Breathing while walking Scandinavian. Nordic walking technique with sticks. How useful is Nordic walking for a woman

Finnish walking is gaining more and more popularity every year not only among the population of Europe, but is also actively gaining ground in Russia. Popularity is based not only on health benefits, but also on a minimum of financial investment. After all, only special sticks are required for classes. In the article we will answer the question of what is the name of walking with sticks, we will talk about the history of occurrence, methodology, effectiveness and selection rules.

What it is

Nordic walking is a simple, affordable, healthy and non-traumatic way to keep fit. It is also included in the list of the top 100 innovations in the country.

According to statistics, almost a million people go in for this sport once a week. There are no age restrictions, only desire is needed.

Even 5 years ago, many tourists arriving in the country were surprised to see motley companies with ski poles on the streets, who moved quickly and actively waved them.

To date, this has become a familiar picture not only in Finland, but also in Russia.

Methodology of classes

It may seem to an inexperienced person that there are no special rules and you can walk as you want.

Actually, there are rules. They are not difficult, and by the end of the first workout, a person is doing everything right.

After a few lessons, the movements become automatic, then you can concentrate all your attention on the magnificence of the surrounding nature.

Consider what Nordic walking is and how to walk correctly.

  1. The movements of the arms and legs should be synchronous and cross. The left hand moves simultaneously with the right foot, and the right hand with the left foot.
  2. Along with the step, it is necessary to push off with a stick from the ground. After the movement, it is released, allowing it to hang on the wrist; special belts are designed for this. This is necessary to eliminate the possibility of muscle strain.
  3. The support of the legs to the ground occurs with a roll. The heel enters the movement first, then there is a smooth roll from the foot to the toes. When the foot is completely on the surface of the ground, the same movement is carried out with the other foot.
  4. It's important to keep your posture. The back should be flat, without deflections. This is achieved with the right accessory. If it is matched to height, the correct posture will be observed without effort.
  5. Simultaneously with the movement of the arms and legs, it is necessary to turn the torso and shoulder area to the right and left.
  6. Breathing must be controlled. Moving at a normal pace, you need to inhale through the nose, the duration of the breath corresponds to two steps. Exhalation occurs through the mouth, slowly and smoothly. In time, it should take 4 steps.
  7. The width of the step and the overall dynamics of the workout are controlled using the amplitude of the hands. The wider the range, the greater the energy consumption.

It is necessary to master this technique in order to feel the full benefits of Finnish walking with sticks.

Beginners often make the mistake of walking too wide, keeping their elbows close to their bodies, and not opening their hands.

A common mistake is also the lack of foot roll and improperly selected equipment.


Let's discuss what Nordic walking is, what it gives.

Due to simple movements, the loads have a positive effect on the joints and muscles. Partial transfer of body weight to ammunition relaxes the spine. It also reduces pressure on the legs. Thanks to these factors, people of any age can do it.

This type of training will be a good choice for overweight people. Simple aerobic movements, with the transfer of body weight, will help even those who find it difficult to move around the house.

The correct position of the back is maintained, the muscles that support the spinal corset are strengthened.

Answering the question of how Nordic walking with sticks is useful, we can say that it trains endurance. Almost all the muscles of the body are involved, more energy is expended to overcome the route.

Indications and contraindications

There are plenty of indications for practice.

  1. Recovery after spinal and ankle injuries.
  2. Arthrosis and arthritis. Also osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia.
  3. Diseases of the lungs and bronchial system, including asthma.
  4. Therapeutic loads for people with myocardial infarction. Recommended for patients with ischemic and hypertensive heart disease.
  5. Metabolic disorder. Obesity of any degree.
  6. It is a safe exercise during pregnancy.
  7. Sleep problems, depression.

As you can read, there is a lot of evidence. Despite all the benefits, there are contraindications for classes.

  1. Moments of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. Violation of the conduction of the heart rhythm.
  3. Pain syndrome in any manifestation.
  4. Infectious diseases with fever.
  5. The recovery period after abdominal operations and other surgical interventions.

To exclude possible side effects, before starting training, you should consult a doctor.


The origin story is pretty funny. In 1988, the winter in Finland turned out to be snowless. On January 5th, a group of skiers from Helsinki decided to take the planned route. Despite the lack of snow cover, the activists were not at a loss, they took off their skis and left the sticks fervently went forward. In the future, skiers practiced such activities in the off-season, so as not to lose shape.

In 1997, there was literally a boom in this type of occupation. On weekends, it was often possible to meet people and entire families moving at a brisk pace in the recreation areas.

Where could I buy

You can buy Nordic walking poles at any sporting goods store. The choice is varied. From materials to color. Everyone will find something for themselves.

How to choose the right

Individual selection is required for each person. There are accessories of constant length and telescopic. Thanks to the straps on them, there is a repulsion from the ground during the step.

Depending on the chosen terrain and coverage, it is necessary to purchase special nozzles. For winter training and walks in the forest, a studded tip is suitable. For asphalt pavement rubber is provided.

We hope that after reading the article there will be no questions left about what Nordic walking is and how to walk correctly. Let's give some more tips.

People suffering from increased excitability of the nervous system and prone to depression should choose training in the morning. By allocating an hour a day for classes, their well-being will improve.

For those who have sleep disturbances and insomnia, it is better to choose the evening time. Such a sports walk will help you relax and fall asleep. It is worth remembering that people without physical training, who are not accustomed to stress, can do it.

Hiking clothes should be comfortable. Special costumes are not required. A sports suit, loose pants or shorts will be enough. It is important that clothing does not restrict movement.

At the initial stages, it is better to choose pedestrian areas near the house, or in the park. No need to immediately go on difficult trails or into the forest zone.

Useful video: Finnish walking technique

Nordic walking (Finnish, Nordic walking) is a popular type of physical activity based on a certain walking technique using special sticks that look like ski poles. The technique has gained worldwide popularity since the late 90s. The principle of movement is based on the summer exercises of skiers.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking with sticks appeared a long time ago. Even pilgrims used similar supports, overcoming rough terrain. In the methods of physical therapy, sticks have been used for a long time in order to improve the state of health and rehabilitation after illness.

Close to the modern version of Nordic Walking, the form of walking first appeared in 1940 in Finland and was used by professional skiers to keep fit outside of training.

The primacy of the stick walking method as an independent, amateur sport is disputed by Mauri Rapo (his method is described in the article "Hiihdon lajiosa" in 1979) and Mark Kantan (similar article "Sauvakävely" in 1997). However, the name was patented by Mark Kantan, who wrote and published the first Nordic Walking guide.

In the late 90s, the walking technique was transformed into an independent sport and was popularized around the world.

An unusual sport came to Russia relatively recently, but has already become an effective alternative to running. The fact is that the movements involve almost all muscle groups (up to 90%, while normal walking does not exceed 70%), which leads to the strengthening of the body as a whole, the spine and joints in particular. Moreover, the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle are actively working, which does not happen during ordinary walks. Relying on inventory allows you to reduce the load on the hip and knee joints, as well as on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been proven and undeniable, meanwhile, the technique has its limitations associated with dosing and intensity of loads for various diseases, therefore, it requires a doctor's consultation before starting classes.


There are a lot of indications for this type of amateur sport. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is an obligatory element of all rehabilitation programs after surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system. Patients of German clinics who have undergone hip arthroplasty, already a month after the operation, return to their usual pace of life thanks to walking with sticks.

The greatest efficiency is observed in the following conditions:

  • excess body weight;
  • mild pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis in adults and children, and is also used as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • vascular and heart diseases, as well as prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • depression, neuroses;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery period after surgery.

According to the load, walking refers to cardio training, i.e., first of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means that it requires approval from the doctor for diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The technique has no age indications and is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of the choice of equipment and equipment for classes

In order to maximize the effectiveness of classes, you need:

  • comfortable sports uniform for the weather;
  • shoes for hiking or special for running;
  • sticks.

For winter activities, clothes that are used for skiing are suitable, for example, thin thermal underwear that will warm you in severe frost, and winter ski overalls. In summer, you can wear both a tracksuit and comfortable T-shirts and shorts. As for shoes, sneakers should fix the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot well and firmly, have a dense but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks to avoid blisters.

Selection of sticks

The first special sticks were produced by Exel Oyj in 1997. The length of the sticks is selected individually by multiplying a person's height by a special coefficient of 0.7. All monolithic Nordic walking sticks have standard sizes with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the result should be rounded depending on the person’s physical fitness:

  • a shorter length is preferable for beginners, as well as people with contraindications to significant stress on the spine;
  • longer poles put additional stress on the back and arms, so they are suitable for trained athletes.

Also on sale are special telescopic sticks, which allows them to be used for all family members, and especially for children - the inventory will grow with them. The best material is carbon fiber. Aluminum alloy products are somewhat cheaper.

The inventory is expensive - a set of sticks costs from 3,000 rubles, so they should be bought in accordance with growth and physical capabilities, and treated with care, not transferred to third parties.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much more useful and safer for the body than running and strong physical exertion. Moving at the same, calm pace has a positive effect on both health and emotional state.

What hiking gives:

  • enrichment of blood and internal organs with oxygen;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improved digestion;
  • activation of the excretion of toxic substances;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • fat burning;
  • improved balance and coordination;
  • rehabilitation of the joints and spine;
  • great mood and positivity.

The most important thing is the regularity of classes, which can only be skipped for health reasons.


Like any sport, before the start of the lesson, you should perform a warm-up - swinging your arms and legs, bending-extension of the body, lifting on tiptoe for 2-3 seconds, neat jumps from foot to foot and on both legs. You can use special exercises with sticks: tilts to the right and left with raised hands that hold the stick, forward bends with an emphasis on sticks, etc.

So, how to walk Nordic walking:

  • The main element of the lesson is the step.
  • The main rule: the left hand with a stick - the right leg (heel), and vice versa: the right hand - the left leg, i.e. there should be an opposite.
  • The stick is on the side near the leg, slightly at an angle.
  • When the stick touches the ground, a step should be taken: the foot is placed on the heel, then rolled onto the toe. But you should not put your feet on the entire surface of the foot at once.
  • Legs during the step should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • Hands during movement are slightly bent at the elbows and move them up and down when pushing off the surface. The arm rises at an angle of 45 0 in the upper position, and the “lower” arm moves back to the level of the pelvis.
  • It is impossible to rely on sticks with considerable effort! This creates additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks

In fact, they themselves are kept on their hands thanks to special, very strong and reliable loops. The loops are similar in appearance to the bells of gloves and with the help of wide bands they cover the bases of the thumbs, which prevents incorrect movements of the hand. You need to keep inventory freely, without straining your hands, parallel to one another. During overcoming a hard surface, rubber tips are put on the sticks for convenience, soft areas are more convenient to pass, simply pushing off with a spike.

So, before class, you need to put your hand through the loop, adjust the diameter with the fastener and fasten the loop so that the wrist area is not pinched. Thus, the sticks will not fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique

The disadvantages of this sport are some dependence on weather conditions. Walking is possible throughout the year, but in reality, heavy rain, blizzard or snowfall makes movement much more difficult and can adversely affect health. Walking in the gym is difficult, and skipping classes is not recommended.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to find a companion or go with the whole family - this motivates, improves efficiency and mood in general. There are whole schools and clubs of Nordic walking fans who take daily walks.

  • You should eat an hour and a half before class.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but do not go for a run. The walk should be comfortable, not accompanied by abdominal pain, shortness of breath and rapid breathing.
  • Increase the load - only gradually.
  • While walking, you should not lower your head down, your shoulders should be relaxed and freely lowered, and your posture should be even. You need to try to think positive and smile.
  • Walks are best organized in ecologically clean places where there is a lot of vegetation and no transport. The best option is hilly paths of parks and squares.
  • The duration of one lesson is at least 40 minutes. How long is the maximum walk? It depends on fitness, but you should definitely not exceed 60-90 minutes.
  • During the walk, you can drink clean water in small sips.
  • After the walk, you should do a couple of leisurely stretching exercises or just take a few deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss - how it works

Proper Nordic walking, carried out regularly, leads to a gradual loss of extra pounds. When walking at an average or fast pace, about 10 calories are burned in 1 minute. Almost all muscles are also pumped. While walking, you can “work” on problem areas. So, if you walk and keep the abdominal muscles moderately retracted, you can get rid of fat deposits in this area. Overcoming rough terrain with climbs perfectly pumps up the muscles of the legs. If you tighten your buttocks and try to mentally hold a coin between them, they will take on a beautiful shape.

Common Mistakes

Nordic walking with sticks is not easy for everyone, while some do not see any positive changes in their health status. This may be due to some bugs:

  • Using homemade sticks or equipment from other sports;
  • Incorrect holding of sticks (cross them behind the back);
  • Turning the body while raising the arm to make a repulsive movement;
  • Using the power of the hand, not the elbow, during the push;
  • Use of uncomfortable shoes.

Nordic Walking is a pleasant, accessible sport for everyone that has a positive effect on health, mood and appearance!

Walking technique with Scandinavian sticks is a fundamental point in. Despite the seeming simplicity of this, it is important to strictly follow certain rules in order to achieve the desired effect. Many amateurs, using the technique incorrectly, learn to walk on their own, making numerous mistakes that do not eliminate health problems, but lead to them.

We will figure out how to walk correctly using the Nordic walking method, accurately select equipment for classes, and how much time to devote to them.

Let's analyze the mechanics of the "northern way"

The walking technique called is based on a special movement mechanics. Thanks to it, you can use almost the entire muscular frame of the body, the total number of which reaches 200 units. Analyzing the movements of Nordic walking, there are 3 factors:

  1. Physical load is a closed chain of "events": leg - a moving part of the body - an arm fixed on a support;
  2. 3 joints take part in the movement: pelvis, knee, ankle;
  3. The minimum load "falls" on the skeleton and other joints.

Particular attention is paid to the movement of the legs, which consists of two "stages": transfer and support. The first stage of "support" is a consistent emphasis on all parts of the foot: heel, midfoot, toe. Putting the other leg forward at this time, the athlete moves to the second point of support. Repeating the support stage, the load “starts” from the heel, then moves to the middle of the foot and toes. The body moves forward, and the other leg is taken back. This cycle is repeated during the entire walking process.

Let's analyze the movements

The Nordic walking technique is based on the usual stepping movement. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly use its main element - the step. To walk with sticks correctly, it is important to consolidate skills into muscle memory. This is done in 3 steps:

  1. The task is to "feel" the weight of the walking poles. To do this, you need to take them in the middle, and not by the handle. Walk like this around the room, slightly tilting your body forward. Coordinate the involuntary step so that the work of the arm matches the opposite leg.
  2. We are working on the rhythm. We repeat the movements of the previous stage, changing the position of the sticks: they need to be taken by the "lanyard". It is not necessary to push off from the ground, it is enough to “drag” them behind you at the moment of simulating Nordic walking. Devices move rhythmically, in time with the movements of the hands.
  3. Directly Nordic walking, in which sticks are used. At this point, the movement of the arms and legs should become habitual, so pushing off the ground with the help of devices will make it easier. At this time, the last stage of synchronization is being worked out: a simultaneous push of the heel and the stick in the opposite hand.

The Nordic walking technique instruction with sticks implies compliance with the following rules:

  • Support devices are used, holding them only at an angle;
  • You can not place the weight of the body immediately on the entire foot: it is important to “roll” it from heel to toe;
  • Taking a step, the legs are slightly bent at the knees;
  • Arms slightly bent, move up / down;
  • Walking is carried out only with a straight back;
  • You can not put much pressure on the devices: this will increase the load on the bones and joints;
  • Shoulders relax and drop down a little;
  • When the hand is pulled back, the hand is completely unclenched: the stick is held only by a special glove;
  • Hands when moving back and forth should be within forty-five degrees from the body.

After the basics of the technique are mastered, you can use walking by confidently increasing the pace of movement: increasing the amplitude of the swings of the hands, making the steps wider.

Nordic walking lessons for beginners include 3 techniques:

  1. Fast paced "triple" steps;
  2. Wide stride;
  3. Parallel movement of arms and legs (sliding of the left leg while relying on the left stick).

The “introduction” of each technique into technique training occurs gradually, as walking skills progress, in order to increase the load.

Proper breathing

Any physical activity is performed using breathing techniques. Breathing during Nordic walking also plays an important role. However, in this case there are no strict regulations and rules. Inhalation while walking with sticks is carried out through the nose, exhalation - through the mouth.

To understand how to breathe correctly during Nordic walking, you need to forget about all the rules, relying on the natural functions of the body. Natural breathing is the main condition for outdoor walks in Scandinavian style.


In order not to "bring down" the breath, we follow this rule: we inhale and take 2 steps, exhale - 3.4.

As a breathing exercise, they use conversations, singing or reading poetry while moving. With their help, blood flow improves, which helps tissues and organs to be better saturated with oxygen, endurance appears.

Useful Video - A Complete Lesson on Nordic Walking Technique

Training preparation and completion

An important condition for obtaining a healing effect from Scandinavian movement is the use of a warm-up.

We list the exercises that are used at home. They are needed to warm up the muscles before training. Their task is to use the entire muscular frame of the body, which must work constantly.

  1. The stick acts as a projectile. She is lifted over her head. Slowly lean to the right, then to the left. Do 8-10 times in each direction.
  2. Put down the stick. Take a deep lunge with your right foot. Lean forward while pointing your arms back. Then change the position of the body: point your arms forward, and tilt your body back. After completing the exercise 10-15 times, change your leg for a lunge and repeat it 10-15 more times.
  3. Take sticks. Position them so that your arms are slightly back. Relying on them, do squats. Their number depends on the level of training of a novice athlete and varies from 3 to 15 squats.
  4. Lean on the walking aid with your right hand. Grab your left knee with your left hand. Standing on one right leg, gently try to bring the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. Stay in the achieved position for 10-15 seconds. Change the leg and support arm and repeat the exercise. Do 8-10 times.
  5. Slowly, without jerks, we raise our hands with support up, slightly spreading them to the sides 8-10 times.
  6. We put both sticks in front of us at a distance of straightened arms. We bend forward, arching the back. Repeat 8-10 times.
  7. With your right hand, take one end of the device and lay it behind your back. With your left hand, grasp the lower end of the stick in the region of the lower back, thighs. Slowly raise your right arm up until muscle tension reaches its maximum. Do 8-10 times with each hand.

Many Scandinavian walkers ask if they can supplement their workouts with their own exercises. The answer is definitely positive. Moreover, after long sessions, a person himself can choose exercises for warming up, because the needs of each “athlete” in warming up the muscles are different.

After warming up, Nordic walkers should check the poles and fastenings on them, adjust the length of the straps.

After the end of the training process, it is recommended to do exercises aimed at stretching the muscular frame of the back, hips and shoulder girdle. All movements after training are performed at the pace of "relaxation", slowly. Bath. or a hot bath filled with aromatic oils - all these water procedures will allow the muscles to relax and reduce pain after exercise to a minimum.

Selection of devices

Since the main "assistant" in Finnish walking is sticks, for the effectiveness of classes, their correct selection is as important as the technique of movements.

For the first time, special devices were released in 1997.

Their length is an important selection parameter. She is selected individually. To make it convenient to hold, carry out simple calculations. The growth of a beginner "athlete" is multiplied by a certain coefficient:

  • 0.66 - during recreational activities;
  • 0.68 - for fitness training;
  • 0.7 - for "serious" sports activities.

Since all fixtures have standard sizes that differ by 5 centimeters, the result is compared with the table and the appropriate option is selected. If the number is in the interval between the presented sizes, the choice is made based on the physical fitness of the person. For example, if he has just started "sports activities" or has limitations due to illnesses, choose a lower value. For a trained person, you can choose equipment that is “higher”, since in this case the load on the spine increases.


Telescopic sticks are the best option for beginners. Their size is changed during training. In addition, 1 pair can be used by all family members.

When choosing fixtures, pay attention to the material from which they are made. Carbon is reliable, strong and expensive. Aluminum is lighter and cheaper. Any kit is not cheap, so its choice must be taken responsibly.

Duration of training

An important rule of Nordic walking is compliance with the training regime and the correct distribution of the load.

How much to walk in Scandinavian style is determined individually. This parameter consists of the athlete's physical fitness, the presence or absence of diseases and the "experience" of classes. Average data, which recommend training for 40 minutes three times a week, cannot be taken into account: in each case, the “dosage” of classes will be different.

Video - 10 main mistakes of Finnish walking technique for beginners

Some rookie mistakes

Many lovers of sports movement try to start classes on their own, without joining Nordic walking clubs. This approach will significantly save your finances, however, without an experienced mentor, classes will not be effective.

We list the main problems of beginner athletes:

  • Poor-quality or improperly selected sticks quickly deform after a few workouts;
  • With the wrong position of the hands, the sticks “take up” the wrong position, going back;
  • Pressing on a stick with a brush leads to rapid fatigue with minimal energy consumption;
  • Uneven and incorrect load on the feet leads to the appearance of corns and rough skin on them;
  • Incorrectly selected or poor-quality shoes will lead to rapid leg fatigue.

Nordic walking is a useful sport that brings health improvement and a lot of positive emotions. They can be practiced in winter and summer, autumn and spring. Team training will help you find new friends, prevent depression from developing, and maintain a good mood and well-being for a long time.

Aerobics in the open air is much more effective than in the gym. Anything can be practiced. For my taste, these are: Nordic Walking, Cross-country Running and Mountain Biking, which are ideal for interval sprints. A little about Nordic walking:

Nordic walking. Surprise from Scandinavia

Nordic Nordic Walking is a form of exercise, walking outdoors with a pair of modified ski poles. In the late 1990s, it became popular all over the world. There are also names "Northern walking" and "Finnish walking".

Where skiing was born, no one knows. However, who will argue that the most avid skiers in the world are Scandinavians? At first they went skiing and only then they began to glide using sticks. The custom of skiing is so deeply ingrained in Scandinavian life that even in summer the Scandinavians began to walk, leaning on ski poles. And it is not an example more convenient when it comes to long transitions with a large elevation difference. Thanks to sticks, the upper body is connected to walking, and this optimizes and facilitates movement, especially uphill. Today, fitness gurus have declared Nordic walking a fundamentally new type of aerobics. To master such aerobics is as easy as shelling pears: stick sticks into the ground in a winter manner, that's all. It is argued that walking sticks must be special. But this is a clear overstatement. Normal skis are fine. Nordic walking is a really interesting sport. All you need, apart from sticks, is a pair of sturdy boots and a bottle of water. American bodybuilders immediately fell in love with the new sport and widely use it instead of boring traditional aerobics, especially since climbing a mountain becomes a real athletic test. Everyone knows that fat during aerobics "burns" in contact with inhaled oxygen. So Nordic walking, like aerobics, is an order of magnitude more effective than the one in the gym. After all, there is certainly more oxygen in the open air, forest or mountain.

The main thing to remember is that when practicing Nordic walking, the load on the body is greater than during normal walking. Therefore, in order not to harm the body with excessive loads, it is necessary to monitor well-being during and after Nordic walking. Especially in people with various health problems.

The control of well-being is the same as during classes, other types of aerobic exercises associated with aerobic exercise, since there are contraindications for Nordic walking. Advice for those who have deviations in health: count the pulse, measure blood pressure before and after training. For better control, keep a diary of achievements and blood pressure readings. The best adviser for you will be your inner well-being. If Nordic walking brings joy, then you have thoroughly approached the implementation of walking. A good release of hormones of joy, which are produced during Nordic walking, tone up not only at the moment of work, but also energize for the next day or two. Your well-being, like a litmus test, will help you stay in the right mode and make timely adjustments in Nordic walking.

Nordic walking is recommended as one of the types of rehabilitation for people suffering from high blood pressure, if there are no contraindications. Therefore, as we found out, the load during Nordic walking is always higher, which means that it must be increased very carefully, slowly, fixing your achievements in the self-control diary.

Benefits of Nordic Walking.

Nordic walking simultaneously supports the tone of the muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body.
- Trains about 90% of all the muscles in your body.
- Burns up to 46% more calories than normal walking.
- Reduces pressure on the knees and spine when walking.
- Improves heart and lung function, increases heart rate by 10-15 beats per minute compared to normal walking.
- Ideal for correcting posture and solving neck and shoulder problems.
- Helps to climb the mountain.
- Improves sense of balance and coordination.
- An effective exercise for athletes who need a constant training of the cardiovascular system and endurance.
- Returns to a full life of people with problems of the musculoskeletal system.
- It does not require special training - anyone can do Nordic walking.
- During the aerobic exercise of Nordic walking, almost all muscle groups work - shins, thighs, arms and shoulder girdle, abdomen. In addition, the muscles of the neck, chest and back develop, which is especially important for those who sit at the office all day at the table.
- This is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis! In addition, during Nordic walking with ski poles, the musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus, the cardiovascular system are strengthened, the body is hardened, immunity is increased. Walking with sticks helps to cope with neurasthenia and insomnia, relieves nervous tension, improves sleep and well-being, and increases efficiency. Therefore, psychiatrists recommend Nordic walking with sticks to patients with depression.
- More calories are burned than with normal walking - due to the working hands.
- Sticks reduce the load on the joints, which is essential for people with problem knees.
- Admirers of Nordic walking have reduced blood viscosity, therefore, the risk of thrombosis and heart attacks decreases.
- Fans of Nordic walking activate metabolism, accelerate fat metabolism, and the level of endorphins in the blood increases 5 times!

Forward to the heights of excellence. Walking equipment:

Special sticks (Nordic), clothes, shoes, I advise you to choose comfortable and seasonal. Nordics can only be purchased at a specialized sports store.

There are two types of sticks: fixed length and telescopic. Nordics can be distinguished by the materials from which they are made of: aluminum, aluminum with carbon, 100% carbon poles, carbon fiber with carbon. For convenience, they all have latches for hands.

According to the recommendations of experts, the height of the sticks depends on your height. Sticks are selected according to a simple formula: multiply height by a factor of 0.68 (± 5 cm).
Height 180 cm
The length of the sticks is (180 * 0.68), which is 122 cm (±5 cm).
It must be borne in mind that the higher the length of the sticks, the greater the load on certain muscles of the body. Using poles of the wrong length can put undue stress on your knees, ankles, and back.

Nordic walking technique:

When walking, we stand on the heel, and then on the toe;
one arm is extended forward and slightly bent at the elbow, while the stick is held at an angle;
the other hand is at the level of the pelvis and stretches back;

How to breathe correctly when Nordic walking with sticks?

Breathing is one of the most important physiological processes during power loads. Proper breathing is one of the most important conditions for performing physical exercises. BUT there are no such serious restrictions for Nordic walking. That is why it has become so widespread among the masses.

Everything will happen naturally, as with normal walking. We breathe through the nose. When increasing the pace of movement, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Throughout the session, we try to keep our breathing calm and even. We remember school years and physical education teachers. Rules that he mumbled in class. Inhalation and exhalation should be 1:1.5-2, that is, inhale for two steps, exhale for three or four steps. We use army training methods - talking with an interlocutor, singing a song, etc. From the outside, this is ridiculous, in fact, improved ventilation of the lungs, greater blood saturation, better burning of subcutaneous fat, increased endurance.

How to use Nordic walking?

Look for a 250 meter uphill climb. Climb up at a moderate pace. Go down without stopping. Take some rest and start climbing again, but at a faster pace. Accelerating, alternate ups and downs for 20 minutes. Then arrange a "hitch" in the form of 5-10 minutes of walking on a flat surface.

Nordic walking (Finnish, Nordic walking) is a popular type of physical activity based on a certain walking technique using special sticks that look like ski poles. The technique has gained worldwide popularity since the late 90s. The principle of movement is based on the summer exercises of skiers.

The history of Nordic walking

Walking with sticks appeared a long time ago. Even pilgrims used similar supports, overcoming rough terrain. In the methods of physical therapy, sticks have been used for a long time in order to improve the state of health and rehabilitation after illness.

Close to the modern version of Nordic Walking, the form of walking first appeared in 1940 in Finland and was used by professional skiers to keep fit outside of training.

The primacy of the stick walking method as an independent, amateur sport is disputed by Mauri Rapo (his method is described in the article "Hiihdon lajiosa" in 1979) and Mark Kantan (similar article "Sauvakävely" in 1997). However, the name was patented by Mark Kantan, who wrote and published the first Nordic Walking guide.

In the late 90s, the walking technique was transformed into an independent sport and was popularized around the world.

An unusual sport came to Russia relatively recently, but has already become an effective alternative to running. The fact is that the movements involve almost all muscle groups (up to 90%, while normal walking does not exceed 70%), which leads to the strengthening of the body as a whole, the spine and joints in particular. Moreover, the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle are actively working, which does not happen during ordinary walks. Relying on inventory allows you to reduce the load on the hip and knee joints, as well as on the foot.

The benefits of Nordic walking have been proven and undeniable, meanwhile, the technique has its limitations associated with dosing and intensity of loads for various diseases, therefore, it requires a doctor's consultation before starting classes.


There are a lot of indications for this type of amateur sport. For example, in Germany, Nordic walking is an obligatory element of all rehabilitation programs after surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system. Patients of German clinics who have undergone hip arthroplasty, already a month after the operation, return to their usual pace of life thanks to walking with sticks.

The greatest efficiency is observed in the following conditions:

  • excess body weight;
  • mild pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, scoliosis in adults and children, and is also used as a prevention of osteoporosis;
  • vascular and heart diseases, as well as prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • depression, neuroses;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • sleep disorders;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery period after surgery.

According to the load, walking refers to cardio training, i.e., first of all, it strengthens the heart muscle, which means that it requires approval from the doctor for diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. The technique has no age indications and is especially popular among people of retirement age.

Features of the choice of equipment and equipment for classes

In order to maximize the effectiveness of classes, you need:

  • comfortable sports uniform for the weather;
  • shoes for hiking or special for running;
  • sticks.

For winter activities, clothes that are used for skiing are suitable, for example, thin thermal underwear that will warm you in severe frost, and winter ski overalls. In summer, you can wear both a tracksuit and comfortable T-shirts and shorts. As for shoes, sneakers should fix the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot well and firmly, have a dense but flexible sole. You should also wear two pairs of cotton socks to avoid blisters.

Selection of sticks

The first special sticks were produced by Exel Oyj in 1997. The length of the sticks is selected individually by multiplying a person's height by a special coefficient of 0.7. All monolithic Nordic walking sticks have standard sizes with a difference of 5 cm. If the resulting number is intermediate, the result should be rounded depending on the person’s physical fitness:

  • a shorter length is preferable for beginners, as well as people with contraindications to significant stress on the spine;
  • longer poles put additional stress on the back and arms, so they are suitable for trained athletes.

Also on sale are special telescopic sticks, which allows them to be used for all family members, and especially for children - the inventory will grow with them. The best material is carbon fiber. Aluminum alloy products are somewhat cheaper.

The inventory is expensive - a set of sticks costs from 3,000 rubles, so they should be bought in accordance with growth and physical capabilities, and treated with care, not transferred to third parties.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

Doctors have long proven the fact that walking is much more useful and safer for the body than running and strong physical exertion. Moving at the same, calm pace has a positive effect on both health and emotional state.

What hiking gives:

  • enrichment of blood and internal organs with oxygen;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improved digestion;
  • activation of the excretion of toxic substances;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • fat burning;
  • improved balance and coordination;
  • rehabilitation of the joints and spine;
  • great mood and positivity.

The most important thing is the regularity of classes, which can only be skipped for health reasons.


Like any sport, before the start of the lesson, you should perform a warm-up - swinging your arms and legs, bending-extension of the body, lifting on tiptoe for 2-3 seconds, neat jumps from foot to foot and on both legs. You can use special exercises with sticks: tilts to the right and left with raised hands that hold the stick, forward bends with an emphasis on sticks, etc.

So, how to walk Nordic walking:

  • The main element of the lesson is the step.
  • The main rule: the left hand with a stick - the right leg (heel), and vice versa: the right hand - the left leg, i.e. there should be an opposite.
  • The stick is on the side near the leg, slightly at an angle.

  • When the stick touches the ground, a step should be taken: the foot is placed on the heel, then rolled onto the toe. But you should not put your feet on the entire surface of the foot at once.
  • Legs during the step should be slightly bent at the knees.
  • Hands during movement are slightly bent at the elbows and move them up and down when pushing off the surface. The arm rises at an angle of 45 0 in the upper position, and the “lower” arm moves back to the level of the pelvis.
  • It is impossible to rely on sticks with considerable effort! This creates additional stress on the musculoskeletal system.

How to hold sticks

In fact, they themselves are kept on their hands thanks to special, very strong and reliable loops. The loops are similar in appearance to the bells of gloves and with the help of wide bands they cover the bases of the thumbs, which prevents incorrect movements of the hand. You need to keep inventory freely, without straining your hands, parallel to one another. During overcoming a hard surface, rubber tips are put on the sticks for convenience, soft areas are more convenient to pass, simply pushing off with a spike.

So, before class, you need to put your hand through the loop, adjust the diameter with the fastener and fasten the loop so that the wrist area is not pinched. Thus, the sticks will not fall out of your hands.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the technique

The disadvantages of this sport are some dependence on weather conditions. Walking is possible throughout the year, but in reality, heavy rain, blizzard or snowfall makes movement much more difficult and can adversely affect health. Walking in the gym is difficult, and skipping classes is not recommended.

How to walk correctly for maximum effect

It is recommended to find a companion or go with the whole family - this motivates, improves efficiency and mood in general. There are whole schools and clubs of Nordic walking fans who take daily walks.

  • You should eat an hour and a half before class.
  • You need to walk at a fast pace, but do not go for a run. The walk should be comfortable, not accompanied by abdominal pain, shortness of breath and rapid breathing.
  • Increase the load - only gradually.
  • While walking, you should not lower your head down, your shoulders should be relaxed and freely lowered, and your posture should be even. You need to try to think positive and smile.

  • Walks are best organized in ecologically clean places where there is a lot of vegetation and no transport. The best option is hilly paths of parks and squares.
  • The duration of one lesson is at least 40 minutes. How long is the maximum walk? It depends on fitness, but you should definitely not exceed 60-90 minutes.
  • During the walk, you can drink clean water in small sips.
  • After the walk, you should do a couple of leisurely stretching exercises or just take a few deep breaths.

Nordic Walking and weight loss - how it works

Proper Nordic walking, carried out regularly, leads to a gradual loss of extra pounds. When walking at an average or fast pace, about 10 calories are burned in 1 minute. Almost all muscles are also pumped. While walking, you can “work” on problem areas. So, if you walk and keep the abdominal muscles moderately retracted, you can get rid of fat deposits in this area. Overcoming rough terrain with climbs perfectly pumps up the muscles of the legs. If you tighten your buttocks and try to mentally hold a coin between them, they will take on a beautiful shape.

Common Mistakes

Nordic walking with sticks is not easy for everyone, while some do not see any positive changes in their health status. This may be due to some bugs:

  • Using homemade sticks or equipment from other sports;
  • Incorrect holding of sticks (cross them behind the back);
  • Turning the body while raising the arm to make a repulsive movement;
  • Using the power of the hand, not the elbow, during the push;
  • Use of uncomfortable shoes.

Nordic Walking is a pleasant, accessible sport for everyone that has a positive effect on health, mood and appearance!

What is Nordic Walking

Nordic walking found its application in the 40s of the twentieth century. In this way, Finnish skiers trained out of season. Although the shepherds began to go up the mountain for the sheep. In another way, it is also called Norwegian, Norman or Nordic. It is a walk with sticks. There are special poles for Nordic walking. They are sold in sporting goods stores, but on the street you can often meet people with regular skis. The original ones are called Nordics. They have a rounded graphite tip that won't get stuck in the ground.

What is useful

Nordic walking has a beneficial effect on the body. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, relaxes the nervous system, improves muscle and skin tone. In addition, unlike running and strength exercises, it does not put so much stress on the joints. The main benefit for losing weight is the expenditure of energy in large volumes, due to which fat reserves are burned. Along with weight loss, the skin is tightened, body contours are improved.


Nordic walking with sticks for weight loss has a number of undeniable advantages over other sports. During training, about 90% of all muscles work - legs, buttocks, back. Not only the lower, but also the upper part of the body is involved - arms and back, because the sticks provide 60-70% of the entire load. This is an aerobic sport, so in addition to strengthening the muscles, endurance increases, especially the cardiovascular systems. Other benefits include:

  1. No contraindications. Even older women and men can walk in Scandinavian style, and even with obesity, health problems with the joints, spine or heart.
  2. Classes are held outdoors. Thanks to this, endurance is trained and mood improves, even in winter.
  3. Strengthen bones and increase bone density. This reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  4. Normalization of metabolism and lowering cholesterol levels.
  5. Improving the functioning of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole.

Nordic walking and weight loss

For any person, it is the norm to take about 10 thousand steps per day, which equals 5-6 km. It is very useful for maintaining muscle tone and the body as a whole. Scandinavian, also Swedish and Canadian, walking increases the amount of calories burned. Weight loss is achieved through measured movements and healthy breathing in the fresh air. Along with the expenditure of energy, the muscles are strengthened. How many calories are burned with Nordic walking and what muscles work? More on this below.

Can you lose weight by walking?

The answer to the question of whether Nordic walking is effective for weight loss is positive. This type of fitness makes all the major muscles work, but it does not burden the joints, and the amount of energy burned is equivalent to the cost of running. The body does not experience such severe stress as on the track. Workouts are more effective in the morning, when you have not yet had time to consume calories, then the body uses its own reserves.

Calorie consumption

Any sport is characterized by calorie consumption, which can be used to judge the effectiveness of the load. Walking helps burn about 350 kcal in 1 hour. For running, this figure is 550 kcal. Calorie consumption depends on the technique. If you do everything right, then spend the maximum amount of energy. Another calorie consumption depends on:

  1. Athlete weights. The more overweight, the higher the calorie consumption.
  2. Training intensity. Walking one distance slowly and more quickly, you spend a different number of calories. More of them in the second case.
  3. duration. The longer the training time, the more kilometers you will walk, which means the calorie consumption will also be higher.
  4. Road surface, terrain in general. If you overcome descents or ascents, you will have to maintain balance, which requires a lot of energy.

What muscles work

Nordic walking for weight loss works the muscles of the upper and lower body. This is the advantage of this sport. The list of muscles involved includes:

  • large chest;
  • deltoid;
  • triceps;
  • latissimus dorsi;
  • press;
  • buttocks;
  • tibial;
  • infraspinatus;
  • flexor muscle of the forearm;
  • gastrocnemius;
  • four-headed;
  • subscapular;
  • biceps.

How to practice Nordic walking

Weight loss is achieved not only through sports. Without a diet, especially if the diet was unbalanced, success cannot be achieved. In addition, the technique of walking itself and even breathing must be correct, the amplitude of the movement of the hands is also important. Although the movements should be close to natural. If you take into account all these points, you can achieve the maximum effect from Nordic walking.


If you are a beginner in Nordic walking for weight loss, then you should first familiarize yourself with its technique and some important rules. The latter relate to the training itself - duration, regularity, and some other points. The most basic of them:

  1. Pace. It is important to gradually increase the pace during the workout in order to burn even more calories.
  2. duration. The first 40 minutes of a sports load is only the removal of excess fluid. The next half hour, the body is already starting to burn fat. For this reason, the duration of training should be at least 1.5 hours, but you need to start gradually from several times for 15 minutes.
  3. Frequency. For weight loss, it is recommended to exercise 3-4 times a week. This is the optimal exercise for weight loss.
  4. Liquid. During classes, it is necessary to restore its reserves in order to avoid dehydration. With a lack of fluid, fat cells begin to accumulate it.
  5. Equipment and clothes. It is important to choose the right sticks. Their optimal length is 70% of a person's height. Clothing should be comfortable and loose. As shoes, sneakers based on a springy sole are suitable.


Nordic walking has several key differences from regular walking. But even novice athletes can easily master the gait on their own. First of all, you need to learn how to take a step correctly - put one of your feet on the heel in front of you, and then roll onto your toe and push it off the supporting surface. At the same time, the arm opposite to the leg is brought forward along with the stick. She needs to push off the ground. The other hand is at the bottom at the level of the pelvis and stretches back. The hand is unclenched to avoid spastic fatigue.

Then you can transfer the weight to the other leg, putting it forward and also rolling from heel to toe. There are a few more important nuances regarding walking technique:

  • do not put your feet on the entire surface of the foot - take a step with a roll from heel to toe;
  • when alternating hands, it is necessary to turn the entire body towards the stick that is supporting at this moment;
  • the back must be kept straight;
  • elbows are bent to 90 degrees;
  • hands all rise only to the level of the chest;
  • the amplitude of the arms - each of them should go behind the back and forward by about 45 degrees.


It is necessary to follow not only the technique of walking, but also breathing during it. It should be calm and measured - about 1 inhale for 2 steps and 1 exhale for 3-4 steps, i.e. it gets longer. If you breathe more often, then you should slow down your walking speed. Inhalation is done only through the nose, connecting the diaphragm, i.e. sticking out the stomach, and exhale, on the contrary, through the mouth. This breathing rhythm is considered more optimal.


The "golden" rule when losing weight in any way is to spend more calories than consumed. In general, it is necessary to abandon junk food - sweets, flour, fatty, fried and salty. Instead, you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish, milk and dairy products. The optimal is 4-5 meals a day, and consisting of small portions. Water is an important ingredient. On the day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters.

Video: Nordic walking lessons


Natalia, 28 years old

For me, just walking with sticks is the perfect sport. After it, the knees do not hurt, severe fatigue and shortness of breath do not appear. In addition, classes are constantly in nature, so the mood after that is simply excellent, you are charged with vivacity. My weight loss in a month was 5.5 kg. This is without any special changes in the diet, I refused only sweets.

George, 42 years old

I have always had problems with my knee joints, so the doctors forbade me to run. On the advice of a friend, I decided to take up Nordic walking for weight loss. I was pleased with the availability of equipment and simple equipment. He even brought his wife to the training. Compete to see who can lose the most weight. I managed to lose 7 kg in a month, and she was 8.5.

Anastasia, 34 years old

I began to notice more and more people walking with ordinary sticks on the street. I decided to try it too, bought sticks for myself and my mother. It was a vacation, and we walked 5 km every day. I was able to lose 3 kg in the first week, and my mother began to experience less shortness of breath. The main thing is that after a workout you do not feel exhausted - a walk, on the contrary, is very invigorating.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

The Nordic walking technique was invented by Finnish skiers back in the 30s of the 20th century. They began to run with sticks in the summer to maintain their physical condition. Rough terrain races have even been introduced into the Finnish national team's training.

Studies have shown that walking with sticks provides an excellent exercise, while burning the most calories, much more than normal walking.

Finnish walking is an affordable sport that provides:

  • reduction of pressure on the lumbar region;
  • on the hip, ankle and knee joints;
  • support for muscle tone;
  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle and lungs;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • posture correction, weight loss;
  • increased endurance;
  • getting rid of joint problems.

Contraindications for walking with sticks

There are very few contraindications:

  • cold, flu;
  • condition after operations;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There are few contraindications, so walking is suitable for all ages, for any degree of physical fitness, for any health condition.

The main thing is not to immediately overload your body, the distance must be increased gradually. A new sport brings joy, a new sense of movement, a positive effect on health, helps to reduce weight. Anyone who is interested in this sport is advised to do it for weight loss.

Nordic walking for the elderly

Nordic walking with sticks is extremely useful for senior citizens, due to its low loads. Other recreational activities involve complex exercises, many of which are inaccessible to older members of our society.

And in the new sport, older people do not have to strain much, all movements are natural, their intensity can be independently regulated.

Training should begin with a simple movement with special equipment on a flat surface. But you don’t need to lean heavily on the sticks, they just lightly touch the ground.

We pass our hands through the fastening loops. Moving, we increase the width of the step, raise our hand to the level of the chest, then lower it, leaning with a stick on the surface of the earth.

The inventory must be kept close to the body, and move, measuredly changing the position of the arms and legs. The movement is similar to the usual movement based on your sports equipment.

In order to benefit from this sport, you first need to warm up the muscles, put your legs in a bent position. Now let's see how to perform the movements correctly.

So go ahead! We hold the left hand at the level of the pelvis, stretch the right hand forward, step on the ground from the heel to the toe, then touching the surface of the entire foot. Hands do not need to be spread too wide, we place the sticks next to the body, which we slightly tilt forward.

We walk, simultaneously stepping on the left foot and leaning on the right hand, change position, do everything the other way around, the sticks should not drag along the ground, this is your support.

Equipment and poles for Nordic walking

Classes can be held in ordinary clothes and comfortable shoes, no special equipment is required. It is important to choose the right sports equipment. There are poles for Finnish walking in stores, but you can use simple ski poles.

Walking technique with sticks - video tutorial

To learn how to walk correctly, watch the video tutorials.

In parting, I want to wish you to definitely take up this useful and uncomplicated sport. Report your progress on my blog.

Nordic walking is a newfangled hobby of people who lead a healthy lifestyle. It appeared about 70 years ago in Finland thanks to the skier JuheMieto. It was he who guessed to include ski poles without skis in walking. Since then, Nordic walking has become popular all over the world. Classes are easy, train endurance, strength, mobility and coordination.

Anyone can do Nordic walking, regardless of age, weight, gender and health problems. This sport is ideal for older people, because the load on the organs is minimal.

Nordic walking has its own rules:

  • During classes, it is necessary to keep your back straight, trying not to lean forward;
  • Movement while walking resembles skiing. The right arm and left leg move at the same time, the same thing happens with opposite limbs;
  • If you wish, you can alternate the main step with additional movements. For example, alternate walking with jumping and running, take long strides, etc.
  • Squeeze your hands as your arms move forward. Unclench when moving back;
  • The foot is first recommended to be placed on the heel, then on the toe;
  • Walk at a measured pace, you should not suffocate;
  • The first lesson should not exceed 25 minutes. Every day increase the duration of classes by 5 minutes;
  • To maintain shape, it is enough to exercise 3 times a week; to lose weight, it is recommended to do this daily;
  • Sticks must be held confidently, without tension;
  • While moving with your hands, send the stick behind the line of the body back. Due to this, the palm opens slightly, the elbow straightens, and the upper part follows the hand;
  • The movement of the arm should start from the shoulder, and not from the elbow;
  • Steer the sticks, don't drag them behind you, and push hard off the ground. The resulting load depends on the force of the push.

Talk to your doctor before doing Nordic walking. Among the contraindications are infectious diseases, exacerbation of diseases of internal organs and severe heart disease.

For Nordic walking, special poles are used, which are somewhat shorter than ski poles. Sticks of the wrong length can cause severe stress on the knees, ankles and back.

A distinctive feature of walking poles are fixed straps in the handles, which resemble fingerless gloves. This helps to push off without squeezing the handle of the stick. The poles come with a replaceable rubber tip for use on hard surfaces.

Sticks for Nordic walking, as a rule, are made from lightweight materials - aluminum, carbon fiber, composite materials. For classes, you can buy yourself special shoes or limit yourself to classic sneakers.

What are the benefits of such activities?

  1. Rapidly burns calories;
  2. Trains and maintains the tone of the muscles of the body;
  3. Reduces pressure on the spine and knees;
  4. The work of the heart, lungs and musculoskeletal system improves;
  5. Stimulates posture correction, solves shoulder and neck problems;
  6. Suitable for the prevention of osteochondrosis;
  7. Improves coordination and vestibular apparatus;
  8. Trains endurance and cardiovascular system;
  9. Classes are held outdoors, not indoors, due to which the lungs are actively saturated with oxygen;
  10. Thanks to sticks, you can move quickly without much effort and stress on the musculoskeletal system.

Nordic walking is a great way to lose weight without tormenting your body with starvation diets. The result is achieved naturally through rhythmic movements and deep breathing in the fresh air.

If there is no experience, how to start training

A very convenient way to take care of well-being, you only need free time for classes. Many are interested - if there is no experience, I just bought sticks: how to start? Initially, it was a type of training for skiing. Today, the direction helps to maintain and restore health indicators for people of different ages and levels of physical fitness.

  • the right choice of equipment is important, in addition to sticks, you will need sportswear for the season, as well as hiking shoes, they should be as comfortable as possible;
  • do not exercise on an empty stomach, this can lead to pressure surges, dizziness, weakness, the optimal meal time is 1.5 hours before and a couple of hours after training;
  • it is better to conduct the first classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer, this will allow you to hone the correct technique, choose an individual pace;
  • you should not immediately sign up for a group of experienced athletes if the ultimate goal is to restore joint mobility or lose weight.

It is important if there is no experience, I just bought sticks: how to start choosing the best time and place for walking. A flat surface is desirable, without slopes and elevations, and classes are best done in the morning or evening, no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Nordic walking how much to walk

This is a sport, not an ordinary walk in the fresh air. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired results, you need to clearly follow the rules of the training. Nordic walking is useful, how much to walk depends on physical fitness, in contrast to the walking step, more than 46% of kcal is burned. And, most importantly, this type of fitness will save the joints, restore the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Correct Nordic walking how much to walk:

  1. The loss of extra pounds, as well as the increase in endurance, directly depends on the distance traveled, at the initial stage, you need to gradually increase the route.
  2. Then you can move on to acceleration, the pace can be increased after the full development of the technique.
  3. Walking time starts from 20 minutes, after the first 15 minutes of movement, carbohydrates begin to break down, you can devote an hour to Nordic walking as much as possible.
  4. Changing the intensity of the pace for 40-45 minutes helps to normalize blood circulation and oxygen saturation of tissues, improves brain activity, cognitive abilities.
  5. It is necessary to alternate days of training and rest, otherwise the body will not recover, which will lead to the accumulation of reserve kilograms, it is enough to devote 3-4 days a week to dynamic outdoor sports.

Technique - how to walk and breathe correctly

Before you start training, you need to properly warm up the muscles. To do this, you can conduct a standard warm-up, which will involve the neck, torso, upper and lower limbs. For the effectiveness of the lesson, it is important to know how to walk and breathe correctly, also to avoid injuries. The advantage of Nordic walking is its versatility, you can start training at any age, with different levels of training.

  1. A wide step starts from the heel, then it is transferred to the center of the foot and toe, the push is made with the toes, and the second step is parallel to the heel on the ground.
  2. The upper body is held straight, a slight forward angle to reduce resistance, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the shoulders back and down, which allows you to open the chest and strengthen the spinal column.
  3. At first, it is better to master the technique without sticks, after 2-3 workouts you can use them, you should keep them closer to the body, arms bent at the elbows, the stick should be at an angle.
  4. Breathing is an important component, the speed of metabolic processes will depend on the volume of air.
  5. On the plains - a deep breath through the nose for 3 steps, exhale through the mouth for 4 steps, when mastering the slopes - inhale through the nose for 2 steps, exhale through the mouth for 3 steps.
  6. Successful Nordic walking how to walk correctly and how much will depend on the experience of the athlete, first limit the time to half an hour, then gradually increase the pace, be sure to alternate days of training and rest, in order to consolidate the results.

It is important to keep the water balance, during the lesson be sure to drink clean water in small sips.

Features of the route - is it possible to walk in a circle

The advantage of Norwegian walking is the ability to practice in any territory. In the conditions of a metropolis, suburbs, mountainous areas, the sea coast, a park zone - everywhere you can successfully master the technique. Many believe that more calories are burned if a new route is laid every time. For beginners, the question often arises - is it possible to walk in a circle? If there is no special device - a pedometer, this is the most successful way to gradually increase the distance. Also, overcoming the same distance regularly, you can feel the dynamics of endurance development - the day before yesterday, 1 km was covered in half an hour, today - in 20 minutes. In the future, you can increase the number of circles, move from plains to steep and gentle slopes. The question will not arise - is it possible to walk in a circle in the winter season. Classes continue regardless of weather conditions and snowdrifts.

Can Nordic Walking Help You Lose Weight?

The advantage of Norwegian walking is the ability to engage in any degree of obesity. It will turn out to independently reduce weight without the participation of a trainer and special individual programs. The main muscle groups are involved, the load is evenly distributed. Fat deposits are burned in all problem areas - thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms.

How will Nordic walking help for weight loss:

  • to maintain shape, you need to devote at least 15 minutes to walking, to lose weight - from half an hour to 45 minutes;
  • too intense training - more than 1.5 hours daily can lead to the opposite effect, an exhausted body will keep kilograms;
  • you can’t train on an empty stomach, 1.5 hours before the start of the lesson you can eat yogurt, scrambled eggs or fruit, after walking it is not recommended to eat for 2 hours, the subsequent meal should consist of complex carbohydrates and protein - vegetables with cottage cheese, meat or fish;
  • whether Nordic walking will help for weight loss also depends on the frequency of classes, it is optimal to carry out at the same time, 3-4 times a week, to maintain weight, 2 times is enough;
  • the technique of movement and breathing remains classic, to accelerate weight loss it is recommended to increase the amplitude of the arms and legs, this increases the load on the hips, buttocks, back of the arms, while the stomach should be in tension;
  • how to walk correctly and how much to accelerate the desired results it is worth changing the pace, moving from slow to fast and vice versa, a variety of routes will help - asphalt / country road, snow, sand.

Nordic walking - what to do for older people

Many are interested in what to do for the elderly to feel good and correct chronic diseases. This is one of the types of load that has no contraindications and age restrictions.

Benefits for the elderly:

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels, the work of the heart, the respiratory system;
  • prevention of heart attacks, strokes;
  • decrease pain in osteochondrosis;
  • immune properties increase.

Relying on sticks allows you to deal with various chronic conditions, hypertensive patients, obese patients, and diabetes mellitus. The basic rules for what to do for older people is to train at a moderate pace, regularly taking walks lasting 20-30 minutes.

A popular type of activity is Nordic walking, how to walk correctly and how much depends on individual characteristics. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about the treatment of folk remedies.

Varieties of Nordic walking

According to the degree of intensity, speed and saturation with special movements, Nordic walking, also called Nordic walking, is divided into four varieties:

  • general wellness;
  • special wellness;
  • fitness;
  • sports.

The first of them differs little from a regular walk in the park, but at the same time significantly improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neuro-sympathetic systems of the body as a whole, simultaneously strengthening muscles, improving joint mobility and correcting posture.

The second focuses on the development of a particular muscle group, as well as the elimination of problems associated with the consequences of diseases, recent surgeries and, in essence, is a rehabilitation program.

The goal of the third is body modeling and weight loss, which is why Nordic walking with sticks for beginners and experienced is often included in various cardio training complexes.

Finally, the last, fourth variety is a way to maintain optimal shape in the intercompetitive period for professional athletes (primarily skiers and biathletes).

It should be noted that Nordic walking for beginners is usually taught to inexperienced beginners by certified instructors. Only they, at the first stage of your training, will be able to give you a qualified suggestion - where, how and how much you need to walk, what principles to choose sticks and equipment, what mistakes to avoid, what video lesson on Nordic walking for beginners is recommended to study, etc.

Basics of Nordic Walking Technique

The Scandinavian style of walking with sticks (as, indeed, any other) is based on mastering the methodology of its main element - the step. The skill necessary for this does not come immediately, and therefore is introduced into the “muscle memory” in stages.

Selection of sticks

Nordic walking for beginners obliges to provide for another important parameter - the length of the sticks themselves. For professionals, it is calculated using a rather complex formula, and for amateurs, using a simple coefficient multiplied by your own height. It is equal to:

  • 0.66 - if you are planning lightweight, health-improving workouts;
  • 0.68 - for those who want to engage in a fitness version of this walk;
  • 0.70 - size for sports use.

Since the height of all people is different, the length of standard sticks may be very far from the recommended figure. For this reason, it is better to purchase telescopic options, the adjustment of which will not be difficult for growth.

Tip: On soft ground (grass, dirt) use a standard stick tip. On hard surfaces (asphalt, tiles, paving stones) - a special rubber knob

See also "How to choose sticks for Nordic walking?"

How to keep them?

It's just not worth worrying about this. The design of all high-quality models without exception provides for the presence of a special loop that securely fixes the hand, and a lanyard with a special surface configuration, on which the fingers lie almost like a glove.

At the same time, the length of the loop is easily adjusted with a clasp - and therefore you will not be threatened with damage to your wrist or losing a stick. All that remains is to learn not to strain your hands, and then the grip and repulsion technique will be fixed at the subconscious level.

How should the hands work?

Walking technique with Scandinavian sticks for beginners necessarily provides for the correct movement of the hands. In fact, it is similar to the actions when skiing:

  • arms slightly bent;
  • when lifted up, the bend angle decreases to about 45 °;
  • when lowering down, the arm goes to the thigh, the angle increases to 120 °.

How should the legs work?

The main thing here is the movement of the feet. The fulcrum at the push of the supporting leg gradually passes from the heel to the pads, then to the fingers, almost immediately - to the heel of the second leg and then in a circle. Try to create a uniform load on the entire foot - in this case, the muscles will not get tired.

Common Mistakes

As a result of processing a huge number of stories and reviews about the first not only days, but even minutes of Nordic walking without competent preparation, we managed to compile a list of the most common mistakes made by enthusiasts of this type of recreational sport:

  • the use of walking sticks used in any other sport;
  • incorrect position of the hands, in which the sticks go back and literally cross behind the back;
  • attempts to “help” oneself by turning the body towards the forward moving hand;
  • pressure on the stick with a brush, and not all with the hand from the elbow (not only reducing the efficiency of the useful action, but also quickly tiring the wrist);
  • “Wagging” with the feet (in the absence of equal pressure on the right and left parts of the foot, not only the legs get tired quickly, but also “corns” form over time and the skin cracks);
  • rarely, but still happening “pacer’s tread” (a very appreciated feature among mustangs when running, first rearranging only the left, and then only the right pair of legs is absolutely not suitable for a person);
  • the use of only one pair of socks - which is equivalent to the diagnosis of "corns" (two pairs must be worn - moreover, they fit perfectly on the leg and only from high-quality materials).

Water and food

  • Water should be consumed as much as the body requires, signaling this with a feeling of thirst. Although it is desirable to distribute these approximately 2-3 liters as follows: 60% in the first half of the day and 40% in the second. And drink slowly, in small sips.
  • The daily dose of calories is selected depending on whether you want to get better, lose weight or maintain your current weight. But at the same time, you need to eat right - often, but little by little, avoiding unhealthy foods and monitoring the full consumption of the required amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not eat later than 2 hours before Nordic walking.
  • Do not drink coffee or energy after a long load - plain water or a cocktail with a high content of carbohydrates (but not sugar!) will bring much more benefit.
  • Drink BEFORE you eat, not AFTER. This stereotype, which has been established in our country, needs to be changed.

Clothing and footwear

Clothing should be selected depending on the weather conditions - but always breathable and comfortable. This is even more true for shoes - because bad and cheap shoes will cause you and your feet so much harm that no amount of exercise can compensate.

And be always healthy!

In conclusion, two video lessons from experienced instructors.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

This type of exercise has many benefits. Anyone can do Nordic walking, and it does not require any special weather conditions, expensive exercise equipment, special clothing and a gym. In addition, it is very easy to accustom the body to this type of walking. Nordic walking has a fairly mild healing effect and does not require careful preparation of the body for regular exercise.

The benefits of these exercises are due to outdoor activities, in which the body is saturated with a large amount of oxygen. At the same time, blood circulation increases, organs and tissues are washed with nutrients and endorphins are produced - hormones that improve mood and general well-being of a person.

During a long walk, the muscles of the legs, back, arms, torso are included in the work, which ensures intensive burning of calories - a person becomes slimmer, stronger and more resilient. And if you walk in park areas, in squares or in nature, where a pleasant landscape abounds, walking will help to calm the psyche, strengthen the nervous system and increase the body's ability to withstand stress and emotional overload.

Nordic walking can be attributed to a certain type of therapeutic gymnastics, since walking with support elements is part of many complexes that stimulate vital functions.

The benefits of Nordic walking also lie in other effects on the body:

  • blood pressure decreases;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • the body's defenses increase;
  • improves body mobility and coordination of movements;
  • the blood circulation of the brain increases, which leads to an acceleration of reactions and an improvement in memory;
  • reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack;
  • the back muscles are strengthened, which reduces the frequency of pain attacks in osteochondrosis, disc protrusion or in the presence of an intervertebral hernia;
  • increase in life expectancy;
  • improvement of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Relying on sticks reduces the load on the spine and joints, so this sport can be practiced even by unprepared and physically weak people, as well as those who suffer from obesity. The technique of mastering Nordic walking is very simple and accessible to all people.

What are the benefits of Nordic walking for the elderly?

Many wellness activities include exercises that are difficult for older people to do, because older people do not have as good coordination of movements as young people. Nordic walking is an extremely effective form of maintaining physical activity for senior citizens - body movements during these activities are completely natural and do not require special physical preparation. In addition, the duration of classes and the level of load can be adjusted according to your well-being.

This sport helps to increase the density of the skeletal system and restore body functions that are lost over the years. For retirees, this is very important, as bones become more fragile with age and are at high risk of injury. Walking with support is used as a rehabilitation therapy for Parkinson's disease, after surgeries on the joints of the extremities, as well as for general muscle weakness in old age.

There is nothing complicated in the technique of these exercises. Nordic walking almost completely corresponds to an ordinary walk of a person on foot, except that at the same time he also relies on sticks. The movement of the torso should be done without tension, relaxed, legs and arms should move synchronously: the left leg and right hand forward, put the stick, then move the left hand and right leg forward and put the stick again.

When lowering the leg, you need to put it first on the heel, then transfer it to the toe. There should be no jerks during movement - everything is done smoothly and freely, as in normal walking. The pace during walking should be a little more intense than during normal walking. The range of motion of the hands is slightly wider, while the length of the step is determined by the distance of the hands. The wider the step, the greater the load will receive the body.

The intensity of training must be set independently, depending on how you feel. If the load is too light, the benefit will be minimal, so it is advisable to make steps and hand movements as wide as possible.

There are a lot of options for these exercises. You can alternate fast and slow walking, small and wide steps, dilute regular walking with short runs and breaks to recuperate and rest. If ordinary walking with sticks does not provide an effective load, you can use special weights that are attached to the sticks.

To get a positive result from Nordic walking, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  • Training frequency. Experts advise walking with sticks at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more. If health permits, you can walk every day for an hour. For beginners and people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is better to start with walking for 15 minutes twice a week, gradually increasing the frequency and duration of walking. The main rule is that walks should be easy. If discomfort or pain is felt, the intensity of training should be reduced.
  • Warm-up and preparation. As in any other sport, before starting exercise, you need to warm up well. In addition, you should check the fastenings, set the desired length of the straps that hold the sticks in your hands.
  • Breath. There are no strict restrictions here. While walking, it is recommended to breathe as required by the body. With light loads, nasal breathing will be enough, and with intense loads, you can use your mouth.

After completing the training, you need to take a deep breath several times and once again do exercises to stretch the muscles of the thighs, back, and calves. It will be very useful to visit the sauna after walking. If this is not possible, you can take a hot bath - it will perfectly relax the muscles and prevent pain from exertion.

Equipment for Nordic walking

Clothing for walking with sticks should be selected depending on the season and weather conditions. In the summer, T-shirts or T-shirts, shorts and T-shirts made from high-quality natural materials are suitable. For protection from the sun, it is recommended to use a cap or a visor. If you have to walk for a long time, it is better to use sun cream. To prevent injury and the formation of blisters from sticks, special fitness gloves should be worn.

In winter, it is advisable to wear special thermal underwear, but here you need to take into account climatic conditions. During Nordic walking, the body intensively releases heat. If there is too much of it, the risk of catching a cold in the cold increases. You can also walk with sticks in the rain, but you need to wear waterproof shoes and clothes, or use an ordinary plastic raincoat.

The ideal shoes for Nordic walking are ordinary sneakers. But it is quite possible to wear any other sports shoes that will sit comfortably on the foot, do not press and do not cause discomfort during long walks.

How to choose sticks

The most important element of Nordic walking is the right poles. Ordinary ski poles are not suitable here - they are too long and will put undue stress on the knees, back and ankles. In addition, Nordic walking sticks are conveniently attached to the hands with special straps that allow you to make repulsive movements without squeezing the handle, and this, in turn, avoids the appearance of blisters.

If you have to walk on snow or ice, sticks with a sharp spike at the end are used, and when walking on concrete or asphalt, sticks with rubber tips are used.

There are monolithic and telescopic sticks. Monolithic ones are considered more reliable and safe, since they do not have latches that quickly become unusable from the action of moisture and dust, and can break at the most inopportune moment, causing a fall and injury to the athlete. On the other hand, telescopic poles are very convenient to take with you on the road - when folded, they take up very little space.

When choosing a stick for Nordic walking, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  • Pay attention to the manufacturer. The highest quality sticks are made by such companies as: Exel, Leki, Ergoforce, Gabel, Realstick, Marko, Swix, Kompardell. Buying Chinese products or unknown brands is not worth it, because their quality leaves much to be desired.
  • It is not recommended to buy used or discounted sticks.
  • Pay attention to the content of carbon in sticks - this element is responsible for the strength of the equipment. The higher its content, the more reliable the sticks will be. The carbon index must be at least 20%.
  • Do not buy sticks with non-removable tips. Spikes wear out over time and need to be replaced. Cheap sticks will have to be thrown away with unusable tips.
  • The less plastic parts there are in the stick, the better.
  • Examine the shaft and the handle, weigh the stick in your hands, knock it on the floor - it should be elastic and light, lie comfortably in your hand, not slip and be securely fastened.
  • It is advisable to immediately buy a few spare rubber tips.
  • You can not buy sticks that sellers do not allow you to get out of the package.
  • Plastic is the worst material for a pen. It is strictly not recommended to buy such sticks, as they will slide in your hand, complicating training.
  • Pay attention to vibration - if the stick vibrates too much, it will be difficult to practice with it.

The correct length of the stick is also of great importance. To calculate the length, you can use a simple formula: multiply the height by 0.68, round the resulting figure to the nearest multiple of 5. For example, with a height of 180 cm, the optimal length of the sticks will be: 180x0.68 = 122.4. We round up and get 120 - this will be the appropriate length of the stick.

You also need to choose the length of the stick, taking into account the individual structure of the body. So that walking does not cause discomfort, it is recommended to conduct a small test: put a stick with the tip on the toe of the foot. If the elbow of this arm is bent at a right angle, then the length is chosen correctly. It should be borne in mind that the longer the stick, the higher the load when walking. Many instructors recommend purchasing poles that are 5-10 cm longer than the formula, although this advice is more suitable for people who have been Nordic walking for a long time.


One of the advantages of Finnish walking is the absence of special expensive equipment. For classes, you can wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics. In the cold season, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of layering - wear a T-shirt, T-shirt, pita, windbreaker. Warm air is trapped between the layers of clothing, which prevents hypothermia. This principle is much more effective than wearing one thick sweater and a warm jacket. If you do not notice clothes on you, it does not interfere with free movement, you are not cold and not hot, then the equipment is chosen correctly.

During training, you can wear sports or comfortable leather shoes with low soles. It is better to choose high-soled leather sneakers with a reinforced heel. In the cold season, experts recommend wearing two pairs of socks to prevent hypothermia of the legs and rubbing of the skin of the feet. In summer and early autumn, one pair of cotton socks should be used. In the classroom, you must wear already trampled shoes, which have taken the form of a foot. You should not wear new shoes - you will rub corns and break the regime of effective training.

Sports Equipment

How to practice Nordic walking? Know the technique of training and choose the right sticks. Sports equipment for Nordic walking consists of two sticks made of light-alloy material with sharp graphite tips.

Special gloves (lanyard) are attached to the handles, which allow you to strengthen the sticks on your wrists without fixing them with a brush. This is a very important point for the correct technique of Finnish walking.

Sharp tips improve stability on slippery soil, hillsides, snow cover, ice flooring. To move on asphalt in urban conditions, it is necessary to wear rubber covers on the tips, which are sold complete with sticks. Equipment can be purchased in the sports department of supermarkets or specialized online stores.

Rules for choosing sticks for Finnish walking:

  1. Ski poles should not be used. Equipment must be specially designed for Nordic walking.
  2. You can choose regular or telescopic poles, the length of which can be adjusted depending on your height.
  3. Sticks must be selected for growth. This is important for obtaining a stable positive result of training and preventing injuries and complications.
  4. To select equipment, there are coefficients (K) that must be multiplied by the height (P) of the trainee. Formula: KxP = L sticks. The error can reach 2-3 cm.
  5. Types of coefficients that must be applied depending on the physical fitness of the athlete and his state of health:
  • coefficient of the group "health" 0.66 - for the elderly, sick elderly people, untrained athletes, during the rehabilitation period;
  • coefficient from the "fitness" group 0.68 - for trained with an average level of physical fitness, young people, children;
  • coefficient from the "sport" group 0.7 - for athletes and people with a high level of physical fitness.

When is the best time to do Nordic walking? It depends on personal preference. You can train in the morning, afternoon and evening before bed. The lesson should last at least 30 minutes, over time, the duration of walks is increased to an hour or more. Weather and season should not affect the regularity of training. It is important to dress according to the weather, to avoid overheating and hypothermia.

Class technique

Before starting training, you need to familiarize yourself and study the technique of classes. Only proper Nordic walking can improve health and promote longevity. The first classes are usually conducted with an instructor who will tell and show the features of the technique. It is quite possible to learn the technique of classes on your own, it is simple and accessible to everyone. I will tell you how to walk correctly with Nordic walking.

  1. Before starting classes, master the sticks - take it in your hands, fasten the strap on your wrist so that there is no feeling of squeezing the tissues. Bend your arms at the elbows, pull the sticks back, imitate the movement of the arms, as when skiing. Put the sticks in front of you, take a step towards them, and back.
  2. Now you can proceed directly to the technique of healing techniques. During Finnish walking, the movements of the arms and legs alternate: right arm-left leg, left arm-right leg. The hand with the stick must be thrown forward not too far to prevent overstrain of the shoulder girdle. First we put the foot on the heel, then we roll along the outer edge of the foot and move it to the fingertips. An important point - when the hand is behind, it is necessary to relax the hand, while the stick is fixed with a belt on the wrist. This prevents overexertion and injury to the hand.
  3. Inhalation occurs through the nose and lasts 2 steps, exhalation through the mouth and lasts 2 steps. But this is conditional, breathe so that you are comfortable. With intensive walking, inhalation-exhalation must also be done through the mouth.
  4. Before exercising, you should do a warm-up, as with any other workout. Tilts, turns, squats with sticks.

How to walk for weight loss using Nordic walking? The technique is the same, but the sticks must be carried forward as far as possible and take deeper steps. If there are problems with the joints of the upper extremities and the shoulder girdle, the length of the stick must be reduced, and in case of diseases of the joints of the lower extremities, it should be increased by 3-5 cm. This will help relieve diseased joints and prevent pain.

The benefits of Nordic walking are obvious for health and longevity, while it does not require large financial costs and physical effort. Regular exercise not only prevents diseases, but also improves the emotional state and mood. Practice with pleasure, keep your body in good shape, and your soul in harmony. Be healthy!
You can also watch a video, visually studying the technique of Finnish walking.