The formation of human personality: how it happens and what is determined by it. Personality and its formation in childhood Man in the formation of the personality of children

Personal development is part of overall human development, along with physical and mental development. The question of how a child’s personal development occurs is of concern to, perhaps, all parents. The transition from a baby, who cannot yet be a person, to an adult who has a formed personality, does not happen all at once - it is a gradual process - a path on which the child takes step by step, moving towards becoming a person.

The main stages of child personality development

Any child psychologist will tell you that a child is a person. To understand how a child’s personal development occurs, it is necessary to find out what is meant by this concept. In psychology and sociology there are different definitions of personality; most often this term refers to the human individual as a subject of relationships and conscious activity. At the same time, the process of becoming an individual as a personality does not happen suddenly, but gradually, and under the influence of many factors.

Child psychologists identify the following stages of development and formation of a child’s personality, in accordance with his age:

  • early childhood, from birth to 3 years;
  • preschool and school childhood, from 4 to 11 years;
  • adolescence – 12-15 years;
  • youth – 16-18 years old.

A newborn baby, already from the first day coming into contact with the outside world: mother, doctors and nurses, begins to understand the surrounding reality, which means his personality begins to develop. It is the first three years, when a child is raised in a family and his world is limited to this social group, that are the most important for the further development of his personality. If cooperation, goodwill and mutual understanding reign in the family, the child becomes a caring, gentle person, he knows how to admit his mistakes and be responsible for them.

In each age period, the baby goes through 3 phases of personality development:

  • Adaptation - he masters the simplest skills, masters the language.
  • Individualization - this involves contrasting oneself with others, highlighting one’s own “I”.
  • Integration - the child learns to manage his behavior, obey adults and interact with others.

Moreover, if by the next age period the child has not completed the integration phase of the previous one, the prerequisites for a crisis in personality development are formed (crisis of 3 years, 7 years, etc.). This feature of the child’s personality development must be taken into account when searching for ways to overcome age-related crises.

The influence of the team on the personal development of the child

In preschool age, the child encounters another social group that is significant from the point of view of personal development - the team, most often this happens in kindergarten. The development and formation of a child’s personality is influenced by relationships with peers and educators; here he learns discipline, communication, and acquires work skills.

Being in the individualization phase for a given age period, the child will try to stand out in the team. This will happen either through positive self-presentation in various activities, or through mischief and disobedience. At the same time, the teacher’s assessment will be as important for him as the parents’ assessment. All these same 3 phases of the child’s personality development also occur at primary school age, when he enters a new social group - school. Now the teacher’s assessment will be significant for him.

Adolescence and personality development

During adolescence, the conditions for the development of a child’s personality change, he does not move to a new group, the group itself changes. At this age, communication in the company of peers becomes increasingly important for him. Now their opinion and assessment become equal or even more authoritative than the opinion of parents and teachers. In adolescence, there is another feature of the development of a child’s personality - too rapid changes in the socio-psychological structure of the group in which he is located lead to an identity crisis, which is characterized by a spirit of contradiction and the desire to gain one’s own experience.

As a rule, by the age of 18, the process of formation and development of a child’s personality is completed; it is no longer possible to radically change it, you can only guide the young person and correct his behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to instill in a child moral and ethical values ​​and teach him norms of behavior from an early age. It should be understood that a child’s character is a consequence of the life experiences he has. It depends on the conditions of development of the child’s personality. In the initial stages of development, a child's beliefs and norms of behavior are formed based on what he sees in the family. As a child grows up, more and more factors appear that influence the social development of the individual, he is surrounded by more good and bad role models, he sees different situations, which form his opinion about everything he encounters in life. At this stage, only the positive example of the parents may not be enough; you need to talk with the child as much as possible, explaining to him in an accessible form the basic human values. The main task of parents at the stage of growing up of a little person is to maintain his trust, then they will definitely be able to raise him to be good and kind.


1. Basic concepts (individual, person, personality, individuality...).

2. Main factors of child development.

3. Age periodization of childhood.


1. Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. In 2 volumes, 1998 -2000.

2.Polyakov S.D. Psychopedagogy of education. – M.: New School, 1996. – p.8-14.

3. Introduction to the specialty: Proc. manual for pedagogical students. in-tov/ L.I. Ruvinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalik and others - M.: Education, 1988. - Chapter 7.

4. Mironov A.I. Critical periods of childhood. – M.: Knowledge, 1979.

5. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. P.65-68.

6. Soloukhin V. Pebbles on the palm.

V. Soloukhin: “Each person with his individual destiny is like a pebble on the seashore. You won't find two alike. And although all together they are a mass, a pebble, and for some construction needs they can be scooped with an excavator bucket, counting in tons, yet each pebble knows to itself that it is a separate, independent pebble, that it is in itself: this one pink veins, this one is transparent, this one, although gray, is unique with a through hole in it, this one is black like agate. But sometimes it really is agate.”

The focus of pedagogical science is Human, child, its progressive development in the process of life and interaction with society. The development and formation of a child’s personality is the main task of practical pedagogy. In this regard, it is essential for us to understand the very concept of “personality”, correlating it with the concepts of “man”, “individual”, “individuality”.

« Individual(uum)” (from Latin indivisible) – 1) individual, each independently existing organism; 2) an individual. Any representative of the animal world can be called an individual or individual. How then is a person different?

In general development person There are two interconnected lines - biological and social. The birth of a child is the birth of a person as a biological being, but it is not the birth of a personality. Then the biological inclinations develop, and the process of functional maturation and formation of a person begins. The skeleton, muscles, internal organs and systems develop. The process of biological maturation is manifested in the age stages of its development.

Simultaneously with the process of biological maturation, the child acquires social properties and qualities that characterize him as a social being (at 1.5 months he begins to smile at his loved ones, gradually masters speech, upright walking, skills in handling objects, things, and behavioral skills). All these social acquisitions are different for children of the same nationality, the same locality, but living in different social and living conditions, i.e. social qualities are formed during life and depend on many factors influencing the development of the child. Thus, a person, being initially a biological being, in the process of life develops in himself many social properties and qualities that characterize his social essence; he is considered in science as a biosocial being, as a subject, i.e. active, active person of historical reality and knowledge. Consequently, the concept of “man” synthesizes both his biological and social qualities and properties. If the biological component of a person is characterized by the concept of “individual,” then it is necessary to define its social component.

The concept " personality"includes only the social properties and qualities of a person: speech, consciousness, skills and habits that make him a social being. Social qualities and properties of a person - speech, consciousness, skills, habits, worldview... - make him a social being and are defined by the concept personality. The biological characteristics of a person are not included in this concept. The property of being a person is associated not with the physical existence of a person, but with his social qualities. Thus, the concept of “personality” characterizes the social essence of a person and denotes the totality of social properties and qualities developed by him during his lifetime. Each person develops different qualities in different ways. How to determine when a person becomes a person? What are the signs and criteria that characterize the degree of personality development, by which one can judge the degree of a person’s personal development?

Domestic psychologist S.L. Rubinstein believes that a person is characterized by a level of mental development that allows him to determine the following characteristics:

Conscious management of one’s own behavior and activities;

The ability to think about your actions and be responsible for them;

Ability for autonomous activity.

Russian philosopher of the Soviet period V.P. Tugarinov named the following basic characteristics of personality: - rationality, - responsibility, - freedom, - personal dignity, - individuality, and as additional ones - social activity, - firmness of worldview.

As you can see, the formation of personality is associated with age and mental maturity. A personality is characterized not only by assigned qualities and assimilated achievements of social progress, but also by their specific expression, the uniquely creative nature of activity, i.e. her personality.

The concept of “individuality” includes that general and individual thing that distinguishes one person from another, one personality from another, which gives them a peculiar beauty and uniqueness. Individuality characterized by dissimilarity, originality, difference of one from another. Individuality is indicated by special character traits, temperament, originality of creative activity and abilities. Individuality is inherent in both the individual, the personality, and the person.

Thus, the concept of a person is broader, combining both the concept of an individual (as a biological component) and the concept of personality (as a social component), and each of the considered concepts is characterized by individuality.

When characterizing personality, we note the lifetime formation and development of personal properties and qualities. Let's consider the concepts denoting these phenomena.

Development(in philosophy) - a significant, necessary movement, change, process of quantitative and qualitative changes.

Development occurs in various directions: - physical growth, - physiological maturation, - the appearance of speech and growth of vocabulary, - the acquisition of social and everyday skills, - work skills, - habits, but the main thing in human development is qualitative changes: speech development, increased intellectual , cognitive abilities, the formation of abstract thinking, logical memory, the formation of a worldview as a system of views and beliefs on the surrounding reality. In behavior there is a transition from reactive forms to actively transformative forms, and the ability to control one’s behavior is manifested. In pedagogy development is defined as an interconnected process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the properties and qualities of an individual and a person. These changes occur in the anatomical and physiological maturation of a person, in the improvement of his nervous system, psyche, as well as his cognitive, creative activity, in the enrichment of his worldview, morality, socio-political views and beliefs, i.e. development can be considered in different aspects - physical, mental, social, etc.

Development occurs under the influence of certain factors, both social and biological. Teachers divide the factors influencing the development of a child into two groups - internal And external in relation to the child himself. Internal factors include heredity and the activity of the child’s personality, and external factors include environment and upbringing. Which of the above factors will be the most important? To answer this question it is necessary to characterize each of them.

Heredity- reproduction of biological similarities with parents in descendants. Physical characteristics, special abilities and inclinations are inherited, i.e. special qualities that allow you to stand out in any activity. A newborn child has inclinations; in order for them to develop and turn into abilities, one must try oneself in various types and areas of activity. It is upbringing that can and should create conditions for a child’s versatile activities. A feature of middle school age is the change of hobbies, clubs and sections - nothing more than a search for oneself.

(Question for independent reflection: Are mental abilities inherited?)

Personal activity– the individual is not a passive recipient of educational influences. Education will be effective only when it causes a positive reaction in the individual, when the individual begins to actively work on himself. The essence of education is the child’s acceptance of social values, the development on their basis of his beliefs, in accordance with which his activities and behavior are based. This is illustrated by this saying: You can force a horse to the river, but it is impossible to force it to drink.

Wednesday- a complex of various external phenomena that spontaneously affect a person: geographical environment, social, economic... In our case, the influence of the social environment is more significant, which in essence is called socialization. A.V. Mudrik names the following factors of socialization: - microfactors (family, class, peers); - mesofactors (ethnicity, media), - macrofactors (fatherland, state, society); - planet; - space.

Upbringing as a factor in child development has the following features:

– if education is the creation of conditions for the development of a child’s personality, then without education the inclinations will not appear;

– education is a purposeful, clearly organized process (we set a goal, select methods);

– education is carried out by professional teachers and parents interested in the development of the child;

– elimination of shortcomings is possible only through a variety of activities;

– the undesirable influence of the environment is neutralized or enhanced by upbringing.

Thus, upbringing is the leading, most important factor in the development of a child.

The process of biological, mental maturation of a person and social transformations manifests itself in the age stages of its development. When identifying age-related characteristics, anatomical indicators, features of the course of physiological processes, qualitative changes in growth, development of the psyche, emotional-volitional and effective-practical spheres of personality, the degree of spiritual and moral maturity. There are 2 stages in the development of a child: 1. biological - the 9-month stage of intrauterine development, the study of which is carried out not by pedagogical, but by medical-biological direction; 2. social – the first 18 years of life in conditions of social education.

Let us consider the periodization of the social stage of development.

I - from birth to 1 year - the period of early infancy. Within it, two stages are distinguished: the first month of life is the neonatal period, and from the second month to one year is the infancy period. The period of early infancy is characterized by initial adaptation and the readiness of the essential forces of the body for initial adaptation. The leading activity of a baby is growth: over the course of a year, the child’s height increases by 1.5 times (on average from 50 to 75 cm), weight increases by 4 times. The type of thinking is objective-active, the reference persons are parents. During the first year of life, the child masters initial independent skills: walking, speaking (10-15 words), eating independently, personal hygiene techniques.

II – from 1 year to 3 years – infancy proper. This is one of the most fruitful and intense periods of a child’s accumulation of social experience, the formation of physical functions, mental properties and processes. During these three years, the child masters self-care skills (eats, dresses independently, maintains personal hygiene), masters coherent, autonomous speech, develops confident walking, running, jumping, independent play with toys, drawing and other initial creative activities. The type of thinking is object-figurative, the reference persons are parents, the leading type of activity is a game, but a game with oneself. Until the age of three, children do not know how to cooperate and play alone.

III – from 3 to 6 years – early childhood or preschool age. The time of transition from infancy to childhood. This is a period of intensive accumulation of socially significant experience and orientation in social space, the formation of basic character traits and attitudes towards the world around us. After three years, children gradually become “collectivists” - they play together, talk meaningfully with each other. The leading type of activity is play, the type of thinking is visual-figurative, they are able to hold attention for 10-15 minutes, reference persons are parents, educators. Full psycho-physiological, moral-volitional readiness for systematic educational work, for intellectual, physical, and emotional stress occurs at the age of 7.

IV – from 6(7) to 10 years – childhood itself or primary school age. At this stage, the initial maturation of the physiological and mental structures of the brain is completed, and physical, neuro-physiological and intellectual forces are further accumulated, ensuring readiness for full-fledged systematic educational work. The leading activity becomes educational, but on a par with gaming, which has not yet given up its position of leadership. The type of thinking is visual and figurative; abstract thinking also develops. Attention is maintained for 15-20 minutes. The teacher becomes the reference person, and parents come second.

V – from 11 to 14 years – adolescence, adolescence, middle school age. This is a new qualitative stage in the development of a person. Characteristic features: physiologically – puberty, hormonal storm, intensive growth, formation of the figure in accordance with sexual differentiation. Against the background of these changes, health worsens, fatigue, irritability, and emotional instability increase. In psychological terms, this is a period of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-affirmation, conscious manifestation of individuality - opposing desires and aspirations “to be like everyone else” and “not to be like everyone else.” The leading activity is intimate and personal communication. The formation of abstract thinking and stable voluntary attention is completed. Reference persons are peers: classmates, friendly company.

VI – from 15 to 18 years – early adolescence, high school age – the period of completion of physical and mental maturation, social readiness for socially useful productive work and civic responsibility, the ability to foresee the results of one’s actions. Thinking is abstract, attention is voluntary, stable. The reference person is “myself,” values ​​his opinion, and is able to defend it with reason. Leading activity – self-realization, professional guidance.

So, each age stage of a child’s life makes its own irreplaceable, necessary contribution to the development and formation of a person. In organizing educational work, teachers must take into account age and individual characteristics and focus on the “zone of proximal development of the child” (L.S. Vygotsky’s term).

For many inexperienced parents, the child's identity is a myth. This is a natural trap in the educational process of young families. The child’s interests take on a puppet character, and for this reason many important problems are interpreted falsely. The difficult task of parents to raise a full-fledged person can have a lot of pitfalls due to such an attitude.

Formation of the baby's personality

Let us understand in detail what a child’s personality is. Often adults misinterpret the manifestation of their child’s personality. Violent moodiness or too quiet behavior is not a personality. It is rather the baby’s reaction to certain phenomena in his life.

The formation of a child’s personality, according to scientists, begins in the womb. This controversial opinion has many objections. Newborn children react completely differently to external stimuli, and this fact proves that he has the rudiments of personality.

The interpretation of the concept of personality implies:

  • manifestation of will;
  • reasonable understanding of the environment;
  • freedom of decision;
  • expression of feelings.

The equal interaction of these qualities makes a person an individual. To deny a child the right to make certain decisions means to limit the development of will. The adult’s task remains to explain to the child the consequences of his actions.

Pay attention to how your child explores his surroundings. In the early stages, this manifests itself in the form of broken toys, torn books, torn wallpaper, and drawings on any surface. All these are attempts to analyze the world around us. And this is proof of another manifestation of personality. Any situation requires an adequate response from parents; it lays the foundation of standards for the child. He will rely on them in adulthood.

Personal needs

Regardless of age, there are certain individual needs:

  • self-expression;
  • respect, acceptance;
  • belonging to a family;
  • love of loved ones;
  • safety;
  • physical needs.

The child wants to be noticeable, to attract attention. He needs to demonstrate his skills and capabilities. A little person needs to be appreciated by his parents. Praise for the first steps taken, drawing, dancing are important for the formation of his healthy background.

He has a great need for care, love, care from loved ones. The absence of at least one factor upsets the child. The systematic absence of these manifestations forms a false picture in his mind. The child begins to feel that his parents do not love him.

Family values ​​and common holidays give rise to certain emotional connections in the mind. The little man must take part in the life of the family, then his consciousness will build a network of normal conclusions. This will play a role in his socialization.

Touch is an important factor. The baby needs physical contact with his parents. We need hugs, walks holding hands, goodnight kisses. Otherwise he will not be able to feel happy.

Parents should create an aura of protection for the baby. The feeling of support gives the young family member the moral strength to withstand stress. In peace, a full-fledged personality is brought up. The same applies to his physical needs:

  • cloth;
  • health care.

Child's personality development

Not a simple task of parents - the development of the child's personality - often becomes the subject of controversy. Society demands from the family that they take care of the baby according to the norms. Reality presents different situations. Despite this, parents are obliged to strive to develop their baby.

The main lever for development remains a huge amount of attention. This is an important and difficult moment in personality formation. By communicating with parents, the child develops a value system. His personal qualities are formed under the influence of his elders. Educational programs, puzzle games, and reading fairy tales remain additional tools for the development of his personality.

Was last modified: April 20th, 2019 by Elena Pogodaeva

I recently drew a drawing - he will be a famous artist. And what he does on the horizontal bar is a 100% athlete, he can soon be sent to the Olympics.

Every child is talented, even brilliant. But in order to reveal his talents, he will grow a truly integral Personality. A personality with a capital P, and nothing else, parents need to make an effort. The role of the family in education is enormous and cannot be underestimated. If you take a direct part in the upbringing process from birth, help the baby develop his abilities, support and guide him, then you will always have a loved one next to you, and you will not be forgotten and all your efforts will be appreciated.

What is “Personality”?

There are a great many meanings and concepts of the word “Personality,” but they are all quite abstract and vague. Each psychologist can give his own definition of this concept - and he will be right. Unfortunately, the concept of personality is very complex and multifaceted and there is no single correct definition. By this concept we mean a set of unique, individual character traits, both innate and acquired during life, upbringing and interaction with other people.

In this article, I will try to tell the readers of MirSovetov as fully as possible about the basic qualities of a child’s character, by developing which you will help him become a successful person, a leader in life. A person you can be proud of, no matter what. Of course, a child is not plasticine from which you can mold whatever you want; a lot depends on the type of temperament, innate inclinations and talents, environment, and health. But you have the power to correct, smooth out and develop many of the qualities of your baby’s character. After all, it is rightly said: “If you sow a thought, you will reap an action; if you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.”

Naturally, I do not claim to be the final authority, and the reader may not agree with some principles. But I sincerely hope that this article can help in raising your baby.

Development of spirituality
My memories go back to my childhood, when I felt the pain of a living creature for the first time. I’m seven years old, and the girl next door is already ten. Quite an adult, it seemed to me. While playing, we found puppies near the house. Small, blind and defenseless. I really wanted to stroke and cuddle them, but my “friend” did not share my feelings, because her idea of ​​fun was very different from the generally accepted one. She took a rope and tied it around the neck of one of the puppies and, bursting into cheerful laughter, began to swing the poor baby in the air. So we played, I cried, and she laughed... After finishing school, the girl went to study to become a veterinarian...

One of the main components of the development of a successful and harmonious Personality is spirituality. This includes empathy (empathy), aesthetic perception, responsibility for one’s actions (conscience), respect for other people’s lives, self-regulation (controlling one’s own actions), and determination.

The ability to feel someone else’s pain and experience it as your own is very important. If a child has not been able to at least partially learn this from early childhood, do not be surprised when the “kid” starts having fun by inflating toads and tearing off the wings of butterflies. But these are just flowers. In the future, the child will transfer his selfishness to people. Cruelty, violence, indifference to the grief of others. Your “baby” will inherit all this when he grows older.

How to instill such an important quality in a child? You need to start from childhood, when the baby is just learning about the world. Show a beautiful flower and, if the child tries to pick it, say: “There is no need to do this, the flower will be hurt, it will die immediately. Better let's just look at him. Smell how great it smells. We can come and admire it every day. And if you pick it, it won’t grow the same beautiful flower again.” At the same time, you develop aesthetic perception.

Read more fairy tales and parables for children. But not mindlessly, for fun, but turning it into a kind of lesson. After all, every fairy tale has its own moral. Help your child understand it. Ask additional questions that will help your child understand the meaning intended by the author in the work. The main thing I would like to advise you, dear readers of MirSovetov, is not to turn the game into an interrogation, otherwise your child will lose all interest in reading.

Understanding the world through beauty
A woman of about thirty and her ten-year-old son are walking through the forest. It's warm outside, but not hot, the sun is shining cheerfully. The mother enthusiastically tells the child: “Just look at the pine trees. Tall, stately... and the smell is simply amazing, not like in the city. Isn’t it great that we got out here?” The boy irritably waves his mother away: “I want to go home. What's interesting here, trees are like trees. And I have a tournament soon for my game, it’s much more interesting than your pine trees.” The woman sighs sadly...

The ability to notice beauty in all its manifestations, be it the beauty of nature, in appearance or the beauty of actions, is an important component of the development of spirituality. First, the child notices the object, then it begins to analyze it and, as a result of a comprehensive assessment, the baby concludes whether he likes the object or not, whether it meets accepted standards of beauty, or perhaps it simply evokes certain emotions in the child.

The development of the ability to perceive beauty is the basis for the development of a child’s intelligence and cognitive activity. How can you help your child see the beautiful sides of life? When walking with your baby, constantly draw his attention to the most insignificant objects and do not forget to express your emotional attitude towards them. You can stop near a painting or a beautiful building and express your opinion about it, without forgetting to ask your child. Naturally, it is better to do this in the form of a game. For example, ask your child to carefully look around when you walk around the city, let your child find ten beautiful faces and describe them to you. It all depends only on your imagination.

Fostering Responsibility
A fifteen-year-old girl sits in a company of guys and laughs cheerfully. There are cigarettes in his right hand and a bottle of beer in his left. She is young, free, and her whole life seems like an endless series of pleasures. The phone rings and the girl, disgruntledly putting her beer aside, takes her cell phone out of her bag. “Yes mom, no not soon, I’ll come when I can. So what if it's ten o'clock? School? Who needs it? Okay, mom, don’t pester me, when I come, I’ll come then,” Beauty answers irritably and puts the phone back. “I'm tired of it, it's terrible. No freedom at all." - the girl complains. Her companions nod sympathetically.

Instilling in a child responsibility for his actions is very important. Of course, MirSovetov readers may be indignant, saying it’s easier said than done. That’s why I always advise starting education from early childhood, because habit is second nature. Any parent is faced with endless requests from a child to buy him a puppy (kitten, hamster, fish... the list goes on). Satisfy this request, let the child learn responsibility for another living being. At the very beginning, you need to show your baby how to properly care for the animal: feed, clean. Also, do not forget to remind your child of his responsibilities, but under no circumstances do everything yourself, because your child may get used to it and completely stop caring for his pet.

Try to instill in your child the idea that no crime goes unpunished, and sooner or later, you will have to face the result of your actions. For example, since childhood, I remember well a phrase from an old film. “Everything secret always becomes clear.” And I have repeatedly received confirmation of its veracity.

Confidence and self-esteem
You can often see a situation on the playground: a mother scolds her child for some minor offense, sternly saying “how naughty you are, it’s better to follow the example of Masha (Vasya, Petit...).” A similar scenario is repeated with enviable regularity and different variations. But constantly comparing your baby with other children, when this comparison is not in his favor, noticeably reduces the child’s self-confidence. Remember, our parents said something similar more than once, and we sadly thought: “I’m bad, I can’t do anything right...”. Why, many of us still compare ourselves with others, succumbing to despondency and a sharp attack of self-flagellation.

Of course, from the outside, other people's children may seem to us full of various advantages that our own are deprived of. But isn't your baby unique? Isn't there something to praise him for? Just because it's different doesn't mean it's worse. We forget about this, and our children pay for everything. Therefore, remember - never compare your child with others. Perhaps in a good way, to praise and encourage, and not for the sake of punishment.

Self-esteem is formed in childhood, so praise the little man more often for all his efforts. But don't over-praise. Everything should be in moderation. Inflated self-esteem is also a problem.

Allow your child to help with housework. For example, do not drive him out of the kitchen, as if he will disturb you. After all, it’s better to entrust your child with some simple task and enjoy the positive results with him. Although, even if a couple of plates get damaged in the process, it doesn’t matter.

But each of your assessments, be it praise for a job well done or a drawing drawn, should always be sincere, truthful and objective. Children feel emotions subtly and, for example, if you just glanced at a drawing and began to tell how beautiful it is, etc., rest assured that a little time will pass and your assessment will have almost no meaning for the baby.

Communication skills
Children run around the playground happily. Cheerful cries are heard from everywhere: boys are playing football, girls are rushing around, carefully placing toy baby dolls in bright strollers. Only one little girl sadly perched on the horizontal bar, clutching a beautiful long-legged Barbie to her chest. “Why don’t you play with other children?” I ask the girl. She just shrugs her shoulders shyly, hiding her eyes. “I don’t want to,” she answers quietly.

With sadness I remember myself at her age. I also sat alone and waited for someone to come up and offer to play. I was ready to be friends with anyone, as long as they accepted me. It seemed that the fun was passing, but natural shyness did not allow me to ask others...

A lot depends on successful communication in our lives. People who can talk to anyone and about anything are highly valued. How to help a child from an early age overcome modesty and shyness, which interfere with effective communication?

The key to everything is humor. There are people with whom it is always easy and fun, they tell jokes and anecdotes, and tell interesting stories. In the children's world, everything is exactly the same. Children prefer to be friends with those with whom they have fun. Moody people are not very liked or are simply ignored...

Have more fun with your baby: organize home performances, performances, masquerades. Laugh, let your child not be afraid to express emotions. He will still learn to restrain them in the future, and childhood is a time of jokes and unbridled fun.

As a child (and as an adult), the ability to share your things is highly valued. This should be encouraged in every possible way. Of course, do not allow situations where a child’s toys are simply taken away. Standing up for yourself is also a necessary quality. But sharing and receiving something in return is a necessary condition for communication. The rule “You give me, I give you” applies at any age.

Tell your child that you can find something good in every person. You can play a game: ask your little one to talk to the largest number of children on the playground or kindergarten and find, for example, 5 common interests or good character traits.

Talk to your child, help him learn to have a conversation. You can play out various life situations in the form of a dialogue. For example, you play the role of a familiar girl (boy) of your child. Use new words, phrases, simple jokes that the baby can then use in real communication. Naturally, the baby must understand their meaning.

A child’s need to create is one of the most important in childhood. The baby wants to draw, sculpt animal figures from plasticine, and it is imperative that mom and dad appreciate and praise them for their work and diligence. Now in any children's store you can find a huge number of creativity kits. For relatively little money, you can spend a wonderful evening sewing soft toys, making mosaics or doing wood carving. The options are not limited; you have the opportunity to fully develop your child’s talents. Colorful albums, newfangled drawing kits - all this is available now and it would be criminal not to take advantage of such an opportunity. Even if the baby does not do well, he is trying, and you will help him and together you will create something beautiful. Don’t stop your child from creating, even if all the wallpaper is covered with colorful figures and the plasticine sticks to the furniture. These are little things, in the end, you will explain to the child that it is necessary to maintain order, but the thirst for creativity should flare up more and more brightly. Perhaps, after many years, you will proudly look at your son or daughter and say: “You remember how you painted animals on the walls, but now your paintings are exhibited in the best galleries.” But, even if your child does not become a famous artist, you should never deprive your child of the opportunity to express himself.

And lastly... In a family where there is an atmosphere of mutual understanding, where children can always turn to elders for help and receive support, where children’s opinions are valued, healthy, morally and spiritually healthy people will certainly grow up. Personalities, in all understandings of this word. Listen to your child, do not brush off his little problems, considering them insignificant; who else but you will help him understand this complex and cruel world. You must become an example to him, show him what is right and what is wrong, where the line between good and evil is. Remember the old saying, “What goes around comes around.” If you let your child go now, you won’t regain his trust in an instant later...