Jesus Christ on the water. Gospel of the day: walking on the waters. Walking on the Waters: The Gospel

From today we are on the Sea of ​​Galilee. So many New Testament stories took place in the cities around this huge lake.

I reflect on verse 22 of Matthew 14, where Yeshua walks on the water.

The Bible says:

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“Immediately Jesus forced His disciples to get into the boat and go before Him to the other side... until He let the people go. And, having dismissed the people, He went up to the mountain to pray in private; and in the evening he remained there alone. And the boat was already at a great distance from the shore, and it was beaten by waves, because the wind was contrary.

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And the disciples, seeing Him walking on the sea, were alarmed...

‘It’s a ghost,’ they cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately spoke to them and said, ‘Be of good cheer; It is I, do not be afraid.’ Peter answered Him: ‘Lord! If it is You, command me to come to You on the water.’ ‘Go,’ said Yeshua. And, getting out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to approach Jesus, but seeing a strong wind, he was afraid and, beginning to drown, cried out: “Lord! save me.’ Jesus immediately stretched out his hand and supported him.”

You know, a lot of people focus on the fact that Peter fell into the water. I don't focus on that, I focus on this simple zeal of Peter, that he was ready to walk on water. And you know, what Peter did, you have never done, and I have never done - he walked on water.

When I was a new believer, I heard a radio preacher talk about challenging people to just take oil and pray for people. He talked about a guy who accepted this challenge - he went to the hospital and started praying for people. They began to heal. Then he saw a dead body. He anointed him with oil and brought him back to life. And because of this he was arrested. They took him and put him in prison... But they never took his oil! And he began to preach the gospel in prison. People began to flee.

And when I heard this story, it inspired me so much... I took the oil and went to the local hospital. And I had just begun the life of a believer, I was 19 years old... I began to go from ward to ward, praying for people, and after a while they kicked me out, but not before someone prayed a prayer of repentance and accepted the Lord.

And when my friends heard about this, they laughed, saying: "Oh, that simple-minded zeal of young Ron." But guess what? I never thought about it that way. I can't tell you that it was God who told me to do this. But I love this simple zeal of new believers who read the stories in the Bible and say: "Why can't I do this?"

You can do this, I can do this. Peter walked on this water.

Almost a third of Matthew 14 is taken up by the stunning story of the end of John the Baptist's earthly life. When his disciples tell Jesus about this, he retreats into the desert, apparently to grieve and pray. But people from several cities immediately rushed after Him. And what? Did you get angry and drive away? - No, he took pity and healed the sick. This is how selfless the ministry of a perfect God and a perfect Man was every day.

And in the evening the Apostles saw that many people were in a deserted place without any means of food. A natural human concern is to invite them to leave, so as not to disappear, but to engage in self-supply. But this is not Divine concern. Christ says: “They don’t need to go, you give them something to eat.” Let us note: not “I will give,” but “you give.” So that we do not sit with folded hands, but dare in all the fullness of hope.

In any case, the disciples honestly laid out everything they had: five loaves and two fish. And Christ, while they were bringing this simple food to Him, already ordered the people to lie down, preparing for the meal. Taking the loaves and fishes, he looked up at the sky (he prayed to the Father) and blessed the food. And when He broke the bread and gave it to the Apostles, these few pieces never ran out, and when everyone was already full, there were enough pieces left for 12 rather large baskets. Meanwhile, among those gathered there were about five thousand only adult men, and there were also women and children.

Was the episode of multiplying the loaves a social service? - But I wasn’t; this was a clear explanation of the fact that those who thirst for spiritual bread will also receive bodily bread. If you think about it, feeding the hungry is not service at all, but an elementary movement of the soul. True, now respect for oneself and one’s precious efforts is so widespread that the words “hello” and “goodbye” will soon be considered as service, and if someone lets a woman pass at the door, then this is already a feat of selflessness.

And at the same time, in the miracle of the multiplication of loaves, there is a call to the Apostles - to act in the name of God, to act, and not to hope that He will do everything. This call will be reinforced in the next episode.

Reasonably assuming that the people, although now well-fed, would then demand more and more bread, Christ quickly (“immediately”) took the disciples into a boat and ordered them to cross to the other side, and Himself, having dismissed the people, went up the mountain for solitary prayer and stayed there until late. And on the lake (“sea”) there was wind, and the boat was hit by waves. It’s very late (“at the fourth watch,” and this is the time between four and six o’clock in the morning, the hardest for those who are awake; in modern life it is called “dog watch,” and most of all at this time there are suicides and deaths from heart disease) to Jesus came up in a boat on the water. The apostles did not experience joy, but only horror, deciding that they were seeing a ghost, and they screamed in fear. And Christ said to them: “Be of good cheer, it is I, do not be afraid.” And how many times did He call them to cheerfulness and courage!

And so Peter, this wonderful man, full of life and striving for the truth, answered: “Lord! If it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” There is so much content in these words! - here is faith, thirsting for strengthening, and the desire to test oneself and the degree of one’s dignity... The answer is laconic: “go.” Peter, in a fit of faith, love and hope, immediately jumped out of the boat... and walked, walked on the water! But the trouble is - I looked at the terrible waves, got scared, lost self-confidence and began to dive. But he did not completely lose faith and shouted: “Lord! save me". And the outstretched hand of Christ supported him. And the Lord said to him: “You of little faith! Why did you doubt?

The admissibility of doubt is constantly being debated, and there will always be two extreme poles: people who seriously consider doubt the only sign and content of independent thinking, and those who, with metal in their eyes and voices, claim that there can be no place for doubts - according to the well-known model “the doctor said , to the morgue, that means to the morgue.”

But you need to distinguish: either they are trying to sell you some kind of charlatan remedy for all diseases, including social ones (the most common in the latter case is: “Very simple. You need to destroy everyone who disagrees”), or the Lord Himself powerfully drew you into a miracle and a different life began. In the first case, the rejection of doubt leads to death, in the second - the admission of doubt. How to distinguish? - listen to the voice of God, there are no other recipes in this life.

And here’s what’s interesting: when Christ and Peter, supported by him, entered the boat, the wind died down. When the Savior, sending the Apostles to preach, said, “He who endures to the end will be saved,” He may have meant not only the persecution that was discussed there. but in general such an unpleasant property of the fallen world. because of which every misfortune seems completely unbearable just before it ends. No wonder they say that darkness thickens before dawn. Knowing this is not only useful, but also necessary in order to drive out despair with hope.

The boat moored to the shore; this was the land of Gennesaret. As usual, many sick people were brought to the Savior, whom He healed. But the scribes and Pharisees did not hesitate to make terrible accusations of violating the “tradition of the elders.” This is also typical for them: when it turns out that it is hardly possible to rely on the authority of Scripture, because it does not support them, we resort to the authority of the elders, and here any counterarguments should be silenced. In this case, the accusation boiled down to the fact that the disciples of Christ eat bread without first washing their hands. Christ’s answer was apt and striking: “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? For God commanded: honor your father and mother; and: He who curses his father or mother shall die by death. And you say: if someone says to his father or mother: “Whatever you would use from me is a gift to God,” he may not honor his father or his mother; Thus you make void the commandment of God by your tradition. Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied well about you, saying: This people draws near to Me with their lips, and honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me; but in vain they worship Me, teaching doctrines the commandments of men.”

And here we can only heed these words and accept them. Moreover, Christ addressed the people specially convened by him: “Hear and understand! It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth defiles a person.” Unfortunately, the Apostles, according to human understanding, regretted that the Pharisees were tempted by these words. In general, a truly verbal temptation arises when one is tempted to evil, but if someone is tempted by the words of truth, this is already alarming. It is not for nothing that the Lord said to this: “Every plant that My Heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted; leave them alone: ​​they are blind leaders of the blind; and if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

This is the reason for these words, which have since become widely known! And when the thorough Peter asked them to interpret, Jesus said: “Do you really not yet understand? You don't understand yet. that everything that enters the mouth passes into the belly and is cast out? and what comes from the mouth - comes from the heart - this defiles a person, for from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, blasphemy - this defiles a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile a person.” Almost two thousand years have passed since then, but has the talk about acceptable/unacceptable food subsided? about virtuous and non-virtuous ways of eating it? alas for us.

But here’s something else you need to pay attention to: Christ shows impatience to a certain extent: “Do you really not yet understand?” On other occasions, he also reproached his disciples for the fact that their hearts were still petrified... Do we imagine clearly enough? that willingness and determination are virtues? That the Virgin Mary, who received the Annunciation, showed readiness and determination? That faith reveals itself this way? “Here I am,” says Abraham, who heard the call of God, and this is where the history of human salvation begins: with a decisive step of a man filled with readiness.

And then a pagan Canaanite woman turned to Him, shouting that she was asking for mercy, that her daughter was cruelly raging. But Christ was silent. The students asked him to let her go, because she was screaming, which attracted completely unnecessary attention. The Lord said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Indeed, for the messianic ministry it was, as they say, necessary and sufficient to proclaim the Gospel to Israel. But the Canaanite woman only approached with bows - and kept asking for help, driven by her maternal grief. The denouement of this episode cannot leave anyone indifferent, because we cannot expect such words from Christ: “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.” This is said extremely harshly, and in my opinion, it is not entirely appropriate to judge whether this was a deliberate test: the risk of arbitrary interpretations is too great. But this woman’s answer is captivating precisely because of her impulse, her determination to go to the end: “And the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” And the One who desires to save everyone and sees the hearts answered: “Great is your faith; let it be done to you as you wish.” The demoniac was immediately healed. And we can think again about how important the boldness of faith is.

And at the Lake of Galilee (sea) Christ healed many people. And the people glorified God. Here also the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves took place, preceded by the words of Christ: “I feel sorry for the people, because they have been with Me for three days now, and they have nothing to eat; I don’t want to let them go dumb, lest they become weak on the road.” Therefore, when it is stated that everything should be done as Christ taught, it would be useful to feed the people after the service, “so that they do not become weak on the road.” And there is no need to say that we will build temples within walking distance, and everything will be fine. Because if we assume that people should pray in the temple that is closest to them, then the Lavra would not be empty.

And the Apostles are again perplexed about where to get food from. And it is possible that they are right: there is a tangible difference between daring and getting used to a miracle. And between caring attitude to a miracle and disbelief in it, too, and this will be discussed in the next chapter.

Yes, the courage of faith and determination are very important things and should not be forgotten. But it’s just as if they were mistaken for the flexing of muscles and pressure - such that it is useful to sadly think about: after all, there is no commandment about the blessedness of those who will be the first to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, at the same time pushing others away... Christian boldness is a completely special thing, it is not is associated with such currently welcomed qualities as ambition (once it was a reproach, now it is extolled), assertiveness, etc. One smart person noticed that the most ardent journalistic defenders of Orthodoxy are mainly those who themselves have nothing for Christian enlightenment doesn't. But defending the truth of Christ, even in a quiet voice and weak forces- this is boldness in the Lord. And if this truth is not obvious to many, who can even beat you, then this is loyalty to Christ.

Because the world works like this: sometimes quiet words reach millions and settle in their souls, while loud ones simply get stuck in their ears.

...In general, it is useful to remember the history of the apostolic preaching. This was the daring of the weak. They all died. And they won.

"And immediately Jesus forced His disciples to get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, until He sent the people away. And having sent the people away, He went up into the mountain to pray alone; and in the evening he remained there alone. And the boat was already in the middle of the sea, and it was tossed with waves, because the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. And the disciples, seeing Him walking on the sea, were alarmed and said, “It is a ghost,” and they cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately spoke to and said to them, “Be of good cheer; it is I, do not be afraid.” Peter answered Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And He said, “Go.” And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water so that approach Jesus, but seeing the strong wind, he was afraid and, beginning to drown, cried out: “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately stretched out his hand, supported him and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they entered the boat, the wind died down. "And those in the boat came up, bowed to Him and said, 'Truly You are the Son of God.' And having crossed over, they arrived in the land of Gennesaret." (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 14, verses 22-34)

Just like Peter and the other apostles, we find it difficult to believe that God, the God of peace, the God of harmony, can be in the very heart of a storm that seems ready to destroy both our safety and deprive us of our very life.

Today's Gospel tells how the disciples left the shore, where Christ remained alone, in the privacy of perfect prayerful communion with God. They set sail expecting safety; and halfway there they were overtaken by a storm, and they realized that they were in danger of death. They fought with all their human abilities, experience and strength, and yet mortal danger hung over them; fear and horror seized them.

And suddenly, in the midst of the storm, they saw the Lord Jesus Christ; He walked along the raging waves, among the angry wind and, at the same time, in some frightening silence. And the disciples screamed in alarm because they couldn’t believe it was Him, they thought it was a ghost. And Jesus Christ, from the core of this bubbling storm, said to them: Do not be afraid! It is I... Just as He tells us in the Gospel of Luke: When you hear about wars and rumors of wars, do not be dismayed, lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near...

We find it difficult to believe that God can be in the heart of tragedy; and yet, it is so.

He is at the heart of tragedy in the most terrible sense; the ultimate tragedy of humanity and each of us is our distance from God, the fact that God is distant to us; no matter how close He may be to us, we do not perceive Him with that immediate clarity that would give us a feeling of confident security and give rise to jubilation. The entire Kingdom of God is within us - and we do not feel it. And this is the ultimate tragedy of each of us and the whole world, from generation to generation. And into this tragedy Christ, the Son of God, entered, becoming the son of man, entering the core of this separation, this horror, which gives rise to mental anguish, rupture, death.

And we are like these disciples; we do not need to imagine with our imagination what is happening to them: we ourselves are in the same sea, in the same storm, and the same Christ, from the Cross or risen from the tomb, stands in the middle of it and says: Do not be afraid, it is I! .

Peter wanted to go from the boat to Christ in order to achieve safety; Isn't that what we do all the time? When a storm breaks out, we rush to God with all our might, because we think that in Him lies salvation from danger. But it is not enough that salvation is in God: our path to God lies through self-forgetfulness, through heroic trust in Him, and faith. If we look back at the waves and the whirlwinds and the looming threat of death, we, like Peter, will begin to drown. But even then we should not lose hope: we are given the confidence that, no matter how small our faith in God, His faith in us is unshakable; no matter how small our love for Him, His love for us is limitless and is measured by the whole life and the whole death of the Son of God, who became the son of man.

And at that moment when we feel that there is no hope, that we are perishing, if in this last moment we have enough faith to cry out, as Peter cried: “Lord!” I am drowninig! I’m dying, help me!” - He will extend his hand to us and help us.

And amazingly and strangely, the Gospel tells us that the moment Christ took Peter by the hand, everyone was at the shore.

Let us think about these various points in today's Gospel and see how they relate to us, in the storm of our lives, in the internal storm that sometimes rages in our heart and mind, in the external stormy and frightening circumstances of life. Let us remember, with all the confidence that is given to us in God's own testimony through His disciples, that we are safe in the midst of the storm, and saved by His love.

Continuation of the miniature “Welcome to Paradise”

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. And the disciples, seeing Him walking on the sea, were alarmed and said: this is a ghost; and they cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately spoke to them and said, “Be of good cheer; It's me, don't be afraid. Peter answered Him: Lord! If it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said: go. And, getting out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to approach Jesus, but, seeing a strong wind, he was afraid and, beginning to drown, cried out: Lord! save me. Jesus immediately stretched out his hand, supported him and said to him: you of little faith! why did you doubt? And when they entered the boat, the wind died down. Those who were in the boat came up, worshiped Him and said: Truly You are the Son of God.
(Matt. 14:25-33)

When considering any problem, we, unfortunately, rarely take the point of view of the person who created it. IN best case scenario, we accept our point of view, determined by the level of our knowledge, or even a guess. In the worst case, we share someone else's opinion without subjecting it to analysis. And it should be! Too many recognized authorities and luminaries have created fables in human existence, and now it is difficult to understand: where is the truth and where is the lie.
While studying the epic of human development, I repeatedly observed falsifications covered up by authoritative scientists, or rather, in the way they were made of them. A simple analysis is enough to understand that the dogma imposed on us is nothing more than a way of controlling people, or even simply concealing a crime of the distant past. These falsifications are overgrown with new details and pseudo-scientific discoveries, interpretations and explanations that increasingly confuse humanity.
As a matter of fact, humanity itself has become so confident in the infallibility of its power that it has reduced its existence to a certain form created by those in power to introduce others into the framework of laws convenient for them. It wasn't always like this. The world lived in times of truth, and its fate was supposed to be different. However, people prone to obsession take what does not exist as truth - this way it is more convenient to explain those phenomena that are still inexplicable, or rather long forgotten.
So chimeras, ideas and theories are created in place of reality and accepted as truth. The church has been particularly successful in this, creating a convenient form of worship, primarily for the exaltation of itself. Catechisms and rituals are designed to fulfill the function of originality, and most importantly, the antiquity of their origin. After all, the more ancient the faith, the more correct it is, according to the hierarchs of the church. The opinion, of course, is indisputable, and so it is. But each new church declares itself to be the heir of the previous one, although, as a rule, it was the reason for the destruction of its predecessor.
I am not calling for humanity to abandon the usual religions - they are our epic and part of culture, but I am calling for us to look closely at what is offered to us as dogma and try, to the best of our ability, to understand what is proposed. And yet, take the point of view of someone who at least created something, and not the point of view of a guide speaking in memorized phrases. By taking his point of view, you can see the incredible, what is hidden by false claims and unfounded statements, and most importantly, see the creator’s intention.
In my works I have to raise very painful questions that are not clear to everyone. I never tire of saying that I am a believer and my searches do not diverge from God’s order to strive to find the truth, although they call into question church canons. Perhaps I’m wrong about something, but I’m sure that I’m right about the main thing - the world is presented to people not at all as it really is, and the history of mankind is deliberately distorted.
Therefore, starting to present my idea of ​​​​the creation of the world and the role of water in it, I propose to look at this action not from the side of humanity, but to take the point of view that God conveyed to us in the Holy Scriptures. Scary? It’s the same for me, but only the one who walks can master the path, and if God himself is displeased, he will be able to stop me, with his strength and power, and not with the usurpers of His power, for example, the “Holy Inquisition.” In my opinion, this office had nothing in common with God, because its actions were not from the thoughts of God.
Let's start with the fact that when creating our world, the Creator was outside of it and therefore the coordinate system should have a starting point not on Earth, but somewhere in an endlessly remote place.
Opening the first chapter of the Old Testament - Genesis, I will try to present to the reader the research of the observer, based on the etymology of words and logic, to tell what the churchmen simply could not understand, since they did not have today's knowledge, and those that were received from their ancestors are simply forgotten or destroyed for the sake of their power.
1. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.
As you can see, in the first two lines there are several real things written in small letters. Here they are: sky, earth, darkness, abyss, water. Moreover, the sky and earth were created, but darkness, the abyss and WATER were already present in the world. And if metamorphoses occur with darkness and the abyss in the future, then the water will remain in its original form.
There are also two names: God and the Spirit of God. Obviously, these are different characters, although they are related to each other. God is undoubtedly the main one, because he continues to CREATE, and the Spirit of God exists separately and floats over the water. I will return to this state of affairs, but for now I propose to think logically. But IN THE BEGINNING, I suggest listening to a forgotten writer about fraternal languages:
In one of his books, L.V. Uspensky made an interesting comparison of Russian and Bulgarian words.
“When our soldier entered into a conversation with a Bulgarian, they smiled sweetly at each other, all the time trying to moderate the pace of the conversation.
“Dear man,” the Russian persuaded, “don’t speak so quickly, speak more slowly!”
- Pray, friend, don’t say such a thing, say funny!
The first half of this sentence didn't bother any of us:
“taka borzo” means “so fast.” Naturally, “greyhound horse” and in Russian “fast horse”... But the unexpected “bavno” made me think...
- What do they say - brotherly language, the closest?... But it turns out the other way around. For us, it’s “amusing” - cheerful, amusing, but for them, “funny” is slow. Where it’s slow, it’s so much fun...”
Considering that the Bible is not an ancient book, but was written in the 17th century, and was corrected until the 20th century, it is worth reading its Russian version in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Believers. And then something amazing comes out!
In ancient times, the Creation of the World was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples, and only in the times of APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY, “The Creation of the World” began to be taken literally, as if 7 thousand years ago God created the World.
Nowadays, few people understand that there were two Christianity: The first - FAMILY or ROYAL, stemming from the Slavs’ faith in the One God. This Christianity is the teaching of Christ himself, whose relatives ruled in Rus', in the great empire of the Slavs - the Horde, Great Tartaria. However, Christ himself did not create it. He did not create any churches at all, giving the world only teaching and knowledge. His relatives are the kings of the Russian land, who believed that since they are descendants of Christ, that means they themselves are demigods. This Christianity is now called Old Belief. Against this Christianity stood another, which arose simultaneously with the first and turned out to be more aggressive.
The second Christianity is APOSTOLIC, brought to different regions by the disciples of Christ - the apostles. A striking example of apostolic Christianity is the Roman Catholic Church, which is a unification of Christian and Jewish teachings. The Nikon Church (Russian Orthodox Catholic Church), created as a result of a palace coup and the seizure of the throne of the Ruriks, now known as the Romanovs, is also an apostolic church, but without the perception of Judaism. The Russian Orthodox Church, created on its basis in 1941, is also an apostolic church but with elements of Judaism ( Old Testament). In addition, both of them are of Greek interpretation, while the Old Belief is Byzantine. Apostolic Christianity, through wars and falsifications, substitution of concepts and the meaning of words, will practically destroy royal Christianity and become a world religion in the 17-18 centuries.
Those who have read the first two works know that water is heterogeneous and consists of crystals, and is essentially solid. It is known that each crystal consists of 44,000 unique panels that respond to information received from the outside. Thus, water is able to preserve what it sees, that is, it has memory.
Among the many numbers used in the Bible, there is this number that interested me, since I began to tell what water really is. Therefore, for further information, I suggest the reader to first look at the characteristics of this number.
Description of the number 44000
The non-negative real five-digit number 44000 is composite. 8 is the sum of all digits. 48 is the number of divisors of the number. The number 44000 is represented by the product: 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 11. Representation of the number 44000 in other number systems: binary: 1010101111100000, ternary: 2020100122, octal: 125740, hexadecimal: ABE0 . The number 44000 in Morse code: ....- ....- ----- ----- ----- Number 44000 is not a Fibonacci number. Cosine of the number: 0.4115, tangent of the number: -2.2149, sine of the number: -0.9114. Logarithm natural numbers equals 10.6919. The decimal logarithm is 4.6435. 209.7618 is the square root of 44000, 35.3035 is the cube root. Square of 44000: 1.9360e+9. The number 8 is the numerological meaning of this number.
Now that we have an idea of ​​the number, let's look it up in the Bible. Surprisingly, it occurs only a few times, but in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Believers it is known very well and is repeated many times. I have already said that the Bible is just a summary of the Holy Scriptures, adjusted to the Torah.
However, the Bible also gives an idea of ​​this number. Here's what I can offer for analysis:
What does the name of the Father signify on their foreheads? Rev. 14:1. First of all, the nature of the number Ex.34.6.
The Greek original says that the 144,000 have His (the Lamb's) name and His Father's name written on their foreheads. Let the reader not be confused by the number 1 before 44000. I will explain about it later.
John saw the Lamb on Mount Zion and with Him 144,000, who had the name of the Father written on their foreheads. They were sealed with the seal of heaven. They reflected the image of God. The fullness of the light and glory of God rested on them. If we want to bear the seal of God, we must forsake all iniquity, all sinful ways.
6. Does God's seal mark His ownership and protection of the 144,000? (Ezek. 9:4-6).
“This act of being sealed with the seal or sign of God is equivalent to declaring that those who are sealed belong to God and are distinguished from those who do not belong to Him and are deprived of His protection... This sealing guarantees the safety of those sealed when the judgment of the great day comes upon the nations.” . (Revelation).
Well, now let's move on to the number 1, standing before 44000. This is not a number, but the first letter of the name Jesus. To understand this, I will simply explain this, by the authors of the New Chronology project, g.g. Fomenko and Nosovsky.
In the Middle Ages, after the adoption of the chronology from the “Nativity of Christ,” the letters “X” (chi) were placed before the dates written in Roman numerals - the first letter in the word Christ, written in Greek. This letter meant: “from Christ, such and such an age.”
If the date was written in Arabic numerals, then the Latin letter “I” or “J” (the first letter in the word Jesus, written in Greek or Latin) was placed in front of it, meaning “from Jesus, such and such a century.”
Then they conveniently forgot about it.
Today, we no longer read the letters “X” (chi), “I” and “J” before dates not as letters, but as the number 10 or as “a thousand years,” that is, the tenth century.
Thus, they artificially ancientized the chronology of our civilization by 1000 years, filling this non-existent millennium with phantom events (which actually took place in a completely different time) and characters.
History, in the form in which it exists today, was dated only in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries of the “conventional” AD by medieval chronologists Joseph Scaliger and Dionysius Petavius. Before them, no one divided world chronology into “common era” and “before our era” and knew nothing about any “antiquity BC.”
Well, the reader understands this; all that remains is to look at the Greek original. Everything is as I expected - there is not a UNIT, but the LETTER “I”, written with a base and a finial, and in the Latin version there is also a “J”.
Therefore John's statement should be read as follows:
John saw the Lamb on Mount Zion and Jesus 44,000 with Him.
Now everything will fall into place. That is, Jesus simply stands on Mount Zion and holds a certain vessel with water - in a figurative sense, the book of Genesis, those same 44,000 information panels of water that I talked about earlier.
In other works, I said that Moscow mathematicians established that the Revelation of John the Theologian records the most common date for expecting the end of the world, which was expected in the year 7000 from the creation of Adam or 1492 AD. Christian calendar. The decoding of this date is unambiguously determined, and this book of the Bible was written several years earlier in 1486, by an astronomer who was on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Those interested can read about it in my miniature “Armageddon is cancelled. Signature Putin." By the way, there is no such book in the Holy Scriptures; there is both the Apocalypse and Revelation.
In general, in this work there are many different vessels, for example, all sorts of troubles come out of the horns. Apparently, the author no longer understood that the book by which God will judge people is the most ordinary water, storing all the information that happened on Earth - 44,000 panels.
It’s not for nothing that the baby is bathed immediately after birth, thereby reading information from him, and the deceased is washed, closing the creation of some kind of information file. Baptism is nothing more than a confirmation in information of the acceptance of the teachings of Christ, a certain mark that gives a starting point. By the way, the Old Believers also have anointing and it is done precisely on the forehead. And any bathing is nothing more than cleansing and reading information that flows into its natural storage - the world ocean. It is true that there is water that is not destined to fall into these waters. The one that is doomed to eternal purification in the bowels of the earth, because it carries information dangerous to the world. The very one that man committed through his sins.
But the most surprising thing is the hexadecimal form of the number 44000: ABE0.
Firstly, Ave is clearly visible (for example, Ave Maria - Holy Mary), and secondly, this is exactly how the early Christians and Rodovers (these are also Christians) wrote the name of God. During certain operations with this type of number, the word AQUA, that is, water, appears. Try to practice it yourself - I got it done about 5 times. But I’m not a mathematician, just a good retired operative, although my first specialty is directly related to air navigation and flight control. Whatever one may say, but applied mathematics there's a lot there.
However, the mystery will not be solved unless we talk about one more feature of the number 44000. It is not a Fibonacci number.
It is generally accepted that the concept of the “golden” division was introduced into scientific use by Pythagoras, the “ancient Greek” philosopher and mathematician. In my work “Numbers,” I argued that Pythagoras is one of the reflections of Jesus Christ, deliberately moved into the Middle Ages by the papal church to an earlier time. I also called the years of the real, and not earthly life of Christ 1152-1185 according to Christian chronology. Naturally, I was interested in this Fibonacci.
The name of the Italian mathematician monk Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci (son of Bonacci), is indirectly connected with the history of the golden ratio. He traveled a lot in the East, introduced Europe to Indian (Arabic) numerals.
In 1202, his mathematical work “The Book of the Abacus” (counting board) was published, which collected all the problems known at that time. One of the problems read “How many pairs of rabbits will be born from one pair in one year.” Reflecting on this topic, Fibonacci built the following series of numbers:
Months 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … etc.
Pairs of rabbits 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 ... etc.
A series of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ... etc.
The set of these numbers is known as the Fibonacci series.
I contacted Italian colleagues in a virtual OSG, consisting of retired cops, from more than 100 countries around the world, to whom I invited communication on the Internet for the sake of discovering the secrets of the past, and asked to comment on the name Fibonacci. My colleagues gave the expected answer: Fibo is the son, and Bonacci is luck, providence. That is, a certain Leonardo from Pisa is the Son of God. By analogy with Pythagoras, I believe that this character is another reflection of Jesus Christ. And besides, the time of his fictional life is not very different from the earthly life of Christ. Most likely, his biography was invented during the Renaissance, and then the books were published. By the way, he himself allegedly also used the name Leonardo Bigollo - the word bigollo in the Tuscan dialect meant “wanderer” (perhaps the Messiah?).
Many people will ask me the question, what about his portrait? Let me answer in Jewish (although I don’t tolerate it myself), with a question to answer a question? Which people saw Pythagoras, Caesar, Caligula, Pompey? Where do the detailed portraits of these people come from? Of course, you can refer to busts and antiquities, but for the past 50 years it has been known that they are all fakes of the 17th-19th centuries. That's how it is with my Leonardo. There is only one conclusion - this is one of the many reflections of Christ. But Christ, a real man, knew mathematics. This is evidenced by the gifts of the Magi, which represent certain mathematical knowledge. The golden ratio is also possible. True, these are still guesses, but I saw these gifts. This is clearly not a matter of the price of the gift, which, according to my estimates, could not have cost much. This is precisely knowledge presented in the form of certain sets for counting.
So 44,000 are not included in the number of Christ-Pythagoras-Fibonacci. This is generally a unique number and, in my opinion, the basis of the gifts of the Magi and the key to solving the mystery.
If you read the Bible, you will see that the Judge will not open, but PRINT OUT the book of Genesis, removing the seals from it. Have you seen books with seals? Me neither. But I saw sealed vessels. And I even opened it more than once during the holidays.
Of course, the vessel in the hands of Christ in the form of 44,000 panels is an allegorical concept; we are talking about water in general. And the removal of 7 seals is an obvious algorithm of actions in relation to the information repository. Understanding this forced our ancestors to live according to the laws of the universe, checking against its standards. What was understandable to early Christians and pre-Christians became difficult for later generations to understand. The author of the Apocalypse clearly has a source in front of him, on the basis of which he adjusts the date of 1492 to ancient knowledge, but no longer understands its essence.
You see, the language that the Bible and Holy Scripture speaks is not a puzzle or a sacrament. It’s just that everyone spoke that language back then, coloring their words in the form of examples (dragon, horseman, chariot). What we now perceive as the chariot of the Apocalypse, the ancients knew as a planet and depicted it that way. And people have always had a special relationship with water. They knew that not a single word spoken in the presence of water would remain without a record, not a single thought would sink into eternity, not a single action would be left unattended. Water is everywhere and there are enough molecules of it to record a huge amount of information. Water is not just H2O. It would be too easy! WATER IS A LIVING BEING THAT IS ABLE NOT ONLY TO STORE INFORMATION, BUT ALSO TO THINK. And you CAN walk on water!
I will talk about this in the next miniature about Hell.
To conclude the miniature, I want to say that the number 44000 is not included in the Fibonacci-Christ series, which clearly indicates that it refers to God. There is no mysticism in this because 44,000 is the most ordinary water.