Instructions for using the Internet for dummies. First steps. Course: Computer User - Basic Level

Heading "Internet for Beginners" designed for those who have recently begun to master the World Wide Web. It is no secret that for a significant portion of novice computer users, the main motive for purchasing a PC is the opportunity to have access to the World Wide Web from home. Today, the reality is that the Internet penetrates almost all areas of life. The Internet means the latest news, searching for the necessary information, purchasing goods and services, communicating, watching movies and listening to music, online games and much more. Even managing your bank account and receiving government services is possible using the Internet.

For older people, the Internet provides an excellent opportunity to stay in touch with family members living in other localities or even on the other side of the globe, and completely free of charge. The ability to videoconference with your children and grandchildren is worth learning the basics of working with a computer and learning how to use the Internet. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The number of network users is constantly growing. For example, in our country, from 2006 to 2016, the number of network users increased 10 times, and today it accounts for almost 70% of Russian residents, ranging from the youngest to people of retirement age. Everyone who goes online for the first time experiences a large number of questions, we will try to give answers to the most common ones in the “Internet for Beginners” section. Having studied with our help the basics of using the World Wide Web, you will learn to independently find answers to all your questions using Internet search engines.

Blocking websites on the Internet is a procedure for preventing access to certain web resources, carried out by Internet providers and mobile operators, based on a list of addresses included in Single register prohibited information. The entry of sites into the prohibited register is carried out by Roskomnadzor (RKN), which monitors the implementation of laws in the field of communications, information technologies and means of mass communications. In addition, the RKN includes […]

Every day millions of users resort to search engine services. The demand for this service is explained by the abundance of information accumulated on the Internet. Finding the necessary information manually in such conditions is extremely difficult.

Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia. But the company offers not only search services; its range of products is huge. Among them is Yandex.Money - an electronic wallet. This article will discuss the main functionality and features of this payment system.

Ever-increasing Internet resources and developing infrastructure make it possible to organize direct Internet communication at a fundamentally new level. This guide will tell you how to make calls and use all audio-video communication services through the Skype service. Skype is an Internet communication service. Initially, it was created as an IP telephony service, i.e. telephone calls over the Internet. The service currently includes […]

Cashback is a good opportunity to return part of the funds spent on goods and services. Many citizens buy goods at the price indicated on the price tag, but do not even know that they can save significantly on their purchase. Distrust of innovations forces our citizens to significantly overpay, and today this still remains the norm. Basically, cashback allows you to save up to 5% […]

On this page, all the lessons on the site are arranged exactly in the order in which we recommend taking them. Unfortunately, at the moment there are gaps in the list of lessons that will definitely be filled. Topics on which there are already articles are links (highlighted blue with underlining) - follow them and learn! The list does not include news and some articles (for example, on solving computer problems) because They are not useful for training, however, you will receive them if you subscribe to the newsletter.

You can freely write your wishes in the comments, this is most welcome. The proposed topics are included in the plan of articles.

Let's create the best free step-by-step training system together!

Target: create a list of articles on the website, studying which in a certain order, you will feel free when working at the computer.

Important! If you can write an expert article on any of these topics, write to us, articles are paid.

Course: Computer User - Basic Level

  1. What is a netbook
  2. What is an ultrabook
  3. What is a tablet
  4. What is a tablet phone
  5. USB port: what is it and what can be connected through it
  6. How to turn on the computer, what happens at this moment
  7. What is a driver? What is a graphical operating system shell
  8. Computer desktop.
  9. Mouse, cursor, how to use the mouse.
  10. What is a shortcut, file, program, folder.
  11. Basic file types. What is an extension
  12. What's happened HDD and how it works ( On publication)
  13. Computer hard drive, partitions.
  14. Keyboard. How to work with her. Create a text file.
  15. Start menu, what's in it
  16. Turning off the computer. ( In progress)
  17. What is sleep mode and when to use it
  18. What is standby mode and when to use it
  19. Install the program. The main stages of installing any program. Where it will appear, how to find where it is installed, how to find it in the Start menu.
  20. We are working with the program. Standard program elements: settings, drop-down menu, quick access panel.
  21. Create a shortcut. All ways.
  22. How to view the characteristics of your computer.
  23. Computer screen. Resolution, settings, change the desktop theme.
  24. How to install a device driver. Where to download the driver if it is not installed automatically. ( In progress)
  25. Computer startup. How to disable a program from startup. How to disable autoloading in the program itself. ( In progress)
  26. What is an archive? Working with the archiver program
  27. How to open a video on a computer
  28. How to open e-book(.pdf .djvu .pdf) ( In progress)
  29. How to open a presentation
  30. How to open a document (.doc, .docx, .fb2)
  31. How to find out what video card I have
  32. Blue Screen of Death - what is it?
  33. What is BIOS and what is it for?
  34. How to open.pdf
  35. How to open.mkv
  36. How to open.djvu
  37. On-screen keyboard - what is it and what is it for?
  38. How to change the language on your computer
  39. Hotkeys Windows 7.8
  40. How to increase font size on computer

Course: Computer Security

  1. How to set a password on Windows
  2. How to come up with a complex password
  3. How to protect your Google account
  4. What is antivirus
  5. What is a firewall
  6. How to block pop-ups
  7. How to Make File Extensions Visible in Windows
  8. How to protect yourself on the Internet using the WOT extension
  9. Review of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Course: Computer programs

  1. Punto Switcher
  2. Alarm clock on computer
  3. Program for creating videos from photos

Course: Google Services

Course: Computer User: Intermediate Level

  1. How to create a virtual machine (virtual computer)
  2. How to transfer old photos to computer
  3. How to put a password on a folder
  4. How to clean the Windows registry
  5. How to enter BIOS
  6. How to format a hard drive
  7. How to defragment hard drive.

Course: Laptop and Netbook User

  1. Features of working with a laptop and netbook
  2. Laptop, netbook device
  3. Laptop and netbook keyboard - operating features
  4. How to extend battery life
  5. What to do if your laptop (netbook) gets hot
  6. Computer stands: cooling and not so much.
  7. How to enable WiFi on a laptop

Course: Computer and near-computer devices

  • Body exercises
  • Trainer programs for monitoring computer time
  • How to properly arrange your workplace
  • What to do if you are overtired
  • Procrastination and how the computer is involved in it
  • How to protect your hands so that they don’t hurt if you have to type a lot (carpal tunnel syndrome).
  • Working at a computer while standing: benefits, pros and cons
  • Standing desks with height adjustment - overview.
  • Laptop stands for standing work - review.
  • Course: Computer and child

    1. Is it necessary to limit time on the computer for children and how to do it correctly?
    2. What can a child learn using a computer?
    3. How to protect your child from adult sites

    Course: Internet User - Basic Level

    If your experience with a computer is less than a year or you are just on friendly terms with it, this section is for you! There are many useful information about where to start, how to protect yourself, what programs are best to use, where and how to look for the information you need.

    How not to be deceived computer people? How to get maximum benefit for minimum money when diagnosing problems and repairing your computer? Find answers to these and other questions in this article.

    In the last couple of years, a whole generation of computer users has appeared who understand nothing at all about computers. Well, nothing at all! As a rule, these are pensioners, people of pre-retirement age, or younger, but very fearful. They lived their whole lives without a computer and suddenly they got one... If you are one of these people, these simple tips are for you.

    How and where to download music, programs, favorite TV series? These questions are often a stumbling block for a person who has recently sat down at a computer. This little advice slightly lifts the veil of a terrible secret...

    Advice on creating a wireless home network from a person who has never done this before, but... managed to do it without any problems. And you can do it too!

    Everyone has probably encountered the desire to download their favorite video from social network to your computer or wanted to insert it into your blog. This is not easy for a novice user, but there is nothing complicated about it. Read this advice and do it!

    Every computer owner experiences system freezes. Alas, the technology is not perfect, and even new ones Windows versions suffer from this unpleasant computer disease. Some tips for those who are faced with this problem and don’t know what to do.

    Any computer requires care. It's like a car in which the oil, filters, and brake pads need to be changed regularly. Even if you are a girl, it is necessary to do preventative maintenance for both your car and your computer. Moreover, it is much easier to handle a computer than a car. Hard drive defragmentation is one of the types of computer prevention.

    operating room Windows system used by the majority of computer users in the world and the vast majority of novice users. This tip talks about how you can boot into the Windows operating system and use different boot modes to troubleshoot operating system problems.

    Simple but useful advice for novice computer users. Deleting files to the Recycle Bin, restoring them from the Recycle Bin, permanent deletion and problems that may arise with this. Read and learn!

    A small but useful tip for novice computer users. The title speaks for itself, so just open the advice and read it to everyone for whom this topic is relevant.

    If you don't have a mouse, or it's broken, or a neighbor poisoned it, or you accidentally erased the driver, or.... Will you be able to work in Windows? Yes! - states the author of the advice and gives detailed instructions on managing Windows and programs from the keyboard.

    Beginner's guide. Step by Step Actions

    This lesson is intended for those who have already decided to join Twitter and want to know how best to do this, where to find interesting users, friends, and how to make your Twitter readable and popular.

    Continuation of the series of advice articles on shopping online. Description of stores "" and". Step-by-step instruction upon making a purchase. Lots of useful digressions.

    And at the same time not to be disappointed. With this article I start a series practical advice about making purchases on the Internet. Only personal practice, only specific advice!

    Let me sit at a person's computer for 15 minutes and I will know everything about him! This ancient computer truth will never lose its relevance.

    Everything about computers for beginners.
    Firstly, why and no more, I answer right away. For a person who has sat down at a computer desk even for the hundredth time in his life, this is a lot. After all, what is competent operation of any complex device,A PC is it 100% like that? Strict adherence to instructions for proper operation. And then your new friend will serve you for a long time and bring only positive emotions in life.

    Ten Commandments for the Beginner

    For ease understanding of our Ten Commandments, we will highlight them paragraph by paragraph and thus we will consider. I won’t write the same initial words over and over again, and search engines can mark it as spam.

    1.) To log in, turn on the computer by pressing the button and wait until the OS is completely loaded onto your device, while not touching the mouse, much less clicking it.

    2.)If the computer is connected to Internet networks— we check the correct work, namely timely upgradability both bases and versions.

    3.) In order to change "wallpaper" on the desktop ,in Windows XP - right button -> PROPERTIES -> select and set all parameters. For “SEVEN”, right button—> PERSONALIZATION —> SELECT THE TOPIC, We change it at our discretion. There are many more possibilities here than in XP, can be assigned cascading change of images on the desktop.

    4.)Installing programs only those that correspond to this and preferably from the manufacturer’s website. To do this, write these conditions in the browser line. Typically, the company that created the software informs the user about the conditions of use. Here you can’t rely on chance, but suddenly x-writing will work on seven. It will work, but sadly, you will have to reinstall the operating system.

    When installing most small programs, to increase its weight and significance (and maybe for better sales), programmers write in them various add-ons. As a result, by installing a program for downloading YouTube videos, you will get a couple more unnecessary things on your computer software. In the form of a slow-moving browser and its extensions, and as a result you get a slow loading operating system and banners, toolbars and new home pages popping up at every step. Which only confuses the novice user and irritates the “grandfather.” To prevent this, be sure when installing what the system prompts you to install. Of course, you will have to strain your “spoken English”, but as you understand, it’s worth it.

    5.)Particular attention to removing unnecessary programs, especially at seven. This model likes to make copies of everything it comes across and this increases the number of entries in the registry and takes up disk space. "Correct" correct removal is the key to prevention debris in the system and its normal operation. To prevent this situation, use cleaning programs such as CCliner after each removal. Even if you used the built-in removal system. Traces of utilities in the registry must be cleaned up.

    6.)When opening the browser or computer programs suddenly froze and does not respond to mouse clicks. This “disease” is called freezing. No need to worry too much to remove this symptom press on your keyboard :CTRL—> ALT —> DEL—> in 99% after this the scoreboard will open TASK MANAGER and the computer will return to normal operating condition. The 1% share will involve forced disconnection of the system unit from the electrical power source. In the seven, when you next load the operating system, be careful and press the ENTER button in time to continue the action.

    7.) The program closed spontaneously, displaying the message: PERFORMING AN ILLEGAL OPERATION. The most the best option will ignore this message and not send any messages at her request. It will calm down and start with normal parameters.

    8.) For adding the desired program you need to find out the real characteristics of your computer (W7;XP):START—>CONTROL PANEL—>DEVICE MANAGER—> Click on all the items, select and write down the real parameters.

    9.)The computer hangs after restarting, in my opinion, your antivirus program ( missed the fat virus, the OS needs to be restored. There are two options using the standard system: —>START—>ALL PROGRAMS—>STANDARD—>SERVICES—>SYSTEM RESTORATION. We create a point ourselves, that is, the day when the operating system “functioned normally”, we wait for Windows to correct all the errors and restart the computer.
    The second option is if you, or you, did the installation BACKUP Windows, using a special program like ACRONIS DISC DIRECTOR. Open it and click restore, after which we wait for a happy outcome to the current situation.

    10.) Correct shutdown or exit from the program. It is also the most critical part in operating your hardware, because in case of emergency terminations, the system writes a bunch of errors to the registry, which adversely affect performance upon subsequent startup. Emergency exits from Windows include unintentional turning off of the electrical power, pulling out the cord from the electrical outlet, as well as pressing the POWER button in operating mode without any special need.

    It seems, dear ones, that over time, observing these simple ten useful tips for the novice user, you will be able to make friends with your iron friend and will enjoy communicating with each other and the people around you. And yours operating system, through your fault.

    That's all I have for today. BYE BYE.

    The Internet has long become an indispensable part of our lives. It helps us connect with friends around the world and stay updated latest news. You don't need any special knowledge to work on the Internet, you just need to take the first step.

    10 Google tips for a novice Internet user with Nikolai Fomenko- interesting, and most importantly useful tips for all novice users (from children and housewives to grandparents) of the World Wide Web are presented on the Google website.

    On this site you will find 10 tips that will help you take your first steps on the Internet.

    1. Getting to know the Internet
    2. Enter the site address
    3. Add bookmarks to sites
    4. Set the home page
    5. Use navigation keys
    6. Looking for information on the Internet
    7. Save files from the Internet
    8. Set up an email
    9. Communicate via the Internet
    10. Choose a password

    1. Getting to know the Internet

    The Internet is like a huge library. It contains many Internet sites that consist of pages.

    Using a computer and programs installed on it, you can connect to the Internet to view the information stored on it: texts, pictures, photographs, music, films, and also save them to your disk.

    Internet pages are not stored on your computer. It is just a “window” through which you browse websites. If errors occur when entering information, it’s not a big deal. You won't be able to corrupt or change anything on the Internet from your computer. If you have closed the desired page, you can always reopen it in its previous form by clicking on the “Back” button or re-typing its address.

    You can move from one page to another using links - usually links are underlined and highlighted in color. When the mouse pointer turns from an arrow to a hand icon, it means that you are pointing it at a link. Sometimes the link is a picture. Just click on the link once with the left mouse button and a new page will open.

    Some sites also allow you to send emails, instant messages, post photos, and write journals. The Internet is the easiest way to communicate with friends and colleagues anywhere in the world.

    The Internet contains many sites on a variety of topics. When I need to find a site with information I'm interested in, I go to and do a search.

    2. Enter the website address

    Each site has its own address, which allows you to find it. It can consist of Latin letters and numbers and is divided into three parts...

    The address usually begins with www - it often does not need to be written - or with some word. Then, through a dot, comes the name of the site, which ends with a short designation of the country or type of site, for example: ru - Russia, ua - Ukraine, com - international sites, org - non-profit. Two identical addresses with different endings can lead to two different sites.

    The site address is entered into the address bar of the browser - a program for viewing Internet pages. There are different browsers, the most common are: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome. Any of them will open the site you need. Modern browsers have many different useful features.

    If you enter the address incorrectly, you will receive an error message or be taken to another site. To avoid mistakes and not have to type the address every time, add to your bookmarks those sites that you visit often.

    3. Add bookmarks to sites

    Remembering and writing down the addresses of sites that interest you is inconvenient and unnecessary. Bookmarks were invented for these purposes.

    To remember the site that is currently open, click “Favorites,” then “Add to Favorites.” If everything is correct, feel free to click “Add” in the appeared window - the bookmark is ready! Next time, just open your browser, go to Favorites and select the site you want. You can name the bookmark as you like.

    In order not to get confused with bookmarks, you can save them in different folders, for example, “work”, “leisure”, “interesting”.

    It is important to remember that your bookmarks will only be available on the computer and browser where you made them.

    Bookmarks can be made in any browser. In the Google Chrome browser, just click the star next to the address bar - and the bookmark is ready.

    4. Set the home page

    If you always start browsing the Internet with the same site, you can make it your home page. The home page automatically opens when you start the browser. This could be your mail, search or news.

    To set or change the home page, you need to go to the “Tools” menu, “Internet Options” and select the “Current” button, then “Apply” - the home page will be the site that is currently open.

    To go to the home page at any time, click the "Home" icon or the Alt+Home key combination.

    5. Use navigation keys

    Working on the Internet, I browse a lot of sites, copy texts and photographs and do many other operations. To do this, you can use the mouse or keyboard shortcuts...

    For example: Backspace returns to the previous page

    The up and down arrows let you scroll through the page. PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN make it even faster, and the Home and End keys let you jump straight to the beginning or end of a long page.

    Pressing the Tab key moves to the next link on the page or to the next form field.

    There are several useful shortcuts with the Control key:

    CTRL+C - copy text, and CTRL+V - paste.

    CTRL+F - search by page.

    CTRL+N - open a new browser window.

    6. Looking for information on the Internet

    Although the Internet is large, it is quite easy to find what you need on it. I usually search on

    Here are some tips that may help: Decide exactly what you want to find: there are 453 thousand pages for the word “felt boots”. On request: “buy felt boots wholesale at a discount in Suzdal” - only 220 pages.

    If you are looking for an exact phrase or quote, write it in quotation marks: “she has a cow Mu” You don’t even have to type the entire query, but select it from the suggestions that appear

    To see the answer directly in the search results, immediately compose a query in the form of an answer: the population of St. Petersburg is... Catherine the Great was born...

    You can search not only texts (Sherlock Holmes), but also pictures, videos, news, maps.

    You can search for information only in a certain language, in a certain format (for example, only presentations), or on a specific site.

    7. Save files from the Internet

    You can save files from the Internet to your computer, and it's very simple...

    To save a music file, simply left-click on it. If the download has not started, right-click on it and select “Save target as...”. Select “Desktop” and click “Save” - the download is complete.

    To avoid cluttering the “Desktop”, create a “Music” folder directly on it and transfer the file to it. You can immediately specify the “Music” folder when downloading.

    Files sent by mail are saved in the same way.

    If you immediately save files in the desired folders, you won’t have to search for them later. But if you still forgot where you saved the file, use the file search on your computer.

    8. Set up an email

    Most of your friends and colleagues already have email. If you don’t have one, you can also create your own email account. There are many sites that allow you to do this for free...

    For example, to create free email from Google, go to and click the “Create an account” button. You can choose what your address will be - your name, nickname or any word. If the address you have chosen is already occupied by someone, add numbers to it or choose another one.

    The address can consist of Latin letters, numbers or symbols, such as a dot, and always has two parts separated by the “dog” symbol. The first part is the username you have chosen, the second is the name of the mail site. Choose a password for your mailbox and remember it.

    Now you have a postal address, also called email - [email protected]. Remember or write down your email and tell your friends in full. Only nikolay.fomenko or is not enough.

    To write a letter to a friend, enter the recipient’s address (several addresses separated by commas), the subject of the letter, write the letter itself, attach a file (for example, a photo) if necessary, and click “Send.” In just a couple of minutes the letter will be in your friend’s mailbox.

    9. Communicate via the Internet

    Emails come very quickly, but sometimes it takes a very long time to respond to them. There is another, more quick way communicate via the Internet - instant messages...

    The most popular programs are ICQ (ICQ), Skype (Skype), Google Talk (Google Talk). They allow you to correspond with short messages “in live"with those who are on the Internet at that moment.

    In order to start messaging friends, you need to add them to your contact list.

    In the contact list you can see which of your friends are currently online (they are marked in green) - you can immediately start communicating with them. You click his name, write a message, send it - and your interlocutor immediately sees it and can write you a response. You can also send files to each other, and if you have a microphone, you can even call each other.

    It is not always necessary to install such programs on your computer - sometimes they are built into the site. For example, in the Gmail email service you can not only write letters, but also communicate with friends via chat. Messages will open in the same browser window, and then you can easily view all your correspondence.

    10. Choose a password

    For Email and other services You need to come up with a password...

    A good password is easy for you to remember and difficult for attackers to guess. Do not choose your username, date of birth, phone number, or simple combinations of letters and numbers as your password. Use what you know well and what others don't. For example, the address where you lived as a child, your mother’s maiden name, etc. And let the password have at least eight characters. When filling out your password, pay attention to whether you use lowercase or capital letters and what language is on the keyboard.

    You will be able to restore forgotten password by email address.

    Protect your password like the keys to your house. Do not enter it on other pages under various pretexts. Never dictate it to anyone over the phone, send it by mail or SMS, even if the Internet services you use ask for it. Your password is like a bank card code that only you know.

    Don't use the same password everywhere. It is convenient to have several passwords of different levels of complexity: for financial services, for mail and personal data, for entertainment resources.

    Other diary entries(search on the right side of the page): " Women's Internet. What to do in your spare time”, “Virtual sex: “Hello, Sweetie.” What do you look like?”, “Torrent. Using the µTorrent program in pictures”, “Convenient buttons of the advanced LiRu editor”.

    If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.