Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture. Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture (khgiik) Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture

Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture (KhGIK)
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture"
International name Khabarovsk State University of Culture
Former names Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture
Year of foundation
Type Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
Rector Sergei Nesterovich Skorinov
Students more than 800 people
Foreign students There is
Bachelor's degree 13 areas of training
Specialty acting art
Master's degree There is
Postgraduate studies There is
The doctors 6
Professors 10
Teachers 165
Location Russia Russia, Khabarovsk
Legal address 680045, Khabarovsk region, Khabarovsk, st. Krasnorechenskaya, 112

Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture(KhGIK) is a higher educational institution in the city of Khabarovsk.

Khabarovsk State Institute of Culture begins its history in June 1968. The Government of the Russian Federation decided to create a higher educational institution in the Far East to train personnel for cultural institutions in the musical-pedagogical, creative-performing and library-information fields.

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    ✪ Anniversary of KhSIIK


Information about the institute

In 2014, the institute has one faculty, with two departments - art department And Department of Social, Cultural and Information Activities.

The faculty includes 12 departments that train specialists in 25 areas of higher education and one area of ​​secondary vocational education (in full-time and part-time forms of study).

After graduation, education can be continued in graduate school and assistantship-internship.

Currently, KhGIK is headed by the rector Sergei Nesterovich Skorinov- Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. The educational process is ensured by a qualified teaching staff consisting of 145 people, about 60% of whom have academic degrees, honorary titles, state awards, are laureates of prizes, laureates of festivals and competitions in the field of science, culture, and art.

Students are actively involved in scientific and creative work. The results of student scientific research find practical application in the activities of cultural institutions of the Far East. KhGIK students successfully participate in all-Russian competitions and olympiads, become laureates of regional festivals “Living Rus'”, “Stars of the Amur”, “Silver Voices”, “Jazz on the Amur”, etc., and are organizers and participants of all cultural events in the city and region.

The university has one academic building, two concert halls, computer multimedia classes, and specialized classrooms. All nonresident students are provided with a hostel. The institute's library has a solid book collection, including rare publications on art and culture. Students have access to a reading room equipped with Internet-connected computers, a subscription, a music and music department, a library science and bibliography office, where the latest scientific and educational literature on the specialty is collected.

Over the years of its existence, the institute has graduated more than 13 thousand specialists who have successfully realized themselves as scientists, heads of ministries and departments, higher and secondary educational institutions of arts and culture, libraries, creators and participants of artistic groups, artists, concert performers, television and radio specialists , teachers of music schools, employees of bookselling organizations, club and library workers.

More details on the official website.


Department of Arts

In September 2015, a new Faculty of Arts and Sociocultural Activities. And about. Dean: Ilyashevich Oksana Alekseevna.

In the year the university was founded, 2 music departments were opened: folk instruments (head of the department - graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory G. A. Petrov) and choral conducting (head of the department - graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory V. V. Uspensky).

In 1969, new departments were organized: theory and history of music and orchestral conducting.

In 1996 it was organized Faculty of Music and Pedagogy, which included all music departments. The first dean of the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy was Professor V.V. Zhuromsky, then in 2000 Associate Professor V.V. Zavoloko was appointed head of the faculty, and from 2001 to 2007 the dean was I.E. Mosin, from 2007 to 2008 - V. Y. Blinkov, from 2008 to 2009 - S. Yu. Lysenko. Until 2011, the duties of dean were performed by O. V. Pavlenko.

Theater Department As a structural unit of KhGIK, it took shape in 1994, when it was separated from the faculty of cultural and educational work, received the name “Directing and Choreographic” and acquired a separate building. Over the years, the deans of the faculty were Assoc. G. I. Perkulimov, associate professor A. H. Broy. Until 2011, the faculty was headed by Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ignatievich Pavlenko.

Only this faculty trained specialists in the field of directing and choreographic art in the Far East of Russia; the faculty is also famous for its acting department.

Today, the faculty has more than 400 full-time students and 300 part-time students.

The educational work of faculty teachers and students is closely intertwined with creative and performing activities, which include intra-university competitions, creative reports of departmental groups, preparation of mass holidays, and various concert activities in the city and region. Student creative groups have been created and are successfully operating at the faculty: educational theater, the Inspiration club, choreographic groups “Elegy”, “Ethnos”, classical, folk and ballroom dance ensembles, the Harlequin festival theater.

The teaching of creative disciplines at the faculty is carried out with the involvement of practitioners working in the field of art and culture, among them: People's Artists of Russia E. S. Mosin and I. E. Zheltoukhov, Honored Artists of Russia V. S. Gogolkov, V. V. Tsabe-Ryaby , A. A. Shutov, F. F. Odintsov, etc.

Students' creative reports, as a rule, take place on the stages of regional and municipal theaters, the regional philharmonic society, and on the stages of amateur theater groups in the city.

Creative works of students, prepared during the educational process, are demonstrated with constant success on the theatrical stage of the university and the city. In recent years alone, the audience of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory has been shown more than 10 performances (including 5 choreographic ones), more than 100 concert performances were given, which aroused friendly reviews from the audience and theater critics (productions by professors N. F. Shcherbina, E. S. Mosin , V. I. Pavlenko, V. Ya. Lebedinsky, V. S. Golovanova, associate professors A. N. Belzhitsky, N. P. Ferentseva, I. E. Eresko, M. V. Sudakova, E. V. Verkholat, O. A. Kozorez).

Department of Sociocultural and Information Activities

In the year of its foundation the university was opened library faculty. For almost 25 years, the annual intake of future library workers ranged from 120 to 150 people for full-time and part-time study.

In 1996, having absorbed several new specialties and specializations, it was transformed into Faculty of Social, Cultural and Information Activities.

The first dean of the library faculty was Yakov Romanovich Perevistov.

Now the faculty unites eight departments and four specialties: “Socio-cultural activities”, “Cultural studies”, “Library and information activities”. The Faculty of Information and SD trains specialists in the field of management, technology of socio-cultural activities, computer science, museum and archival affairs and library work. Today, the total number of full-time and part-time students is 655 people.

Faculty students have the opportunity not only to gain knowledge thanks to modern teaching methods and the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process, but also to engage in scientific work, participate in student scientific conferences, publish their articles in institute collections, participate in various city and regional interuniversity conferences and competitions In addition, graduates of the faculty have the opportunity to continue their education in graduate school at KhGIK.

Directions of training 2015

Higher education

Department of Arts

  • 03/52/01. "Choreographic art"(academic bachelor)"
  • 03/51/05. "Directing theatrical performances and celebrations"(academic bachelor)"
  • 03/51/02. "Folk artistic culture"(academic bachelor)"
  • 52.05.01. "Acting Art"(drama theater and film artist) - specialty"
  • 03/53/01. “Variety Musical Art” by qualifications:
    • concert performer;
    • ensemble artist. Teacher.
  • 03.53.02. “Musical and instrumental art” by qualifications:
    • ensemble artist;
    • accompanist. Teacher;
    • head of the creative team.
  • 03/53/03. "Vocal art" qualification:
    • concert chamber singer. Teacher.
  • 03/53/05. “Conducting” qualification:
    • choir conductor;
    • choir artist Teacher.
  • 03/53/04. “The Art of Folk Singing” by qualification:
    • choirmaster;
    • head of the creative team. Teacher;
    • concert performer.

Department of Social, Cultural and Information Activities

  • 03/46/02. "Documentation and Archival Science" (academic bachelor's degree)
  • 03/51/01. "Cultural Studies" (academic bachelor's degree)
  • 03/51/03. "Socio-cultural activities"(academic bachelor)"
  • 03/51/06. "Library and information activities" "(academic bachelor)"
  • 03/51/04. "Museology and protection of cultural and natural heritage" "(academic bachelor)"

Master's degree

  • 04/51/01. "Cultural Studies" (Master)
  • 04/51/02. "Folk artistic culture" (master)
  • 04/51/06. "Library and Information Activities" (Master)
  • 04/52/01. "Choreographic art" (master's degree)
  • 04/53/01. "Musical and instrumental art" (master's degree)
  • 04/53/05. "Conducting" (master's degree)

Secondary vocational education

  • Department of Arts
    • 02/51/01. "Folk art"by profile:
      • leader of an amateur choreographic group, teacher;
      • leader of an amateur theater group.

Postgraduate course 2015

KhGIK provides training in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school and assistantship-internship.

About the university

Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture (KhSIIK) begins its history in June 1968. The Government of the Russian Federation decided to create a higher educational institution in the Russian Far East to train personnel for cultural institutions in the musical-pedagogical, creative-performing and library-information fields.
Today, the three faculties of the institute, musical-pedagogical, theatrical, socio-cultural and information activities, which include 18 departments, train specialists in 9 specialties and 22 specializations in full-time and part-time forms of study. After graduation, education can be continued in graduate school.
Currently, KhSIIK is headed by the acting rector Sergei Nesterovich Skorinov - Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
The educational process is ensured by a qualified teaching staff consisting of 145 people, about 60% of whom have academic degrees, honorary titles, state awards, are laureates of prizes, laureates of festivals and competitions in the field of science, culture, and art.
Students are actively involved in scientific and creative work. The results of student scientific research find practical application in the activities of cultural institutions of the Far East. KhSIIK students successfully participate in all-Russian competitions and olympiads, become laureates of regional festivals “Living Rus'”, “Stars of the Amur”, “Silver Voices”, “Jazz on the Amur”, etc., and are organizers and participants of all cultural events in the city and region.
The university has two academic buildings, four concert halls, computer multimedia classes, and specialized classrooms. All nonresident students are provided with a hostel. The institute's library has a solid book collection, including rare publications on art and culture. Students have access to a reading room equipped with Internet-connected computers, a subscription, a music and music department, a library science and bibliography office, where the latest scientific and educational literature on the specialty is collected.
Over the years of its existence, the institute has graduated more than 13 thousand specialists who have successfully realized themselves as scientists, heads of ministries and departments, higher and secondary educational institutions of arts and culture, libraries, creators and participants of artistic groups, artists, concert performers, television and radio specialists , teachers of music schools, employees of bookselling organizations, club and library workers.

Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture begins its history in June 1968. The Government of the Russian Federation decided to create a higher educational institution in the Far East to train personnel for cultural institutions in the musical-pedagogical, creative-performing and library-information fields.

In 2014, the institute had one faculty, with two departments - art department And Department of Social, Cultural and Information Activities.

The faculty includes 12 departments that train specialists in 25 areas of higher education and one area of ​​secondary vocational education (in full-time and part-time forms of study).

After graduation, education can be continued in graduate school and assistantship-internship.

Currently, KhSIIK is headed by the rector Sergei Nesterovich Skorinov- Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. The educational process is ensured by a qualified teaching staff consisting of 145 people, about 60% of whom have academic degrees, honorary titles, state awards, are laureates of prizes, laureates of festivals and competitions in the field of science, culture, and art.

Students are actively involved in scientific and creative work. The results of student scientific research find practical application in the activities of cultural institutions of the Far East. KhSIIK students successfully participate in all-Russian competitions and Olympiads, become laureates of regional festivals “Living Rus'”, “Stars of the Amur”, “Silver Voices”, “Jazz on the Amur”, etc., and are organizers and participants of all cultural events in the city and region.

The university has one academic building, two concert halls, computer multimedia classes, and specialized classrooms. All nonresident students are provided with a hostel. The institute's library has a solid book collection, including rare publications on art and culture. Students have access to a reading room equipped with Internet-connected computers, a subscription, a music and music department, a library science and bibliography office, where the latest scientific and educational literature on the specialty is collected.

Over the years of its existence, the institute has graduated more than 13 thousand specialists who have successfully realized themselves as scientists, heads of ministries and departments, higher and secondary educational institutions of arts and culture, libraries, creators and participants of artistic groups, artists, concert performers, television and radio specialists , teachers of music schools, employees of bookselling organizations, club and library workers.