Photos, creativity and price: how to sell an apartment in a falling market. Advertisement “Apartment for rent” - where to place it and what the owner needs to take into account: sample application Original advertisement for the purchase of an apartment

Step 4. Prepare the apartment for sale, and ourselves for negotiations with the buyer

If your ad was written correctly, and the price of the apartment was not inflated, then you will soon start receiving calls and viewings of your property.

And even before you invite people to show your apartment, you should prepare a little.

Pre-sale preparation - an integral stage of a successful transaction!

What should you do before showing an apartment to potential clients?

Below we will consider 5 important points immediately before showing the apartment:

1. Clean the entrance and surrounding area. The entrance is the first thing the client sees. If there is a mountain of garbage lying next to him, the door is covered with graffiti, or a dead cat is lying nearby, then the person is unlikely to have positive emotions and the first impression will be spoiled. Even if you have a very nice apartment with a new renovation, then either this type of entrance will completely discourage the desire to buy your property, or the buyer will ask for a big discount, which will be unprofitable for you, because you and I want to sell the apartment at the highest possible price, right? ! Therefore, don’t be lazy and put it in proper shape: wash the windows in the entrance, replace burnt out light bulbs, erase the inscriptions left by vandals, keep the entrance to the entrance clean.

2. Clean up your apartment. Clean the inside of your premises, wash the windows. Remove excess furniture from the apartment if possible. Empty apartments sell best, since the buyer does not feel out of place and, when inspecting the property, often begins to think about what furniture to put and in what place.

3. Cover up all visible imperfections. If you have scratches on the floor or cracked plaster on the wall, then it is best to disguise these “jambs”, because they will not show your apartment from the best side and the buyer will have many more questions. Lay down a rug where your floor is scratched, hang a picture to cover a crack in the wall, and so on. Of course, by hiding the flaws, you will sell your property faster and more expensively, but at the same time, the moral and ethical side of such a disguise remains entirely on your conscience.

4. Give the room an aesthetic appearance. If you have weathered curtains hanging on your windows, yellowed from time to time, or the furniture was purchased during the reign of “Tsar Pea”, it is falling apart or does not look modern, then you will need to get rid of this “antique”! Spend some money to update the curtains, buy cheap but nice paintings for the walls (you can even take them with you after the sale), just to make the room look more modern and aesthetically pleasing. In large cities, where hundreds of real estate transactions are carried out in one day, there are even special services for pre-sale preparation of apartments, where 30-50 thousand rubles even an old ruin will be made into “candy.” For example, selling an apartment in Moscow or St. Petersburg for 5-10 million rubles, you can easily afford to invest in pre-sale preparation of the property up to 100,000 rubles. After all, this amount will speed up the transaction and increase the value of the property.

5. Scent your apartment. Smell is an important component of sales psychology. For example, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee or hot pastries on a subconscious level has a positive effect on making a positive decision about buying an apartment. Now you know this and I recommend that you use this “aromatic” technique.

Buyer questions and objections

Let's look at exactly what questions (objections) a buyer may have and how to handle them correctly.

Question 1. In principle, I like the apartment, but the price bothers me (I only have this amount)

Answer: I can give you a little or leave such and such furniture (household appliances) as bonuses if the payment is made within 3 days.

Question 2. We need to move in literally tomorrow. How quickly can you vacate the apartment?

Answer: As soon as we draw up a deposit agreement, I will immediately begin the process of checking out of the apartment and will transport things, because we are all people and I understand your situation.

Question 3. I am confused by such and such a parameter (small kitchen, area of ​​the city, condition of the house), and therefore I doubt whether I should buy your apartment?

Answer: I understand you, there are no ideal options, and I suggest you buy my apartment, since its other parameters (footprint, cozy yard, developed infrastructure) are much more important for you, because you said it yourself, right?

As you can see, it is worth speaking the client’s language, being attentive to his wishes, but also not immediately agreeing to his terms.

In any case, your task is to receive money in the form of a deposit as quickly as possible by concluding an appropriate agreement. Of course, at a price that suits you.

Wipe dust, floors, straighten curtains, tulle;

Remove all unnecessary things that clutter the space. Ideally, the rooms should resemble a hotel room before guests arrive;

Ventilate the premises, do not start the hassle of preparing specific-smelling food on the eve of the viewing: hodgepodge of sauerkraut, salads with garlic, fried fish. By the way, if the house smells of vanilla or freshly brewed coffee, then this, on the contrary, can have a positive impact on the opinion of potential buyers;

Take care of lighting- a dark hallway or bathroom with a frail “Ilyich light bulb” will ruin the first impression;

Try to organize your home- it won’t be good if, while watching, a granny peeks from behind the door or a baby with a dog is running around underfoot. Try to sit the old lady in a chair in front of the TV, entice the child with some board game, and, if possible, take the dog for a walk.

The main text must be a logical continuation of the title. Therefore, never end your title with a period. For example, continue the headline “Excellent, bright and warm apartment” as follows: in such and such an area of ​​the city it is sold at a remarkably low price. The main text turns the first impression (the one that arose in the notorious one and a half seconds of reading the headline) into real interest in the advertised property and encourages a person to take a specific action: look at the apartment, clarify information about it, call the seller. The ideal advertising text must answer the basic questions of a potential buyer: What? What exactly is being advertised and sold? Where? The exact address of the advertised property. Why? Why should a buyer buy this particular apartment and not another? How many? Housing price. Who? Who posted this ad, the owner or the realtor. Where? Phone numbers or other contact details of the seller where you can contact him. When? A specific time when you can call or make an appointment. The end of an ad is a call to action. The “correct” final part, in turn, consists of two mini-parts, the first of which calls for action, and the second explains how to perform this action. For example: first part: “Call us without delay...” second part: “... at such and such number.” Thus, you make his task easier for the buyer and explain how he can purchase an apartment, what number to call back to get more specific information, or what address to come to to view and evaluate the property for sale.

Example of a GOOD advertisement for the sale of an apartment

Headline: Cozy 2-room apartment for sale in the city center

Announcement text: Spacious, 55 sq. m., 20 sq. m. hall, 15 sq. m. bedroom. The apartment is equipped with household appliances, a large kitchen - 11 sq. m. m.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (5th floor, 12 storey building), the building has clean entrances and elevators, good neighbors.

Favorable layout (vest), rooms are located to the right and left of the corridor.

Spacious and cozy loggia with new double-glazed windows, heated. It is quite suitable for creating an office or storage room for any things.

The house is in good technical condition, not old, built in 1995.

The apartment has a nice renovation, there is a built-in wardrobe, a kitchen set, the sale of all furniture is discussed separately.

The convenient location in the city center will allow you, as the new owner, to take advantage of all the advantages of the developed infrastructure.

Central stores, clinics, educational institutions, administrative buildings, and public transport stops are within walking distance.

Dear customers, I grew up in this apartment and love it with all my heart, it has very good energy.

He always monitored the condition of the apartment, changed everything in a timely manner, it was even a pity to leave. My apartment is looking for a new caring owner:)

Price:2,300,000 rubles .

Apartment seller:Sergey, tel: 8-999-999-99-99.

Call right now and come to view, we will agree on the price.

A warm, sunny, very bright 2-room apartment is for sale. The apartment is cozy, in good condition, not corner, isolated rooms, PVC windows, glazed balcony, separate bathroom, cold and hot water meters installed, metal entrance door. Tambour for two apartments. Clean, well-kept entrance, good neighbors. Quiet courtyard with a large playground. The house is located in a very good area of ​​the Left Bank. Near the public transport stop “Universum (Dianova St.) and Lukashevich routes, which allow you to go to any area of ​​the city. Within walking distance are schools No. 28 and No. 49, kindergartens No. 198 and No. 183, a post office, a branch of Sberbank of Russia, TC Magistral, TC Leto. Documents are ready, pure sale.

Documents are ready, exchange option. Possible mortgage, military mortgage, mortgage with maternity capital


Headline: A warm, sunny, very bright 2-room apartment for sale in the center of the Left Bank.

The apartment is cozy, in good condition, not corner, isolated rooms, PVC windows, separate bathroom, in good repair, cold and hot water meters installed, new radiators installed in the kitchen and bedroom, metal entrance door.

Advantageous layout, spacious, 53 sq. m. m., 19 sq. m. hall, 14 sq. m. bedroom. The apartment is equipped with household appliances and built-in furniture. Cozy glazed balcony, pleasant view from the window.

The apartment is in good repair, there are built-in wardrobes in the hallway, a kitchen unit with a built-in dishwasher and a built-in hob.

The apartment is located on the middle floor (7th floor, 9 storey building). Tambour for two apartments. Clean, well-kept entrance, kind neighbors. Quiet courtyard with a large and beautiful playground.

The apartment is located in a landscaped area. The convenient location will allow you, as the new owner, to take advantage of all the advantages of the developed infrastructure.

Within walking distance are Lyceum No. 74, Lyceum 149 with a preschool department, Gymnasium 139, two kindergartens, clinics, Magnit, Holiday stores, the Obi construction hypermarket, the Mayak entertainment center, the recently opened Lenta hypermarket, the Omsk Arena entertainment complex, a bus station, two public transport stops transport. Nearby is Zarechny Boulevard, where you can stroll along the alley with your children.

Price:2,500,000 rubles .

Apartment seller: Ksenia, tel: 8-999-999-99-99.

Call now and come see it.

Related information.

This advice may seem trivial. However, many people underestimate the importance of literacy for successfully selling a house or apartment. Meanwhile, Redfin and Grammarly surveyed 1,290 people and found that 43.4% of respondents were much less willing to schedule a viewing of a property if the ad for sale contained typos or grammatical errors. The report also found that the most effective length for a house or apartment ad is 50 words.

If you are not sure of your 100% literacy, leave the job of creating a truly attractive ad to professionals. This can be either an experienced freelance copywriter or a special agency.

2. Carry out a general cleaning and update the appearance of the property

Real estate specialists start with the most important thing - getting your house or apartment in order. At the same time, cabinets and storage should be used to their full potential - there should be no chaos in the rooms, and everything unnecessary should be removed out of sight. If you are selling a house, then the surrounding area should be polished and clean. Clean the lawn and pool if you have one. You can even refresh the paint on the exterior of your building, wash the windows, replace old door handles with new ones, and lay down a fresh doormat. Even on site, they may discourage your guest from considering this option seriously. Therefore, it is worth taking care of a well-kept garden. Every little detail can make a favorable impression on a potential buyer.

After you put things in order in your house or apartment, you can resort to additional ways to create a positive image of your home. Thus, the house becomes more attractive with more light. So install more powerful light bulbs. Feel free to decorate your home with flowers.

It's interesting that even the selection of books on your shelves is a final decision of a potential buyer. If you are going to present the property in the best possible way, you should hide books like “50 Shades of Gray” and self-improvement manuals from the visitor’s eyes. There should not be too many books so as not to create the impression of chaos. Only selected classics in good bindings should be left on the shelves. Children's literature, neatly folded in its place, is also suitable for the “family nest”.

Books that show the owner's unusual hobby - such as taxidermy or witchcraft - may turn off buyers. It is better to put richly illustrated publications about nature, architecture or music on the coffee table: they will not only make a favorable impression, but may also be useful to the buyer from an informative point of view.

We recommend not just cleaning your house or apartment yourself, but inviting a special cleaning company to carry out the appropriate work. This will be especially true for a large object - a house or villa. The more expensive the object you are trying to sell, the more carefully you should approach the appearance of the interior and the details. It is unlikely that a potential buyer will be impressed by a villa in which copies of pulp literature are piled on the shelves. And of course, cleanliness and order in such a home should be ideal. After you carry out general cleaning in your house or apartment, immediately take photographs of the object. This is the perfect moment!

3. Take photos of the interior with your pets

It has been proven that animals evoke affection and other positive emotions, which are so necessary to create interest in a house or apartment for sale.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? Perhaps this question interests many realtors, as well as individuals who want to get rid of their real estate. A competent ad attracts clients and buyers. Moreover, it is precisely thanks to this feature that you can quickly resolve the issue of buying and selling property. Moreover, a correctly and beautifully written advertisement inspires confidence. Especially when it comes to online publishing. There is already enough variety of deception here. And I don’t really want to come across “fake” offers for selling apartments. We have to constantly think about whether we are facing a deception or not. And think about how to create an offer for the sale of property that will awaken the interest and trust of buyers. So how to beautifully write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? What will help in this matter?


The first thing you have to do is describe the apartment. Moreover, the information should reflect reality as much as possible. Your task is to interest people in your offer.

The description is usually understood primarily as the interior, condition and furnishings that will be in the apartment. The more detailed and high-quality you make this point, the better. You can’t lie, otherwise the lie will soon be revealed. As a result, citizens will consider you a fraud. And it’s good if they simply refuse to purchase housing. Most often, an untruthful description leads to you being blacklisted by sellers. And even the most correct announcement will no longer inspire confidence.


That is, you will have to write the area in which the apartment is located, as well as the exact address: street, house, apartment. The last point may not be specified, but its presence will still encourage buyers to trust. Don't forget to also write the city in which the sale takes place.

In principle, there is nothing difficult about this. Usually both the seller and the realtor fully know the address where the property is being sold. As practice shows, buyers do not trust offers that contain only a description of the property, without an exact address. It's like buying a pig in a poke. Maybe the area itself is not suitable, but a person will go to look at the offer.


How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? The next point worth paying attention to is the characteristics of the housing. Or rather, the building in which this or that apartment is located.

When buying a home, many people pay attention to both the year the house was built and its number of floors. Moreover, some people prefer higher apartments, while others prefer lower ones. That is, all this will have to be indicated without fail. Otherwise you will be tormented with questions. This is the best case scenario. At worst, no one will pay attention to your proposal.

Remember, the more complete information you provide, the better. After all, this indicator will play a huge role for buyers. I would like to find out as much information as possible about the housing from the advertisement in order to know for sure whether it is suitable for you or not. These kinds of proposals inspire confidence. Especially if they were posted on virtual platforms.


What else is worth paying attention to? Need to write a beautiful ad? The sale of an apartment is preceded by studying a detailed description of the home. And it must be fully provided by the seller. The more complete information he writes, the better.

As a matter of fact, for many, the so-called “environment” plays a huge role. This includes neighbors and infrastructure. Try to describe all this in as much detail as possible. You shouldn’t rant, but you should take the time to publish general features in your ad. In any case, such a technique will only attract attention.

If things are not going well with the neighbors, yard and infrastructure nearby, it is advisable to immediately warn about it. Otherwise, you will be accused of hiding important information. Please take this fact into account. Try not to lie, not to embellish, but to give only real information about housing.

Housing problem

How can you write an advertisement correctly? The sale of an apartment, as we have already said, is preceded by a preliminary study of the offer. And your task is to interest the buyer. But at the same time, do not lie to him and do not give false information. The lie will be revealed sooner or later anyway. Then you will have to look for an excuse. This is an extra negative point that is best avoided.

Remember - a good ad offers a detailed description of the item being sold. And you will have to indicate all the information that you have. In particular, regarding the basic characteristics of housing. This includes: room sizes, total residential/non-residential area, presence/absence of a balcony (loggia), description of the bathroom. The presence of this information will only attract attention. But the absence of it, on the contrary, will scare away the buyer. After all, he will not be exactly sure which offer he is signing up for. The main thing is don’t lie about the footage. You may be asked for an apartment plan at any time. On it all information will be reflected in real sizes.

About the owners

How to write the text of an advertisement for the sale of apartments? What features should you pay attention to? The fact is that the question of the number of owners worries many. And in general, how much of the real estate in question is in personal possession.

That is, you must publish information about this directly in your proposal. It is usually written after a detailed description of the housing. As a rule, it is advisable to also clarify the question regarding registration - whether minor children were registered in the apartment.

Citizens are most interested in proposals without this feature. And with one and only owner. In this case, it is desirable that the property be in the personal possession of the seller for more than 3 years. This will save you from additional expenses in the form of paying taxes. Therefore, always indicate:

  • how many owners are in the apartment;
  • how long the property has been owned;
  • presence of registered minors.


Do you want to write an advertisement correctly? The sale of an apartment is usually facilitated by the price corresponding to the characteristics. This means that it should also be written. Some people do without this item, but it is better not to neglect it. In particular, when it comes to placing an offer for sale on online platforms.

Please note that too high a price will be off-putting. Exactly the same as understated. If you are working on behalf of an agency, it is worth indicating the cost of housing, taking into account your markup for providing the relevant service to support the transaction. The main thing is to remember that all the characteristics and the price tag of the housing match.

By the way, if you do not specify this item, most likely there will be significantly fewer calls from buyers. All this is because for many, the price category of housing plays a huge, sometimes decisive role. A real estate transaction is a significant expense. I always want to know exactly what to expect in a given case.


How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment beautifully? Examples of the most successful offers necessarily include so-called contacts for feedback with the seller. Without them, it will definitely not be possible to complete the transaction. In any case, no one will be able to contact you in order to make an appointment and assess the condition of the property “live”.

Contact information is written at the very end of your proposal. Here a lot depends on who the seller is: the owner or an intermediary (real estate company). In the first case, it is enough to indicate only your personal number. It is also preferable to write down the time at which you can call without problems regarding purchase and sale issues. E-mail, Skype and other “messengers” for communication with the owner are welcome.

If we are talking about support from a real estate company, then in addition to the above points, you should also indicate contacts for communication with the relevant company. This way you will definitely not miss a single call. Moreover, potential buyers will know exactly how the transaction will take place (with or without assistance). It is very important. Some prefer to turn only to offers from private owners, while others, on the contrary, trust only real estate agencies more. This is everyone's personal choice. But the more real contacts you write for feedback, the better.


How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? To be honest, words alone are usually not enough for buyers to contact you. And even more so to quickly carry out a real estate purchase and sale transaction.

What else is needed? As practice shows, the presence of photographs of the object of sale plays a huge role in the ad. Photos must be high quality and detailed. It is advisable to record everything that you described: each room, non-residential premises, bathroom, kitchen, hallway, as well as the entrance, view from the yard, balcony (if any), yard. If you additionally (this is no longer necessary, an extremely rare occurrence) attach photographs of the area, it will be simply wonderful.

The main thing is that the images are new, fresh and reflect reality. Then buyers will be able to immediately assess how the price corresponds to the quality of the offer. If everything matches, then they will definitely call you. Especially if there is a detailed description of the housing.

By the way, if possible, attach to the photographs a snapshot of the apartment plan with detailed footage and location of the premises. A very interesting technique that is used by many. Now it’s clear how you can write a good ad. All of the above techniques will only contribute to the sale of an apartment.

A good example

Now it’s worth paying attention to a specific example of a successful ad. In fact, it is not so difficult to bring your idea to life. The main thing is to have detailed information about housing. And publishing it in the correct form is not so difficult.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? Example of a successful proposal:

"A 4-room apartment for sale in the city of Kaliningrad at the address: Telmana Street, building 11, building B, apartment 3. German building built in 1946, brick. There is a basement and a garage on the territory, land of 7 acres (owned). Total living area apartments - 50 meters, non-residential - 20. Rooms: 11, 9, 20, 10 meters. Kitchen - 10 meters, built-in panels. Bathroom - 6 meters, combined, tiled. Central heating, meters installed for everything. Does not require repairs. Glazed loggia, 6 meters, turnkey, suitable for expanding the room. Developed infrastructure: near a kindergarten, 2 schools, park, parking, shopping center, supermarkets. 10 minutes walk to the center. Neighbors are quiet, adequate: a married couple with a child and young family without children. One owner. The apartment has been owned for more than 3 years, Estimated cost 8,000,000 rubles, negotiable. Call daily from 9:00 to 20:00, ask Alexander: XXXXXXX (where XXXXXXX is the subscriber number).

Let's sum it up

As you can see, this offer will attract buyers. It will be enough to attach photographs of the property to it - and you can put the property on public display. From now on it’s clear how to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. If you follow the above rules, you can easily attract attention.

Try not to use short, formulaic phrases without specifics. For example, “developed infrastructure”. If you write this, be sure to indicate what exactly is located near the home. Remember: there is no exact ad template. Just some tips, rules and recommendations. By following them, you will quickly complete the transaction.

Selling an apartment in Moscow in 2017 is a non-trivial task. Now supply far exceeds demand: realtors call this market “falling”. This means that prices for secondary housing in the capital are steadily falling, and buyers are becoming more and more selective when choosing an apartment. If ten years ago apartments in Moscow were easily sold out in any condition, today this requires special efforts.

It is important to understand: 95% of the cost of an apartment is location and area. Other factors - the presence of furniture, the condition of the object - affect only 5% of the real cost. A creative ad, high-quality photographs, competent preparation of the property for showings and, of course, a reasonable determination of the price will help you find a buyer.

Take high-quality photographs of the apartment

Two or three photos of an apartment in an ad is a common mistake of home sellers. To attract the buyer's attention, you need to take at least six shots of each room from different angles. There is no need to use the now fashionable “fish-eye” effect, which creates the feeling of peeping through a door peephole. Instead, it is better to take photos with a professional camera with a wide-angle lens. I consider the optimal time to be the second half of the day - with soft natural light outside the window. This way you can avoid glare and show the apartment in natural light.

There is no need to take pictures against the light - the picture will turn out blurry and inexpressive. The ideal height for shooting is at chest level, about 140-150 cm above the floor: this will allow you to shoot all the walls exactly vertically. All personal belongings and pets must be removed from the frame. If necessary, it is worth updating some interior details before the photo shoot - for example, the countertop in the kitchen or the front panel of the dishwasher. It won't cost much, but it will create a favorable impression. In large rooms, it is better to hang curtains with a large pattern - a small print will get lost in a spacious room. To make your bedroom attractive, you can place an inexpensive air mattress on the bed and cover it with neutral-patterned bedding.

The worst thing you can do is to list the apartment without photographs. Nowadays, almost all buyers are looking for apartments on Internet sites, where in the search bar you can put the option “do not show without photos.” If the ad does not have illustrations, you will automatically deprive yourself of buyers who will not consider ads without photos.

Analyzing the market is not easy, but it is necessary in order to set the correct price. The price selection process can begin with a basic selection of similar advertisements. Go to a specialized website, find ten apartments with similar parameters in your area - and leave only those that were posted in the last month. Arrange the apartments you find in descending order of cost and immediately cross out the objects in first and last place - these are extremes that do not affect the overall picture.

Once you have only apartments from the middle of the list left, add up their cost and divide by the number of advertisements. This will help you determine the average market price for similar apartments in your area.

It is important to understand that not all apartments are on the sites. Ideally, it is better for you to independently arrange viewings of apartments from your list under the guise of a buyer. This way you will find out what a potential buyer will compare your home to - which means you can prepare for his questions and even predict some of them. Of course, you will have to honestly note the advantages and disadvantages of your home. Incorrectly priced real estate “hangs” on the market: in 2017, an apartment at an inflated price cannot be sold.

Set the minimum acceptable price

In addition to the average price in the real estate market, there is a range of prices for an object - “from” and “to”. For example, you conducted your own market research and found that your apartment could cost from 6 million to 6.3 million rubles. Determine the price for the apartment based on the lower limit. In our case, this is 6 million rubles. Specifying the maximum possible price means promoting competitors' sales.

There is a practice in the market of deliberately setting prices from 20 to 40% below the market. There is a buzz around the property, but when viewing the apartment, buyers are told that this is an auction. They will be forced to bargain and increase the price along with the same applicants for this property. A similar scheme can be justified in the case of business class and luxury real estate - such properties are difficult to sell, and therefore sellers make sense to hold an auction among the participants who are most motivated to buy. If you are selling an economy class apartment, there is no point in an auction.

Prepare the apartment for showings and sales

I advise owners to depersonalize the apartment before showing it - nothing should remind potential buyers of the owners. It is better to remove all personal belongings: the owner’s socks or the owner’s cosmetics scattered around the house will not add advantages when selling, rather the opposite: in such an apartment everything literally screams of belonging to completely different people, and it is difficult for buyers to imagine themselves as owners.

Many realtors use work standards according to which the apartment being sold must resemble a hotel room before the client moves in. Replace burnt out light bulbs, re-glue up loose wallpaper, and renew painted surfaces. Once we were selling a designer-renovated apartment in the center of Moscow. Before us, this apartment was on display for quite a long time, but there was no buyer. We asked the owner to do a general cleaning, wash the entrance and install hidden aromatizers behind the radiators. He spent two days on this procedure, and as a result we were able to quickly sell the apartment.

There is an interesting example with suburban housing: several years ago the owner was selling a house where no one had lived for a long time. Despite the well-kept plot and furniture, potential buyers often refused to buy, citing the fact that the house had an unpleasant aura. It was very easy to change it - I advised the hostess to bake buns in a bread machine before the show. The aroma spread throughout the rooms, and the future owners admired the comfort that filled the house. The sale took place within a few days.

Write a competent sales ad

You need to start with the title: location, number of rooms - everything is standard here. And yet there is a place for creativity. Several years ago, our client was selling an apartment with a horizontal bar in the passage that could not be dismantled. It turned out that a disadvantage could be turned into an advantage: the ad said “Apartment for sale for an athlete.” Soon a man bought an apartment for his student son.

The subheading should encourage the reader to read the ad to the end and arouse interest in the object. Here you can indicate the number of owners and the year the house was built. All other information is included in the ad itself, where it is necessary to describe all the pleasant bonuses that the future owner will receive. This could be a benefit in the form of a cherry orchard or a park outside the window - seven or eight such characteristics are enough. Each characteristic must be extremely specific and written without abbreviations - even if we are talking about major repairs in the entrance.

A creative approach will even help sell - if you write that such a location will save you from annoying neighbors from above. Always indicate the price: when searching for advertisements on Internet resources, buyers almost always use filters and immediately set a price range that is acceptable to them. The end of your ad should be a call to action. You can write something like this: “If my phone is busy, it means that someone has already decided to make their dream come true.”

Place an ad on popular resources

Advertisements in newspapers are a thing of the past. For quick home sales, specialized websites with high traffic are best suited. Don’t ignore social networks - post an offer on your page or in groups like “buy/sell an apartment.”

The main steps have been taken, but your job of selling an apartment does not end there. Sometimes a buyer needs an apartment urgently, and you are required to be ready to make a deal as quickly as possible. It is advisable not to waste time ordering a cadastral passport or any missing certificate.

If all points have been completed in good faith, then buyers will call you two or three times a day. Two calls a week or none at all is a bad indicator. This means that you need to conduct an analysis and identify the problem using the algorithm: ad - condition of the object - price. If at the first two stages everything turned out to be in order, we move on to the last indicator for review - price. Most likely, the cost will have to be reduced. There may be people who want to buy your apartment over the phone, but you shouldn’t immediately agree to the terms. It makes sense to make concessions on price if they present good arguments after viewing the apartment. For example, a dirty entrance and dysfunctional neighbors are good reasons to reduce the price. However, even in this case, I advise you to immediately determine for yourself exactly how much you are willing to reduce the cost. Without setting bargaining limits, you risk selling the apartment at a very low price if the buyers turn out to be savvy in negotiations.

Don’t even argue that advertising continues to drive progress, especially if you yourself are in the role of a seller. Previously, it was enough to stick up an advertisement with scant information that, supposedly, the apartment is for sale and indicate the telephone number. It worked. Now, when competition in the real estate market is unimaginable, you will have to use all your creative inclinations - this is the only way your ad will be noticed, highlighted, remembered and responded to.

Even if you have never dealt with advertising before (except perhaps as an irritated viewer who was “annoyed” by it), now you will have to create advertisements yourself. Yes, brighter!

Do you think it won't work? You are wrong! You can create good advertising yourself, familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances of the process. Of course, you won’t get a professional product, but it’s very easy to create an interesting and different product.

What does advertising consist of?

The structure of any advertisement or advertising information is not complicated:

  • title;
  • main text;
  • ending.

But each of these elements is extremely important, each of them plays a specific role, and each determines how interested a potential buyer will be in the offer and respond to it.

The header requirements are:: it should not be boring, gray, faceless, blend in with the rest and get lost in the crowd of thousands of similar headlines. Unusuality and brightness that catches the eye is what the reader-buyer will like. In addition: brevity, topicality, simplicity and clarity.

A person’s attention is drawn to the headline for no more than 1.5 seconds. Try to ensure that this time is enough to attract an ordinary “ad viewer” into buyers. Make the title interesting and unique.

Never and under no circumstances will a person who is planning to buy an apartment read what is written under the heading “Advertisement” or “For Sale” or “Urgent”; the mix “Urgent Sale” is also considered very unsuccessful.

Main text must be a logical continuation of the title. Therefore, never end your title with a period. For example, continue the headline “Excellent, bright and warm apartment” as follows: in such and such an area of ​​the city it is sold at a remarkably low price.

The main text turns the first impression (the one that arose in the notorious one and a half seconds of reading the headline) into real interest in the advertised property and encourages a person to take a specific action: look at the apartment, clarify information about it, call the seller.

  1. What? What exactly is being advertised and sold?
  2. Where? The exact address of the advertised property.
  3. Why? Why should a buyer buy this particular apartment and not another?
  4. How many? Housing price.
  5. Who? Who posted this ad, the owner or the realtor.
  6. Where? Phone numbers or other contact details of the seller where you can contact him.
  7. When? A specific time when you can call or make an appointment.

End of ad is a call to specific action. The “correct” final part, in turn, consists of two mini-parts, the first of which calls for action, and the second explains how to perform this action.

For example:
first part: “Call us without delay...”
second part: “... by number such and such.”

Thus, you make his task easier for the buyer and explain how he can purchase an apartment, what number to call back to get more specific information, or what address to come to to view and evaluate the property for sale.

Here, everyone decides for themselves how many characters a high-quality, specific and non-standard description of housing can fit into.

Someone, to paraphrase the classic, decides what exactly brevity is the sister of a successful deal, someone pores over the text for several hours or even days, resulting in an entire essay on the topic “My apartment.”

Both options not only have the right to exist, they are also most effective if:

  • you managed to fit into the content all the characteristics and benefits of the object being sold;
  • the text contains a maximum of specifics and a minimum of “water” (just beautiful words that distract a potential buyer from the essence);
  • the ad is not overloaded with information (too much is just as bad as too little).

Experts consider the length of the text to be a secondary factor affecting its effectiveness. In the forefront are form and content.

For the convenience of the reader

If you decide to write a big, beautiful, best and creative advertisement for the sale of an apartment, then it is best to break it up into subheadings and paragraphs - most potential buyers do not read the advertisement from beginning to end, but prefer the so-called diagonal reading, in which you can quickly grab primary information and not bother studying secondary information.

Help the reader - highlight the most important things.

For example, highlight in large font the location of the apartment or the features of the yard, house, layout, infrastructure.

LOCATED IN A QUIET, PICTURE LOCATION. A spacious 3-room apartment is located in the most picturesque location of the elite Yuzhny district. A great place to live - fishing and relaxation are included as a bonus. There is a recreation park within walking distance, where you can spend your leisure time pleasantly and usefully with the whole family.
ADDRESS: Krasnogvardeysk, st. Marshala Zhukova, 12, a.
GOOD LAYOUT: large rectangular hall (10X15 m), living room (23 m), two bedrooms (17 and 15 m), kitchen (12 m), loggia (4 m), two bathrooms.
RENOVATION: The renovation is four years old, but it looks very neat, like new. Built-in kitchen furniture and household appliances, new plumbing and copper wiring, metal-plastic window packages, oak interior doors, armored entrance.
WELL-KNOWN YARD: a cozy green courtyard with neat flower beds and wooden benches.
NEW BEAUTIFUL HOUSE: brick, warm, built in 2000, has video surveillance, intercom, three elevators, fresh renovation in the front door.

In separate paragraphs you can describe the infrastructure, transport links and other amenities that a potential buyer will appreciate.

Abbreviations, taboo words and helper words:
“Sovrem. sq. 2 rooms without repair Art. metro station "Pushkinskaya" 5 min. 3/16 fl. home st. Akhmatova, 100,000 USD bargaining is appropriate.”

To be honest, I don’t want to linger on such an ad for too long: it is very difficult to perceive, even visually. You need to decipher the abbreviations, think about what kind of rebus the author created and what he wanted to say with it. But still, in fairness, it should be noted that such advertisements have their own circle of readers and can bring real buyers.

But it would be better to play it safe and write three types of ads: a shortened one, a little larger and more specific (400-500 characters or 1/5 of an A4 page), which will be perceived much better by readers and will receive more responses, and the most detailed and specific one (1000-1500 characters or half an A4 page) with subheadings and paragraphs. This ad should be the most striking and complete; it will attract the greatest attention of buyers.

You are in a hurry and therefore agree to sell the apartment at any price. Or the apartment is not worth as much as you initially asked for it, and therefore you can give indefinitely.

And, on the contrary, the phrases “from the owner” and “no commission” have a positive effect on a potential buyer, directly informing the buyer that an agency is not involved in the transaction, and, therefore, the price does not include payment for real estate work.

Statistics say that 50% of advertisements for the sale of an apartment, even the most original ones, in which its specific cost is not indicated, are simply ignored by the reader.

Why? A potential buyer, rereading advertisements, in most cases imagines a completely different price than the seller is asking for. And, in order not to waste his time on obviously unaffordable housing, the buyer prefers not to read advertisements without important information about the cost of the apartment.

Balancing their financial capabilities with a specific price offer is what is important for them. Pay attention to this when composing your advertising text.

The role of epithets in an ad

Reading advertisements for the sale of real estate, a potential buyer tries to imagine what his new apartment will be like. It is very difficult to do this when an indefinite facelessness “hangs” before your eyes: so many rooms, such and such a square footage.

To interest a person and encourage him to buy, use the simplest epithets: if a room, then it is “light and spacious”; if the view from the window, then “picturesque” or “extraordinary”; if a bedroom, then “cozy and cool”; if a kitchen, then “cozy, albeit small.”

Nothing supernatural, right? The descriptions are generic, but they have an amazing effect - they help your ad stand out and attract 30% more potential buyers.

Only honesty!

Another important point when composing the text of an advertisement for the sale of an apartment is that everything that is written in it must correspond to reality.

By misinforming a potential buyer, you will only achieve that after viewing the apartment, he will simply turn around and leave. Still would! The advertisement said that the walk from the metro was no more than 5 minutes, but he spent all twenty on the road!

Or another common method of misinformation: you write in the ad that the apartment has “high-quality renovations”, at a time when the wallpaper is years old and has no memory...

Do not deceive people under any circumstances! It’s better to remain silent about the disadvantages of housing, and emphasize its advantages.

Of course, the best way to talk about real estate is to show it. The reader will look at advertisements with photos first; he will immediately no longer have some questions that he would have asked if he had not had the image in front of his eyes.

Don't skimp on photos, place them as many and as detailed as possible. Focus the potential client's attention on the little things that characterize the apartment on the positive side: new windows, strong doors, parquet flooring in excellent condition.

Don't take pictures of an empty apartment, as the buyer won't be able to understand what's what. Take several general photos and several detailed ones, reflect in the photo the uniqueness and comfort of the home: if you are photographing the living room, leave a folded blanket and an open book on the sofa, if the kitchen - a samovar and cups on the table or a vase of fruit. Show in the photo how you can successfully place the furniture, give the photos “liveness”.

Where to place a competent advertisement for the sale of an apartment

Printed publications, bulletin boards and the Internet. Those who are specifically looking for a suitable option do not ignore these three sources of information.

In the newspaper, you will most likely be able to place only two or three lines of an ad with abbreviations in words. This is not the best way to advertise real estate.

On a street bulletin board, you can attach a more extensive description of the property for sale, even with a photo, but, firstly, it will need to be changed periodically, because the sun, rain, and wind will over time turn your information into a faded piece of paper with illegible text. Secondly, you must understand that no one stays near advertisements for a long time, so there is no point in placing huge advertisements there.

The best option is the Internet. It is best to create your own mini-site, where you can describe real estate with all the details and in any genre and post as many photos as you like.

This is also convenient because in the case when potential buyers who are interested in your apartment on other sites (and short advertisements for the sale of apartments can be placed and published on dozens of resources) ask you for specifics, just give them a link - and they will they will see for themselves.