Endometriosis and infertility: management of patients from the perspective of evidence-based medicine. Endometriosis and infertility: patient management from the perspective of evidence-based medicine Presentation on the topic of endometriosis, modern methods of treatment

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Endometriosis and infertility: management of patients from the perspective of evidence-based medicine Prof. A.A. Popov Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Endometriosis figures 1 in 10 women of reproductive age suffer from endometriosis Rogers et al. Reprod.Sci 2009 16:335-346 1,761,687,000 women aged 15 - 49 years World Bank Population Protection Tables by Country and Group, 2010 176 million women today suffer from endometriosis

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Infertility and endometriosis The most common cause of infertility Endometriosis as a cause of infertility is registered in 38% of infertile couples There is no correlation between the extent of endometriosis and the incidence of fertility disorders The success of treatment does not exceed 45-58%

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Endometriosis is one of the main causes of female infertility. After surgical and hormonal treatment, pregnancy occurs in 30-52% of patients. Repeated laparoscopy as a method of restoring fertility is not effective Koga K et al., Hum Reprod 2006, Ragni G et al., Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005, Kulakov V.A. co-author, 2002, Volkov N.I., 1996

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Surgery for endometriosis-associated infertility: a pragmatic approach P.Vercellini, E.Somigliana, P.Vigano, A.Abbiati, G.Barbara, P.G.Crosignani Human Reproduction, Vol.24, N2, 2009 The real pregnancy rate during surgical treatment is not exceeds 25% and depends little on the type of lesion. The effectiveness of surgery for peritoneal endometriosis is also low. The outcome of excision of rectovaginal lesions is questionable and is associated with a higher incidence of complications.

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ESHRE Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Endometriosis (2005) www.endometriosis.org/guidelines.html Laparoscopy is the gold standard in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. With minimal endometriosis, ovarian suppression alone is not effective enough to restore eating. fertility. Ablation of heteropopias and dissection of adhesions is more effective in restoring natural fertility compared to a diagnostic procedure. There is insufficient evidence whether surgical ablation for severe endometriosis increases pregnancy rates. IVF is the best treatment for patients suffering from infertility, but the effectiveness of IVF in these patients is lower than in patients with TBI. Treatment of endometriosis is complex and should be carried out in clinics where there is extensive experience and capabilities in treating this disease.

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Peritoneal endometriosis stage I-II. Laparoscopy Watchful waiting for 6 months. CIO (3-4 cycles) If there is no effect - IVF

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Peritoneal endometriosis grade III-IV Laparoscopy Expectation of pregnancy 6 months. If there is no effect - IVF

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Rationale for perioperative use of hormones. Persistent hypoestrogenism. Reducing blood loss during surgery. Reducing the size of formations Treatment of anemia (elimination of menstrual losses). Improvement of the postoperative period. Reducing the recurrence rate of endometriosis.

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Tactics for endometrioid ovarian cysts History (presence of endometriosis during surgical interventions) Size of the cyst (more or less 4 cm) Localization (one or bilateral) Age of the woman State of ovarian reserve Any ovarian formation - oncological alertness!

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The impact of endometrioma surgery on ovarian function Endometrioma is a true ovarian tumor that requires removal and histological verification. Surgery for extensive ovarian endometriosis provides the most favorable balance of effectiveness and possible harm (P. Vercellini, 2009) Laparoscopic surgery is the “golden” standard. Technique for mechanical removal of the pseudocapsule of the cyst. followed by hemostasis (V.Cela, 2005, N.Volkov, 2004)

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Unilateral ovarian cysts in women under 38 years of age Newly detected Recurrence EOC > 4 cm< 4 cм Оперативное лечение Оценка овариального резерва (ФСГ, количество антральных фолликулов, АМГ, ингибин В, тестостерон) ЭКО + - КИО

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Bilateral ovarian cysts Laparoscopy Maximum care for ovarian tissue! Urgent IVF

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Results of surgical treatment of infertility for endometriosis PE 1-2 PE 3-4 EKY 1st EKY 2nd 34.3% 14.9% 11.9% 32.0% - % of patients with pregnancy within 1 year (after surgical treatment)

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MONIIAG + MC "Moskvorechye" 2004-2010 Infiltrative endometriosis 123+1 Excision of infiltrate 63 Segmental resection 8 Circular resection 7+1 Ureterolysis 24 Resection of the bladder 1 Ureterocystoanastomosis 1+1

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Is recto-vaginal endometriosis a progressive disease? Only 6 out of 88 women (6.8%) noted progression of the disease during follow-up periods of more than 68 months. Fedele at al, Am.J.Obstet.Gynecology, 2004

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Infiltrative endometriosis Does “asymptomatic” infiltrative endometriosis require surgical treatment? Is it advisable to use perioperative hormone therapy? Is it the cause of fertility problems? Does IVF affect the results? V.Bianchi (2009) PR (IVF) 40 vs 22

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Fertility in infiltrative endometriosis: spontaneous pregnancy rate after surgery Vircellini at al. 2006 15/44 34% 20-50 Landi at al. 2008 11/44 25% 13-40 Stepniewska at al.2009 43/133 32% 24-41 Darai at al. 2010 12/39 31% 17-48 Cumulative 31% 26-37

Endometoriosis is the proliferation of edometrioid tissue beyond the localization of the enometrium (morphologically and functionally
similar to the endometrium).
Synonyms: endometrioid heterotopia, endometrioma.
This ectopic arrangement of endometriotic tissue was first described
about 150 years ago in 1854 - Miller.
But even now the causes of endometriosis are not fully understood.

Relevance of the problem.
Over the past 2 - 3 decades, the problem of endometriosis
has acquired special significance. Reasons for this:
- increasing frequency of this pathology
ranks 3rd after inflammatory diseases
GPO and uterine fibroids (8-15% of menstruating women)
- in recent years, with improvement in the diagnosis of the disease, especially in young patients with algomenorrhea
the incidence of endometrioid disease is 17% and reaches 30% in those requiring gynecological operations
(E.F. Kira, Yu.V. Tsvelev 2008)
- endometriosis often causes severe pain
syndrome. persistent uterine bleeding. secondary
anemia. accompanied by infertility and severe
complications of pregnancy and childbirth

- endometriosis can develop in any organ and
tissues of the female body (E. intestines can be
cause of intestinal
obstruction, urinary tract
may cause pain and hematuria, etc.
- endometriosis is not true
tumors. However, the morphological components. of which the endometrioid consists
heterotopia (endometrial epithelium and cytogenic stroma), may be a source
development of malignant tumors
- high oncological risk E. Against the background
edometriosis may develop
well-differentiated adenocarcinoma and
- very often E. is accompanied by inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages

Etiology, histo- and pathogenesis.
Although the term appears in the literature
“endometrioma”, endometriosis regardless of
size, is not a tumor.
Morphologically, E. is
cystic cavities of various sizes
and slots of round or oval shape,
filled with mucous secretion, dark
blood or a tar-like mass of dark brown color. The lesions are located
in groups.

Endometrioid heterotopias are perceived
hormonal influences (estrogenic, gestagenic) and are subject to
cyclical changes like the endometrium
Endometriosis has the ability to
penetrating growth into surrounding tissues - serosa
. muscle tissue. mucous membranes. loose
fiber. periosteum and into bone tissue.
Installed. that E. are capable of metastasis. Endometrioid cells
can be spread by blood or lymph flow,
or as a result of perforation of enmetrioid cysts.

To the main pathogenetic factors
endometrioid diseases include:
- retrograde flow of menstrual fluid
blood. containing viable endometrial elements. through the fallopian tubes
into the pelvic cavity, the introduction of endometrial cells into various organs and their proliferation
lead to the formation
endometriosis lesions and implants

- hormonal disorders (high estrogen stimulation, anovulation, hypofunction of the corpus luteum)
- dysfunction of the immune system and perverted biological reaction of endometrial cells to sex hormones
- constitutional - hereditary features that are associated with the occurrence of congenital forms of E. in young and young people

- prolonged tension of protective-adaptive reactions and a decrease in the nonspecific resistance of the body (in
women with CVP of various etiologies and localizations who have suffered severe infectious and general somatic diseases
and also with increased neuropsychic stress
- morphological changes in the myometrium. arising in
connections with chats
intrauterine interventions and surgical
surgeries on the genitals
- insufficiency of the body's antioxidant system
- dysfunction of the liver and pancreas
- inflammatory diseases of the internal genitalia

Currently, it is customary to distinguish between genital (
92 -94%) and extragenital (6 -8%)
Endometrioid disease, as a specific nosological form, is characterized by the presence of trioid tissue in the organs and tissues of the endometrium with signs of cellular activity
and growth leading to disruption
physiological processes and
the appearance of clinical symptoms of damage to the genitals and other organs (pain, infertility, scar-adhesive process, etc.)

From the perspective of the concept of endometrioid disease, its clinical
1 . Localization of endometriosis foci.
- genital
- extragenital
- combined
2. Stage of the disease (superficial.invasive.extended)
the following indicators must be taken into account - the depth of invasion
- number of implants

- damage to one or more organs
female reproductive system
- presence of extragenital lesions
3. Severity (mild.moderate.severe)
- infertility
- chronic pain syndrome
- dysfunction of adjacent organs
- systemic changes (dysfunction of the immune system, LPO, AOS, etc.)
- complications (chronic anemia, psycho-emotional disorders)

Clinical manifestations of endometrioid disease.
Disease har-xia - persistent pain syndrome
- significant disorders of reproductive and menstrual functions
- dysfunction of adjacent organs
- deterioration of the general condition of patients
- decreased ability to work
However, symptoms may be scanty or
be completely absent.

Pain syndrome - dysmenorrhea
- dyspareunia
- pain in the depths of the pelvis (outside of menstruation)
The severity of pain syndrome
depends on:
- localization and spread of the disease
(isthmus of the uterus. nodular form of adenomyosis. endometriosis of the accessory horn of the uterus)
- the degree of damage to the E. peritoneum of the small pelvis. intestines.
organs of the urinary system
- duration of the disease
- individual characteristics of patients
In the initial period, the pain is cyclical in nature. When the process becomes chronic
it should be assumed that the patient has developed a persistent syndrome
pelvic pain.

With E. ovarian pain is localized in
lower abdomen or side
lesions of the uterine appendages.E. ovaries in 2%
patients accompanied by symptoms
“acute abdomen” that appear
due to irritation of the peritoneum by the contents of endometriomas during their microperforation or rupture.
Retrocervical E. is accompanied by constant pain radiating to the rectum. coccyx, which intensifies with
sexual intercourse. defecation.

For E. perineum and vagina
characteristically burning. bursting pain.
radiating into the depths of the pelvis and into the area of ​​the external sphincter of the rectum. When the external sphincter is involved in the process
sphincter of the rectum, unbearable pain appears during defecation during

Reproductive dysfunction in patients
endometrioid disease.
It has been established that 30-40% of women with E. suffer from infertility. On
today E. is becoming one of the leading causes of infertility.
Lead to infertility
disturbances in the G-G-Z system. Leading to anovulation and\
or lack of corpus luteum function
luteinization syndrome of unovulated follicle
an increase in the number of macrophages in the peritoneal fluid and
promotion in them
acid phosphatase activity, which promotes phagocytosis
decrease and discoordination of contractile activity
fallopian tubes with
their preserved patency
anatomical changes. caused by adhesions
process (obstruction of the fallopian tubes)

Menstrual dysfunction.
The most common are progressive algodismenorrhea
- menometrorrhagia
- bleeding before and after menstruation.
contact bleeding
- irregular menstruation (with a combination
E. yamcnikov with sclerocystosis)

Diagnosis of endometrioid disease.
Common clinical manifestations are chronic or recurrent abdominal pain
- infertility
- menstrual dysfunction
- increase in size before and during menstruation
organs and extragenital lesions affected by E. (scars and
- regression of E. lesions during pregnancy
during lactation and postmenopausal period
- long-term and usually progressive
course of the disease
The following studies are performed - ultrasound of the pelvic organs
- cytological examination of vaginal smears for

- colposcopy
- diagnostic curettage of the uterus according to
indications, biopsy
- general clinical and biochemical blood tests
- hysterography
- hysteroscopy with targeted biopsy
- laparoscopy
- excretory urography. isotope renography
- sigmoidoscopy. fibrocolonoscopy
- irrigoscopy
- radiography of the lumbosacral
Consultations are provided by a therapist.
surgeon neuropathologist. urologist. And
other specialists (according to indications)

Additional research methods - functional diagnostic tests
(basal temperature. cytohormonal diagnostics)
which may indicate
anovulation and insufficiency of the 2nd phase of the cycle
- hysterosalpingography
- colposcopy. cervicoscopy
- kymographic pertubation
- husband's spermogram
- examination for infection (bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, etc.)
- determination of 17-KS and 17-OCS in 24-hour urine
- R - graph of the sella turcica
- blood sugar level and sugar curve. hormones
blood (E2. PG. PL, etc.)
- laparoscopy
Consultation with an endocrinologist is carried out
followed by an in-depth study of hormonal status.

Dysfunction of adjacent organs.
list of studies - gynecological examination over time
menstrual cycle
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
- cystoscopy
- determination of tumor markers (CA-125. CEA
- consultation of specialists (surgeon, neurologist, therapist, urologist)

Differential diagnosis is carried out with a trace. diseases of the perineum and vagina - from sphincteritis. paraproctitis.
Chorionepitheliomas (histo-examination of biopsied material is recommended. Determination of hCG titer)
E. cervix - from submucous uterine fibroids. cancer and
hyperplastic processes of the myometrium (CT, MRI.CA-125, etc.)
E. ovarian - from ovarian cancer. chronic ad nexitis. uterine fibroids (CT.
MRI cytological examination of ascitic fluid sediment.
SA -125, etc.)
E. coli - for intestinal cancer
retrocervical E. - from a tumor of the rectum. from metastasis
Schnitzler and uterine neoplasms 111 - 1V Art.
E. lungs - from tuberculosis and pulmonary aspergillosis. mesothelioma
pleura. eosinophilic Lefler's infiltrate.
lung tumors (tuberculin tests.
microscopy and sputum culture. bronchoscopy, etc.)
Rate of histological confirmation of clinical diagnosis
is 85-90%.

Treatment of patients with endometrioid disease.
The main methods are 1. Surgical.
2. Conservative, including hormonal (hormone-modulating) and auxiliary (syndromic) therapy.
3. Combined (surgical and conservative treatment).
Patients with clinical
active E., disrupting the functions of the genital and neighboring organs. Hormonal therapy
clinically inactive E. may contribute
activation of the process.

Surgical treatment of patients with E. indications for surgery - endometriomas
- internal E., accompanied by heavy bleeding and anemia
- ineffectiveness of hormonal treatment
intolerance to hormonal drugs
- E. postoperative scars. navel
- ongoing stenosis of the intestinal lumen or ureters (during hormone therapy)
- combination of E. with genital anomalies
(E. accessory horn)
- combination of uterine fibroids. subject to surgery treatment. With
some localizations of E.

E. in women who have had cancer, according to
about which the
hir. treatment. radiation treatment and\or
chemotherapy (ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer
.stomach cancer. colon cancer, etc.) But when
breast carcinoma for the treatment of E.
use Zolodex
combination of E. and infertility (1 - 2 years) - surgery
produced in savings volume - availability
somatic pathology, excluding
possibility of long-term hormonal therapy
(cholelithiasis. urolithiasis.
thyrotoxicosis. hypertension with crisis
combination of E. with nephroptosis. requiring surgery
corrections. or Allen-Masters syndrome

When preparing for surgery, it is necessary to stop hormonal therapy 2-3 months in advance.
- eliminate anemia, hypoproteinemia
- sanitize storage areas. infections
- in the presence of polyvalent allergies
prepare using
HBOT, efferent hemocorrection (plasma mopheresis), glucocorticoid and antihistamine drugs
- correct somatic pathology
- eliminate intestinal dysbiosis

Features of surgical treatment - surgery must be done after menstruation
- the incision should provide good access to
operation area
- removal of foci of E. is carried out within unchanged tissues
- prevention of intestinal paresis after surgery. period (release the abdominal
cavity from the erupted contents en dometriome)
- perfusion of the abdominal cavity in the postoperative period

In the treatment of patients with peritoneal E., the main importance belongs to laparoscopy (diagnostic and surgical)
- at 1, 11, 111 degrees of spread
E. it is possible to remove all lesions using laser technology. micro coagulation
- operations can be simultaneous when neighboring organs are involved (intestine, ureter)
- with a diffuse form of E., hysterectomy is indicated

Conservative treatment methods.
Used in hormone therapy
drugs with different spectrum of action1. Combined synthetic estrogen-progestogen drugs
2. Progestins (progestogens), drugs
without an estrogenic component: dydrogesterone, norethisterone, linestrenol, allyles trenol.
3. Antigestagens: gestrinone.
4. Antigonadotropins: danazol.
5. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists: goserelin. nafarelin. triptorelin.
6. Antiestrogens: tamoxifen. Teremifene.
7. Anabolic steroids: nandrolone.
methandriol, etc.
8. Androgens: testosterone (methyltestosterone)

As promising drugs
you can consider synthetic ones
GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) agonists.
The mechanism of their therapeutic action is based on suppression of the function of the hyphyseal-ovarian system (condition
“artificial menopause”) and, therefore, blockade of endogenous growth stimuli
ectopic endometrium. These drugs are 100-200 times more effective than natural GnRH.

The drugs are active when administered intravenously. intramuscularly. subcutaneously intranasally. vaginally or rectally. Recurrence of symptoms of the disease after 4 -12
months after the end of treatment, analogues of PH-RH occur in 15-20% of women
.Pregnancy rates vary
from 20 to 52%.

Contraindications to hormonal therapy
endometriosis - polyvalent allergy
- increased sensitivity to specific drugs
- thrombosis. hypercoagulability syndrome
- pregnancy. lactation
- combination of E. with uterine fibroids (except for monophasic estrogen - progestin drugs and GnRH agonists)
- diseases of the mammary glands (except gestagens.
tamoxifen. GnRH agonists)
- porphyria
- liver diseases
- blood diseases

- bleeding from the genital tract of unknown etiology
- herpes. jaundice of pregnancy. otosclerosis
severe itching
- dysplasia of the epithelium of the cervix and cervical canal
- tumors of the uterine appendages
- kidney diseases in the stage of decompensation of their function
- diabetes
- thyrotoxicosis
- GB (11-B stage)
- diseases of the visual organs (glaucoma)
- organic diseases of the central nervous system and manic-depressive states
- malignant tumors of any location

Auxiliary therapy - immunocorrection
- antioxidant drugs
- symptomatic therapy
- prostaglandin inhibitors
- treatment of concomitant diseases
- desensitizing therapy
- correction of psychosomatic and neurotic disorders

To normalize the immune status, use: levamisole. splenin
.Has an immunomodulatory effect
stimulation of the thymus gland (device
“Undaterm”, 10 procedures) and intravascular laser irradiation of blood.
Due to the insufficiency of the body's antioxidant system, therapy is required
We need to turn on the HBO. tocopherol acetate. unithiol with ascorbic acid.
pycnogenol, etc.
Rehabilitation - restorative therapy
- after surgery, carry out anti-relapse therapy for 6-12 months
- resort factors (radon and iodine bromine waters)
- dynamic dispensary observation
(1 time every 3 months examination by a gynecologist)

Thank you for your attention.

Literature. 1. Serov V.N. Kira E.F. Gynecology. Guide for doctors. Moscow 2008 2 Strizhakov A.N. Davydov A.I.

Gynecologists. Tutorial. M.2009
3. Aylamazyan E.K. Ryabtseva I.T. Emergency assistance for
extreme conditions in gynecology. M. 2003

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    Relevance of the problem. Over the past decades, the problem of endometriosis has acquired particular significance. The reasons for this are the increasing frequency of this pathology. It ranks 3rd after inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and uterine fibroids (8-15% of menstruating women) - in recent years, with improved diagnosis of the disease, especially in young patients with algodysmenorrhea, the frequency of endometrioid disease is 17 % and reaches 30% in those in need of gynecological operations

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    Pathogenesis The main pathogenetic factors of endometriosis include the retrograde flow of menstrual blood containing viable endometrial elements through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity, the introduction of endometrial cells into various organs and their proliferation lead to the formation of foci and implants of endometriosis.

    Hormonal disorders (high estrogen stimulation, anovulation, hypofunction of the corpus luteum) - dysfunction of the immune system and impaired biological response of endometrial cells to sex hormones, constitutional - hereditary features that are associated with the occurrence of congenital forms of endometriosis in young and young people

    Prolonged tension of protective-adaptive reactions and a decrease in the nonspecific resistance of the body (in women with chronic hepatitis of various etiologies and localizations, morphological changes in the myometrium that occur in connection with frequent intrauterine interventions and surgical operations on the genital organs - insufficiency of the body's antioxidant system - dysfunction of the liver and pancreas .

    According to the distribution and depth of tissue damage by endometriosis, they are distinguished: I degree - single superficial lesions. Grade II: slightly deeper lesions. III degree: many deep foci of endometriosis, small endometrioid cysts of one or both ovaries, thin peritoneal adhesions. IV degree Many deep lesions, large bilateral endometrioid ovarian cysts, dense adhesions of organs, invasion of the vagina or rectum.

    MAIN CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS I. The main symptom of endometriosis is pain during menstruation dyspareunia (pain during sexual activity) - 26-70% pain radiates to the vagina, rectum, perineum pain during bowel movements pain reduces ability to work There is not always a correlation between the size of the lesion and pain syndrome.

    MAIN CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS II. Menstrual dysfunction, algodismenorrhea, menorrhagia, pre- and postmenstrual bleeding. MF disorders depending on the location of endometriosis foci Progressive algodysmenorrhea (with intrauterine endometriosis with damage to the isthmus, endometriosis of the ovaries, pelvic peritoneum, uterosacral ligaments, retrocervical endometriosis with damage to the perirectal tissue and rectal wall). Menometrorrhagia (with intrauterine endometriosis and adenomyosis in combination with uterine fibroids). Bleeding before and after menstruation, contact bleeding (with ovarian endometriosis and uterine adenomyosis). Irregular menstruation (with a combination of ovarian endometriosis and sclerocystic disease).

    MAIN CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS III. There is a slight increase in the size of the affected organs (uterus and ovary) or extragenital foci of endometriosis on the eve of and during menstruation. The disease is characterized by a long, often progressive course. Spontaneous regression is possible in the postmenopausal period.

    MAIN CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF ENDOMETRIOSIS IV Infertility (detected with a frequency of % during laparoscopic examination of patients suffering from infertility and with a frequency of 6-7% in fertile women).

    The functional state of the pituitary-ovarian system in endometriosis is an increase in basal levels and peak-free secretion of LH; - normal or elevated basal FSH levels; - LH/FSH ratio from 2.37 to 2.63; - hyperestradiolemia; - hypoprogesteronemia; - hypertestosteronemia in patients with a hirsute score of more than 8 points; - a 2-fold decrease in the estradiol/testosterone index.

    Endometriosis of the uterus (adenomyosis) stage 1 - germination of endometriosis to a shallow depth, the process is limited to the submucosa of the uterine body. Stage 2: the process spreads to the middle of the myometrial thickness. 3rd degree - spread of the pathological process throughout the entire thickness of the myometrium to its serous cover. 4th degree involvement of the parietal peritoneum and neighboring organs in the process.

    Ovarian endometriosis. Grade 1: small, pinpoint foci of endometriosis on the surface of the ovaries and on the peritoneum of the posterior pouch of Douglas. Grade 2 unilateral endometrioid cyst with a diameter of up to 5-6 cm, adhesions in the area of ​​the uterine appendages. Grade 3 endometrioid cysts of both ovaries (diameter more than 5-6 cm), foci of endometriosis on the serous surface of the uterus, fallopian tubes, pelvic peritoneum, pronounced adhesions. 4th degree bilateral cysts of large sizes with the transition of the process to neighboring organs.

    Diagnosis of endometriosis Gynecological examination over time during and outside of menstruation; General clinical blood test; Biochemical blood test and determination of hormones (FSH, LH, PL, E); Oncocolpocytological study; Immunogram; Hysteroscopy, colposcopy, cystoscopy, irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy; Ultrasound of the pelvic organs; Histological examination; X-ray of the lumbar spine; Determination of tumor markers; CT and SCT of the pelvic organs; Laparoscopy with chromotubation; Laparotomy in selected cases. Final list of studies for endometriosis

    Determination of oncoantigens CA 19-9, CEA and CA 125 (RAMS) In healthy individuals, the concentration of CA is on average 13.1 U/ml, in patients with endometriosis - on average 29.5 U/ml; The concentration of CA 125 in healthy individuals is 8.3 U/ml, with endometriosis - on average 27.2 U/ml; The content of CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) in the blood serum of healthy individuals is 1.3 ng/ml, with endometriosis – 4.3 ng/ml.

    The main symptom of endometriosis is pain; Other causes of pelvic pain should be excluded; During a gynecological examination, sensitivity and soreness of the retrouterine space with or without compactions is observed. Ultrasound research methods are not always informative; Tumor marker CA 125 may increase in other benign and malignant tumors. Therefore, one of the main methods for the final diagnosis of endometriosis today is laparoscopy.

    Treatment of endometriosis The surgical method of treating endometriosis was and remains the only one that allows you to remove mechanically or destroy using energy (laser, electro-, cryo-, ultrasound) the morphological substrate of endometriosis itself. A combination of surgical method and hormone-modulating therapy for common forms of the disease, uncertainty about complete removal of the lesion or a high risk of recurrence. immunomodulators

    Hormone therapy The main principle of drug therapy for endometriosis is the suppression of estradiol secretion by the ovaries. The degree and duration of suppression of ovarian function determine the effectiveness of hormonal therapy. A decrease in the level of estradiol in peripheral blood below 40 picograms/ml indicates adequate suppression of ovarian function. Progestogens: norethisterone, duphaston, orgametril Antigestagens: mefepristone, geststrinone (nemestran).

    Efficiency: Atrophic changes in endometrioid lesions occur due to decreased blood circulation, which is confirmed by histological examination of biopsies taken before and after treatment. Of the clinical symptoms, dysmenorrhea disappears first, then pain not associated with menstruation, and after 3-4 months. and dyspareunia. By the end of the course of treatment, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases by 4 times. The treatment is effective for peritoneal endometriosis and superficial ovarian endometriosis in combination with the main surgical method.

    Prof. A.A. Popov Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

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    Endometriosis in numbers

    1 in 10 women of reproductive age suffers from endometriosis Rogers et al. Reprod.Sci 2009 16:335-346 1,761,687,000 women aged 15 - 49 years World Bank Population Protection Tables by Country and Group, 2010 176 million women today suffer from endometriosis

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    Infertility and endometriosis

    The most common cause of infertility Endometriosis as a cause of infertility is registered in 38% of infertile couples. There is no correlation between the extent of endometriosis and the incidence of fertility disorders. The success of treatment does not exceed 45-58%

    Slide 4

    Endometriosis is one of the main causes of female infertility.

    After surgical and hormonal treatment, pregnancy occurs in 30-52% of patients. Repeated laparoscopy as a method of restoring fertility is not effective Koga K et al., Hum Reprod 2006, Ragni G et al., Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005, Kulakov V.A. co-author, 2002, Volkov N.I., 1996

    Slide 5

    Surgery for endometriosis-associated infertility: a pragmatic approachP.Vercellini, E.Somigliana, P.Vigano, A.Abbiati, G.Barbara, P.G.CrosignaniHuman Reproduction, Vol.24, N2, 2009

    The actual pregnancy rate during surgical treatment does not exceed 25% and depends little on the type of lesion. The effectiveness of surgery for peritoneal endometriosis is also low. The outcome of excision of rectovaginal lesions is questionable and is associated with a higher incidence of complications.

    Slide 6

    ESHRE guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis (2005)

    www.endometriosis.org/guidelines.html Laparoscopy is the “gold standard” in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. With minimal endometriosis, ovarian suppression alone is not effective enough to restore eating. fertility. Ablation of heteropopias and dissection of adhesions is more effective in restoring natural fertility compared to a diagnostic procedure. There is insufficient evidence whether surgical ablation for severe endometriosis increases pregnancy rates. IVF is the best treatment for patients suffering from infertility, but the effectiveness of IVF in these patients is lower than in patients with TBI. Treatment of endometriosis is complex and should be carried out in clinics where there is extensive experience and capabilities in treating this disease.

    Slide 7

    Ablation or excision of endometrioid heterotopias?

  • Slide 8

    Genital endometriosis and infertility

  • Slide 9

    Peritoneal endometriosis I-II degrees.

    Laparoscopy Watchful waiting for 6 months. CIO (3-4 cycles) If there is no effect - IVF

    Slide 10

    Peritoneal endometriosis stage III-IV

    Laparoscopy Expectation of pregnancy 6 months. If there is no effect - IVF

    Slide 11

    Rationale for perioperative use of hormones.

    Persistent hypoestrogenism. Reducing blood loss during surgery. Reducing the size of formations Treatment of anemia (elimination of menstrual losses). Improvement of the postoperative period. Reducing the recurrence rate of endometriosis.

    Slide 12

    Laureates NP (1977) for the discovery of GnRH R.Guillemin and A.Schally

    Slide 13

    Tactics for endometrioid ovarian cysts

    History (presence of endometriosis during surgical interventions) Size of the cyst (more or less 4 cm) Localization (unilateral or bilateral) Age of the woman State of ovarian reserve Any ovarian formation - oncological alert!

    Slide 14

    Effect of endometrioma surgery on ovarian function

    Endometrioma is a true ovarian tumor that requires removal and histological verification. Surgery for extensive ovarian endometriosis provides the most favorable balance of effectiveness and possible harm (P. Vercellini, 2009) Laparoscopic surgery is the “gold” standard. The technique of mechanical removal of the cyst pseudocapsule with subsequent hemostasis (V. Cela, 2005, N. Volkov, 2004)

    Slide 15

    PR after IVF (n=104, data from OR MONIIAG) 23

    Slide 16

    “Gentle” hemostasis after endometrioma removal

  • Slide 17

    Unilateral ovarian cysts in women under 38 years of age Newly detected Recurrence EOC > 4 cm

    Slide 18

    Bilateral ovarian cysts Laparoscopy Maximum care for ovarian tissue! Urgent IVF

    Slide 19

    Results of surgical treatment of infertility for endometriosis PE 1-2 PE 3-4 EKY 1st EKY 2nd 34.3% 14.9% 11.9% 32.0% - % of patients with pregnancy within 1 year (after surgical treatment)

    Slide 20

    Infiltrative endometriosis

    Slide 21

    MONIIAG + MC "Moskvorechye" 2004-2010

    Infiltrative endometriosis 123+1 Excision of infiltrate 63 Segmental resection 8 Circular resection 7+1 Ureterolysis 24 Resection of the bladder 1 Ureterocystoanastomosis 1+1

    Slide 22

    Circular resection

  • Slide 23

    Is recto-vaginal endometriosis a progressive disease?

    Only 6 out of 88 women (6.8%) noted progression of the disease during follow-up periods of more than 68 months. Fedele at al, Am.J.Obstet.Gynecology, 2004

    Slide 24

    Infiltrative endometriosis

    Does “asymptomatic” infiltrative endometriosis require surgical treatment? Is it advisable to use perioperative hormone therapy? Is it the cause of fertility problems? Does IVF affect the results? V.Bianchi (2009) PR (IVF) 40 vs 22

    Slide 25

    Fertility in infiltrative endometriosis: spontaneous pregnancy rates after surgery

    Vircellini at al. 2006 15/44 34% 20-50 Landi at al. 2008 11/4425% 13-40 Stepniewska at al.2009 43/133 32% 24-41 Darai at al. 2010 12/3931% 17-48 Cumulative 31% 26-37

    Adequate preoperative diagnostics (MRI, FCS, cystoscopy) Adequate intraoperative diagnostics Adequate surgical intervention As an alternative: diagnostic Ls>expert department

    Slide 29

    Basic principles of treatment tactics for external-internal endometriosis.

    Hormonal therapy in long courses over a long period of time has no effect and leads to advanced, widespread forms. Prescribing a long course of hormone therapy for initially severe forms of endometriosis without subsequent surgical treatment is ineffective. Surgery is the main treatment for endometriosis.

    Slide 30

    4. In the absence of pronounced adhesions, damage to the intestines and urinary system, laparoscopic surgery is preferable.

    Slide 31

    5. The basis of prevention is early diagnosis of mild and moderate forms of endometriosis and active combined tactics (surgery + drug therapy). Performing reconstructive operations against the background of perioperative use of hormones.

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