Expert Council of the advanced training program. A meeting of the expert council on general education and additional education of children was held

September 24, 2018 Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Love Dukhanina held a meeting of the Expert Council on General Education and Additional Education for Children, dedicated to the competencies of the digital economy.

The meeting was attended by a deputy of the State Duma Sergey Bozhenov, Chairman of the Expert Council on General Education and Additional Education for Children Alla Inglesi, Chief Researcher, Institute for Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Roman Meshcheryakov, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education Yuri Zinchenko, General Director of Mobile Electronic Education LLC, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education Alexander Kondakov, Coordinator of the Competence Center in the direction of "Personnel and Education" ANO "Agency for Strategic Initiatives" Oleg Podolsky, directors of Moscow schools, members of the Expert Council and invited experts.

Alexander Kondakov made a presentation on “Development of Basic Competency Models for the Digital Economy”. He reported on the implementation of the federal project "Personnel for the Digital Economy" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" in terms of developing the concept of "Basic models of competencies of the digital economy" . The final document establishes a system of uniform requirements for the formation, continuous and successive growth of the competencies of the digital economy throughout a person's life.

« For the first time, a competency model is being developed based not on the requirements for graduates of the appropriate level of education, but on the basis of the requirements of society, the state and the labor market for the competencies of a person - an individual and an employee of the digital society, taking into account the realities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution", - the speaker emphasized.

Oleg Podolsky, coordinator of the Competence Center for Personnel and Education, ASI, made a presentation on “Personnel for the Digital Economy”. “According to researchers, 40%population by 2024 will have digital literacy and key competencies of the digital economy at a sufficient level", Podolsky said.

Then the speakers answered the questions of those present. Lyubov Dukhanina, summing up the meeting of the Expert Council, noted that the digital economy covers all areas of human activity, and work on digital competencies should be of a proactive nature. " The field of education is one of the most advanced in terms of readiness for the digital future. At the same time, the development of digital competencies should meet the interests of children, parents, teachers, and potential employers.”, - emphasized the deputy chairman of the Committee on Education.

The members of the Expert Council took note of the presented concept of "Basic models of competencies of the digital economy" and agreed to continue discussing various issues related to the development of the "digital school".

The discussion of “digital competencies” took place in line with the task set by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to develop the digital economy as a new way of life for the country and the basis for the development of public administration, business and the social sphere. And also within the framework of the plans approved by the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin for the legislative support of the digital economy.

Moscow, December 6-7, 2018

December 6 in Moscow at the site of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, the V All-Russian Conference of workers in the field of additional education of children, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the system of additional education, opened. See the Program of the All-Russian Meeting of Workers of Additional Education for Children .

The opening ceremony of the meeting and the plenary session were attended by Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation I. P. Potekhina and Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education, Additional Education and Children's Recreation of the Ministry of Education of Russia I. A. Mikheev.
I. A. Mikheev, speaking with a report, said that by 2018, the coverage of children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years with additional education programs was 71%. The increase in the coverage of children with additional education was largely due to the renewal of its content.
- Today, a target model for the development of modern systems of additional education has been introduced in 20 regions, 360.9 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget in 2017-2018 for its implementation. By 2022, the target model for the development of modern systems of additional education will be introduced in all regions of Russia,- said the director of the Department.

The 5th All-Russian Conference of workers in the field of additional education for children was held in Moscow on December 6-7.

It was also noted at the meeting that the role of the teacher of additional education for children is currently being rethought. In August of this year, by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia (dated May 5, 2018 No. 298n), a professional standard was approved, establishing that not only a teacher by education, but also a practitioner whose education corresponds to the direction of the program can become a teacher of additional education for children and adults, according to which he teaches. In addition, the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 9, 2018 No. 196 provides that students receiving pedagogical education may be involved in the implementation of additional general education programs.

The meeting ended with awarding employees of additional education from various regions of the Russian Federation. At the closing ceremony, the Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Marina Nikolaevna Rakova made a closing speech. She made a detailed review of priority projects in the field of education in the Russian Federation and set the vector for the development of the system of additional education, determined by the challenges of the time, the transition to the digitalization paradigm, forecasts for the future professions market, and developing socio-economic and demographic conditions.

The organizer of the V All-Russian Conference of workers in the field of additional education for children is the Ministry of Education of Russia. The meeting is held for the purpose of a professional discussion of current results in the field of additional education for children and the development of effective solutions for the implementation of priority areas of state educational policy in the field of additional education for children.
Currently, 15.6 million children are involved in additional general education programs in six areas: art, technical, natural science, physical culture and sports, tourism and local history and socio-pedagogical. In the system of additional education for children, there are 13,409 state organizations, 363 non-state organizations, and 280,689 pedagogical workers.

The program of the meeting included sections on various areas of additional education, round tables, presentation platforms, panel discussions and a foresight session.
The sections organized with the participation of the All-Russian Center for Artistic Creativity can rightfully be considered the most popular and widest in terms of coverage of relevant content:

Section 5. Presentation platform "Effective regional managerial, educational, design, methodological, innovative cases" Details and materials at the link

Section 9. Panel discussion "New career guidance practices of additional education"

Section 10. Panel discussion "The role of state and non-state organizations / projects in the formation of a new education ecosystem"

Section 12. Round table "New models of integration and updating of additional education programs". Details and materials at the link:

Section 7. Round table "Development of the educational potential of folk arts and crafts." Details and materials at the link

Section 10. Artistic orientation. Panel discussion "Art-Future-skills - competency-based perspectives of the artistic orientation of additional education". Details and materials at the link

Exhibition in the foyer of the Concert Hall with a program of master classes in various areas and programs of artistic orientation.
(See photo album Exhibitions and reviews in social networks)

The main leitmotif of all the events of the FGBUK "VTsKhT" at the All-Russian meeting is the renewal of the content and technologies of artistic programs with respect for the traditions and origins of domestic art education, issues of integration with other areas, the formation of competencies of the 21st century in the fields of children's art, expansion program field of orientation through the development of the Atlas of new professions, the use of innovative educational, information and communication, sociocultural and other technologies.
Among the speakers of the sections organized with the participation of the FGBUK "VTSKhT" are authoritative representatives of the scientific and professional community, business, culture and art.
The sections have become platforms for active discussions and meetings between practitioners and theorists, representatives of various regions and the federal center; a space for productive professional communication.
It is no coincidence that, based on the results of the work of the section of artistic orientation, a document has appeared and is being broadcast to the pedagogical communities of the regions through the Internet resources of the FGBUK "VTSKhT" that sets the vector of development for the period until the next meeting. This is the Manifesto of the developers of a new digital technological model of the artistic creative competition for children and youth ART Future Skills (adopted at Section 10 on 07.11.2018 unanimously with one abstention).

At the turn of the new 100th anniversary of the state system of additional education for children, we, leaders, teachers, scientists and specialists, participants of the 5th All-Russian Conference of workers in the system of additional education, state and recognize the urgent need to make urgent decisions to accelerate the renewal of the content and technologies of additional education in the arts.
We accept new technological challenges of the time, we express consolidated professional readiness to provide new conditions for the use of digital technologies to support the artistic creativity of children, provide new opportunities for the realism of the success of each child.
According to monitoring data, 13.5 million children aged 5 to 18 are currently enrolled in additional education in Russia, which is 67.7% of the total number of children. At the same time, the artistic orientation remains the most massive in the country: according to various sources - from 32% to 41%. The current projects to support and promote gifted children cover only 7% of especially gifted children in the sciences, arts, and sports, which corresponds to no more than 4% of the labor market. The average age of teaching staff in the system of additional education is 50+.
Recognizing the huge gap in the speed and flexibility of mastering digital technologies by teaching staff in the system of additional education and children - representatives of generation Z, realizing the need for a quick transition in the near future to new forms of professional and career growth, certification procedures and advanced training of teachers of additional education in accordance with the Professional Standard , the national project "Teacher of the Future", etc.; we support the initiators of the development of a new digital technological model of the artistic creative competition for children and youth "ART-Future-Skills".
We consider it necessary to create a working project group to develop the concept of a new digital technological model of the artistic creative competition for children and youth "ART-Future-Skills" on the basis of the organization - the initiator of the All-Russian Center for Artistic Creativity. We consider it expedient to create an Expert Council from among the representatives of the professional expert community for expert analysis and promotion of a new competition model. The competences of the working group include: selection and inclusion of specialists in the development of a package of regulatory and legal and program and methodological documents of the new Competition; interaction with all organizations; informing regional resource centers about the stages of preparation and launch of the Competition on the websites of the All-Russian Center for Contemporary Art, the Unified National Portal of Additional Education. The competences of the Expert Council include: examination of prepared materials; informing the pedagogical community and holding webinars and seminars on the basis of the All-Russian Central Art Theater; providing information on expert assessments for regional resource centers for additional education in the arts; provide full support for the development of the concept of a new digital technological model of the artistic creative competition for children and youth "ART-Future-Skills".
Send to the working group qualified specialists of additional education organizations that we represent. Support the necessary procedures for preparing teachers for the new competition by participating in professional development programs, webinars and seminars.
Support the launch of a new Competition with the participation of teachers and children. The future is already here! Forward, into the new digital age of additional education! Participants of section No. 10 of the 5th All-Russian meeting of workers in the system of additional education in 2018. December 7, 2018
A set of applications for the working group has been opened.
Please send proposals for participation in the working group by e-mail: [email protected] by December 28, 2018

The State Duma Committee on Education and Science conducts legislative activities in the fields of education and science. The Committee is actively working on the preparation, consideration and adoption of laws affecting the interests of education and science. The Committee considers the protection of the interests of education and science as its main task and builds its work on the principles of constructive cooperation with the Government of the Russian Federation, relevant ministries, the Russian Academy of Sciences and industry academies, the Central Committee of the trade union of workers of public education and science, with the pedagogical and scientific community.

The State Duma Committee on Education and Science includes 20 Expert Councils of various directions (for preschool education, for general education and additional education for children, for secondary vocational education and vocational training, for higher education, for additional vocational education and corporate training, additional education adults, etc.)

On December 8, 2016, by the decision of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, the composition of Expert Council for Secondary Vocational Education and Vocational Training.

This council included Olga Gennadievna Kondratieva, Deputy Director for scientific, methodological and innovative activities of the GAU DPO of the Irkutsk Region "Regional Center for Monitoring and Development of Vocational Education".

The Council, in accordance with the thematic focus of its activities, exercises the following powers:

  • conducts a preliminary examination of bills, legislative initiatives, drafts of other normative acts that are under consideration by the Committee;
  • develops proposals for introducing amendments and additions to bills and drafts of other normative acts that are under consideration by the Committee;
  • develops proposals on the main directions of development of federal legislation in the fields of education and science;
  • conducts, at the request of deputies-members of the Committee, a legal examination of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as an assessment of bills that are under consideration by other Committees of the State Duma;
  • conducts an analysis of law enforcement practice and prepares analytical materials based on its results.

The first meeting of the Expert Council on secondary vocational education and vocational training will be held January 23, 2017. The meeting agenda includes the issue of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the System for Training Workers and the Formation of Applied Qualifications in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 (within the framework of parliamentary control over the implementation of the recommendations of the "round table" dated June 25, 2015 on the topic "Improving the quality of training in working professions).

Federal Law No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation" introduced into the active vocabulary of managers in the field of additional education such a concept as an independent assessment of the quality of education. According to Article 95 of the Law, an independent assessment of the quality of education is an assessment procedure aimed at obtaining information about educational activities, the quality of student training and the implementation of educational programs.

At the initial stage of the implementation of the provisions of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the implementation of the tasks of an independent assessment of the quality of additional education was presented as a developed system of mechanisms for organizing public and state management of an educational organization, which, in accordance with Article 26 of the Law, implies the creation of such collegial management bodies in educational organizations as Supervisory Board, Board of Trustees, Governing Board.

To date, with the introduction in 2016 of the Priority project "Affordable additional education for children", the system of mechanisms for organizing public and state management of an educational organization in terms of independent assessment of the quality of additional educational services is referred to the so-called Internal system for assessing the quality of education (or VSEKO), which should be fixed by a separate local act of the educational organization and carried out by internal auditors.

As part of the Fourth All-Russian Meeting of Employees of Additional Education for Children, held in Moscow in December 2017, we were introduced to the Guidelines for organizing an independent assessment of the quality of additional education for children.

The basis for the development of methodological recommendations is the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2014 No. 1547 “On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities” and a number of other regulatory legal acts:

Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

The concept of development of additional education for children. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1726;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2014 No. 1547 “On approval of indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities”;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2015 No. 116n “On the composition of information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities, the provision of services by cultural organizations, social services, medical organizations, posted on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions in information and telecommunications network "Internet", and the procedure for its placement";

- an independent assessment of the quality of training of students in additional general education programs, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 95 of the Federal Law No. 273;

- and an independent assessment of the quality of the actual additional general education programs, carried out in the form of a public examination.

As the developers of the guidelines note, an independent assessment of the quality of additional education, in accordance with the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children for the Period up to 2020, is one of the mechanisms for the development of additional education and is carried out in order to provide citizens with information on the quality of the provision of services for additional education for children, as well as for the purposes of improving the quality of activities of organizations engaged in educational activities for additional general education programs.

According to experts, today the examination of additional general education programs is of a voluntary advisory nature. However, today a standard model for organizing activities to educate parents in the field of additional education for children has already been put into effect, which is based on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education. Amendments were made to Federal Law No. 273 on the basis of Federal Law No. 392 on the need to post the results of self-assessment of the activities of educational institutions of additional education for children on the resource

In the Priority Project "Affordable Additional Education for Children", an independent quality assessment is considered as a source of information for the publicly available federal information portal with regional and municipal segments on the issues of additional education for children "Navigator of additional education for children", which allows families to choose additional general education programs that meet the needs, provides the possibility of designing individual educational routes for students. Since September 2018, based on the inLearno system, the Navigator of Additional Education for Children in the Novosibirsk Region has been launched.

An integral part of the introduction of the Personalized Certificate very soon, according to experts, should be the Federal Standards of Additional Education. In the Novosibirsk region, a personalized certificate attached virtually to the Navigator is planned to be launched by 2020. The experts who spoke at the project sessions held at the GAU DO NSO “OCRTDiYU” within the framework of the 18th Congress of Educators “Education of the Novosibirsk Region: Strategic Priorities” recommended that we learn to work in a competitive environment already today, which means that we should be ready to organize and conduct an independent assessment of the quality and providing the results in the public domain.

The actual implementation of the guidelines, in particular, involves the formation of registries of experts and expert organizations from among commercial and non-profit organizations that have received state subsidies for organizing and conducting an independent assessment of the quality of additional education for children. As well as the creation of a public council, a commission for an independent quality assessment. Each expert organization offers its own tools and methods for conducting an independent quality assessment.

So, in October 2018, a lot of work was done to develop criteria for assessing the quality of activities of educational institutions of additional education in the city of Novosibirsk - as the forerunner of the municipal system of independent assessment of the quality of additional educational services - with the participation of the expert community of the system of additional education in the city of Novosibirsk.

According to the methodological recommendations, based on the results of participation in independent quality assessment procedures, educational organizations should develop an action plan to improve the quality of student training, adjust programs, including development programs.

An independent assessment of the quality of student training is carried out at the initiative of the participants in educational relations - the students themselves, parents, teachers, executive authorities - and involves evaluating the results based on:

- performing various tests and tasks, passing standards.

An independent assessment of the quality of additional general education programs or an independent examination is carried out in the interests of participants in relations in the field of additional education in order to determine the content of programs in accordance with the stated goals, objectives and needs of students.

Public examination of additional pre-professional programs is carried out taking into account federal state requirements.

The main condition for conducting a public examination of programs is that it is allowed to compare estimates only between programs of the same direction and level. Which, as you understand, involves the development of uniform requirements for programs, taking into account the tiered approach.

Thus, today we can talk about the need to develop within each educational organization the requirements for quality management and educational results of students, and the quality of software and methodological support.

For example, we, the Center for Additional Education "Scarlet Sails", have been doing this work for five years, since the development and certification of the Quality Management System of the institution, including within a number of Regional Innovation and Pilot Sites, operating on the basis of the Center for Educational Education "Alye sail". And already today we can offer, as a valid methodology, a detailed system for conducting an independent quality assessment of the Scarlet Sails CLC, including:

– conducting long-term marketing research of requests and satisfaction with the quality of additional educational services offered by the Scarlet Sails Center for Educational Education;

- a system for assessing the effectiveness of student training based on adapted author's methods for assessing the learning and upbringing of student personality traits;

- an expanded system of competitive events, including multi-level ones, in accordance with the requirements of methodological recommendations, both for students and aimed at analyzing the compliance of software and methodological support with modern requirements;

- a system of organizational events of an open nature, ensuring the involvement of parents in the educational process, through the demonstration of open classes, master classes and training seminars for parents;

– models for the development and implementation of individual educational routes for students and the organization of project activities.

Today we are ready to offer our methodological and consulting assistance in these areas of work to educational organizations in the city of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region.