The mushroom that produces milk is called. Milk mushrooms. How to distinguish white milk mushroom from bitterling

Volnushki. Their name comes from the Latin word, which means “milk” or “milk-giving.” All these mushrooms belong to the Russula family. As a rule, in Europe, most species of these mushrooms are considered inedible, and some are even poisonous. While in Russia many are consumed as food after undergoing additional processing, such as salting or pickling. Such mushrooms are called conditionally edible. The mushroom about which the story will go is exactly one of them - the common milkweed.

a brief description of

Common milkweed, smooth milkweed, spurge, hollow milkweed, milkweed, blue milk mushroom, smooth mushroom... This mushroom has quite a few names. It belongs to a large species of laticifers, the Russula family. The main difference between this kind of mushrooms is the secretion of a pulp or spore-bearing layer of juice, similar to. Milk plants have a specific bitter taste. Like many other representatives of this species, smoothie is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. Mycologists classified it as this species because it requires additional processing before use and has some limitations in preparation.

In European cuisine, where they like to use everything in its natural, raw form, the common milkweed is classified as a poisonous mushroom and is prohibited for consumption. And in our area, conditionally edible mushrooms are subjected to prolonged soaking, salting or repeated boiling, with repeated removal of the broth. And only then can such mushrooms be eaten.

The milkweed has a fairly wide cap, sometimes reaching up to 18 cm in diameter. One of its names - smoothie - was given precisely because of its smooth, fleshy cap. When it rains it becomes slippery. In young mushrooms it is more convex, but with age it settles and becomes depressed. The color varies from violet-lilac to fawn or even fawn-brown. In older varieties it fades and becomes pale lilac or yellowish-brown with barely visible concentric zones, or without them at all. The leg is smooth, cylindrical in shape. Has the same color as the hat. With age, it loosens and becomes hollow. The laticifer's plates are often light-colored; when damaged, they acquire a dark grayish color, mainly due to the milky sap. The pulp of the smoothie is dense, strong, white in color with a slight creamy tint. The juice released from it is white and milky in color. When dry it turns olive yellow. The pulp is very bitter in taste and has a specific smell. The spores are elliptical with ridge-like or warty ornamentation. The spore powder is pale, yellowish or cream in color.

Distribution areas and similar species

Smoothies are widespread in deciduous and coniferous forests of Eurasia. They often form mycorrhiza with trees such as spruce, pine or birch. They love high humidity, so they can often be found in large groups along swamps or on moss-covered soil, where conditions for growth and reproduction are most optimal. The common milkweed is one of the most common species of the genus of milkweeds. It grows in temperate latitudes, so it can be found with equal success in the forests of Europe, Siberia, the Urals, and even the Far East. The peak of fruiting of the smoothie occurs at the beginning of August and lasts until the end of October - the time when the greatest amount of precipitation falls. Cool autumn evenings, filled with the fresh aroma of warm rain, are their favorite time to appear.

Gladysh, or common milkweed, is a fairly recognizable mushroom, but it is often confused with such representatives of the same species as (Lactarius flexuosus) and red milkweed (Lactarius hysginus). But if you look closely, you can note some differences that are not immediately obvious. So, for example, the surface of the cap of the serushka is dry to the touch, the stem is solid, narrowed towards the base, and short. It tastes much sharper and sharper. And the meat-red milkweed is distinguished by its dark, terracotta color and pungent strong aroma. Gladysh also has similarities with the flaccid milkweed (Lactarius vietus), the juice of which turns gray under the influence of the external environment. And also with the gray lilac milky (Lactarius uvidus), the juice of which in the air acquires a lilac-violet hue.

Composition and beneficial properties

The nutritional value of mushrooms depends on many different conditions. For example, young varieties contain much more nutrients, and fresh ones contain almost 90% of them. The lacticaria contains such valuable ones as:, leucine and. They are easily absorbed by the body and do not spend much money on breakdown. Mushrooms contain such a useful substance as lecithin. Their number ranges from 0.1 to 0.9%. They also contain fatty acids:

  • palmitic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • butyric acid;
  • acetic acid.

Milkweeds, like other representatives of this genus, contain phosphatides, essential oils and lipoids. In terms of carbohydrate composition, mushrooms are very close to vegetables, but there are others that are characteristic only of this class: sugar alcohols,. Their content reaches 16%. They do not contain glycogen, but they do contain glycogen, which in its composition resembles glycogen of animal origin. In mineral composition, laticifers are rich in, and. They contain things like and arsenic. They also contain substances such as mycoinulin and parodextrin, which are responsible for covering the mushrooms during long-term storage, as well as tregazolyte and lycosote, which provide their taste and nutritional value.

Some of the representatives of this class, due to their beneficial properties and valuable chemical composition, are used in the field of medicine. For example, from camelina and red camelina, the antibiotic lactarioviolin was identified during the process of secreting its milky juice, which has a negative effect on the bacteria that cause tuberculosis. Other types of lacticifers have a positive effect on cholelithiasis, acute and purulent conjunctivitis and other visual lesions. And some even contain antibiotics that inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus.

Use in cooking

Common milkweed is a first-class mushroom for pickling and pickling. During this processing, fermentation quickly occurs in it, due to which the smoothie acquires its characteristic sourish taste, which is so valued in Russian pickles. The mushroom is quite meaty, which allows it to be used after preliminary boiling for preparing various dishes. Most of the bitterness of the milkweed disappears during heat treatment, so well-fried mushrooms can also be eaten without subjecting them to cooking beforehand. In the finished dish, such smoothies will have a piquant, spicy, slightly bitter taste, like seasoned mushrooms. Northern peoples have long revered this mushroom and often use it for culinary purposes. After all, their natural bitter taste repels pests, so milkweeds are less susceptible to attack by insect larvae and worms than other mushrooms. And since ancient times, Finland has had its own original recipe for making smoothies baked over a fire or grill.

Salting the common milkweed

Immediately before pickling, mushrooms should be soaked in water for several days. The infused water must be changed periodically. This is done in order to remove the bitterness. After this, the milkies are blanched for about 10 minutes. The correct course of the primary processing process is important, since its violation can lead to unnecessary consequences in the form of loss of the taste of the mushroom or intestinal upset. Cold and hot methods are used for salting the common milkweed. Hot is characterized by preliminary boiling of mushrooms after primary processing. The cold method skips this process.

Mushrooms in Korean

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • smoothies or other bitter mushrooms;
  • soy sauce;
  • sugar;
  • vinegar;
  • ground coriander;
  • garlic;
  • hot red pepper;
  • sesame;
  • cilantro.

First boil the mushrooms several times, draining the processed water. It is advisable to leave a slight bitter aftertaste for piquancy. Season the prepared milkweed with soy sauce, add and sprinkle with vinegar. Mix all this and taste the marinade to adjust the taste. Then sprinkle generously with spices. Pre-fry in vegetable oil and pour the resulting mixture into the mushrooms. Add fresh green cilantro, mix everything and cool. After this, the Korean mushrooms are ready and can be served. Regular, non-bitter mushrooms are not suitable for this recipe, since having their own delicate taste, they will simply get lost in the spices and the dish will not give the desired taste and effect.

Harm and dangerous properties

Since the common milkweed belongs to the conditionally edible class of mushrooms, it cannot be eaten without preliminary processing. This must be done in order to neutralize the effect of bitter milky juice, which, if it enters the human body, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and eating disorders.

Collection and storage

It is good to pick mushrooms in dry weather, since if collected in rain or damp conditions, they can spoil faster. It is best to do this in the morning, when their aroma is stronger and their structure is stronger.

Mushroom pickers must comply with several conditions:

  • collect only known types of mushrooms;
  • use wicker baskets in which the mushrooms are well ventilated and remain fresh longer;
  • lay with their caps down, and long-legged ones sideways.
  • When collecting, twist or swing, then they are easier to separate.

It must be remembered that cutting mushrooms with a knife is not recommended, otherwise this may lead to rotting of the entire mycelium.

Fresh mushrooms are a perishable product. They need to be stored in a cool, ventilated area, or in the fresh air under a canopy. Usually they are scattered in a thin layer on a specially prepared surface: on tables, clean flooring, tarpaulin. They should not be piled up, kept in barrels, or exposed to direct sunlight or high humidity. The shelf life of milkweeds before pre-treatment should not exceed four hours.


Common milkweed, or gladysh, is a mushroom that can only be appreciated by true mushroom pickers or gourmets. But if you prepare it correctly, using preliminary primary processing of the product, it can make itself loved by the average consumer. It turns out divine when salted, but requires a long and labor-intensive preparation process. These mushrooms bear fruit for quite a long time, when other mushrooms have already faded, so in fact they have no competitors. And thanks to their high yield, they often appear on the tables of hospitable hosts and even on store shelves.

Some of the representatives of the lacticifer species have found widespread use in modern medicine. Valuable antibiotics are extracted from their milky juice, which help in the treatment of dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis and staphylococcus. Also, their beneficial properties make it possible to fight purulent eye infections and are effective against cholelithiasis.

It is important to remember how to properly collect and store these mushrooms so as not to expose yourself to the risk of poisoning or cause an eating disorder. And also, do not forget that in European countries this mushroom is considered poisonous, and only thanks to careful primary processing is it allowed to be consumed in our regions.

“Silent hunting”, starting in the second half of summer (and often earlier), draws crowds of mushroom pickers into the forests. Some already know secret paths and “bread” places, others have just begun to master the subtle science of searching for prey. And such people can easily be misled by the molokanka - a mushroom that is similar in appearance to but very different from it in taste. And not for the better.

Description of the mushroom

Molokanka is a mushroom that has other names among the people. It is sometimes called a felt milk mushroom, sometimes a squeaky milkweed, sometimes a milkweed, sometimes a violin. Molokankas grow very large in size: the cap in diameter can reach a quarter of a meter, and the height of the stem can be 10 centimeters. With age, the white color of the mushroom acquires a yellowish tint, and the cap becomes funnel-shaped. The plates on the bottom are sparse, sometimes with dark spots.

Molokanka is a “family” mushroom. There are entire clearings sown with specimens of all ages and sizes. Creaking birds settle under birch and aspen trees, but only solitary ones: they rarely climb deep into the forest. They love the sun, moss or leaf litter.

How to distinguish molokanka from milk mushrooms

The main trouble for a novice mushroom picker is to collect a full basket of pseudo mushrooms, brag to neighbors, spend time preparing, and then bashfully throw the harvest in the trash. Finding them is much easier: experienced “hunters” pass by without paying attention to these mushrooms. So you need to know the special signs that the Molokan woman can boast of. The mushroom really looks like a milk mushroom, but it can still be identified.

Firstly, the milk mushroom is fringed, with concentric zones, and the “fake” is smooth. Secondly, the “milk” secreted by milk mushrooms quickly turns yellow in the air. Violin juice retains its original color. Thirdly, the pulp of molokanka is denser and drier. And the caps of the mushrooms, despite the striking similarity, have slightly different shapes: the edges of the mushrooms are slightly turned down, and the edges of the mushrooms are slightly turned up.

Molokanka mushrooms: how to cook. Preparatory stage

The whole problem is the bitter juice. In addition, the felt milk mushroom has a rather hard flesh, and this needs to be dealt with somehow. Therefore, in the Union, creaks belonged to the fourth category of edibility, and “over the hill” they are generally considered inedible. Nevertheless, they may be useful. And the molokos begin with their careful soaking. For him, the prey is sorted and sorted. All areas sampled by worms are removed. Holes from punctures of branches and pine needles, if any, are also cut off with part of the cap. The mushrooms are washed and soaked several times - water is poured into the basin, which will completely cover the molocans, and a not very heavy pressure is placed on top so that the mushrooms do not float.

You need to change the water as often as possible. After the first night spent in water, foam will certainly form. Before adding new water, wash the mushrooms again several times. The soaking will last about five days. At the same time, the mushrooms will decrease in volume - the bitterness, which takes up to a fifth of the weight, is removed from them with water. There is no point in “loading” the basin with new molokan milk; it is better to soak them in another vessel, otherwise the bile from them will not be completely eliminated.

Ideally, it would be nice to have a stream with running (and clean!) water under the house. Then the initial stage would not require excessive effort - loading it into a net and tying it to the nearest birch tree. Unfortunately, in the city this is an unattainable dream. But if you are doing salting at your dacha, take an interest in the nearest bodies of water or unused wells.

Second stage: boiling

The next stage is much less labor intensive. The soaked molokos are loaded into a larger pan, filled with fresh water and brought to a steady but not excessive boil. You don’t need to cook for long, about five minutes, during which your only task is to skim off the rising foam with any remaining debris using a slotted spoon. Draining the water is not enough; it needs to be filtered well. laid out in portions in a colander. When, after shaking it, the drops do not fall, you can add the next portion.

Direct salting

So, you have fully prepared molokan mushrooms. How to salt is a separate story, although not too difficult to perform. In the absence of a tub, it is recommended to use an enamel bucket without chips on the inner surface.

Large caps can be cut - purely for ease of use. The mushrooms are layered with halved garlic (about a head will be left), thin circles of horseradish root, lemongrass and black currant leaves, dill seeds (or its umbrellas). Black peppercorns are also acceptable, but not too much. Each layer is sprinkled with a coffee spoon of salt. The top of the bucket is covered with clean gauze, a wide plate and a weight are placed on it - a three-liter bottle of water will be enough. Monitor the condition vigilantly: if mold forms on the gauze, it must be washed. It’s better to replace it with a new one, it’s not that expensive.

Molokankas will be salted from a couple of weeks to a month, depending on the temperature. The warmer - the faster, the colder - the tastier. It is better to store them cool and consume them like any other

They have a huge variety of species. Among them there are edible, conditionally edible and inedible. In order to understand which mushrooms can be collected and which can be dangerous, you need to understand their types - more on this later in the article.

White milk mushroom conditionally edible. Its cap can grow up to 8 centimeters in diameter. It is flat in shape, and in the middle there is a pronounced funnel. The edges are folded and sharp. The skin of the white milk mushroom is covered with mucus, so it is slippery and smooth. Its color is light gray, sometimes with a brownish tint.

The leg can reach a height of 7 centimeters and 3.5 cm in width. It itself is thick, hard and breaks easily, has a cylindrical shape that tapers closer to the cap. It is whiter in color than the cap.

The pulp of this variety of milkweed is white in color and has a faint apple smell and is almost tasteless.

The white milkweed grows only in the forest. The period for collecting these mushrooms begins in August and ends in September.

Important!Milk mushrooms should not be eaten without special processing. This can cause severe poisoning.

The mushroom is considered inedible. The pale sticky milk mushroom has a small cap that grows to a maximum of 5 centimeters in diameter. It forms a funnel, straightens towards the edges and then descends. The skin is predominantly dark yellow, slippery and smooth; if pressed, it darkens. The plates descend very slightly towards the stem, are placed close and quite narrow.
The leg of the milkweed can have the following dimensions in centimeters: up to 6 in height and up to 1.5 in width. It is slightly curved, rough and tapering downwards. Usually painted in a color that is a shade lighter than the cap.

The pulp is predominantly white, but when exposed to air it turns yellow almost instantly. It tastes quite sharp, even burning, with an apple scent.

The pale sticky milk mushroom grows in forests dominated by spruce. You can meet him from July to September.

The mushroom is considered inedible, however, it is consumed salted and pickled. The cap can, as a rule, be no more than 6 centimeters in diameter. It creates a funnel in the middle, then it is slightly convex, and towards the edges it becomes straight. If you touch the skin, it seems smooth and dry. The cap can be colored from brown to red-brown with a tint of ocher. The descending plates are located close to each other, they are quite thin and straight.
The leg is shaped like a mace, reaches 6 centimeters in height and 0.5 centimeters in width. It is smooth and brittle to the touch, and does not differ in color from the cap.

The pulp is pungent to taste, loose, without a specific odor. The color is predominantly white and can only sometimes be cream.

Bitter milk mushroom grows in any forests, and it is usually collected in July and August.

Important!Milkweeds are considered a “heavy” product for the digestive system. They are not recommended to consume more than three hundred grams per day.

Wood milky

Wood milk mushroom belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms The cap is usually large, reaching 10 centimeters in diameter. At first it has a bent shape, then straightens, the edge is sharp and smooth. The skin of the mushroom is usually wrinkled, dry, and velvety to the touch. Most often painted dark brown, black and umber are less common. The plates are predominantly descending and have a white color.
The leg reaches a height of 10 centimeters and only 1 centimeter in width. It is velvety to the touch, hard, and painted the same color as the cap.

The structure of the pulp varies from fairly dense to loose. The taste is not very expressive: it either has no taste or is a little sweet. If you make a cut, the flesh turns red.

This mushroom grows in coniferous or mixed forests on the ground or tree. The collection period begins in July and lasts until October.

Burning milky milk mushroom conditionally edible. The diameter of its cap can reach 6 centimeters. It is usually smooth and brown or yellow in color. The cap is convex, with a funnel in the middle, and feels a little slimy to the touch. The plates under the cap are located from top to bottom close to each other and often.
The pulp of the milkweed is white, dense, almost tasteless. A special feature is the juice of the mushroom, which has a distinct smell and a very pungent taste.

The leg of the hot milky milk mushroom reaches a maximum of 5 centimeters in height, and its width is 5 times less. It is widest at the base and narrows closer to the ground. The color of the leg is the same as the cap, in rare cases it may be a little lighter.

This mushroom lives on soils that contain a lot of clay. The favorite habitat is deciduous, mixed forests. You can find the hot milky milk mushroom from early August to October under large trees.

The yellowish-brown milk mushroom is classified as conditionally edible mind. The hat is carrot-brown in color, with a diameter of no more than 4 centimeters. It itself is fleshy, has a papillary tubercle that is curved and later straightens. The edge of the cap is even, smooth and pointed at the end. The skin of the mushroom is usually dry and smooth.
The plates are located often and close, narrow, cream-colored. The leg reaches 5 centimeters in height and 0.6 centimeters in width. Most often it is club-shaped and brittle. It is smooth to the touch, hollow inside, and colored the same as the cap.

The pulp of the mentioned mushroom has a pungent taste, is loose and practically odorless.

The yellowish-brown milk mushroom grows in any type of forest. A favorite place is the pine rhizome. It grows in August and October in small groups.

Did you know?Salty milk mushroomvery effectivein the fight against warts and skin inflammations.

This type of milk mushroom poisonous. Its cap can be up to 8 centimeters in diameter. It has a funnel in the middle, it is dense in texture, creamy, often with blurry brown spots. The plates are thin, frequent over the entire surface of the cap.
The pulp is white, mostly sharp, with a dense texture. The leg reaches 8 centimeters in height, about a centimeter in width. It is club-shaped and feels brittle, dry and crumbly to the touch. Most often found in cream shades.

This milkweed grows from August to October in deciduous forests.

Milky red-brown

Scientists classify the red-brown milk mushroom as edible. It is distinguished by a red cap, the diameter of which is about 8 centimeters. The cap itself is flat, fleshy and depressed, and has a papillary tubercle. At first it may be folded, but later it straightens out, becomes sharp, and sometimes acquires a short-ribbed edge.
At first, the skin on the top of the mushroom is smooth and sticky, but later becomes dry and rough. If you squeeze its surface, blue or dark spots appear. The plates are densely spaced and are reddish-cream in color, less often ocher-pink.

The peculiarity of the pulp is that at first it is sweetish, and later becomes bitter. By itself it is dense. The leg of the red-brown milk mushroom reaches 4 centimeters in height and up to 0.5 centimeters in width. The shape resembles a mace, a cylinder. The texture of the leg is hard and smooth, and the color is the same as the cap, or a little lighter.

The usual place for growth of red-brown milk mushrooms is mixed or coniferous forest. Their collection begins at the end of June and lasts until September inclusive.

Did you know?There is a mushroom that whistles when it releases spores. It's called the "devil's cigar."

edible mushrooms The size of the cap reaches 15 centimeters. A characteristic feature is a pronounced funnel in the middle, which evens out towards the edges. The edges are sharp and slightly bent towards the ground. The dark brown or brown cap feels smooth and sticky. Thin plates descend smoothly to the stem, placed often and close to each other, cream or light brown. When damaged they turn purple.
The leg grows up to 7 centimeters in height and up to 2.5 centimeters in width, cylindrical, tapering towards the ground. Dry to the touch, hard and durable. It is no different in color from the cap, and you can see brown stripes on it.

The taste of the pulp is bitter and pungent; its color is white or cream, and if broken, it becomes purple or light lilac.

Purple milk mushroom grows in all forests except coniferous ones. The collection lasts three months from the beginning of August.

This type of milk mushroom inedible. The cap is flat, slightly convex closer to the edges, and can be up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Slippery and smooth to the touch. It is painted predominantly in dirty gray or gray and brown. The plates descend smoothly, are placed close to each other, and are brittle. When pressed, the color changes to lilac-lilac.
The leg has characteristic yellow spots, resembles a cylinder, and is hollow inside. To the touch, this part of the mushroom is quite smooth, hard and slippery, covered with mucus.

The pulp is white, distinguished by its bitter-sharp taste. When broken in air, it immediately turns purple.

Wet milk mushroom loves the moisture of mixed and coniferous forests, where it is found throughout the fall.

This milk mushroom is classified as edible species It is distinguished by a large bright red cap, reaching a diameter of 10 centimeters. The cap itself is dense, with a funnel and wavy, smooth edges. At the beginning they are straight, but later they acquire a concave shape. The skin of the milkweed is very slippery, smooth, shiny, colored red or brownish-purple, sometimes spotted. The descending plates are often placed close to each other, they are thin and brittle.
The leg of this milkweed reaches 6 centimeters in height and 1.5 in width. More often, these milk mushrooms are found with cylindrical legs that are empty inside, sometimes narrowed closer to the ground. They are hard and very slippery to the touch, but smooth, and are identical in color to the cap. Sometimes there is a spotted color.

The pulp is dense in texture, white or brown. It is characterized by excessive pungency and a very strong odor, characteristic of umbrella mushrooms.

The meat-red milk mushroom prefers to live in deciduous forests, rarely growing in coniferous or other forests. Mushroom pickers begin hunting for it in mid-summer and end in October.

Pepper milk mushrooms are safe to eat. His white and rather large hat reaches a diameter of 15 centimeters. Usually it resembles a funnel, pressed into the middle, then becomes flat towards the edge and descends. The skin is dry and smooth to the touch, mostly rough in the middle. The plates descend to the stem, are placed very close to each other, brittle and thin, painted exclusively white.
The stem of the mushroom reaches 8 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in width. Very hard to the touch, smooth, cylindrical in shape, tapering towards the ground.

The white or creamy flesh is very sharp and does not change color when broken.

It is rare to see one pepper milk mushroom: as a rule, they grow in groups. They prefer to live in any forests except coniferous ones from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

This mushroom is classified as inedible. The cap reaches a diameter of 6 centimeters. At first it is flat in shape, then straightens, becoming sharp towards the edge. It differs from others in that it has a scaly skin. It is rough and dry, colored terracotta or ocher-pink interspersed with gray scales. The plates descend to the stem, are located close to each other, and are quite thin.
The leg reaches 7 centimeters in height and 1 in width. It is shaped like a cylinder that expands closer to the ground. It is hard and brittle to the touch, white in color.

The pulp is slightly yellow or whitish, slightly bitter in taste and pungent, the smell is not very pronounced.

Gray milk mushroom grows in August–September in forests where there is a lot.

Lilac milk mushroom belongs to the category conditionally edible. Its flat cap can grow up to 8 centimeters in diameter, has a smooth and dry skin, and sometimes has scales. The skin is lilac-pink, fades to flesh-colored. The cap-colored plates smoothly descend to the stem and are located often and close to each other.
The leg grows up to 7 centimeters in height and up to 1 in width. It is the color of a hat, resembles a cylinder, smooth to the touch, but very brittle.

The white pulp tastes sweet, but over time it can become pungent and does not have a pungent odor.

This mushroom likes to grow in forests where alder predominates; it is located on logs, less often on the soil. You can find the lilac milkweed from the last month of summer until October.

This type of milkweed is classified as edible. The cap is small and reaches a diameter of 5 centimeters. In the middle it looks like a depressed funnel, which straightens out and develops into a ragged wavy edge. The skin is dryish, but smooth, ocher-brown or light brown. The cap-colored plates descend smoothly to the stem, short, thin.
The leg of the sphagnum milk mushroom reaches 7 centimeters in height and 1 centimeter in width. The inside is hollow and resembles a cylinder, bare and rough to the touch, and does not differ in color from the cap. The white or creamy pulp has no specific odor, is very brittle and almost tasteless.

You can find this mushroom in sphagnum moss in mixed coniferous forests starting in August for two months.

This type of milkweed is classified as inedible species The cap is 6 centimeters in diameter, often flat, sometimes raised closer to the edge. The skin of the mushroom is velvety and smooth, brown or dark brown. The plates are thin, descending, and are not very close to each other. They are usually lighter than the cap, cream or ocher yellow.
The leg grows no more than 8 centimeters in height and up to 2 centimeters in width. In itself, it is cylindrical in shape, brittle and hard, smooth. It is painted the same color as the cap, sometimes found in a lighter tone. If you press it, it turns dark red.

The pulp is quite dense. Usually white, but turns red when damaged, without a strong odor.

Dark brown milk mushrooms are found in all forests, except coniferous ones, in the last month of summer and in the first month of autumn.

The pink milky belongs to conditionally edible representatives of the fungal family. Its hat is up to 10 centimeters in diameter, pleasant to the touch, similar to velvet, smooth. It is colored predominantly gray-pink, sometimes pink-red individuals are found. This variety is characterized by a convex cap in the middle, which straightens closer to the edge. The cap-colored plates are close to each other, thin, and frequent.
The leg reaches 7 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in width. The shape is predominantly cylindrical, sometimes tapering towards the top.

The white pulp is moderately bitter in taste.

Starting from the last summer month, pink milk mushrooms are collected in coniferous and mixed forests. The collection period ends at the beginning of October.

The mushroom is classified as inedible. The size of the cap is small, reaching 6 centimeters in diameter. It itself is flat, has a small funnel in the middle, and sinks closer to the edge. Predominantly colored red-pink. It feels rough, rough and dry to the touch. The plates descend to the stem, are located close to each other, small, thin.
The cap-colored stem grows up to 5 centimeters in height and up to 1 centimeter in width. The shape resembles a cylinder that gradually tapers towards the ground.

The color of the flesh can vary from white to ocher. The peculiarity is that when pressed it turns green.

The spiny milkweed loves moisture and prefers any forests except coniferous ones. The growth period lasts 4 months starting in July.

This type of milk mushroom inedible. A hat with a funnel in the middle, which flattens out closer to the edge, does not exceed 6 centimeters in diameter. It is colored ocher-yellow and darkens to dark brown when pressed. It feels very slimy to the touch. The plates are short and located close to each other.
The pulp is dense and white, but when exposed to air it very quickly turns purple. The taste can be either very bitter or sweetish. It has a rather pleasant aroma.

The mushroom stem is brittle, cylindrical, hollow. It is slimy and hard to the touch, its color does not differ from the cap.

The shield lactifer prefers to live in deciduous forests, starting in August. It grows mainly in small groups.

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Poisonous milkweed is ubiquitous in forests - it is a mushroom dangerous to human health, which should not end up in a mushroom picker’s basket. The descriptions presented on this page will help you distinguish and identify inedible lactiferous mushrooms. Photos of lacticiferous mushrooms accompany all the proposed botanical characteristics of the species.

Thyroid milky

The cap is 3-5 (10) cm in diameter, convex at first, then flat-spread, concave-spread with age, sometimes with a tubercle in the center, with a folded hairy edge. The skin is slimy or sticky, often with a vaguely defined one concentric zone, ocher-yellow, brownish-yellow, when pressed it turns from lilac-gray to brownish-violet. The plates are attached, shortly descending, moderately frequent, narrow with plates, cream-colored, when pressed they turn purple, then become lilac-gray, brownish. The milky juice is white, quickly turns purple in the air, abundant at first, may disappear over time, the taste is changeable: from sweet through bitter to acrid. The leg is 3-5 (8) x 0.5-1.5 cm, cylindrical or widens towards the base, hard, hollow, mucous, the same color as the cap. The pulp is dense, white, quickly turning purple when cut, the taste is initially sweetish, over time it becomes acrid-bitter, with a pleasant smell. Spore powder is creamy.

Thyroid milky forms an association and. Grows in deciduous forests, in small groups, rarely, in August - October. Inedible.

Golden milky milkweed

The cap is 4-8 cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, flat, soon funnel-shaped, with a tucked, then straight, thin, smooth edge. The skin is sticky in wet weather, then dry, bare, smooth, light terracotta, cream, ocher-orange, fawn, with intermittent ocher zones that are almost invisible in mature specimens. The plates are descending, frequent, narrow, with plates, white, becoming ocher-cream. The milky juice is white, quickly turns lemon-yellow in air, and tastes pungent. Leg 3-7 X 0.7-1.5 cm, cylindrical or club-shaped, brittle, hollow, dry, bare, smooth, light ocher, with dark ocher lacunae, hairy at the base. The pulp is loose, fragile, creamy, tastes sharp, without much odor. Spore powder is creamy.

The golden milky plant forms an association with birch (Betula L.). It also grows in mixed forests, in groups, rarely, in August - September.

Milky dark brown

The cap is 3-6 (10) cm in diameter, flat-convex, then broadly funnel-shaped, with a wavy sharp edge. The skin is slightly sticky or short-velvety, smooth with age, brown, ocher-brown, grayish-brown, with a lighter edge.

The plates are descending, sparse, narrow, with plates and anastomoses, in a young state the same color as the cap, with age - grayish-ocher, ocher-yellow, powdered with spore mass, turning pink when pressed. The milky juice is white, turns red in the air, at first tasteless, then bitter. The stem is 3-8 x 0.5-2 cm, cylindrical, often narrowed towards the base, hard, hollow or hollow, thin-velvety, smooth, the same color as the cap or a shade lighter, when pressed it becomes dirty red. The pulp is dense, white, reddening when cut, with a slightly bitter taste, without much odor.

The dark brown milkweed forms an association with birch (Betula L.). Grows in deciduous and mixed forests, in small groups, merging at the base with several basidiomes, infrequently, in August - September. Inedible.

Pale sticky milkweed

The cap is 3-5 cm in diameter, convex, then funnel-shaped, prostrate, unevenly wavy, with a drooping edge. The skin is smooth, slimy, when dry it becomes glossy, from flesh-pink to dark yellow, with a purple or lilac tint, and when pressed it slowly becomes dirty gray or turns black. The plates are slightly descending, narrow, of moderate frequency, light ocher or with a rich yellow tint and with yellow droplets from milky juice. The milky juice is whitish, initially quite abundant, bitter, and after some time becomes hot and spicy. The stalk is 3-6 x 0.7-1.5 cm, slightly curved, narrowed downwards, slightly flattened, longitudinally grooved, mucous, a shade lighter than the cap. The pulp is whitish, slowly turns yellow in air, with a burning taste and apple smell. The spore powder is yellowish.

The pale sticky milkweed forms an association (Picea A. Dietr.). Grows in spruce and mixed with spruce forests, in groups, infrequently, in July - October. Inedible.

Milky gray

The cap is 3-6 cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, initially flat, then flat-prostrate, with a sharp papillary tubercle, the edge is initially lowered, then becomes straight, sharp, smooth.

The skin is dry, felt-scaly, pinkish-ocher, terracotta, the scales are lead-gray, and with age they become the same color as the surface of the cap. The plates are descending, frequent, forked, with plates, pinkish-ocher. The milky juice is white and does not change in air. Leg 3-7 x 0.4-0.9 cm, cylindrical, sometimes widened towards the base, brittle, hollow, felt, the same color as the cap, white-pubescent at the base. The pulp is white or slightly yellowish, has a slightly pungent taste, and has no particular odor. The spore powder is yellowish.

Gray milkhen forms an association with (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) and birch (Betula L.). Grows in alder forests, in small groups, on soil and wood, infrequently, in August - September, inedible.

Milky pink

The cap is 5-10 (15) cm in diameter, convex, then flat-spread, sometimes with a tubercle, often funnel-shaped, sometimes with a sinuous dissected edge. The skin is dry, finely scaly, silky-fibrous, granular-flaky in the center, becomes bare with age, cracking, yellowish-clay-brownish or brownish-brown, lilac-pinkish-grayish, pinkish-ochreous-grayish, without zones. The plates are descending, thin, frequent, whitish, yellowish, creamy-ochreous, ocher. The milky juice is watery-white, scanty, does not change in air, the taste ranges from sweetish to bitterish. The stem is 5-9 x 0.5-2 cm, smooth or slightly swollen, usually hollow at maturity, the same color as the cap, lighter at the top, with a powdery coating, with whitish fibers at the bottom. The pulp is whitish-fawn, thin, fragile, with a sweetish taste and the smell of coumarin, which intensifies when dried. Spore powder is light cream.

The pink milkweed forms an association with spruce (Picea A. Dietr.), pine (Pinus L.) and birch (Betula L.). It also grows in mixed forests, singly and in small groups, infrequently, in July - October. Inedible (poisonous).

Milky brown

The cap is 2-5 (8) cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, depressed, funnel-shaped, with a papillary tubercle and an initially drooping, soon straight wavy edge. The skin is dry, bare, smooth, chestnut to olive brown in color, darker in the middle, lighter towards the edges, fading to almost white. The plates are slightly descending, frequent, narrow, with plates, at first reddish-ocher, with age they become dirty rusty brown, often powdered with spore mass. The milky juice is watery-whitish, and after a few minutes in air it becomes dark yellow, with a pungent, pungent taste. The stem is 3-5 (7) x 0.4-0.8 cm, cylindrical, strong, becomes hollow with age, smooth, the same color as the cap, covered with white mycelium at the base. The pulp is fragile, light ocher, reddish at the stem, becomes sulfur-yellow when cut, has a pungent taste, with a slight pleasant odor. With FeSO4 after some time it turns olive-brown. The spore powder is creamy.

Forms an association with spruce (Picea A. Dietr.). Grows in spruce forests, on acidic soils, in small groups, infrequently, in September - October. Inedible.

Milky bitter

The cap is 3-5 cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, initially convex, then depressed, with a papillary tubercle and a long curved, then straight, smooth, sharp edge. The skin is dry, smooth, ocher-brown, red-brown, yellow-red, with a copper tint, fading to cream. The plates are descending, frequent, narrow, with plates, cream, ocher. The milky juice is watery-white, does not change color in air, with a mild taste, although after some time it may become bitter. Leg 3-5 x 0.4-0.6 cm, club-shaped, brittle, hollow, glabrous, smooth, the same color as the cap. The pulp is loose, white, creamy, tastes fresh, slowly spicy, odorless. Spore powder is ocher.

The bitter milkweed forms an association with oak (Quercus L.) and birch (Betula L.). Grows in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, in small groups, on soil and wood, infrequently, in July - September. Inedible.

Milky lilac

The cap is 5-8 (10) cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, initially flat, then flat-prostrate with a sharp papillary tubercle. The edge is initially lowered, then becomes straight, sharp, smooth. The skin is dry, thin tomentose-scaly, pale lilac, from dark lilac-pink to red, fading with age to lilac-pinkish, flesh-lilac. The plates are descending, frequent, forked, with plates, pinkish-ocher. The milky juice is white; the color does not change in air. The stem is 3-7 x 0.4-1 cm, cylindrical, sometimes widened towards the base, brittle, hollow, pinkish-ochreous. The pulp is whitish, initially sweetish in taste, then slowly acrid, without any particular odor. The spore powder is white (in young specimens) to creamy (in old specimens).

The lilac milkweed forms an association with alder (Alnus Mill.). Grows in alder forests, in small groups, on soil and wood, infrequently, in August - September. Inedible.

Milky wet

The cap is 2-10 cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, flat, depressed, with a tubercle and a sharp, smooth edge. The skin is greasy, slimy in wet weather, pale grayish or almost white, without zones; when dry it is grayish-brownish, yellowish-brownish, with barely noticeable zones. The plates are descending, frequent, narrow, with plates, cream-colored, and purple when wounded and pressed. The milky juice is white, quickly turning purple in the air. Leg 6-8 x 0.8-1.5 cm, cylindrical, hollow, mucous, with yellowish spots, lilac. The pulp is dense, white, quickly turns purple in the air, has a slowly bitter-sharp taste, and is odorless. Spore powder is ocher.

The wet milky plant forms an association with birch (Betula L.), pine (Pinus L.) and willow (Salicx L.). Grows in damp coniferous and mixed forests, in large groups, rarely, in August - September. Inedible.

Milky spiny

The cap is 2.5-4 (6) cm in diameter, very thin-fleshy, with thin veins on the surface, initially flat, then flat-spread, depressed, with a sharp papillary tubercle. The edge is thin, slightly ribbed, drooping, and can straighten with age. The skin is pinkish-red to lilac-carmine-red, dry, tomentose-roughly scaly (scales up to 2 mm in height). The plates are short descending, narrow, thin, frequent, forked, with plates, pinkish-ochre, when pressed they become olive-brown. The milky juice is white, does not change in air, is quite abundant, at first has a mild taste, later it becomes slightly bitter. The leg is 3-5 x 0.2-0.8 cm, lilac-pink, never has an ocher tone in color, cylindrical, slightly narrowed towards the base, initially formed, becoming hollow with age. The pulp is whitish to pale ocher, when pressed it acquires a greenish tint, with a mild taste and no particular odor. Spore powder is light ocher.

The spiny milkweed forms an association with birch (Betula L.) and alder (Alnus Mill.). Grows in moist deciduous and mixed forests, in groups, among sphagnum, infrequently, in July - September. Inedible.

Watery milky milkweed

The cap is 2-4 cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, flat, then depressed, with a papillary tubercle, with a sharp wavy edge. The skin is smooth or wrinkled, cracking when dry, dark brown, black-brown, dark brown, red-brown. The plates are descending, of moderate frequency, wide, with plates, cream-colored, with reddish-brown spots. The milky juice is watery-white, does not change in air, with a mild taste. Leg 4-7 x 0.2-0.4 cm, cylindrical, smooth, yellow, darker at the base. The pulp is loose, white, turning brown with age, tastes fresh, without much odor.

The milkweed forms an association with oak (Quercus L.) and spruce (Picea A. Dietr.). Grows in mixed and deciduous forests, in large groups, infrequently, in July - November. Inedible.

Look at the poisonous milkweed in the photo and remember it so as not to take it in the forest:

Kira Stoletova

Milky mushrooms are divided into edible, edible and conditionally edible. They belong to the lamellar genus, the Russula family. Translated, the Mlechnik mushroom means “milk-giving.” More than 50 varieties are found in Russia and the CIS countries.


Description of the mushroom:

  • average cap size 8 cm;
  • the edges of the young specimen are tightly pressed to the stem, over time it detaches and takes on a plano-concave and funnel-shaped shape;
  • the edges are smooth, sometimes with a vaguely defined wave;
  • The color palette is varied: from white to dark olive, almost black. Color is changeable depending on age;
  • The structure of the cap varies from smooth to scaly.

In nature, there are specimens with caps up to 30 cm in diameter. The taste of fresh pulp varies from hot, with a pronounced pungency, to sweetish. The color is brown, with possible white inclusions, and changes with age. The aroma is almost not noticeable. A specific odor is characteristic only of some species.

Description of the leg:

  • cylindrical structure;
  • narrows or widens towards the base;
  • the color is similar to the cap or a tone lighter;
  • diametric range - 1.5-4 cm;
  • height 5-10 cm;
  • the top layer is smooth-textured;
  • With age, a cavity appears inside.


They are classified as conditionally food. The non-caustic milkweed forms mycorrhiza with birch, spruce, and oak wood. The second name is Tender Milky. Appears in forests in mid-July.

A young mushroom is distinguished by its convex orange cap. In the old specimen it takes on a funnel-shaped shape.

The dry coating of the cap has a velvety structure. The height of the leg varies between 3-8 cm. The pulp is odorless, orange, and the structure is dense. The juice is white, watery, and does not change color when it reacts with oxygen.


Brown milkweed is a conditionally food variety. The hat is neatly folded at the edges. Usually the central tubercle is preserved even in adult specimens of the brown milkman. The color of the hat surface is brown on the outside and white on the inside.

The surface is dry, velvety structure. The cut flesh is white, thin, and breaks easily. The brown milkhen secretes a non-caustic sap that turns yellow in reaction with air.


The oak milkweed settles in oak and mixed plantings. The mushroom is edible. Has a specific smell.

The diametric range of the hat surface is 5-10 cm. The color of the top is brown. The surface is covered with uneven circles of concentric shape. On the inside there are creamy plates that secrete milky juice when pressed.


The milkweed is aromatic and conditionally edible. The size of the hat surface is 3-6 cm. The color can be pink, red, lilac-gray, it depends on the age and characteristics of the local climate.

The surface is dry, non-sticky, smooth. The leg is 2-3 cm high, loose in structure. The color is one tone lighter than the surface of the cap. As it matures, a cavity forms inside.

The pulp is white. The milkweed exudes a coconut aroma. The pulp is fresh. It is used as food for the winter.


Brown milky grows in spruce forests and on acidic soils. Mushrooms of this group are poisonous. The cap is 2-8 cm, thin, fibrous. Covered with dry, smooth skin, brown in color.

The lower plates are arranged in a descending order, reddish. The liquid secreted by the pulp is watery and white. In reaction with air it acquires a brownish tint.


Pallid milky is conditionally food-bearing. Grows in deciduous forests, on hilly edges, next to birches and tall pines. Hymenophore lamellar. The diameter range of the cap is 3-10 cm.

The cap is fleshy, thin, and crumbles easily. Immature specimens of the Pallidum are convex in the center. The faded milkweed has a wine-brown color.

The leg is 4-8 cm in size, cylindrical in shape. In young mushrooms it is dense, full, in old ones it is hollow. The color of the leg is gray-brown. The pulp is soft white, odorless, and produces milk abundantly, which turns gray when exposed to air.


The stunted milkweed is a conditional food plant. It is eaten salted, dried after soaking. The hat surface is 3-5 cm. The color is red. The cap has a clearly defined convexity in the center, the edges are lowered.

The plates have a similar color to the cap and are descending. The leg is long. The pulp does not release much juice. The liquid is white and turns yellow when dry.


Wet milkweed is classified as conditionally edible. Some sources say that the mushroom contains poisonous toxins. Not recommended for use. The color of the cap is grey. Size 4-8 cm. Pressed in the center, with a small tubercle.

The skin is wet and sticky. Hymenophore lamellar. Under mechanical influence it acquires a purple color. The juice is white, and in reaction with air it takes on a lilac hue. There is copious fluid discharge.


The orange milkweed is inedible and conditionally poisonous. Has a citrus aroma. The diameter of the cap is 3-8 cm, the length of the stalk is 3-6 cm. The hymenophore is lamellar.

The color of the film is orange. The plates that secrete juice have a light orange tint. There is copious fluid discharge. The pulp is fibrous.


The hygrophoroid milkweed is edible and orange-brown in color. The plates located under the cap secrete milk. The pulp is white and does not change color when exposed to air.

Mycorrhiza forms mainly with oak. Grows in deciduous forests. The second name of the hygrophoroid mushroom is red-brown milk mushroom.


White milkweed is conditionally edible. Grows in dry pine forests. Prefers sandy soils. The cap surface is 4-10 cm in diameter. The young mycelium is flat. The edges are tightly curled and begin to curl over time.

The cap is covered with a slimy skin. When dry, it becomes milky white. The lower plates are forked, descending, releasing white juice when pressed. The juice is watery, fresh, and does not change color in reaction with air.


Brownish milkweed is classified as an edible species. It is not soaked before use. Settles in coniferous forests on sandy soils.

The cap of the Milky brownish is 5-10 cm, wavy at the edges. With age, the milky mushroom becomes lighter. The skin is dry, velvety. The pulp is white, becoming yellow with age. Slightly pink at the break.


The lilac milkweed is conditionally poisonous. The diameter of the thin cap is 5-10 cm. In the center there is a sharp papillary mound. The skin is dry, lilac-pink.

The pulp has a spicy aroma. Produces a small amount of milky juice. The mushroom grows in alder forests.


The common milkweed mushroom is edible. The diameter of the cap is 10-15 cm. It has a wheel-shaped shape. The edges are turned inward, not pubescent.

The color of the common milkweed is changeable: in young mushrooms it is brown, in old specimens it is lead-gray, almost black. The common milkweed is common in all forests. Prefers moisture-absorbing soils and appears in large quantities.


The marsh milkweed is edible. In terms of taste, it is inferior to real milk mushrooms. The diameter of the cap is less than 5 cm. The cap is prostrate and round in shape.

The skin is red. Hymenophore lamellar, frequent. The leg has a dense structure and is pubescent. The flesh when cut is marsh color. It tastes unpleasant when raw. The milky juices are white and turn gray when exposed to air.


Milk mushroom (milk mushroom) is sweetish and edible. The cap is 3-7 cm, oval-round in shape, concave in the center. The hymenophore is lamellar, frequent, descending.


Liver milkweed is poisonous. The cap is 3-7 cm in diameter, gray-brown in color. The leg is a tone lighter.

The pulp is thin, light brown. The pink plates fit tightly to the cap. The hepatic milkweed is inedible due to its caustic juice.


Milky blue mushrooms are classified as edible. The cap is 5-15 cm, has a blue color, and turns green when damaged. The surface is sticky.

The pulp is light blue. The juice is blue and turns green when exposed to air. Mycorrhiza forms with deciduous trees.


Milk mushrooms are distributed throughout the world. They are divided into poisonous, conditionally edible (or conditionally edible) and edible. Their main difference is the release of milky juice when pressing on the pulp. Edible mushrooms are used in salted, pickled form. The taste characteristics are not high.