We cook a game from what we have in the refrigerator. Delicious recipes “from what was. What to cook from nothing if you have a stale loaf, an egg, water, butter and sour milk

As children, women believe in turnkey princes who will be the first to kiss. IN real life you have to sculpt Frankenstein from semi-finished products lying around in the corners of other people's weddings. But what scope for creativity!

It's not that all men are bad. It’s just that women don’t mind the efforts to re-educate them. Everything in the world can be improved. Changing the curtains in Versailles, brightening up Big Ben, re-tiled the tiles in San Marco - these are just three projects that I know of. Only a selfish person will remake herself in a world full of imperfections.

A man doesn't like change. He is satisfied with both himself and his wife, forever twenty years old. What can be improved in it? Two legs, two boobs, isn't this a formula for perfection?

The man is mistaken about himself. Rods and electric shocks will make a bright individual out of anyone. And while UNESCO does not protect us from marriage, we are becoming better and better.

Women's magazines explain: borscht, a rolling pin, hysterics and dosed sex will lead you out of any pedagogical impasse.

For it is said: If a husband growls at his mother, create a reflex for him. Let mom bring beer. By her third visit, the pet will be rubbing against its legs and whining.

If you hide your salary in the corners, carefully collect the piles left behind. Place ironic notes instead. Secure the idea of ​​generosity with a slipper over your ears. Don't stop searching and searching. Show that the system is stronger.

If you look at other people's butts, you don't need to sterilize them right away. A fat, unplayful husband is a moral liability. Try horse blinders. Or a shocker. The names of the devices are almost the same, which means the effect will be similar.

Young husbands are still arguing, choosing arguments. They don’t understand that quick speech and well-timed tears win in dialogue.

For example, husbands believe that the Spitz should be walked by the one who dragged it. Only a scoundrel could say something like that out loud. He is immediately reminded of the chewed mimosa on March 8th, the pilot, sailor, three bankers rejected for him, and his youth spent in the kitchen. The husband grabs the Pomeranian and runs for a walk. And he never debates again.

One cunning colonel, married for 27 years, developed a migraine in order not to lose in arguments. As soon as he sees the vacuum cleaner, he falls onto the sofa. A terrible pain pierces his military forehead. The therapist confirmed the disease. I issued a certificate for one thousand five hundred and twenty-three rubles. The amount is not even, so as not to look like a bribe. The certificate states: silence, wine and reading books are acceptable, a vacuum cleaner and mop are prohibited. Only during dinner does the colonel emerge from the world of suffering to his family and children.

This is not an easy path. For migraines you need artistic taste, or better yet, theater school. Well, consider the cost of a therapist.

Another method is called the Italian strike. All instructions must be followed quickly and stupidly. Break the meat grinder, drop the dishes, buy ceiling white instead of sour cream. Drown the Scottish Terrier when washing.

Imitating everyday idiocy is humiliating, you will have to hear offensive words. You might even get whipped wet rag for other people's puddles. But they won't stop feeding. And one day they will leave you alone - in a cold, completely separate bed.

Personally, I invented the method of rude flattery. After listening to a long lecture, I say in shock:
- You are so Beautiful!

How happy I am, I say that you chose me! (We are talking about hanging pictures). I still can’t believe that I’m breathing with you the same smoke from a burnt chicken. Thank heavens and the bard festival where we met for the first time. I want to fulfill all your fantasies, but first let me admire you from this side angle, lying on the sofa.

My teacher gets lost every time. He wants to swear, but he can’t stand it, he blushes and runs to the mirror. She spins around there and then doesn’t remember what she wanted to change me into.

50 ways not to throw away food

The statistics are horrifying - a huge amount of perfectly good food is thrown away, on average we... modern people Living in the city, we throw away 14% of the food we buy. Most of the food that is thrown away is spoiled food, and it spoils because we buy too much and use too little. Half a loaf of bread has gone stale, lettuce leaves became slippery, the milk turned sour - stories familiar to all of us. A little creativity and knowing what you have in your refrigerator can help you save food from the trash bin. Here are some ideas:

1. Are there any mashed potatoes left from dinner? In the morning, form small cutlets from the puree and fry in butter; children sometimes even ask for more!

2. Do you have any leftover scraps of onions, carrots, peppers and celery? Place everything in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer, when you have enough vegetables you can make homemade vegetable broth - you just need to add water. By the way, cabbage cores and corn cobs are excellent for this.

3. Broccoli stems will also come in handy; they need to be cut and cooked in the same way as the florets.

4. If you need half an onion or pepper for a recipe, don’t throw away the remaining half - chop it, put it in a jar, put it in the freezer and use it next time.

5. If you baked vegetables and didn’t eat them all, you can make a delicious soup out of them the next day. Place the vegetables in a blender, add vegetable or chicken broth, and puree. Then heat, add salt and pepper to taste, dilute with broth to the desired consistency, you can add cream - the soup will be even tastier.

6. If you are cooking zucchini or squash that contains seeds, the seeds can be collected, washed and roasted in the oven, the taste is almost no different from the taste of pumpkin seeds.

7. Usually small leaves from celery stalks are not used anywhere, but in vain. They can be finely chopped and added to a meat casserole or soup for flavor.

8. If you have too many tomatoes, dry them in the oven. Cut small tomatoes in half, large ones into several parts - pour over the olives. oil and “dry” at the lowest temperature for 2-4 hours. Dried tomatoes can be stored in oil if you plan to use them within a week; if not, they need to be put in the freezer.

9. Canning is an excellent solution for an excess of any vegetables, or a vegetable diet.

10. Most vegetables can be frozen - pour boiling water over them and put in the freezer. This method is suitable for peas, beans, corn, carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, broccoli and spinach.

11. Too many zucchini? Bake bread or zucchini muffins. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to eat right away, these baked goods are perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

12. Vegetables can be pickled or pickled. The first thing that comes to mind when we talk about marinade is cucumbers and tomatoes; in fact, you can marinate any (almost) vegetables.

13. Smoothie (fruit cocktail) is a great idea for overripe fruits. Any berries, bananas, melons are excellent ingredients for smoothies.

14. Make jam, then the fruit can be stored much longer. With sterilization you can store jam for about a year, without sterilization - about a month in the refrigerator. The strawberry jam that I made lived perfectly in the refrigerator for 3 months.

15. Wash and dry the fruit, then you can freeze it in airtight containers.

16. Make marshmallow.

17. Make a big fruit salan or fruit kebabs; oddly enough, children eat more fruit in this form.

18. Too many apples? Prepare applesauce or apple butter.

19. It turns out you can even use watermelon rind! It is marinated the same way a watermelon is marinated - it turns out delicious!

20. Make a fruit crumble using almost any fruit. You can bake it right away, or you can put it in the freezer and bake it later, for example, for unexpected guests.

Bread and grain products

21. Make croutons from stale bread.

22. Or breadcrumbs.

23. No time, no problem - bread can be frozen. Then you'll have bread for croutons or breadcrumbs for later.

24. The remains of dry pasta at the bottom of the box, all these broken pieces - you can add them to the rice and cook them together with the rice, then add vegetables - it will make an interesting side dish.

25. There are a few spoons of oatmeal left that cannot be used to make porridge - sprinkle on top of a smoothie or yogurt.

26. Sliced ​​bread can be added to the soup to thicken it.

27. Made too many pancakes for breakfast? Place the remaining pancakes in the freezer, and when you need to reheat them in the toaster, they will be as good as fresh.

28. If you have some rice left over from dinner, you can add it to your oatmeal in the morning, this will give you more fiber for breakfast and you use up the rice.

29. If children don’t like bread crust, you can dry it and grind it in a blender to make breadcrumbs.

30. If there is a little baby porridge left in the box, but not enough for a full portion, the porridge can be added to fruit puree - it will instantly dissolve.

31. Don't throw away chicken bones; they make great chicken broth.

32. The same goes for beef and pork bones.

33. Local farmers add trimmed beef fat to feed their turkeys and chickens.

34. Leftover boiled chicken can be used for salad.

35. You can make soup from leftover stew meat - you just need to add water, vegetables and seasonings.


36. You can use leftover cheeses to make macaroni and cheese.

37. It turns out you can freeze eggs. You need to break the egg, mix the yolk with the white and pour it into an ice cube tray. Two frozen egg cubes = 1 egg. I froze the whites this way - then I baked meringues from them, everything worked out.

38. Milk can be frozen. Just make sure there is empty space in the milk container to prevent the container from bursting in the freezer. It is better to defrost milk by leaving it in the refrigerator.

39. Leftover cream cheese can be used for purees.

40. Place Parmesan crust and stale bread in a blender to create Parmesan breadcrumbs - delicious for eggplant, chicken or pork chops.

Spices and herbs

41. Finely chop the herbs, put them in an ice cube tray, add a little water and freeze - the herbs will be as fresh. You can then add the herbs directly to the dish with an ice cube, just do not add too much water.

42. Herbs can also be frozen in a plastic container. Many of them will turn black, but the aroma will remain.

43. Make pesto or chimichurri if you have too much basil or parsley.

44. Herbs can be dried and then stored in an airtight container.

Not a drop will be wasted

45. Extra coffee in the pot - can be frozen and used for iced coffee or to cool coffee that's too hot.

46. ​​The remainder of the wine can be used for sauces and meats.

47. Leftover marinade can be used again to marinade the same vegetables.

48. The broth can be concentrated and frozen in ice trays, very convenient when the recipe requires only a few spoons.

49. You can add a few drops to the remaining honey in the jar lemon juice and then make tea.

And finally...

50. You can make fertilizer; anything except meat and dairy products is suitable for this.

Source http://dom.sibmama.ru/

Everyone knows that some modern refrigerators can be connected to the Internet. In fact, such a refrigerator has a built-in computer with an external touch screen and a WiFi module, through which you can, for example, make shopping lists, search for recipes on the Internet, monitor the expiration date of products stored in the refrigerator, etc.

Convenient, of course, but, as you understand, the price of such advanced units is also appropriate.

However, if you have a desire or need to computerize your refrigerator in order to always know what, in what quantities and for how long it is in it, then it is not at all necessary to damage the family budget and buy an expensive model just because it has a screen and Wi-Fi. Fi.

The fact is that both special online services and mobile applications, designed just to help put things in order in your refrigerator, be it your grandmother’s rare “Donbass” or your new Electrolux refrigerator of the latest modification, which you just bought or are planning to buy. By the way, here is the link.

Here are just a few examples of such software solutions - a couple of pieces for each of the most popular mobile OSs.

  • Fresh Box

If for some reason you are unable to properly monitor the contents of your refrigerator, but you have an iPhone, iPad or iPad, then Fresh Box will help to significantly simplify this problem or even eliminate it completely. After purchasing a product, we take a photo of it and place the image in a virtual freezer in an iOS mobile device. Americans call this option “what you see is what you get.” In practice, the convenient and well-illustrated interface of Fresh Box reduces all the fuss with photography to a minimum. Thus, the routine procedure of filling the refrigerator turns into a very pleasant and fun process, much like adding photos to. After loading the next portion of food into the refrigerator and, accordingly, a set of photos in the Fresh Box, you can mark the expiration date and an automatic reminder will notify you in time that, for example, the milk may have time to sour, the butter may be stale, etc. You can download Fresh Box for just $1.

  • refrigerator app -Fridge Pal

Although this program has a little less external gloss than the previous one, its functionality will be wider. So with Fridge Pal, you can simply scan to create a list of products. Moreover, the scanner can be used directly in the supermarket, adding new products to the application memory with accurate data on their expiration date and expiration date. In the future, the program will remind you that any of the purchased products are running low or may spoil. But that’s not all: if you make a list of available products in Fridge Pal and run a search, the program will help you quickly find a recipe for a dish that can be prepared from what you have on hand.

Android mobile applications for refrigerator:

  • refrigerator app -Best Before

If, while reading this article, you suddenly decided that all these applications are more trouble than they are worth, then I can assure you that you should not rush to such conclusions. The simple and convenient Best Before program with a built-in barcode scanner allows you to do without the usual fuss: the captured barcode is automatically added to the application database along with the exact name of the product and its expiration date. Plus, Best Before can calculate the average shelf life of a particular product and warn you when it is better to stop using it. The notification system is color-coded. You can download Best Before for free (by the way, there is also a version for iOS).

  • refrigerator app -Grocery Hero

There was half a portion of lettuce and some tomatoes left in the refrigerator that we bought last weekend. Question: what can be made from all this so that it turns out delicious? We go to Grocery Hero, enter the list of available products (you can simply mark their barcodes), click search and select the recipe you like best. Fast, convenient, practical. Grocery Hero for Android (and iOS too) is free.

Mobile WindowsPhone applications for the refrigerator:

  • refrigerator app -Keezeen

... - combines very organically and even effectively with the Metro interface of Windows Phone. A laconic color palette and simplified navigation make it easy to manage product lists and recipes. The application provides not only a convenient barcode scanner, but also a separate option for creating a menu, with which the program itself offers ideas for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Keezeen costs only $1.

  • refrigerator app -Whaz in the Fridge

Despite its slightly frivolous-sounding name, Whaz in the Fridge is one of the best mobile WP applications for managing the contents of any refrigerator. The program tracks the expiration date of products, stores data on their cost and related information about their usefulness, and even remembers which shelf in the refrigerator they are on. You can download the application for free.

Whatever delicious dish no matter what, but often, especially after big feasts, the remains of it are hidden in the refrigerator, literally a few spoons at a time. Throwing food away is not an option, and there is clearly not enough for a full meal.

Potato cheese pancakes

There is no family that doesn't have mashed potatoes leftover. You can make excellent pancakes from it, which you simply cannot tear yourself away from.
500 g mashed potatoes
100 g hard cheese, grated
2 tbsp. green onions
1 egg
3 tbsp. and 0.5 tbsp. flour
Rast. oil

1. Mix mashed potatoes with cheese, chopped onion, lightly beaten egg and 3 tbsp. flour. The consistency of mashed potatoes varies, so if it is too thick, then add another egg, if liquid, then add flour. Using your hands, divide the resulting dough into 12 balls.
2. Pour the remaining flour onto a board and roll the potato balls in it.
3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
4. Directly in a frying pan, turn the balls into flat cakes 1.5 cm thick and fry for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown.
5. Remove the pancakes from the pan and place on paper towels, immediately sprinkle with salt.
6. Serve with sour cream.

Mini pizza in a bun

After the holiday, there are often a few pieces of sausage and sliced ​​cheese left on the plate. Of course, you can eat them either way, or you can make a delicious mini pizza.
Round buns
Tomato sauce or ketchup
A piece of cheese, grate
Pepper, cut into pieces
Any additives you have in the refrigerator
Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
Cut the buns in half and place the halves cut side up on a baking sheet. Lubricate them with tomato sauce or your favorite ketchup.
Sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and add any toppings you have in the refrigerator. This could be sausage, mushrooms, peppers, boiled meat, etc.
Bake in the oven for 15 minutes until the cheese melts.

Hot chicken sandwich

Prepare juicy and tender chicken breast- this is talent. If suddenly it is not completely successful, and there is not the slightest desire to eat it, it can be used to prepare hot sandwiches or salad.
Chicken breast, pre-cooked, chopped
Hard cheese
Loaf or buns
1. Mix the finished chicken breast, cut into pieces, with ketchup.
2. Place the resulting filling on a slice of loaf or in a bun that is not completely cut.
3. Place the sandwiches on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese and bake in a preheated oven for 8-10 minutes.

Cake candies

Few people will refuse a piece of delicious cake at any holiday. The only trouble is that the cake is often left for the second day and tempts with its appearance to continue the feast. It’s better to make beautiful and delicious candy-cakes out of it and distribute it to neighbors and friends, getting rid of temptation in the house.
First of all, remove the top layer of cream. Firstly, you don’t need so much of it in candy, what’s between the cake layers is enough, and secondly, it’s always easier to add than to remove. If desired, you can add rum, liqueur or cognac to the dough.
Knead the cake into dough and form it into balls the size of your favorite truffles. You can put them in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
At this time we are preparing chocolate glaze according to your favorite recipe. Dip the balls into the glaze and place on baking paper. We wait until the glaze hardens. All that remains is to transfer the “sweets” into beautiful paper molds and distribute the treats to friends and colleagues.

Leftover soup

After a rich feast, you want something light. You can make a delicious soup from what you have in the refrigerator.
Chicken breast, chopped
Onion, finely chopped
Carrots, chopped
Canned corn and peas
Garlic – 3 cloves
Salt, pepper, thyme
Potatoes – 300 g
Mashed potatoes
Broth – 1 l
Cream – 1 tbsp.
Add the chicken breast, carrots, onions, corn and peas from the can to the pan. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and also place them in the pan. Salt and pepper.
Heat the mashed potatoes until they become soft, mix them with chicken broth and add them to the pan. Mix everything. Cook the soup over low heat. 30 minutes before readiness, carefully pour in the cream. Serve the soup with croutons.

All the most best dishes were invented by accident. Someone just took the food left over from the feast and mixed it into one pot. And it turned out - pizza, quiche, panzanella, French toast, Kaiserschmarrn, not to mention a dozen or two salads.

Almost all the dishes that form the basis of folk cuisine (no matter what nationality it belongs to) were prepared by accident or became a way out of the situation “everything will go bad if you don’t cook it.” If you had told any Italian a couple of hundred years ago that pizza would be made from whatever recipe was bought, he would have been genuinely amused. Nevertheless, these wonderful and random finds have caught on, and the secret of their popularity can be explained very simply: it is prepared from what is in the refrigerator, satisfying, beautiful and not expensive.


What is now served in all trattorias, osterias and, of course, pizzerias, acquired its appearance in the seventeenth century, when tomatoes were imported into Europe. And thinly rolled out dough with a sour red sauce became the basis for... well, almost everything. To build a pizza, you can put meat, chicken, fish, seafood, vegetables, cheese (almost any kind), even fruits and berries on top (but then it’s better to do without tomato sauce - you can use soft cream cheese as a base). In general, everything you find on the shelves of the refrigerator. It is especially convenient that the pizza dough can be prepared in advance, and then divided into portions, or even rolled out in an oven pan, and frozen. The prepared sauce can also be stored for up to several weeks in a jar in the refrigerator if you pour a little vegetable oil on top.

Pizza Margherita Napolitana

You will need:

For dough for 2 pizzas:

  • 180 g flour,
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast,
  • 140 ml warm water,
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • a pinch of salt.

For the sauce:

  • 700 g of sweet, ripe and aromatic tomatoes (or a can of canned tomatoes in their own juice),
  • a pinch of salt,
  • freshly ground black and red pepper,
  • oregano,
  • thyme,
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

For filling:

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 250 g cheese.

First, prepare the dough. Mix yeast with salt and dissolve in warm water. Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the center and pour in first the olive oil, then the water and yeast. Knead the dough (5-7 minutes) - it will turn out smooth, soft, elastic. Leave to rest under a towel in a warm place for 45 minutes or an hour.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them; if the seeds are large, remove them. Cut into cubes and place in a saucepan with butter. Carefully collect the spilled juice - and also into the frying pan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook with the lid ajar for about an hour. Salt, pepper, add herbs, simmer for another 10 minutes and remove from heat. The sauce itself will tell you when it's ready: it will become thick and smooth, like a paste. If you use canned tomatoes, the process is the same - peel the skins and pour into a saucepan along with the juice.

Roll out the dough thinly and spread with a thick layer of sauce. Sprinkle generously with cheese, place round slices of fresh tomato on top, lightly salt. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes (250 degrees). As soon as the dough turns golden and the cheese melts and acquires an appetizing golden crust, you can take it out. Serve immediately, cut into sections.


Purely Tuscan and very popular in summer and autumn, the cold appetizer does not even try to hide its “plebeian origin”. Its indispensable basis is stale black or grain bread. Everything else is vegetables that can be found in the garden: green lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions (green, red, white), herbs (parsley, basil, thyme). For variety, you can even add anchovies, fish, pickled vegetables, seafood and even smoked meat to panzanella. If you don’t have stale bread in the house, take fresh bread, but dry it first on the grill or in the oven.

You will need:

  • a crust of stale bread (preferably country or homemade),
  • 5-6 tomatoes,
  • 3 cucumbers,
  • large red onion,
  • a couple of sprigs of green basil,
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. wine vinegar,
  • 5-6 tbsp. l. good olive oil
  • salt,
  • black pepper.

Soak the bread in water, peel the vegetables, cut the tomatoes into large cubes, cucumber slices and onion into thin half rings. Place everything in a salad bowl, add the squeezed bread. Tear off the stems and tough branches from the basil, and finely chop the leaves. Drizzle everything with oil and vinegar, salt and pepper. Let stand for 10 minutes so that the bread is thoroughly soaked in juice and vinegar (you can even put it in the refrigerator for an hour).


Jellied pies are an integral part of French cuisine. Since butter, cream, cheese and eggs can be found in every even the poorest Gallic refrigerator, preparing such a pie will not be any problem. And what to put in the filling is up to you. Moreover, there are a lot of options - salmon, spinach, ham, breast, mushrooms, tomatoes, smoked fish, even potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower... The dough can also be very different. The classic is chopped shortbread, made from ice-cold butter, ground into crumbs with flour and chilled. But you can also make it from warm butter, with yolks - it will turn out crumbly and very tender. Or you can even take a ready-made puff pastry, but you need to make a short pie with it and with a filling that does not require long heat treatment. For example, with salmon or tomatoes.

Quiche Laurent

You will need:

For the test:

  • 250 g flour,
  • 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of butter,
  • 1 egg,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 3 tbsp. l. water

For filling:

  • 250 g bacon,
  • ½ tbsp. l. butter,
  • 3 large eggs,
  • 200 ml heavy cream (at least 33%),
  • grated cheese (Gruyere, Parmesan or mozzarella).

Knead all the ingredients into a dough, wrap in cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Cut the bacon into strips, pour into a dry frying pan, and melt the excess fat for 5 minutes over medium heat. Distribute the dough according to the mold, make sides of 3-5 cm. Prick with a fork, cover with baking paper and cover with baking balls or beans. This is done so that the dough does not swell and slide off the sides. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees. Lightly beat the eggs, mix with cream, salt and pepper. Place bacon on the half-finished dough, pour eggs and cream over it, and sprinkle generously with cheese. Place back in the oven and bake until a delicious crust forms on top.


This is not a monster with a terrible name, but one of the most popular Austrian desserts. It was born from a failed omelette or pancake. Now his technology involves baking a deliberately thick pancake and cutting it into pieces. You can serve it with jam, powdered sugar, cocoa, and chocolate. It will make an excellent breakfast, afternoon snack and a complete substitute for dessert.

You will need:

  • 3 eggs,
  • 250 ml milk,
  • 150 g flour,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 2 tbsp. l. raisins (can be soaked in rum),
  • 2 tbsp. l. almond flakes,
  • sugar,
  • butter,
  • powdered sugar.

Divide the eggs into yolks and whites, beat the whites into snow, mix the yolks with flour, add milk, raisins, and a pinch of salt. Gently fold in the whites. Melt the butter in a frying pan and pour in the whole mixture. Fry until golden brown and carefully turn over. Fry on the other side, cut into squares, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and stir. Fry for another 10 minutes, sprinkle with almonds. Place on a plate and serve with whatever your heart desires - even condensed milk.