Dragon age origins fashion demon of desire. Demons (Dragon Age Origins). The impact of the decision made about Connor's fate on the ending of the game Dragon Age: Origins

The creature froze at the door of the dark hospital, locked for the night. There were only a few minutes left until midnight. Time for physical level it felt extremely accurate. Nameless always arrived a little earlier, knowing that punctuality is the basis of trust among regular customers. The creature was hungry. A heavy rusty chain protected the secret side of the Cloaca from this, which thoroughly absorbed the blood and pus of the living city scum, thugs and unfortunate refugees driven by the wind. A real feast of mortal vices. However, too boring. Creatures of this kind like the Nameless One were rare here. The local rabble, for the most part, were just trying to survive. They were overcome by anger, hunger, and sometimes pride over lost times. Sometimes there was no vitality left for the other delights of existence. And without energy, stupid dolls are shamelessly useless. The nameless one gracefully stretched out, like a cat mashed in the sun, and with a terrible sound, clawed at standing nearby stone pillar. She hated being in a place like this. She was used to going around the chambers of earls, eavesdropping on the intrigues of unfaithful noblewomen, tickling lovers hanging on the railings of the balconies of young heiresses... However, the creature was ready to endure. The treat was worth her little effort. Barely audible steps announced that the time had come. The door opened just for a moment, but that was enough. The magical barrier flared up and melted, letting the creature inside a safe haven. Anders inhaled full breasts the sweet smell of decay and indifferently noted the admixture of metallic notes of blood in the night air. Is someone injured? Doesn't matter. This night it is better for ordinary people not to rely on a doctor. Glancing blankly at the bolts of the basement of the influential Kirkwall family, the magician quickly locked the door, as if the metal handle was white-hot. Melodious female giggles came from all directions. Ignoring, Anders walked to the center of the room and sat down on a moth-eaten chair. I tried to relax. Unsuccessfully. The events of today's hike unsettled me. His body ached from fresh cuts and bruises. But my soul hurt more. So many months passed, and the memory was not erased either by alcohol or potions. It was in vain that he once grabbed Hawk by the sleeve and dragged her into an alley. “It’s not for me to condemn you, of course,” the apostate blurted out then and froze, with an insane, but no less loving gaze, burning a hole in the Magess. -But are you sure about Fenris? He reminds me more wild dog than a man. Anders remembered every detail of Hawke's face as her expression changed from worried and sympathetic to something else. Not with hatred, the magician would accept it. Not even disgust. Hawk looked at him with disappointment. Beautiful icy eyes. “You don’t know him at all,” she breathed out tiredly with hidden tenderness, and everything else melted into the fog, like a dream before dawn. It seems that Fenris himself, worried about Hawke's sudden disappearance, found her in an alley. It seems there was a heated conversation. It seems they left together, and he was left standing alone with the raging hurricane inside. And Justice, which gained more and more power. The apostate's own tormented soul could no longer restrain him. And Vengeance took advantage of the situation as best he could. It was so long ago... But it continued to come to life every night. Anders bit his wrist hard enough to draw blood and winced in pain. The memories were driving me crazy. He needed a distraction. And he knew the way. The air was suddenly filled with the sugary aroma of roses with hints of sulfur. A figure stepped out of the blackness of the shadows, gold jewelry clinking seductively on a perfectly proportioned naked body. The nameless woman was in her usual appearance and had no doubt about the attractiveness of the latter. Delicate purple sparkling skin, purple flames framing the face, neat horns. Slowly swaying her hips, she was in no hurry to approach the chair where the magician she needed was sitting. On the contrary, feigning embarrassment, the demoness coquettishly tucked a lock of fire behind her pointed ear. “You opened the door for me again, sweetie,” she whispered, narrowing her violet-colored eyes. - Don't you listen to the voice of reason? Anders looked away in disgust. The creature was lying. They both knew for a long time how their secret meetings would end. And that the apostate will not turn back. The demoness allowed herself a slight, victorious smile. She never told clients about the number of feedings after which the end would come. But in this case, the victim had a clear idea of ​​what he was getting into. And that the last time has come. “Have it your way,” the demoness purred as she approached the chair and walked around it from behind, placing her clawed hands on the back. - Do you want to change something in our game or as usual? - Shut up and let's get down to business! - Anders didn’t recognize his own voice. Outrageous. Angry. Old Hamelin came to mind, and the apostate laughed bitterly. The creature was in no hurry. Something about this magician, whose energy she so craved, alarmed her. There was an unusual power in him that I wanted to drink to the dregs. To possess, as a miser dreams of his neighbor's gold. Today she will have her last sip. Decent pay for making your dreams come true. Anders looked ahead, and the light from the fireplace reminded him of the good old days, youth, fun. For a moment he forgot where he was, and the leisurely appearance of a woman wrapped in only a scarlet shawl did not cause rejection. The illusion gently covered his head. “The children are sleeping, dear,” the guest whispered, playfully putting her finger to her lips, causing the shawl to fall and get tangled in her legs. - I missed you so much. Anders slowly ran his gaze over the familiar shapes, softly illuminated by the flames of the hearth, and met the woman’s gaze. Blue like the sky on a summer day. Eyes as serene and hot as midday. Hawk. “I missed you too,” the renegade exhaled and, as if by permission, others touched his lips, soft and warm. Gentle hands slid from the shoulders to the neck, deepening the kiss. Pressing and then releasing the pulsating vessel caused goosebumps. Anders put his arm around the woman’s waist, pulling her towards him to sit her on his lap, but she pulled away with a slight grin. “We were recently chatting with Isabella,” Hawk said, looking away as if lost in thought. At the same time, her body carefully knelt right in front of the apostate. - She told me an interesting theory... I think I want to test it right now! Anders smiled and did not resist when a thin shawl tied his hands behind the back of the chair. Hawk admired her work and slowly moved closer, starting to work on the tight little buttons on the robe... When the game came to an end, the creature gladly returned to its own form, which suited it much better. The magician leaned back in his chair in a deep sleepy trance. This time she drank more vitality than ever. There is no doubt that he liked it. - And yet, what did you find in her, stupid? - the demoness asked the void, bending over the warm mortal body. She sensed a sweet energy in him. The vessel, unlike lower spirits, did not interest her. - Just don’t drag “love” into this, magician. This is a very fragile concept, believe me. I can smell it. Someone like you is incapable of love. Only to dream... Only to wish... Only to destroy... With each phrase she got closer and closer to the neck and now, licking a fresh bruise goodbye, she sank her sharp teeth into the flesh. Blood gushed from the wound, along with magic and power. Intoxicated, the creature happily beat its tail on its thighs. - Enough! - an inhuman voice split the silence of the hospital. The nameless one yelped in fear when the former victim's fingers clasped her neck, breaking both her physical shell and wounding her at the spiritual level. The last thing the demon of desire remembered before her death was the eyes of the possessed man shining with a fierce light. Physical bodies The inhabitants of the Shadow are supported only by the stolen energy of mortals. Having died, the Nameless One released control, and the once beautiful shell gently crumbled into dust. Vengeance calmly took the remnants of the forces taken by the creature and winced. Anders, its carrier, slept in the back of his mind and was a pathetic shadow of his former self. The demoness did a great job, in this state the magician will not be able to stop him. And he won’t want to. Revenge picked up the dusty robe from the floor and shook it off. The fabric turned black and gained gloss. Having put it on, the spirit smiled. The time has come to fulfill our plans. Mages will gain long-awaited freedom. Nothing will stand in his way. That’s why it’s worth checking out the well-known magician named Hawk. Justice must prevail.

All three parts are beautiful in their own way, each has found its fans. You can't please everyone, so complaining that someone doesn't like something is useless. Not only will this not convince the true fan that games suck, but it will even more likely cement him in his position.

There is such a trick: the first thing you played, you fell in love with. Of all three parts, I completed DA2 the very first. And you know, I love it more than all the others, despite the fact that from both a visual and script point of view it is in many ways inferior to both DAO and DAI.

In most cases, the true fans who hate the rest of the franchise are the ones who completed DAO in the first place. But try to abstract yourself from its ghostly splendor and take it all apart.
There are also a lot of mistakes and script failures in DAO. It is incredibly long, and in places terribly boring. If we turn to the opinion of the majority (which is not always the right move), then, for example, the mission in Orzamar can be safely declared one of the longest. It’s incredibly boring to go through, especially if you’re trying to please everyone and do everything, everything, everything available on the Deep Paths. Go there, take the letter to that one, kill her, clean her here, wipe her there, fight this, find her, and PLEASE CHOOSE FOR ALL OF US HIGH-RANKING GNOMES, THE FUTURE KING OF ORZAMAR!!! YOUR WORD IS SO IMPORTANT TO US, OH NO NAME DUDE WHO CALLS HIMSELF A GRAY GUARDIAN!!!11!1 (well, if you play as a gnome, then, yes, this makes a little sense, literally adding justification for why exactly you were entrusted with the choice of the future mother -his-king). This is a real bug.
After. Hike for the Urn. Mission in the name of stretching time. Well, what are we acquiring that is so important on this trip? The Urn does not appear anywhere else in the plot. It's simply cut out. She is not even mentioned in further parts, because she was LOST. This is what really hinders the passage. Instead, you could come up with something shorter. And in general, in principle, the Radcliffe branch is too stretched out.
The circle of magicians is just a mess. Well, it’s okay to run around the SAME floors at first. And then the demon of Idleness appears - and all is lost. Second idiotic quest for half a week. There is one cool mod, which reduces all travel through the shadow to communication with companions and a further battle directly with the boss. And that's enough. The rest is just an empty heap in the name of wasting the player’s time and patience.
And these three just immediately came to mind. But how many similar seemingly trifles are found along the way.
Why do they criticize the second one? Well, she's second. Plus, it was done in a hurry, so it’s bursting with an abundance of similar locations, like a medieval balcony with stucco. Many people didn’t like the combat because ugh! auto-guidance is for suckers! They swear at boring characters or the unreasonableness of someone’s actions. And of course: pachimuya can only play for a person????????? where are my hot gnomes and passionate elves????
Let's go in order.
1) The game was made in a hurry. The good majority wanted a continuation, the studio sensed a gold-bearing bird, and therefore, in the shortest possible time, they sat down with the developers and demanded candy. Naturally, I had to save on something, because I wanted to both spend less and get it done faster. Because of this, there are so many identical locations.
2) Combat! Not only did they push in auto-guidance, but they also cut off a good half of the skills. Why was this done? Tell me, did you manage to master everything while completing DAO as a magician? The trick is that during development, both the lowest lvl of completing the entire story pack and the highest are taken into account. Most high level passing in DAO - 24. For each lvl you are given 1 skill point (or 2? I don’t remember). In any case, the magician has as many as 76 spells throughout the entire game. Well, where is there so much if I can only choose 24 (48?) from them. And this is at the maximum level, without using any additional goodies! But the average level of passing is somewhere around lvl 17-20. Therefore, all classes had their skill branches trimmed so that they could try everything to the maximum. In return, a skill improvement system was added, adding some pretty big bonuses to existing skills.
But I won't argue. In DA2, precisely as the character Hawk, the most dull magicians of all (But I don’t play magicians, so that’s fine for me).
3) Pardon me? Boring characters in DA2? Have you ever tried to point out not good/evil answers, but humorous ones? That's what's great about DA2 - it's the elaboration of the dialogues of the humorous protagonist with his party members/enemies. What are you saying? Does he become an irresponsible asshole who only works for money? So dig deeper into the character’s history (but more on that later), and you’ll understand what’s what.
Did Anders unjustifiably blow up the church? It wasn't him, if you remember. More precisely, he is not alone. Since the DAO, Anders has noticeably worn out. Yes, there are still bits of that reckless and sharp-tongued guy in him that we met in the Tower of Vigil, but, Andraste panties, how little is that! HOWEVER. Remember that Anders is now forever bound to the spirit of justice. Therefore, his changed character, as well as the desire to save everyone from each other, is a completely expected phenomenon. Yes, he became a whiner and not like everyone else, but why not? Ultimately, you can always tell him that the templars rule, and, instead of a bucket of advances, he will pour a barrel of slop on you.
Fenris is good. He is firmly convinced of his views and follows them, reluctantly bending to Hawke's decisions. And only fierce friendship with him will help convince him to take the side of the magicians. And then - very, very reluctantly. And the fact that many say that he suffers pussyly over Alexius and complains about slavery is a completely normal phenomenon for a freed slave who has been subjected to torture and torture all his life. I would love to see how you started singing in a situation like his.
Merrill is a fool. But she’s a bunny, you can forgive her anything.
Aveline is a goddess. And no matter what anyone says, she is the most loyal character in this game after Varrick. Everyone will leave, but she and Varrick will remain, because you can’t buy friendship.
Varric is a god. The best character in the entire franchise. Just look at his chest hair!
There is also Isabella. But this is a very controversial character. And this is its beauty. You can become her sworn enemy, best friend, or just another rogue whom she will gladly fool. But besides, if you earn her trust, she will turn out to be a pretty good friend and comrade.
Every single character in this part, including GG, are anti-heroes. And given the plot, this is more than appropriate.
4) Why per person? Because._. I find it difficult to answer here. Well, the developers decided so. I think this was again due to the short time for development, and therefore for writing the script. To include other classes, we would have to take either a different, broader plot, or we would have to cut out our own backstory for each class, as in the last part. Yes, it would be cool, but again, the deadlines are tight, there is no time, and therefore, instead of a wide scope for half a day, they decided to film an intimate story within one city. Which is also not bad if you think about the game’s plot logic (more on that later).

Now let's get the juice.
The most typical comments under posts with something from DAI are: “I wasted my time”, “I wish I could sell this off”, “everyone who loves the third part is a shit eater, because they ate similar feces” - and the like.
A reasonable question: is everything really that bad? Let's all get amnesia together and forget the videos of armchair critics justifying the “disgustingness” of the third part with their fierce love for the first. No, that will not do.
DAI has one very big drawback. In its desire to immerse the player as much as possible into the wonderful world of Thedas (which you can just smear yourself with, how awesome it is), the game literally FORCES this very world to be studied up and down.
Remembering what I said above, the developers also take into account the minimum required level to complete the game ENTIRELY. Therefore, most of the locations in DAI were made purely for fun, so that out of curiosity you would look here, and then here too, and at the same time look into this cave, and then realize that you were covered in dust, since the first time you did everything You won’t get through 100 DAI and you’ll dig around there from morning to night, not even noticing that you’ve completely forgotten about the plot. To completely complete the plot and + collect all your party members, you just need to get to 8-9 locations. There will be enough missions there to get the necessary approval, despite the fact that after moving to Skyhold it generally flows like a stream from everywhere. And for the laziest, they came up with contracts with traders.
The plot in DAI, as for me, is in no way inferior to DAO, if not superior to it. Yes, we are still the most important big shot in Thedas, driving around locations to rub something on someone and collect grass, but now at least we have our own subordinates. And a beautiful table. And the bedroom._.
But seriously, DAI is a take on a really serious subject. We do not save the world from pestilence, we do not become the defender of the city, but we deal with things much larger and more ancient than dragons and cowardly authorities. At the end of DAI, they not only break the mold, throwing in the news that the ancient gods existed, but also demonstrate the true Creator. A huge layer of history is revealed, which was deliberately hidden from us in the previous parts. And on the scale of the created universe, the turning point with the elven “gods” becomes truly decisive for so many heroes of the series: for their worldview and self-determination. And the most important thing is that the developers didn’t just try to develop something similar in the franchise, but did it competently, answering a lot of questions. For example, who is Flemeth and how awesome is she?
The characters in DAI are well designed. If you set yourself the goal of revealing them, then they all do it in full. Suppose in the same DAO such characters as Sheila or even Stan remain only half revealed, I personally had a lot of questions that I could not get answers to. Sheila is a golem and Stan is a qunari. All. We get a lot of information about their worldview, but this does not fully reveal them, except perhaps as such good philosophers. Let’s say that there weren’t a lot of stuff about Morigan either, but this was enough to create a complete portrait of her. The same cannot be said about Sheila and Stan.
In DAI, Sera has similar sins. But I bet that she may still appear in the next parts, so she should be given a chance. However, within the framework of the third game it is poorly revealed.
The rest are wonderful.
In the third part, they did not try to do anything new from the point of view of playing with the GG, because the entire emphasis is placed not so much on the formation of the GG, but on the revelation of the world of DA - this is the main difference between the third part and all the others, where the fate of the GG, and not the world, was put forward in general.

Let's summarize: DAO is good because everything literally screams how much the developers themselves adore it, with what love it was made; DA2 is a dynamic and strong game in terms of character development, but simplified in game mechanics; DAI is excellent in terms of plot, but a little drawn out and complicated by the concept of passing this very plot, that is, the need to obtain additional goodies in order to complete the plot mission.
In terms of graphics, none of the parts pretend to be photographic or next-gen. Each brings something new, making the world of Thedas more comfortable, and the characters more pleasing to the eye and more unique. The entire franchise is simple and made with love, no matter what anyone says. So I repeat: each part will find a fan, so fierce hatred towards any of the parts is extremely unjustified. And no, DAO is not “absolutely the best”, because for some it can be both DA2 and DAI.
There is no need to call a fan of the second or third part of the franchise a shit eater, because, fellow critics and true fans, there will probably be fans of FIFA, CS and other money-sucking monotonous material among you who do the same thing year after year.
Respect other people's opinions.

Demon of Hunger

The hunger demon is almost as savage as the wrath demon. In appearance, this demon is similar to those possessed. And not in vain, because he prefers to inhabit magicians. There is a semi-boss in the game.

Demon of Idleness

The Demon of Idleness is a sentient demon. He tempts people to remain in eternal peace. He builds for people the illusion of eternal peace and tranquility. He is able to apply different shapes. It occurs twice in the game: the first time there is no need to fight with him; the second time he is the boss.

Demon of Desire

The Demon of Desire is one of the strongest demons. She is able to convert anyone to her side. She also loves to make deals. In the quest to save Konar, there is an opportunity to make a deal with the demon of desire.

Demon of Pride

The demon of idleness is the most powerful of demons. It is gigantic in size and is capable of awakening anger and pride in people. Possesses unprecedented magical power. You can fight the demon of pride in the finals of the circle of magicians.

In the Shadow, unlike the Sleeping World, everything is constantly changing due to emotions and desires. Although not only demons live in the Shadow, benevolent spirits can also become them, reborn due to their passions (like Justice in Dragon Age 2), or changed by force, as in Solas' quest.

The appearance in the sky of the largest gap in the Veil, called the Gap, affected even the deepest parts of the Shadow, which is why demons that are rare even for the Shadow, such as demons of fear and despair, began to be pulled into the Waking World. Some of the more familiar demons from previous games in the series, such as demons of desire, are gone, and new ones have appeared in their place. What stands out most among the rest are four demons, found in a single copy. Let's start with more unambiguous "personalities".

The demon of envy will be encountered in the Terinfal citadel during the quest “Defenders of Justice” (templar side). There he commanded the order on behalf of Lord Seeker Lucius. Upon closer “acquaintance,” he drags the Inquisitor into the Shadow, where he first takes on the guise of advisers, and then the Inquisitor himself. Later - on the tower of the citadel - you will have to fight with him, where he will summon the red templars.

The Nightmare Demon is Corypheus's partner according to his plan. Their union is mutually beneficial, since the chaos generated by the Elder causes people a lot of suffering and fear, which feeds the demon. Like Corypheus, he is very fond of tame “little animals”. He has a giant spider that will prevent the heroes from leaving the Shadow (quest “There Lies an Abyss”). Either Hawk or one of the Guardians can deal with the creature (depending on the outcome of the Meeting of the Lands in “The Beginning”). He will also comment on the fears of the squad depending on its composition. With the next two things are not so clear.

Imshel - he cannot be called a demon, since he, in fact, is a step above them. He is one of the Forbidden - ancient demons who, according to legend, were found by ancient masters. His first appearance is in "Empire of Masks", where he is insulted by being called a demon and says that he is the spirit of choice. In "Inquisition" he can be found in the Suledin fortress (Emprise du Lyon) during the quest "Call me Imchel". There he helps the Red Templars by growing red lyrium for them. May die depending on the player's choice.

Solas' friend is perhaps the most controversial character. He can be found on the Sacred Plain, where we see him surrounded by several columns (the quest "Outside the Native Elements"). Before his rebirth, he was the spirit of wisdom. He was called by magicians to protect himself from robbers. Having gone against his nature by killing robbers, he was reborn as the demon of pride. He can be freed by destroying the summoning circle.