Mushrooms are killers. Slime mold fungus in the human body Carbonic acid kills slime mold fungus

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Video “Mycelium in the nasopharynx - the cause of sinus swelling and nasal congestion”

The video “Mycelium in the nasopharynx - the cause of swelling of the sinuses and nasal congestion” continues to reveal the topic of the lymphatic system - hydra and pathogenic fungi present in the human body. Youtube channel Valeria.

The author introduces viewers to new research results, the possible connection of these organisms with each other and human energy. Describes methods for removing mucus and also invites further study and discussion of the issue.

Lymph, lipid metabolism and sugar

One of the most important functions of lymph is participation in fat (lipid) metabolism. Disturbances in this metabolism lead to unhealthy conditions:

The lymphatic system actively interacts with subcutaneous and internal fat. Contrary to popular belief, excess fat in humans is not deposited from fatty foods, and with an excess of simple carbohydrates in the diet. Primarily from excess sugar, flour and potatoes (a gift from Peter the Great to Russia).

For reference: in Australia, each person on average consumes 40 tablespoons of sugar per day through food (including “healthy” juices, cereals, yoghurts, milk, and so on). There are even more in the USA.
In Russia, everything is not so sad, but it is also far from the norm.

Sugar, as you know, is the favorite food of pathogenic fungi. It has been proven that these microbes cause the desire to eat “sweets”, in proportion to the volume of microbes. And since they influence a person’s eating behavior and desires, it means they are able to influence consciousness.

Self-development and mucus removal, shatkarma

Another noteworthy fact: A number of yogic directions pay special attention to the removal of mucus from the body. One of the names for such cleansing practices is Shatkarma. It is believed that this leads not only to physical purity, but also to a purer consciousness.

For example, regular deep cleaning of the root of the tongue from mucus and plaque is practiced. There are more complex shatkarma cleansing techniques such as:

  • Rinse the nose with lightly salted water (Jala Neti)

  • Cleansing the stomach with salted water followed by release (Vamana Dhouti)

  • Shaking the internal organs using the abdominal muscles (Nauli)

  • Cleansing the nasal passages with thread (Neti Sutra)

  • Concentration of gaze on a candle flame (Trataka)

  • Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract by drinking large amounts of lightly salted water and special exercises (Shankha Prakshalana)

Attention! These Shatkarma techniques cannot be performed without an experienced mentor. Due to health reasons, they are not suitable for everyone and not everyone can correctly assess the safe load.
Mucus, among other things, interferes with the normal supply of oxygen to tissues, inhibits and creates optimal conditions for the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria and fungi.

In kundalini yoga, hatha yoga and a number of other practices, there are exercises that provoke an abundant release of mucus even in a relatively healthy person. Mucus and mucus clumps may begin to come out of the nose, lungs, intestines and other parts of the body. Cleansing occurs both at the mechanical, chemical and energy levels.

This type of regular cleansing often results in clearer, more unbiased thinking. Attention becomes less fixated on the negative experiences of the past, it becomes easier to see where the truth is and where the lie is.

This is in addition to promoting health and reducing stress.

Homeopathy against mushrooms and mucus, Rockefellers and Carnegies against homeopathy

The most well-known system of knowledge in our country and in the West, which speaks most about the treatment of fungal manifestations, the purity of lymph and the existence of the field (information) structure of living organisms - this is homeopathy.

Painting "Homeopathy looking at the horrors of Allopathy" A. E. Beideman, 1857

According to one of its principles, there are only a few basic diseases, which at different stages of development can have many different manifestations.

The root causes of chronic diseases in homeopathy are called miasma. These can be both fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, they are often transmitted from parents if they were treated incorrectly: with ointments and suppression of secretions. When everything looks clean, but infection lives in the tissues.

How it works

The principle of action of homeopathy is based on the principle of bio-resonance. A similar principle is used, for example, in Alexander Mishin’s generator coils.

To extinguish it, the body is forced to reproduce the same frequency. If the homeopathic remedy works at the same frequency as the miasm, then the body is freed from the obligation to produce a frequency that is not its own, and can go about its business. It turns out that it is not the medicine that heals, but the vital force, which is not hindered by anything.

This is what people sound like when they say we're on a certain frequency.
And homeopathic medicines sound like this when the frequency matches, resonance and healing are obtained

Homeopathic medicines have an informational rather than a chemical effect. Therefore, a biased researcher who focuses only on the amount of active ingredients in a drug will not be able to understand why homeopathy works.

Not long ago, this subject was studied in many medical schools in the United States.
A number of universities in England still award a bachelor's degree in this science. And the British, as you know, “have no foolish lips.”

In Russia, on the contrary, a special committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2017 officially recognized homeopathy as a pseudoscience. And he recommended excluding her from the Russian healthcare system. And she was there.

The secret to the Rockefellers' long life must remain a secret

Now doctors of allopathic medicine (which proudly calls itself “traditional”) call homeopathy a pseudoscience.
And 100 years ago, every tenth doctor in the United States was a homeopath and received many times more than “real doctors.”

Famous billionaire John Rockefeller, later called the “financial father of medicine,” was treated only by homeopaths and lived in good health until he was 97 years old. A year longer than his father, who made his fortune selling oil as a cure-all.

When he turned 50 and lost all the hair on his body, John set himself the goal of living to be 100 years old. Why did he choose his personal homeopathic doctor, Bigger, and did not let the “scientific doctors” get within range of a cannon shot?

However, this family spent a lot of money on making homeopathy accessible only to a narrow circle of select people. Other famous names such as Andrew Carnegie and Frederick Gates appeared in this program.

The American Medical Association (AMA) was created in 1847, and its main function was to popularize “official” allopathic medicine, pharmaceuticals and the fight against homeopathy.

The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and the General Education Board were founded in 1091.

Caricature of Andrew Carnegie

Thanks to collusion and deprivation of funding from universities where homeopathy was taught and the educational process was combined with medical practice, About a third of all medical schools in the United States were closed.

State licensing of doctors was introduced, mainly at the instigation of the American Medical Association.

From 1913 to 1960, the Rockefeller foundations contributed a total of $96,000,000 to "scientific medical education" in more than 20 countries in addition to the United States.

Those colleges that studied homeopathy or other “non-scientific” disciplines did not receive funding. By 1930, there was not a single educational institution or hospital left in the United States with the word “homeopathic” in its name. Such treatment methods were finally “discredited” by the discovery of antibiotics.

The last elective course on homeopathy in a medical college was given in the United States in 1958.

In 1960, according to official data, there were fewer than 100 homeopathic doctors left in the United States.

More about this story in the article "Do you want to get rich? The Rockefellers made their first money on homeopathy"

Homeopathic doctor Alina Zaiko about mushrooms and the lymphatic system

Itching is a symptom of a fungal infection

Fungi in the body bite through nerve endings, so their presence is indicated by itching rather than pain.

If your ear itches, it's probably a fungus. Itching is what characterizes the presence of fungus. Clean, crack-free skin does not give fungi a chance, but even a small crack or abrasion is a gateway for psora to enter.

Fungi are the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Why do lymph nodes swell?
If there are settlers inside the nodule, they interfere with the outflow of lymph.

Classically, a loading dose of antibiotics is prescribed. But if a fungus lives in the lymph node, this does not help.

Homeopathy based on bioresonance deactivates bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and for this it is necessary to determine which miasm is active.

I always remember the phrase: “you sleep all night, don’t do anything like that, but in the morning you can see as if you were drinking, smoking, swearing and whatever the hell you were doing.”

It’s just that someone lives in the lymph nodes and prevents the filtration of lymph.

Laboratory tests determine treatment

If you went to get tested for an infection and got the result that there are different types of infection. Can you determine which infection is the most aggressive or will you get rid of all of them at once with a course of antibiotics?

The difference between homeopathic medicine and allopathic medicine is that there are laws for the course of various diseases over time, and the elimination of pathogenic infections proceeds from the most aggressive to the weakest. This is the logic behind drug prescriptions. Removing infestations in layers.

In this case, the load on the liver is minimal; the body naturally removes dead microorganisms. The intestinal microflora helps with this. Because no one spoils it. Immunity only increases.

Relationship between lymph nodes and fungi

By where pimples and boils are located on the body, you can determine which lymph nodes are affected.

Acne is a compensation of the body; if it is impossible to clean the lymph through the lymph node, then you have to throw out pus through the skin.
Do not smear boils with iodine, iodine dries and prevents pus from coming out. Where should he go then - back to the lymph node.

Then the lymph nodes swell. Depending on the active miasm, lymph cleansing occurs in different ways.

Lymphatic system and edema

A simple test that I recommend doing every morning.

As soon as you open your eyes upon waking, immediately clench your fists. If something is in the way in your fingers and they are not bent completely, This means the lymphatic system is not working well.

How to make lymph less thick, more liquid

Hibiscus is another way to make lymph more fluid. For the best effect, you can soak hibiscus flowers in cold, clean water overnight and drink it the next day. You can dilute it if it turns out too sour, but no need to add sugar and honey.

To cleanse lymph

I recommend everyone who is already struggling with miasma to drink water with lemon (without honey).

Since cleansing the intercellular space requires an influx of new clean lymph. And visit the bathhouse. This will naturally help cleanse the intercellular space. Although this is useful for everyone. For whom the bath is contraindicated, you can run, most importantly until you sweat.


A clear indication of the presence of infection is deterioration in health from coitus. It doesn’t depend on gender; it can be bad for both men and women. It’s even more interesting if the partners have different miasms.

About suppression of secretions

Now it's fashionable: deodorants 24/7. Blocks sweating. What is filtered by the body and is ready to come out as decay products is blocked. And it comes back. And in women with mammary glands nearby, it is not surprising that lumps occur.

If your nose is running, they came up with drops. They dry prevent mucus removal. When these secretions are suppressed, headaches occur.

There is also another extreme - suppression of secretions. Women will understand. The inguinal lymph nodes are designed to help cleanse. But here doctors get sophisticated: ointments, suppositories. And without cleansing, the body is forced to figure out where to dispose of the pollution. Put, accumulate. This threatens inflammation.

Homeopaths have the task of helping the body remove mucus naturally.

About cellulite

Cellulite occurs when the intercellular space is contaminated. Have you noticed that the kids don’t have it? But when cellulite is already noticeable in girls at the age of 13, it’s worth thinking about what they eat and what microorganisms live in the intercellular space. After all, cellulite is an inflammation of adipose tissue.

When there is not enough vital energy to excrete under-oxidized food products, or the body cannot fight foreign microorganisms, then everything goes into adipose tissue. Over time it begins to become inflamed. Weight doesn't matter here.

It is necessary to determine what active miasm is, which is the cause of contamination of the lymph and intercellular substance.


Alcohol, coffee, meat, sugar, boiled food. Everything that you decide not to consume enters the bloodstream in the form of toxins after three days of abstinence.. And I really want to do it again. It's like getting hungover.

Homeopathy has a remedy that helps remove these breakdown products from the blood. It becomes easier as the withdrawal goes away.

Resentment spoils the lymph

Resentment greatly spoils the lymph; unspoken resentment drives the disease inside. And oddly enough, it turns out to be hemorrhoids on the other side.

Of course, the best thing is to sincerely forgive the offender, but if this is difficult or impossible, then homeopathy has enough remedies to help with resentment and cleanse the lymph.

But one must take into account the current miasm, since what helps one will not necessarily help another.

How to remove mucus from the nasopharynx: the “lurking” method before eating

The above video and the accompanying article indicate a simple and safe method for removing mucus from the body. It does not require special skills or equipment, and presumably there are no health restrictions.

"So, let's start using this method. Take, for example, a prepared salad from fresh cabbage, the less pungency in it, the better. Tasty, juicy, we eat, chew, but do not swallow. We observe the following picture: no matter how much we eat it chewed, the mucus does not clog the throat. We ate it, we eat an apple - there is no mucus, we drink water - there is none.

Now we take something fried or smoked, put it in our mouth, We chew - and off we go! Instantly a lump of mucus falls into your throat and now you are chewing this smoked meat into it, and the mucus keeps coming. Now we interrupt the swallowing reflex, do this - hrr, you sucked this thing into your mouth and, without sparing food, spit it out into the trash can or toilet. Beautiful, very expensive. Place the next portion in your mouth and chew calmly until the next lump falls into your throat. Again, chew it thoroughly, mix it with mucus and spit it out. And so on until the mucus runs out.

After such a meal, you should be in a slight shock, because your nose suddenly begins to breathe like never before. This means that the fungus, sated in the stomach, had to return to its habitat - the nasal cavity. This is why the majority of the population has a sinus-filled nose, because a fungus lives there. But he didn’t return there, because he huffed and rushed into the annals of the sewer system. How mean of you, huh?

This simple method has one difficulty. Since most people have breakfast, lunch and dinner with their family, in the dining room, cafe, or at a party, a person cannot spit out this piece of mucus in front of everyone. You don’t have to rush to the toilet, and at first you will need to leave more than once during meals.

Of course, the vital activity of this mucus carrier in the body does not stop. It’s just that the part that knows how to move around the body and falls into the pharynx to envelop food is adapted to live in the nasal cavity, and now that we have removed it in this way, the maxillary sinuses and other cavities are clean, dry and even, one might say, loud ..."

Whether you choose yoga, homeopathy, Ayurveda, a change in diet, or daily mucus-clearing techniques, any action in this direction opens the door to clearer thinking and a longer life. And personal observations, sharing them and distributing this data among friends and family will contribute to the physical and moral improvement of the country.

Today we will continue our conversation about one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases - cancer and methods of combating it. It turns out that the development of the disease was caused by a mucus mold fungus. Every year, about 8 million people die from it in the world, that is, every fourth... Scary statistics, isn’t it? But it turns out that cancer treatment with folk remedies can be successful if you fight the root cause.

In the article, when we talked about, a conclusion was drawn thanks to the sensational discovery of a laboratory doctor from the Belgorod clinic of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Lidia Vasilyevna Kozmina. It has become known that cancer is the last stage of development of the slime mold fungus. If this version is correct, then cancer can be easily prevented and even defeated.

Since ancient times, doctors and healers believed that with a sedentary lifestyle, all the food that a person eats cannot be absorbed. Its remains fester, becoming covered with mold and mucus. This is how a mycelium develops in the human stomach, which over time releases spores that enter the blood, which carries them.

The spores settle and germinate in weakened organs, forming the fruiting bodies of fungi - cancer. That is why most traditional healers begin cancer treatment with health fasting.

Gennady Malakhov states: taking your own urine can help get rid of the slime mold. But his theory is too complicated and is now practically not used. Instead, Lidia Vasilievna advises eating grated beets, carrots or drinking their juice every morning on an empty stomach. The slime mold fungus feeds on the pigments contained in them, and in a well-fed state it does not pose a danger to humans.

Famous herbal healer from Minsk, V. A. Ivanov suggests cleansing the body of mucus using lemon juice and olive oil. If the method is used correctly, the mucus will come out of the body and then the person will not be afraid of cancer.

Ps: This method of cleansing presented by Ivanov is not published on purpose, since it is very strict and has many contraindications to the characteristics of the body. It’s better not to take risks, but to consider other ways to cleanse the body of mucus and toxins...

Bashkir healer Rim Akhmedov successfully uses wormwood tincture in the treatment of cancer. The recommended dose is 2 tablespoons of dried and crushed herbs per 0.5 liters of boiling water. The tincture should be drunk 100-120 ml half an hour before meals. To achieve a greater effect, you can use its dried and crushed root instead of wormwood herb. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of the root with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Drink 30 ml three times a day at least half an hour before meals.

Doctor Nerezov concluded: The use of one remedy or method in the treatment of cancer practically does not give results; it must be approached comprehensively:

  1. Give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. The diet should be balanced, eat more fresh vegetables.
  3. Complete, alternating 5 courses of mumiyo therapy (50 ml of infusion on an empty stomach for 10 days) and 5 courses of treatment with sublimate (a teaspoon of aqueous solution three times a day for 10 days).
  4. Take a two-week break.
  5. Carry out three courses of treatment for cancer with hemlock (read the recipe below).
  6. Take a course using the “7x200” method: combine 200 ml of carrot, beet, garlic, radish, Cahors, honey and lemon juice, drink 50 ml three times a day.

In addition, be sure to monitor your condition, get tested for cancer materials; if your condition worsens, it means that this method of cancer treatment is not suitable for you.

How to get rid of slime mold using folk remedies

  • Taking hemlock tincture is the best folk remedy for treating intestinal cancer. When treating, it is important to follow the correct regimen: on the first day, take one drop of tincture before meals. The next day, the dose is increased by one more drop, and so gradually you need to bring it to 40 drops at a time and take a break. After this there is a countdown: 40, 39, 38 drops... You need to take at least 2 such courses with an interval of 10-14 days.

Important! The use of poisonous herbs must be combined with infusions of cleansing herbs, for example, yarrow, etc. (you can choose your own herb for each organism).

  • This is another popular cancer treatment method. It is recommended to drink a mixture of 50 ml of warm water and 40 drops of propolis tincture 3 times a day, 2 hours before meals.
  • Traditional medicine offers a recipe for oil balm as an effective treatment for cancer. It has a two-component composition: linseed oil and alcohol extract of the plant.

The preparation process is quite simple: pour 40 ml of oil and 30 ml of extract into a small jar. Cover tightly and shake vigorously for 7 minutes, then drink immediately. You must not hesitate, as the mixture may separate, which must not be allowed! Drink 20 minutes before meals. Under no circumstances should you eat or drink any medication. You need to take this balm three times a day. The course of treatment is 30-50 days with a 5-day break.

When using any cancer treatment recipe, it is very important to follow the dosage and dosage regimen. Mistakes can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. In addition, the issue of cancer treatment must be approached very individually. Before you start using any recipes, be sure to consult with your doctors, do not self-medicate! After all, it can help one person, but cause irreparable harm to another, be careful.

Soda against cancer - is it possible?

Where traditional medicine fails, alternative treatments are sure to emerge. What if one of them gives a visible result! Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases, but information about it is still very scarce. Recently, doctors and scientists are increasingly talking about when... ordinary soda can help in the fight against cancer! Or maybe absurd?

Or is there still a grain of truth in this judgment? Let's watch the following video:

Official medicine knows about cancer as uncontrolled cell division. The exact cause of its occurrence has not yet been determined; research is ongoing. Some believe it may be due to poor ecology, others refer to an unhealthy lifestyle, and others blame it all on stress. Today it is impossible to say that there are the most effective ways to get rid of cancer. Each situation is individual.

Traditional methods of treatment help get rid of cancer, but at the same time cause enormous harm to the body and human health. Radiation and chemotherapy completely destroy the immune system along with diseased cells, a person’s hair falls out, and organs stop functioning. At an early stage of the disease, surgery can still help, but if metastases are detected, the patient is actually sent to die.

In this regard, the emergence of alternative methods of getting rid of cancer, in particular treatment with soda, is completely natural. It is believed that when using this technique, the tumor gradually decreases and then completely disappears.

The main advantage of treating cancer with soda is that it allows you to avoid chemotherapy, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. But how effective, and most importantly, how safe is the proposed method? Let's try to figure it out.

The Donald Porter Story

American Donald Porter became widely known when, at the age of 75, he independently recovered from the last stage of prostate cancer. And all thanks to the usual! To do this, he had to undergo a two-week course of treatment.

Baking soda is great for fighting cancer. People who followed the example of Donald Porter claim that they were cured at the last stage of the disease, when even chemotherapy was powerless. The main thing is to take the medicine 2 hours before meals and be sure to consume potassium.

Simoncini's theory

For a long time it was believed that cancer occurs due to involuntary cell division. By the way, this theory has never received scientific confirmation. However, in the early 80s, Italian oncologist Tullio Simoncini made a sensational statement: it turns out that the cause of cancer is candidiasis. You also heard about this when watching the video above.

Almost all cancer patients are confirmed to have Candida fungus. Tullio Simoncini believes that this fungus is the cause of the appearance of malignant tumors, and not the other way around, as the official medical theory believes. That is, first Candida settles in the organs, and only then does a tumor appear. Therefore, treatment should be aimed at destroying the fungus, only then will it in turn lead to getting rid of cancer.

Dr. Simoncini was looking for a remedy that could suppress the development of the fungus, and he found it. It turned out to be ordinary soda. The alkaline environment created during its use stops the proliferation of the pathogenic microorganism, and it dies. Cancer is treated with soda in combination with other means to make the environment optimal.

Photo of the development of slime mold fungus in laboratory research

And here’s what slime molds look like and grow in the external environment:

Traditional Methods vs. Alternative Methods

So do alternative cancer treatment methods still have a right to exist? How realistic is it to get rid of a malignant tumor with soda? Everyone knows when cancer cells die in an alkaline environment - it is a fact, as is the truth that they die in sharply acidic conditions. Baking soda can really help in getting rid of malignant neoplasms, but only in certain locations and not at every stage of cancer development.

Cancer treatment with baking soda is most effective when the sodium bicarbonate penetrates directly into the tumor. In such conditions, soda can be used at all stages of the pathological process. And yet, it is necessary to remember that soda, before getting to the tumor, passes through the blood, which means it changes the conditions in the body.

And if you want to try to follow the path proposed by Tullio Simoncini or Donald Porter, you first need to think a hundred times. Will such treatment give a positive result or cause harm to an already weakened body? Be that as it may, you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

Thus, treating cancer with soda has its advantages and disadvantages. Still, such therapy can be called quite promising. Perhaps in the future, scientists’ developments will help more effectively fight malignant tumors using alternative methods, without harming the body.

There is good news when Professor Neumyvakin advises using. You will find out what diseases this method treats in the article.


People eat slime mold mushrooms. This is the essence of the sensational discovery that
Belgorod doctor Lidiya Vasilyevna Kozmina is applying. With all
The fantastic nature of this hypothesis is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of folk
healers. They learned to remove “mucus” (read “slime mold”) from the body,
which is considered the cause of the most formidable ailments. And the seriously ill
really get better. How to explain these miracles from a scientific point of view

This is what Lidia Vasilievna told me during her next study in Moscow at
advanced training courses for doctors:
We consider microbes as enemies that must be fought. And they are very useful
in nature: convert dying organic substances into inorganic ones.
Without them, animal corpses and dead plants could not decompose - Earth
would be covered with a continuous layer of dead biomass. Nutrients would run out
substances for plants, animals would die along with them... But thanks
microbes turn the bodies of the dead into food for the living. True, very often
this process begins during life. If we don't move enough,
eat, drink, sleep a lot, indulge in other excesses, then we will turn our
organism into a trash heap with rotting products, in which they rapidly multiply
pathogenic microbes. And they will begin to devour our organs. That is, our
the body will decompose into inorganic substances. We are in every sense of the word
let us become like rotten stumps on which mushrooms grow. After all, it’s mushrooms
play a major role in our decomposition... Just don’t think that I am
opened. Medieval doctors knew about killer slime molds.
Indeed, in the encyclopedic work of G.P. Malakhov<Целительные силы>
there is an interesting story about how they imagined the development of diseases
Armenian doctors. While opening the corpses of the dead and dead, they often found
the gastrointestinal tract has a lot of mucus and even mold. But not all the deceased,
but only among those who during their lifetime indulged in laziness, gluttony and other excesses,
receiving numerous illnesses as punishment. This experimental material
allowed the aesculapians to draw surprising conclusions.
They believed that if a person eats a lot and moves little, then not all food
is absorbed by the body.. Part of it rots, becoming covered with mucus and mold. That
there is, mycelium begins to grow in the stomach. Mold releases spores -
microscopic mushroom seeds that contain nutrients
enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. In weakened organs
spores begin to germinate, forming fungal fruiting bodies. This is how cancer begins.
But medieval doctors understood this term much more broadly than modern ones.
They believed that mushrooms first cause<белый рак>- plaques and blood clots in
vessels that are white. Second stage -<серый рак>: mushrooms form
joint tumors and other grayish tumors. Finally,<черный
cancer> corresponds to the purpose of this word.
“But in fact, this is not cancer, but a mushroom,” said Lidia Vasilievna.
n Which one, I was curious, - boletus or honey fungus?
n You shouldn’t be ironic,” said Lidia Vasilievna, “No matter how you have to
cry. No, it’s not the mushrooms that we eat that eat us. And not even toadstools.
No one would even think of collecting mushrooms that have become a favorite of our body. This -
slime molds, which sometimes appear on stumps in the form of multi-colored mold.
The most common of them is popularly called<волчье молоко>. This
a white and pink film of mold with balls up to one and a half centimeters in diameter.
When you press them, they burst, emitting pink<молочко>. But it's unlikely
wolves will drink it: spores are formed in the balls - the seeds of numerous
diseases. They enter our body along with dirt and dust.
Who among us has not picked mushrooms, eaten berries, or drunk water from the forest?
stream... along with slime mold spores. What now - will we all die of cancer?
Of course not. Although there are a huge number of spores in our body, they
according to Kozmina, they do not harm us as long as we maintain our
health at a high level. But the spores germinate and turn into mushrooms,
if we weaken our immunity, you know what. However, even then it’s not worth it
despair: traditional healers have long found a remedy for these multi-colored
crayfish or mushrooms.
But before you fight them, you need to study the habits of our
opponents. This is what Lydia Vasilievna managed to find out.




What struck me most,” says Kozmina, “slime mold consists of
spores, amoeboids and flagellates, which I often saw under a microscope in
analyzes of our patients. I also saw intertwined pancake threads, perplexed,
where did the mycelium come from in humans? But it turns out that these are parts of the same thing



I myself have observed how effective such methods can be -
says Lidia Vasilievna. - One of our patients developed
tumor compaction in the mammary gland. And in her puncture I found
microplasma and amoeboid. This means that slime mold has already begun to form.
fruiting body. Our experienced oncologist surgeon Nikolai Khristoforovich Sirenko
Instead of surgery, he suggested that the patient take the usual
an antitussive, and make a compress on your chest... from beetroot pulp.

And, upset by the medicine, the slime mold crawled out to the bait right through the skin - an abscess
broke through on the chest. To the surprise of other doctors, this seriously ill patient became
completely healthy.
And one day a man came to Nikolai Khristoforovich, who was twice
other surgeons operated on him, but they could not help him: the cancer had caused extensive
metastases. But, unlike them, Sirenko did not consider the patient hopeless. AND
gave him<странные>advice in which the achievements of modern medicine
combined with folk experience. Every year<безнадежный>passes VTEK, and
10 years later he received permanent disability. All the doctors were amazed - except
Sirenko and Kozmina.
In her opinion, the patient remained alive because the mycelium in his body seemed to
was preserved - no fruiting bodies were formed on it that could
destroy organs and cause death. Lidia Vasilievna believes that with good
care, other patients whose cancer has already given extensive
metastases. The main thing is not to allow the slime mold to bear fruit.
But it’s better, of course, not to bring it to<черного рака>, and fight him on
<серой>And<белой>stage, as did the Armenian doctors of the Middle Ages.
For example, the director of a holiday home treats rheumatoid arthritis very well
<Красево>Borisov district, Belgorod region Vasily Mikhailovich
Lysyak. He invites vacationers to take a course of... 17 barrels of decoctions
medicinal herbs. Patients soak in them for a long time, sitting up to their necks in warm water. And in
at the end of the course they are surprised to see that the tumors on the joints that caused

Some kind of nonsense, or is it true?

People eat slime mold mushrooms

10/24/2001 Alexander

Mikhail Dmitruk 1998. People eat slime mold mushrooms. This is the essence of the sensational discovery claimed by Belgorod doctor Lidiya Vasilyevna Kozmina.
Despite all the fantastic nature of this hypothesis, it is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of traditional healers. They have learned to remove from the body<слизь>(read -<слизевика>), which is considered the cause of the most formidable ailments. And seriously ill patients actually recover.
How to explain these miracles from a scientific point of view?

This is what Lidiya Vasilyevna told me during her regular studies in Moscow at advanced training courses for doctors: We consider microbes as enemies that must be fought. And they are very useful in nature: they transform dying organic substances into inorganic ones. Without them, animal corpses and dead plants could not decompose - the Earth would be covered with a continuous layer of dead biomass. The nutrients for plants would dry up, and animals would die along with them... But thanks to microbes, the bodies of the dead turn into food for the living. True, very often this process begins during life.
If we move little, eat, drink, sleep a lot, and indulge in other excesses, we will turn our body into a garbage dump of rotting food, in which pathogenic microbes rapidly multiply. And they will begin to devour our organs. That is, our body will decompose into inorganic substances. In the full sense of the word, we will become like rotten stumps on which mushrooms grow. After all, it is mushrooms that play the main role in our decomposition... Just don’t think that I discovered this. Medieval doctors knew about killer slime molds. Indeed, in the encyclopedic work of G.P. Malakhova<Целительные силы>There is an interesting story about how Armenian doctors imagined the development of diseases. When opening the corpses of the dead and dead, they often found a lot of mucus and even mold in the gastrointestinal tract. But not for all the deceased, but only for those who during their lifetime indulged in laziness, gluttony and other excesses, receiving numerous illnesses as punishment.
This experimental material allowed the doctors to draw surprising conclusions. They believed that if a person eats a lot and moves little, then not all food is absorbed by the body. Some of it rots, becoming covered with mucus and mold. That is, mycelium begins to grow in the stomach. Mold releases spores - microscopic fungal seeds, which enter the bloodstream with nutrients and spread throughout the body. In weakened organs, spores begin to germinate, forming the fruiting bodies of fungi. This is how cancer begins.
But medieval doctors understood this term much more broadly than modern ones. They believed that mushrooms first cause<белый рак>- white plaques and blood clots in blood vessels. Second stage -<серый рак>: fungi form joint tumors and other grayish growths. Finally,<черный рак>corresponds to the purpose of this word.
“But in fact, this is not cancer, but a mushroom,” said Lidia Vasilievna. And which one exactly, I was curious, - boletus or honey fungus? It’s in vain that you are being ironic,” said Lidia Vasilievna, “As if you didn’t have to cry.” No, it’s not the mushrooms that we eat that eat us. And not even toadstools. No one would even think of collecting mushrooms that have become a favorite of our body. These are slime molds that sometimes appear on stumps in the form of multi-colored mold. The most common of them is popularly called<волчье молоко>. This is a white and pink film of mold with balls up to one and a half centimeters in diameter. When you press them, they burst, emitting pink<молочко>. But it is unlikely that wolves will drink it: spores form in the balls - the seeds of numerous diseases. They enter our body along with dirt and dust. And who among us has not picked mushrooms, eaten berries, or drunk water from a forest stream... along with slime mold spores? What now - will we all die of cancer? Of course not. Although there are a huge number of spores in our body, they, according to Kozmina, do not harm us as long as we maintain our health at a high level.
But spores germinate and turn into mushrooms if we weaken our immunity - you know how. However, even then you shouldn’t despair: traditional healers have long found a cure for these colorful crayfish or mushrooms.
But before we fight them, we need to study the habits of our opponents. This is what Lydia Vasilievna managed to find out.



These photos show slime molds that are similar to mushrooms and are radically different from them:

Some slime molds sporulate from spring to autumn, while others only sporulate in spring or summer. Most slime molds can feed on a variety of substrates, but some species can only live on one substrate.

Like fungi, slime molds occupy an intermediate position between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, since they have characteristics of both plant and animal organisms. Previously, they were classified as fungi, but are now classified as a separate group of myxomycetes (fungal-like organisms), since they have significant characteristics that distinguish them from fungi (lack of a cell membrane and division of the vegetative body into cells, nutritional pattern, chemical composition, ability move, etc.).

They differ from animal organisms in their method of nutrition and reproduction, as well as in the absence of chitin and some other compounds characteristic of an animal organism, but their development cycle is similar to the development cycle of the simplest animal organism, the amoeba (they are able to reproduce by simple division). In addition, they, like amoebas, when unfavorable environmental conditions occur, can become covered with a hard shell and turn into a cyst, which does not lose viability for several years, and when favorable conditions occur (optimal air temperature, the presence of moisture and food, etc.) the cyst shell bursts, and a small, mobile plasmodium emerges from the cyst, which begins to intensively feed and grow.

They are distinguished from plants by the absence of chlorophyll and the way they feed. If plants synthesize organic substances in their bodies with the help of chlorophyll, then slime molds feed on the finished organic matter.

Myxomycetes slime molds are similar to fungi in the way they reproduce by spores, but they also differ from them in that their body does not have a hard shell and is not divided into individual cells, as is noted in fungi, and also in the fact that fungi are not able to move, as they do slime molds. In addition, slime molds do not contain a substance characteristic of animal organisms - chitin, which is present in fungal cells. Slime molds also differ from fungi in their feeding method: mushrooms simply digest the organic substrate with the help of special enzymes and cannot capture pieces of organic matter, bacteria, or simple animal organisms and digest them in vacuoles formed in the body of the slime mold.

The vegetative body of the slime mold is called plasmodium.

As you can see in the photo, the body of the slime mold is a formation similar to a large cell, but without a cell membrane:

Inside the plasmodium there is cytoplasm in the form of a mucous, gelatinous transparent or opaque mass, in which a huge number of nuclei float (sometimes up to several million) and many pulsating vacuoles in which bacteria, single-celled animal organisms, pieces of wood and other organics are digested.

According to the description, the shapes of slime molds can be different, most often they consist of intertwining tubes.

Plasmodium, like mushrooms, contains substances characteristic of both plant and animal organisms. It consists of more than 70% water. In addition, it contains up to 30% proteins, lime, potassium and other minerals, ATP, RNA, DNA, cellulose, various colored pigments that color slime molds yellow, pink, red, purple and other colors characteristic of each type of slime mold , fats and other compounds.

Its color may be less or more intense depending on temperature, humidity, light and other environmental conditions. Throughout its life, the slime mold feeds and grows vigorously. Under optimal environmental conditions (sufficient moisture and nutrition), the vegetative body of the slime mold increases very quickly, up to 4 cm per day. The size of plasmodium can range from a few mm to 1 m or more.

Unlike mushrooms, myxomycete slime mold is able to move towards a source of food and moisture, sometimes over quite long distances. Its movement speed can reach 0.4 mm per minute.

With a lack of moisture and food, plasmodium turns into sclerotium (thickens and hardens), which can remain viable for many decades. When favorable conditions occur, the sclerotium comes to life again and turns into plasmodium, which begins to intensively feed and grow.

At certain periods of time, most often when the reserves of moisture and food are exhausted, the plasmodium crawls out into the light and enters the reproduction stage. At the same time, it forms sporulation, inside which a huge number of spores are formed. The sporulation of myxomycete slime mold can have the appearance of a pad or a small fruiting body of the mushroom, pedunculated or sessile, sometimes fantastic in appearance. The appearance of sporulation is characteristic of each type of slime mold.

Over the course of several hours (less often up to 2 days), the slime mold prepares for reproduction with the help of spores. Plasmodium is covered with a membrane that looks like a membrane or cartilaginous structure.

Inside the sporulation, a huge number of spores mature, which, when ripe, break through the sporulation shell and spill out, dispersing through the air over long distances and populating new territories.

Under unfavorable conditions (lack of food, very dry substrate, etc.), myxomycete spores do not germinate, but remain viable for several decades.

If the spore is placed in a moist environment with enough food, it will germinate. From it emerges a zoospore with two flagella, or a myxamoeba, which lacks flagella and which in appearance is similar to the simplest animal organism - an amoeba. Zoospores usually develop if the spore gets into a liquid medium, and myxamoebas - if there is a lack of moisture. Zoospores and myxamoebas can transform into each other depending on the moisture content of the substrate on which they are located. For some time, both of them can reproduce by simple division, like the simplest animal organisms (amoebas).

Then they enter the time of sexual reproduction: they begin to fuse in pairs, and their nuclei also fuse, forming a double (diploid) set of chromosomes and active DNA synthesis begins in them. Then the plasmodium nucleus begins to divide repeatedly, without changing the number of chromosomes, and a multinuclear structure is formed, characteristic of the vegetative body of a slime mold, with a diploid set of chromosomes in the nuclei. These small plasmodia can also fuse with each other without changing the number of chromosomes in their nuclei.

The resulting plasmodium goes into the darkness, deep into a stump, a crack or under rotting leaves, begins to actively feed and grow vigorously until the period of new sporulation.

From the above data it is clear that slime mold has similarities both with plants and fungi, and with a group of protozoan Animals - amoebas.

Saprophytic species of slime mold live in rotten stumps, crevices of dead tree trunks and roots, as well as under rotting leaves, in moss and even in the droppings of herbivorous animals.

There are slime molds that glow in the dark.

Plasmodium absorbs liquid nutrients over the entire surface of its body. It can also feed on solid food, capturing it like an amoeba (as if flowing around pieces of food). At the same time, on the side of the food bolus, outgrowths appear on the plasmodium like an amoeba (pseudopod), and on the opposite side the protoplasm seems to be drawn inward. Thus, the slime mold can absorb pieces of wood, bacteria and microscopic animals, spores and pieces of fungal mycelium.

Plasmodium of intracellular slime molds has the same structure as plasmodium of saprophytic species of these organisms, but during the reproduction period they do not form special sporulation, and spores develop inside the vegetative body of the slime mold itself.

When the spores mature, the wall of the plasmodium bursts, the spores spill out and fall into the soil, then they are carried over long distances by the current of water, infecting other plants.

Earthworms and soil insects play a major role in the spread of these spores. Once in a favorable environment, on the root or tuber of the corresponding plant, the spore germinates, forming zoospores or myxamoebas (see above), which penetrate into the root or tuber through root hairs, begin to divide, merge with each other and form a multinucleated plasmodium, characteristic of this species slime mold.

In years favorable for the development of myxomycete slime mold (warm and humid summers), these diseases cause great damage to vegetable growing, significantly reducing the yield of vegetable plants.

These diseases are common in almost all countries of the world with a temperate climate where these vegetable crops are grown. They are also found in Russia.

The main methods of struggle These diseases are dealt with by changing crops (crop rotation) and ruthlessly destroying all diseased plants (burning). When selecting seed potato tubers, you need to carefully inspect them before storing them and immediately before planting. One diseased plant left on the field can infect all the others and almost completely destroy the crop.

Licohala slime mold in humans

Even in ancient times, many healers believed that various serious diseases in humans arise as a result of the settlement of slime mold in him. That is why, if people saw a moving plasmodium, they ran away in fear in different directions.

Currently, a fantastic hypothesis has emerged that the cause of many serious diseases in humans and animals is precisely the slime mold of the species Lycohala arboreal, the most widespread throughout the Earth. Of these, the most common type of slime mold found throughout the globe is coral-pink in color and pea- or ball-shaped from a few mm to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Currently, scientists from many countries around the world, including Russia, are studying these strange organisms and their connection with various diseases. It has been found that many people are infected with slime molds, but with a strong immune system, plasmodia do not harm a person, but as soon as the human body weakens, these organisms begin to develop and cause one or another disease.

In addition, it turned out that slime molds can form communities with other microorganisms that also contribute to the development of a particular disease. For example, it is believed that pulmonary tuberculosis begins to develop if both the “mushroom” slime mold and Koch’s bacillus are present in the human body at the same time; Cancer begins to develop when oncoviruses, in addition to slime mold, enter the human body.

Many scientists believe that under the influence of low temperatures, high doses of various radiations, and under the influence of certain chemicals, plasmodium becomes covered with a hard shell and turns into sclerotium, which can remain viable for many years, and when favorable conditions occur, it comes to life again and turns into plasmodium, which begins to feed intensively and grow.

Currently, the cause of diseases such as tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, herpes, hay fever, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and many others is considered to be slime mold.

Infection with spores can occur through the air if, during ripening, the spores come close to sporulating slime mold. Its spores can be scattered over distances of up to 12 m from sporulation. In addition, slime mold “mushrooms” can enter the human body with water or food. Intrauterine infection of a child is also possible if the mother is infected with slime mold (she has intermediate stages of slime mold development: Trichomonas, chlamydia, etc.).

Many scientists and traditional healers, supporters of this hypothesis, believe that plasmodium is very difficult to kill; it is easier to lure it out of the human body. For this, some substances are used that this creature does not “like”. These can be various juices (lemon, carrot, beetroot, horseradish juice, onion, garlic, etc.), as well as infusions and decoctions of some medicinal plants, including poisonous ones. In this case, the “mushroom” slime mold leaves the human body through the intestines and mucous membranes. For diseases of the joints and spine, various lotions and compresses are used to lure out the slime mold through the skin.

Time will tell how true this hypothesis is.

Here you can see photos of slime molds that inhabit the human body, according to as yet unconfirmed theories:

Slime molds are ubiquitous, with some species found throughout the globe, while others live only in certain latitudes, for example, in the tropics or subtropics, only in temperate regions or deserts. The largest number of slime mold species are found in temperate deciduous forests.