Horoscope for August Capricorn dog. Family and everyday issues. Retrograde Mars in Capricorn

August 2018 will really shake the nerves of Capricorns. An abundance of small troubles and spontaneously arising problems will fall on you like a heavy burden. Additional stress will be created by the fact that many of them will have to be resolved quickly, and this does not always work out. You need to somehow delineate the importance of things, otherwise you can lead yourself to a nervous breakdown. If you learn to prioritize correctly, then by the end of August you will definitely be able to achieve success.

However, amorous affairs do not allow you to get bored, since lonely representatives of this sign will choose their soul mate very responsibly. This is largely due to emotional maturity and revaluation of habitual dogmas. The one with whom you connect your destiny should not be your opponent, since you are going to build your future together and move towards a common goal. Capricorn women often take the position: “There are two opinions: mine and the wrong one.” This approach is extremely destructive. You need to be more critical of your beliefs and be able to subject them to analysis, no matter how difficult it may be to admit that you are wrong.

In conflicts at work, you will feel like a man sitting on a fence in the middle of a battlefield. Although, perhaps remaining neutral is the best position in any third party disputes. The main thing is not to be known as “the servant of all masters.” Try to make the most of the situation using your natural sense of tact, eloquence and negotiation skills. In mid-August, Capricorns may be struck down by some kind of illness, but they will soon recover.

Love Horoscope

This month you are ready to go all in. People born in January are characterized by maximalism of judgment, and they passionately want to capture the attention of the object of their desire. However, you should not be intrusive and run after a young man who does not show signs of attention. In trying to win your chosen one, you will not be able to maintain your dignity and, as a result, you will be left alone with your unrequited love and without a drop of self-respect. The best medicine in such a situation there will be a new romance. You can even have several boyfriends and then choose the only one. And remember that in between sex, you and your partner will have to talk about something.

In August, Capricorn women will decide to take their relationship to a new level and try to cohabit with their loved one. This is another step on the way to the registry office, where you have been trying to get to for a long time. Despite the fact that you are not yet accustomed to falling asleep next to your chosen one, clear pictures of a wedding, family life and raising children are already emerging in your head. The main thing is the desire to achieve the goal and understanding the steps along the way to it. Everything big starts from small, and relationships also need to be built from the ground floor, and not from the balcony. The logical consequence of such a relationship will be the coveted stamp in the passport.

Married people should spend more time together. It’s not the case when you only see your loved one in bed and at dinner. Life should be vibrant, and this gives rise to passion. Remember the old Heroes of Might and Magic and defeat his fortress with your dragons, guarded by thousands of skeletons. Or go to the cinema together and argue about the idea of ​​the film and the acting. And then you can give in to desire and try something new in bed - Capricorns love this. Remember where you and your spouse have not yet had a date with a smooth transition into intimacy, and fill in the gaps.

Finance horoscope

A rolling stone gathers no moss. At all. Never. To achieve something, you don’t have to wait for inspiration or the Star of Bethlehem. Capricorns must achieve their goals now, without relying on others. They will help - good. If they don’t help, God bless them. Are you still tired of the fact that there is only enough money to provide the necessities, even if good quality? Maybe it’s not only a matter of small incomes, but also large inappropriate expenses? Many people solve such problems by drawing up an income-expense plan. You look at such an estimate, and your eyes widen when “50%” appears in the “unnecessary expenses” column. That is, half of the costs could be avoided without losing anything? We need to do something about this. A new thing is always nice, but you need to control yourself.

This month is not the best time to borrow money, and even less so on the New Moon. It is worth moderating your greed and not getting involved in small sales and purchases. Such deals will damage your reputation more than you can make money. Ladies born in January sometimes feel that opening their own business is very risky. It is worth assessing all possible prospects: sometimes the probability of an unsuccessful outcome is so small that it can be neglected. Now the real estate market is growing, and your investment can return a hundredfold. It is worth listening to the advice of competent specialists from your circle of friends. You should not be scattered on several tasks at once, otherwise you will not be able to fully solve any of them.

Capricorns are incredibly hardworking. They have a wonderful talent for not being distracted by small things. This helps to conduct business successfully, squeezing competitors out of the market and getting richer and richer. Yes, it will not be easy at first, but everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. You should not refuse the help of loved ones. These people sincerely wish you only the best. If you used to help someone develop their business, now they can help out of a sense of elementary gratitude. A business shark will be a dangerous predator only in business negotiations. He will remain among his friends nice person. This is the key to his success.

Health horoscope

Why did you stop working out at the gym? Tired at work? This is just an excuse! The Capricorn woman loves comfort and would rather drive a few stops than take a walk in the fresh air. The next step is “to the bakery by taxi”? Sometimes, to stay in shape, it’s worth giving up comfort and doing what laziness doesn’t allow.

Capricorns should straighten out their daily routine and do minimal sports in the morning - at least exercise and jogging. A contrast shower will help you come to your senses. All these actions are completely free, and at the same time they will help you avoid becoming fat. For extra vivacity, you should turn on energetic music. The transition to a healthy lifestyle is not possible without proper diet. It is best prepared by a qualified nutritionist. Increasing the proportion of plant foods in your diet will help you get rid of excess weight. No, not bread and chocolate, but vegetables and fruits. Healthy image life allows you not only to maintain your figure and health, but also to minimize the results of stress.

On the Full Moon of August 2018, Capricorns are not recommended to make fateful decisions about their health. If you suffer from insomnia, you should not put off visiting a specialist, as this can lead to loss of ability to work. Maybe you have a lot of unspent energy during the day? After work, you shouldn’t rush home to watch TV and sandwiches. Astrologers advise making an entertainment plan for the month. Don't forget about walking. After time spent outdoors, many studies show normalization of sleep. You will also be able to be properly tired before bed, which will allow you to get a good night's sleep without waking up in the middle of the night.

The influence of Saturn, which rules at the time of your birth and in August, is not the most favorable factor for achieving success in financial matters. Therefore, at work there will be interference in almost all matters, which, however, Capricorn, although not without difficulty, will overcome. The opportunity to make money and increase their wealth will only appear to those representatives of the sign who earn exclusively through their own efforts, and at the same time treat their own earnings carefully and economically.


You shouldn’t expect gifts from Fortune, but you won’t have to fall to the bottom of a financial hole either. Most often, Capricorns will have difficulties in receiving their own money; a representative of the sign may be considered more wealthy than he actually is.

In August 2020, the stars advise not to lend money without any guarantees, since there is a high probability that it will never be returned to you. Also avoid small speculative transactions, now this is not for you, you are unlikely to gain wealth, but you will thoroughly tarnish your reputation.

If you have the opportunity to invest money in the “right” business, you can be sure that the money will be returned with profit. Investments in real estate, land, development of farm enterprises, household property, transport and agricultural equipment will be especially profitable. If you are given advice by a person who is older than you and has sufficient authority in your eyes, be sure to listen to his advice, then you certainly won’t lose!

In general, the horoscope says that Capricorn at the end of summer will have the utmost level of concentration, which is what will allow him to get to the bottom of any issue. And if, in addition, Capricorn does not waste his energy on trifles and focuses on solving priority tasks, then he will be able to confidently achieve success in the professional field.

In private business in August 2020, Capricorn rules with a firm hand; if he is an employee, he is able to quickly make a career, in scientific work or the field of education - will perform superbly.

The only pitfall may be that Capricorn will want to grab onto several things or projects at once, or something that he is not able to do right now. Capricorns should not take on overwhelming tasks; learn to balance your plans with real opportunities, and your powers are not at all limitless, although you have good potential, but the stellar alignment will not allow you to realize it 100%.

Your friends or not the closest relatives may urgently need your help, which consists mainly of money. When helping them, do not remember that the interests of your own family are a priority and should come first for you. It may happen that you get too carried away in providing help, you will like your own nobility and generosity, and what you think is an insufficient expression of gratitude from the recipient of help will make you feel empty and used.

If Capricorn himself needs help from a friend, feel free to count on it, but accept it with gratitude.


In August, Capricorn cannot waste his time on trifles; this should be demonstrated in the sphere love relationship. “All or nothing” is the main motto of August; representatives of the sign are ready to fight for true love by putting everything on the line, and vice versa, Capricorn should not allow relationships in which, although there is a lot of passion, there is no love.

The personal life of single representatives of the sign will depend only on whether they have already met their other half. If luck favors Capricorn, then he will make every effort to achieve reciprocity, and will never miss the slightest opportunity to win the favor of the person he likes. One can also envy those Capricorns who already have a loved one with white envy. If in August their feelings are sincere and deep, subsequently they will only deepen.

But for representatives of the sign who did not meet their love in August or were disappointed in it, the horoscope recommends temporarily switching their attention to some other object. Take up a career or politics, especially since the year of the White Metal Rat provides the most magnificent opportunities for this.

Capricorn Child

The Capricorn child will strengthen his status in society in August. During this period, young representatives of the sign will have a lot of acquaintances, and right now he will be able to find a true childhood friend or his first company. Focus on making the right choice for your child, and be very tactful if your child is already a teenager. Only in this way can you protect him from falling into bad company. This can only be done with the help of a confidential conversation, weighty argumentation and goodwill. Capricorn does not accept authoritarianism at any age, and your attempts to help will be rejected.


Many Capricorns lead an extremely sedentary lifestyle, have poor posture and excess weight. In August 2020, this fact will begin to infuriate many Capricorns, and most of them will begin to correct the unseemly current situation. The month is so rich in positive changes that representatives of the sign will notice quick results in this field, and this will inspire them to new achievements. Moreover, this will not require large time or financial expenses; buying a subscription to a sports, gym or swimming pool is feasible for any person, and by limiting yourself in the calories you consume, you can even save money. The season encourages an increase in the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet, so excess weight will come off easily and in the near future Capricorn may look brilliant.

Do not lend without guarantees.
In August 2020, do not take on several tasks at once or an overwhelming task.
Horoscope for Capricorns for September 2020.

Don't be discouraged: your natural qualities will help you cope with any troubles. Despite your busy schedule and apparent lack of time, don’t forget about rest.

August 2018 Tips for Capricorn

Color: blue-black
Talisman: black onyx
Lucky: 3, 13, 17, 21, 31
Dangerous: 2, 9, 15, 28, 30
Motto: “It’s good to have a walk after work!”

Capricorn mood in August 2018

A period of transformation. You will probably be a thrill seeker yourself. But this is fraught with unexpected financial problems that will affect both you personally and other people. For this reason, it is not recommended to lend or borrow money to someone. You should not make financial transactions, operations with securities and invest in new projects. Be as careful and cautious as possible. Maintaining order in your affairs will require a lot of energy and strength. Be ready to leave behind everything old and obsolete in order to accept everything new that fate has prepared for you. Relocation and change of residence is possible.

Health and beauty of Capricorn in August 2018

Your hard work can lead to exhaustion. It is advisable for you to follow a diet and try your best to leave time for rest, which you especially need this month. In the second half of the month you will be overcome by pessimistic moods. Inner experiences can have a significant impact on cardiovascular system, therefore, all life changes must be accepted steadfastly and with endurance.

In August, you will have a desire to radically change your image. Bright makeup (without breaking certain boundaries), new colors in clothes, experiments with style - everything is beneficial. In the third ten days of the month, astrologers advise you to go on a journey that will definitely fill you with unforgettable emotions.

Capricorn relationships in August 2018

Affiliate and business relationship will occupy a fairly important place throughout August. On a long journey, you will meet a person who will remain in your life for a long time. It can happen in the most inopportune place or as a result of a curious incident. We must assume that you will more than once recall with loud laughter all the details of your acquaintance, because we often see such stories on the screen. Moreover, close contacts with representatives of another culture await you, which will pleasantly surprise you. There are also astrological indications for meeting your future marriage partner on a train or other form of transport, as well as on the street.

Capricorn work in August 2018

The work will be more connected with mental activity: with drawing up contracts, transactions, writing papers and other paperwork that will create additional hassle.

To avoid mistakes and confusion in your business, try to keep everything under control. If you hold a leadership position, then a lack of due attention can lead to a little creative chaos and confusion with documents. IN important matters It is better to rely on yourself, because the planets warn you: “If you want to do something well, do it yourself.” It is worth paying more attention to the incoming business and legal information; it would be nice if you thoroughly check all this yourself.

There may be misunderstanding on the part of colleagues or a false understanding of job tasks on the part of subordinates. Expect an audit by the tax authorities and try to prepare for it in advance: forewarned is forearmed.

Capricorn men in August 2018

You will direct most of your energy to production material resources, as you will experience financial difficulties for some time. During this period, it is best for you to avoid risky transactions and exercise increased caution in all financial matters. Try to avoid financial disputes and quarrels. In general, this month will test your attention and vigilance, but in the future you will be grateful for your own caution, since in this case you will prevent a significant number of financial troubles.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes, August will be marked with a symbol Discord. Your life is probably devoid of harmony right now. It seems to you that everyone around you is picking on you and is aggressive. Even the most insignificant events drive you crazy. You are unlikely to find people who sympathize with you at this time. Perhaps a certain woman will get on your nerves. If possible, avoid touching her. Control your words, actions and do not take on anything new. Pull yourself together, don't be nervous, the situation will change soon. Please note that everything that is currently in your field of interests is in fact completely inconsistent with your true desires.

In August 2019, representatives of the sign will be able to start new romances and awaken long-extinguished feelings within themselves. This will be especially felt towards the end of the month, when events begin to unfold at incredible speed. So a lot of changes are expected.

At the very beginning of August, personal life will proceed as before. There is no need to expect any special excitement or outbursts of emotions. Because of this, Capricorns may look confused, as they would like a more interesting development of events.

Some representatives of the sign will even be very upset that their conceived plans do not come to fruition. But by the middle of the month the situation will begin to change dramatically.

The main thing, the stars warn, is not to rush headlong into the pool. Any new acquaintances should be approached thoughtfully. Otherwise, you can get caught in the not entirely decent attitude of the opposite sex, which in the future promises big problems. And you shouldn’t reveal all your cards right away when talking about your intentions to start a family in the near future. This can also scare off a potential other half.

Capricorns who have been in strong marital bonds for a long time will be able to become softer and more patient with their partner. They will stop being too demanding, which will have a positive effect on the relationship between lovers. By the end of the month, one of the representatives of the sign will learn about the addition to the family.

Capricorn Woman: Love Horoscope for August 2019

For single Capricorn women, the month will first turn into complete disappointment in the opposite sex. On the way you will come across only frivolous men who do not want to build serious relationships.

Some women withdraw into themselves because of this. But the stars advise, on the contrary, during such a period to be in sight and surrounded by large crowds of people as often as possible, since by the end of summer the likelihood that a woman will be able to meet her other half increases.

Capricorn women who are already in a strong relationship will begin to experience some tension. They will feel that they are not receiving enough attention and care from their partner. And if at such a moment a woman begins to directly express her complaints and throw tantrums, then this line of behavior will not lead to anything good.

It is better to choose more cunning tactics and, through female charm, get everything that is so missing. You can hint at a romantic evening and soon your spouse will definitely react to it properly. So by the end of August a favorable atmosphere will return to the family.

Capricorn Man: Love Horoscope for August 2019

Capricorn men, whose hearts have not yet belonged to any woman, will continue to be skeptical about building a serious relationship.

At the beginning of the month they will want lightness and just passion. And they will receive it in full. But by the middle, satiety will set in. They will finally get tired of freedom and begin to think about family.

However, they will not be able to meet their other half right away. The stars also warn such men against committing rash acts, since they are accustomed to achieving their goals through stubbornness.

Not everything will go smoothly in the lives of married Capricorn men. They'll just get bored. You will want a rapid development of events, and at this time your significant other will be busy with themselves and the children. And in this case, you just need to take everything into your own hands.

August for Capricorns is a rather difficult period, since fiery energies will negatively affect their physical and psycho-emotional state. Many of them will be characterized by spontaneous and ill-considered actions. During the period from August 4 to August 15, Capricorns may encounter deception and betrayal, and become victims of fraud. At the same time, they themselves should under no circumstances participate in dubious enterprises. In addition, there is a high probability of confusing situations with relatives due to the division of property and inheritance. In the second half of the month, tensions will subside, and this is a period of spiritual revival and positive transformations in life. For Capricorns, this is a good period to start everything from scratch, with a move or a new professional activity. The end of the month - good time for travel, for business trips abroad. See the general information on our website.

Horoscope for August 2018 for Capricorn women

Capricorn woman. You may feel that there is more coolness in your personal relationships. Both you and your partner will want to take a time out, but this will most likely happen at the end of August. And you will spend most of the month together, your relationship will be filled with romance, you will communicate a lot, not only one on one, but also with friends. Talisman of the month: silver jewelry, silver household utensils.

  1. Favorable days: August 3, 7, 13, 17.
  2. Unfavorable days: August 1, 14, 15, 22.

Priority of interests: expenses, financial problems, search in various ways increase income, left earnings.

Capricorn female horoscope for August 2018

The last month of summer 2018 sets high standards in love. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is located in your house of career, which is a strong position. Love can contribute to career growth and social success. There is a chance that an office romance will begin, or you will become interested in one of your business partners. Some of you and your spouse or loved one will decide to open your own business. The solar eclipse on August 11, 2018 occurs in the eighth house of Capricorn, highlighting the theme of love and passion. There is reason to think about how balanced your relationship is, which partner invests more and who receives more. Loyalty and mutual trust are an indicator of harmony in a couple. If you come to the conclusion that a relationship is too difficult, you have the chance to walk away from it to open the way to something new and more positive. On August 13, 2018, Mars retrograde enters your sign. The time has come to return to those issues that were not resolved in due time. An intense and difficult period is coming for love and marriage, which will bring great emotional burden and even troubles. Be patient and tactful in communicating with your significant other - this will help smooth out the rough spots on your path.

Love horoscope

Finally, the time for harmony and mutual understanding will come. Your loved one will stop being jealous of your friends, and you will be able to go to general companies. You will be upset by the difficulties that your partner will encounter in the financial sector. You will want to help with something, but he will categorically refuse. The chosen one will be tormented by jealousy and dissatisfaction with himself. Your success will only add fuel to the fire. At the end of August, your loved one’s problems are finally over, but this will not improve your relationship. On the contrary, he may become greedy and try to humiliate you.

Horoscope for Capricorn woman from Globa Tamara for August 2018

A decisive and responsible time is approaching for family Capricorns. The main problem is that women are already tired of the monotony of family life, they want fun and some changes, but the husband cannot give this to his wife. Against the backdrop of such thoughts, women may decide to take an unpredictable and very unwise step. This is what will become the biggest mistake in life. Single women do not need to plan changes in their personal lives for the next month. August is a very negative month for zodiac representatives. And in order to avoid problems and troubles, Capricorn women are advised to behave calmly and judiciously.

Health horoscope

Your well-being in the first week will directly depend on the quality of communication. Good people nearby will guarantee health and vitality. You should not take on a serious burden, especially related to communication. Stress and quarrels can cause increased fatigue. The main thing now is to take care nervous system. It is highly undesirable to meet people who make you feel uncomfortable. You need friendly participation more than ever. And if your mood is completely at zero, it makes sense to consult a psychologist.

Horoscope of work and finances

An excellent period for making business contacts. You will be able to find a common language with the most difficult client. You and your partners may have doubts about the advisability of cooperation. There is a direct risk of losing money. Try not to make reckless purchases or take large sums with you. The money of a company or family is at risk, and all because of the unreasonable behavior of a loved one or management.

Horoscope for Capricorn Women for August 2018

At the beginning of August, the Capricorn woman will try to find the truth in everything. Her thoughts may at some point begin to get confused with each other, destabilizing any current situation. It will be difficult for her to just stand on the sidelines and watch the development of this or that event; she will want to take everything into her own hands and begin to manage the currents of life herself. At the same time, the stars advise maintaining the logic of your actions in everything. Succumbing to simply fleeting emotions, a Capricorn woman can make so many small mistakes that they will then have to be corrected for a long time. Mid-August is marked by a calm and even state of affairs. There will be no special worries either at work or at home. But the last week of August will make the Capricorn woman sweat a little. Any planned plan will require titanic efforts and waste of a huge amount of free time. And if you don’t stop in time or don’t shift the burden of responsibility onto a loved one, then soon your vital energy will be at zero. And only a long rest away from the hustle and bustle can make up for it.