Fitness in the office. industrial gymnastics saves lives (video). Exercise in the office - useful physical exercises for office workers Takzdorovo exercise in the office

The damage from being absent during the workday without physical activity is not compensated by going to the gym or swimming pool. Dozens of studies have been conducted in different countries, which prove the detrimental effects of a sedentary lifestyle. If you sit at your desk for more than five hours a day, you risk developing the following diseases:

  • pathology of cardio-vascular system;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • rectal cancer;
  • digestive problems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • impotence.

Why is industrial gymnastics needed?

Office exercise in the workplace has a positive effect on health, emotional mood, and productivity. It helps solve difficult work problems - physical activity causes a rush of blood, improves brain activity. The benefits of industrial gymnastics are impressive:

  • exercise helps maintain muscle mass, prevent fat deposition;
  • regular sports breaks reduce the risk of diseases of the joints, spine, lumbar region;
  • the surge of vigor and efficiency from gymnastics is greater than from drinking coffee or energy drinks;
  • acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs allows you to avoid diseases of the reproductive system;
  • office exercise increases metabolism, and this - normal level sugar, reduced levels of bad cholesterol, no problems with blood pressure.

Workplace gymnastics options

Depending on free time and level physical training You can choose one of four “office” gymnastics options. The greater the load and duration, the higher the healing effect. It’s worth starting with minimal loads. Afterwards, you can increase the intensity of your workouts. What to do:

  • Micropauses. Spend every 15-25 minutes taking a 1 minute break from work. Stretch, relax, look away from the monitor, lean back.
  • Physical education minutes. This is a longer option - at least 4 minutes. Take such breaks every hour. Do light stretching exercises: turns of the neck, arms, knee joints, massage.
  • Sports office breaks. Do it once a day, perform a set of exercises for 10–15 minutes, work the muscles of your legs, arms, back, and abs.
  • Morning exercises. Do it in the morning. The level of load is the same as for sports breaks.

To make industrial exercises more comfortable, keep a pair of sneakers at your workplace. For sports breaks, get a replacement T-shirt so as not to get your work clothes dirty. During classes, ventilate the room by opening windows or turning on ventilation system. If possible, go to the break room so as not to disturb your colleagues.

Choose activities for your age and body type. For people over 45, excessive loads are undesirable. Those who are obese should also avoid them. Choose gentle complexes, and when the body gets used to the stress, increase the intensity.

Remember that you shouldn’t overload yourself - there will be no opportunity to take a shower and take a break.

A set of industrial gymnastics exercises

Below are exercises for office workers to work out all parts of the body. In addition to exercise, do not forget to monitor your posture, take breaks if your muscles are stiff or your back begins to ache. Give preference to walking rather than transport. Get up often to take a few steps.

Charging for the head and neck

Lateral bends. Sit upright with your palms on your knees. For several minutes, tilt your neck to the right, then to the left, stretch, but carefully so as not to provoke a stretch. While bending, hold for a couple of seconds. Breathe evenly and deeply.

Rotation. Take the starting position as in the bending exercise. Gently make rotational movements with your head, first in one direction, then in the other. The neck muscles are relaxed, but actively involved in rotation. Do 10 repetitions, alternating directions.

Massage. Complete the previous exercises with this. Sit, relax, close your eyes. Massage your temples in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. Then massage your head, moving from the back of your head to your forehead. Duration – no more than five minutes.

Exercises for shoulders and back

Lock. Clasp your arms extended in front of you, with your palms facing away from you. Reach forward, tilting your neck so that your chin moves towards your chest. Hold for half a minute. Do a few repetitions, then pull your arms up, stretching your back muscles.

Rotations. Relax, lower your arms along your body. Perform circular movements with your shoulders, alternating sides. Stay straight and don't strain your neck muscles. Perform 1-2 sets for each side of 10 repetitions.

Reverse lock. Place your arms back and clasp your hands together. Pull your arms away from you, parallel to raising and lowering your arms with a small amplitude. Continue the exercise for a couple of minutes. Finally, reach your fingertips towards your feet.

Gymnastics for arms

Push ups. Rest your palms on the edge of the table, put your legs back so that your knees are straight. Do table push-ups: lower as you inhale, rise as you exhale. When lifting, do not leave your arms bent at the elbow, straighten them. Do 1-2 sets of 10 repetitions.

Lifting the table. Grasp the edge of the table with one hand and imagine that you need to lift it. Support the table with your palm, tensing your arm muscles. Hold the position for one and a half minutes. Then repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Stretching. Raise one arm up, lower the other along the body. Bend your outstretched arm at the elbow, pull your hand towards your shoulder blade. Hold this for 20–30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6–8 times, alternating hands, then

Train your hands - rotate them for a couple of minutes.

Exercise for the abs and abdominal muscles

Knee lift. Sit down, grab the chair with your hands. Bring your knees together, look ahead. Exhale, raise your knees to your chest, freeze for a few seconds, while inhaling, lower your legs, but do not place them on the floor. Repeat no more than 15 times.

Tilts. Sit up straight, stretch your arms to the sides. Exhale, bend over, touch your right foot with your left hand, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Do the same with right hand and left foot. Alternating between inclines, perform 25 repetitions.

Bike. Grab the edges of the chair, lean back slightly, and stretch your legs. For 2 minutes, perform movements similar to cycling - first straight, then back. Do not lower your legs, keep them parallel to the floor. Keep your breathing even.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Lunges. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands at your chest. Step forward with one leg, bending it at the knee to a right angle, buttocks pointing back. Return to the starting position. Step with your other foot. Perform 10–12 repetitions.

Squats. Stand up and use the back of a chair for support. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders. Start squatting, lowering your buttocks as low as possible. The knee may go beyond the toe, but the lower back does not bend, the back is straight. Repeat 12-15 times.

Mahi. Stand against a wall, press lightly against it. Raise one leg, bend it knee joint. Swing to the sides, trying to pull your leg. Execution time is 1-2 minutes, then repeat on the other leg.

When you're done, squat down and make a few ankle circles.


Working in an office involves big risks for health: when sitting (and this is exactly what office work is), incorrect posture develops, spinal deformities occur, blood supply deteriorates in all parts of the body, and excess weight increases.

Since during a busy work schedule there is often no time (both energy and desire) for playing sports after work, various options have been developed for office employees. gymnastic exercises. Such complexes are easy to perform and do not require much time, so it can be performed right at your workplace, spending literally 5-10 minutes on it.

Gymnastics for office workers is good because it allows you to quickly warm up the neck, lower back, thoracic region spine, legs and arms (including fingers).

1 Who benefits from exercise at work?

The name “warm-up for office staff” does not at all imply that such a physical therapy system is intended only for office workers. It is useful for representatives of various professions who move little during the working day. Therefore, such complexes are often called “industrial gymnastics.”

This type of gymnastics is equally beneficial for men and women. It is advisable to do it at least three times a day for 5-10 minutes. If this is not possible, then it is recommended to do it as much as possible: even a few minutes daily will be more beneficial than inactivity.

Most of all, gymnastics will be useful for the following groups of people:

  1. Office workers - programmers, accountants, technical support workers, editors, managers, and so on.
  2. People who spend a lot of time at their desks at home - freelancers, readers, teachers (checking students' homework).
  3. People who spend a lot of time standing - security guards, people handing out information brochures, teachers.
  4. People who spend a lot of time sitting (excluding office workers) - janitors, cashiers, teachers, drivers.

To one degree or another, all people without exception need exercise. Including those who lead an active lifestyle (it is not always the foundation of good health).

1.1 Why is gymnastics necessary for sedentary work, and what diseases does it prevent?

When sitting on a chair for a long time, even with correct posture, . And most diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system are associated with muscle atrophy.

Gymnastics is aimed at eliminating this problem by strengthening muscle fibers and increasing the overall endurance of the body. The physical improvement of the body obtained as a result of regular gymnastics also affects cognitive abilities (a healthy mind in a healthy body).

If physical activity is at zero, then the functionality of all body systems may be disrupted. But the worst thing is that the heart and blood vessels will suffer - in inactive people the chances of such problems are much higher than in people with normal activity.

Regular exercises for the back and joints help to avoid the following problems:

  • thromboembolic disease (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis), varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs (and therefore prevention of varicocele);
  • arthritis and arthrosis, including ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis) and many others autoimmune diseases joints;
  • malignant neoplasms (statistically, approximately 60% of people with cancer, no matter what organ, have a history of sedentary lifestyle);
  • excess weight (obesity) is one of the main consequences of inactivity (and obesity is a provoking factor for the development of several dozen serious diseases);
  • atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, ischemic disease heart or brain strokes;
  • arterial hypertension and, what may seem surprising, hypotension (physical exercise simply stabilizes blood pressure, keeping it at a normal level);
  • decreased joint mobility;
  • a decrease in the resistance of the musculoskeletal system to stress (firstly, this will reduce the endurance of the body as a whole, and secondly, it will be easier for a person to get injured or get sick);
  • diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency and other anemias (due to the fact that physical education enhances metabolic processes);
  • chronic stress, depression, apathy, mood swings;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract, in particular dyspepsia, constipation, to some extent even stomach ulcers and duodenum(due to the fact that physical education enhances immune processes that fight Helicobacter Pylori);
  • osteochondrosis (especially cervical region and lumbar region), spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, intervertebral protrusions and hernias, scoliosis, postural disorders, deformities spinal column, chronic spasm spinal muscles;
  • knee diseases, night cramps, restless legs syndrome;
  • vasculitis, gravitational dermatitis (caused venous insufficiency V lower limbs), trophic ulcers.

2 How often should you do gymnastics at work?

Physical education does not like delays and unsystematic processes. This means that you need to study constantly and not miss certain days. Omissions are permissible, but for objective reasons and in small quantities.

It is very important to systematize the process and reduce it to a certain routine. You need to develop a strong habit of exercising every day, and preferably at the same time. Each person, depending on the amount of free time he has, as well as his physical fitness, needs to select a lesson plan individually (for himself).

This simple system can be taken as a basis. Every day during the working day, do gymnastics three times for 5-10-15 minutes. If you work out during lunch breaks for work, then do gymnastics before the meal, and not after (otherwise problems with the stomach and intestines cannot be avoided).

2.1 What exactly needs to be kneaded?

One of the most important questions: which specific areas of the body need to be warmed up? It is necessary to focus on the largest departments.

Let's go over them briefly:

  1. The spinal column as a whole. Yes, you need to train all parts of the spine, but the main emphasis should be on the cervical and lumbar region. Why? These parts of the back are most exposed to stress during the day.
  2. Fingers of the lower and upper extremities. If you spend a lot of time sitting in a chair, your toes will become numb and your fingers will experience large but uneven loads (if you type on a keyboard, for example). Therefore, they must be kneaded.
  3. Lower and upper limbs in general (elbow, knee joints, muscles of the arms and legs). We stretch our arms so that they do not weaken: the muscles do not atrophy, the joints do not get used to the lack of movement. The legs need to be stretched first of all to prevent thromboembolic pathologies and varicose veins.
  4. Shoulder and hip joints. Prolonged immobilization (immobility) literally leads to joint atrophy (the first sign is a grinding or crunching sound during movement coming from the joint area).
  5. Muscle corset of the back and abs, chest. These muscles must be trained: they are much more important than the biceps and triceps, since they are the supporting pillar of the whole body.

3 Exercises at the workplace: which ones can you do?

Which ones specifically? physical exercise have to do? There are several dozen effective and quick-to-perform exercises to choose from, but there is no point in describing them all. Particularly due to the fact that hardly anyone will have time to complete them during breaks between work.

Therefore, we have highlighted only the most necessary (basic) exercises that are easy to perform and do not require much time.

List of basic exercises:

  • lie on the floor, straighten up, hands behind your head - start lifting your body so that your legs do not leave the floor (abs training);
  • after the previous exercise, we move on to the next one - we lie flat, put our hands under our heads, raise our legs and begin to do a bicycle exercise (lower abs training);
  • stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart: tilt your body left and right, and then back and forth (training the back muscle corset);
  • stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, perform the triad: straighten your arms forward, then lift them up and spread them apart (this is what children are taught in kindergarten);
  • feet shoulder-width apart and keeping your back as straight as possible, do squats (while squatting, you need to straighten your arms forward);
  • we do classic push-ups, but without embellishment (that is, you don’t need to do them with your fists or on one hand);
  • stand exactly near the wall, rest your fingers against the wall, stand on tiptoes and start walking in one place, lowering and raising your foot (training calf muscles, prevention of thrombosis);
  • Do a minute-long shadowbox by simply punching the air with your fists (without weights) - a great way to both train and relax your arm muscles after a long period of stiffness.

If you can’t lie down on the floor (or don’t want to), then you can use the following complex, performed while standing:

  1. Standing still, we stand on our tiptoes, raise our arms above our heads and stretch upward. In this way we will warm up and stretch the stagnant muscles of the shoulders, arms, abs, calves, and thighs.
  2. While standing still, alternately bend your body in 4 directions.
  3. From bending you can move on to rotating your body.
  4. While standing, perform several rotations with your arms (in shoulder joints) forward and backward.
  5. Perform several rotations in the elbow joints in both directions.
  6. Perform several wrist rotations in both directions.
  7. Interlock your fingers and extend them with your palms in front of you.
  8. Perform several head tilts in 4 directions. For greater efficiency, you can grab your head with your hands and gently pull it towards the tilt, stretching the muscles more.
  9. While standing, perform several knee raises.
  10. Do some squats.
  11. Perform several calf raises.

In general, such a complex, if performed at a moderate pace and several repetitions for each movement, can take up to 5 minutes.

Exercises can be performed without getting up from your chair:

  1. Raise your arms up and gently stretch.
  2. Bend your spine back. In this case, you can rest your hands on your lower back with your palms and move them away elbow joints back to stretch not only the back muscles, but also the shoulder muscles.
  3. Perform head tilts in 4 directions.
  4. Perform several tilts with your body to the right and left.
  5. Extend your arms straight to the sides, then, without bending or lowering, raise them above your head. Then lower it again. Repeat several times.
  6. Sitting on a chair, straighten your legs and place your heels on the floor. Pull your socks towards you, while at the same time gently try to straighten your knees (already straightened) more strongly. This will load the stagnant muscles of the lower leg and front of the thigh, and stretch the ankle and knee joint.
  7. Place your feet on the floor on your toes, and perform several rotations in ankle joint. Alternatively, the leg can be raised and the foot rotated in weight.
  8. While sitting on a chair, spread your legs out to the sides in front of you as far as possible. Gently lean your body forward without bending at the waist. This will stretch the groin muscles.

Exercise in the workplace was once commonplace. It was done regardless of whether it was an office or working at a machine in a workshop. But times are changing. And since we embarked on a new path economic development, they stopped doing industrial gymnastics at the enterprise. Apparently the leaders are now commercial structures, considered such short breaks for exercise at the workplace a waste time.

Meanwhile, many countries that for a long time They followed the path of a market economy and adopted much from our Soviet past, including gymnastics in the workplace.

Indeed, if a manager cares not only about the profit of his enterprise, values ​​and respects the performance of his subordinates, and wants a healthy spirit to be present in the company, such small technological breaks to perform simple gymnastics complexes only unite and motivate the team. It is not necessary to contact specialists to develop a special set of exercises for the health of your employees. The simplest exercises will relieve fatigue and tension and give you a boost of energy for the remaining working hours.

As statistics say, in modern world about 90 percent of all workers have a “sedentary job.” In addition, most people travel to and from work in a car and return home to sit in front of the TV. But our distant ancestors also said that movement is life. Therefore, charging at the workplace is very relevant today.

What are the benefits of exercising at work?

Exercise breaks in the workplace are an effective advocacy tool healthy image life. We must not forget that all joint events always united the team. How can such gymnastics be useful in the workplace and what are its advantages?

It doesn't take much time. You can perform individual exercises for just a few minutes and for a separate part of the body. Depending on the specifics of the work, you can select only those parts of the body that receive the maximum load: neck, back, legs, eyes.

As a rule, such exercises are easy to perform and do not require special sports equipment.

Since the exercises are easy to perform, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort and energy on them, you don’t need to change into sportswear and go to the shower after exercising.

Joint exercise improves mood and promotes better communication and atmosphere between colleagues and in the team as a whole.

And most importantly, it reduces the risk of diseases, including occupational ones.

There are also benefits from a health perspective.

During charging, the position of the body and the part on which the load falls most during operation changes.

Blood circulation and joint mobility are restored.

The muscles are strengthened and tension in them is relieved.

Carrying out the same type of work gradually leads to the accumulation of stress, which is easily relieved by performing work gymnastics.

As you can see, there are enough advantages to think about it and start setting aside 15-20 minutes to perform a set of exercises without leaving your workplace.

Sets of exercises for working exercises

It is ideal to develop a special complex taking into account the specifics of your work. But even general exercises that are easy to find on the Internet will significantly improve general state working. Here are a few such complexes that can be done at the workplace.

Charging at the workplace while standing

Just a few exercises will relieve tension in your back, restore blood circulation in your legs, and relax your muscles.

Stand near a table or chair and lean on your hands. Feet shoulder width apart. Do a few squats with your hands resting on the back of a chair or desk.

Stand up straight with your hands clasped behind your back. Rise up onto your toes, unclasping your arms and stretching them up. When rising on your toes, you can raise your arms up and tilt them to the left and then to the right, while turning your head at the same time. This will relieve tension not only in the back and legs, but also in the neck muscles.

Stand up straight and relax. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then exhale. Repeat several times.

Exercise for the eyes at the workplace

Most workers now work at a computer. If we add to this artificial lighting and increased concentration, then after a few hours attention is significantly reduced and fatigue appears in the eyes. A set of eye exercises will help correct all these problems. It is recommended to do it every hour, taking just a few minutes.

While sitting upright, slowly lower your gaze to the floor and look up. At the same time, do not lower or raise your head. Repeat the exercise at least 8-10 times.

Make circular movements with your eyes. First one way, then the other. Perform 8-10 movements in each direction.

Blink your eyes rapidly for 20-23 seconds.

Select a distant object and look at it for a few minutes. You can go to the window or just look at a distant object in the workplace. The main thing is that this object is no closer than arm's length away.

Keeping your head straight, draw the number “8” with your eyes. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Alternately close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids tightly, and open them. Hold in each position for 3-4 seconds.

Charging while sitting at the workplace

This complex is suitable for those who have to sit at work all day. It only takes a few minutes and can be done without getting up from your office chair.

Sit on the edge of the chair. Raise your legs off the floor at a 30-degree angle and hold as long as you can. This exercise is useful for strengthening the hip and abdominal muscles.

Sit on the edge of a chair. Place your hands on the edge of the table. Using your hands on the table, lift your body as much as you can.

Grasp the armrests of the chair with your hands and pull your arms up as if you would like to remove the armrests.

Place your hands behind the back of the chair. Cross your legs and lift them off the floor. First move to one side, then to the other, tensing your muscles as if you wanted to unclasp your legs. Switch legs and repeat.

Place your hands on your knees. Raising your legs up, press your hands on your knees, as if preventing your legs from lifting.

Take a piece of paper in your hands and raise your hands up. Hold the leaf suspended for a few seconds.

Sit on the edge of a chair and spread your knees to the side. Place your hands down with your palms facing each other. Squeeze your palms and relax. This exercise can also be performed at chest level.

Wrap your legs around the legs of the chair. Lower your arms freely downwards. Keeping your back straight, bend first to one side, then to the other.

Place your hands under the table top. Make a movement as if lifting the tabletop. Repeat several times.

This exercise can be done by placing your hands on a table and pressing down on the tabletop. This exercise strengthens the arm muscles well.

Sit on the edge of a chair and stretch your legs forward while raising your arms up.

Charging at the workplace with pictures

Charging at the workplace while sitting in pictures

Workplace exercises for the neck in pictures

Workplace gymnastics complex in pictures

As mentioned above, Western countries have taken a lot of useful things from us. Including gymnastics in the workplace. But that is not all. They did research to find out if it was really beneficial. And they summed up their research. It turned out that in the group where they did the exercises, the number of complaints of pain in the back and neck area decreased by almost 20 percent. And this is only in 4 weeks.

To summarize, we can say that exercise in the workplace is useful, it increases the competitive ability of the team, reduces the incidence of illness and increases efficiency. Make this kind of gymnastics the norm in your team.

Charging at the workplace video

Complex of industrial gymnastics at the enterprise and in the office

Workplace charging complex from Olga Lovtseva

Workplace gymnastics for weight loss

Work out your abs and buttocks in the office without attracting prying glances from your colleagues? Easily! Our expert will tell you how to do this.

“Exercising in the office? Can’t you do this at home?!”, skeptics will say after reading the title of the article. However, remember yourself: after two hours spent at the computer, you just want to get up and stretch. And time in the office is not always productive; it happens that we spend several hours on telephone conversations, endless correspondence and discussions with colleagues latest news. So why not really add some exercise to your office routine?

Faustino Joao,

trainer of the gym of the club "X-Fit Victory Park".


When it comes to the abdominal muscles, many sigh heavily: working on them always takes quite a lot of time. So why waste it when you're at work? Several exercises will help you tone and maintain your abs.

1. Abdominal retraction

Do the exercise while sitting at your desk. As you exhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible, hold for 3-4 seconds. As you inhale, relax your muscles. The exercise comprehensively trains all abdominal muscles. Start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 50.

2. "Stone Press"

As you exhale, tense your abs with all your might for 3-4 seconds. As you inhale, relax. Number of repetitions – 10-50. This is another exercise for all the abdominal muscles.

3. Pulling the knees to the stomach

Sit up straight with your hands on the table. As you exhale, raise your knees to your stomach and lightly press the table top with them. As you inhale, lower your legs. The exercise will be more difficult if your feet are not placed on the floor. Number of repetitions – 10-50. You can replace pulling up your knees with statics: while exhaling, press your knees on the table top for 5 seconds. As you inhale, lower your legs and relax. The exercise primarily works the lower abs.

4. Tilts

This exercise can be done if all your colleagues have left the office and you know that you will be alone for some time. Starting position – sitting on a chair, back straight, arms down. Perform tilts left and right. As you exhale, lower yourself to one side until your hand touches the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Then - tilt in the other direction. The number of tilts in each direction is 10-50. The exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

5. Rotations

Sitting on a chair, raise your legs slightly off the floor and place your hands on the table. As you exhale, rotate on the chair to the left all the way (try to keep your chest and top part body motionless, rotate only the pelvis). As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. The number of rotations in each direction is 10-50.

6. "Upper" rotations

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, leaving your pelvis motionless, turn your chest and head to the right on the chair (as if you want to see someone over your right shoulder). As you inhale, return to the starting position. As you exhale, repeat the rotation in the other direction. Perform 10-50 times in each direction. Together with working the oblique abdominal muscles, the exercise relieves heaviness in the back.


Another “problem area” besides the abs is the buttocks. Many girls are unhappy with this part of the body. Do not be sad: there are a number of special fitness programs, the purpose of which is to give the girl what she wants, that is, they involve working on the buttocks. Just don’t forget that the result you get directly depends on your desire and perseverance.

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of the chair (move it a little away from the table first). Feet together, knees pressed against each other, keep your back straight. Straighten your right leg and at the same time pull your toe towards you. Do the same with your left leg. Do this exercise 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Feet together, knees pressed against each other, keep your back straight. Straighten both legs at the same time and pull your toes towards you. Do it 20 times.

Exercise 3

Starting position – sitting on the edge of a chair, body slightly tilted forward. Place your hands in front of you on the table (do not put weight on your hands). Now tense your buttock muscles and raise yourself a couple of millimeters above the chair. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 4

If you came to work in trousers, you can do the following exercise. Sitting on a chair, knees pressed together. Place your hands between your thighs and hold onto the chair with them. Now press your hips onto your hands with all your might, tensing your muscles for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

Exercise 5

And finally, the simplest but most effective exercise that will help you use the muscles of your legs, buttocks and even your abs. It's walking up the stairs! Forget about the elevator, just a couple of flights and you'll get a great workout for your body!

In order to maintain and strengthen your health, you need to have enormous willpower, force yourself to work, and train endurance. Only in this case does a person achieve results. We offered you an option on how to improve own body, exercising even during the working day at the office. If you don’t have the conditions for this, move the “office workout” home, do the exercises in between, but the main thing is to do them regularly, and the results will not be long in coming. Good luck and sporting achievements!

Text: Irina Sergeeva

We spend most of our lives at work, in the office, where we sit at a table in front of a computer. By the end of such a working day, not only your eyes hurt, but your whole body hurts. Exercise for the office will help not only get rid of bad feelings, but also maintain your health.

Charging rules for the office

Charger for the office You can do it once a day, it’s better to do it at noon or before lunch (but don’t go to the dining room immediately after exercise!) You can go the other way - and “insert” individual exercises into your work schedule. For example, sit at the computer - stretch your legs under the table. Others go out to smoke - and you go out and walk along the corridor or go up and down the stairs a couple of times. Everyone has left the room - get up and do a few bends and squats.

Charging for the office has several limitations:

  • no intense exercise - just warm-up;

  • no sudden exercises or swings with large amplitude;

  • You should not wear tight clothes or underwear that rubs. Choose shoes with comfortable heels and lasts. Uncomfortable shoes compresses blood vessels, disrupts normal blood supply, and deforms the foot.

Exercise for the office: secret exercises

Try the following exercises while sitting at your computer:

  • While sitting, “run” your feet along the floor;

  • Tap your heels on the floor for a minute or two to disperse blood and lymph;

  • train your toes - try to pick up small objects from the floor with them - socks and tights are not a hindrance to this;

  • roll some cylindrical object with the sole of your foot, for example, a thick pencil;

  • “walk” in a sitting position on the outside of the foot, on the inside, on the heels and on the toes;

  • sitting on a chair, straighten your back, exhale deeply and draw in your stomach, hold this position for 2 seconds, then relax completely, repeat the exercise 6-8 times;

  • sitting on a chair, clasp the seat with both palms from below and try to lift yourself, fix the position for 3-4 seconds, then completely relax, number of repetitions - 5-6 times;

  • Sitting on a chair, squeeze your gluteal muscles. Hold the position for 4-6 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6–8 times.

Office charger

So, let's start with the legs, with our long-suffering legs, which especially do not like standing and sitting work and the need to stay in one place for a long time without moving. Standing and sitting work have a bad effect on blood circulation and, as a result, on the condition of the legs. Varicose veins veins (especially in women) are often associated with sedentary and standing work.

A simple exercise that is good for your legs is walking. When you have a minute, get up from your computer and walk along the corridor, maybe at a brisk pace. If you have to stay in one place for a long time, try to periodically shift from foot to foot. Get rid of the bad habit of sitting cross-legged.

This exercise can be done without getting up from your office chair. Bring your hands together and extend them forward, turning your hands with the back of your hands facing you. Stretch your arms several times, trying not to tilt your body forward. After this, spread your arms to the sides and stretch them in this position. Do the same by raising your hands up.

Place one hand on the back of your head and place the other behind your back just below your shoulder blades. Arch your back at the waist, while simultaneously throwing your head back so that the back of your head rests on your hand. Repeat the exercise, switching hands.