Individual lesson on staging the sound of l. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Sound production. Work on the development of phonemic processes

Natalia Ponikaeva
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Producing sound [L]”

Sound [L]

Sound setting [L]№1

Target. Sound setting [L].

1. Correctional and educational:

- put the sound [L] using the gradual method creating an articulatory structure;


3. Educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, politeness, and a culture of behavior.

Equipment. Mirror, pictures for articulation gymnastics, toys: mouse, steamboat.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Today you and I will learn to pronounce one very beautiful, magical sound, this will happen a little later, but now answer, do you like fairy tales? Do you want me to tell you a story about a funny tongue? Then watch and listen.

2. Preparation for sound production [L]

Once upon a time there lived a tongue. Meet him. He lived in his own house. Do you know what the house near the tongue is called? (Mouth) He was very curious and often looked out the window. I opened the window, closed it, opened it again, looked out, looked to the right, then looked to the left to see if anyone was coming? Looked up, is the sun shining? I looked down - were there any puddles?

Tongue ran to the kitchen, and there mom was kneading the dough. "Let me help you"- said Tongue. Exercise "Kneading the dough".

We kneaded the dough and baked pancakes. Exercise "Pancake"

Tongue thanked his mother for the delicious breakfast and ran for a walk. There is a high fence in the yard near the house. Exercise "Fence"

I wanted the tongue on the swing swing: up down! Exercise "Swing". Have fun swinging with Tongue on the swing!

Tongue got off the swing and suddenly saw a menacing, angry turkey. The turkey stood in the middle of the yard and cursed terribly. Let's show how Turkey swore. Exercise "Turkey"

Tongue got scared and ran home. Suddenly someone knocked. Who's there? It's me, your friend, little mouse. Let `s play. Catch up with me. Exercise "Catch the Mouse".

We played catch-up, now let's play another game "Repeat after me".

Speech therapist asks to reproduce a rhythmic pattern.

The mouse ran away to his hole. And the tongue got bored and went to the clearing.

Then he took his favorite toy steamer and began to play with it.

3. Development of breathing.

Exercise "Steamboats". (Development of smooth long exhalation.)- And now we will turn into steamships. We hit the road. Let's give a farewell whistle. Smile, take a deep breath through your nose, and blow on the wide tip of your tongue - fff, don’t puff out your cheeks.

4. Sound setting [L]

Lips in a smile, teeth in a fence, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth, say it loudly sound [s]. Got a new one sound, say it again and listen to yourself. Today you learned to pronounce new sound. Say it again.

5. Physical exercise

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How can the little foxes wake up? (Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn, covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail. (movement of hips to the sides)

6. Logic task Game "The Fourth Wheel" (work from pictures).

Steamboat, boat, plane, sailboat.

Car, tram, trolleybus, metro.

Airplane, helicopter, bicycle, hot air balloon (as a mode of transport).

7. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers

Exercise: Trace the dots and color.

What did you get? Steamboat.

How does the ship sound? (L-L-L). Repetition of articulation.

8. Summary classes

Our fairy tale has come to an end.

Do you like her?

What do you remember?

Which sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Sound production [L] No. 2

Target. Sound setting [L].

1. Correctional and educational:

Clarify articulation sound [L], put this sound and consolidate articulation in isolated pronunciation;

Learn to answer questions accurately and completely;

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;

Development of speech motor skills, fine motor skills of fingers;

3. Educational:

Cultivate interest in occupation through the use of entertaining exercises; activity, perseverance, desire to overcome the defect.

Equipment. Mirror, photographs with articulation exercises, an image of Luntik, pictures in verse about the cheerful Tongue, signal cards, the letter L, a reminder of the articulatory structure sound [L].

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Visit us today class a cartoon character came.

So, our guest is Luntik (speech therapist hangs the picture on the board). Show me the letter with which the name Luntik begins (selects the letter L from the proposed letters (speech therapist hangs a letter next to Luntik’s picture).

That's right, this is the letter L. The letter L stands for sound [L], which resembles the roar of a flying airplane L-L-L.

2. Subject message

Today we will learn to pronounce sound [L]. At the same time, we’ll teach Luntik to pronounce this sound. To do this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue work well. For each correctly completed task, Luntik will give you different figures, which you will have to place in order on this cardboard.

3. Articulation gymnastics

And now you and I will remember the fairy tale about the Cheerful Tongue and show it to Luntik in front of the mirror (for each exercise speech therapist shows a picture and a photograph with an articulation exercise).

1. Open the mouth-house.

Who is the boss in that house?

The owner of it is Tongue.

He lay down comfortably in the house.

2. Lip doors are flexible.

They can become a smile.

They can gather into a tube,

Then smile again.

3. I found myself on a swing.

He flew up and went down.

4. Tired of transformations:

Licking the tongue of the jam.

5. And now our Tongue

Cleans the sky-ceiling.

Well done, you did a great job. For this work, Luntik gives you a figurine.

And now Yazychok will fly the plane, who will he be? Machinist? Driver? A pilot? Yes.

Let's go on a plane together?

A game "The plane is flying". Repetition of articulation.

Now let's look in the mirror again and remember how lips and tongue work with correct pronunciation sound [L]. As a keepsake, Luntik gives you a memo.

The lips are smiling;

The tip of the tongue rises up and presses against the tubercles;

The middle part of the back of the tongue drops;

The sides of the tongue drop;

The air stream passes along the sides of the tongue.

Luntik really liked the fairy tale about the Merry Tongue, let's complete the next task.

4. Development of fine motor skills

Let's make the letter L out of pistachios on plasticine cardboard.

For this work, Luntik again hands you a figurine.

5. Physical exercise

The moon is floating in the sky. (Smooth swaying)

She entered the clouds. (Clap.)

Can we reach the moon? (Hands up.) – (Clap overhead.)

And weigh it lower. (Hands down.) – (Walk in place.)

So that the moon shines on the children.

(For a physical minute, the child receives a figurine).

6. Development of phonemic awareness

And now Luntik will show you different pictures, and you must clap if the name of the picture says sound [L].

Images: bow - cotton, butterfly, hat, moon - cotton, table - cotton, squirrel - cotton, doll - cotton, wardrobe, chair - cotton, pen.

Well done, you also get a figurine for this work.

Pictures that a child slammed on the speech therapist puts it in front of him.

7. Development of language analysis and synthesis

Now Luntik will give you signal cards, you will need to raise the corresponding roller if sound [L], stands at the beginning, middle, and end of a word.

(Bow, moon - the sound comes at the beginning of the word.

Squirrel, doll - sound stands in the middle of a word.

Table chair - sound comes at the end of a word).

You completed this task correctly, so you receive a figurine from Luntik. Let's see what kind of picture we got? This is a photo of Luntik. Tell me what letter does his name start with? Where is it? sound [L]?

8. Summary classes

Is our the lesson has come to an end. Which sound have we learned to pronounce?

And now Luntik wants to say goodbye to you. This is our class is over, Goodbye!

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Summary of an individual lesson on sound pronunciation correction

Vasilyuk Lisa (5 years old)

Defect: dysarthria(erased form)

Subject: Sound [l](no sound)

Stage: sound production [l]


    Develop gross and fine motor skills.

    Develop facial muscles.

    Form a smooth exhalation, a directed air stream.

    Develop phonemic hearing, develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

    Form the correct position of the organs of articulation to pronounce the sound [l];

    Consolidating the isolated pronunciation of the sound [l]; learn to isolate the sound [l] in words.

    Practice determining the presence of sound in syllables.

    Develop memory, attention, grapho-motor skills.

Equipment: mirror, articulatory profile of sound [l], pictures for articulatory gymnastics, material for practicing air jets, doll, object pictures with sound [l], colored pencils, sheet of white paper.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time

    Hello Lisa. I'm glad to see you. Today I received a letter, the Alla doll is inviting us to visit, but in order to go to visit, we need to prepare and perform various exercises.

    You agree? Great, then let's get to work!

    Development of gross motor skills

Game "Guess the movement".

    I'll show you the moves that adults and children can do at home ( wipe the dust, work with a vacuum cleaner, cook dinner, wash the floor, draw, wash the window, read a book, water the flowers), and you guess the movement and repeat it.

    Finger gymnastics

“The rain came out for a walk.”

    One two three four five!
    The rain came out for a walk,
    Walked slowly, out of habit,
    Why should he rush?
    Suddenly he reads on the sign:
    “Don’t walk on the lawns!”
    The rain sighed softly:
    "Oh!" And he left... The lawn dried up!

(Rhythmic strikes on the table with the fingers of both hands, starting with the little finger, in turn. Random strikes with the fingers of both hands on the table. “Step” with the middle and index fingers on the table. Rhythmically strike the table with either the palms or the fist. Frequent and rhythmic strikes with the hands. One clap. Rhythmic clapping on the table).

    Self-massage of the face as shown by a speech therapist

“The cloud has arrived again!”

    Follow the steps with me:

    The rain began to trickle
    On the forehead, on the nose, on the cheeks,
    Dripped for a long time and played:
    On the cheeks there are drops-dots

(Smooth the forehead from the middle to the temples. Smooth the forehead, nose from top to bottom and along the cheeks.
We pinch the cheeks, upper and lower lips. Do it 2 times).

    Formation of a smooth, directed air stream

“Let’s drive away the cloud!”

    It's sad when it rains, let's pretend it's a cloud and drive it away. Let's blow this “cotton cloud” from our palms (blow away the cotton wool from the open palm with a smooth exhalation).

    Development of facial muscles

“Admiring ourselves” (as demonstrated by the speech therapist)

    We have driven away the cloud, the mood is good, let's admire ourselves:

    They were outraged!


    We were surprised!

    We were delighted!

    Development of articulatory motor skills.

    We admired ourselves and our spirits rose. Let's play with our cheeks: inflate our cheeks at the same time and alternately; We warm up our lips: we do “Smile”, “Fence” alternately.

    Lisa, now let's see how funny our tongue has become, it can play!

Exercise "Spatula".

Place your tongue with a spatula
And hold it calmly!

Exercise “Naughty tongue”.

We will punish the tongue -
Let's spank him, buddy.

Exercise "Needle".

I turn my tongue into a needle,
I tighten and narrow.

Exercise "Painter".

I'm a painter, I paint roofs
I am taller than everyone else, higher, higher!

Exercise "Sail".

Sail up! The boat is sailing
And he invites the kids for a walk.

    Decomposition of the correct articulatory structure for pronouncing the sound [l]:

    Today you and I were invited to visit you by the doll Alla. She lives in a fairy-tale house, but to get to her, we need to sail on a steamboat, and do you know how the steamboat hums?

    Listen to “l-l-l”.

    When we pronounce the sound [l], our lips smile, our teeth are brought together in a “fence,” the tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth, an air stream passes along the lateral edges of the tongue, and the voice rings.

    Now try to sound like a steamboat, pronounce the sound [l].

    Work on the development of phonemic processes

    Well, now we have reached the fairy-tale house of the doll Alla.

Game "What is in Alla's house."

    Now I will show pictures and name them, and as soon as you hear a word that has the sound [l], clap your hands: table, shovel, candy, shelf, spoon, cat, lamp.

    Let's leave only those pictures that have the sound [l] and remove the extra pictures that don't have the sound [l] (the child does it independently).

    Consolidating the isolated pronunciation of the sound [l]

    Let's smile, do the “Fence” exercise again, lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth, and let a stream of air pass along the lateral edges of the tongue. What happened? (the child performs the actions and pronounces the sound [l].) Repeat it again. Well done! You learned to pronounce the sound [l].

    Let's show how the ship hums: l-l-l.


    Development of attention and memory. Formation of graphic skills

    Now be careful, I remove all the pictures, and you remember as many pictures as possible that you saw and name them (the child calls). Now draw the one you liked the most.

    Lesson summary

    Lisa, what sound did you and I learn to pronounce today? Let's remember how we pronounced it.

    Today in class we visited the doll Alla, played different games, you learned to listen and pronounce the sound [l] correctly and showed Alla how well you do it! Well done!

    The doll Alla and I have prepared a surprise for you - a flower, let's attach it to your booth.

Sound setting [l]

Position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus
when pronouncing the sound [l] correctly

When pronouncing the sound [l], the lips take the position of the subsequent vowel. The distance between the upper and lower incisors is 2-4 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the base of the upper incisors (but can also occupy a lower position). Between the lateral edges of the tongue and the molars there is a gap for the passage of an air stream. The root part of the tongue is raised and pulled back, a spoon-shaped depression is formed in the middle.

Creating an auditory image of sound

Gaming techniques

- Listen to the fire truck siren. A police car gives this signal.

The sound [l] is pronounced repeatedly.

Formation of a visual image of sound (l]

Show articulation of sound. Articulation profile display. Clarification of the position of the lips, teeth and tongue. Description of the position of the organs of articulation.

Formation of a sense of the position of the organs of articulation

Formation of a kinesthetic image of sound

Invite the child to bring his palm to the speech therapist’s mouth and feel a warm air stream on the side of his mouth. Showing the position of the organs of articulation using the fingers. Squeeze the fingers of your right hand tightly and give them the shape of a “bucket” - this is our tongue. Slightly bend the fingers of your left hand (it’s like our mouth), then touch the fingers of your right hand (it’s like our tongue) to the junction of the fingers with the right palm. Pay attention to the gap between your palms. These slits on both sides are needed for the air stream to escape.

Using toys (monkey or any other).

- Look how the monkey lifts its tongue by its upper teeth.

Sound production [l] according to M.E. Khvatsev (1959)

Open your mouth wide. Place the narrowed tip of the tongue (“sting”) to the necks of the upper teeth, draw out the sound [a] loudly and in a chant. At the same time, against the background of [a], the tip of the tongue rises and falls, touching the upper incisors, and then the upper gum several times per exhalation.

Sound production [l] according to R.E. Levina (1965)

1. Hold the tip of your tongue between your teeth and, without changing the position of your tongue, pronounce the sound [a] or [s] in a drawn-out manner. The speech therapist articulates in front of the mirror without a voice. With this position of the speech organs, a drawn-out sound [l] can be produced.

2. It is useful to do the same exercise first in a whisper with intense exhalation, paying attention to the stream of air coming out from the sides of the mouth. If there is difficulty, suggest that the child hold his tongue wide between his teeth and exhale air so that his cheeks swell. Having achieved the goal, you should turn on your voice. First, the sound [l] is heard mixed with noise, which gradually disappears during further work.

3. The resulting correct articulation of the sound [l] is fixed in syllables with the vowel [a], first in a closed syllable ( al), then between vowels ( Alla) and finally in the open syllable ( la). Next, syllables with vowels [ы], [о], [у] are included ( aly, alo, alu, ly, lo, lu etc.).

4. If it is difficult to form side slits, you should use a probe or a round plastic stick, which is placed across the tongue. The child is asked to raise the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth and pronounce the sound [s]. This way you can get a long sound [l]. In this case, the exhaled air rushes into the passages between the lateral edges of the tongue and the upper molars, formed with the help of a probe or stick.

Setting the sound [l] according to O.V. Pravdina (1973)

1. Make the sound [a] and at this time push your tongue between your teeth, and then bite it in the middle.

2. When softening the sound [l], give the opportunity to feel the tension in the shoulder girdle and neck. To do this, you need to bend your head forward and in this position pull out the sound [l] as low as possible.

Setting sound [l] according to A.D. Filippova, N.D. Shuravina (1967)

1. The child is asked to insert the tip of his tongue between his teeth, biting it lightly. Then pronounce the vowel sounds [u] or [s] in a drawn-out manner. The result is a sound close to the correct sound of the sound [l]. Then vowels will join this sound: l-a, l-s etc.

2. When pronouncing the sound [l] softly, you can use the following technique: place your thumb between the chin and larynx (in the chin dimple), apply light pressure and pronounce the sound [l].

3. Connect your fingers and press them on your chin.

4. If [l] is pronounced with the participation of the lips, then the movement of the lips should be delayed with the fingers.

Setting the sound [l] according to A.I. Bogomolova (1979)

Round your lips (give them an oval shape). Open your teeth at a distance of 1.5 fingers. Place the tongue in the “cup” position, without changing position, insert it into the mouth and touch the alveoli with the curved tip.

Setting the sound [l] according to L.S. Volkova (1989)

The speech therapist shows a sample pronunciation. The child is asked to open his mouth slightly and say the combination ya. In this case, [s] are pronounced briefly with tension in the organs of articulation. After the child has mastered the desired pronunciation, the speech therapist asks to pronounce this combination, but with the tongue clamped between the teeth. At this moment the combination is heard la. When performing the task, make sure that the tip of the tongue remains between the teeth. Auditory attention should be drawn to the sound that was produced at the time of its production.

Consolidation of the auditory image of the sound [l] in isolated sound

Game tasks: “The whistle of a steamship”, “The siren of a police car”, “The rumble of an airplane”.

More on this topic:

– the sound of late ontogenesis. Its normal appearance is possible by 6-6.5 years.

But according to our observations, the timely appearance of the sound L is significantly delayed, and is not always fully formed without special help.

Violation of the sound L comes in a variety of forms:

  • Like the complete absence of the “L” sound,
  • So is its distortion (interdental, nasal, bilabial) - lambdacism,
  • There are also replacements of the sound L with other sounds - P “cancer” - “varnish”, L (soft) “varnish” - “lyak”, V “boat” - “vodka” such replacements characterize a violation paralambdacism.

The main causes of sound disorder L are:

  • short hypoglossal ligament;
  • weakness of the tongue muscles;
  • violation of phonemic perception of sound in the stream of speech.

Methodology for setting the sound L

In the method of producing the sound L, it is necessary to adhere to the following work scheme:

The logopath is explained characteristic features of articulation of the sound L, and reinforce visually:

“When we say the sound L correctly: the tip of the tongue rises to the upper front teeth, presses against the front teeth, pushes the teeth, the lips smile and all the teeth are visible.”

We fix it in the “Strongman” exercise: we raise the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth, rest against the upper teeth and push with force with the sound [L-L-L].

We consolidate in the exercise “The sound L travels along paths”: the speech therapist writes 3 letters L and paths from them.

Together with the child, we figure out where the sound L will come along each path. The child places his finger on the track, and his tongue in place of the correct articulation of the sound L. We give instructions: “As long as the finger runs along the track, we sing “L-L-L.”

Paste 3 pictures with the sound L into the child’s notebook:

Note: if the sound comes easily, the child immediately took the correct position (this is typical for dyslalia), then automation can be done in straight syllables and words right away.

la al ala
lo ol olo
lu ul ulu
ly y y ly

We explain, first the mouth opens wide to “A”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

al - al - al

We explain, first we open our mouth to “O”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

We explain, first we stretch our lips into a tube at “U”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

We explain, first we stretch our lips to “Y”, then the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth:

Ball, shaft, gave, sting, hall, small, became, slept, fell, tired, glass, knocked, dug, wrote, pencil case, collapse, station, metal, ox, goal, stake, floor, table, injection, case, goldfinch, football, hum, blew, chair, aul, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, rocked, pinched, whined. Was, howled, washed, forgot, howled, crumpled, took off, took, soldered, calmed down, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, understood, lifted, led, walked, ate, chalked, sang, sat down, dressed, knew how, buzzed, hung, managed, wanted, sat, hissed, made noise, whistled, beat, sweet, Neil, watered, Mikhail, scored, drove, mowed, bought, carried, taught, gardened, visited, dragged, etc.

Note: at least 80 words, which are practiced in class and recorded for repetition at home. Parents are shown that at the end of each word the child lifts the tip of his tongue by his upper teeth.

Stage of automation L in words with a reverse syllable in the middle of the word:

Jackdaw, stick, rolling pin, violet, hill, bun, loudly, put on shoes, stretched, washed, etc.

The next stage of automation– phrases that contain words with the sound “L” at the end of the words:

Museum Hall
Rope knot
Wash the floor
Worth a donkey
Jackdaw bird
New shelf
Red squirrel, etc.

Requirements for phrases: the sound L occurs only in one word, appears only in a reverse syllable, the word order does not matter.

When the material with phrases in the reverse syllable has been mastered, the next step is automation of a straight syllable with the sound “L”:

La la la

And also according to the syllabic table in a certain sequence:

La al ala
Lo ol olo
Lu st ulu

Words with the sound L at the beginning of the word:

Paw, llama, manhole, shovel, varnish, swallow, lily of the valley, forehead, crowbar, elk, boat, elbow, horse, etc.

The effectiveness of sound automation L directly depends not only on well-chosen words, but also on the amount of basic material. We recommend using at least 80 words for each automated group.

Words in intervocalic position:

Yula, ash, led, affairs, lived, drank, fist, kalach, salad, etc.

We repeat the same, quantitatively observing the norms.

Automation in words with consonant clusters:

Klah Klah Klah Klah
pla plo plu ply
tla tlo tla tly
went went went went went

Automation in phrases(40-45 phrases):

Horse forehead
Pilot in a boat
Laura's curls
Slice in a spoon
The clever boatman

Automation in proposals: 20-25 sentences.

Mila spent a long time washing the floors.
Put a saddle on the horse
The chair fell.

Automation in rhymes, proverbs and sayings(at least 10-15 for repetition and memorization):

Pavel is small - he fell off the bench.
There is only one full moon in the sky.
Danila is afraid of soap.
Where there are many words, there is little action.
He who is not stupid is stingy with his words.

Automation in poems(3-4 for memorization and pronunciation):

Everything is white, white, white,
There was a lot of snow.
These are fun days
All on skis and skates.

Automation in short stories and fairy tales(3-4 works):

For example:

“The Lion and the Mouse” by L. Tolstoy
"The Fox and the Goat" fairy tale
“Bone” by L. Tolstoy

Automation as a work is considered completed, and we recommend that parents correct the child in words with the resulting sound in everyday speech for another 3-6 months, since this is the period in which the sound “takes root” completely. And also learn rhymes and simple sayings.

On average, a course of sound correction with an uncomplicated diagnosis is 5 lessons, in complicated cases 10-12 lessons - 30 minutes each.

Little tricks:

  • If the child has “v” instead of “l” at the “syllables-words” stage, sometimes the first word combinations - grab the lower lip with a sterile gauze napkin and pronounce all the material, focusing on lifting the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth. Use your fingers to pull your lower lip down. Thus, “breaking” the “labial” reflex, replacing it with the upper elevation of the tongue. The child quickly switches and gets used to it.
  • If the child has little motivation to lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth: we place the child on the couch, grab both the upper and lower lips with a gauze napkin - “expose the teeth”, repeat the speech material with the child, watch for a clear lifting of the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth.
  • If "L" is always soft:

A) We ask the child to repeat speech material with his tongue sticking out strongly, his teeth touching almost the back of his tongue. At the same time, phonemic work is being carried out. Next, the tip of the tongue gradually moves behind the upper teeth.

B) Second method: bite the sharp tip of your tongue on the sound “L” in the automated material.

Approximate structure of a speech therapy lesson:

  1. Articulation gymnastics – 5-7 minutes.
  2. Step-by-step staged and automated work – 15 minutes from class. At the automation stage, it includes 5 minutes of repetition of tasks from the previous lesson, 10 minutes of new material.
  3. Phonemic work – 10 minutes.

This summary will be useful for beginning speech therapists. The following techniques are used to produce sound: by imitation; from articulatory gymnastics. After setting the sound, the child is asked in a playful way to complete tasks to automate sound in syllables and words.



NDOU "CRR "Solikamskbumprom", Kindergarten No. 22

Summary of individual lessons

"Sound L, production"

Shchegoleva Elena Anatolyevna

Speech therapist teacher first

qualification category.


Subject: Sound "L", production.


* Develop mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

* Develop the articulatory pattern of the sound “L”.

* Put the sound "L".

* Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking.

* Develop word formation and inflection skills.


“Clown”, cards for articulation exercises, silhouette of a ladder, pictures for the sound L - boat, horse, moon, bow, symbol of the sound L (according to Tkachenko), a bag with 6 teaspoons.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time. Ball game: I name a syllable with a hard consonant sound, and you return to me a syllable with a soft consonant sound: la-la, lo-le, le-le, ly-li, lu-lyu.
  2. Announcement of the topic. Today we will learn to pronounce the sound “L”. What helps us speak correctly and beautifully? - Lips, teeth, tongue. Therefore, we will now do exercises with them.
  3. Breathing exercise"Clown".
  4. Articulation gymnastics.

Exercise “Smile - tube”.

Exercise "Snake".

Exercise "Swing".

Exercise "Comb".

Exercise "Turkey".

Exercise “Brush your teeth.”

Exercise “Catch the mouse by the tail.”

  1. Sound production.

Now we will make the sound “A” and at the same time “catch the mouse by the tail”, try and listen to what you get. Explanation of the articulatory structure of the sound “L”, demonstration by a speech therapist.

  1. Articulation of sound. “Now, tell me, what do your lips do with this sound? What do teeth do? What does the tongue do and where is it located? Tell me, is there an obstacle in the mouth when we pronounce this sound? Which? So, what conclusion can be drawn? The sound “L” is a hard consonant.”
  2. Automation of sound in syllables. Come on, we’ll call Alla: “Alla, hello!” Allah doesn’t hear you, repeat it again and again. Finally they answered you: “Who should I call on the phone?” Answer: “Allu.” They told you: “There is no Allah.” Ask in surprise: “Alla is not there?” “No, she’s sailing on a boat.” The child is given a symbol of the ship: “Show how the ship floats - L-L-L..., here are the passengers going up the ladder - the sounds A, O, U, Y, E. What happens? “LA, LO, LU, LY, LE.” - Take the ladder and help the passengers climb onto the ship. The child walks with his fingers along the ladder and pronounces the syllable LA as many times as there are steps on the ladder. Likewise with other syllables.
  3. Automating sound in words. Alla's friend Tanya did not go on the ship. Guess the riddle and find out how Tanya gets there.

*Born in the forest, lives in the water. (Boat)

Friend Dima is also going to visit Alla. Guess what he gets there on.

*Guess for yourself who I am, I’m pulling a sleigh in winter,

That they glide easily through the snow. In the summer, I pull a cart. (Horse)

What did they see along the way?

*The night is cool and dark, there is a bright sky in the sky...(moon)

  1. Physical exercise. We play with words - we separate them by clapping.

The child divides words into syllables by clapping (moon, horse, boat, onion, spoons).

  1. Development of phonemic hearing.

While Alla is sailing on the ship, you and I will listen to the sounds. If you hear the sound L, then you will pick up the card with the ship.

The speech therapist pronounces: L, R, M, L, N, L, M, R, L, N, L, M, R, L.


  1. Automation of sound in words.

Alla has already arrived on the boat and is waiting for guests. She prepared a salad, and in it she put the answer to the riddle: *Everything around is turning green, growing in the garden, in the bed... (onion).

Alla will treat guests to cake. If it is with raspberries, what kind of cake will it be? Crimson. (And if with strawberries, if with cranberries...) How will the guests eat the cake? With spoons. Count how many spoons Alla prepared for her guests. The child takes the spoons out of the bag and counts: “One spoon, two spoons... six spoons.” What words with the sound L do you remember? Where is the L sound in these words? At first.

  1. Bottom line. What sound did we learn to speak today? What sound is this? (consonant, firm). What do your lips, teeth, tongue do at this sound? What was the most difficult thing for you today? Well done, you are good at this sound and your speech becomes clear and beautiful.