroidism. Yohimbine is not prescribed for increased nervous excitability and mental disorders.

Contraindications are kidney and liver pathologies, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, as well as prostate diseases in the acute phase.

When taking the drug, heart rhythm disturbances and changes in blood pressure may occur. Sometimes you can hear complaints of headaches, redness of the skin, trembling, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and insomnia. Men may experience spontaneous erections.


Yohimbe hydrochloride costs 200-250 rubles (50 tablets). The cost of supplements varies from 200 to 2000 rubles (depending on the composition, manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package).


Yohimbine is primarily used by athletes for weight loss. If you don't exercise, you may not expect noticeable weight loss.

Source: http://info.cake.dn.ua/johimbin-dlya-pohudeniya/

Yohimbine for weight loss: how to take, contraindications “The most effective method for losing weight

Yohimbine for weight loss blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors responsible for the process of releasing fat from lipocytes, suitable for men and women.

Yohimbine for weight loss (yohimbine hydrochloride) is a stimulating alkaloid, a specific organic compound containing nitrogen.

It is considered one of the effective drugs in the fight against impotence in men. Due to its stimulating effect, Yohimbine hydrochloride is used not only as an aphrodisiac, but also as an effective means for weight loss.

This feature of Yohimbine is not described in the official instructions for the drug.

The drug is available in the form of capsules or tablets for oral use. For the treatment of impotence in men, Yohimbine hydrochloride is recommended to take 1-2 capsules three times a day.

This dosage is general - in each specific case, the required dosage of the drug is prescribed individually.

Capsules should be taken directly during or before meals.

The main active component in the composition of the drug is an organic extract from the evergreen plant Yohimbe, belonging to the madder family, growing in the regions of Central Africa, which, after assembly, was crushed and dried. For a long period of time, the drug was used exclusively as a libido stimulant in men - thanks to its stimulating properties, Yohimbine effectively fights physiological and psychological impotence in men.

The main principle of action of Yohimbine hydrochloride is to block alpha-adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for blocking the process of fat release from lipocytes.

These alpha-adrenergic receptors contribute to the active accumulation of fat on the body. Yohimbine acts as a powerful fat burner, allowing you to effectively burn fat in all areas of the body. The drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, activating the motor activity of the body and stimulating the process of burning fat.

When using the product exclusively for weight loss, the recommended dosage differs from that specified in the instructions for the drug. It is calculated individually and directly depends on the general state of health and body weight.

0.2 mg of Yohimbine hydrochloride is multiplied by one kg of body weight and the daily dose of the drug is obtained. The resulting figure is divided by 3 - this way you can find out the single dose of the medicine.

The tablets are taken orally without chewing.

If, to stimulate libido in men, the drug is recommended to be taken directly during meals, then when using Yohimbine as a fat burner, it should be taken only on an empty stomach.

This recommendation is due to the fact that simultaneous use of the drug and food significantly reduces the effectiveness of the former. Yohimbine for weight loss should be taken 4-5 hours after meals. When combining the drug and sports activities, it is recommended to take a single dose of the drug 1-1.5 hours before training. This will significantly increase its effectiveness.

  • The drug is not recommended for use in the presence of arterial hypotension, vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmia, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Women with severe kidney and liver dysfunction should avoid using the drug.
  • A variety of mental disorders accompanied by increased nervous excitability are a serious contraindication to the use of the drug.
  • The supplement should not be used if individual intolerance to the active components included in the medicine is identified.
  • The fat burner is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Also contraindicated is age under 16 years.

In most cases, Yohimbine is well tolerated by the body of both women and men. But in extremely rare cases, this organic remedy can cause some side effects, which include:

  • When using the medicine, men may experience spontaneous erection.
  • Side effects of the medication may include shortness of breath and a sharp increase in blood pressure.
  • Various disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - stool disorders, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the abdominal area.
  • Nervous system disorders - frequent headaches, dizziness, anxiety, increased excitability, sudden mood swings, sleep disorders.
  • As a result of taking Yohimbine, allergic skin reactions may occur, expressed in the form of rash, redness, and itching.

The average cost of Yohimbine hydrochloride can vary from 190 to 1500 rubles. It depends on the manufacturer, the release form and the number of tablets in the package.

Yohimbine has established itself as a safe and effective fat burner that allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. But this remedy should not be considered a panacea - to achieve the desired effect, taking Yohimbine should be combined with a properly selected diet and regular exercise.

Source: http://ultrapohudenie.logdown.com/posts/2123520

How to lose weight on Yohimbine - instructions for use, composition and active ingredients, side effects

The drug yohimbine for weight loss is often used; the action of herbal components is aimed at achieving weight loss. The main purpose of the product is to increase desire, potency, secondary or “side” - it acts as a fat burner. If you take Yohimbine regularly, an exceptionally significant weight loss result is achieved - up to 20 kilograms per course.

What is Yohimbine

Yohimbe is the name of a rare tree that grows in Africa. The hydrochloride of the drug, bark and juice of the plant was first used at the end of the previous century.

Scientists have noticed that taking the alkaloid promotes vigor and increased sexual desire in men, and in addition, the effect of the substance yohimbine hydrochloride for weight loss has no analogues.

People who took the drug began to rapidly lose weight even without much physical activity - although at first they did not set such a goal, since they took it on the recommendation of a doctor for another reason.


In modern yohimbine-based products sold in pharmacies, each drug complex is created to block the alpha2-adrenergic receptor.

The result is that the calories entering the human body are not sent to fat due to the metamorphosis of the metabolism. Adrenergic receptors are blocked, therefore nutrients do not enter fat.

Taking the drug promotes weight loss, enhanced by ginseng, caffeine, Siberian herbs and other components included in the composition. The composition of yohimbine includes:

  • Ginseng is the result of healing, the drug speeds up metabolism.
  • Chromium compounds – reduce appetite.
  • Caffeine – gives vigor and a surge of energy.
  • Various vitamins that replenish their deficiencies during weight loss.
  • Eleutherococcus is the Siberian elixir of immunity.
  • Ginger – speeds up metabolism by increasing body temperature.
  • Natural plant ingredients together with yohimbine change the metabolism so as to destroy fat cells and turn them into muscle cells. Weight is lost due to fat burning.

    The composition of the drug is harmless for most people, but people suffering from high blood pressure are required to take dietary supplements only after consulting with their doctor.

    The instructions for the drug will tell you how to properly distribute the tablets throughout the day and how to effectively choose a course of weight loss.

    Action of yohimbine

    If you ask yourself how yohimbine works, you can take a closer look: an extract from tree bark, tea or tablets containing an energetic substance are aimed at activating the natural processes of fat burning.

    Particular effectiveness is achieved with increased physical activity - bodybuilding, fitness, aerobics. Yohimbine has no analogues in weight loss. The result of weight loss is monitored during the first 3 days of use - up to minus five kilograms.

    Yohimbine for weight loss

    Alkaloids, on the one hand, effectively accelerate the movement of human blood, on the other hand, the drug supplies every cell with the necessary substances, it forces fat cells to release the “collected” energy.

    Is it permissible to use the drug yohimbine for weight loss without dieting and additional effort? The result - yes, it is acceptable, although for the full result you will need to review your diet and limit its calorie content.

    It is best to combine the drug with sports.

    Yohimbine in sports

    Athletes and people interested in sports activities know about the benefits of yohimbine in bodybuilding. Yohimbine extract in the form of Yohimbe hydrochloride is added to virtually every sports product.

    The result is an increase in body temperature, exclusively during strength loads, and an increase in heart rate during training. Working out with a barbell in the gym becomes much easier due to the surge of strength.

    The result is noticeable even after the first intake of the dietary supplement.

    How to take yohimbine for weight loss

    Those who bought the drug for the first time are interested in how to take yohimbine. The substance is sold in several forms, the main ones being tablets or tea. Using the drug for weight loss does not require special consultation with a doctor, except in cases of severe chronic diseases in humans. If you choose tea, the intake system is less severe, it includes:

  • 1-2 teaspoons of dry matter.
  • A glass (250 ml) of water per dose of the substance, the water should be very hot, but not boiling water.
  • Heat to a temperature of about 90 degrees, it is impossible to boil.
  • It is advisable to take the finished tea on an empty stomach. Drinking dulls the feeling of hunger and prevents you from exceeding the calorie limit at breakfast, midday meal or evening snack. The taste of the finished tea is nice and refreshing. It is absolutely possible to drink it throughout the day as a soft drink, including replacing coffee, teas and carbonated drinks.

    For women

    Tablets and capsules contain a more concentrated hydrochloride composition. It contains no plant components. It is allowed to use the substance yohimbine hydrochloride for women, depending on their goals.

    It affects the human central nervous system, accelerating the processes of thinking and reaction. You need to take the pills in the morning to avoid agitation and insomnia. More than 2 capsules are not allowed per day.

    It is believed that the drug is harmful to girls, but this is a false belief: it does not cause hormonal imbalance.

    For men

    Initially, the drug was prescribed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, therefore yohimbine hydrochloride for men is extremely effective and even suitable for health and testosterone levels in the blood. Fans of sports and sports training value it for its muscle building results. Yohimbe can be taken by both bodybuilders and men who easily want to lose weight.

    Dosage for weight loss

    There is a special regimen for taking yohimbine for weight loss. It differs from that of vigorous exercise to build muscle.

    The core rule is to remember that the energetic effect of the substance does not begin immediately, but after 2-3 hours. The dose should not exceed 10 mg, and it’s best to start with the minimum – one tablet per day.

    A specific regimen is selected depending on body weight, the course lasts from 2 to ten weeks.

    Side effects

    The side effects of yohimbine are caused by the peculiarity of its effect on the central nervous system. If the number is not observed or there are concomitant diseases, side effects may appear.

    If a person tries a dietary supplement for the first time, he should limit himself to a small dose and monitor his condition for some time.

    Instead of improving physical condition, side effects occur, which manifest themselves in the following ways:

    • headache;
    • shiver;
    • nausea;
    • overexcitement;
    • insomnia.

    An important point: it is impossible to take capsules or tablets before meals or immediately afterwards. The desired result actually disappears, this exclusively concerns the fat-releasing effect. Therefore, allow about 3-4 hours between taking the drug and food. A surge of strength helps to experience a sucking feeling in the stomach. Gastritis and other digestive disorders are contraindications.

    Yohimbine - contraindications

    Yohimbe is contraindicated for mental and vascular diseases. Others are disorders of the nervous system, ranging from taking antidepressants to schizophrenia.

    You should be careful when taking the drug to avoid allergies; it is also recommended to avoid alcohol and not take antidepressants.

    Yohimbine price for weight loss

    The cost depends on the place of purchase. Stores sometimes have sales promotions or shipping discounts. In Moscow, the cost varies within the limits indicated in the table. In St. Petersburg, prices for the drug differ slightly; there is a possibility of preferring and ordering the product from an online pharmacy. In online or brick-and-mortar pharmacies, prices will be approximately identical.

    Price (rubles)


    Yohimbine hydrochloride is recommended for people who are looking after their figure (losing weight or building muscle mass). The instructions also describe its positive effect on erection in men. At first, the drug was aimed at improving potency. Later, its other properties were discovered.

    It is an alkaloid that has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. It is able to increase blood flow to the genitals, thereby improving potency and enhancing orgasm. Accelerates the process of burning fat in the body.

    Get it:

    • from the bark of the White Quejabro tree;
    • from yohimbe wood;
    • from the Rauwolfia serpentine bush.

    Taking the drug also removes negativity and improves mood. Affects the quality of sleep. It becomes strong and bright. If the dosage is exceeded, it can cause nightmares. The second name of the drug yohimbine is quebraquine. Although it is less common than the official name. Depends on what tree the alkaloid is extracted from.

    Release form

    The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral use. Acceptable color: white or slightly yellow.

    The tablets are packaged in plastic containers. They can contain from 25 to 250 tablets. Or in plates, they contain 10 tablets.


    The tablet contains 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride.

    Excipients added to improve absorption:

    • potato starch;
    • lactose monohydrate (milk sugar);
    • calcium stearate;
    • mixture (cellulose, lactose and hypromelose).
    • The drug is also available in the form of tea. Consists of a mixture of dried herbs.

    Yohimbine tea blends include:

    • yohimbine tree bark;
    • ginseng root;
    • ginger;
    • Oolong green tea
    • strawberries;
    • hibiscus;
    • damiana.

    The tea contains substances that enhance the effect of weight loss, so it is recommended to drink it to speed up the results. Tea is more harmless than tablets.

    Indications for use

    Yohimbine hydrochloride, the instructions for which describe the composition of the drug and indications for its use, has a wide spectrum of action.

    It is prescribed for the following disorders in the body:

    The main purpose of yohimbine is to improve sex life and rid the body of excess weight.

    It is for these properties that the drug gained its popularity.


    The drug is considered safe, but there are a number of restrictions. Before your appointment, you need to consult with a specialist.

    For what diseases is the drug prohibited?

    • high or low blood pressure. The doctor must determine the dosage so that the drug has the correct effect and does not worsen the body’s condition;
    • liver and kidney diseases;
    • age under 18 years;
    • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
    • It is not recommended to take adrenergic agonists together with the drug yohimbine;
    • cardiac ischemia;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • for vision problems;
    • for psychological diseases.

    The drug is allowed if there are no contraindications.

    Yohimbine hydrochloride: instructions for use for men and women

    Yohimbine hydrochloride, the instructions for which are described below, is taken to eliminate erection problems and when playing sports. The drug must not be taken together with alcoholic beverages; diet must be followed.

    What is it used for? Number of tablets How many times a day What time Admission course (weeks)
    To improve erection 1 — 2 1 — 3 During meals 3 – 5
    When playing sports 1 -2 1 — 3 Half an hour before exercise 3 — 4

    The tablets are taken without chewing and washed down with plenty of water. The dose should not exceed 6 tablets per day. It is not recommended to take later than 2 hours before bedtime. The time it takes to remove the drug from the body is about 6 hours.

    It is important not to exceed the daily dosage.

    Take it with water, coffee or juices are allowed (although water is a priority). If you take yohimbe in the form of tea, there are no strong restrictions. You can drink up to 5-6 cups per day. Steam 10 g of dry tea per 200 ml of water for 5-10 minutes. It is advisable not to use sugar.

    How to take for weight loss

    It is recommended to take the drug separately from meals. Food destroys yohimbine's ability to fight fat deposits. All fatty foods are also removed from the diet. Coffee enhances the weight loss process, so it is recommended to take pills with it.

    Weight loss when taking yohimbine occurs by blocking hormones that are responsible for the deposition of fat in problem areas. In this case, a large amount of energy is generated. The drug is taken not only for weight loss, but also for sports.

    The beneficial properties of yohimbine for weight loss are as follows:

    • blood flow to tissues and organs increases;
    • fat deposits are broken down releasing heat and energy;
    • increases motor activity;
    • increases endurance during sports.

    The greatest effect of the drug is observed when taken in the morning. The daily dose is divided into 3 parts and taken on an empty stomach, 3 hours before the main meal. The course can last up to 2.5 months.

    When starting to use it is recommended to start with small doses. Best with 1 tablet taken in the morning. Then you can increase the dose, but not more than the daily dose (depending on weight).

    For those wishing to lose weight (especially women), yohimbine is recommended to be consumed in the form of tea. It is more harmless to the body and there are no strict rules for its use.

    To prepare the drink you will need:

    • Dissolve 10-20 g of dry yohimbine in ¼ liter of water:
    • Next, the drink is heated, but not boiled;
    • You need to drink tea on an empty stomach.

    Tea creates a feeling of fullness, so there will be no extra calories entering the body. Its taste is pleasant and refreshing. Tea is popular during the hot season as a refreshing drink.

    The average single dose of the drug may vary depending on weight:

    Weight Amount in (mg) per day
    60 12
    80 16
    100 20
    120 24

    If you are overweight, yohimbine can be taken only after consultation with a therapist and cardiologist. Since the heart is already under a lot of stress due to excess weight.

    Yohimbine helps get rid of fat cells in problem areas and thus perfectly corrects the figure. Because of this, drugs containing yohimbine have become very popular among women watching their weight.

    Taking yohimbine to reduce body weight is also recommended because it has a number of positive effects on the body.

    Why else is it useful for people losing weight to take yohimbine:

    If you only take yohimbine, without physical activity, the result will not be so noticeable. When taking the drug, be sure to follow a diet and do not mix it with food. Otherwise the result will be zero.

    How to take when doing bodybuilding

    First you need to calculate the daily dose of the drug, depending on body weight. To do this, you need to take 0.2 mg per 1 kg of weight. The resulting daily dose is divided into 3 parts. Start taking yohimbine in the morning on an empty stomach. Then in the afternoon, 1 hour before training. And in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime.

    To obtain the positive effect of using yohimbine hydrochloride without harm to health, it is important to take the product in recommended doses strictly in accordance with the instructions.

    Yohimbine can be taken both in its pure form and in dietary supplements containing it. The drug itself helps get rid of subcutaneous fat. Thus, the result is achieved - the athlete’s ideal muscle relief. In this case, it is necessary to conduct special classes.

    Be sure to follow a diet; fatty foods are completely excluded. Carbohydrates in food remain at a minimum, and proteins at a maximum. The duration of taking the drug lasts at least 21 days, but not more than 10 weeks.

    If you are taking a drug containing yohimbine to gain muscle mass, it is recommended to drink it only before going to the gym.

    Coffee enhances the effect of the drug. It should be borne in mind that the drink puts a strong strain on the heart. You should not abuse coffee and yohimbine together. You can plant a heart.

    • means that enhance fat burning and breakdown. The body may not be able to withstand such a load and fail. In addition, fat cells must be present in the body, otherwise there will be severe exhaustion;
    • antidepressants (especially those that block norepinephrine);
    • alcohol is completely excluded; even a small dose can distort the desired result.

    Additional tips for bodybuilders on using yohimbine:

    • Be sure to select the appropriate loads to build muscle mass in one area or another. Without training, the most you can achieve is weight loss.
    • Do not use three drugs together (yohimbine, ephedrine and coffee). This is an incredible load on the heart. But separately, for example, ephedrine and yohimbine, do not combine well.
    • Be sure to check the authenticity of the products. Do not buy from unverified points or on suspicious sites.

    Yohimbine in sports nutrition for bodybuilders:

    Side effects

    They are extremely rare and often due to non-compliance with the dosage.

    This is expressed:

    • the appearance of insomnia and increasing feelings of anxiety;
    • problems with blood pressure (increase or decrease), increased heart rate;
    • severe headache and dizziness;
    • problems with the digestive tract: lack of appetite, nausea, pain in the stomach;
    • loose stools;
    • allergic reaction, redness of the skin;
    • excessive sweating;
    • hands are shaking;
    • the appearance of an erection without sexual arousal;
    • reducing the amount of daily urine dose.

    In this case, the drug should be stopped immediately. You can resume only after consulting a therapist.

    special instructions


    In case of an overdose of the drug, the symptoms described in the side effects appear, only more pronounced. Several may appear at once.

    It could be:

    • sudden onset of feelings of anxiety, fear;
    • a sharp increase or decrease in pressure;
    • migraine with severe dizziness;
    • vomiting, sharp pain in the stomach;
    • diarrhea;
    • strong tremors in the hands.

    Symptoms of overdose occur 30-45 minutes after taking the drug. Before the ambulance arrives, begin gastric lavage. It is not recommended to take drugs that eliminate the effect of yohimbine. Only doctors can do this.


    • clonidine It neutralizes the effect of yohimbine;
    • clopyramine. The medicine increases the concentration of yohimbine in the blood;
    • antidepressants. May increase side effects;
    • coffee. Strengthens the effect of the drug, but also puts unnecessary strain on the heart;
    • tranquilizers. They lose their properties.

    If a decision is made in favor of taking yohimbine, then the above medications are discontinued. Or the exact dosage recommended by the therapist is observed.

    Analogues of Yohimbine hcl

    There are not many analogues of yohimbine and they do not completely replicate all the beneficial properties of the drug. The main analogues are drugs to improve potency.


    1. Spiegel. The product contains: yohimbine, starch, talc, gum arabic. The main purpose is to enhance potency.
    2. Eroton. The main active ingredient is sildenafil. Auxiliary components: starch (potato), magnesium stearate, cellulose. To improve potency.
    3. Levitra. The base is vardenafil hydrochloride trihydrate. There are also auxiliary components. Helps and improves potency.
    4. Viagra. Ingredients: sildenafil, cellulose, magnesium stearate and auxiliary components. The drug is intended to improve potency.
    5. Yohimbe forte Evalar. The drug contains: yohimbine, zinc, selenium, ginseng extract. Helps get rid of drug addiction, cravings for smoking and alcohol, strengthens the immune system.

    Analogues will not completely replace the drug yohimbe, and their prices are much higher.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    Yohimbine hydrochloride, the instructions for which are described above, must be stored correctly, otherwise it will lose its properties:

    1. The drug is considered suitable for 3 years from the date of manufacture.
    2. Can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the first aid kit.
    3. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees above zero.
    4. Lack of access to the drug for children.

    Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions (make a table)

    Below are prices in 10 cities:

    City name Price in rubles per number of tablets
    50 100 150 200 250 1
    Moscow 200 — 260 400 — 500 450 — 550 600 — 780 650 — 920 3 — 5
    Saint Petersburg 240 — 300 450 — 550 490 — 670 630 — 800 700 — 960 3 — 6
    Ekaterinburg 250 — 300 440 — 560 500 — 650 640 — 810 730 — 970 3 — 6
    Volgograd 190 — 230 370 — 460 430 — 510 570 — 740 700 — 850 2,5 — 4
    Vladivostok 190 — 250 380 — 490 430 — 520 580 — 750 630 — 880 2,5 — 5
    Voronezh 200 — 250 390 — 480 440 — 530 590 — 770 640 — 900 2,5 — 5
    Krasnoyarsk 210 — 240 400 — 480 450 — 490 600 — 750 650 — 880 2,5 — 5
    Samara 210 — 260 400 — 500 450 — 560 610 — 780 650 — 910 3 — 5
    Permian 200 — 290 410 — 530 450 — 600 620 — 800 650 — 970 4
    Ufa 200 — 260 400 — 480 460 — 560 600 — 790 650 — 930 3 — 5

    You can order the drug cheaper online, but first ensure the authenticity of the product.

    What tricks do people go to in order to lose extra pounds! They eat various mosses and berries, drink laxative teas and chocolate. But the main thing is that promising weight loss products do not always work. Conversely, drugs used to treat other ailments may well cope with this task.

    A striking example of this is the drug Yohimbine. It has only recently been used for weight loss. However, its main task still remains related to the restoration of male potency. What is the secret of this remedy? And why is it used for other purposes?

    What is it and what is it eaten with?

    First, let's get acquainted with this drug. Yohimbine, also called quebraquine, is considered one of the most powerful alkaloids and aphrodoisiacs. It is obtained from an exotic plant that has the same name as the medicine itself. This remedy is used to restore the function of the male genital organ and increase sexual desire. Many representatives of the fair sex use yohimbine for weight loss. We’ll talk further about what this is connected with.

    Reasons for using the product for other purposes

    As practice has shown, the drug promotes active weight loss. This happens due to the blockade of special adrenergic receptors. Let us remind you that they are the ones who allow the fat cells that we hate so much to accumulate unhindered. Moreover, the more impressive the accumulation of these receptors, the more fat can be deposited, so to speak, in reserve. They say that the largest number of these receptors are concentrated in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Therefore, these areas are often where the largest amount of excess fat accumulates.

    As many adherents of sports nutrition say, if your waist inches suddenly no longer suit you, you should use yohimbine. For women This is an ideal remedy for eliminating the accumulation of fat in problem areas by blocking receptors and converting fat into energy. And this happens due to increased blood flow directly in the adipose tissue itself. As a result, its cells seem to wake up and begin to move more actively, smoothly shifting to the places of their final splitting.

    In other words, the drug reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat and removes it even from the most problematic areas in a short time.

    Who uses the product as a fat burner?

    In addition to ordinary women and girls who dream of losing weight, this miracle fat burner is used by people with excellent physical fitness. Athletes and athletes simply rave about yohimbine. For weight loss it is used not only by women, but also by men. With its help you can reduce, which is important when “drying”. Therefore, achieving a beautiful and sculpted body is much easier.

    In addition, if you use this remedy immediately before training in the gym, athletes say, then it is quite possible to extend the total time of training. According to preliminary data, you can easily exercise for 2-3 hours with this product and not feel tired at all.

    Who produces the drug: countries

    Yohimbine is produced by manufacturers from different countries. For example, you can find tablets made in China and Russia. The Ukrainian version of this drug is called Yohimbine hydrochloride. This product is sold in a small plastic box containing 50 white round tablets weighing 5 mg each. A plastic container is usually packaged in paper containers. It contains yohimbine itself and instructions.

    What forms does it come in?

    The drug or biological supplement, which has recently been so often used in sports nutrition, is found in the following forms:

    • Powder.
    • Pills.
    • Capsules.

    According to those users who have chosen yohimbine for weight loss, There is no fundamental difference between these forms. All of them contain a kind of extract from the valuable bark of an African plant.

    What does the product contain?

    Together with yohimbe extract, the product includes the following substances:

    • Licorice root and damiana leaves.
    • Fruits of dwarf palm and muira puama bark.
    • Eleutherococcus roots.
    • Zinc, selenium and chromium.
    • Ginseng and many others.

    Contains a weight loss product called Yohimbine. ( customer reviews confirm this conclusion) there are also vitamins and minerals. It is believed that all of the above herbs, berries and plant fruits help enhance the effect of yohimbe extract.

    How to take: rules and instructions

    According to the stories of many women losing weight, it is recommended to take the drug approximately 30-40 minutes before meals. However, before using it, it is necessary to carry out certain calculations.

    It is most preferable to calculate the dosage based on 0.2 mg for each kilogram of your weight. For example, you weigh 60 kg, multiply this number by 0.2 and get 12. Then divide the result by 3 (this is how many weeks you will need to drink the full course). In our example, this is 4. We round up to 5 mg, since 1 tablet or capsule corresponds to exactly this weight. Therefore, you can take 1 capsule or tablet at a time. After about 2-3 months, a weight loss course with Yohimbine (the price for it is not bad at all) ) It is recommended to repeat.

    For the best effect, users say, you can safely take up to 10 mg at a time and up to 20 mg per day. Gradually, this norm can be increased by another 10 mg. But this is optional and subject to excellent health. The same information is confirmed by the instructions for Yohimbine. Its price is low. Therefore, you will not spend too much money on purchasing the drug for the whole course. You will need to pay approximately 200-300 rubles for a pack of 50 tablets.

    When should you reduce the dosage or stop taking the drug?

    According to users, sometimes the drug can cause certain side effects. For example, people taking it may experience the following symptoms:

    • Mood swings and excessive excitability.
    • Blood pressure surges.
    • Sleep disturbances and heart rhythm disturbances.
    • Dizziness.

    In a word, if you experience any unpleasant sensations when using Yohimbine (reviews from athletes indicate exactly this), it is recommended to reduce the daily dose of the drug. In severe cases, fitness trainers say, it is better to abandon it altogether. Do not forget that the drug has a slightly different focus. Therefore, if there are any deviations from the norm, it is better to remove the product from your diet.

    What to consider when taking the product?

    According to users, if you do not exercise, you will not lose much weight from this drug. In addition, you need to understand that you need to consume it in compliance with a certain diet. In this case, it is enough to eat right and drink a lot of water. If you eat fatty foods and take yohimbine at the same time, this can lead to the opposite effect or its complete absence.

    Yohimbine is a plant alkaloid, an aphrodisiac obtained from the Yohimbe plant. Yohimbine is used in bodybuilding as a fat burner and nervous system stimulant; in addition, athletes love it for its ability to increase libido. Initially, the drug was used only for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men. However, as it later turned out, yohimbine hydrochloride has many other benefits.

    Yohimbine has a pronounced sympatholytic and stimulating effect on the body. It can also be used as a mild antidepressant due to its ability to inhibit MAO (MonoAmino Oxidase). The most extensive research work regarding yohimbine was carried out by Kenneth Grasing, which had the goal of identifying the pharmacodynamic properties of the substance and its tolerability in a relatively high dosage (22 mg). The experiment involved completely healthy people, without any contraindications to the use of yohimbine hydrochloride.

    Studies have shown very good tolerability of the drug, a rapid rate of absorption by the body and elimination of the substance from it. Even at the indicated dosage, the drug rarely caused minor side effects. There was a moderate increase in heart rate and increased respiration along with a decrease in blood pressure. Yohimbine hydrochloride has a positive effect on sleep only in small dosages (up to 1 mg); large dosages can lead to feelings of anxiety during sleep due to the stimulating effect on the nervous system. However, if you take the drug in the morning, you can also forget about this side effect.

    It is extremely rare that mild headaches and dizziness, redness of the skin (due to the vasodilator properties) may occur. The risk of side effects occurs when the drug is combined with other stimulants. There are also a number of contraindications for taking yohimbine hydrochloride. These are: tachycardia, liver/kidney diseases, hypertension, hypersensitivity to the substance, coronary artery disease.

    Due to some of its properties, yohimbine hydrochloride has become very widespread in bodybuilding. The most important property of this type is its pronounced lipolytic effect.

    The principle of operation of most fat burners is to stimulate the secretion of adrenaline, which in turn has an exciting effect on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. Excitement of the former will lead to active accumulation of fat, and excitation of the latter, on the contrary, will increase the use of adipose tissue as an energy source, which will allow you to get rid of excess fat much faster. Thus, yohimbine, by stimulating beta-adrenergic receptors and blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors, has a fat-burning effect.

    In addition, yohimbine hydrochloride can significantly increase mental concentration, which will come in handy during strength training in the gym.

    How to take yohimbine

    Yohimbine hydrochloride is usually used during the “drying” period, that is, getting rid of excess fat deposits. Yohimbine should be taken in a dosage of 10-20 mg/day (available in tablets of 5-10 mg), once a day, preferably in the morning, with water. Do not take the supplement with food.

    If any side effects occur, try reducing the dosage by half; if this does not help, stop taking it altogether. A course of yohimbine lasts 3-10 weeks.

    1. Sources of Yohimbine

    First, let's look at the names. There is Yohimbe - this is the tree itself, and the bark of this tree contains the alkaloid Yohimbine, which has an effect on the body, otherwise called quebraquin - a plant alkaloid with a stimulating effect, an aphrodisiac obtained from the bark of the Yohimbe plant. Used for weight loss, drying muscles, increasing libido in men and women.

    The formula of the substance is C21H26O3N2. In its pure form it is colorless crystals with a melting point of 235-237 ° C. It is poorly soluble in water, well in alcohol. The study of this group of alkaloids was stimulated by the search for the active principle of a well-known veterinary drug, the so-called “Equine pathogen”.

    Yohimbine is the main alkaloid of the Yohimbe tree (Pausinystalia johimbe Pierre ex Beille), of the Rubiaceae family, growing in central Africa; yohimbine is also obtained from the bark of the South American plants White quebracho (Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schltr.) and Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. ex Kurz), family Kutrovye (Apocynaceae). Yohimbe bark contains 0.5-1.5% indole alkaloids. The main alkaloid is yohimbine, the rest are isomers of yohimbine, ajmalicine, alloyohimbin, corynantheine, dihydrocorynanthen, corynantine (rauhimbin).

    2. Effects of yohimbine on the human body

    2.1. The effect of yohimbine on the human nervous system

    The main and most studied mechanism of yohimbine's effect on the body is the ability of yohimbine to suppress alpha2-adrenergic receptors. By suppressing these receptors, yohimbine increases the level of norepinephrine in the body, which causes the heart to beat faster, blood circulation improves, and motor activity increases.

    When used systematically, yohimbine inhibits MAO (monoamine oxidase) and this gives a pronounced antidepressant effect - your mood improves, life begins to play with new colors even in cloudy autumn weather.

    Good tolerability and rapid rate of absorption and excretion of the substance were established. When consumed with fatty foods, a decrease in blood concentration was observed. Scientists have shown that even high doses do not lead to the development of side effects, moderately increasing the heart rate and breathing, while lowering blood pressure. Yohimbine had a significant effect on the psyche, initiating a number of psychostimulating effects: excitement, improved mood, etc.

    2.2. Effect of yohimbine on appetite.

    Back in 1984, scientists conducted an experiment using yohimbine on mice; it turned out that yohimbine suppresses appetite in both fat (suffering from hereditary obesity) and ordinary mice. This is explained by the effect of yohimbine on the above-mentioned alpha2-adrenergic receptors. In this study, it was found that 2.4-4.6 mg of yohimbine/kg body weight reduced the food consumed by rodents by 49-62% in the first days and by 56-72% on the 13th day of the experiment. The mice drank water in the same normal quantities.

    2.3. The effects of yohimbine on the genital area.

    Yohimbine causes sexual arousal in both men and women, since its mechanism of action is associated with the stimulation of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, which are responsible for sexual arousal. The second mechanism of excitation is associated with the ability of yohimbine to greatly increase blood circulation in the pelvic area - in men this causes an erection, in women the release of lubrication and increased sensitivity. Improves psycho-emotional background and sexual sensations, helps eliminate feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, stiffness and fear. Increases libido and potency. Weakens the effect of serotonin, the excess content of which in the body causes depression and nervousness. A very important point - yohimbine increases libido in men and women, without affecting testosterone levels.

    Yohimbe effect on men.

    Yohimbe (or yohimbine) stimulates potency, enriches sexual sensations, enhances orgasm, helps control ejaculation and significantly prolongs sexual intercourse, has a tonic effect on the central nervous system, stimulates the centers of the lumbar spinal cord that control erection; increases energy and endurance, improves overall well-being.

    Yohimbe is recommended for use by men seeking to achieve new levels of satisfaction in their sexual life or suffering from various forms of secondary sexual disorders, as well as people engaged in vigorous physical activity. Used for chronic fatigue syndrome, increases endurance during physical activity.

    The effect of yohimbe is very effective, as it does not depend on the physical and mental state of a person (fatigue, stress, depression). However, it is not recommended to take yohimbine with Viagra/Levitra/Cialis on the same day at the same time.

    Yohimbe effect on women.

    Yohimbe extract is a powerful aphrodisiac, that is, a substance that has a stimulating effect on sexual activity. Aphrodisiacs affect men and women. Yohimbe leads to vasodilation and a powerful flow of blood to the genitals, while simultaneously slowing down its outflow. This effect is associated with the expansion of pelvic vessels in both men and women. In combination with increased blood flow in the pelvis, Yohimbe affects the adrenergic receptors of the brain, which leads to increased activity of the sexual arousal center located in the spinal cord. The effect on brain structures is also expressed in the elimination of feelings of uncertainty, constraint and fear. Thanks to psycho-emotional liberation, Yohimbe enhances feelings of intimacy, giving sexual contact bright colors.

    First of all, it is recommended to take it for women suffering from frigidity. Yohimbe also gives an excellent effect when a woman does not want intimacy due to depression, stress and other strong psycho-emotional stress. In this case, yohimbe eliminates anxiety and uncertainty, including natural pleasure centers, which causes an increase in libido in women. In addition, yohimbe increases the synthesis of vaginal secretions, relieving the problem of vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse.

    Yohimbe will perfectly help women cope with sexual dysfunction that has developed as a result of the use of drugs that lower blood pressure. In this case, the substance yohimbe eliminates the effects of antihypertensive drugs on the central nervous system, due to which natural sexual desires return.

    In addition to using yohimbe for medicinal purposes, you can use the supplement simply as a sexual stimulant in absolutely healthy men and women. In this case, partners will receive amazing sensations, more vivid orgasms and enjoy unforgettable intimacy.

    2.4. The effects of yohimbine on a person's weight or yohimbine for weight loss.

    Let's first look at the weight loss process itself. Otherwise, sometimes it hurts to look at the poor guy in the gym who is trying to lose excess weight from his stomach by doing abdominal exercises. So, spot reduction of fat is impossible! This means that when a person goes on a diet, he loses fat from all areas, and not from just one specific one. The fact is that fat is stored in cells (liposomes) in a substance called triglycerides. Under the influence of two stress hormones (adrenaline and norepinephrine), the breakdown into glycerol and fatty acids begins. This is called lipolysis. The resulting substances begin their journey through the bloodstream until they are used by the body as energy, or, if such a need no longer exists, they return to their original state (fat). Now you understand that fat breakdown is a pure chemical reaction that is triggered by hormones. And they travel through the blood that washes our entire body. It is impossible to force blood to wash only the abs and, accordingly, it is impossible to force hormones to break down fat only in one place that is priority for you.

    Adrenaline and norepinephrine interact with tissues and organs through a number of receptors. To simplify, let's consider the main ones - alpha2-adrenergic receptors and beta3-adrenergic receptors. Beta receptors cause lipolysis (reduction in fat cell size), and alpha receptors “pull the rope” to their side and prevent fat burning. What does yohimbine have to do with it, you’ve been thinking for the 3rd minute. And yohimbine (and pure yohimbine hydrochloride) blocks alpha receptors, thereby reducing the fat-suppressing effect of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Therefore, yohimbine, taken an hour before training, stops alpha receptors and increases the effectiveness of your workout significantly! If you take yohimbine immediately before training, you will experience a more powerful release of norepinephrine, which does not occur during normal training. As a result of the studies, it was proven that the content of fatty acids in the blood of exercisers after taking yohimbine becomes twice as high. Then these fatty acids are safely burned and you lose that very hated fat.

    Many experts claim that problem areas, so-called fat deposits, form in the abdomen, legs and thighs. This is due to the fact that there are much more alpha-adrenergic cellular receptors in these places. And yohimbine is unique precisely in that it blocks them - i.e. fat will be burned exactly where we need it.

    It should also be taken into account that yohimbine “fights” with insulin for the same receptors and insulin always “wins”. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of yohimbine, it is recommended to take it either on an empty stomach or an hour after eating and not to eat carbohydrates during the action of yohimbine (do not eat sweets, potatoes, white bread, pastries, pasta). You can eat meat. Fatty foods do not neutralize yohimbine like carbohydrate foods, but they reduce the rate of absorption. Looks like we've sorted it out.

    3. How to take Achiv with Yohimbe
    Achieve with Yohimbe


    As we have already found out above, the most suitable time to take the drug is morning. Yohimbine is taken on an empty stomach before training. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached approximately 45-75 minutes after administration. In plasma, 82% of yohimbine is protein bound. Evenly distributed in tissues. Metabolized in and outside the liver. The half-life of yohimbine after a single dose is from 0.25 to 2.5 hours. After 24 hours, yohimbine is practically undetectable in the urine. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys. When the drug is administered orally in recommended doses, drug accumulation does not occur.