A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. Test and general lesson “Life of primitive people. Creative problems are solved at the Zadakkino station

“Primitive people” - A skilled man. 2.4-1.5 million years ago. How do we know about primitive people? Neanderthal. 300-40 thousand years ago. Cave bear. Treated quartz/pebbles. Based on the remains of skulls, bones, tools, excavations of ancient dwellings. A skilled person uses tools. 2.4-1.5 million years ago. Neanderthal tools. 300-40 thousand years ago.

“Culture of Antiquity” - City Gate. Dolphins. Crete, the island of the great Zeus, lies in the middle of the sea. Song 3. Periods of development of ancient art: Virgil. "Aeneid". ANTIQUE is the source from which all later art drew inspiration. Fist fight. Games with a bull. The masonry was called cyclopean. Antiquus - ancient.

“Ancient States” - Hall of Military Achievements. Where did the Ancient states arise? When does the state appear? Were all classes equal in states? Ancient East? Hall of Science and Education. Hall of Gods and Sacred Animals. Travel plan Museum foyer. Test and generalization lesson on the topic “Cultural heritage of ancient civilizations.”

“The First People” - Write in your notebook - how did ancient people differ from animals? In addition to meat, people ate grains of wild barley and wheat. Prepared by I.O. Ignatieva, a history teacher at the Shakhovskaya Secondary Educational Institution. The first tool was a pebble ax pointed at one edge. Gathering. Neanderthal. Ancient people before hunting.

"Ancient Man" - Democracy. Features of ancient space. Basic principles of construction and functioning of space. Image of the world. The image of a person. Ancient culture = product of GREEK-ORIENTAL synthesis. Unity of command. Corporeal-mental abstraction is part of the cosmos. Personal sense in antiquity was LIMITED. But. Polis community. Plato's cosmos.

“The Ancient World” - Lesson Key Terms: Babylon. Phoenicia. Iron Age. Assyria. Main stages of the lesson: Checklist. Terms: PRIMITIVE MAGIC Animism Totemism Fetishism Taboo. "Story Ancient world" Check yourself. Periods of primitive history: Stone Age. Go NPO RME "Professional Lyceum No. 23". Persia. Bronze Age.

There are 30 presentations in total

Flexible rod

Alternative descriptions

Rod, twig, rod in Russian folklore

A thread for a naughty person

Flexible rod

Flexible rod, twig, rod in Russian folklore

J. (vit) north. eastern twig, twig, rod, whip, long branch, vine. I wish I could marry him, but not to a red-haired girl, but to a rowan vice. Soft woody roots. a twisted twig, sometimes twisted into two or three rods, for tying, twisting, fastening something, for tying rafts, vyat. pronunciation, vicha, collect. Vichye. arch. ships, shnyaks and kochmars are sewn together not with nails, but with strings made of juniper roots, which is why these ships are called vichankas. in rope making, a strand, twisted or twisted at one time from several heels or threads. To tie something, fasten it, tie it with a string, a green rod, a twisted rope. Vichevaty arch. about bread, meat: hard and stringy, stringy, fibrous. Vich m. sib. scourge, viten, whip, whip. Vicha arch. product made from vich, vits; wicker, rough basket; krishni, for wearing on the shoulders of heaviness. Vichovka arch. boat sewn with wicker; she is smaller than Wichanka; hollow, with sewn embroidery and sides. We walked on vichys, olon. oaring, rowing, because the oars are hung on the yokes (oarlocks) with a tang

Rod for fastening logs

Spanking rod

Rod, twig, rod in Russian folklore


A thin broken branch replacing a rope


Twig educator

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A group of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. People's gift to the idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that tolerates cold climates. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal, discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on water). 12. A noble man who led an army. 13. Several births.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A group of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. People's gift to the idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that tolerates cold climates. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on water). 12. A noble man who led an army. 13. Several births.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A group of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. People's gift to the idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that tolerates cold climates. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on water). 12. A noble man who led an army. 13. Several births.

Answers: 1. Boat. 2. Rod. 3. Hunting. 4. Copper. 5. Hoe. 6. Plow. 7. Dog. 8. Clay. 9. Chopped. 10. Tribe .

Lesson topic: Repeating and generalizing lesson “Life of primitive people.”

The purpose of the lesson: systematization and quality control of students’ knowledge on the topic “Life of primitive people.”

Educational equipment: world map, “travel” diagram on the board.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson.

So, for several lessons in a row, we studied the life of ancient people: their appearance, activities, relationships with each other. Scientists called this period of time primitiveness. How does this period of time differ, for example, from modern times? This is what we will find out today by repeating the material we have studied.

While working in class, students must formulate in their own words the distinctive features of primitive society.

III. Traveling through stations.

1. At the first station, two students are selected to prepare detailed answers using cards. They are given time to prepare.

On the board there is a map of the journey through the stations.

CARD No. 7

Prepare a detailed answer to the question “How does primitive man differ from animals and modern man?” To do this, remember:

    From whom did man come?

    What was his body covered with?

    What does a modern person look like?

    Compare activities, tools

Draw a conclusion.

CARD No. 8

Prepare a detailed answer to the question “Why did inequality appear?” To do this, remember:

    What did it matter?

    Draw a conclusion.

2. While two students are preparing, the class “moved” to the “Kartovo” station, where map knowledge is tested.

Show the continent on which they were found:

a) bones and tools of ancient people. (Africa)

b) show the supposed area of ​​​​the ancestral home of humanity. (East Africa)

c) show the oldest farming region. (Western Asia)

3. Creative problems are solved at the Zadakkino station.

Problem 1

(You can. The words themselves tell about the activities of ancient people.)

Problem 2

(Having managed to connect the ax with the handle, the man tried to connect the logs too... This is how the raft appeared.)

Problem 3

(Traces of a hearth, tools, drawings on the walls of the cave.)

Problem 4

Until recently, the indigenous people of Australia were economically and culturally backward people. They could not read, write, and did not know metals. At the same time, the Australians had an excellent understanding of nature: they distinguished more than two hundred species of wild plants suitable for eating, about one hundred species of edible snails and more than twenty species of edible fish. How can we explain that the majority of modern city dwellers and even rural residents have a much worse understanding of the natural environment than Australians? (For four) two million years, gathering and hunting were the main occupations of people.)

4. Detailed answers from students on cards No. 7 and No. 8.

5. At this station, children solve a crossword puzzle.

Horizontally: 1. First pet. 2. Thick layer of ice. 4. A group of relatives who lived and worked together. 6. People's gift to the idol. 7. An ancient tool for loosening the soil. 8. An ancient animal that tolerates cold climates. 9. A flexible rod tied with a bowstring. 10. The first metal discovered by man. 11. Logs tied together (for movement on water). 12. A noble man who led an army. 13. Several births.

Vertical: 1. Occupation of ancient people. 3. Science that studies life from material sources. 5. A plot of land in a neighboring community.

Answers horizontally: 1. Dog. 2. Glacier. 3. Archeology. 4. Rod. 5. Allotment. 6. Sacrifice. 7. Harrow. 8. Mammoth. 9. Bow. 10. Copper. 11. Raft. 12. Leader. 13. Tribe.

Vertical: 1. Gathering. 3. Archeology. 5. Allotment.

6. At the Terminovo station, knowledge of terms is tested.

What do the words and expressions mean: history, historical source, general history, tools, religion, art, clan community, neighboring community, tribe, leader, idol, inequality!

7. At the “otgadaykino” station, the teacher returns to the task of the lesson.

What are the features of primitiveness? (Primitiveness is an order of people’s lives in which: a) people lived in small groups, and everyone was equal; b) had common property; c) worked together.)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook.

IV. Summing up the lesson.


Homework: Prepare for independent work.

CARD No. 7

    From whom did man come?

    What did his gait, hands, eyes, forehead look like?

    What was his body covered with?

    Compare the living conditions of the ancient and modern man.

    Compare activities, tools

Draw a conclusion.

Appendix 1.

CARD No. 8

    What metal was the first to be used by man?

    What did it matter?

    Why did the tribal community come to be replaced by the neighborhood community?

Draw a conclusion.

CARD No. 7

Prepare a detailed answer to the question “How does primitive man differ from animals and modern man?” To do this, remember:

    From whom did man come?

    What did his gait, hands, eyes, forehead look like?

    What was his body covered with?

    What does a modern person look like?

    Compare the living conditions of ancient and modern man.

    Compare activities, tools

Draw a conclusion.

CARD No. 8

Prepare a detailed answer to the question “Why did inequality appear?” To do this, remember:

    What metal was the first to be used by man?

    What did it matter?

    Why did the tribal community come to be replaced by the neighborhood community?

Draw a conclusion.

Station "problemcinema » - solve creative problems.

Problem 1

One of the primitive tribes left no archaeological sites. But it is known that in the language of the tribe there were words meaning “flint”, “spear”, “basket”, “boat”, “oar”, “fire”, “hut”. Is it possible to draw conclusions about the life and skills of the tribe on this basis? Prove your point.

Problem 2

It is known that ancient people initially used a hand ax without a handle, and then learned to attach the ax to a wooden handle. Subsequently, people invented the raft. How did the advent of the handle ax prepare the invention of the raft?

Problem 3

What finds does an archaeologist need to find in order to say with confidence that ancient people lived here?

Problem 4


Station "problemcinema » - solve creative problems.

Problem 1

One of the primitive tribes left no archaeological sites. But it is known that in the language of the tribe there were words meaning “flint”, “spear”, “basket”, “boat”, “oar”, “fire”, “hut”. Is it possible to draw conclusions about the life and skills of the tribe on this basis? Prove your point.

Problem 2

It is known that ancient people initially used a hand ax without a handle, and then learned to attach the ax to a wooden handle. Subsequently, people invented the raft. How did the advent of the handle ax prepare the invention of the raft?

Problem 3

What finds does an archaeologist need to find in order to say with confidence that ancient people lived here?

Problem 4

Until recently, the indigenous people of Australia were economically and culturally backward people. They could not read, write, and did not know metals. At the same time, the Australians had an excellent understanding of nature: they distinguished more than two hundred species of edible wild plants, about a hundred species of edible snails and more than twenty species of edible fish. How can we explain that the majority of modern city dwellers and even rural residents have a much worse understanding of the natural environment than Australians?


1. A means of human transportation on water from ancient times to the present day. 2. A group of relatives who worked together and had common property. 3. One of the first occupations of a person. 4. The first metal that man mastered. 5. The first tool for cultivating the land. 6. Tools used by farmers 5-6 thousand years ago. 7. Pet. 8. Material for making dishes on a pottery wheel. 9. The first tool and weapon of ancient man. 10. Association of clans living in the same area. Lesson

Among the ancients of people, characterize primitive new forms... history. The primitive period. Repeatedly-generalizing lesson. 1 Examiner's notebook, p. ...society. Match image life man in ancient and... and the development of society nykh conflicts in Rome...

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    ... (final) – repeatedly-generalizing stage. At this point... special times nykh by the looks of it... life. Acquaintance with composers-songwriters who create musical images. Lesson 33. Generalizing lesson. (Lesson...which perform primitive new People on the image...

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