Fluimucil for oral administration instructions for use. Fluimucil solution: instructions for use. Fluimucil or ACC - which is better?

For diseases complicated by cough, medications are recommended that alleviate this symptom and speed up recovery. Among these, it is worth noting the effervescent tablets Fluimucil.

The instructions for use contain a detailed description of the appearance of the product, list the indications for its use and include information about possible side effects.

In contact with


Composition of the drug Fluimucil 600 mg

The drug is sold in cardboard packages containing 10 or 20 tablets, each of which contains 600 mg of the active substance. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by acetylcysteine. Physico-chemical characteristics are achieved through the use of additional substances.

Table 1. Components of Fluimucil tablets 600 mg

NameMore details
AcetylcysteineLiquid-soluble powder of white or almost white color. Have a complex effect, acts as an active component
Lemon acidPreservative, ensures dissolution of Fluimucil 600 mg tablet upon contact with liquid due to reaction with soda
Baking sodaReacts with citric acid, antiseptic
AspartameE951, used as a sugar substitute. Toxic in large quantities. Consumption in diabetes mellitus requires special attention from the patient
Flavor "Lemon"Gives a citrus aroma, may cause an allergic reaction

Information on the quantity of each component is contained in the instructions for use. The drug should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to any ingredient.

Mechanism of action of acetylcysteine

Effervescent cough tablets Fluimucil simultaneously act in several directions, providing:

  • mucolytic;
  • expectorant;
  • detoxic effect.

The mucolytic effect of acetylcysteine ​​is expressed in liquefying thick tracheobronchial secretions and stimulating its removal from the respiratory tract. This is facilitated by the breaking of disulfide bonds of glycosaminoglycans. Sputum increases significantly in volume, especially when drinking large amounts of liquid. In some cases, to avoid “flooding of the lungs,” the use of suction is recommended.

The expectorant effect is due to an increase in the activity of the ciliated epithelium under the influence of acetylcysteine. At the same time, the substance stimulates peristalsis of the respiratory tract and increases bronchial secretion. This leads to increased mucus production.

According to the instructions for use, acetylcysteine ​​activates detoxification processes. In addition, it reduces the number of free radicals, which allows you to stop acute or chronic inflammation. The drug begins to act within 0.5-1 hour. The active substance and its metabolites are excreted from the body by the kidneys.

What are these effervescent tablets for?

The complex effect of the drug allows it to be recommended for various pathologies. What Fluimucil tablets are for is indicated in the instructions for use. According to her data, the drug is prescribed for:

  • acute or prolonged course;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • of various etiologies;
  • bronchiectasis.

Quite often, patients seek qualified help when suffering from bronchitis. This is a pathology of the respiratory system, expressed in an inflammatory process localized in the bronchi. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and prolonged contact with toxic substances or allergens lead to the development of the disease. Bronchitis is also distinguished. They differ in their causes, symptomatic picture and recommended treatment.

Fluimucil cough tablets are also recommended for cystic fibrosis. Instructions for use describe the treatment regimen for this hereditary disease. Cystic fibrosis manifests itself in the form of pathological disorders of respiratory function and damage to the exocrine glands. The disease is also known as cystic fibrosis.

Pneumonia is a pathology that affects the alveoli and stroma of the lungs. It is a collective name for a whole group of diseases of various etiologies and pathogenesis. The success of treating pneumonia is based on timely diagnosis and competent therapy. To remove tracheobronchial secretions, Fluimucil 600 mg tablets can be recommended.

According to the World Health Organization, about 230 million people worldwide suffer from bronchial asthma. This is a severe pathology caused by specific or nonspecific mechanisms, leading to airway obstruction. Its manifestations include coughing, whistling in the lungs, shortness of breath, and heaviness in the chest.

Instructions for use recommend 600 mg tablets for the treatment of bronchiectasis. Pathology can be either congenital or acquired during life. Expressed in a chronic suppurative process localized in the bronchi. Leads to irreversible disorders in the respiratory system.

For which cough should it be used?

Many people, seeing a product labeled “for cough,” mistakenly believe that the drug is used for any form of symptom. Actually this is not true. There are two types of cough:

  • unproductive;
  • productive.

A nonproductive cough (dry) is not accompanied by the synthesis and production of sputum. To alleviate the condition of this form of symptom, antitussive drugs are prescribed. Productive cough (wet) is complicated by the appearance of viscous tracheobronchial secretions and can be treated with mucolytics. Fluimucil effervescent tablets can be recommended only for the productive form of the symptom. According to the instructions for use, the drug is useless for relieving dry cough.

Instructions for use

Soluble Fluimucil is sold without a prescription. However, you should not purchase them without the appointment of a specialist. Before using the product, you must carefully study the instructions.

How to use?

The duration of the course of treatment varies from person to person, but is usually 5-10 days. If there is no effect within 3-5 days, you should stop drinking Fluimucil effervescent tablets. The instructions recommend consuming the product regardless of diet.

How many times a day should you drink?

The medicine is a long-acting drug. This is an advantage of the Fluimucil 600 mg tablet. The instructions for use recommend only 1 dose per day to achieve a therapeutic effect.

What water to dissolve in?

The abstract does not provide clear guidance on this issue. Before taking, the tablet must be dissolved in a third of a glass of water.

Important notes about treatment

Effervescent tablets effectively relieve the symptom, but do not affect the cause of the disease. In view of this, the drug is recommended as part of complex therapy. When combined with antibiotics, it should be taken into account that acetylcysteine ​​reduces the activity of the latter.

  • people suffering from phenylketonuria;
  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

According to the instructions for use, dissolve the drug in a glass container, avoiding contact with metal or plastic elements. The resulting liquid must be consumed immediately or no later than 1 hour after dissolution.

Review Reviews

Users' opinions are often subjective and cannot be the basis for making any decisions when conducting therapy. However, most patients recommend Fluimucil effervescent tablets. Reviews rate the drug 4.5 out of 5 points. The tablets received such a high rating for:

  • rapid symptom relief;
  • a short list of contraindications and side effects;
  • convenient dosage form;
  • single use;
  • pleasant taste and smell.

There were also those for whom Fluimucil 600 mg effervescent tablets were not suitable. Reviews that gave the drug a minus, on the contrary, criticize the flavoring in the composition. The pronounced citrus taste is considered chemical and unpleasant. In addition, in some cases, Fluimucil led to increased coughing and pain in the epigastric region. However, this could be caused by non-compliance with the instructions for use. The disadvantages of the drug often include its high price.


You can replace Fluimucil effervescent tablets with a drug that has an identical active substance and has a similar effect only with the consent of your doctor.

A well-known analogue is the drug ACC Long. It is also made on the basis of acetylcysteine. It has a similar dosage – 600 mg. It is recommended to take the drug once.

It differs in the list of additional substances in the composition. In particular, it contains lactose, ascorbic acid, and berry flavor. The price of medicines is approximately the same.


  1. Fluimucil 600 mg effervescent tablets are highly effective and fast acting.
  2. They are able to quickly relieve cough and remove phlegm from the lungs.
  3. According to the instructions for use, the medicine in question can be used not only in the treatment of acute forms of diseases, but also to prevent exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  4. The product should only be used for wet coughs.

In contact with

Fluimucil is an expectorant mucolytic medicine. The instructions for use indicate that granules 200 mg, powder, solution for inhalation antibiotic IT in ampoules, effervescent tablets 600 mg are prescribed for respiratory diseases. According to experts, this medication helps in treating cough and thinning sputum.

Release form and composition

Fluimucil is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Solution for injection and inhalation (sometimes mistakenly called syrup).
  • Effervescent tablets 600 mg.
  • Granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration 200 mg (sometimes mistakenly called powder).
  • Lyophilisate for the preparation of solution for injection and inhalation in ampoules (Fluimucil antibiotic IT).

1 tablet contains acetylcysteine ​​600 mg and additional substances: sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, lemon flavor, aspartame.

1 bag of granules contains acetylcysteine ​​200 mg, excipients: beta-carotene, aspartame, sorbitol, orange flavor.

1 ml of solution for inhalation and injection contains 100 mg of acetylcysteine, 1 ampoule contains 300 mg of acetylcysteine, additional substances: sodium hydroxide, disodium edetate, water.

Thiamphenicol glycinate acetylcysteinate and excipients (Fluimucil antibiotic IT).

The drug comes with instructions with a detailed description.

Indications for use

What does Fluimucil help with? Tablets are prescribed:

  • washing of the nasal passages, middle ear, maxillary sinuses, abscesses, fistulas, treatment of the intervention zone during operations on the mastoid process or nasal cavity;
  • otitis, sinusitis (catarrhal and purulent);
  • facilitating the release of viscous secretions from the respiratory system (post-traumatic and postoperative conditions);
  • preparation for aspiration drainage, bronchography, bronchoscopy;
  • difficult sputum discharge due to pathology of the respiratory system (laryngotracheitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, lung abscess, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, atelectasis, caused by obstruction of the bronchi with a mucus plug).

Instructions for use

Fluimucil solution


For aerosol therapy, 3-9 ml of a 10% solution is sprayed in ultrasound devices, and 6 ml of a 10% solution is sprayed in devices with a distribution valve. Duration of inhalation - 15-20 minutes; frequency - 2-4 times a day. When treating acute conditions, the average duration of therapy is 5-10 days; for long-term therapy of chronic conditions, the course of treatment is up to 6 months.

Due to the high safety of the drug, the frequency of administration and the relative dose can be changed by the doctor within acceptable limits, depending on the patient’s condition and the therapeutic effect. There is no need to change the adult dose when using the drug to treat children.

In the case of a strong secretolytic effect, the secretion is sucked out, and the frequency of inhalations and the daily dose are reduced. The therapeutic mixture cannot be placed in an ultrasonic nebulizer, because it quickly destroys the active substance Fluimucil. It is advisable to use a compressor device for inhalation, which provides an ideal setting for the size of the inhaled particles of the drug.


To wash the bronchial tree during therapeutic bronchoscopy, use 1-2 ampoules or more per day, depending on clinical indications.


Instill 150-300 mg (1.5-3 ml) into the external auditory canal and nasal passages (into the nose) per 1 procedure.


Administer intravenously (preferably drip or slow stream over 5 minutes) or intramuscularly. Adults - 300 mg (3 ml) 1-2 times a day; children from 6 to 14 years old - 150 mg (1.5 ml) 1-2 times a day. The daily dose for children under 6 years of age is 10 mg/kg body weight; for children under 1 year of age, intravenous administration of acetylcysteine ​​is possible only for health reasons in a hospital setting.

The duration of treatment should be determined based on changes in the patient's condition. It should be taken into account that oral administration of the drug is preferable for children under 6 years of age. High local and general tolerability of the drug allows for long courses of treatment.

For intravenous administration, the solution is further diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose solution in a 1:1 ratio. The duration of therapy is determined individually (no more than 10 days). In patients over 65 years of age, the minimum effective dose is used.

Effervescent tablets

Fluimucil is taken orally (solution – 1 tablet in 1/3 glass of water). Recommended dosage regimen for adults: 1 tablet once a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually: acute course of the disease: 5–10 days; chronic course of the disease: up to several months.

Granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Fluimucil is taken orally, after dissolving a single dose in 1/3 glass of water. Recommended dosage regimen:

  • newborns (only if there are vital indications and under medical supervision) and children under 1 year: 10 mg/kg (from a feeding bottle or spoon);
  • children 1–2 years old: 2 times a day, 100 mg;
  • children 2–6 years old: 3 times a day, 100 mg or 2 times a day, 200 mg;
  • children over 6 years old and adults: 2-3 times a day, 200 mg.

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually: acute course of the disease: 5–10 days; chronic course of the disease: up to several months.

pharmachologic effect

Fluimucil is a mucolytic drug that thins mucus and promotes its removal from the body. Acetylcysteine, due to its own sulfhydryl groups, is able to break the disulfide compounds of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, due to which the viscosity of mucus decreases and depolarization of mucoproteins occurs.

Acetylcysteine ​​is also active in the presence of purulent sputum. The drug Fluimucil has anti-adhesive properties. The drug contains a nucleophilic thiol SH group, which easily donates hydrogen and neutralizes oxidative radicals. This determines the antioxidant effect of the drug.

Acetylcysteine, quickly penetrating into the intracellular space, is deacetylated to L-cysteine, which in turn participates in the synthesis of intracellular glutathione, a cytoprotector and antioxidant that neutralizes exogenous and endogenous free toxins and radicals.

Thanks to this mechanism of action, acetylcysteine ​​prevents depletion and stimulates the synthesis of intracellular glutathione, thereby activating the detoxification of harmful substances. These properties of Fluimucil allow it to be used as an antidote in cases of paracetamol poisoning.

With the use of Fluimucil, there is a reduction in the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic bronchitis. During clinical trials of the drug Fluimucil, the effectiveness of long-term treatment with this drug for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was studied.

The drug helps reduce the frequency of exacerbations of COPD and pulmonary hyperinflation. The drug is used in the treatment of COPD. Fluimucil is intended for internal use. After oral administration, it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract within a short time. The active substance of the drug penetrates the intercellular space and is distributed mainly in the liver, lungs, kidneys and bronchial secretions.


  • thrombocytopenia;
  • lactation period;
  • leukopenia;
  • children under 2 years of age (for granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration);
  • hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine;
  • anemia;
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years of age (for effervescent tablets);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase.

Side effects

Oral solution, granules for solution, effervescent tablets:

In rare cases, the development of the following adverse reactions may occur: nosebleeds, tinnitus, disorders of the digestive system (in the form of nausea, heartburn, feeling of fullness in the stomach, skin rash, vomiting, diarrhea), urticaria, itching. There is also evidence of the development of collapse, bronchospasm, decreased platelet aggregation, and stomatitis.

Solution for injection and inhalation: inhalation administration:

  • rhinorrhea, respiratory tract irritation, reflex cough; rarely – bronchospasm, stomatitis;
  • intramuscular administration: skin rash, burning at the injection site, urticaria;
  • with long-term therapy – functional disorders of the kidneys/liver.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the use of Fluimucil is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. When prescribing the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

In childhood

Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age (for granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration); in childhood and adolescence up to 18 years (for effervescent tablets).

special instructions

For patients with bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis, acetylcysteine ​​should be prescribed with caution under systematic monitoring of bronchial patency. A light sulfuric odor is characteristic of the active substance Fluimucil.

The ampoule with solution for injection and inhalation must be opened before use. After opening, the drug can be used for 24 hours only for inhalation, provided it is stored in the refrigerator. With shallow intramuscular injection of Fluimucil and in the presence of hypersensitivity, the development of a slight and quickly passing burning sensation may be observed, so it is recommended to inject the drug deep into the muscle.

Fluimucil solution (ready-made or obtained by dissolving tablets or granules) should not come into contact with metal/rubber surfaces.

Drug interactions

Combined use with cough suppressants that suppress the cough reflex contributes to stagnation of sputum.

The use of tetracyclines (except doxycycline), amphotericin and ampicillin leads to a decrease in the effect of both antibiotics and acetylcysteine, so the break between taking these groups of drugs should be at least 2 hours.

The antiplatelet and vasodilating effect of nitroglycerin is enhanced when taken simultaneously with Fluimucil.

Acetylcysteine ​​can reduce the toxic effect of paracetamol on the liver.

Pharmaceutically incompatible with other medicinal solutions.

Analogues of the drug Fluimucil

Analogues are determined by structure:

  1. Mukobene.
  2. Vicks Active ExpectoMed.
  3. Mucomist.
  4. Acetylcysteine.
  5. N-acetylcysteine.
  6. Acetylcysteine ​​solution for inhalation.
  7. Exomyuk 200.
  8. Mukonex.
  9. N-AC-ratiopharm.
  10. Acestine.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Fluimucil (600 mg effervescent tablets No. 10) in Moscow is 146 rubles. Granules for preparing a solution of 200 mg - 176 rubles for 20 sachets. Available without a prescription.

Store at temperatures up to 25 C. Keep away from children. Best before date:

  • solution for oral administration – 2 years (after the first opening of the package – 15 days);
  • solution for injections and inhalations – 5 years;
  • granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration, effervescent tablets – 3 years.

Post Views: 509

Mucolytic drugs are often used to treat cough in children and adults. They thin out sticky mucus, making it easier to remove. Most often, this group of drugs is prescribed for laryngotracheitis, tracheitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia and bronchitis. Mucolytic drugs include drugs such as Bromhexine, as well as drugs based on ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan), acetylcysteine ​​(ACC, Fluimucil) and carbocysteine ​​(Fluditec, Mucodin). They are available in various forms: syrups, solutions, capsules, tablets and granules. The choice of a specific drug and release form is made by the doctor depending on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease and other factors. If you are prescribed an acetylcysteine ​​medication, dissolve the granules or effervescent tablet in a glass of water and drink the freshly prepared medication. It is important to take the drug within half an hour after eating, otherwise you will not be able to achieve the expected effect of treatment. If you are prescribed a drug based on ambroxol, the method of use will depend on the form of release. Take the tablets immediately after meals with plenty of water. It is advisable to drink the syrup too, but it should be consumed during meals. If you have been prescribed a solution, add the required number of drops to milk, tea, water or juice. If you are prescribed a carbocisteine-based medication, take it immediately after meals. Swallow the capsules whole without chewing. Take the syrup only with plenty of liquid. Take Bromhexine three times a day with both syrup and tablets with water. Do not use mucolytics at the same time as antitussives. They are incompatible with each other, therefore, the consequences of such a technique can be sad. Stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract will lead to complications. Antibacterial agents, on the contrary, combine very well with mucolytics. They enhance the effect of antibiotics, which promotes a speedy recovery. How to take mucolytics


Fluimucil - instructions, analogues

Fluimucil Zambon Switzerland Ltd. Switzerland

over the counter

Additional information


No data

Approved in the EU:

No data

Authorized in the USA:

No data

Driving a car:

No data


No data

Instructions for use

general characteristics

international and chemical names: acetylcysteine; N-acetyl-L-cysteine;

Basic physical and chemical properties

yellow granules with a characteristic orange, slightly sulfuric odor;


1 package contains acetylcysteine ​​100 mg or 200 mg;

excipients: aspartame, b-carotene, orange flavor, sorbitol.

release form

Granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Mucolytic agents. ATC code R05C B01.

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. The active ingredient of Fluimucil is acetylcysteine. Acetylcysteine ​​is an effective mucolytic agent. Due to the presence of a free sulfhydryl group in the molecule, acetylcysteine ​​breaks disulfide bonds in the molecules of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which helps reduce the viscosity of bronchial mucus. The drug remains active in the presence of purulent secretion (mucus).

Pharmacokinetics. The drug is quickly absorbed when taken orally, easily penetrates all organs and tissues, the maximum concentration of 357.4 ng/l is observed in plasma after 60 minutes, in the lungs after 1.5 hours; half-life is 6.2 hours. In the blood, a mobile equilibrium of free Fluimucil and complexes of Fluimucil and its metabolites (cysteine, cystine, diacetylcysteine) associated with proteins by disulfide bonds is observed. Fluimucil and its metabolites are excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Fluimucil is indicated for use in clinical conditions characterized by the presence of thick viscous mucous or purulent mucous sputum in the following diseases:

Side effect

Fluimucil does not cause significant side effects. In some cases, gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensation) are possible; allergic reactions (skin rash, urticaria, itching). Nosebleeds and tinnitus may occur.


Hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine, severe damage to the liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands.


Gastric lavage. Symptomatic treatment.

application features

Dissolve the granules in 1/3 cup of water. Do not add other drugs to this solution. Take before or after meals.

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of Fluimucil and antibiotics leads to a slower absorption of antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins, tetracyclines (with the exception of doxycycline), aminoglycosides and a decrease in the mucolytic activity of Fluimucil. Fluimucil can be taken simultaneously with antibiotics such as amoxicillin, erythromycin, fusidine, thiamphenicol. When taking other antibiotics, a 2-hour interval must be observed.

A possible sulfur smell when opening the package does not indicate decomposition of the product, but belongs to the active ingredient. The drug contains aspartame - it is not recommended for patients with phenylketonuria.

Storage conditions.

Store out of the reach of children, under normal conditions. Shelf life - 3 years.

vacation conditions

Over the counter.


Granules of 100 mg in bags No. 30 in a cardboard box. Granules of 200 mg in bags No. 20 and No. 30 in a cardboard box.


Zambon Switzerland Ltd.


m. Kadempino, Switzerland.

Fluimucil effervescent tablets: instructions for use

Fluimucil effervescent tablets

The drug Fluimucil belongs to the group of mucolytic agents with antioxidant effects.

Release form and composition

The drug Fluimucil is available in the form of effervescent tablets in blisters of 2, 5, 10 pieces in a cardboard box. The drug comes with instructions with a detailed description. The tablets are round, large, white in color with a distinct lemon smell.

Each tablet contains 600 mg of the active ingredient - Acetylsteine, as well as a number of auxiliary components: sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, lemon flavor, aspartame. When the tablet is dissolved in water, a carbonated solution with the taste and smell of lemon is obtained.

Indications for use

Fluimucil tablets are prescribed to patients as part of complex therapy to thin and facilitate sputum discharge in the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • lung abscess;
  • pulmonary atelectasis;
  • emphysema;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • catarrhal and purulent sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis - in order to facilitate the discharge of secretions.

The drug can also be prescribed to stimulate expectoration of accumulated sputum in patients after surgery.


Before you start taking the drug, you should be sure to read the accompanying instructions, since effervescent tablets have a number of contraindications:

  • exacerbation of chronic erosive gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy 1st trimester;
  • age under 18 years for this dosage form of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to acetylsteine;
  • simultaneous therapy with antitussive drugs.

With particular caution, effervescent tablets should be prescribed to patients suffering from varicose veins, bronchial asthma, phenylketonuria, renal and liver failure, and pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Directions for use and dosage

The dose of the drug is determined by the doctor individually, as is the duration of treatment. According to the instructions, adult patients are prescribed 600 mg of the drug once a day. The tablet is placed in 1/3 glass of water and waited until completely dissolved, after which the resulting solution is drunk.

To avoid discomfort in the stomach, it is recommended to take the drug after meals.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the use of Fluimucil tablets is contraindicated for women, since therapy can negatively affect the process of formation of the child’s internal organs.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the use of effervescent tablets is possible only in case of serious indications, when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

During lactation, taking Fluimucil in the form of effervescent tablets is contraindicated, since Acetylsteine ​​can be excreted in breast milk. If therapy is necessary, the woman should stop breastfeeding.

Side effects

When using effervescent tablets in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, some side effects may develop:

  • from the digestive system - belching, heartburn, cutting pain in the stomach, nausea, heaviness in the epigastric area, vomiting;
  • bronchospasm;
  • skin rash, angioedema, urticaria;
  • in rare cases, the development of acute vascular insufficiency, noise and ringing in the ears.


Cases of overdose with Fluimucil effervescent tablets have not been described, but you should not deliberately exceed the recommended dose in order to avoid the development of negative effects on the organs of the digestive canal.

Interaction with other drugs

Fluimucil tablets should not be prescribed simultaneously with antitussives and tablets that suppress the functioning of the cough center. This leads to congestion and blockage of the airways with mucus.

If necessary, the drug in the form of effervescent tablets can be combined with mucolytics and expectorants of plant origin.

When the drug is prescribed simultaneously with tetracyclines, a decrease in the therapeutic effect of both groups of drugs is observed.

Under the influence of Acetylsteine, the hepatotoxic effect of Paracetamol is reduced.

special instructions

Patients with bronchial asthma are treated with the drug with caution due to the risk of worsening asthmatic attacks. If therapy is necessary, the patient's condition and the course of bronchial asthma should be carefully monitored.

The drug contains aspartame, so effervescent tablets should not be prescribed to patients with phenylketonuria. The tablet should be dissolved immediately before use, using glass containers for this purpose.

Analogs of effervescent tablets Fluimucil

Analogues of the drug Fluimucil in the form of effervescent tablets are:

  • ACC effervescent tablets;
  • Acetylsteine ​​tablets;
  • ACC long;
  • Vicks active expectomed tablets.

Conditions for release from pharmacies and storage

The drug Fluimucil is approved for over-the-counter dispensing from pharmacies. The tablets should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry place, out of reach of children and sunlight. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years from the production date, after which the drug must be disposed of.

Fluimucil effervescent tablets price

The average price of Fluimucil effervescent tablets in Moscow pharmacies is 150 rubles.

Fluimucil: instructions, description of analogues

Fluimucil is a mucolytic expectorant drug used in the complex therapy of bronchitis and pneumonia to reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretions. Helps cough up mucus, restore normal ventilation of the lungs, and reduce the period of disability. Fluimucil is produced by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Zambon Group Infartsam. In Russia, effervescent tablets are available, from which a medicinal drink is prepared, 10 pieces per package, with a dosage of 600 mg.

Features of pharmacodynamics

The therapeutic effects are due to the ability of the active substance, Acetylcysteine, to stimulate the production of bronchial secretions, normalize its rheological properties, and reduce the viscosity of sputum. This is of paramount importance for the removal of bacterial, viral agents, as well as components formed during inflammatory reactions from the bronchial tract.

Helps reduce the intensity of a painful dry cough due to insufficient functioning of the bronchial glands. Additional pharmacological effects of the drug are used when performing bronchoscopic examinations, treating the consequences of an overdose of Paracetamol - it eliminates the deficiency of glutathione, helping to restore liver activity.

The duration of the therapeutic effect of the prolonged form of Fluimucil is up to a day. The effect begins to appear after 15 minutes. The main metabolic transformations occur under the influence of liver enzymes and are excreted through the kidneys.

Use during lactation, pregnancy

Fluimucil is contraindicated for pregnant women. When breastfeeding, a temporary break is necessary while treatment is carried out.

Dosage regimen

Fluimucil effervescent tablets are prescribed to patients over 15 years of age once a day (the daily dose is 600 mg), the duration of medication is 2-3 weeks. Before dissolving, first dilute the tablet in a glass or plastic glass (200 ml) with water at room temperature, take half an hour before meals.

Side effects of Fluimucil

According to researchers, undesirable reactions are rarely possible: drowsiness, nausea, bronchospasm, fever, allergic manifestations: Quincke's edema, dermatitis.

Indications for treatment

  • Acute, chronic bronchitis.
  • Chronic obstructive conditions (bronchiectasis, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma).
  • Lung abscesses.
  • Lobar pneumonia (together with the prescription of antibiotics).
  • Complex therapy after respiratory injuries and surgical operations.
  • Preliminary preparation for diagnostic procedures: bronchographic, bronchoscopic examination, aspiration drainage.


  • The period of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Individual hypersensitivity.
  • Lactation, pregnancy.
  • Pulmonary hemorrhages.
  • Significant increase in blood pressure.
  • Kidney and liver dysfunction.
  • Pathology of the adrenal glands.

Review of analogues

Among analogues, the Yugoslav drug Acetylcysteine-Hemofarm, which is sold to patients who have a federal or regional prescription benefit, has the lowest price. There are smaller dosage tablets of 100 or 200 mg, which are convenient to use for small patients. Another analogue ACC-Long (Germany), which has a dose and application regimen similar to Fluimucil, is somewhat more expensive.

Our previous article was devoted to the mucolytic drug Ambrohexal (Germany), which has fewer side effects and does not cause bronchospastic phenomena, which can be considered a worthy replacement for Fluimucil. This group includes domestic Ambroxol - one of the most affordable modern mucolytics.

Home - Medicines

Treatment of many respiratory diseases is based on courses of complex therapy, which includes antioxidants and mucolytics. The drug Fluimucil has become exactly such a drug of the modern generation.


The pharmacological product called Fluimucil is an effervescent tablet, which you can find out about by reading the manufacturer's instructions. Briefly, the tablets can be characterized as follows: round, quite large, the drug is completely white in color, and has a pleasant lemon smell.

When producing Fluimucil, the manufacturer deliberately chose this form of drug release; despite its size, the tablet quickly dissolves in water, leaving no sediment. The result is a carbonated liquid with a specific taste and aroma of lemon. Each package of the drug is cardboard and contains instructions for use and blisters with the medicine. Blisters can contain 10, 5, 2 effervescent tablets.

Attention! The main active ingredient of Fluimucil is acetylcysteine ​​(accounts for 60% of the total mass). Additional components of the medicine are: sodium bicarbonate, aspartame, citric acid, flavorings.


The manufacturer describes in detail the indications for the use of Fluimucil. The medicine is widely used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by cough, both wet and dry:

  • tracheitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • lung abscesses;
  • pulmonary emphysema;
  • lack of air in the lung tissues (atelectasis);
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.

Inadequate development of the bronchi, accompanied by periodic suppuration on the mucous membrane of the organ, is also one of the reasons for prescribing the drug. Often, as a result of surgical interventions on the respiratory organs, there is an accumulation of exudate and sputum. To help the substance leave the body faster, Fluimucil effervescent tablets are prescribed.

Important! Taking the drug Fluimucil allows you to speed up the process of liquefaction and removal of sputum in any body.

The drug is used in the treatment of cough


The highly effective medicine has a number of contraindications, as confirmed by the instructions attached to it. Before taking the appointment, you need to find out about them and, if possible, identify or refute them:

  • increased sensitivity of the body to the substances included in the composition;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age under 18 years;
  • gastritis, which occurs in a chronic form, accompanied by the appearance of erosion;
  • ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation period at the time of breastfeeding;
  • taking other mucolytics.

Treatment for some diseases involves taking Fluimucil, if there are appropriate indications for use, but this must be done with great care so as not to harm the body.

Among these diseases are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • varicose veins;
  • problems of blood vessels, heart;
  • diseases associated with the development of abnormal metabolism;
  • chronic renal and liver failure.

Attention! Fluimucil can be used during pregnancy, starting from the second trimester, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor, after preliminary consultation.

Admission rules

Any mucolytic agent, including Fluimucil for cough, is allowed to be used in complex therapy according to the recommendations of the attending physician. The specialist, assessing the patient’s condition, chooses individual dosage of the drug, course of treatment, advises in detail how to take it. When prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor will necessarily focus on the available indications and contraindications, as well as the patient’s current health status.

The manufacturer offers a recipe for preparing a solution for administration, which the doctor can adjust if necessary: ​​pour a third of a glass of clean running water at room temperature and add an effervescent tablet of the drug. Slightly rotating the glass speeds up the dissolution time. The completely clear carbonated liquid is drunk in frequent small sips. During the day, the recommended intake is no more than 600 mg of the drug (undiluted dosage is indicated).

You can take Fluimucil before or after meals. To prevent the medicine from causing discomfort in the stomach and abdomen, it is not advisable to drink the medicine before meals.

Fluimucil for cough is strictly prohibited for use in the first three months of pregnancy. This has a negative effect on the formation of fetal organs and the development of the small organism as a whole.

At a later date, taking the drug is allowed, but strictly under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor will first weigh the pros and cons, only then, if the treatment is ineffective without it, will he make an appointment.

Important! In fact, the threat to the fetus is minimal, but still exists at any stage of pregnancy. Therefore, even during the “allowed” period, it is better not to use this medication without the advice of a doctor.

During lactation, part of the drug is excreted from the woman’s body along with breast milk. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that nursing women not take Fluimucil; there are analogues for this. When there is no way out, you need to wean the baby off the breast for a while, and after the active substances leave the mother’s body, continue breastfeeding.

Attention! Fluimucil is strictly contraindicated for children, so it doesn’t matter whether the medicine enters the body through mother’s milk or on its own, such use can result in disastrous consequences for a fragile body.

Side effects

When taking the drug for the first time, you need to be prepared for the fact that the main substances may provoke unexpected side effects. Such a reaction of the body is characterized by possible individual intolerance to the components, or strong sensitivity to them:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen, stomach;
  • feeling of discomfort, heaviness in the digestive organs;
  • spasm of the bronchi, it seems as if the respiratory organs are compressed or clogged with something;
  • allergic reaction;
  • swelling of the oral mucosa, nasopharyngeal organs;
  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • the appearance of extraneous noise in the ears;
  • acute form of heart failure (very rare).

Determine yourself whether the drug will cause side effects or not is impossible, Therefore, at the first dose, it is recommended to limit yourself to only half of the medicinal liquid. If you have already taken Fluimucil or its analogues, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Considering that the majority of people, when buying Fluimucil, first learn how to take the pills from a doctor or by reading the instructions, there was no official data on recording signs of an overdose. Fluimucil has a unique, strong composition, but if you “know when to stop”, it will not harm your body.

Interaction with other medicine

When prescribing a course of treatment, the specialist will take into account every detail. First of all, he will try to select medications that will not suppress each other or, on the contrary, enhance the effect on the diseased body.

Such a confrontation will lead to the fact that most of the respiratory organs will be clogged with mucus and phlegm, which, when liquefied, will not be able to freely leave the body. Stagnation of sputum in severe cases leads to blockage of the lumens of the respiratory system.

The effects of Paracetamol are also reduced by acetylcysteine. A combination of Fluimucil with expectorants made from herbal components (mucolytics) may be useful.


The antibiotic Fluimucil has a lot of analogues, the most popular:

  • Vicks asset,
  • Lazalvan,
  • Fluifort,
  • Acetylcysteine,
  • Azt-long,
  • Acestine,
  • Mucomist,
  • Mukobene,
  • Tussik,
  • Exomyuk.

The list of medications can be continued by listing pharmacological products that are similar in composition, have the same effect on the body, and the release form may also be different. Some products are significantly different, others are almost identical. When deciding to replace the original medicine with a less expensive one, the consumer often asks the question: which is better - Fluimucil or Acc - how to choose.

The main active ingredient is identical. However, its percentage in ACC is three times less. If in the original each tablet contains 60% of the active ingredient, then the analogue contains only 10%. Both have different release forms, but ACC solution for inhalation is called differently - Acetylcysteine. At first glance, the cost of ACC may seem somewhat cheaper, but given the lower ratio of the main active component, the effectiveness will be lower.

Attention! Taking into account the price category of analogues and the original product, the consumer chooses an affordable drug for himself. However, the effectiveness of the original will be many times higher, which is due to the high content of the main active component. In any case, when using Fluimucil or Acc, there will be a therapeutic effect, it all depends on the time of its onset.

Fluimucil antibiotic for inhalation

Caution Antibiotic fluimucil. Don't give this to children! / Benefits of a nebulizer


The market value of a pharmacological product may differ slightly, the average price is 580 rubles. The medicine may seem expensive to many, but this is precisely what explains its effective effect on the body.

For diseases complicated by cough, medications are recommended that alleviate this symptom and speed up recovery. Among these, it is worth noting the effervescent tablets Fluimucil.

The instructions for use contain a detailed description of the appearance of the product, list the indications for its use and include information about possible side effects.

Composition of the drug Fluimucil 600 mg

The drug is sold in cardboard packages containing 10 or 20 tablets, each of which contains 600 mg of the active substance. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by acetylcysteine. Physico-chemical characteristics are achieved through the use of additional substances.

Table 1. Components of Fluimucil tablets 600 mg

Acetylcysteine Liquid-soluble powder of white or almost white color. Have a complex effect, acts as an active component
Lemon acid Preservative, ensures dissolution of Fluimucil 600 mg tablet upon contact with liquid due to reaction with soda
Baking soda Reacts with citric acid, antiseptic
Aspartame E951, used as a sugar substitute. Toxic in large quantities. Consumption in diabetes mellitus requires special attention from the patient
Flavor "Lemon" Gives a citrus aroma, may cause an allergic reaction

Information on the quantity of each component is contained in the instructions for use. The drug should not be used if there is an individual intolerance to any ingredient.

Mechanism of action of acetylcysteine

Effervescent cough tablets Fluimucil simultaneously act in several directions, providing:

  • mucolytic;
  • expectorant;
  • detoxic effect.

The mucolytic effect of acetylcysteine ​​is expressed in liquefying thick tracheobronchial secretions and stimulating its removal from the respiratory tract. This is facilitated by the breaking of disulfide bonds of glycosaminoglycans. Sputum increases significantly in volume, especially when drinking large amounts of liquid. In some cases, to avoid “flooding of the lungs,” the use of suction is recommended.

The expectorant effect is due to an increase in the activity of the ciliated epithelium under the influence of acetylcysteine. At the same time, the substance stimulates peristalsis of the respiratory tract and increases bronchial secretion. This leads to increased mucus production.

According to the instructions for use, acetylcysteine ​​activates detoxification processes. In addition, it reduces the number of free radicals, which allows you to stop acute or chronic inflammation. The drug begins to act within 0.5-1 hour. The active substance and its metabolites are excreted from the body by the kidneys.

What are these effervescent tablets for?

The complex effect of the drug allows it to be recommended for various pathologies. What Fluimucil tablets are for is indicated in the instructions for use. According to her data, the drug is prescribed for:

  • acute or prolonged bronchitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pneumonia of various etiologies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchiectasis.

Quite often, patients seek qualified help when suffering from bronchitis. This is a pathology of the respiratory system, expressed in an inflammatory process localized in the bronchi. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and prolonged contact with toxic substances or allergens lead to the development of the disease. There are acute and chronic forms of bronchitis. They differ in their causes, symptomatic picture and recommended treatment.

Fluimucil cough tablets are also recommended for cystic fibrosis. Instructions for use describe the treatment regimen for this hereditary disease. Cystic fibrosis manifests itself in the form of pathological disorders of respiratory function and damage to the exocrine glands. The disease is also known as cystic fibrosis.

Pneumonia is a pathology that affects the alveoli and stroma of the lungs. It is a collective name for a whole group of diseases of various etiologies and pathogenesis. The success of treating pneumonia is based on timely diagnosis and competent therapy. To remove tracheobronchial secretions, Fluimucil 600 mg tablets can be recommended.

According to the World Health Organization, about 230 million people worldwide suffer from bronchial asthma. This is a severe pathology caused by specific or nonspecific mechanisms, leading to airway obstruction. Its manifestations include coughing, whistling in the lungs, shortness of breath, and heaviness in the chest.

Instructions for use recommend 600 mg tablets for the treatment of bronchiectasis. Pathology can be either congenital or acquired during life. Expressed in a chronic suppurative process localized in the bronchi. Leads to irreversible disorders in the respiratory system.

For which cough should it be used?

Many people, seeing a product labeled “for cough,” mistakenly believe that the drug is used for any form of symptom. Actually this is not true. There are two types of cough:

  • unproductive;
  • productive.

A nonproductive cough (dry) is not accompanied by the synthesis and production of sputum. To alleviate the condition of this form of symptom, antitussive drugs are prescribed. Productive cough (wet) is complicated by the appearance of viscous tracheobronchial secretions and can be treated with mucolytics. Fluimucil effervescent tablets can be recommended only for the productive form of the symptom. According to the instructions for use, the drug is useless for relieving dry cough.

Instructions for use

Fluimucil soluble cough tablets are sold without a prescription. However, you should not purchase them without the appointment of a specialist. Before using the product, you must carefully study the instructions.

How to use?

The duration of the course of treatment varies from person to person, but is usually 5-10 days. If there is no effect within 3-5 days, you should stop drinking Fluimucil effervescent tablets. The instructions recommend consuming the product regardless of diet.

How many times a day should you drink?

The medicine is a long-acting drug. This is an advantage of the Fluimucil 600 mg tablet. The instructions for use recommend only 1 dose per day to achieve a therapeutic effect.

What water to dissolve in?

The abstract does not provide clear guidance on this issue. Before taking, the tablet must be dissolved in a third of a glass of water.

Important notes about treatment

Effervescent tablets effectively relieve the symptom, but do not affect the cause of the disease. In view of this, the drug is recommended as part of complex therapy. When combined with antibiotics, it should be taken into account that acetylcysteine ​​reduces the activity of the latter.

  • people suffering from phenylketonuria;
  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

According to the instructions for use, dissolve the drug in a glass container, avoiding contact with metal or plastic elements. The resulting liquid must be consumed immediately or no later than 1 hour after dissolution.

Review Reviews

Users' opinions are often subjective and cannot be the basis for making any decisions when conducting therapy. However, most patients recommend Fluimucil effervescent tablets. Reviews rate the drug 4.5 out of 5 points. The tablets received such a high rating for:

  • rapid symptom relief;
  • a short list of contraindications and side effects;
  • convenient dosage form;
  • single use;
  • pleasant taste and smell.

There were also those for whom Fluimucil 600 mg effervescent tablets were not suitable. Reviews that gave the drug a minus, on the contrary, criticize the flavoring in the composition. The pronounced citrus taste is considered chemical and unpleasant. In addition, in some cases, Fluimucil led to increased coughing and pain in the epigastric region. However, this could be caused by non-compliance with the instructions for use. The disadvantages of the drug often include its high price.


You can replace Fluimucil effervescent tablets with a drug that has an identical active substance and has a similar effect only with the consent of your doctor.

A well-known analogue is the drug ACC Long. It is also made on the basis of acetylcysteine. It has a similar dosage – 600 mg. It is recommended to take the drug once.

ACC Long differs in the list of additional substances in its composition. In particular, it contains lactose, ascorbic acid, and berry flavor. The price of medicines is approximately the same.

Useful video

Useful information about treating cough with pneumonia can be found in this video:


  1. Fluimucil 600 mg effervescent tablets are highly effective and fast acting.
  2. They are able to quickly relieve cough and remove phlegm from the lungs.
  3. According to the instructions for use, the medicine in question can be used not only in the treatment of acute forms of diseases, but also to prevent exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  4. The product should only be used for wet coughs.

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(2 offers)

Fluimucil effervescent tablets- mucolytic drug with antioxidant properties.
Liquefies mucus, increases its volume and facilitates its separation. The action of acetylcysteine ​​is associated with the ability of its sulfhydryl groups to break intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which leads to depolarization of mucoproteins and a decrease in sputum viscosity. Remains active in the presence of purulent sputum.
Increases the secretion of less viscous sialomucins by goblet cells, reduces the adhesion of bacteria to the epithelial cells of the bronchial mucosa. Stimulates mucous cells of the bronchi, the secretion of which is lysed by fibrin. It has a similar effect on the secretions formed during inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.
It has an antioxidant effect due to the presence of an SH group that can neutralize electrophilic oxidative toxins.
Acetylcysteine ​​easily penetrates into the cell and is deacetylated to L-cysteine, from which intracellular glutathione is synthesized. Glutathione is a highly reactive tripeptide, a powerful antioxidant and cytoprotector that neutralizes endogenous and exogenous free radicals and toxins. Acetylcysteine ​​prevents exhaustion and helps increase the synthesis of intracellular glutathione, which is involved in the redox processes of cells, promoting the detoxification of harmful substances. This explains the effect of acetylcysteine ​​as an antidote for paracetamol poisoning.
Protects alpha1-antitrypsin (elastase inhibitor) from the inactivating effects of HOCl, an oxidizing agent produced by myeloperoxidase of active phagocytes. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect (by suppressing the formation of free radicals and reactive oxygen-containing substances responsible for the development of inflammation in the lung tissue).

Indications for use: Indications for use of effervescent tablets Fluimucil are: respiratory diseases accompanied by impaired sputum discharge (including bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, lung abscess, pulmonary emphysema, laryngotracheitis, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary atelectasis /due to blockage of the bronchi by mucus plug/ ); catarrhal and purulent otitis, sinusitis, incl. sinusitis (to facilitate the passage of secretions); for removing viscous secretions from the respiratory tract in post-traumatic and postoperative conditions.

Directions for use: The drug is in the form Fluimucil effervescent tablets prescribed for adults 600 mg (1 tablet) 1 time/day. Before use, the effervescent tablet is dissolved in 1/3 glass of water.

In newborns, the drug is used only for health reasons at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight under the strict supervision of a physician.
The duration of treatment is determined individually. For acute diseases, the duration of treatment is from 5 to 10 days, for chronic diseases - up to several months.

Side effects: From the digestive system: rarely - heartburn, nausea, feeling of fullness in the stomach, vomiting, diarrhea; Cases of the development of stomatitis have been described.

Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash, itching, urticaria; Cases of bronchospasm have been described.
Other: rarely - nosebleeds, tinnitus; Cases of collapse and decreased platelet aggregation have been described.


Contraindications to the use of tablets Fluimucil are: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase; lactation period; children under 2 years of age (for granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration); children and adolescents up to 18 years of age (for effervescent tablets); hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine.
Prescribed with caution for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, varicose veins of the esophagus, hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, phenylketonuria, bronchial asthma, diseases of the adrenal glands, liver and/or kidney failure, arterial hypertension.


Use during pregnancy Fluimucila is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
If it is necessary to prescribe the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Interaction with other drugs: Concomitant use Fluimucila with antitussives may increase sputum stagnation due to suppression of the cough reflex.

When used simultaneously with antibiotics, such as tetracyclines (excluding doxycycline), ampicillin, amphotericin B, they may interact with the thiol group of acetylcysteine, which leads to a decrease in the activity of both drugs, so the interval between taking acetylcysteine ​​and antibiotics should be at least 2 hours.
The simultaneous use of Fluimucil and nitroglycerin can lead to an increase in the vasodilatory and antiplatelet effects of the latter.
Acetylcysteine ​​reduces the hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol.


Fluimucil when taken at a dose of 500 mg/kg/day does not cause signs and symptoms of overdose.

Storage conditions: The drug should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Release form: Fluimucil - effervescent tablets 600 mg: 10 or 20 pcs.

1 tablet Fluimucil contains: acetylcysteine ​​600 mg.
Excipients: citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, aspartame, lemon flavor.


For patients with bronchial asthma and obstructive bronchitis, Fluimucil can be prescribed with caution under systematic monitoring of bronchial conduction.
The drug contains aspartame, so it should not be prescribed to patients with phenylketonuria.
When dissolving the drug, you must use glass containers and avoid contact with metal and rubber surfaces.


Respiratory diseases

Medicines used for coughs and colds. Mucolytic agents.
ATC code: R05CB01;
Other medicines. Antidotes.
ATS code: V03AB23.

Pharmacological properties

A mucolytic agent that thins sputum, increases its volume, and facilitates the separation of sputum. The action is associated with the ability of free sulphihydryl groups of acetylcysteine ​​to break intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which leads to depolymerization of mucoproteins and a decrease in sputum viscosity. Remains active against purulent sputum.
Increases the secretion of less viscous sialomucins by goblet cells, reduces the adhesion of bacteria to the epithelial cells of the bronchial mucosa. Stimulates mucous cells of the bronchi, the secretion of which is lysed by fibrin. It has a similar effect on the secretions formed during inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs. It has an antioxidant effect due to the presence of an SH group that can neutralize electrophilic oxidative toxins. Acetylcysteine ​​easily penetrates into the cell and is deacetylated to L-cysteine, from which intracellular glutathione is synthesized. Glutathione is a highly reactive tripeptide, a powerful antioxidant, cytoprotector that traps endogenous and exogenous free radicals and toxins. Acetylcysteine ​​prevents exhaustion and helps increase the synthesis of intracellular glutathione, which is involved in the redox processes of cells, thus promoting the detoxification of harmful substances. Protects alpha1-antitrypsin (elastase inhibitor) from the inactivating effects of HOCl, an oxidizing agent produced by myeloperoxidase of active phagocytes. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect (by suppressing the formation of free radicals and reactive oxygen-containing substances responsible for the development of inflammation in the lung tissue).
With intravenous administration of 600 mg of acetylcysteine, the maximum plasma concentration is 300 mmol/l, the plasma half-life is 2 hours. The total clearance is 0.21 l/h/kg, and the volume of distribution at the plateau is 0.34 l/kg.
In the liver it is deacetylated to cysteine. In the blood, a mobile equilibrium of free acetylcysteine ​​and its metabolites (cysteine, cystine, diacetylcysteine) is observed, free and bound to plasma proteins. Acetylcysteine ​​penetrates into the intercellular space and is predominantly distributed in the liver, kidneys, lungs, and bronchial secretions.
It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of inactive metabolites (inorganic sulfates, diacetylcysteine), a small part is excreted unchanged through the intestines. Penetrates through the placental barrier.
Pharmacokinetic studies in patients with liver damage showed an increase in serum area under the concentration-time curve of up to 62% and a 30% decrease in clearance.
Plasma clearance of acetylcysteine ​​depends little on renal function.

Indications for use

For inhalation and intravenous secretolytic therapy for acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by impaired formation and transport of mucus.
For intravenous administration, the drug is used in intensive care units and only in cases where oral administration of the drug is impossible.

Directions for use and dosage

Intravenously or intramuscularly
Adults - 300 mg (1 ampoule) 1-2 times a day.
Children from 6 years old - 150 mg (1/2 ampoule) 1-2 times a day.
For intravenous administration, the drug is additionally diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution, the infusion is carried out slowly (over about 5 minutes).
When administered intramuscularly, the drug is injected deep into the muscle.
Spray one ampoule with each inhalation 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days.
Due to the good tolerability of the drug, the frequency of use and dosage can be changed by the doctor within wide limits, taking into account the clinical condition and therapeutic effect, without the need to differentiate doses for adults and children.
Use in accordance with the chosen method of application (drainage, bronchoscope, etc.) 1 ampoule 1-2 times a day or as needed.
Used for instillation or endoauricular lavage and rinsing of other cavities. The average dosage is from half to 1 ampoule (1.5-3 ml) per procedure.
Patients with impaired liver and kidney function
As a rule, no dose adjustment is required. This group of patients is recommended to use the drug with caution under strict medical supervision.
Pregnancy and lactation
The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after a careful assessment of the risk/benefit ratio.
Clinical data on the use of acetylcysteine ​​in pregnant patients is limited. In most cases, the safety of the use of acetylcysteine ​​during pregnancy has been confirmed as an antidote for acetaminophenone overdose. There are no data on the excretion of acetylcysteine ​​in breast milk.
Elderly patients
Given the high safety profile of acetylcysteine ​​and the lack of cumulative effect, no dose adjustment is required in elderly patients. In patients over 65 years of age, the minimum effective dose is used.
The use of the drug in children under 2 years of age is contraindicated.
For children under 6 years of age, oral administration of the drug is preferable.
Inhalation, endotracheobronchial and local routes of administration do not require dose adjustment in children.

Side effect

During post-registration use, the following side effects were observed; their frequency is unknown (cannot be determined based on available data).
Inhalation use: Parenteral use:

System-organ class Side effects
Immune system disorders Anaphylactic shock, anaphylactic reaction, anaphylactoid reaction, hypersensitivity
Heart disorders Tachycardia
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Bronchospasm, dyspnea
Gastrointestinal disorders Nausea, vomiting
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Angioedema, urticaria, redness, rash, itching
General and administration site disorders Facial swelling
Laboratory and instrumental data Decreased blood pressure, increased prothrombin time
In very rare cases, severe skin reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Lyell's syndrome have been observed with the use of N-acetylcysteine.
In most cases, it was suspected that the above mucocutaneous syndromes could be caused by the simultaneous use of at least one other drug. If mucocutaneous changes occur, you should consult a doctor and immediately stop taking N-acetylcysteine.
A decrease in platelet aggregation with N-acetylcysteine ​​has been confirmed by some studies. The clinical significance of these results is currently uncertain.
If the listed adverse reactions occur, as well as reactions not described in these instructions, you should consult a doctor.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any excipient.
Children under 2 years old.


Parenteral use
Overdose symptoms are similar to, but more severe than, the symptoms listed in the Side Effects section.
Treatment of overdose is based on immediate cessation of infusion, symptomatic therapy and resuscitation. There is no specific antidote treatment: Acetylcysteine ​​is dialyzable.
Inhalation or endotracheobronchial use
No cases of overdose have been reported with inhalation or endotracheobronchial use of the drug.
Exceeding the dose for inhalation or endotracheobronchial use can cause excessive and severe liquefaction of secretions, which requires, especially in patients with insufficient and depressed cough and expectorant reflexes, the use of bronchoaspiration.

Precautionary measures

Mucolytic agents may cause bronchial obstruction in children under 2 years of age. Due to the physiological characteristics of the respiratory system of children in this age group, the ability to clear airway secretions is limited. Therefore, mucolytic drugs should not be used in children under 2 years of age.
Patients with bronchial asthma should be closely monitored during treatment; If bronchospasm develops, the use of acetylcysteine ​​should be immediately discontinued and appropriate treatment initiated.
Particular caution is required if the drug is used by patients currently suffering from or with a history of peptic ulcers, especially in the case of concomitant use of other drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa.
The use of acetylcysteine, especially in aerosol form, at the beginning of treatment can cause dilution of bronchial secretions, thereby simultaneously increasing its volume; If the patient is unable to cough up sputum effectively, postural drainage or bronchoaspiration should be performed to avoid sputum retention.
Intravenous use of acetylcysteine ​​should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Side effects following intravenous acetylcysteine ​​perfusion are likely to occur when the drug is administered too quickly or when high doses are used. The sulfurous odor that appears when opening an ampoule of Fluimucil does not in any way affect the possibility of using the drug.
One ampoule of Fluimucil contains 43 mg (1.9 mmol) sodium; this should be taken into account by patients with reduced renal function or on a low sodium diet.

Interaction with other drugs

Drug-drug interaction studies have been conducted in adults only.
It was found that the combined use of nitroglycerin and acetylcysteine ​​causes severe hypotension and dilation of the temporal artery. If it is necessary to use nitroglycerin and acetylcysteine ​​simultaneously, the patient should be under medical supervision for the development of hypotension, which can take severe forms, and be warned about the possibility of headaches.
Acetylcysteine ​​should not be prescribed simultaneously with antitussives, since suppression of the cough reflex can lead to the accumulation of bronchial secretions.
Fluimucil can be used simultaneously with conventional bronchodilators, vasoconstrictors, etc.
The available information on interactions with antibiotics comes from in-vitro studies, these studies indicate a decrease in antibiotic activity after mixing the two substances. Therefore, it is not recommended to mix antibiotics with acetylcysteine ​​solution.
Effect of the drug on laboratory test results
Acetylcysteine ​​may make it difficult to measure salicylate levels using a colorimetric method.
Acetylcysteine ​​may make it difficult to test for ketones in urine.

Since acetyl cysteine ​​can react chemically with some materials (for example, rubber, iron, copper), it is advisable to use glass or plastic equipment for inhalation, and rinse the equipment with water after use.

Fluimucil is a drug with a mucolytic effect used to treat the lungs and bronchi. The drug is able to effectively dilute mucus and remove it from the lungs. Used to treat cough and other diseases in adults and children.

1 sachet for oral solution contains:
  • active substance: 200 mg cetylcysteine;
  • auxiliary components: 25 mg of aspartame, 100 mg of orange flavor, 662 mg of sorbitol, 12.3 mg of betacarotene.
1 ml of oral solution contains:
  • active substance: 20 or 40 mg acetylcysteine;
  • auxiliary components: 4 mg sodium carmellose, 1 mg disodium edetate, 1 ml purified water, up to pH 6.5 sodium hydroxide, 1 or 1.8 mg methyl parahydroxybenzoate, 1 mg sodium benzoate, 0.4 mg sodium saccharinate, 0.2 g propyl parahydroxybenzoate, 120 mg sorbitol, raspberry, strawberry or pomegranate flavor.
1 effervescent tablet contains:
  • active substance: 600 mg acetylcysteine;
  • auxiliary components: 20 mg aspartame, 100 mg lemon flavor, 680 mg citric acid, 500 mg sodium bicarbonate.
1 ampoule of solution intended for inhalation and injection contains:
  • active substance: 500 mg acetylcysteine;
  • auxiliary components: 3 mg disodium edetate, 3 ml water for injection, sodium hydroxide to pH 6.5.

pharmachologic effect

It has a mucolytic effect - it thins sputum, facilitates its separation, and increases its volume. Acetylcysteine ​​breaks disulfide bonds in mucopolysaccharides of sputum, depolarizing mucoproteins, reducing the viscosity of sputum. With purulent sputum, activity remains.

Prevents the adhesion of bacteria on epithelial cells of the bronchial mucosa. Stimulates cells that synthesize substances that break down fibrin threads. It has a similar effect on the secretion formed during inflammation of the ENT organs.

It has an antioxidant effect due to the presence of the SH group. Neutralizes endogenous and exogenous free radicals, toxins, and has a cytoprotective effect.

Acetylcysteine ​​promotes the detoxification of harmful substances and increases the synthesis of glutathione, which is involved in cellular restoration processes. This explains the effect of acetylcysteine ​​in an overdose of paracetamol as an antidote.

By suppressing the appearance of free radicals that cause inflammation in the lungs, acetylcysteine ​​has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


When taken orally, it is well absorbed. After administration, the maximum concentration in the blood (15 mmol/l) occurs within 1-3 hours. Bioavailability is 10%.

Penetrates between cells, predominantly distributed in bronchial secretions, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Penetrates through the placenta. Plasma protein binding is 50%.
In the liver it is quickly deacetylated to cysteine. In the plasma there is an equilibrium of plasma acetylcysteine ​​and its metabolites (cystine, cysteine, diacetylcystine).

It is excreted in the urine in the form of inactive metabolites, a small part is excreted unchanged through the intestines. The half-life is 1 hour, with liver cirrhosis it increases to 8 hours.

Release form

Fluimucil is available in the following dosage forms:

  1. Granules intended for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. Yellow granules with orange splashes, having a characteristic orange smell. There are 20, 30 or 60 sachets in a package. Each sachet contains 1 g of granules.
  2. Solution for oral administration. Transparent, has a faint aroma of strawberry, raspberry or pomegranate. Each cardboard pack contains 1 glass bottle with 100, 150 or 200 ml of solution.
  3. Effervescent tablets. They have a characteristic lemon, slightly sulfuric odor, a rough surface, white, round. The resulting solution has the smell and taste of lemon flavor. In a cardboard pack there are 1, 2, 5 or 10 packages, 2 or 10 tablets in soft contour packages.
  4. Ampoules with solution for inhalation or injection. A colorless solution with a faint sulfuric odor. Each pack contains 5 glass ampoules of 3 ml each.

Indications for use of fluimucil

Fluimucil is prescribed for diseases accompanied by disturbances in sputum discharge:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lung abscess;
  • pulmonary atelectasis caused by blockage of the bronchi with a mucus plug;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • interstitial lung diseases.

Also, in order to facilitate the discharge of secretions, the drug is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis, purulent, catarrhal otitis.

In post-operative, post-traumatic conditions, the drug is used to remove viscous secretions from the respiratory tract.

Indications for use of solution for injection, inhalation:

  • washing of the maxillary sinuses, abscesses, nasal passages, middle ear;
  • preparation for bronchography, aspiration drainage, bronchoscopy.

Instructions for use of Fluimucil

can be used by both adults and children.

Granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Fluimucil granules are taken orally, dissolved in 1/3 glass of water. The duration of therapy is determined individually. Typically, in acute cases of the disease, the course of treatment is 5-10 days. For chronic diseases, the drug can be prescribed for several months.

Drug dosage regimen:

  • adults, children over 6 years old – 200 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • children 2-6 years old - 100-200 mg 2-3 times a day;
  • children 1-2 years old - 100 mg 1-2 times a day.

For children under 1 year of age, the drug is used if there are vital indications, under the supervision of a doctor. Recommended dosage is 10 mg/kg body weight. Fluimucil is given to newborns from a bottle or spoon.

Solution for injection, inhalation

Directions for use:

  1. Inhalation therapy. For inhalations lasting 15-20 minutes, a 10% fluimucil solution of 3-9 ml is used. Inhalations are carried out 2-4 times a day. The doctor determines the dosage depending on the patient's condition. For children, the drug is usually prescribed in adult doses. For acute conditions, the duration of the course is 5-10 days, and for chronic conditions – several months.
  2. Locally. For otitis and rhinitis, the drug is instilled into the external auditory canal or nose, 1.5-3 ml several times a day.
  3. Intratracheal. When performing bronchoscopy, 1-2 ampoules of Fliumucil per day are used for rinsing.
  4. Parenterally (intravenously, intramuscularly). Adults - 3 ml 1-2 times a day, children 6-14 years old - 1.5 ml 1-2 times a day, children from 1 to 6 years old - 10 mg/kg per day. It is advisable for children under 6 years of age to take the drug in oral forms. In hospital settings, if there are vital indications, Fluimucil can be administered to children under 1 year of age.

Before intravenous administration, the solution should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with NaCl solution or dextrose solution.

The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition. If necessary, long-term use of the drug is possible.

For elderly patients, the solution is prescribed in minimally effective doses.
When taking fluimucil at a dose of 500 mg/kg per day, no symptoms or signs of overdose were found.

Effervescent tablets

Fluimucil tablets are prescribed only to adults. 1 tablet dissolves in a third of a glass of water. The resulting solution is taken orally once a day.

Duration of treatment:

  • in acute cases – from 5 to 10 days;
  • in the chronic course of the disease – up to several months.

When preparing the drug, you can use only metal utensils, avoiding contact with rubber and metal surfaces. When opening the package, there may be a sulfur smell, which is a sign of the active substance.

Side effects and contraindications

Absolute contraindications to the use of Fluimucil are:

  • lactation period;
  • exacerbation of duodenal or stomach ulcers;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • intolerance to fructose contained in the oral solution;
  • for granules, oral solution – age up to 2 years;
  • for effervescent tablets – age up to 6 years;
  • for solution for injection – age up to 6 years.

Intravenous administration of the drug to children under 1 year of age and administration of effervescent tablets to children under 2 years of age is allowed for health reasons and under the supervision of a specialist.

Fluimucil is prescribed with caution for:

  • pulmonary bleeding;
  • hemoptysis;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • ulcer of the duodenum, stomach;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • phenylketonuria - for effervescent tablets, granules (contain aspartame).

For patients with obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma, fluimucil is prescribed with caution, and bronchial patency is constantly monitored.
When administering the drug intramuscularly, people with hypersensitivity may experience a slight burning sensation that quickly passes. With deep injection, no burning sensation is observed.

When administered orally, diarrhea, vomiting, tinnitus, urticaria, nausea, skin rashes, nosebleeds, and itching may occur. There is evidence of the development of bronchospasm, collapse, stomatitis, and decreased platelet aggregation while taking Fluimucil.

When used inhalation, stomatitis, reflex cough, rhinitis, and in rare cases, bronchospasm may develop.

Parenteral administration may cause urticaria, skin rash, and mild burning sensation. With prolonged therapy, functional disorders of the liver and kidneys are possible.

Is it possible to use Fluimucil for cough during pregnancy?

The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible according to indications, and the expected benefit to the mother should significantly exceed the potential risk to the child.

When using Fluimucil during lactation, breastfeeding should be avoided.

Compatibility with other drugs

The combination of Fluimucil with drugs that suppress the cough reflex promotes stagnation of sputum.

When Fluimucil is combined with paracetamol, the toxic effect on the liver of the latter is reduced.

Taking antibacterial drugs - tetracyclines (except doxycycline), ampicillin, amphotericin with Fluimucil reduces the effectiveness of both drugs. The break between taking two medications should be at least 2 hours.

Nitroglycerin, when taken with Fluimucil, enhances its vasodilating, antiplatelet effect.

Other medicinal solutions are pharmaceutically incompatible with the drug.


Structural analogues of Fluimucil according to the active substance:

  1. N-AC-Ratiopharm.
  2. Acetylcysteine.acetylcysteine ​​Sediko.acetylcysteine ​​Stada, acetylcysteine ​​Sediko effervescent, acetylcysteine-Hemofarm, Acetylcysteine ​​solution for inhalation 20%, Acetylcysteine ​​solution for inhalation 10%, N-acetylcysteine.
  3. Acesitin.
  4. , ACC 100, ACC 200, ACC-long. ACC injection.
  5. Vicks Active ExpertMed.
  6. Mucomist.
  7. Mucosolvin.
  8. Mukobene.
  9. Mukonex.
  10. Muko Sanigen.
  11. Tussik.
  12. N-AC-ratiopharm.
  13. Exomyuk, Exomyuk 200.

Conditions, shelf life

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C in a dry place inaccessible to children.

When properly stored, the shelf life of effervescent tablets is 3 years, solution for injection, inhalation - 5 years, solution for oral administration in a closed package - 3 years (after opening - 15 days), granules for preparing a solution - 3 years.

Opened ampoules of fluimucil are stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Fluumucil in tablets and granules is available without a prescription. The solution is according to the recipe.