Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG): what is it, the norm in the analysis in men and women, deviations. HBG is reduced in men for reasons. Functions of gspg and its importance for the body What is the hormone gspg responsible for in men?

Hormonal balance is very important for any human body. Hormones regulate almost all life processes. Deviation from the norm greatly affects human health. SHBG (hormone) is no less important. It is necessary for both men and women. Only depending on gender its level and meaning are different.

What is SHBG?

SHBG stands for “binding globulin.” This substance binds to testosterone, which enters the blood. It is worth noting that the substance itself is a protein, and its combination with testosterone is called “SHBG synthesis.” Globulin is produced by the liver tissue. With age, processes slow down.

It is believed that this hormone affects the male body more than the female body. The fact is that when it increases, the level of estrogen increases significantly. And if a woman does not immediately notice deviations in her body, then in men, with a strong increase, the breasts become enlarged, and adipose tissue begins to be distributed according to the female type.

Why does deviation occur in the body? This question cannot be answered with certainty. An increase and decrease in SHBG levels occurs due to various pathologies.

Hormone levels in male and female bodies

When do men need to get tested to determine their SHBG levels?

As a rule, an appointment for a test to determine the level of sex hormone binding globulin is rare. The presence of pathologies is mainly determined by testosterone. In this case, SHBG carries virtually no load. However, there are also situations when the determination of this substance in the blood of men is simply necessary.

Also, blood plasma protein SHBG (determining its level in the blood) is prescribed when the level of testosterone in the male body is within normal limits, but various disorders are present.

External abnormalities include acne, chronic inflammatory processes of the prostate, obesity, breast growth, decreased muscle mass, etc. All these symptoms, as a rule, indicate hormonal disorders.

Causes of deviations from the norm in the male body

It is important to remember that any hormonal abnormality indicates a variety of diseases. Low SHBG (hormone) - what is it in men and in what pathologies does it manifest itself?

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  2. Renal dysfunction.
  3. Cushing's syndrome.
  4. Benign prostate tumors.

It is important that sometimes the level of this protein is also affected by the intake of hormonal drugs by a man. Therefore, doctors advise that before taking the test you must stop taking any medications, and preferably a few days in advance.

High SHBG (hormone) - what is it in men and in what other diseases is it observed? Elevated levels of the hormone are most often recorded in pathologies such as hyperthyroidism, HIV, AIDS and hepatitis. However, such ailments become known even before blood is donated to determine hormone levels.

It is worth noting that experienced doctors prescribe that men, in addition to determining globulin in the blood, also take an analysis for the amount of testosterone. If there really is a diagnosis, then with a high SHBG level there will be little testosterone in the male body, and if there is, on the contrary, little globulin, then testosterone is present in excess.

Why do women have higher SHBG levels than the stronger half?

Any proteins in the human body are synthesized in the liver. When a person’s liver is healthy and there are usually no problems with hormones.

The female body contains much more estrogen than testosterone. The first hormone increases globulin synthesis, and the second - reduces it. Consequently, the fair sex has an abundance of the SHBG hormone. What is this substance responsible for in women?

  1. For normal ovarian function.
  2. Normal ovulation.
  3. Healthy condition of the entire reproductive system as a whole.

What factors influence the result and how is the analysis performed?

There are several factors that can distort the analysis results. In this case, SHBG (hormone) decreases or increases in the blood. What is this in women and how to avoid the wrong result?

  1. To interpret the level of a substance, it is important to take into account the patient’s age.
  2. If the results are distorted, it is necessary to additionally determine the level of testosterone and estrogen in the body.
  3. When the liver is in poor condition, the result may differ from normal.
  4. Thyroid dysfunction can also affect SHBG levels.
  5. The patient's excess weight negatively affects the final result of the analysis.
  6. When donating blood to determine SHBG levels, it is not recommended to use any hormonal medications for several days. For the purity of the result, it is advisable to stop taking any medications altogether.

Doctors often prescribe an IST level determination instead of a SHBG (hormone) test. What it is like in women will be described below.

To determine sex hormone binding globulin, only venous blood is used (no more than 10 ml). The collection is carried out only on an empty stomach. Even tea and coffee are prohibited, but water is not excluded if desired. It is better to eliminate physical and emotional stress during the day. You should not drink alcohol or smoke the day before. For three days it is forbidden to use hormonal drugs and have sex.

Determination of the level of IST

As mentioned earlier, an analysis to determine globulin levels is very rarely prescribed. Women are more often prescribed to determine the level of IST (index). Based on laboratory tests, it is possible to accurately determine the amount of male hormones in the body.

As a rule, such a test completely replaces the SHBG (hormone) test, but not always. Most often, testosterone in women is elevated, but if this indicator is below normal, then a test is prescribed to determine the level of sex hormone-binding globulin.

Diseases in which deviations from the norm are noted

Now you need to figure out in what pathologies SHBG (hormone) is low or high.

High globulin levels usually occur in the following cases:

  • if a large amount of estrogen is recorded in the blood;
  • if you have had hepatitis;
  • if a pathology of the parathyroid gland is found;
  • if the patient has been taking hormonal oral contraceptives for a long time;
  • in rare cases, a high level depends on the constitution of the person.

A low blood protein level says:

  • about kidney dysfunction;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • Cushing's disease;
  • PCOS;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • presence of acromegaly.

Necessary treatment

To determine the exact level of protein in the blood, it is strongly recommended to take a SHBG (hormone) test several times. Only on the basis of several laboratory tests can an experienced doctor suspect a diagnosis. It is worth noting that an increase or decrease in globulin in the blood is only a symptom of the disease; the true cause of the change must be found and treated.

In cases where high levels of protein in the blood are detected, medications are prescribed to reduce it. They are all called corticosteroids. These medications may be prescribed in the form of injections or tablets. Statins are prescribed to increase SHBG in the blood.

If a person’s globulin is lower or higher than normal, then first of all he should be assigned a detailed diagnosis. It is necessary to examine the thyroid gland, pelvic and abdominal organs.

When a person has already had a violation of the SHBG level in the blood, he is recommended to monitor this indicator for the rest of his life and keep his estrogen level normal. For women and men, estrogen levels are different. It is worth noting that if estrogen in the blood is elevated, then globulin will also be high. Estrogen suppresses normal muscle growth. The body becomes flabby beyond its years, and the person loses physical strength.

Some drugs that increase the level of SHBG in the blood and normalize testosterone levels:

  • "Also";
  • "Toremifene";
  • "Clomiphene."

Drugs that reduce the level of globulin in the blood:

  • "Proviron";
  • "Insulin";
  • "Examestan";
  • "Anastrazole".

Hormones in the human body are involved in many important processes. Male sex hormones are responsible for the formation of the body during puberty and affect a person’s health throughout his life. Total testosterone is regulated by SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). This protein is produced by the liver. It binds sex hormones and transports them into the blood. The amount of SHBG in the blood is affected by age, gender, the intensity of testosterone creation and some other factors. To avoid problems with the concentration of this protein in the blood, every man needs to know its features, how to lower SHBG and what can increase it.

Functions of SHBG in the male body

The amount of testosterone that is available to body tissues is directly related to fluctuations in SHBG levels. The norm is considered to be about half of the testosterone bound by this protein, while the remaining hormone for the most part has a weak connection with albumin. Approximately 2% of testosterone, present in free form, is available to tissues. In albumin form, free testosterone and SHBG-bound hormone all constitute total testosterone.

Important! In men, the level of this globulin is much lower, this is due to the fact that the synthesis of sex hormone binding protein by androgens decreases, and by estrogens it increases. Therefore, the effect of SHBG is different in different sexes.

In the blood of a man, this protein regulates many processes occurring in the human body, performing the following functions:

  • Transport of androgens;
  • Binding of free-form excess testosterone;
  • Effect on metabolic processes in the liver;
  • Maintaining active sex hormones;
  • Regulation of biological functions in androgen-containing tissues.

Reasons for changes in the concentration of SHBG in the blood

The dependence of a man’s general hormonal levels on the concentration of SHBG in his blood is quite understandable, and it is not surprising that with any shift in protein levels from the normal value, some deviation in the body’s functioning occurs. The causes of increased globulin levels can be hyperthyroidism, hepatitis, HIV and much more. Protein can decrease due to Cushing's pathologies, hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, hyperandrogenism, insulin-resistant markers, collagenosis, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, and so on.

Common causes of changes in the concentration of sex hormone binding globulin in the blood plasma are:

  • Age;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Production of sex hormones.

Factors that increase protein include:

  • Estrogens;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Age.

Among the reasons that lower binding globulin are:

  • Androgens;
  • Excess weight;
  • Prolactin;
  • Glucocorticosteroids;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Insulin;
  • A growth hormone.

Excess SHBG triggers active division of prostate cells, which causes the formation of benign hyperplastic changes in the structure of the prostate. Due to such changes, the risk of cancer of the organ increases. When globulin production is disrupted in the liver, the biological activity of sex hormones decreases, the risk of prostate cancer increases, and biofunctional disorders occur in tissues that act as targets for hormones.

Often the amount of globulin is affected by taking certain hormonal drugs. SHBG can affect glucose metabolism in liver tissue, which is most likely if the patient has insulin-producing disorders. So low globulin in the blood is quite capable of causing diabetes.

As with any conversation about the impact on the human body, lifestyle also plays a significant factor in the issue of SHBG. For example, alcoholic drinks, excessive physical activity, and taking various medications for muscle cramps increase the production of this protein, and taking glucocorticosteroids, fasting, vegetarian food, and smoking reduce its concentration in plasma. This will help with the question “How to reduce SHBG in men?”

Necessary treatment

If the concentration of sex hormone binding globulin in the blood of men deviates from the norm, treatment should be prescribed by an endocrinologist, andrologist or oncologist. In most cases, a SHBG test is necessary if erection problems occur. There is a risk of decreased androgen levels. Blood from a vein is donated on an empty stomach in the morning.

Usually, to normalize the amount of this globulin, it is enough just to eliminate the cause of the deviations. But sometimes therapy may be required that will directly aim to decrease or increase the steroid.

Important! In rare cases, a deviation in the concentration of binding globulin occurs without the presence of any pathology - its cause may be the individual characteristics of the body.

Many people ask themselves the question - how to lower SHBG in men? In situations with low globulin levels, statin (lipid-lowering) drugs are most often prescribed. For elevated globulin levels, use certain medications such as insulin, proviron, exemestane, and so on. Other types of medications should be used depending on the cause of the change in the person's normal SHBG level.

Sex hormones in the male body influence its most important functions. Their importance is difficult to overestimate. Excessive quantity hormones have a detrimental effect on health, causing serious dysfunction in the reproductive system, in some cases similar pathologies lead to the tumor, there is a risk of developing osteoporosis. To regulate them, the man’s liver reproduces a special protein – SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin).

Globulin transports testosterone and estrogen into the bloodstream. His concentration in the blood depends on the age and intensity of hormone production by the body. Various disruptions in the endocrine and immune systems, liver diseases, obesity, lifestyle affect excessive or insufficient formation of this protein.

Normal level testosterone in a man ranges from 350 ng/dl to 1000 ng/dl. The higher it is, the more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics are. With age, the amount of this in the blood steadily is decreasing, which leads to sagging skin, muscle atrophy, loss of physical endurance, memory problems, not to mention decreased potency. Recent studies prove that this is not due to a decrease in hormone production by the body itself, but to an increase in SHBG.

Hormone functions in the male body

Exists 3 androgen states in the male body:

Bound hormone is not active, but at the same time it is not destroyed during the natural metabolic process. Quantity biologically available testosterone is calculated from the sum of free androgen and albumin-bound hormone. Total testosterone equal to the sum of the hormone in all three states. As a result, the more sex-binding globulin produced in a man’s body, the less free and active testosterone.

Due to age-related changes or pathologies of the testicles in men occurs deficit bioactive testosterone, while increasing quantity sex steroid (SSSG). However, a blood test may show androgen norm, since at the initial stage of the occurrence of a hormonal disorder, SHBG tries to fulfill its role. In this case, the inactive hormone in the body becomes many times more active.

An increase in the amount of CVD may be a factor in the appearance prostate cancer, as it leads to enlargement of prostate tissue.

Increased globulin production leads to serious consequences:

  • Lack of sex hormones in the body;
  • The likelihood of a tumor in the prostate gland increases;
  • Risk of developing type II diabetes (may affect insulin production in the body).

SHBG analysis

Analysis of SHBG hormones is rarely used to diagnose body dysfunctions. Mostly prescribed progesterone test. But in the case when the results of the test for androgens do not explain the causes of malfunctions in the body or do not coincide with the symptoms, it is necessary to identify the level of CVD.

Causes SSSG research:

  • With insufficient testosterone production;
  • To diagnose the causes of infertility, sexual dysfunction, impotence;
  • To study hormonal levels (the study is carried out in conjunction with determining the level of other hormones)
  • For baldness;
  • With male menopause;
  • For oily seborrhea;
  • For chronic prostatitis.

Hormonal imbalance is most often accompanied by additional symptoms. These may include rashes on the face, excess weight, general depression, frequent depression and weak immunity, baldness, decreased sexual desire, lack of erection, etc.

Preparing for analysis includes quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, avoiding increased physical activity and stressful situations. The test must be taken on an empty stomach (8-14 hours without eating). During the study of SSSG take venous blood.

Most often, this analysis is prescribed by reproductologists and andrologists. It can also be used by urologists and endocrinologists.

How to decipher the analysis result

Table: Interpretation of analysis results

FAI(IST-index of free testosterone)

SHBG influences on the general hormonal background of the male body. Increased the level of hormone in the blood can be explained the following diseases:

Hormonal drugs can cause both an increase and a decrease in the level of SHBG in the blood.

Decline hormones provoke:

  • Liver diseases;
  • Nephrotic syndrome;
  • Alcoholism (associated liver cirrhosis);
  • Rheumatic diseases;
  • Disturbances in the endocrine system (hyperandrogenism);
  • Decreased body response to insulin (insulin resistance);
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Diseases of the anterior pituitary gland (acromegaly);
  • Cushing's disease (excess of adrenal hormones);
  • Increased levels of prolactin in the blood;
  • Pathologies of the adrenal glands (adrenogenital syndrome);
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Obesity.

Treatment methods for abnormalities

When identifying deviations from the norm of SHBG in the blood, consultation with a specialist (andrologist, reproductive specialist, endocrinologist) is required. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment to normalize the level of globulin in the body. First of all it is required treatment of the disease, causing a deficiency or increase in CVS (diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, liver). Sometimes it is necessary to carry out steroid hormone therapy (even if the testosterone level is normal).

At elevated androgen levels, thyroid drugs may be prescribed as replacement therapy (stanozol, exemestane, insulin, proviron). When the hormone demoted, requires the use of statins - drugs that reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver (Toremifene).

There is no single approach to treating abnormalities in the production of SHBG in the body. For accurate diagnostics and selection of methods for eliminating deviations, it is necessary to carry out additional research liver, pelvis, ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs. Only after learning the full picture of the body’s condition can we begin to normalize the level of CVD.

The processes that take place in the male body largely depend on the amount of sex hormones contained in the blood. They are subject to frequent changes due to the influence of external factors. Special proteins called binding globulin or simply SHBG help regulate hormone levels.

SHBG in men

SHBG hormone, what is it in a man? This is a component that is responsible for the movement of sex-type hormones throughout the body, that is, in case of deviations from the norm, this substance binds and transports the necessary hormones in different ways. If this protein compound is elevated, this means that there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. At low levels, pathologies and serious diseases, including the liver, are present in a man’s body.

The question usually arises: how to increase or increase the number of protein compounds. In the simplest cases, it is worth switching to a healthy lifestyle, but numerous pathologies will have to be dealt with using a variety of types of treatment.

It is worth remembering that an increased content of a binding substance is also an indicator of disease, so for treatment it is necessary to use gamma globulin, which brings the processes back to normal.

You need to know that globulin has various forms. For example, alpha is a multilevel form that shows deviations from the norm in both women and men. That is why the alpha variant is used to check the likelihood of cancer-type tumors.


Testosterone in the blood can exist in three states, namely:

  1. Free- the molecules that make up the hormone interact with cells and tissues. In normal conditions, the level of this testosterone does not exceed 2%.
  2. Related- is a very strong compound that does not have any biological activity and also does not have any effect on cells and tissues. The total content is from 35 to 75%.
  3. Combined with other types of plasma protein (albumin)- this type of testosterone is extremely unstable. If there is a lack of free hormone in the blood, then the one that is bound to albumin can easily be released and interact with cells and tissues. Their blood contains from 25 to 65%.

The hormone that was bound to the transport protein loses its activity, but it is not destroyed during metabolism. The amount of testosterone in the blood depends on the presence of the hormonal substance, which is free, as well as its fractions associated with albumin and globulin proteins.

SHBG tests

Tests to detect SHBG levels in men are extremely rare. However, there are a number of diseases for which these tests are necessary:

  1. When identifying the cause of libido suppression.
  2. When determining the reasons affecting the deterioration or lack of potency.
  3. When determining the factors that influenced the occurrence of infertility in men.
  4. Determination of general hormonal levels.
  5. Determining the balance of certain hormones.

Often, with hormonal disorders, various symptoms appear, when they occur, most doctors prescribe tests to determine the level of SHBG. These include:

  • seborrhea;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • problems with potency;
  • obesity;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • frequent depression;
  • weakened immunity.

Important! An analysis to determine the level of SHBG in the blood of men is often prescribed when the level of testosterone and the general health of the man do not coincide.

If you suspect a cancerous tumor, you will also have to take an alpha-1-globulin test. This type of hormonal connection is a universal means for finding pathologies and abnormalities.

Normal indicator

SHBG is measured in nmol/L. This protein is produced by liver tissue. It is needed to transport androgens. The change in the amount of protein also depends on age: the older the man, the greater the amount released.

For men and boys of different ages, the norm is:

Age (years)

Indicator (nmol/l)

Important! In order for the detected result of the alpha hormone to be most accurate, it is necessary to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages several days before the test and not smoke for an hour before donating blood. It is worth considering that the blood test is taken on an empty stomach.

If the analysis is unreliable, you will need to take the tests again, as there is a possibility of error. For example, even a slight fever due to a cold will increase the level of alpha hormone and other forms of globulin.

Reasons for rejection

SHBG in men is a very important component that helps establish normal hormonal levels. If it is deviated from the norm, then this may indicate various serious diseases.

Increased protein levels can be caused by:

  • HIV infection;
  • hepatitis;
  • hyperthyroidism.

A decrease in indicators may indicate the presence of diseases such as:

  • hepatic cirrhosis;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • Cushing's pathology;
  • insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus;
  • collagenosis;
  • acromegaly;
  • hypothyroidism

If the amount of sex-binding hormone is increased, then changes occur in the structure of the prostate gland, which in the future can cause the appearance of cancerous tumors. If the level of globulin is reduced, then the activity of sex hormones decreases, which can subsequently lead to prostatic hyperplasia or cancer.

Ways to normalize SHBG levels

First of all, an increase or decrease in hormone levels is associated with problems in the liver. That is why, in order to achieve the norm, it is necessary to cure the disease that caused the deviation. For this reason, when the question arises: “How to reduce SHBG in men or increase it,” you need to carefully consider the condition of the liver.

SHBG levels can be lowered if:

  1. Consume foods or vitamins and minerals that contain boron. A large amount of this element is found in apricots, buckwheat, peas, lemons, kiwi, cabbage and carrots.
  2. Take vitamin D3. It is found in chicken egg yolks, fish oil, butter, dairy products, cheeses, and caviar.
  3. Avoid diets that include low carbohydrate foods.
  4. Reduce the amount of foods containing significant amounts of fiber (apples, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, avocados, bran).
  5. Include foods high in zinc and magnesium in your diet. These are, for example, veal liver, pine nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, oysters, spinach, beans, pumpkin.

Often, when SHBG levels decrease, doctors prescribe a number of medications in the form of tablets or injection solutions.

Important! During treatment, it is better to avoid drinks containing alcohol, as it has a negative effect on the liver and increases estradiol levels.

The method of treatment for this disease is prescribed by a doctor after a full examination and identification of the causes that caused it.

Impact on the sexual sphere

If production is disrupted and globulin deviates from the norm, this can lead to a large number of consequences that will affect a man’s sex life.

The most common consequences are:

  1. Decreased sexual desire for a partner of the opposite sex.
  2. The occurrence of a disease such as infertility.
  3. Delayed sexual development, which is associated with decreased sensitivity to androgens.
  4. The appearance of problems with erection or its complete absence.

To avoid these unpleasant symptoms, you need to carefully monitor the amount of globulin in the blood.


Globulin affects a person’s hormonal levels, which is why it needs to be closely monitored. If there is a deviation from the norm, doctors prescribe drugs that increase and decrease the amount of SHBG in the blood. In special cases, this hormone can cause a number of diseases, including the productive system in men.

SHBG norm - a normal result in men should fall within the range of 14-17 to 68 nmol/l. This range is relatively wide, and test results may fluctuate or be within normal limits, but some endocrine disorder may still be present.

What to do if you have high or low? Is elevated SHBG good or bad for men's health and how does it affect testosterone?

Sex hormone binding globulin binds to and effectively renders it unusable for all practical purposes.

In general, the higher the SHBG, the less free testosterone a man has.

Excessively high or low globulin often causes various unpleasant manifestations, symptoms, disorders and diseases. This is a reason to be wary, since deviations in one direction or the other lead to a number of problems and signal disturbances in the endocrine system and in the male body.


What are the potential dangers of high SHBG in men? The main problems that you may encounter if you have globulin above normal:

  • Risk of developing osteoporosis

One medical study found that in adult men, the risk of bone fracture was associated with increased SHBG. Apparently, this has to do with the ability of globulin to bind both testosterone and estradiol, as a result of which their amount decreases. This probably only applies to men with low estradiol levels.

  • Liver diseases

Doctors note that liver diseases such as cirrhosis or steatosis (non-alcoholic fatty liver) are associated with an increase in SHBG and its values ​​above normal. Since the liver is the source of most of our globulin, perhaps in this case the diseased organ should, on the contrary, produce less SHBG?

It turns out that a damaged liver actually allows estrogen to accumulate within itself, in turn stimulating globulin production.

  • Alcoholism and liver cirrhosis

Drinking can damage the liver and lead to cirrhosis. Because of this, globulin will begin to increase.

  • High estradiol

SHBG synthesis is accelerated by estradiol, the “master estrogen.” If it becomes too high (due to weight gain, certain medications, or other factors), the globulin may become higher than normal.

  • (Clomiphene citrate, Clostilbegit)

Some men take Clomid as well. In men with secondary, which is the most common case, testosterone can actually increase noticeably. But unfortunately, Clomid can also significantly increase SHBG in some men. One study showed that “SHBG concentrations increased from 38.1 +/- 18.3 to 54.3 +/- 16.0 nmol/L when taken.”

  • Hyperthyroidism

According to research, hyperthyroidism increases SHBG. This appears to be because the globulin is associated with levels of T3 and T4 (thyroid hormones).

  • Short