Functions and specifics of the activities of the class teacher. Functions of the class teacher. Forms of work of the class teacher




Classroom management as an independent pedagogical phenomenon in our country has a short (just over 70 years) but rich history. The most fruitful years for the development of classroom management were the 50–80s. XX century It was during this period that such brilliant scientists as N.I. Boldyrev, O.S. Bogdanova, A.I. Dulov, I.S. Maryenko et al. developed and tested a holistic theory of classroom management. The ideas of these outstanding teachers remain in demand today; they develop, improve, and are adjusted from today’s perspective.

The essence, tasks and content of the class teacher’s work changed depending on the social order. Thus, in the “Regulations on the class teacher”, approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR in 1947, it is written: “The main task of the class teacher is to unite the students of the class into a friendly, purposeful, efficient student body in order to successfully resolve the educational tasks assigned to the school " The 1960 pedagogical dictionary states that “a class teacher is a teacher in a Soviet school who, along with teaching, carries out general work on organizing and educating the student body of a certain class.”

In the post-Soviet period, the essence of the activity of the class teacher changes: “The class teacher in a comprehensive school of the Russian Federation is a teacher involved in organizing, coordinating and conducting extracurricular educational work.” In the 90s XX century Experiments and scientific research are being conducted to find various options for organizing the work of a class teacher in a modern school (Waldorf, liberated options, etc.). Of particular importance are the studies and publications of N.E. Shchurkova.

To the fundamentally important developments of N.E. Shchurkova can be attributed to the definition of the content of education (in accordance with the educational program for schoolchildren), a new vision of the place and role of the class teacher in the educational process (the class teacher as the “central person of the educational process”), consideration of the technology of his activities.

The theoretical value of the work lies in the fact that this work expands and deepens existing ideas about the objects under study.

Target research – organization of a holistic pedagogical process and implementation of its management.

Item research – tracking results, prospects for the development of the pedagogical process.

An object research – the class teacher as the organizer of the pedagogical process and the concept of education.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Analysis of literature on the organization of the pedagogical process and its management.

2. Planning, selection and development of methods and diagnostics for classroom management.

3. Tasks of the educational process in the classroom.

4. Processing of research results.

The following methods were used during the study:



– practical,

- conversation,

– testing.

1. Activities of the class teacher

educational class teacher

Implementation of the 21st century class teacher model. involves the implementation of certain tasks, goals and content of the class teacher’s activities.

The purpose of the class teacher’s activities is to organize a holistic pedagogical process and implement its leadership.

The defining component of the pedagogical process is the goal as an ideal, mental anticipation of the results of activity, which is concretized in certain historical conditions. We consider the comprehensive harmonious development of personality as an ideal. However, from the point of view of the reality of the goal, we put forward the diversified development of the individual as the basic goal. This goal is clarified and specified in the general task of the staff of the educational institution. At the same time, it is aimed at the integrity of the individual, achieved through the implementation of the functions of the holistic pedagogical process.

Based on the general goal of education and training and the general task of the staff of the educational institution, the teacher puts forward a specific task, the formulation of which is influenced by the personality of the student or the team (through the level of upbringing, education, development) and the environment (through the microenvironment). It is precisely by setting a specific task that the cycle-impulse of the pedagogical process begins.

The setting of the task is followed by the corresponding activity of the teacher, which is structured (in accordance with the situation) as direct and indirect, direct and indirect influences using a variety of forms, means and methods. The activity of the teacher is aimed directly at the personality of the student (pupil), at organizing the activities of the pupil, at relationships and communication, at circumstances and conditions, at organizing the life of students in general.

All external influences affect the inner world of the individual, in which a certain struggle between old stereotypes and the new influences of the teacher takes place. A modern child, subject to environmental influences, often does not understand the good and important intentions of an adult towards him and views them as an encroachment on his freedom and independence, on his interests. Only when the goals, objectives, meaning and values ​​of the lives of an adult and a child coincide, achieved through the skillful influence of the teacher, does the student respond adequately to the actions of the teacher: the goal (objectives) of his own activity is formed. A goal, certain motives generate (excite) action. Personal development occurs in activity; by the actions of the person being educated, we judge the degree of implementation of the specific task assigned. It should be noted that the reaction to the influences provided occurs primarily in the area of ​​feelings (this or that attitude is revealed). The situation is more complicated with the formation of consciousness and behavior. In each case of discrepancy with the expected results, the teacher establishes the reasons for the deviation from the plan and makes adjustments to his activities, creating conditions for the child’s activities in order to obtain the desired result. The main thing here is the spiritual community of teacher and student (teacher and pupil, adult and child), “in which it is forgotten that the teacher is a leader and mentor. If the teacher has become a child’s friend, if this friendship is illuminated by a noble passion, an impulse towards something bright and reasonable, evil will never appear in the child’s heart... Education without friendship with a child, without spiritual community with him can be compared to wandering in the dark.”

Many cycles-impulses, organized in the pedagogical process on the basis of mutual respect, mutual exactingness, mutual responsibility, lead to the realization of the goal.

According to M.A. Polovtseva, the basis of the class teacher’s activity is the approach of “meeting-interpenetration-interaction” of traditional and innovative (old and new, time-tested and being created today). Its essence, in our opinion, is to change the present without “crossing out” or denying positive experience, but organically integrating it with the new, urgent, necessary, dictated by the demands of modern society. Only ensuring unity between the past and the future creates a solid basis for realizing the goal (objectives) of a holistic pedagogical process. This approach will significantly resolve the problems of “fathers and sons”, contradictions between traditional teachers and teachers seeking to introduce elements of the new into their activities, problems of teaching and raising children from different social strata, values ​​and ideals, etc.

The essence of the activity of the class teacher lies in the coordination of external influences exerted on a particular student, as well as in the organization of educational, educational, and developmental extracurricular activities in the class. Hence, there are four main functions of the class teacher: coordinating, educational, developmental and educational.

The areas of work of the class teacher include education in the learning process; extracurricular educational activities at school; extracurricular educational activities through interaction with the student’s family, children’s and youth organizations and associations, and additional education institutions.

At the same time, in each type of activity, the class teacher places emphasis primarily on the formation, adjustment (if necessary), and development of relationships that develop among the participants in the holistic pedagogical process. It is relationships that make up the content of education and are the focus of the teacher’s pedagogical activity; it is the degree of formed relationships that serves as the leading indicator of the effectiveness of his educational efforts.

System of educational work of the class teacher this is a set of his sequential actions, located in a certain way during the school year and adequate to the goal.

In my opinion, the conditions for the success of a class teacher are:

– a qualitatively new level of professional readiness, presupposing the presence of co-adaptation skills, research competence, professional mobility, competitiveness, communication skills (in the aspect of business communication);

The main functions and content of the activities of the class teacher in a modern school.

The combination of words “class teacher” is understandable to both those who have already graduated from school and those who are still studying there. It often happens that all memories of school are somehow connected with the name of the class teacher, who is the closest and direct teacher and mentor of students, organizes and directs the educational process in the classroom, and unites the efforts of teachers, parents and society. Its activities organically combine ideological, educational, organizational and administrative functions. The class teacher cares about the all-round development of children, about collectivism, hard work, education, improving the quality of knowledge, strengthening discipline and order in the classroom.

Classroom teacher - a teacher who organizes educational work in the class assigned to him . It is he who directly interacts with both students and their parents.

Currently availableseveral types of classroom management :
a subject teacher who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher;
a class teacher who performs only educational functions (exempt class teacher, also called a class teacher).

The job status of the class teacher largely determines the tasks, content and forms of his work.Educational tasks, content and forms of work of the class teacher cannot be uniform . They are determined by the requests, interests, needs of children and their parents, the conditions of the class, school, society, and the capabilities of the teacher himself. The position of the class teacher in the children's team is variable. It is determined, first of all, by the type of joint activity: in educational work, the class teacher, as a teacher, is the organizer and leader of the children’s activities; In extracurricular work, it is important for a teacher to take the position of a senior comrade, an ordinary participant.
Since the activities of the school are regulated by its Charter, the activities of the class teacher are also based on this document.

Functions of the class teacher.

As essential functions The class teacher is as follows: cognitive-diagnostic, organizational-stimulating, unifying-unifying, coordinating and personal development.

1. Cognitive-diagnostic function is associated with the need to comprehensively study the characteristics of the development and behavior of students and determine the level of their upbringing in order to take these characteristics into account in the process of extracurricular work and implement an individual approach to their training and education. The class teacher needs to know the state of health of students and physical development, the conditions of home education, the nature of their learning and educational ability, interpersonal contacts and participation in organized activities, demonstrated inclinations, abilities and interests, attitude to academic work and the dynamics of academic performance. The specified data must be brought to the attention of teachers working in the classroom so that they take them into account appropriately in the process of teaching and educational activities.
2. Organizational and stimulating function is determined by the fact that the participation of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities is to a certain extent voluntary. It is incompatible with either coercion or strict regulation of students’ activities; the main thing here is the ability of the class teacher to organize extracurricular work in such a way that it captivates students with high content, variety and freshness of forms, and a constant search for new approaches to its implementation. Even the most traditional types of work (for example, New Year's Eve, birthday celebrations, class hours, etc.) each time need to be carried out in a new way, giving them bright, colorful forms.
3. Uniting function follows from the fact that an effective factor in education is the unity of students, a healthy psychological microclimate in the classroom, friendly communication, caring for each other, and the influence of the student body. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the emergence of groups with a negative orientation in the classroom, creating conditions for exciting joint activities among students.
4. Coordinating function class teacher is due to the fact that, since several subject teachers work in the class, there is a need to coordinate their pedagogical efforts in teaching and educating students, coordinating their activities and implementing a unified approach to children. Similar work should also be carried out with the parents of students and involve them in joint educational work with the school. Problems for such work may include shortcomings in students’ home education, various behavioral deviations, increased extracurricular reading, etc.
5. Personal development function . Its implementation requires giving the ongoing educational work an effective pedagogical influence on the development of students’ personal qualities: stimulating their need-motivational sphere, educational and cognitive activity, moral and aesthetic formation, development of creative abilities and inclinations, etc.

The considered functions determine the content of the class teacher’s activities .

Directions of work of the class teacher.

The main task of the class teacher create conditions for the free development of physical and spiritual strength of students, guided by the interests of children and their age-related needs . The class teacher must know the physical and psychological health problems of his students and do everything possible so that parents and students can talk about their problems without fear.

In his activities, the class teacher can use four directions in working with students and their parents .

First direction – problem of physical health of students , since academic success and overall development depend on health. To ensure normal physical health of students, the class teacher works on the following points: educating children according to the “Health” program, involving physical education teachers and parents in this type of activity, conducting class events aimed at making students aware of self-esteem of health, involving medical specialists in educational work with parents and students themselves.

Second direction communication . Communication is an influence that determines the maximum development of a child’s personality (ethical education aimed at the formation of generally accepted values)

Third direction This is a cognitive area of ​​a child’s life. . Protecting the student in this area means explaining to all subject teachers the individual characteristics of the student.

Fourth direction this is family , in which the student grows, is formed, and is educated. The main thing in the work of the class teacher with parents is to ensure the unity of requirements for the education of students from the family and school, to create normal conditions for their home learning and to direct the educational activities of the family. The class teacher must remember that when raising a student, he influences the educational potential of the family. The object of professional attention is not the family itself and not the child’s parents, but family upbringing. It is within this framework that his interaction with his parents is considered. The teacher needs to know what is the scope of the child’s material wealth, his lifestyle, traditions and customs of his family. Consequently, the class teacher implements the function of parental education (information about the educational function of the school, about methods of education, the goals and objectives of the student’s personal development for a given period, the spiritual development of the child, about the characteristics of the student’s school activities, about relationships in the class, about identified abilities).

The educational work of the class teacher is carried out according to plan. The class teacher's work plan is a specific reflection of the upcoming course of educational work in its general strategic directions and the smallest details. Hence the expediency of an organic combination of a long-term plan of educational work and plans for specific educational activities. It is better when the class teacher has a long-term work plan for the entire academic year, and then consistently develops detailed plans for academic quarters.

Rights and responsibilities of the class teacher.

The class teacher is an administrative person.He has the right:
receive information about the mental and physical health of children;
monitor the progress of each student;
monitor children's attendance at school;
coordinate and direct the work of teachers of a given class (as well as a psychologist and social educator);
organize educational work with class students through “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic and other events;
submit proposals agreed upon with the class staff for consideration by the administration and school council;
invite parents (or persons replacing them) to school; in agreement with the administration, contact the commission on juvenile affairs, the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for family and school assistance at enterprises, resolving issues related to the education and training of students;
receive help from the school teaching staff;
determine an individual mode of working with children (freely, i.e. based on the specific situation);
refuse assignments that lie outside the scope of his work.
The class teacher has the right to conduct experimental work on problems of didactic (to develop an original program in his subject, if he is also a subject teacher) and educational (to develop a program of educational work) activities.

The responsibilities of the class teacher are as follows:

organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team;
assisting the student in solving acute problems (preferably in person, a psychologist can be involved);
establishing contacts with parents and providing them with assistance in raising children (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher;

    comprehensive study of students;

    clarification and implementation of rules of behavior for students;

    daily monitoring of students’ progress, monitoring their homework, as well as regulating the amount of homework;

    periodically holding student meetings in the classroom;

    involving students in circle work;

    organization of socially useful work;

    providing assistance in the work of voluntary children's and youth organizations and associations.

For pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher must have a good knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and master modern educational technologies.

MBOU "Bolsheignatovskaya Secondary School"

Prepared by: 1st grade teacher Chernousova V.A.

  1. Guidelines

    With the administration in advance or a permanent one is approved. SPECIFICATIONS WORKS AWESOME HEAD, HIS BASIC FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Cool supervisor- a teacher who organizes, coordinates and conducts...

  2. Class hour

    ... (food, clothing)? 3. Distribution responsibilities. 4. Entertainment. 5. Expenses. 6. The way back. SPECIFICATIONS WORKS AWESOME HEAD, HIS BASIC FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Cool supervisor- a teacher who organizes...

  3. Class teacher in the educational system of the school


    Efficiency work cool head. Based functions cool head, two groups of efficiency criteria (indicators) can be distinguished his work ...

  4. Annual work plan. Explanatory note > Work plan of the class teacher with the class for a given academic year or a grid plan for the educational work of the class teacher (by month). Operational planning

    Explanatory note

    ... cool head his responsibilities maybe... work according to established order. 2. Functions Main functions activities cool head are: 2.1. Organization of activities cool team. 2.2. Organization of training work cool ...

  5. Recommendations for joint actions of different departments in providing assistance to children and adolescents from disadvantaged families 3 Memo for class teachers when interacting with disadvantaged families


    Changes in main functions families: reproductive... Basic activities cool head V work with students and their parents. Main task cool head ... 4. Cool supervisor must encourage...

The functions of the class teacher are to create conditions for comfortable and successful life of students, to promote their development, to develop their spirituality and to help them comprehend the meaning of life. Based on this, the class teacher performs a number of functions, in particular: analytical, organizational-coordinating, prognostic and communicative.

Activities of the class teacher

The activities of the class teacher are the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to students. This activity is determined by the modern tasks that the teacher sets for himself. The class teacher carries out the following activities: social development of the child, preservation of his individuality and disclosure of his potential abilities.

The class teacher needs to study the student’s personality, his personal inclinations and interests. The teacher in this role is called upon to create a favorable atmosphere and moral and psychological climate for each individual child in the group. The class teacher must guide and provoke the self-education and self-development of the student’s personality. The responsibilities of the class teacher include coordinating the activities of subject teachers for the purpose of the intellectual and moral development of their students and providing assistance in their studies.

A teacher engaged in classroom management must facilitate the acquisition of additional education by students through clubs, clubs, and sections that are organized directly at school or in additional education institutions.

The responsibilities of the class teacher include organizing educational activities in the classroom that correspond to age interests, national traditions and the requirements of real life. The construction of the content of the life activity of the class team depends precisely on the class teacher.

Caring for the health and safety of children entrusted to the teacher, participation in medical examinations of students, and promotion of a healthy lifestyle are an integral part of the work of a classroom teacher.

The class teacher works in very close contact with the parents of students, conducts individual work with parents to correct mistakes in family education, organizes joint activities of children and parents, and improves the pedagogical culture of parents.

Main functions

Let us formulate the main functions that determine the above content of the activities of the class teacher:

  • analytical and prognostic,
  • organizational - coordinating,
  • communicative,
  • precautionary - preventive,
  • security and protective,
  • correctional.

Let's take a closer look at some of the functions. Analytical function includes:

  • obtaining and processing individual information about students, their level of psychophysical development, social environment and family situation in which they find themselves;
  • study and analysis of the development of the personality of an individual child and the team as a whole;
  • analysis and objective assessment of the level of education of students;
  • study and analysis of the educational potential of teachers working with the class;
  • study and analysis of the influence of the environment on the level of education of students.

The predictive function is partially built on the results of the analytical function and includes:

  • predicting the results of educational influence on students;
  • forecasting the individual level of development of schoolchildren;
  • forecasting the process of team formation and its activities;
  • building a model of educational activities in the classroom;
  • drawing up plans for educational work in the classroom.

The organizational and coordinating function consists of direct or indirect assistance to students and consists of the following:

  • assistance in organizing various social activities for students;
  • assistance to students in organizing educational work;
  • organizing the work of children's self-government bodies in order to instill basic skills of self-organization, responsibility and decision-making skills;
  • assistance in obtaining additional, including out-of-school education for students;
  • creating favorable conditions for self-education and self-development of the child’s personality;
  • psychological education of pupils together with a school psychologist;
  • organizing close interaction with students’ families;
  • protection of the legal rights and freedoms of their students;
  • organizing interaction with subject teachers, social educators, school psychologists, library staff, and school medical workers (Fig. 2).
  • stimulation and support of joint creative and innovative activities of students, parents and teachers.
  • work as a member of the pedagogical council and in meetings;
  • assistance in professional self-determination of graduates;
  • organization of various extracurricular activities;
  • maintaining class documentation, including a class journal, recording attendance, personal files, and work plan;
  • participation in optimizing material and living conditions for the development of students and their creative activity.

The communicative function is one of the most important in the activities of the class teacher and depends on the personal communication skills of the teacher. This feature includes:

  • assistance in the formation and regulation of interpersonal relationships among students;
  • assistance in building favorable relationships between teacher and student, between teacher and parents, between parents and students;
  • helping students establish relationships with society;
  • correction of student behavior;
  • establishing and maintaining a positive psychological climate in the team.





Functions of the class teacher

Dubrovchenko Yu.A.,

social teacher,


Volgograd, 2015

1) Functions of the class teacher

The activity of the class teacher is a purposeful, systematic, planned process, built on the basis of the charter of a general education institution, other local acts, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a person-oriented approach to students, taking into account the current tasks facing the teaching staff of the general education institutions, and situations in the class team, interethnic and interfaith relations.

For pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their functions by class teachers! one must have a good knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children of a particular age, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and master modern educational technologies.

In his activities, the class teacher must take into account the level of education of students, the social and material conditions of their lives.

Functions of the class teacher:

    Organizational and coordinating:

    • ensuring communication between the educational institution and the family

      establishing contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students, providing them with assistance in raising students (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, additional education teacher)

      conducting consultations and conversations with parents (other legal representatives) of students

      interaction with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions

      organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school team

      organizing educational work with students through “small teacher councils”, pedagogical councils, thematic and other events

      stimulating and taking into account the diverse activities of students, including in the system of additional education for children

      interaction with each student and the team, the class as a whole

      maintaining documentation (class journal, personal files of students, work plan of the class teacher).


    • regulation of interpersonal relationships between students

      establishing interaction between teaching staff and students

      promoting a generally favorable psychological climate among the class team

      assisting students in developing communicative skills.

    Analytical and forecasting:

    • studying the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development

      determination of the state and prospects for the development of the class team.


    • monitoring the progress of each student; monitoring student attendance at classes.

Forms of work of the class teacher

In accordance with his functions, the class teacher chooses forms of work with students:

    individual (conversation, consultation, exchange of opinions, provision of individual assistance, joint search for a solution to a problem, etc.)

    group (creative groups, self-government bodies, etc.):

    collective (competitions, performances, concerts, hikes, rallies, competitions, etc.).

ANDThe instructions of any institution reflect a certain set of functions, among which the most important are:analytical and diagnostic; planning and prognostication; organizational and coordinating; control and corrective.

Analytical and diagnosticthe function is implemented, first of all, in the process of studying the individual characteristics of schoolchildren in a given class. In the process of observations, conversations, joint activities with students, the class teacher gradually reveals certain personal qualities of children, the characteristics of their thinking, perception, memory, speech and other characteristics. In researching individual characteristics, the class teacher can be helped by conversations with the children’s parents and subject teachers.

The analytical and diagnostic function is also aimed at studying the conditions and principles of family upbringing of children. It is very important for the class teacher to establish a close relationship with the students’ parents, which will allow him to determine the characteristics of the family in which the student is being raised and the influence of this family on his development. Visiting the family, talking with parents and the child will allow this function to be implemented. One of the methods for registering the received data is the “Family Card”, which is a questionnaire filled out by the teacher. The questionnaire may include, in addition to the traditional items (full name of the child, age, home address, information about parents - age, education, occupation):
- information about the composition of the family as a whole,
- its form (full/incomplete, integrated/disintegrated, large/few children, etc.),
- average income per family member,

- living conditions,

- family life (indication of possible unfavorable factors - alcoholism, addiction of family members to drugs, seriously ill patients, etc.),

- the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents (the presence of pedagogical knowledge, the desire to take into account the interests of children, the ability to analyze the child’s motives, find effective means of education, etc.),

- the child’s health status,

- level of education,

- self-esteem,

- the student’s hobbies,

- necessary assistance to the family, etc.

Specific questions of the “family map” can be drawn up by the class teacher himself, if necessary, resorting to the help of a psychologist - a specialist in diagnostics.

When implementing the analytical and diagnostic function, it is also important to identify the class team and its level of development. The nature and content of the class teacher’s work with the class depends on this condition. In modern conditions, it is also very important to determine the nature of the influence of the environment on students.

Without an analytical and diagnostic function, the successful implementation of a planning and prognostic function seems very problematic. How can you make predictions and draw up work plans if you have not studied well the children with whom you will be working?

Planning and prognostic functionincludes determining the goals of the class teacher’s activities in a given class. The goals may include developing the child’s personality, forming a class team, etc. The goals can be divided into: educational (training), nurturing and developing. Having determined the goals, the class teacher draws up a plan for his work, predicting possible results.

The plans are very diverse in content, structure, and form. The main thing is that they should help in organizing educational work, be convenient to use, and be working, not formal documents. In practice, a wide variety of plans are drawn up; they can be classified on different grounds.

Basedcontent coverageplanscan be:
1) comprehensive and cover activities in all its directions and types;

2) thematic, which concentrate on planning one direction or type of activity (for example, a plan for forming a children’s team, a plan for working with moral education);
3) subject - one specific educational activity is planned (preparing and holding a competition, fire, etc.);

According to the duration of the planned periodplans can be of the following types:
1) long-term (prospective) - determine the expected work for a long period of time (a year or more);
2) stage (periodic) plan - a specific stage of the future is planned (quarter, half-year);
3) short-term - the content of educational work is determined for a short period of time (for a month, for a week);
4) operational – actions for the near future are determined (day plan).

The listed types of plans are closely interrelated: each subsequent one specifies, clarifies, and corrects the previous one.
It is good if planning is carried out by the class teacher together with parents and children, which allows taking into account the interests of all participants in the pedagogical process.

Organizational and coordinating functionis aimed at the direct organization of various forms of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren. At this stage, the class teacher’s work plan is being implemented in those areas that have been identified, which does not exclude the introduction of certain adjustments to the plan itself. Among the most important areas:
- organizing and conducting exciting educational activities that contribute to the development of the child’s personality;
- creating conditions for joint work between family and school;
- ensuring interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers to solve problems in the educational activities of schoolchildren;
- cooperation with extracurricular organizations, allowing to increase the efficiency of the educational process (museums, cultural centers, research centers, etc.);
- close connection with children's self-government bodies (student committees, School Council, various children's organizations);
- organizing meals for children, cleaning school and school grounds, classrooms, work practice;
- cooperation with specialists - school employees (psychologists, doctors) to create favorable conditions for the upbringing and development of the child’s personality;
- maintaining school documentation (entries in journals, diaries, personal files of children, drawing up work plans).

Control and correction functionaimed at determining the results of their activities and the students of the class. When analyzing the work carried out, the class teacher determines not only the results, but also the conditions that contributed to the achievement of such results, the means that were used, the motives that were updated and influenced the process and result. It is important to take into account the problems that the class teacher and children encountered during their work, determine their causes, take into account unrealized potential and draw conclusions for the future by adjusting future goals and plans.

2) The main areas of activity of the class teacher with students and their parents. Educational system of the class

The main task of the class teacher is to create conditions for the free development of the physical and spiritual strengths of students, guided by the interests of the children and their age-related needs.

The class teacher must know the physical and psychological health problems of his students and do everything possible so that parents and students can talk about their problems without fear.

In my activities, as a class teacher, I use four areas in working with students and their parents.

First direction – the problem of students’ physical health, since academic success and overall development depend on the quality of health.

Second direction - communication.

Communication is an influence that determines the maximum development of a child’s personality, primarily ethical education aimed at the formation of generally accepted values.

Solving the problem of communication leads students to an understanding of universal human values; they should become the norm for students.

Third direction - This is the cognitive sphere of a child’s life. Protecting the student in this area means explaining to all subject teachers the individual characteristics of the student.

Fourth direction – this is a family in which a student grows, is formed, and is educated. The class teacher must remember that. By raising a student, he influences the educational potential of the family. The object of professional attention is not the family itself and not the child’s parents, but family upbringing. It is within this framework that his interaction with his parents is considered.

The teacher needs to know what is the scope of the child’s material wealth, his lifestyle, traditions and customs of his family. The following points need to be taken into account:

    studying the atmosphere in the family surrounding the student, his relationships with family members;

    psychological and pedagogical education of parents through a system of parent meetings, consultations, conversations;

    organizing and spending joint free time between children and parents;

    protection of the interests and rights of the child in “difficult” families.

The class teacher implements the function of parental education (information about the educational function of the school, about methods of education, the goals and objectives of the student’s personal development for a given period, the spiritual development of the child, about the characteristics of the student’s school activities, about relationships in the class, about identified abilities).

2) The main components of teaching skills Mastery is a high and constantly improving art of education and teaching, accessible to every teacher who works according to his calling and loves children. A teacher, as a master of his craft, is a highly cultured specialist who has a deep knowledge of his subject, is well acquainted with the relevant branches of science or art, has a practical understanding of issues of general and especially child psychology, and is fluent in the methods of teaching and upbringing.

Pedagogical skills of the teacher – this is a complex of professional personality traits that ensure a high level of self-organization of pedagogical activity through mastery of the capabilities of one’s discipline for training and education.

Pedagogical excellence is based on the high professionalism of the teacher, his general culture and teaching experience. To master the skill, you need to know the laws and principles of education, be able to perfectly use effective technologies of the educational process, choose them correctly for each specific situation, diagnose, predict the process of a given level and quality.

Pedagogical excellence includes the followingComponents:

    Moral and spiritual qualities : humanistic orientation, national dignity, intelligence, life ideals, conscientiousness, honesty, truthfulness, objectivity, tolerance.

    Professional knowledge educational subject, human anatomy and physiology, psychology, pedagogy, teaching methods.

    Social and pedagogical qualities : organizational skills, endurance, adherence to principles and exactingness, optimism, sensitivity, creative thinking, attention, tact.

    Psychological and pedagogical skills : constructive, communicative, didactic, perceptual, suggestive, cognitive, applied, mastery of the basics of psychotechnics.

    Pedagogical technique : appearance, mastery of facial expressions, gestures, body, speech culture; maintaining tempo, rhythm, style of speech; communication culture; didactic skills; the ability to control your feelings.

As maincriteria for teaching excellence the following stand out:

    humanistic orientation all activities of the teacher, that is, respect for the student’s personality, affirmation of moral values ​​and norms of behavior, positive influence on young people;

    pedagogical abilities , namely:

    didactic (present the material in an accessible form, clearly present the problem, arouse cognitive interest in the subject);

    academic (knowledge of your subject and ability for scientific research);

    perceptual (psychological observation, understanding of the student’s inner world);

    organizational (the ability to unite a team, inspire it to solve socially significant problems);

    communicative (ability to establish appropriate relationships with students, pedagogical tact);

    speech abilities (the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings through speech, facial expressions and pantomime);

    pedagogical imagination (anticipating the consequences of one’s actions, educational design of students’ personalities);

    the ability to distribute attention simultaneously between several types of activities.

    professional competence , which covers professional knowledge (subject, social, pedagogical, psychological) and professional skills (ability to teach and educate, motivate and evaluate student behavior);

    pedagogical technology (culture and speech technique, ability to dress, ability to self-control, self-stimulation, etc.);

    communication skills that is, the professional ability to communicate productively and comfortably with students.

Of great importance in increasing the productivity of teaching work is the teacher’s ability to build his relationships with students within the framework of partnership pedagogy, to create an educational environment that is comfortable for all participants in the educational process.

The following contribute to the development of cognitive activity and, at the same time, a comfortable emotional state of students: characteristics of the interaction between teacher and student:

    partnerships teachers and students, the desire to communicate on equal terms and its actual implementation;

    problematic and debatable discussion of educational material;

    emotional and content support the student’s academic work and positive assessment of any progress in learning, while focusing on self-esteem is important;

    adequate meaningful attitude towards error , using it not for the purpose of reproach, but to create a developing situation;

    teacher's focus in relationships with the student on his development and personal growth;

    motivation to work , based on friendly, humorous remarks; emotionality and informality of conversation with students.

A modern school needs a highly qualified teacher with extraordinary intellectual and mental abilities, capable of critical thinking and a creative approach to solving the problems facing him. Consequently, in addition to professional pedagogical qualities, a teacher must have other qualities that contribute to his activities.