Fortune telling by month. Fortune telling for a month, three months and a year. Meanings of the layout cards

Anyone who has once experienced the magical power of the Tarot will maintain a relationship with them constantly. Anyone who needed psychological support, and received it through the layout of mysterious images and symbols, will not need to explain the power of the cards and their influence on a person’s destiny. Usually, a person turns to cards in a moment of despair, or on the eve of some event. A person’s desire to know what will happen in the future is associated not only with curiosity, but also with the desire to be confident in the future. - the most common type of fortune telling. Layouts can be very diverse. Starting with fortune telling for one day, week, month and so on. By drawing one card, you can find out the general characteristics of the day. By pulling out several, you can find out the schedule of events at different times of the day. Fortune telling is done with more complex Tarot layouts, to the study of which tarot readers devote many years of their lives.

How to make a Tarot layout “Month”?

The desire to do a Tarot reading indicates your willingness to accept the events that are about to happen. You will be able to minimize the negative impact of the event on your life because you will be prepared for it. If the upcoming events please you with variety and bright colors, then the Tarot cards will rejoice with you and show you what to do in the future in order to preserve the favor of fortune. In general, it is advisable to produce on days that correspond to your biological rhythm and are favorable for them. This way you can achieve a more accurate interpretation of the cards. Future readings consider not only your thoughts and feelings, but also your fears. What are you afraid of and what are you trying to escape from? The cards look at our desires and dreams that have not come true. Perhaps they will show you options for the paths you should have taken to achieve your goal, or they will tell you what exactly prevented you from following the beaten path. What made you deviate from the specified path.

In cards, as in any responsible work, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules of behavior. Do not begin fortune telling with cards until you have established contact with the deck you have chosen for fortune telling. To do this, you can hold the deck in your hands for a while, or touch the card with your left hand, moving it from the deck. After this, you need to discard all unnecessary thoughts that may interfere with fortune telling. And only then can the layout begin. If you have difficulty interpreting a card, it is better to rely on your intuition and interpret the card based on nearby cards. It is not recommended to make several layouts for the same question. This is done only if you want to clarify a question and clarify the state of things over a certain period of time.

The monthly layout on tarot cards tells about possible events and situations that may occur within a specified period of time. Thus, a person has time to prepare for what awaits him,

or try to change or correct those points that you didn’t like in the layout or seemed unacceptable. The monthly schedule gives you the opportunity to adjust your life and put it in the direction you want.

The layout can be performed either on a full deck of 78 cards, or only on the Major Arcana; in this case, the Major Arcana directly represent the situation, and the remaining cards of the deck can be used to obtain clarifications and clarifications.

Preparing for the fortune-telling schedule for the month

  1. It is necessary to clear your mind, calm down and meditate for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Get rid of negative thoughts and moods.
  3. If you are tired or hungry, you should first satisfy your primary needs. In the best case, postpone fortune telling until the moment when you are alert and ready to receive answers to your questions.
  4. Provide yourself with a quiet and cozy atmosphere, preferably without anyone disturbing or distracting you, put your phone on silent mode.
  5. Concentrate on the question. Prepare for the layout: write a layout diagram and the necessary data.
  6. Also, before the start of the reading, you can light candles and use incense to tune in to the necessary rhythm and better feel the situation and what the cards want to tell you.

After preparation for the reading has been completed, you can begin the fortune telling itself. There are two options for the fortune telling schedule for the month. To begin with, you can use the first option, which is not so extensive.

Monthly fortune telling for beginners

First option. The layout involves five cards, which are laid out as follows.

1 – general description of the coming month, what to expect.

2 – this is something that is not worth getting full of. If you planned something in the month specified for fortune-telling, then most likely these plans are not destined to come true. If you had several options or projects, then you should pull out clarifying cards with a question about a specific case.

3 – events that you do not expect; perhaps a sign from Above may come. These could be negative events or warnings about them, or there could be chances for something to happen.

4 – display of events that will occur after a set period of time. This is what will stay with you. What awaits you after you take all the blows of the month if you do nothing. In this position, you can also use the remaining cards in the deck to clarify the situation.

5 – description of moments that will leave you. Unfortunately, you will have to part with some aspects of your life, but whether it is voluntary or forced is up to you to decide.

This version of the layout conveys a generalized description of the month and focuses your attention only on the significant and primary aspects.

Second layout option for more advanced

The second option paints a broader picture and will help you pay attention to those aspects of your life that you haven’t thought about or didn’t expect to change. This arrangement helps you better plan your actions. The layout involves 22 cards plus the S card – the significator. If fortune telling is carried out on the Major Arcana, then the significator is drawn from the stack of the Minor Arcana, and the Minor Arcana can also be used to explain any position. Layout diagram:

1,2,3 – description of the first week of the month, its mood, events and situations.

4,5,6 – characteristics of the second week of the month, what awaits you and what you should prepare for.

7,8,9 – what is expected in the third week of the month.

10,11,12 – how the month ends – description of the fourth week.

13 and 14 – family, life, home. What awaits you in relationships with family and possibly friends. Also, these positions can be considered as relationships in general with others.

15 and 16 – the emotional component of the month. What emotions will overwhelm you, the card will also give advice on how to cope with these emotions and keep them under control.

17 and 18 – work, career, study. This card reveals your prospects in the professional field.

19 and 20 – money and finance. This position helps you properly plan your expenses and protect yourself from unnecessary expenses. Of course, you won’t get a specific amount that will come to you or go away, but you can feel the general trend.

21 and 22 are a general characteristic of the month; the cards dropped here set the atmosphere and mood for the entire month. If the Major Arcana appear in this position (if the layout was carried out on a full deck), then pay attention to this, most likely this is how your month will pass. It is also worth analyzing in what other positions the Major Arcana fell.

S – the significator card shows the general conclusion and sums up the month as a whole.

If you are planning any event in the forecast month, you can pull out a clarification card for the position when you are planning this event.

To get a more detailed answer to the question in the monthly layout, you can use the following techniques:

In order not to get confused about where to place which card, draw a diagram on a piece of paper, write down for which month the layout is being made. It is better to carry out the alignment on the last day of the outgoing month, or on the first day of the coming one. For example, if you need a schedule for March, it is done either on February 28 (29 depending on the year), or directly on March 1. If the layout is done in the middle of the month, then 4 weeks are counted forward from the date.

Therefore, next to the positions revealing the descriptions of the weeks, you can write the dates of these weeks from such and such a date.

You can also divide the week into days, for example, positions 1,4,7 are the days Monday and Tuesday, positions 2,5,8 are the days Wednesday and Thursday, positions 3,6,9 are the days Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You can also assign a corresponding date to each day by looking at it on the calendar.

This layout option will allow you to see more specifically what awaits you. Also, the monthly layout allows you not only to find out the future, but also to try to change it; if you don’t like any things in the layout, you always have the opportunity to adjust your future and direct it in the direction you need.

The monthly schedule makes it possible to plan your life, just remember that no one has canceled the action of the uncontrollable Higher powers.

When conducting tarot readings for the month, it is important to remember that the deck will tell you exactly the near future with an emphasis on the situation you are asking about. After you receive the schedule for the month, based on the information received, you will be able to adjust your life if the events in the prediction do not suit you. Such fortune telling is needed so that the negative future does not become the present. The main thing is to show willpower and start working hard on yourself. In this article you will learn how to make a monthly tarot spread and how to prepare for this process.

Tarot reading, schedule: month

With the help of tarot cards, you can find out what awaits you (or the person for whom you are telling fortunes) over the next month and prepare accordingly for this future. You can guess using only the Major Arcana or all the cards in the deck. Using only the Major Arcana, it will be possible to find out only superficial, straightforward events. If you want to know more details, then it is advisable to use all the cards in the deck.

In addition to the main life events, tarot cards can show you what kind of relationships you will have with certain people next month, what awaits you in the financial sphere and other life situations.

What is the difference between a monthly tarot layout and a weekly tarot layout?

The first thing that distinguishes a monthly layout from a weekly layout is the period of fortune telling and the very methods of laying out the cards. In order to get a quick answer regarding what awaits you in the coming week, you can use the Aquarius layout or get predictions in an even simpler way using the following layout:

  • randomly draw 7 cards from the deck (each of them will correspond to one day of the week);
  • lay them out horizontally from left to right;
  • pulling out each card on the table, say out loud the day of the week;
  • if the layout is unclear, it is permissible (although not advisable) to pull out one or even two more cards on one of the days.

How to make a tarot spread for the month?

There are many ways to do monthly tarot readings. Let's consider those that will be the simplest for beginners. For example, you can find out upcoming events from just one card. In this case, you can ask absolutely any question regarding any area of ​​your life. Here it is important to correctly guess the meaning of the card that will answer it for you.

Another no less simple option, with help you can find out not only the future, but also the present and past of any person you are guessing about. Moreover, in this way you can find out various events and relationships between other people. To do this, you need to lay out three rows of three cards on the table. The first three will show your past or the past of the person you are guessing about. The second is the present, and the third is, accordingly, the future.

Tarot spread “12 houses” for the month

Using the “12 houses” layout, you need to focus as much as possible on the issue of interest, shuffle the Tarot deck and randomly pull out 12 cards from it. After this, they need to be laid out in a circle in the same order as the houses of the astrological horoscope. Each of the cards will mean one house and relate to one zodiac sign. Let's look at each house in order:

  1. The first card belongs to the sign of Aries. This is a person’s personality and his main qualities.
  2. Second house – Taurus. In this case, the card will be responsible for material condition and finances.
  3. The third card is Gemini. She is responsible for travel, communication and new information.
  4. The fourth is Cancer. It symbolizes a person’s parental home, his roots and upbringing. You could even say that this is his childhood.
  5. The fifth card is dominated by Leo. She is responsible for creativity and peace of mind.
  6. The third house is ruled by Virgo. It reflects the state of health.
  7. The lord of the next, seventh house is Libra. They are responsible for love and relationships, including marriage.
  8. The eighth card is considered one of the most difficult, since it is the house of death, which is dominated by Scorpio. You can use it to learn about upcoming tragedies and crises. It also reflects all unfinished matters.
  9. The next card relates to Sagittarius. It reflects Philosophy and religious issues.
  10. The tenth house is Capricorn, it will show the career, possible ambitions and main goals of the person you are guessing about.
  11. The eleventh house is Aquarius and shows friends, relatives and loved ones.
  12. Finally the last one for this Pisces. It reflects hidden desire, limitations and self-sacrifice.

With this layout, you will immediately recognize the past, present and future of a person. And in all major areas of his life.

What does the tarot layout for the month show?

Using a monthly tarot card layout, you can find out everything that will happen to you over the next month. Even if you have little experience in fortune telling, using the layouts described above, you can find out the most important events that await you in order to prepare for them accordingly.

Tarot spread for the month: diagram and description

Before starting fortune telling, it is recommended to cleanse your body and thoughts as much as possible. If possible, take a refreshing shower and meditate for a while. The main thing is to remove all negativity from your head. Experienced tarot readers do not recommend trying to tell fortunes after a tiring day at work, on an empty stomach, or if you are sick and feel unwell. This may negatively affect the interpretation of the resulting result. For authenticity, you need as clear a head as possible. If you are just starting to master the knowledge of fortune-telling Tarot cards, then first of all you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts:

  1. First of all, you need to purchase cards. There are quite a few variations of them, but the basic principle of their operation is not much different.
  2. Now you need to understand how to guess correctly. The main thing is to realize that it will not be easy and at first it may not work out. The skill of fortune telling with tarot cards has been honed over the years.
  3. No one should ever touch your cards except you. The cards should feel only your energy.
  4. Treat cards carefully; they do not tolerate disdainful treatment.
  5. Choose a quiet, cozy place for fortune telling, where no one will disturb you.
  6. Cultivate impartiality, otherwise you will not be able to make reliable predictions. Try to see what really is, and not what you would like to see.
  7. Never use your tarot cards for games.
  8. Choose a prohibiting card from the entire deck. For example, a Mage or a Jester. Before fortune telling, carefully shuffle the deck, move it and look. If the last one turned out to be your prohibiting card, then this time it’s better not to guess.
  9. You should not guess on religious holidays and on Sundays.
  10. Start learning fortune telling with simple layouts (for example, choose one of those described above) and gradually improve your skill.

What can you learn from tarot readings for time periods?

With the help of tarot cards, you can find out all the information you are interested in regarding any area of ​​life, be it finances, relationships, health or any other area of ​​life. Moreover, this is not only information about upcoming events. You can also find out everything that is happening in the present or happened in the past. The main thing is to concentrate and interpret events correctly.

Monthly fortune telling is traditionally considered a classic of the genre. There are two reasons for this. The first is the frequency of requests - fortune telling is perhaps the most popular. The second reason is ease of execution, from the point of view of technical implementation. It doesn’t matter whether you do the fortune telling yourself, whether a professional in the field of fortune telling makes the reading for you, or whether you decided to tell your fortune for the month using a free online service related to fortune telling.

Fortune telling online for a month - and today we will talk about it - is an excellent opportunity to get some guidelines, based on which you can make the right decisions and insure yourself. Moreover, you will be able to navigate the issues of what exactly can go wrong.

For the most part, many predictive systems give forecasts in the following time frames: from several hours to several weeks. A month, plus or minus a couple of weeks. Much less often - several months, but, as a rule, no more than six months. Otherwise, the accuracy of the prediction drops significantly. Why is that? It's simple. There are external circumstances, and there are internal ones that depend on the person himself.

A person is not a constant component, or rather, his internal state is not a constant. Over time, it changes. And if the Querent (the one who has been told fortunes or is being told fortunes) changes internally (his habits, point of view, attitude towards the world around him, attitude towards his partner, etc. change), the external side of the coin also changes. Those. three months ago there was “one oil painting,” but today everything has changed dramatically.

Thus, fortune telling for a month is a certain optimal duration within which the prediction can “live” and come true. It is extremely rare for the Querent to undergo dramatic changes in a matter of days (although this also sometimes happens) and the prediction does not come true. The accuracy of forecasts in fortune telling for the month is quite high and tends to eighty percent.

On the Mogura website, in the online monthly fortune telling section, a huge number of Oracles are presented, ready to give you all the comprehensive information regarding the upcoming thirty days. Guess with us and be happy!