Hemorrhoids - causes, symptoms, signs, types. Treatment: surgery to remove hemorrhoids, effective remedies (suppositories, ointments, tablets), folk remedies, how to treat at home. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home. How to treat hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids

Among the common diseases of the rectum is hemorrhoids, which are equally common in both men and women. When the first signs appear, urgent treatment is indicated. This will avoid complications and the transition of the acute stage of the disease to the chronic stage. A doctor will help you choose an effective remedy for hemorrhoids for men and women by examining the site of the lesion and listening to complaints.

What - depends on the symptoms and severity of its course. There are four stages of development of hemorrhoids, which occur in a chronic form:

  1. Aching pain appears in the anus. The patient may experience tingling and itching. During bowel movements, you may notice a few drops of blood.
  2. At this stage, the appearance of hemorrhoids is characteristic. They may come out during bowel movements, but will go back in on their own after a while. Pain and discomfort increase.
  3. At the third stage, the prolapsed nodes do not correct themselves and cause pain even in a calm state. Bleeding intensifies, the area of ​​inflammation and swelling expands.
  4. It is not possible to manually adjust the assembly. It turns dark burgundy in color and causes severe pain.

There are many reasons for the appearance of hemorrhoids. You definitely need to install it. This will help correctly and prolong the remission stage.

There are three types of hemorrhoids, each of which requires special treatment.

  1. Outer. A hemorrhoid appears under the skin that surrounds the anus. The lump causes pain, discomfort, and minor bleeding. Local preparations in the form of ointments, gels, and lotions will be effective.
  2. Interior. The node forms under the mucous surface of the final section of the rectum. Causes pain, bleeds heavily, and may fall out. It is useful to accompany the treatment with suppositories and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  3. Combined. A condition when two types of hemorrhoids are combined.

Effective remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids are selected only after examination and determination of the location of the lumps and the stage of the disease.

Therapeutic measures for acute conditions

There are various ways to solve the problem. Conservative, minimally invasive, surgical. Experts do not prohibit the use of traditional medicine recipes. Often, a combination of drug therapy with traditional medicine gives better results.

What remedies for hemorrhoids are most often prescribed by proctologists? The acute stage is characterized by swelling, inflammation and irritation of the affected area. This causes pain to the patient with any movement. You can use local and general pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, cleansing enemas, laxatives and phlebotonic drugs.

Remedies for hemorrhoids in women can be divided into several types.

  • Coagulants and hemostatic agents are prescribed if bleeding is a concern.
  • Anticoagulants can relieve swelling, inflammation and resolve the nodule.
  • Preparations that tonic and strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the muscles of the lower rectum.
  • Antispasmodics relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Immunomodulators increase the body's resistance to various infections.
  • Combination medications can cope not only with pain and inflammation, but also with microbes.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Medicinal compositions that can dry out the surface.

Accepted by these means. Which of them helps depends on each individual case.

If pain is present, medications based on non-narcotic analgesics can be prescribed, for example: Diclofenac, Nise, Ketanol. The best way to cope with pain is with complex topical drugs, for example, Gepatrombin, Ultraproct. If swelling and inflammation have spread to adjacent areas of the skin, then use the method of applying gauze bandages with Vishnevsky ointment to the affected areas.

Gels, ointments, and creams will help cure. Ointments relieve tension, heat and inflammation, heal anal fissures. The following ointments are the most popular.

  1. Antihemorrhoidal agent – ​​Heparin ointment. Quickly relieves inflammation and swelling. This is an effective remedy against hemorrhoids, with a mild effect, therefore it is allowed to be used by pregnant women. The affordable price will suit everyone's budget.
  2. Troxevasin. In addition to relieving inflammation, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Relief. This ointment is most effective in the initial stages of hemorrhoid development.

If thrombosis develops and an inflammatory process occurs, ointments that contain an antibacterial component can be prescribed: Levomekol, Levosin.

With hemorrhoids, the walls of blood vessels become thinner and weaker. Therefore, it is imperative to use products that can give tone and elasticity to the blood vessels. The drug Detralex, as well as Venoruton, helps well in this case.

How can you stop bleeding? If bleeding is a concern, medicinal suppositories are prescribed. They contain adrenaline and hemostatic components that act locally. You can treat hemorrhoids with drugs such as Adroxon, Bireplast, Spongostan.

Constipation is often the cause of hemorrhoids and their worsening condition. Therefore, the prescription of laxatives is simply necessary. Duphalac syrup, Normaze or Regulax drops will help solve the problem.

They can be drunk for a long time, they are not addictive and are absolutely harmless to the body.

In cases where conservative treatment methods do not bring results or improvement occurs for a short period, you need to proceed to minimally invasive methods. But in most cases they help only at the first signs of the disease. If it is running, then you cannot do without an operation.

Description of drugs

It is easier to treat hemorrhoids at the initial stage than to eliminate the consequences of complications. There is a large list of drugs that are highly effective. Which one is the most effective? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. Each prescribed drug performs its own separate function.

  1. The best remedy for hemorrhoids is Relief. The medicine is available in the form of ointments and suppositories. The wound heals faster, inflammation is relieved, and bleeding stops. At the same time the pain subsides. It is not recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids for women carrying a child, as well as for thrombosis.
  2. Proctosan. Can be found in the form of suppositories and ointments. Eliminates inflammation and pain. The wound dries out and tightens, so it heals faster.
  3. Powerful drug Natalsid in the form of suppositories. Relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, heals wounds and cracks. Use is permitted even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. Troxevasin. Available in the form of capsules that fight from the inside. By acting on veins and capillaries, they relieve swelling, pain, reduce itching and burning. You need to take one capsule three times a day. The course of treatment can last up to a month. The drug taken begins to act within a couple of days.
  5. Duphalac serves as a laxative. Prescribed when. By softening feces, it facilitates the process of defecation. You can take 45 ml for a month.

Only the doctor decides what. Taking into account the condition and severity of the disease, he prescribes the appropriate medicine, duration of use and dosage.

Depending on the location of the cones, it will be decided what is best to prescribe. Remedies for hemorrhoids in men with internal localization of cones are prescribed in the form of suppositories, systemic preparations for oral administration. If the hemorrhoids are located outside, then it is useful to use ointments, gels, and compresses.

Treatment of an old disease

It is possible to cure hemorrhoids quickly using minimally invasive methods. Male or female hemorrhoids can be cured using these methods in the first and second stages of the disease.

  • Sclerotherapy. During the procedure, a special substance is injected into the affected area, and the blood vessels are glued together. The node's nutrition stops, and the hemorrhoid disappears.
  • If the hemorrhoids are inside, then a more gentle method - ligation - will be effective. A latex ring is placed on the knot, which prevents it from feeding.
  • During cryodestruction, the node is frozen within 2-3 minutes. As soon as the substance thaws, the node disappears.

The main disadvantage of these procedures is that they do not get rid of the root cause of the disease; only the hemorrhoids are removed. Strong blood flow continues to flow into the pelvic area, and the nodes may reappear. It is not recommended to carry out procedures in the presence of abrasions and cracks, thrombosis and paraproctitis.

If the patient consults a doctor with advanced, third and fourth stages, the disease is treated with surgical intervention - hemorrhoidectomy. During the operation, the hemorrhoid is excised. The entire node and the mucous surface on which it is located are removed. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for up to 10 days.

Traditional medicine support

The advantage of traditional medicine is that you can choose a recipe that would be suitable for treatment. Can also be used as a preventive measure.

The best and safest remedy is self-made candles. They can be cut, for example, from a potato tuber. Ice candles, which can be made from water with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, sage, or calendula, are very popular. The bleeding stops, the pain subsides, swelling and irritation are relieved.

Honey has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antimicrobial effects. You can soak a gauze bandage in honey, roll it up and insert it into the rectal area. It is allowed to form a candle, but to do this you need to take a candied product that is at least a year old.

Taking medicinal chamomile decoctions internally is an effective method that helps promote rapid healing and relieve inflammation. Based on the decoction, you can make sitz baths and lotions.

Hemorrhoids can be treated with oil and water enemas with the addition of salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs. They can cope with constipation and improve the natural functioning of intestinal motility. The main thing is not to injure hemorrhoidal cones during the procedure.

You can prepare your own healing ointment. To reduce the size of cones, a calendula-based ointment is useful; An ointment made from narcissus or propolis oil will help relieve pain and relieve inflammation. The most effective remedy for hemorrhoids is mummy.

The product has a comprehensive effect on the affected area and quickly copes with the problem.

Not possible in any way. But thanks to timely contact with a specialist and proper treatment, you can forget about the symptoms for a long time.

According to statistics, 50% of people have experienced symptoms of hemorrhoids at least once in their lives. Often this disease is diagnosed in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. People call this disease “sedentary disease”, since physical inactivity leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. There is also a fairly high level of development of hemorrhoids in people engaged in heavy physical labor, pregnant women and women in labor. What treatment methods for this disease are considered the most effective? Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies? How safe is this approach?

Why does hemorrhoids occur and how do they manifest?

What causes pathological changes in the hemorrhoidal veins of the anus? Expansion, tortuosity of the veins, disruption of blood flow in them, inflammation - all this leads to the formation of painful nodes around the rectum, popularly called “bumps”. What causes hemorrhoids? Who is most susceptible to this disease? What are its symptoms, forms and possible complications?

Risk factors

In fact, hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum, with the only difference being that the walls of the rectum pinch the swollen and prolapsed vascular nodules, causing severe pain to its owner.

The main reason for the development of hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of blood in the pelvic and rectal areas; thinning of the walls of veins and blood vessels, the appearance of blood clots and weakening of the muscles in the pelvic area. Some people are genetically predisposed to the appearance of such problems, while for others the catalysts for the appearance of hemorrhoids can be:

  • sedentary lifestyle associated with professional activities, sedentary position;
  • eating disorders, obesity, abundance of spicy food on the menu;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, coffee;
  • smoking;
  • heavy physical activity, including sports overload;
  • pregnancy, postpartum period;
  • constipation and prolonged straining during bowel movements;
  • tumors in the intestines and rectum;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • anal sex;
  • stressful situations, depression.

Also, recently, doctors have been paying attention to the psychosomatic cause of hemorrhoids associated with chronic constipation.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

Symptoms may vary depending on the type and stage of hemorrhoids. But there are a number of signs that indicate the development of this disease. These include:

  • itching, burning, feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the rectum, anus;
  • pain during bowel movements and for some time after it;
  • red blood in the stool or on toilet paper;
  • nodes (bumps) around the anus are felt;
  • painful and bleeding anal fissures that appear during bowel movements;
  • swelling, inflammation, eczema of the perianal area (the area around the anus);
  • discharge of mucus from the rectum.

Diagnosis of the disease is simple - in 90% of cases, internal hemorrhoids can be easily detected by digital examination of the rectum - or visually if the nodes fall out. A detailed examination to assess the extent of the disease with ultrasound and colonoscopy can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Forms of the disease

  • Spicy. Large, bluish, inflamed nodes appear. The pain syndrome increases significantly, which is explained by the large number of receptors on the rectal mucosa. The inflammatory process can affect not only the fallen nodes, but also the areas around them.
  • Chronic. There is almost no pain in the nodes; it intensifies for a short time after defecation. The nodes fall out periodically, they can be set by hand, but at the last stage they remain outside all the time. Bleeding, itching, and discomfort in the anal area are often observed.

Hemorrhoids easily become a chronic, sluggish condition, against which relapses occur. The person feels quite healthy between exacerbations. But if the disease is not treated, these exacerbations appear more and more often, reducing the quality of life, interfering with plans and ideas.

Possible complications

Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation must be timely, otherwise complications are possible. What does this mean?

  • Bleeding. Can be abundant and long-lasting. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Frequently recurring bleeding can lead to the development of anemia.
  • Thrombosis. A blood clot forms in the hemorrhoid. Infringement of the node causes severe pain, which is not associated with bowel movements and is constantly present. Severe swelling also appears. Extensive hemorrhoidal thrombosis is often observed in women after childbirth.

Less common: proctitis, colitis, fissures, fistulas, malignant tumors.

Hemorrhoids are a “delicate” topic. People are simply embarrassed to go to the doctor, resorting to self-medication. A variety of folk remedies, gymnastics, massage - methods of auxiliary therapy. They can be useful only for mild forms of the disease and for preventing relapses.

In most cases, to cope with an exacerbation, special creams, suppositories or tablets are sufficient, along with correction of diet and lifestyle. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is required less frequently. Remember that the decision on how to treat hemorrhoids in this case can only be made by a doctor.

Methods of treating hemorrhoids in traditional medicine. How to cure hemorrhoids correctly yourself?

What to do when you no longer have the strength? Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies is a popular topic in the Internet space. You can find many old recipes in Russian herbal books. Official medicine does not deny the benefits of herbal medicine for hemorrhoids. In pharmacology, the group of antihemorrhoidal plants includes: horse chestnut, elderberry, strawberries, raw potatoes, etc.

Homemade decoctions and infusions are prepared from these herbs for oral and external use. Also, extracts of some plants are added to pharmaceutical preparations for hemorrhoids.

However, it is important to know:

  • natural remedies can relieve symptoms, but do not always affect the cause;
  • the effect of folk remedies accumulates for a long time, during which time hemorrhoids can develop into a form that is more difficult to treat;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled use of herbs can cause overdose, poisoning and an allergic reaction;
  • in the acute period, it is important to quickly relieve pain, prevent the development of complications, and only medications can cope with this;
  • folk remedies have side effects, the manifestations of which have been studied less than those of classical medicine.

There is a generally accepted opinion that synthetic drugs are “chemicals” that cause great harm to the body. However, herbal treatment is not so harmless if you consider the percentage of complications that arise after self-medication with baths and poultices. Hemorrhoids are a disease that develops slowly. It has the insidious property of abruptly turning into an acute form - with severe pain, inflammation and bleeding, violating all plans and agreements. This requires immediate medical treatment.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids

Doctors often prescribe several medications at once: tablets against blood clots and for venous circulation; anesthetic cream to relieve pain; antiseptics for healing wounds and cracks; hormones to relieve itching.

It is convenient to use combination medications when treating hemorrhoids: instead of a whole package of medications, one tube of cream or a pack of suppositories is enough. Drugs of this type not only relieve pain, but also relieve inflammation, maintain vein tone, reduce capillary permeability, that is, they affect the cause of the disease.

Products that contain hormones and antibiotics should be treated with caution and used only under the supervision of a doctor, because they have significantly more contraindications and side effects.

For example, Procto-glivenol cream and suppositories contain the anesthetic lidocaine, which allows you to quickly and reliably relieve pain, and tribenoside - it effectively removes inflammation, swelling, and tones the veins. "Procto-Glyvenol" does not contain hormones and antibiotics, and interacts well with other medications. Combined drugs are equally effective for external and internal hemorrhoids.

Sometimes massage is prescribed to get rid of stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. Doctors avoid prescribing folk remedies because their safety and effectiveness have not been tested by anyone.

Features of treatment in women and men

According to statistics, 85% of pregnant women and women in labor experience hemorrhoids. The situation is not the best for male drivers or those representatives of the stronger sex who are engaged in hard physical labor and professional sports.

  • How to treat hemorrhoids in women. The principles of treatment are no different from the general approach. It is necessary to pay attention to specific “female” factors - pregnancy, childbirth, blood stagnation, inflammation in the pelvis, frequent diets and, as a result, constipation. How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? This issue is resolved individually after a face-to-face consultation with a gynecologist and proctologist. Some medications have strict contraindications during the entire pregnancy, while others cannot use suppositories and ointments in the first trimester.
  • How to treat hemorrhoids in men. The principles of treatment are no different from the general approach. It is only important to eliminate the factors that influence the development of this disease in men - dietary errors, frequent alcohol consumption, “office life” and sedentary work, prolonged driving, physical inactivity. The cause may also be stress in the gym, weightlifting, or bodybuilding.

Maintenance treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids in adults

The diet for hemorrhoids is aimed at preventing constipation, therefore, mechanically provoking a relapse. What can you eat if you have hemorrhoids?

  • Lots of fiber. It is useful to eat raw and boiled vegetables and fresh fruits. To prevent constipation, the following are recommended: prunes, dried apricots, fresh apricots, apples, peaches, grapes. The following vegetables are especially useful: beets, cabbage, zucchini.
  • Sufficient drinking regime. In addition to tea, juices, drinks, fresh kefir, you should drink raw drinking water. Lack of water in the body also leads to constipation.
  • Fresh dairy products. Fresh yogurt, yogurt, and kefir are especially useful.
  • Vitamin complex. When treating and preventing hemorrhoids, it is important to replenish the deficiency of magnesium, iron, and reserves of vitamins C, A, K, E, P, B.

You should avoid or limit foods that cause constipation:

  • flour products: bread made from white flour, rolls, crackers, as well as pasta made from durum wheat;
  • meat dishes: steep broths, boiled lean meat;
  • eggs: especially hard-boiled eggs;
  • vegetables: potatoes, radishes, radishes, eggplants;
  • dairy: kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, which are stored for more than a day;
  • berries and fruits: blueberries, quince, pears, persimmons, bananas, pomegranate;
  • dishes with starch and gelatin: jelly, jelly, jellied meat;
  • drinks: strong tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • cereals: semolina, rice.

The diet for hemorrhoids is selected individually, since the body can react differently to the same foods.

What else is important for prevention?

  • Adjust your lifestyle - move more, walk, but do not overload the body, do not lift weights.
  • Monitor the hygiene of the affected area; during treatment, if possible, refuse toilet paper in favor of washing with warm water;
  • Empty your bowels in a timely manner at the first urge, do not strain, and do not sit for a long time on the toilet.

It is better to treat hemorrhoids yourself at home only after consultation and examination by a proctologist. In 90% of cases, hemorrhoids are successfully treated without surgery - with timely consultation with a doctor, selection of effective drugs against hemorrhoids, correction of diet and lifestyle.

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Treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly - is it possible? According to many patients, hemorrhoids can be treated at home at the initial stage; hemorrhoids are almost impossible to confuse with other diseases. The presence of such a delicate problem may be indicated by signs that appear:

  • Feeling of a foreign body directly in the intestine;
  • The appearance of unpleasant sensations when sitting, during movement, during bowel movements;
  • The presence of mucus secreted from the anus;
  • Minor or heavy bleeding from the anus;
  • Soreness, burning, irritation, itching or rawness in the anal area;
  • The appearance of a feeling of heaviness, insufficient bowel movement.

However, similar symptoms can also be observed in other intestinal pathologies that require completely different treatment methods.

A characteristic sign of hemorrhoids includes the appearance of lumps and nodes, which, depending on the stage of development of the disease, can:

  • Burst, bleed and become inflamed;
  • Merge into a single entity that can degenerate into a life-threatening condition;
  • Appear temporarily or have a pronounced manifestation without the possibility of reduction;
  • Have an external or internal character.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly

How to treat hemorrhoids at home? The success of treating the disease at home directly depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the condition of the hemorrhoids. In the initial stages of the disease, it is indeed possible to quickly cope with the problem - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly. However, the issue must be approached comprehensively.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home quickly. It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids only by using “magic” pills or a “miracle” proven home recipe. Without changing the rhythm of life and eating habits, it is not only problematic to get rid of the disease, but there is also a real threat of relapses with the disease moving to a more serious stage.

And in order to finally get rid of hemorrhoids, you will have to radically reconsider your habits. Indeed, behind the appearance of an anomaly there are not only factors in the form of hereditary predisposition and age-related changes, but also provoking reasons, expressed by:

  • Problems with bowel movements;
  • Heavy physical work;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Psychological factors;
  • Errors in nutrition.

Therefore, treatment of hemorrhoids carried out at home will be effective only if a direct impact on the source of the pathology is combined and the causes of the disease are eliminated.

Basis of therapy

How to cure hemorrhoids at home? For successful and quick treatment of hemorrhoids at home, it is necessary to use oral medications to improve blood microcirculation around the hemorrhoids. One of the effective drugs is Detralex tablets.

After use, the patient’s well-being improves the very next day. This is a medicine of natural origin with a minimum of side effects.

There are other drugs that differ in their spectrum of effects, which include:

  1. ProctoGlivenol, Ginkor Fort, Pylex– tonic, strengthen the walls of venous vessels;
  2. Venarus and Phlebodia– venoprotectors, improve blood microcirculation and increase overall vascular tone;
  3. Heparin and Hemaroidin– anticoagulants, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  4. Calcium chloride, Vikasol– hemostatic agents, restore damaged cells of the rectal mucosa.

By taking a combination of tablets, suppositories and ointments, you can not only alleviate the patient’s condition, but also completely forget about this disease. It is important to follow a number of preventive actions to avoid relapse.

Vaseline for hemorrhoids

Exacerbation of hemorrhoids is quickly relieved with lotions of medicinal ointment, which is prepared from Vaseline, which is usually available in everyone's first aid kit.

Making ointment:

  • Prepare the components: petroleum jelly (80 g), propolis (7 g), lanolin (10 g);
  • Mix everything and melt gently in a water bath;
  • Mix thoroughly and pass through gauze;
  • Apply to a cotton pad and lubricate external hemorrhoids.

To make lotions for hemorrhoids, Vaseline can also be mixed with streptocide ointment (or crush 10 tablets of streptocide and mix with 30 g of Vaseline). If you don’t have any means at hand, then to quickly relieve pain you can use lotions only with Vaseline. Don’t forget that today we are looking at the topic of hemorrhoids treatment at home.

How can you cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

Treatment of hemorrhoidal disease in pregnant women requires an individual approach. When choosing a method of therapy and medications, you need to take into account the timing and course of pregnancy, the type of disease. Understand what and how external hemorrhoids are treated at home. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Ointments cope well with the disease:

  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Cream Bezornil;
  • Posterized.

It is important to decide how to treat internal hemorrhoids at home. Suppositories and ointments are used here:

  • Natalsid. Stops bleeding well;
  • Relief Advance. Acts as an analgesic and wound healing agent;
  • Neo-Anuzol. Suitable for bleeding and itching;
  • Relief. Heals wounds and clots blood.

Treating hemorrhoids at home

How to treat hemorrhoids quickly in an adult? To treat hemorrhoids at home, we recommend taking the following measures using appropriate remedies (hemorrhoid ointment, baths). First, limit yourself to lifting heavy objects. You should not raise your voice too much and laugh hysterically; in extreme cases, do this while sitting on the edge of a hard chair or stool - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly.

It is better to wash yourself with cold water (the discomfort from the procedure will disappear after 7 days), this especially helps at the peak of the disease. Hot baths should be avoided; only warm sedentary baths will be useful, in sessions of 6-8 minutes. In such a bath you can add medicinal decoctions of oak bark, string, strawberry leaves, horsetail, flax seeds, sage, chamomile. For hemorrhoids, patients prefer conservative treatment methods, discarding the option of surgery.

In addition to suppositories for hemorrhoids, it would be appropriate to use a specialized ointment. It eliminates the manifestations of hemorrhoids directly at the site of the disease. In some cases, the quality of effectiveness of suppositories is inferior to ointments for hemorrhoids.

This remedy can also be used in advanced stages of the disease. The patient’s well-being improves within a couple of minutes after applying the ointment, and the effect lasts for a long time - how to cure hemorrhoids quickly? Ointment for hemorrhoids anesthetizes, reduces inflammation, heals, and for the first time doctors in China used the ointment. How to treat hemorrhoids at home - ointments for hemorrhoids.

Swelling and swelling disappear, the skin becomes less irritated, nodes decrease, temperature drops, tissues are restored, blood circulates faster. Ointment for hemorrhoids with musk has a good aroma, different shades: from gray to slightly pinkish.

For a full recovery, the patient needs to normalize his diet and eat food in a timely manner. You need to eat five times a day, in small quantities. In this case, it is necessary to choose food that does not cause flatulence, is easily digested, softens the stool, and does not interfere with the healing of the affected areas.

The diet should contain minerals and vitamins that normalize the functioning of the body. How to quickly cure hemorrhoids? Once you have learned how to treat hemorrhoids at home, do not rush into treatment without first consulting your doctor. It is imperative to identify the stage of the disease and the reasons that contributed to the formation of hemorrhoids - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly.

The doctor will examine the nodes, give directions for the necessary tests and prescribe the most optimal remedy for hemorrhoids - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly. Below you can learn more about how to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies and using hemorrhoid ointments. Ointment for hemorrhoids can be used as a prevention of the disease, as well as for treatment.

Ointments for hemorrhoids - effective and inexpensive

Ointment for hemorrhoids - choose the best, inexpensive and effective ones. Ointments are an effective treatment for hemorrhoids at home. Many people ask: “Which ointments for hemorrhoids are the best and most effective for treating this insidious disease”? Treatment of hemorrhoids quickly for residents of large cities who lead an insufficiently active lifestyle, the problem of hemorrhoids is becoming more and more urgent.

The disease occurs when venous circulation is impaired and congestion occurs in the pelvic area. Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a huge variety of inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids and ointments that have healing and regenerating properties.

Many effective ointments for hemorrhoids solve several problems at once: reduce itching, swelling and pain, stop bleeding, etc. The choice depends on the components that play a major role in the treatment of the disease.

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Levomekol

The main active substance in the ointment is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. It eliminates infectious agents and bacteria that provoke the development of hemorrhoids. External use relieves the body of the toxic effect of the antibiotic on the entire body. There is no addiction to the drug; the ointment is used for a long time.

It not only eliminates the inflammatory process, but also stimulates the body's protective functions due to the methyluracil component. Thus, the entire body is involved in suppressing the infection. Methyluracil helps enhance the process of protein production in the mucous membrane, acting at the cellular level, thereby accelerating tissue regeneration.

In addition, the drug has an adsorbing effect, cleans the surface of the nodes from decay products and prevents toxicity. This remedy is used both for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Wounds and cracks heal quickly, bacteria do not spread, so the risk of complications is reduced to zero. Price from 150 rub..

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

The ointment not only effectively treats inflammation of the nodes, but also eliminates and prevents thrombosis of hemorrhoids due to its thinning effect. The main component heparin helps relieve pain symptoms, eliminate the inflammatory process in the anal canal - quickly treat hemorrhoids at home. There are practically no side effects identified. Price from 77 rub..

Cream wax Zdorov

Cream wax Zdorov is a new drug for the quick and effective treatment of hemorrhoids. It contains only natural ingredients:

  • Horse chestnut extract;
  • Cedar resin;
  • Olive oil;
  • Dead bee extract;
  • Beeswax;
  • Bee moth extract;
  • Bee venom;
  • Propolis extract.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home quickly? Cream wax Zdorov belongs to modern medicines. He combined the long-standing experience of traditional healers and the capabilities of technology. It is unique in that it allows you to use other medications for hemorrhoids simultaneously. Does not reduce their effectiveness and does not block the action of the components. Price from 990 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Posterisan Forte

The ointment is a combination product that combines hydrocortisone and bacteria. The bacteria include intestinal coli cells, neutralized by phenol, which perform an immunomodulatory function. Antigens increase the resistance of tissue cells to pathogenic pathogens.

In addition, the permeability of blood vessels and their tone are normalized. Hydrocortisone helps relieve swelling and itching. The ointment improves the condition, relieves inflammation and is perfectly used in combination with other drugs. Price from 440 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Esculus

Homeopathic ointment based on extract from horse chestnut fruits. It has a characteristic odor and is a homogeneous mass of yellow color. Has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Tones blood vessels and veins.

Thanks to the use of ointment, the fragility and permeability of capillaries is reduced, as a result, the accumulation of moisture in the tissues is reduced and swelling is eliminated. The drug is used to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation and fissures of the anal canal, itching and swelling. It is not advisable to use the ointment for pregnant women and people with hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment - treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Price from 46 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Bezornil

The ointment has a beige or brown color, a specific smell, and is available in tubes of 10 grams in 4 tips. The basis of the ointment is lanolin, petroleum jelly and purified borneol. Borneol has bactericidal properties and is active against streptococcus, staphylococcus and E. coli.

The zinc carbonate contained in the ointment has an antiseptic and drying effect. Used to treat hemorrhoids, fissures, anal eczema. Price from 310 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Geparoid Lechiva

A white emulsion with a characteristic odor, which contains the active substance heparinoid. It not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also counteracts thrombosis and accelerates resorption. This effect is achieved due to the ability to thin the blood and resolve hematomas.

As a result, inflammation is relieved, itching and swelling are reduced. The drug quickly restores damaged tissue, so it is often used after sclerotherapy and in the treatment of hemorrhoids without bleeding from the nodes. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment and diseases such as hemophilia and hemorrhage. Price from 145 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Ultraproct

The ointment includes components - fluocortolone and cinchocaine, which mutually enhance the therapeutic effect. Fluocortolone is an active corticosteroid that promotes rapid healing, eliminates inflammation and swelling, has an anesthetic effect and prevents bleeding - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly.

Cinchocaine reduces pain and eliminates burning and itching. The absorption of the components is low, so the product is used to treat children and pregnant women. Widely used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, proctitis, fissures. Price from 620 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Girudoproct

Gel based on horse chestnut extract, medicinal leech extract, sea buckthorn and methyluracil. The drug relieves inflammation, strengthens blood vessels, and increases local immunity. Thanks to its constituent components, antibacterial and regenerating properties are clearly expressed. Promotes healing, accelerates regeneration processes, removes swelling and itching. Price from 85 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Relief

A relatively inexpensive and effective ointment, which contains shark liver oil and auxiliary elements that provide a good anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. There are several types of the drug - “Advance”, “Ultra”. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The anesthetic effect, drying, antibacterial, regenerating properties of the drug ensure rapid recovery. The remedy is recommended in the early stages of the disease; for grade 3-4 hemorrhoids it is also effective (see relief - instructions for use). Price from 360 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Proctosan

An ointment based on lidocaine and bufexamac gives good results in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it provides pain relief and anti-inflammatory therapy. It is not a steroid hormonal drug, so it is recommended for pregnant women.

The composition also includes titanium dioxide and bismuth subgalate, substances that enhance the activity of the main components (see proctosan - instructions for use). Price from 310 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Troxevasin

The product is an analgesic, venoprotector and effective antiseptic. It prevents complications because it acts quickly and gives a good effect. Reduces swelling, itching, burning, and prevents the spread of bacteria. Price from 190 rub..

Fleming's ointment

Homeopathic remedy based on calendula, witch hazel, horse chestnut, menthol, zinc oxide. It has an antiseptic and drying effect, prevents the growth of nodes, strengthens veins and tones blood vessels, relieves pain, itching, burning and swelling. Price from 310 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Proctosedyl

A drug that has proven itself to be the best - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and restorative properties. Relieves swelling, itching, burning, discomfort and irritation. The drug contains hydrocortisone, ethylaminobenzoate, butylaminobenzoate, esculoside. The combination of active components improves the condition of blood vessels, increases their flexibility and elasticity. Price from 350 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Aurobin

The ointment is made from components that enhance each other’s action, increasing the effectiveness of treatment - treating hemorrhoids at home quickly. The constituent ingredients are triclosan with an antibacterial effect, panthenol with a regenerating effect, lidocaine with an anesthetic property and prednisolone with an immunomodulatory ability to resist the accumulation of pus. Price from 285 rub..

Ointment for hemorrhoids - Gepatrombin

The ointment contains active ingredients - heparin and prednisolone, as well as auxiliary substances - paraffin, lanolin, silicon dioxide. Heparin has an effect on veins and blood vessels, strengthening them and preventing thrombosis. And prednisolone increases the body's protective functions. Price from 160 rub.. Now you know how to quickly treat hemorrhoids!

Video “Methods for quickly treating hemorrhoids at home”

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– these are dilated and inflamed veins of the rectum. This disease is a person’s retribution for walking upright and eating refined foods. In this article you will find out whether you can cure hemorrhoids yourself forever.

The main reason for the development of the pathological process is that the outflow of blood from the lower parts of the pelvis is not very good.

In addition, this disease very often develops in those people who stand for a very long time (for example, hairdressers and salesmen) or sit (truck drivers). The condition of the venous wall of the rectal vessels worsens sharply in people who lift weights (weightlifters, loaders).


Predisposing factors:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Physical inactivity.
  3. Insufficient dietary fiber intake.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Childbirth.

Clinical picture

Hemorrhoids usually begin with anal itching and pain in the rectal area. Then the person develops protruding nodes and bumps in the anal area. The act of defecation is accompanied by pain. After bowel movements, droplets of fresh blood are released from the anus. There may be mucus and pus discharge from the anus. Sometimes a person is bothered by a false urge to defecate, as well as a constant feeling that there is a foreign body in the rectum.


Patients with the second and third stages of the disease, as a rule, turn to a specialist. But about 4% of patients come to see a proctologist when hemorrhoids are very advanced - at stage 4.

Is it possible to completely cure hemorrhoids? This It is quite possible when only the first signs of the disease appeared. However, there are certain difficulties in this. In most cases, the first stage of the pathological process is very rarely diagnosed due to the minimal manifestation of clinical symptoms.

Stages of hemorrhoids

The diagnosis of the initial stage can be made when examining the patient for other diseases.

If the pathological process has started, then it is quite difficult to stop and a person must take all possible measures to ensure that hemorrhoids do not progress in the future. Is hemorrhoids completely curable?

Diet and lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet are key to preventing and treating hemorrhoidal disease for good. Regular exercise stimulates intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of constipation. Physical activity reduces congestion and helps enrich organs and tissues with oxygen.

A person should go to the toilet as soon as he feels the urge, but should not sit on the toilet for too long. This will help avoid straining during bowel movements and thus will not create increased pressure in the lower rectal area.

It is best to avoid unnecessary use of laxatives and it is best to consume foods high in fiber.

If you adhere to these principles, you can get rid of hemorrhoids forever.

You need to reconsider your diet. Include more fruits and vegetables. Eating spicy food is one of the causes of hemorrhoidal cones and nodes. With this disease, you should not overly salt or pepper your food. Because excess salt can cause fluid retention in the body and subsequently lead to swelling of the veins.

In addition, you should limit or avoid drinking caffeine-containing drinks such as tea, coffee, and alcohol. For regular and soft bowel movements You need to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid per day.


You should not self-medicate; you should consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Only a proctologist can give recommendations on how to cure hemorrhoids once and for all.

And for hemorrhoids they help reduce swelling and redness around the anus. Some of these medications contain the hormone hydrocortisone, hazel and some other active ingredients that are effective in reducing itching and pain in the anal area. But they often give only a short-term effect without following a diet.

These medications do not completely cure the disease, but they help reduce clinical symptoms, and often have only a short-term effect without diet. It is recommended not to use these drugs in treatment for more than seven days. Using these medications topically for more than a week can thin the skin of the rectal area and cause more irritation around the anus.

For hemorrhoidal disease, suppositories are used, Proctosan, Natalsid, Proctoglivenol. But they cannot completely cure this disease. Therapy should be comprehensive and aimed at all stages of pathogenesis.

For hemorrhoidal disease, venotonics are prescribed: Phlebodia And Venarus. They improve the condition of the venous wall and are a good remedy for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

Corticosteroids are prescribed for hemorrhoidal disease to reduce pain as well as inflammation. Laxatives help relieve constipation. If the underlying cause of a patient's hemorrhoids is chronic constipation, the doctor may prescribe a laxative to treat the condition.


Many people are interested in the question of whether hemorrhoids can be cured. There are several simple recipes that help cope with this disease. For example, fresh rose petals must be crushed and then mixed with 50 ml of boiled milk. This mixture should be taken for 3 days on an empty stomach. This is a very good remedy for bleeding lumps and nodes in hemorrhoidal disease.


If you are looking for instant relief from hemorrhoidal pain, be sure to try an ice pack. This is a fairly simple and cheap method, but very effective. It will help constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.

Ice is a remedy that will stop the pain in a matter of seconds. Use a regular ice pack or place a piece of ice in a cloth, then place it directly on the affected area for 10 minutes. Do this as often as you need or until the hemorrhoidal lumps and nodes disappear.

Almond oil

Almond oil is deeply absorbed into the tissues and skin, so it works best for the external type of hemorrhoidal disease. Dip a cotton ball in almond oil and apply it directly to the affected area three or more times a day. This will help not only lubricate, but also moisturize the anal sphincter, as well as reduce inflammation in this delicate area.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best remedies for treating hemorrhoidal disease.

This is perhaps one of the best methods of treating hemorrhoidal disease. Aloe vera gel contains natural anti-inflammatory and therapeutic compounds that reduce irritation around the anus.

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids simply apply aloe vera gel on a cotton swab directly to the bumps and nodes. This will help stop itching and burning, and significantly relieve pain. Repeat this as often as necessary throughout the day and continue this treatment for several days until the hemorrhoidal veins shrink.

For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids Carefully cut the aloe vera leaf into thin strips. Be sure to cut off the prickly parts on the leaf. Place these slices in a container and place them in the freezer for one hour. Take this frozen aloe vera strip and apply it to your hemorrhoids.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains powerful astringent compounds that constrict blood vessels and relieve irritation, itching and swelling of hemorrhoids. For best results, always use unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

For internal hemorrhoids, you need to add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to one glass of water and drink it twice a day. Add a little honey to this drink if you find it too sour.

Apple cider vinegar - a remedy for treating hemorrhoids at home

For external hemorrhoids, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the hemorrhoidal veins and nodes for a few minutes. You will feel a tingling and slight burning sensation, but soon after there will be relief from the itching and burning. Do this as often as needed to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.


There are many recipes on how to cure internal hemorrhoids forever. But, unfortunately, they only work in combination, and there is no separate universal remedy that can cure hemorrhoids for life. If you apply all the doctor’s recommendations in combination, then in this case you can cope with the disease and not think about it anymore.


You can find advice on how to cure hemorrhoids at home using folk remedies without surgery. They should not be neglected if the stage of development of the disease is not too advanced. If you have hemorrhoids or complications, it is better to visit a doctor to avoid the risk of serious consequences. Find out what the disease is, what causes it and how to cure it.

What are hemorrhoids

According to medical terminology, hemorrhoids are an increase in the size of vascular formations in the anal canal and under the skin near the anus. The formations include cavernous bodies - veins and arteries woven together. Normally, they do not increase in size and are designed to retain feces and gases in the rectum. Nodes can pop out for the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition to varicose veins;
  • sedentary lifestyle, decreased tone of the vein walls;
  • pregnancy in women, increased sex hormones in the blood;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • constipation, hard stools;
  • stress, unhealthy diet, eating unhealthy foods.

Is it possible to completely cure hemorrhoids?

To clarify whether hemorrhoids can be completely cured, proctologists answer positively, provided complex therapy is followed. The disease has several stages, which determine how it will be treated:

  • the first is simple, initial, the nodes are enclosed in the intestinal lumen and do not extend beyond the dentate line;
  • second - the nodes in the anus bleed, pain may appear, it is possible to cure on your own;
  • third - hemorrhoids are reduced by hand;
  • fourth – reduction is impossible, the case is advanced and can only be cured by surgery.

If you notice symptoms of bleeding from the anus, painful nodes, swelling, inflammation, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you what to do for hemorrhoids, what prescription medications will help cure the symptoms. The patient may have to undergo surgery to remove or glue hemorrhoids. The disease can be completely cured if the correct methods are followed.

How to treat correctly

To effectively and correctly treat hemorrhoids, you need to review your diet, especially when the disease occurs due to constipation. A special diet includes dishes that stimulate the functionality of the large intestine and normalize bowel movements. Thanks to its observance, complex treatment with the use of medications and exercises, a positive statement becomes in the question of whether hemorrhoids can be cured without consequences.

What can be treated

Effective laxatives included in the group of medications that can be used to treat hemorrhoids on your own include:

  1. Duphalac is a hyperosmotic agent that changes acidity, increases blood pressure, and increases the volume of feces.
  2. Mucofalk - a natural remedy containing plantain seeds, stimulates peristalsis.
  3. Microlax is a combined microclyster that normalizes stool.

Venotonic drugs from the group used to cure hemorrhoids include the following drugs:

  1. Tablets with active ingredients diosmin, hesperidin, troxerutin, chestnut and hazel extracts. Detralex, Phlebodia, Venarus, Troxevasin.
  2. Herbal tablets: Asklesan, Litovit, Ginkor Fort - stimulate vascular metabolism, eliminate damage, normalize blood flow.
  3. Ointments that relieve inflammation - Relief, Heparin, Beriplast.
  4. Suppositories – Procto-glivenol, administered rectally.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

If the disease is advanced, hemorrhoids are treated surgically. The indications for it are stage 3-4, which causes discomfort in the patient. What helps with hemorrhoids: hemorrhoidectomy performed under anesthesia. The skin and mucous membrane are excised with a scalpel, the pedicle of the vessels of the node is tightened, the defects are removed during a closed type of operation or left open. This procedure can cure the disease without relapse.

Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery

In addition to surgical intervention, non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out. The choice of means for this therapy depends on the complaints and characteristics of the degree of hemorrhoids. You can cure it with:

  • for bleeding - vasoconstrictor suppositories with adrenaline or mezaton (Relief, Procto-glivenol);
  • for cracks - local hemostatic agents with thrombin and fibrinogen (Beriplast, Adroxon);
  • ointments with analgesics anesthesin, lidocaine, neomycin - Nefluan, Emla;
  • anticoagulants - heparin ointments, Nigepan, containing streptocide;
  • antiseptics with iodine – Iodinol;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal Ketoprofen, Diclofenac and with corticosteroids Proctosedyl, Ultraproct, Aurobin;
  • phlebotropic drugs - Troxevasin, Diosmin, Detralex.

In case of bleeding from the intestine, sigmoidoscopy is prescribed to exclude the diagnosis of polyps or cancer. In case of relapse, minimally invasive interventions are used that can cure the disease:

  • sclerosis - injection of substances into a vein to glue the blood flow;
  • disarterization - placing ligatures on the arteries near the node;
  • ligation with latex rings - to stop the blood supply to the node;
  • infrared coagulation – separates the node, restores the integrity of blood vessels.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home

Complex therapy in adults, in addition to the use of local drugs, involves changing the diet, water balance and giving up alcohol. If hemorrhoids have worsened, lie down, apply a cool compress to the sore spot, treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a warm chamomile bath. It will not be possible to cure the disease using these methods alone, but it is possible to relieve the symptoms.

How to cure external hemorrhoids

Ointments can cure external hemorrhoids without resorting to suppositories. It can crawl out of the intestines and cause unpleasant complications. Here are some tips on how to get rid of hemorrhoids forever:

  1. Apply Relief ointment with an applicator to treat nodes. It contains substances from shark liver and provides immediate assistance if the nodes are inflamed.
  2. Ointments Troxevasin, Heparin, Vishnevsky liniment, Menovasin.
  3. Tonic medications – Detralex.
  4. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids

You won’t be able to get rid of hemorrhoids on your own; there is only a chance to reduce inflammation and cure pain:

  • to prevent normalization of stool, consume kefir, figs, prunes, and beets;
  • do light gymnastics;
  • drink more water;
  • If you don’t have candles, potato pieces coated with Vaseline will come in handy.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out only in a hospital setting with observation. At home, you can reduce the size of cones and cure pain that is very painful:

  • Detralex tablets, which stimulate blood flow through the veins;
  • Cyclo-3 forte - will reduce blood flow in the area of ​​the node, relieve acute pain and swelling;
  • Bezornil - ointment to reduce the size of nodes, spread in a thick layer;
  • ice candles;
  • ointment made of honey, propolis, onion sap and birch tar, smear daily;
  • taking infusion of carrot tops.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids

If the formations occur in the lumen of the rectum, we are talking about an internal type of disease. In the absence of exacerbation, the nodes are not visible, but require disposal. Your doctor will tell you how to remove hemorrhoids. Medicines will help fight the disease. Therapy involves the use of:

  • Relief candles;
  • quince, beet preparations like candles, coated with lard;
  • peeled Kalanchoe leaf;
  • tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil and birch tar.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids

In addition to drug therapy, treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies has been successfully used. These are baths, lotions, and decoctions for internal use. Remedies that can cure the disease and remove pain include:

  1. Propolis compresses - grind 15 g of the product, pour boiling water, leave for three days, the course of treatment is three weeks. The product cures swelling and can calm inflammation.
  2. Celandine - a decoction of one and a half glasses of dry herb per liter of boiling water is drunk three times a day, 300 ml each before meals. Can cure external nodes. Instead of a decoction, you can use a lotion from a spoon of dry raw materials with 500 ml of kombucha infusion.
  3. Garlic ointment – ​​200 g, mix with 15 ml of honey and 50 ml of milk. Boil, keep until thick consistency. Lubricate knots to relieve chronic inflammation.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids

At the first stages of the disease, the following traditional methods are successfully used:

  1. Microclysters with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, wormwood, strawberry or oils. Boil 80 g of dry raw material in a liter of water for seven minutes, leave for six hours.
  2. Tampons with sea buckthorn oil, propolis, potato, cabbage or beet juice. Soak gauze blanks with oil, infusion or freshly squeezed juice, insert overnight until symptoms disappear.
  3. Reception of herbal teas - equal parts of dried herbs strawberries, marigolds, plantain, mantle, coltsfoot, linden flowers, roses, pour boiling water over them, steam for 12 minutes. Leave for an hour, drink 50 ml four times a day.

Video: how to cure hemorrhoids at home

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Treatment of hemorrhoids at home with medications and folk remedies, removal surgery