Is there a name for Vasilisa in Orthodoxy? The suffering of the martyr Basilisa of Nicomedia. Meaning according to the church calendar

The story of this saint is amazing. Thanks to the feat of the young Christian Vasilisa - she was only nine years old - the professing pagan ruler of Nicomedia, Alexander, believed in Christ. Basilissa of Egypt, abbess, martyr

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Remembrance day set Orthodox Church January 8/21.

Vasilissa of Corinth, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on March 10/23, April 16/29.

The Holy Martyr Basilissa of Corinth suffered for the Christian faith in the 3rd century. To listen to instructions in Christian teaching, the saint came to the desert to her teacher, the holy martyr Kodrat. Not a single one of the disciples of Saint Codratus renounced the Christian faith before the expected torture and execution. According to legend, Saint Vasilisa died on the first day of Easter in the year 258. She, along with other holy martyrs, was thrown into the sea, but their faith was so strong that they did not drown, but walked on the water as if on dry land, and sang spiritual hymns. The pursuers caught up with them on the ship and, hanging stones around their necks, drowned them.

Vasilissa of Rome, martyr

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Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on April 15/28.
The holy martyrs Anastasia and Vasilisa lived in Rome in the 1st century. They suffered for Christ during the reign of Emperor Nero, who carried out brutal persecution of Christians. The feat of the girls was that, despite the persecution, they picked up the bodies of executed Christians and gave them an honest burial. After denouncing their deeds to the emperor, they were imprisoned and put on trial. Both girls remained faithful to their Lord, courageously endured all the torments and were executed.
Icon of the Holy Martyr Basilissa of RomeMosaic. Venice. St. Mark's Cathedral. 15th century

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Mu-che-ni-tsa Va-si-lis-sa Ni-ko-mi-diy-skaya for-stra-da-la for the faith of Christ under the im-per-ra-to-re Dio -kli-ti-ane. The ruler of Niko-mi-dia, Alexander, came to seize the nine-year-old Va-si-lis-su and forced her to speak Xia from Christ. One day, the young woman showed incredible firmness in her loyalty to her God and for it would have been subjected to long-term, sophisticated torment. But by the grace of God, the holy mother remained alive and unharmed. This manifestation of the power of God, obvious to everyone present, shook the ruler Alexander so much that he -he believed in Christ and became a Christian. Having been baptized by Bishop An-to-ni-n and having lived for a short time in the true world, the world went to the State du, and after him Saint Va-si-lis-sa. The end of it was chri-sti-an-ski peaceful and with-pro-led-da-miracle-know-me-ni-me-mi-lo-sti Oh my God († 309).

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Troparion to the Martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia, Youth

Your lamb, Jesus, Vasilisa/ calls with a great voice:/ I love You, my Bridegroom,/ and, seeking You, I suffer,/ and I am crucified, and I bury myself in Your baptism,/ and I suffer for You. Come,/ let me reign in You,/ and I die for You, and I also live with You,/ but, as a blameless sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love.// By your prayers, for You are merciful, save our souls.

Translation: Your Lamb, Jesus, Vasilisa cries out loudly: “I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified and buried with You in Your baptism, and I endure torment for You, that I may reign in You, and die for You, so that I may live with You; but, accept me as an immaculate sacrifice, offered to You with love!” Through her intercessions, as the Merciful One, save our souls.

Those with the name Vasilisa embody all the best qualities: grace, beauty, intelligence, nobility, selflessness, sincerity. They are very responsive, sensitive to other people’s problems, and worry about other people as much as about themselves. However, such gentleness of their character is combined with such strong personal qualities as determination and stubbornness. The latter qualities cannot be called negative, since in life they help Vasilisa achieve their goals.

Among the positive qualities of Vasilisa, one can also highlight sincerity and selflessness. She comes to the aid of people absolutely selflessly, without asking for anything in return. Thanks to his determination, he will bring the work he has started to the end. And if she came to the rescue, she would definitely help. Also, Vasilisa does not have the habit of deceiving, even to save herself. Prefers to tell everything as it is, even if the truth is not always sweet. As you know, this quality in a person is priceless. People around her are drawn to Vasilisa, whom she willingly accepts into her circle.

Fate: Vasilisa is a woman who brings destiny, who generously gives gifts. Vasilisa has a domineering character; she does not tolerate objections. Her heart is warm, and her motives are always noble.

The Saints: Vasilisa of Egypt (name day January 21), Vasilisa of Nicomedia (name day September 16), Vasilisa of Rome (name day April 28).

Day of Angel Vasilisa

Little Vasilisa is, as a rule, a shy and timid girl. In childhood, he often gets sick. Her favorite hobby- listen to fairy tales. In kindergarten he tries to avoid children, but if he finds real friends, he will not betray them, even as a very small child. Vasilisa the schoolgirl has a very developed sense of justice. She can “revolt” against the teacher and tell her everything straight to her face if she unfairly grades someone. Sometimes Vasilisino’s concept of “justice” does not always coincide with what it actually is. Because of this, the girl often finds herself in awkward and ambiguous situations.

Adult Vasilisa is not at all the same as in childhood. Now her character fully corresponds to the meaning of the name: she loves to rule and “reign.” As a rule, this woman has a peculiar appearance. She has many fans, which gives her confidence in her own abilities and a feeling of some superiority over other women. Vasilisa loves to visit. But not for the sake of spiritual communication, but to satisfy their own needs. For example, in order to demonstrate a new dress.

At work, Vasilisa can prove herself to be both a good specialist and a lazy person who “sits out” at the workplace, as they say, “from bell to bell.” It all depends on how interested she is in what she does and how much it pays.

She is looking for a strong husband, both literally and figuratively. She does not tolerate weak-willed “wimps”. Vasilisa would sooner remain alone than marry a man who is not dear to her heart. In love she is sincere and ardent. A man who is lucky enough to become her life partner will be surprised every time by her resourcefulness. Vasilisa is a good housewife, but often prefers dinner at a pizzeria to avoid standing near the stove for a long time. True, as soon as children appear in the family, this tradition stops. Vasilisa tries to do everything so that her children consume everything that is healthy and homemade. Unfortunately, Vasilisa’s domineering character often leads to her first marriage breaking up.

Vasilisa Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 21 – Vasilissa of Egypt, monk, abbess
  • February 18 – Vasilissa, mts.
  • March 23 – Vasilissa of Corinth, mts.
  • April 4 – Vasilissa, mts.
  • April 28 – Vasilissa of Rome, mts.
  • April 29 – Vasilissa of Corinth, mts.
  • July 4 – Vasilissa, St.
  • September 16 – Vasilissa of Nicomedia, MC., youth

In order to understand the meaning of the name, you need to know at least a little of its history. The name Vasilisa came into Russian from Greece. In Greek it sounded a little different - Basilisa. The name comes from the Greek word Basileus. Basileus (Βασιλίς) is a term used to designate kings and emperors in Greek and Mycenaean culture. This is also one of the epithets of Zeus. It turns out that the meaning of the name Vasilisa is “royal”. The term itself has undergone quite serious changes in different eras, but the essence of the name would not have changed much.

But the spread of the name Vasilisa is directly related to the Christian faith, as in principle with many other names in Western culture. First of all, this is connected with the name of Vasilisa of Rome. It is believed that the martyr Vasilisa of Rome was killed by order of Emperor Neuron in the first century after Christ.

The name Vasilisa also has a masculine form - Vasily. Its meaning completely coincides with the meaning female name, and other details about it can be read by following the link.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa for a girl

A girl named Vasilisa is growing up as a modest and slightly shy girl. Until adolescence, she was very critical of herself. People around her should praise the girl more often, otherwise she may not reveal her inner strength. Vasilisa is a hardworking girl. She loves to do various handicrafts, but she is best at embroidery.

The girl studies well. Vasilisa is quite meticulous in her approach to education and completes her homework efficiently. The girl is better at exact sciences, although she also has some skills in the humanities. good grades. As a child, Vasilisa’s characteristic shyness does not allow her to fully develop her knowledge in the humanities.

The girl is in fairly good health. Although she gets sick like all other children, she tolerates illness easily. She should spend more time outside and get a good night's sleep. Digestion may be Vasilisa’s rather weak point. Be careful about the girl’s diet and you won’t have any problems.

Short name Vasilisa

Vasya, Vaska, Vasena, Vasyuta, Syunya, Syuta.

Diminutive pet names

Vasily, Vasilka, Vasyunya, Vasilisk, Vasyusha, Vasilina, Lissa.

Name Vasilisa in English

IN English language Vasilisa's name will be written as Vasilisa.

Name Vasilisa for international passport- VASILISA.

Translation of the name Vasilisa into other languages

in Belarusian - Vasilina, Vasilisa.
in Bulgarian - Vasily, Vasilena.
in Greek - Βασιλική
in Chinese - 瓦西里
in Romanian - Vasilica
in Serbian - Vasilija.
in Ukrainian - Vasilina
in Japanese - 女帝子

Church name Vasilisa(in the Orthodox faith) - Vasilisa.

Characteristics of the name Vasilisa

With age, Vasilisa's character changes a lot. She becomes more confident and even a little arrogant. As an adult, Vasilisa will become completely intolerant of other people’s mistakes, and this often creates fertile ground for conflicts. And this despite the fact that Vasilisa’s motives are always correct. She needs to remember that such behavior speaks of pride, and this is a great sin. If Vasilisa can humble her pride and act more gently, then life will be much easier for her.

But Vasilisa’s professional preferences have not changed much since childhood. She still loves exact sciences and their applications. Humanities education She doesn’t even consider education as a thing. Although it can be successful in the profession of a psychologist, it is in strictly limited use. Another characteristic of Vasilisa is the desire to get academic degree. She may work in science for some time, or maybe even stay for the rest of her life.

Family is important for Vasilisa, but it is often an area of ​​disappointment. At the time of courtship, she often becomes more flexible, but in marriage she again shows everything negative characteristics name. Vasilisa may have an unhappy marriage if she cannot learn true humility and love. The same applies to children. Relations with them will greatly depend on which path Vasilisa chooses for herself.

The secret of the name Vasilisa

The secret of Vasilisa can be called a sincere gift - Byzantine deceit. She uses it extremely rarely, but if you do become Vasilisa’s enemy, then don’t expect a simple life. She will strike at the most unexpected moment. She knows how to wait for her moment.

Another secret of Vasilisa can be called her enormous potential for true greatness. She, having only learned a little humility, can embody truly royal nobility own name. Many do not notice this due to her rather complex character, but in vain.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Pigeon.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Cornflower.

Stone- Amethyst.

Each name has some meaning and endows its owner with certain character traits. Vasilisa - unusual, rare and very beautiful name, so those who are thinking about choosing a name for their daughter should take a closer look at it. Most people associate this name with something fabulous and magical. Its owner appears to be a beautiful and modest girl.

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    Origin of the name

    The name Vasilisa comes from the masculine Vasily (literal translation "king"), they are both of ancient Greek origin. But today this name is recognized as originally Russian, although before the baptism of Rus' such a name did not exist. It has direct meaning- regal, warlike. Nowadays you can often find girls with this name, but it has gained popularity recently. Previously, Vasilis could be “met” on the pages of books and fairy tales. Over time, the beauty of this name began to attract parents, and they began to call their girls this way.

      This name has the following short forms: Vasya, Vasena, Vasyanya, Vasilisk, Vasilka, Syura, Vasyuta, Vasunya, Syuta, Vasyusha, Vasyata, Vaska. Girls are given the name Vasilisa at baptism; these people will celebrate the day of the angel twice a year: January 21 and September 16. By church calendar Name days are celebrated 8 times a year: January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4 and September 16. If a girl was born on one of these days or close to them, it is advisable to name her Vasilisa. This name will bring the child a happy life and health.

      Character traits

      As a child, the baby will be modest and calm, but when she grows up, she will be a confident woman and an interesting person. The development of character will not be easy for little Vasya. As a teenager, she will understand that shyness is hindering her in life, and her character will begin to change. During school, Vasilisa will find it difficult to speak in front of a large audience; she will be rather silent, but over time these character traits will disappear. Problems in communicating with peers will strengthen Vasilisa’s spirit.

      Vasilisa is the embodiment of beauty and wisdom; it is not for nothing that in fairy tales she was called the Wise. The girl will struggle with all her shortcomings. How more problems because of his shyness, Vasya will experience school years, the more strong and independent a person she will become.

      During her student years, Vasilisa will become more confident, and that is when the formation of her personality will begin. She will be able to defend her position, present a report in front of a group of people. Now she becomes a stubborn and persistent girl, these two qualities will remain with her for the rest of her life.

      Girls who bear the proud name Vasilisa have unique character traits, thanks to which they achieve great success in life. Parents who choose what to name their daughter should be familiar with them:

  1. 1. People named Vasilisa have amazing abilities in music and painting. This hobby can become a simple hobby or a lifelong endeavor.
  2. 2. The owner of this name has a clear idea of ​​what she wants from life. After studying, she will already have an understanding of what profession is right for her.
  3. 3. Even with such a creative consciousness, this is a rather strong and independent personality. Vasya will not fly in the clouds, but will have a clear goal, on the way to which she will not stop at any problems.
  4. 4. Vasilisa has a high opinion of herself, and this high self-esteem is fair. She put a lot of effort and effort into her achievements.


Vasyuta, at certain moments in his life, makes great efforts to develop his personality. Therefore, she largely shapes her destiny herself. This will be a quiet girl who devotes most of her time to studying, extracurricular activities, and not going to clubs and parties.

Vasilisa is distinguished by high moral principles, and in later life she boldly stands up for the defense of weak people. But in order for Vasya’s personality to become strong and his life to be happy, parents must support her in childhood.