Where is the fastest internet speed? Internet around the world - countries with the fastest internet in Europe. The fastest Internet in the world is in Vilnius

-=Prepared together with Tele2 and in its interests=-

You know I'm a paranoid old man. In our difficult time for the country, no one can be trusted. Primarily open Wi-Fi networks. Do you want to lose your passwords, data and get a virus? Welcome to public Wi-Fi! When I'm in Moscow, I spend most of my time running around the city. I filmed something somewhere, sat down somewhere, processed it and posted it. Previously, you had to look for a cafe with the Internet. But for several years now, I never connect to public Wi-Fi networks at all. What for? Works great in Moscow Mobile Internet. Few countries in the world will see such speed. At one time I didn’t even have Internet at home, since it was easier to distribute it from my phone than to look for a provider and set up a router.

There are actually a number of companies that offer low-cost or free home internet services, but what's available to you will depend on where you live and your financial situation. Here are some checking options. You just plug it in and you're ready to go. Check with the TV and phone service providers in your area to find out what types of package packages they offer.

If, however, you can't find high-speed service that fits your budget and you don't have slower service, consider going online. Low Income Internet If your income is low enough and you live in a participating state, there are also a number of programs that offer low-cost high-speed Internet services.

It is also important that the Internet is not only mobile, but also fast. After all, it’s not enough to write in the messenger; you also need to make an online broadcast and watch a heavy video on YouTube.

A year ago, a fourth operator appeared in Moscow - Tele2. And there is even more good Internet. Today Tele2 claims that it has the fastest mobile Internet in the city - it has been recognized as the best in Moscow three times.

Also, keep an eye out for the government's broadband for life program, which could soon offer low-cost, high-speed home internet service to highly qualified citizens across the country.

This guy has the fastest home internet in the United States. What is the guy with the fastest internet in the United States doing with his jealousy-dependent bandwidth? Over the past two years, startup and community Internet service providers have grabbed headlines as they began rolling out the first 10-gigabit talk on residential Internet connections in the United States.

Don't believe me?

Here are the latest tests in different places.

The Bolshoi Theater has a reception speed of just over 17 Mbit/s, and an upload speed of 19.7 Mbit/s.

At the Historical Museum, the speed is even better - the reception is 19.9 Mbit/s, and the transmission is 20.4 Mbit/s.

"When you think about it like that, it's pretty cool," Bush told me, "you ruined it." Its connection is 400 times faster. His entire house is connected, and the fiber goes straight into the house. While 10-gigabyte connections sound excessive in , Bush says his family quickly began using all of their 1-gigabyte bandwidth.

We launched this gig within eight or nine months. We don't see that at 10 shows. “You get used to everything happening instantly.” Most importantly, however, his connection made him best player due to a phenomenon known as "host advantage" that exists in games that use peer-to-peer servers.

The State Duma has 18.9 Mbit/s for reception and 20 Mbit/s for transmission.

In my office on Tverskaya the speed is worse - 17.3 Mbit/s for reception and 3 Mbit/s for transmission. In a building, the speed is always slightly worse than in the open air.

But they say this is not the limit and there are places where the Internet is even faster. So I ask you to help me find a place with the fastest internet speed. Anyone who does this will receive 5,000 rubles from us and Tele2 into their account.

"If you're playing first-person shooters and you're the host, you get a few milliseconds of advantage to the other people you're playing with," Busch said. If you have a connection with the giants, you always host, so you end up ruling.

The only thing that holds this together is the processing power, not the connection. The offer of 10 concerts has the symbolic meaning of “a lot.” This shows that our technology can do things that no one else can do. For a single supply, 10 Gbps is rare and scattered mostly in rural communities that have decided to build their own internet networks.

What do we have to do?

1. Connect to Tele2 (if you have not already done so) and check your mobile Internet speed. This can be done in the SpeedTest application (here is the version for iPhone, Android and Windows).
2. Find the location with the fastest speed and take a screenshot from the SpeedTest app.
3. Send a screenshot in a comment to this post and write where exactly you took it. Don’t try to cheat - Tele2 will definitely check whether such a speed is really possible at the specified point.

Most companies with the technology offer gigabit connections at affordable prices and 10 Gbps connections at comparatively unbearable prices. 10 Gbps connections are still available in Chattanooga; parts of southern Vermont; Salisbury, North Carolina; and parts of Detroit and Minneapolis.

If you know someone who has 10Gbps as a live client, message me with a screenshot of your speed test or your story! Speaking of speed tests, Bush says only a couple of providers can actually handle his connection.

He was supposed to send me a screenshot but technical difficulties made it unavailable for several weeks. The speedometer only says 1 gig, but it will "turn around a couple of times." So with a launch like this, we can start the conversation with what kind of hardware they will need to use the 10 gigabyte service.

Screenshots can be submitted in the comments until Friday. Then, together with Tele2, we will select two people who recorded the highest speed in Moscow and the Moscow region, and we will transfer 5,000 rubles to their account. What can you spend 5,000 rubles on with a Tele2 SIM card?

For 8 months, call an unlimited number of times to numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region.
- Over the course of a year, spend 10 GB of Internet traffic from your phone every month.
- Break the world record and talk on the phone continuously for 55 and a half hours (the current record is 54 hours and 5 minutes).

Bush, a former follower of almost everything, says he only has two hard-wired machines to be able to use a 10 Gbps connection, and his is only capable of a 3 Gbps signal. I don't feel bad for him.

It's been a long time since high-speed broadband Internet service has gone from a point of pride to an essential utility. And like all utility providers, internet service providers will do everything they can to extract the maximum profit from each of their customers.

Well, everyone else can go to the Tele2 gift website, where you can receive bonuses from the company’s partners every day. Or take part in a creative competition: create a Tele2 logo in different creative ways, take photos and share them on social networks with the hashtags #Tele2yeartogether and #MoscowSpeaks. For the most original options, you can get a year of free communication on the “Blackest” tariff, an annual subscription to the fitness center, an annual cinema subscription and other pleasant surprises.

Luckily, there are six tactical customers who can avail broadband service at the lowest price. Do not accept any offer unless it is written down. Broadband services have become a highly competitive market in areas where there are multiple providers. My friends and I were offered discounted plans just to save money when we received our first bill. In the end, we learned that sales departments will say anything to sign you up, and their billing departments will always demand ignorance.

The competition and gifts are timed to coincide with the anniversary of Tele2 in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company has much to celebrate: it has achieved many successes this year. She offered tariffs that were 25-40% cheaper than other operators, including the first and only tariff in the region with unlimited calls to phones of all operators. So the Big Three also had to reduce prices. It turns out that regardless of whether you use a Tele2 SIM card or not, you still have something to thank the new operator for.

In terms of network coverage and quality, Tele2 has caught up with the Big Three. I have already told you about the speed of mobile Internet - now you can check it yourself.

I wish Tele2 further success, and good luck to you in the competition;)

The Internet has become firmly entrenched in the life of modern man. It’s quite difficult to imagine not having internet at work or at home. Along with its popularity, Internet speed is also growing. If it is small, then downloading a large file or watching a video in HD quality on the same thing will be quite difficult. It is not surprising that users strive to connect themselves to the fastest Internet possible.

If you need internal wiring, you'd better do it yourself. Since your provider can't start billing you until the service is up and running, you can expect pretty good technical phone support to help you through the setup process.

Don't remove your modem. If you think this unfortunate situation cannot happen to you, check your internet account and you may find equipment rental charges. These fees are only increasing. Who knew there was a worldwide modem shortage?

Korea is the country with the fastest internet

Progress moves forward and every year, thanks to ultra-modern technologies, the speed of the Internet connection increases. At the same time, it is different in different countries of the world. Independent experts annually conduct research to find out who has the fastest Internet in the world, and which lucky countries can provide the population with such a service? Tops the rankings for several years now

Internet speeds here are approximately 14.1-14.3 Mbit/s . Notably, South Korea also has the highest number of smartphone owners. Further in the top five are: Japan, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Switzerland.

Who has the fastest internet speed?

But the absolute and officially certified high-speed Internet record is considered to be the private connection of a certain Mrs. Sigbritt Lotberg. She is 75 years old and lives in Sweden in the city of Karlstad. Its Internet speed is impressive - 40 Gbps. This is several thousand times faster than all other users in the world. Where did the old lady get such an incredible innovation?

If you are not eligible for promotion, you can simply switch to another provider. Complain Regularly. If your service is not perfect, it will probably fail from time to time. Don't accept these disconnects without getting something in return. Like most other companies, you can contact your internet service provider. Keep a log of your problems and request help with your claim whenever you notice service interruptions or even slowdowns.

You don't have to pay outrageous prices to get quality internet service. How do you save money to go online? Contents of this article. If you plan to live in Berlin, you should definitely get an internet contract. But how do you know which contract and what suits you best? Well, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Everything is very simple. This is a gift from her son Peter Lotberg, a specialist in fiber-optic communications, an employee of Cisco, a world-famous developer of network equipment. Peter developed a unique super technology, thanks to which the transmission of signals between routers without additional intermediary equipment over a distance of up to 2000 km became a reality.

First of all, Germany can be a well developed country and as a customer you are always right. But when it comes to service and internet providers, you will need a lot of patience. This appointment may take 2 to 4 weeks after your internet contract is registered. There are actually several reasons that we will all talk about.

The best way to find a cheap deal is to compare your options. Use our comparison tool to select your requirements and find the package that offers them at the lowest price. The cheapest deals for everyone tend to be offered by budget providers, and they don't come with a lot of bells and whistles.

Relatively small funds were invested in this amazing event. The interesting thing is that before this Ms. Lotberg didn’t even have a computer. Now she can afford to simultaneously watch more than 1000 HDTV video channels or download an HD movie in just a couple of seconds. Today, Peter Lotberg, together with the Karlstad Stadsnät provider, is working on the territorial expansion of the new communication channel.

In other words, home internet doesn't have to cost a fortune. If you're looking for less broadband, you have a variety of different providers to choose from. Here's everything you need to know about cheap broadband to find the best deal.

Which broadband providers are the cheapest?

If you need affordable internet access, you're running out of options. Quite a few providers specialize in broadband that won't break the bank. This is the complete package for the cheap ones. The Post Office is no longer just a place to buy stamps, the Post Office is a respected budget broadband provider these days. And, unlike its competitors, you can pay your bill in cash through a Post Office counter.

The purpose of this record was to show that in the near future, people all over the world will be able to use ultra-fast Internet without spending too much money. Congratulations to Sigbritt, she has become the owner of the fastest Internet in the world!

Globally average speed web page loads 6.3 megabits per second, based on the numbers, you can imagine how many millions of data can be transferred in one second. Although 6.3 megabits is enough to watch shows on Netflix or send emails, it is still very slow. This article is based on research from Massachusetts-based Internet service provider Akamai Technologies, which studies the speed of Internet service providers in countries around the world. Approximately 4 times a year, the company releases a ranking of countries by Internet speed.

Meet the top 10 countries with the fastest Internet in the world

10. Finland. People in Finland use the internet at 17.7 Mbps, which is relatively fast. In 2010, the country's Ministry of Transport and Communications provided every Finnish citizen with at least 1 Mbit/s Internet connection. This is not so much: 1 Mbit/s will allow you to send an email at low speed and watch YouTube videos with low quality.

9. Czech Republic. Internet speed in the Czech Republic averages 17.8 Mbps, which is 31% more than last year. This speed is slightly faster than what most of the US population considers average, allowing you to watch HD videos and browse the web without any lag.

8. Netherlands. The average Internet speed in the Netherlands is 17.9 Mbps.
According to a 2014 report, the country also has the most high percent families using the Internet in Europe.

7. Japan. High-speed fiber optics (cables that provide faster internet) operate throughout Japan, providing users with an average internet speed of 18.2 Mbps. In other words, multiple people in a family can use Netflix, play video games, and surf the web simultaneously on different devices without any slowdown. Japan is one of several countries working on ultra-fast 100 Gbps speeds. At the same time, the Japanese provider So-net offers 2 Gbps Internet - twice as fast as Google Fiber, making it the fastest commercially available Internet service in the world.

6. Latvia. The average Internet speed in Latvia is 18.3 Mbps, which is almost three times higher than the average Internet speed in the world.

5. Switzerland. Internet in Switzerland increased to an average of 18.7 Mbps, which is 25% more than last year.

4. Hong Kong. Hong Kong became the first country in the world to reach 60 Mbps in 2013. Today, its residents enjoy an average Internet speed of 19.9 Mbit/s.

3. Sweden. In Sweden, internet racing runs at 20.6Mbps, meaning most people rarely experience lag, even if they have multiple internet-hogging apps running. The country has seen a 32 percent increase in speed since last year.

2. Norway. With 21.3 Mbps, Norway saw the largest increase (68%) in internet speeds since last year compared to any other country in the top 10. At this speed, the computer could upload or download about five high-quality photos per second.

1. South Korea. According to the Akami report, people in South Korea enjoy the fastest Internet access in the world. The average internet speed in the country is 29 Mbps, which is 4.6 times faster than the global average. To put it into perspective, the average HD film is around 5000mb. At 29 Mbps, your computer can download it in just over two and a half minutes. Although more than 80% of South Korean households have access to some of the fastest internet connections in the world, they face usage limits. According to a 2015 report by the nonprofit Freedom House, many internet users engage in intense internet censorship in South Korea.

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This is very helpful information, especially for those who are going to travel to some country for a long time and for whom the Internet is important. Here you will see the Top 120 countries with the best internet, in descending order. Some countries, I must admit, surprised me. I couldn’t even imagine that there were countries with even worse internet than the Philippines. But just yesterday, a person who recently came to us and had already visited Sri Lanka confirmed that the Internet there is about the same as in the Philippines and even a little worse.

1. Hong Kong (44.6 megabits/sec)

2. (39.51 megabits/sec)

3. Lithuania (37.75 megabits/sec)

4. South Korea (34.58 megabits/sec)

5. Taiwan (34.48 megabits/sec)

6. Andorra (34.09 megabits/sec)

7. Japan (33.71 megabits/sec)

8. Luxembourg (32.17 megabits/sec)

9. Macau (31.02 megabits/sec)

10. Netherlands (30.2 megabits/sec)

11. Switzerland (30.1 megabits/sec)

12. Iceland (28.37 megabits/sec)

13. Romania (28.05 megabits/sec)

14. Sweden (27.96 megabits/sec)

15. Latvia (27.85 megabits/sec)

16. Bulgaria (25.82 megabits/sec)

17. Denmark (25.73 megabits/sec)

18. Portugal (22.99 megabits/sec)

19. Moldova (22.1 megabits/sec)

20. Belgium (21.59 megabits/sec)

21. Norway (20.23 megabits/sec)

22. Finland (19.96 megabits/sec)

23. England (19.64 megabits/sec)

24. Germany (19.12 megabits/sec)

25. Åland Islands (18.79 megabits/sec)

26. Russia (18.33 megabits/sec) – compared to many other countries, everything in Russia is just wonderful! Quite a good indicator for the Internet. Only it seemed to me that in (compared to Phuket) the Internet is about the same. Apparently, it is not so good throughout Thailand.

27. Malta (18.28 megabits/sec)

28. Ukraine (17.65 megabits/sec)

29. Estonia (17.43 megabits/sec)

30. Czech Republic (17.41 megabits/sec)

31. Hungary (17.28 megabits/sec)

32. France (16.7 megabits/sec)

33. Canada (16.21 megabits/sec)

34. USA (16.07 megabits/sec)

35. Liechkenstein (15.86 megabits/sec)

36. Austria (14.93 megabits/sec)

37. Slovakia (14.86 megabits/sec)

38. UAE (14.24 megabits/sec)

39. Spain (14.22 megabits/sec)

40. Mongolia (13.79 megabits/sec)

41. Israel (13.47 megabits/sec)

42. Libya (13.06 megabits/sec)

43. Georgia (12.57 megabits/sec)

44. Monaco (12.56 megabits/sec)

45. Australia (12.44 megabits/sec)

46. ​​Kazakhstan (12.31 megabits/sec)

47. Poland (12.17 megabits/sec)

48. Slovenia (12.11 megabits/sec)

49. Ireland (11.91 megabits/sec)

50. New Zealand (11.83 megabits/sec)

51. Jersey (11.59 megabits/sec)

52. Isle of Man (11.42 megabits/sec)

53. Thailand (11.39 megabits/sec) – I was surprised here, because Thailand has great internet. Many even say that it is better than in Russia.

54. Faroe Islands (11.32 megabits/sec)

55. Vietnam (11.01 megabits/sec)

56. Aruba (10.77 megabits/sec)

57. Uruguay (10.49 megabits/sec)

58. Chile (10.08 megabits/sec)

59. Macedonia (9.7 megabits/sec)

60. China (9.23 megabits/sec) – I’m also very surprised here.

61. Kyrgyzstan (8.47 megabits/sec)

62. Kuwait (8.29 megabits/sec)

63. Papua New Guenia (8.17 megabits/sec)

64. Mexico (7.84 megabits/sec)

65. Türkiye (7.54 megabits/sec)

66. Cyprus (7.47 megabits/sec)

67. Saudi Arabia (7.21 megabits/sec)

68. Greece (7.17 megabits/sec)

69. Brazil (7.15 megabits/sec)

70. Giblartar (7 megabits/sec)

71. Madagascar (6.78 megabits/sec)

72. Aremia (6.59 megabits/sec)

73. Namibia (6.41 megabits/sec)

74. Serbia (6.38 megabits/sec)

75. Italy (6.03 megabits/sec)

76. Tajikistan (5.79 megabits/sec)

78. Greenland (5.73 megabits/sec)

79. Ethiopia (5.42 megabits/sec)

80. Belarus (5.38 megabits/sec)

81. Puerto Rico (5.14 megabits/sec)

82. Bosnia and Herzegovina (4.98 megabits/sec)

83. Albania (4.87 megabits/sec)

84. Kenya (4.85 megabits/sec)

85. Malaysia (4.75 megabits/sec)

86. Laos (4.59 megabits/sec)

87. Argentina (4.37 megabits/sec)

88. Fiji (4.37 megabits/sec)

89. Morocco (4.28 megabits/sec)

90. Colombia (4.13 megabits/sec)

91. Panama (4.04 megabits/sec)

92. Ecuador (3.97 megabits/sec)

93. Azerbaijan (3.85 megabits/sec)

94. Zimbabwe (3.83 megabits/sec)

95. Cambodia (3.8 megabits/sec)

96. Paraguay (3.79 megabits/sec)

97. (3.77 megabits/sec)

And then...attention...is the Internet really worse than in the Philippines? It would seem much worse! So this is:

98. Maldives 3.72 (megabits/sec)

99. South Africa (3.64 megabits/sec)

100. Brunei (3.51 megabits/sec)

101. Dominican Republic (3.32 megabits/sec)

102. Sri Lanka (3.31 megabits/sec)

103. Honduras (3.24 megabits/sec)

104. Mobzambique (3.17 megabits/sec)

105. Iraq (3.14 megabits/sec)

106. Peru (3.04 megabits/sec)

107. Nepal (2.95 megabits/sec)

108. India (2.78 megabits/sec) - I didn’t know that in India everything is so sad with the Internet...

109. Afghanistan (2.67 megabits/sec)

110. (2.45 megabits/sec) - strange, it seemed to me that in Indonesia the Internet is a little (!) better than in the Philippines, because... at least there are no breaks.

111. Nigeria (2.42 megabits/sec)

112. Costa Rica (2.41 megabits/sec)

113. Seychelles (2.3 megabits/sec)

114. Iran (2.06 megabits/sec)

115. Haiti (1.99 megabits/sec)

116. Pakistan (1.99 megabits/sec)

117. Venezuela (1.95 megabits/sec)

118. Egypt (1.34 megabits/sec) - oh horror... this is much worse than in the Philippines. The question immediately arises: is it really possible to do anything on the Internet?

119. Bolivia (1.31 megabits/sec)

120. And the list ends with Uzbekistan (0.85 megabits/sec). This country is not famous good internet, but the fruit there is divine! Uzbek peaches, nectarines, melons, watermelons, grapes, plums and persimmons are no worse than tropical fruits, by the way.

Therefore, going on tours to Dubai, pay attention to what kind of Internet there is. In general, this has no special significance, because Dubai is exactly the place that everyone should visit at least once. Very impressive!

Until recently, the Internet throughout the world was not very fast. So, just 15 years ago, even in the most developed countries, the connection to the network was very slow. This seriously limited the speed of information exchange. Today everything has changed. The highest speed internet can be found in Korea and Japan. The latter is ahead of the entire planet in terms of connection speed.

The fastest Internet in the world appeared not so long ago in Japan.

It was launched by the famous Internet provider So-net Entertainment, part of Sony. This new network is called Nuro. It is particularly fast. Nuro is based on fiber optic technology. At the moment, the download speed reaches 2 gigabits per second. At the same time, the download speed reaches 1 gigabit per second. This information was provided by official representatives of Sony.

For now, the fastest Internet in the world can only be experienced by those who live in Tokyo and the nearest six prefectures. Besides, it’s not that high on him. It is $51 per month. But there are some conditions. Thus, concluding a contract with a provider is mandatory procedure. There is a one-time connection fee of $535. The contract for the fastest Internet in the world is valid for two years.

A similar technology operates in the USA (in Kansas City and Texas). It's called Google Fiber. Compared to Japan, the subscription fee there is twice as high, and the download speed is two times lower. In addition, Google Fiber is currently only working in experimental mode. Kansas City is chosen as the base.

A fiber optic network has been created in a city with a population of 600 thousand people. latest generation. The cost of the offer is $120 per month. It includes not only unlimited Internet at a speed of 1 gigabit per second, but also 7 with Fiber-TV. But there are also cheaper options that allow you to abandon Internet television. Compared to Nuro, Google Fiber will be more expensive anyway.

Scientists from the UK are working on a new technology that is designed to radically change the speed of Internet access. They are developing new technologies at Bangor University. They plan to change the Internet speed to 20 gigabits per second for ordinary users thanks to new developments and technologies. And this is approximately 2,000 times faster than today.

The fastest Internet in Russia still lags behind countries with advanced high technologies in terms of speed. But there is a possibility that residents of our country will also be able to navigate the vastness of the World Wide Web with a high connection speed. The prerequisites for this already exist. So, in Chelyabinsk they launched in test mode new technology, allowing you to get Internet speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second.

As for Japan, unfortunately, the fastest Internet in the world will not be available to everyone without exception. personal computers. The fact is that most PCs are equipped with a built-in network card, which limits the download speed to 1 gigabit per second. Therefore, the new network will be available only at enterprises where special equipment is installed on computers. The development of new technologies does not stand still, and in the near future, fast Internet will be available to most users.

Romanian cat Pitzush, Instagram star

The speed and accessibility of the Internet are associated not only with democratic freedoms and development high technology in the country, but also with the general high level life of society. And this is not at all accidental, because Internet speed leaders such as South Korea, Japan and Singapore only reinforce this stereotype. But things become less clear when you come across high rates in Europe. Stereotypes are crumbling, some social phenomena defy logic at all, and the existence of fast Internet in a number of countries seems completely inexplicable.

Most of Western Europe (Germany, Italy, France, Ireland, Spain) demonstrates average 4G LTE speeds of 20-30 Mbps, while countries of Eastern Europe are currently competing with Asian leaders. How did Eastern European countries manage to overtake the Scandinavians in Internet speed, who have been leading in Europe for the last few years? What are the reasons for such achievements? We will try to find an answer to this question.

Hungarian protests for Internet freedom According to a report by OpenSignal, the fastest mobile Internet in Europe is Hungarian. 4G LTE Internet speed is 40.61 Mbit/s - the third highest in the world. Surprisingly, despite the increase in Internet speed every year, its availability is limited, and quite simply: by price. Population incomes are low, so this is quite effective method traffic regulation.

The national top level domain .hu was registered in November 1990. By January 1, 2015, 656,185 domains were registered in the country.

Quite little is known about the history of the Hungarian Internet. We know about the scandals associated with him. For example, in 2014, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban proposed introducing an Internet tax that would be levied on incoming traffic - for each gigabyte received. The fact is that people have become less likely to use the services of cellular operators for calls, switching to the Internet. Initially, the tax was explained as “a benefit for the people,” but, after carefully weighing the consequences of its introduction, residents foresaw a doubling of the cost of the Internet and took to the streets. For several days Budapest was in the grip of a crowd of thousands protesting the tax. Protesters even bombarded the ruling party's headquarters with parts from old computers. As a result, the bill was withdrawn.

The phenomenon of the Romanian Internet

Romanian cat Boss - PR manager of the local online store Catbox, a famous meme in Romania

Surely not everyone knows that for a long time Romania could boast of the fastest Internet in Europe, until Hungary overtook it (which is also quite unobvious). The history of the Romanian Internet phenomenon dates back to the nineties. The national top level domain.ro was created in 1993. The state-owned company Romtelecom reigned in the provider market. The Internet was not very good, so local entrepreneurs decided to create their own: high-speed and fiber-optic using overhead cables. As a result, Romania was one of the first countries to abandon the use of copper wires.

The technological revolution came there only in 2002; quite late, considering that it swept around the world in 1989. But this did not stop Romania from becoming a country with one of the most developed digital infrastructures. It now ranks second in Europe and fourth in the world in terms of 4G LTE Internet speed (35.61 Mbps). For comparison, Russia is only in 58th place on this list (17.57 Mbit/s).

If the Internet is fast and cheap, then why hasn't Romania become a European startup hub? The answer is simple - the country is still poorly developed for this: poor financing for entrepreneurship, low purchasing power of citizens and big problems with infrastructure. But we can’t help but mention the advantages of Romania. Accessible Internet, good specialists (engineers and programmers) and low real estate prices can lead to the country eventually becoming the European Silicon Valley.


It all sounds too simple, even boring. But everything is simple only at first glance. In special circles, Romania is associated with the city of Ramnicu Valcea - European center hackers. 120 thousand people live in it, and the only shopping mall The locals call it a “museum” (because people come to it only to gawk; only scammers can buy something). There has always been a big shortage of work in Ramnicu Valcea, but the spread of the Internet has made it possible to find another way to earn money - illegally.

The emergence of Internet cafes with cheap rates marked the beginning of hacker activity in the city. First, the hackers mastered the basics: false advertising on eBay, which offered to purchase goods at a low price, transferring money to the scammers’ accounts. Gradually, the FBI became interested in the small Romanian town, and so it turned into Hackerville. According to Romanian authorities, hackers have “earned” more than $10 billion over the past ten years. In 2014, they stole more than $1 billion - approximately 1/400th of the value of Internet fraud in a year. But for Romania this is a lot of money. Individual groups of hackers can earn up to 50 thousand dollars a week.

Moreover, in the city there are not even large hackers, but small ones who steal information about credit cards, send bricks instead of smartphones to buyers on eBay, or create skimmers to remove information about credit cards from an ATM.

Marcel Lechel

But there are also special stars. Among them is hacker Marcel Lehel under the pseudonym Guccifier. He became famous for hacking the mail of the sister of former US President George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, the Rockefeller family and US Army General Colin Powell. True, attacks on high-ranking and influential US citizens are quite logical and “noble” for Lechel: he, a conspiracy theorist, ardently believes that society is secretly controlled by the Illuminati mafia.

Bulgaria The Internet in Bulgaria is widespread - more than half of the country's population has Internet access. In the global ranking, Bulgaria ranks sixth in the world and fourth in Europe in terms of 4G LTE Internet speed - 34.26 Mbit/s. And all thanks to the fact that since 2009, at the state level, the country has been actively promoting the National Strategy for the Development of Broadband Access.

The Bulgarian national top-level domain - .bg - was registered in 1991. The first commercial Internet provider (since 1991) is Digital Systems - Varna. It offered its services to subscribers via EUnet. IN next year became available in Bulgaria Email: the first public mail server was opened in the Varna library, through which electronic messages could be sent.

The Electronic Communications Law obliges Internet providers and mobile operators to store traffic data (date, hour, location, duration of communication) and all communications of their subscribers for a year. By court decision, this data may be transferred to the State Agency national security, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Intelligence Service to search for persons and solve serious crimes: computer crimes and those that involve five years of imprisonment. Internet providers and mobile operators do not have the right to record information exchanged between subscribers without their personal consent.

The Netherlands is the technological pearl of Europe. The Dutch are known throughout the world for their efforts in introducing technology into absolutely all areas of life. There is a lot of research in the Netherlands related to the implementation of technologies in public transport, road infrastructure, surveillance, energy planning and distribution, etc.

Internet coverage in the country is very high: second in Europe (after Lithuania) with an indicator of more than 82%, and fifth in the world. In terms of 4G LTE speed, the country is seventh in the world and fourth in Europe. One of the most important sources of income for the Netherlands is startup activity, which is why the state is interested in the continuous development of the technology industry. In December 2016, there were even statements in the Netherlands that connecting to high-speed Internet is a basic human need.

The technological prowess of the Netherlands is also proven by the fact that in 2016 this country was the first in the world to successfully implement the Internet of Things throughout its territory. KPN said its LoRa IoT network is now available everywhere. Previously, the network was used in test mode in Rotterdam and The Hague. What benefits did this implementation bring? For example, Smartlog now monitors water levels in Amsterdam canals using the Internet of Things. If the level is exceeded, the sluices are automatically opened to drain the water; this allows many residential buildings and shops in the city to be saved from flooding.

Another successful application of the technology is the baggage tracking system at the large Schiphol Airport. Instead of reading detailed descriptions It's better to watch a video of how it works.

At Utrecht Central Station, LoRa sensors are used to switch train switches. Sensors collect data on the position of the hands and monitor everything that happens every second. Another successful example is the Mobilock project, which allows you to track bicycles in the city, minimizing the possibility of their theft.

Everyone knows that in the Netherlands they treat with care and special love environment. Therefore, even waste disposal is automated using the Internet of Things. Suez has equipped all types of waste with sensors and tracks their route from collection point to disposal site. This allows you to collect data on the load on services and reduce the cost of services, improving the cleanliness of the streets.

Conclusion To complete the picture, the graphs below show the development of Internet penetration in the currently leading countries of Europe and the increase in 4G LTE speed. Surprisingly, they are progressing quite evenly, even despite the fact that the countries of Eastern Europe are very much inferior to their Western competitors in many indicators: economic development, standard of living, amount of investment, Internet freedom and government transparency. But this does not prevent them from getting ahead, competing very closely even with the rich and very technologically advanced Scandinavians. Who knows, perhaps very soon we will see these countries on the pedestal, and their example will be called the great miracle of Eastern Europe.

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