Dragon Age: Inquisition - Walkthrough: Companions - Recruitment. RPG Series Dragon Age Dragon age inquisition find out attitude

Satellite locations V Dragon Age: Origins depends on decisions made during the story, as well as gifts. Approval brings bonuses in battle (increased magic, willpower, agility, constitution, cunning, strength), opens and. Bonuses are issued for every 20-25 location points, and are divided into four levels: minor, moderate, major and massive. If the position is poor, the companion may leave the squad and never return. When making decisions, you need to take into account possible reaction companion, based on his character, which is revealed and learned during the main plot of the game. Sometimes deadlock situations will arise when it is impossible to please all the companions in the squad at once. In such cases, you should try to choose a less conflicting option, so as not to spoil the relationship with the dissenting party. And if you still offend your companion, it can significantly simplify the reconciliation of the parties. The level of each companion's relationship with the main character can be found in the inventory menu by pressing the [I] key. The horizontal multi-colored scale under the satellite figure is the desired indicator.

The favor, or approval, scale in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Friendly relations(Friendly): +76 to +100.
  • Warm relations(Warm): +26 to +75.
  • Neutral relationship(Neutral): -25 to +25.
  • Hostile relationship(Hostile): -99 to -26.
  • Relationships in crisis(Crisis): -100.

Romance scale in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Love(Love): from +91 to +100.
  • Adoration(Adore): +71 to +90.
  • Care(Care): from +51 to +70.
  • Interest(Interested): +26 to +50.
  • Uncertainty(Neutral): -25 to +25.
  • Hostility(Hostile): -99 to -26.
  • A crisis(Crisis): -100.

Cassandra, Varric and Solas join you in the Prologue. You will not have the opportunity to refuse their company.

Unlike these three, you can refuse to recruit any of the following associates.


After the scene with Lord Seeker Lucius during the quest “The Danger Has Not Passed,” an envoy from the Circle of Mages will appear at the Summer Market in Val Royeaux, who will give you an invitation to a party on behalf of a certain sorceress Vivien. This will give you the quest "Imperial Enchantress". Go to the indicated location (you need to go to the world map for this). After you watch the video and decide what to do with your opponent, Vivien will offer you her services.

Iron Bull

The quest “Captain Bulls” will appear in your journal after returning from Val Royeaux and talking with your advisors. Leave the Church and talk to the mercenary messenger - Cream. He will invite you to a meeting with the leader of their group, Iron Bull. The Iron Bull is located on the Storm Coast, very close to your first camp. Talk to him and you can recruit him as an ally, and the rest of his mercenaries will join the Inquisition as an additional military unit.


After you witness a strange meeting between Lord Seeker Lucius and the Reverend Mother Evara, following the quest “The Danger Has Not Passed,” just a few minutes later, while exploring the Summer Market, an arrow with a mysterious message will pierce the ground under your nose. This will activate the quest "Red Jenny's Friend".

According to the message, look for "red clothes" in the market, on the pier and in the tavern. Go to the designated places and look for the red scarf on the floor - to do this you need to activate the search button. It's not as difficult as it seems - the right place is marked with a quest marker, so you'll always have an idea of ​​where exactly to start your search. In addition, the red scarf is quite bright and attracts attention. (But you still need to press the search button to activate it.) The tavern and pier are located on the same level, but the desired market is on the top - go to the map to be transported to the desired location (map levels can be changed in the upper right corner ). After you find all three messages, you will receive a key and a new location that you can visit by opening the world map. Go there, watch the video, kill the enemies that appear and make a decision whether or not to take an unexpected ally as your permanent companion.


After your return from Val Royeaux, Leliana will share with you her concerns about the strange disappearance of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden and Orlais. This will give you the Lone Guardian Quest. Go to the place marked on the map of the Inner Lands and help the Gray Guardian and his “recruits” fight off the attackers. After this, you will have the opportunity to get him as an ally.


You meet Cole during the quest "Defenders of Justice", although he will not join you during this stage of the quest. Cole himself will find you after completing the quest and you will have the opportunity to recruit him into your group.
If you did not follow the path of the templars and chose instead the quest “Tempting Whispers”, then Cole will find you when you start the next story quest, tell you what happened to the templars, and offer his services.


Recruiting Dorian is virtually the same as recruiting Cole, except that you must go the mage route and choose the Tempting Whispers quest to meet him. (Theoretically, you can meet him and still choose the templars, since you can visit Redcliffe and talk to the mages before you get to the "point of no return". The point of no return for these two quests is the moment they both become available on your map of military operations.)

If you chose the quest “Tempting Whispers”, then Dorian will accompany you during this quest, and after it you will have the opportunity to recruit him for good. If you chose the “Defenders of Justice” quest, then, like Cole, Dorian will appear in the Vault himself at the beginning of your next story quest, tell you what happened to the magicians in Redcliffe, and offer his services.



The main character of the game. Race, gender, appearance, name, voice, class and sexual orientation depend on the player's choices. By various reasons was sent to the conclave of the church in the Free Marches, where events that changed the world took place. In the future, he will revive the ancient organization known as the Inquisition. He has a mysterious mark on his hand, given to him by the Shadow. With its help, he can interact with the shadow and close the portals from which a stream of demons poured into Thedas. But he cannot remain unnoticed for long and the one who started all this begins to hunt him.

Depending on the race and class you choose, your character may have the following backgrounds:

  • Human Inquisitor (Warrior, Rogue) - youngest child Lord Trevelian of the town of Ostwick in the Free Marches. From a very young age he was put on the path of serving the Church and the Creator.
  • Human Inquisitor (mage)- is the offspring of the same Lord Trevelian. IN early age He discovered magical abilities and was sent to the Ostwick Circle of Magicians. During the mage uprising, he took the side of his brothers and fought with the templars for his life.
  • Elf Inquisitor (warrior, rogue)- grew up in the elf clan Lavellan, who roamed the expanses of the Free March. In his mature years he became good hunter, which provided food and protection to the clan.
  • Elf Inquisitor (mage)- comes from the same clan of Lavellan elves. He is a promising student of the Clan Guardian.
  • Inquisitor-Dwarf (warrior, robber)- A ground gnome, a representative of the ruthless criminal family Kadash. He lived on the streets of various Free March cities until he joined a criminal group known as the Charter, where he smuggled lyrium.
  • Inquisitor-Kossit (warrior, robber, mage)- rejected Kun’s teachings and never even visited the lands of his followers. He bears the shameful name of tal-vasgoth and is part of a mercenary detachment called Valo-kas.
Depending on the chosen race, the player will receive the following bonuses: human - skill point; elf - 25% protection against ranged attacks; gnome - 25% protection from magic; Qunari - 50 health points. Inquisitor's Companions


  • Varric Tetras- a gnome - an adventurer from an influential trading family of gnomes - ground dwellers. Hawke's companion in Dragon Age II. After the events of the second part of the series, he joins the Inquisition.
  • Cassandra Pentagast- A seeker of truth who interrogated Varric in Dragon Age II. Also joins the revived Inquisition. Love interest for male character only.
  • Vivien- a mage from Orlais who was a candidate for the post of First Sorcerer, but due to growing political tensions in the country, she had to leave and join the Inquisition to help her fellow mages.
  • Iron Bull- Qunari, commander of a mercenary squad. Engaged in espionage in other countries under the leadership of the Qunari. Joins the Inquisition to learn more about the activities of this rapidly gaining power organization. Unlike most, Qunari is friendly and sociable. He prefers not to follow the teachings of Kun and takes everything he can from life. Love interest for any gender and race
  • Solas- elven magician - renegade, specialist in the Shadow and its inhabitants. From an early age he practiced magic and developed it to perfection without outside help. The Inquisition needs his knowledge to counter the threat posed by the rifts in the skies. Love interest for female Elven character only
  • Sulfur- elven archer. A simple-minded and impulsive woman from the streets of Orlais who enjoys only the present moment. Joins the Inquisition to answer the many questions that plague her. Love interest for female characters only.
  • Dorian Pavus- Tevinter Master. A hermit who supported the abolition of slavery. Wanting to prevent his compatriots from following the path of evil in the midst of the war between magicians and templars, he joins the Inquisition. Love interest for male character only
  • Cole- demon from the shadows, for a long time who considered himself a ghost of a man. Has the ability to remain invisible to most people and influence their consciousness.
Blackwall- Veteran of the Order of the Gray Wardens from Val Shevin. Believes that the Gray Wardens should guard Thedas not only during the Blight, and therefore will join the Inquisition. He is fascinated by the legends about the ancient representatives of his order. Love interest for female character only NPCs


  • Hawk- protagonist of Dragon Age II. A person of the player's chosen gender. During the Fifth Blight, he fled from Lothering to Kirkwall, where he lived for 7 long years. He took part in the uprising of the magicians and took one of the sides in the conflict (magicians or templars). After the events that happened in the city, he disappeared without a trace.
  • Leliana- a female bard who accompanied the Hero of Ferelden during the events of Dragon Age: Origins. One of the Inquisitor's allies, representing the Purple Ravens faction.
  • Cullen- a knight-templar who served in the Ferelden Circle of Mages and took part in the uprising of magicians in Kirkwall. After the events he experienced, he views magicians with great distrust. One of the Inquisitor's allies, representing the Red Fists faction. Love interest only for female characters of the human or elven race.
  • Josephine Montilier- the eldest daughter of the influential Antivan family and an old friend of Leliana. One of the Inquisitor's allies, who represents the interests of the organization in the field of diplomacy. Love interest for any gender and race
  • Flemeth- a powerful witch from previous parts of the series.
  • Morrigan- daughter of Flemeth, pursuing unclear goals. During the events of Dragon Age: Origins, she assisted the Hero of Ferelden. In one of the ending options of the first part, she saved the life of him or another Gray Guardian from the detachment by conceiving a child from one of them and placing the soul of the defeated Archdemon in him. During the events of the game, she is an advisor to Empress Selina I of Orlais.
  • Alistair- Gray Guardian and ally of the Hero of Ferelden. Depending on the choice made in the first part of the series, he can occupy different positions.
  • Anora- daughter of Loghain MacTear and wife of the late King of Ferelden, Cailan Theirin. An intelligent, powerful and ambitious woman who achieves her goals at any cost. Depending on the choice made in the first part of the series, he can occupy different positions.
  • Selina I- The youngest Empress of Orlais, she ascended the throne at the age of 16. She tries in every possible way to create warm relations with Ferelden and find a peaceful solution to the conflict between magicians and templars, which is why many nobles do not support her.
  • Gaspard de Chalon- Grand Duke, cousin of the Empress, veteran and Chevalier of the Orlesian Empire. Selina's diplomatic approach does not suit him, so he tries with all his might to fight for power in the empire.
Sir Michel de Chevin- Chevalier in the service of Empress Selina I and her personal bodyguard.
New part Dragon games Age introduced a new series of key characters, and also did not forget about the characters from the previous parts, so in the game you can meet both old and new party members. But the game will show players not only companions, but also key non-player characters from previous parts, such as Morigan, Alistair and many others. Below you can see the comrades you can recruit into your Inquisition:

Varric Tetras is also Hawk's companion from the previous part, he is also a dwarf, and he is also an adventurer. In general, nothing new, everyone has already met him in Dragon Age 2. He is part of a very influential trading family of his fellow gnomes. After the events that happened in the second part, I decided to join the Inquisition.

Cassandra Pentagast is the same seeker of truth from the second part, she also interrogated Varric. Also, because of personal motives and beliefs, I decided to become a member of the Inquisition.

Iron Bull is a member of the Qunari race. The head of a very famous mercenary squad. He carried out various espionage operations in other regions, at the behest of the same Qunari. He will join the Inquisition because he wants to learn more about the activities of the rapidly growing order. He differs from other Qunari in his friendliness and courtesy to chat. He doesn’t like to follow Kun’s instructions; he prefers to take everything in life that he can carry in his hands.

Vivien is a magician from the famous Orlais. She was among the first candidates for the position of First Sorcerer, but as political tension began to rise sharply in the country, she was forced to leave her native land and join the ranks of the Inquisition in order to somehow find a way to save her fellow magicians.

Solas is an elf mage who is also a renegade. Master of the Shadow and everyone who lives there. While still a baby, he began to practice magic and soon brought his magical abilities to perfection. Solas's knowledge is simply necessary for the Inquisition, since you need to know what you are fighting against and how to fight it.

Sera is an archer of elven descent. She was born and raised for a long time on the streets of Orlais. Quite an impulsive, but also simple-minded girl. Constantly enjoys the present moments of life. She joins the ranks of the Inquisition in order to dispel many questions unknown to her.

Dorian Pavus is a famous Tevinter magister who constantly fights against slavery. Opposes slavery. He tries with all his might to prevent his comrades from following the path of evil and darkness; due to a lack of his own strength, in the midst of the war between the Mages and the Templars, he joins the ranks of the Inquisition.

Cole is something completely new. He is a demon who came from the shadows; for a long time he considered himself the ghost of a man who once existed. Has the ability to become invisible to most of humanity, and can also mysteriously influence their consciousness.

Blackwall is the man who will link one order with another. Blackwall represents the order of the Gray Wardens, who live in Val Shevin. Has his own personal beliefs. He believes that the Gray Guardians must protect Thedas not only from the Blight, but also from other evil spirits and villains. Thus, he joins the ranks of the Inquisition. He knows and is passionate about the legends of his order.

Non-player characters

- The main character of Ferelden - main character the first part - Dragon Age: Origins. The last member of the legendary order of the Gray Wardens that once lived in Ferelden. Race and gender depend on the player's choice at the beginning of the game. He took a key role in the fight against the fifth Blight and in other events that took place at the same time. The ending depended on the choices and actions of the main character.

Hawk is the main character of the second part - Dragon Age II. Unlike the previous part, the main race was human, but the choice of gender was left to the player's choice. When the events of the fifth Blight took place, he fled from the destroyed Lothering to the city of Kirkwall, where he lived for the last seven years. He took part in the uprising of the magicians and chose one of the two sides of this conflict (templars or magicians). After what happened in the city, he disappeared without a trace.

Leliana - who also accompanied the main character of the first part - the Gray Warden of Ferelden throughout the game. She is a bard girl. Becomes a loyal ally of the Order of Inquisitors. She is the leader of the Purple Crows faction, and therefore is its direct representative.

Kellen is a character who appears in all previous parts of the game as a Knight Templar. In the first part, he conducted his service in the Circle of Mages, which was located in Ferelden. In the second part, he took part in the uprising of magicians in the city of Kirkwall. After all the events that he experienced, he treats magicians with quite a lot of distrust. He is also an ally of the Inquisitors. He is the leader of the Red Fists faction.

Josephine Montilier - she is a fairly old friend of the Leliana you know, and also a representative of a fairly influential Antivan family (the eldest daughter in the family). He is an ally of the Inquisitor and represents the interests of this organization, but only in the field of diplomacy.

Flemeth is the most powerful and no less mysterious person from the two previous parts, found almost everywhere, but little is known about her.

Morrigan is the child (daughter) of Flemeth. Pursues unclear goals. In the original part of Dragon Age: Origins, she accompanied the Gray Guardian everywhere. There are several endings to the completion of the first part with the participation of Morrigan. She either saved the life of the hero of Ferelden, or saved the life of the second Gray Warden that was in the detachment. Having conceived a child with one of the guards, she placed the soul of the slain Archdemon in him. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, she plays the role of advisor to the Empress of Orlais, Selina I.

Alistair is a surviving Gray Warden, comrade and friend of the Hero of Ferelden. Depending on the choice in the first part, he occupies completely different positions.

Anora is the brainchild (daughter) of Teirn Loghain and the wife of the now deceased King of Ferelden, Cailan Tyrin. A woman who has the quality to get her way at any price. Depending on how you did in the first part, you may occupy completely different positions.

Selina I is the youngest empress in the history of Orlais. She was already behind the throne at the age of 16. He tries in every way to build the warmest possible relations with the residents and government of Ferelden. Trying to find the same peace settlement conflict between Mages and Templars, so most of the nobles do not support her intentions.

Gaspard de Chalon - The Greatest Duke, is the cousin of Empress Selina I. He is a Veteran and Chevelier of the Orlesian Empire. Since he does not like Selina’s diplomatic approaches, he tries with all his might to fight with her for power over the empire.

Sir Michel de Chevin - he is the personal bodyguard of Empress Selina I (chevalier in service).

There were nine of them in total. The squad is colorful: there is a fugitive wizard, a good-natured killing machine, and a political intriguer. Judging by the stories of the developers, relations within the party will be very diverse - xenophobia, warm friendship, reluctant cooperation, and so on. Gmbox editors have chosen the most Interesting Facts about the game characters with whom you can go to save the world.


A demon who took on human form. Although in the world of Dragon Age demons are evil creatures that feed on the emotions and desires of people, Cole tries to help those in trouble. He feels the pain and suffering around him and tries to restore justice. Cole first appeared in the book Dragon Age: Asunder. According to the developers, if the player accepts a demon into the party, “strange things will begin to happen.” Not all allies will greet this creature with cordiality.


An elf mage who developed his skills without the control of the Circle, an organization that serves as both a prison and a school for wizards. Soles is self-taught, so he has access to techniques that traditional magicians do not have. He is able to leave his body in certain locations, which allows him to restore the history of these places. After joining the party, Solace quickly becomes friends with Cole.

Iron Bull

A warrior from the Qunari race, a drunkard, a womanizer, a mercenary. I was on the verge of death so many times that I made it a rule to enjoy every moment of life. He joins the Inquisition to spy for his people, and does not hide it. Despite his impressive strength, the Iron Bull is almost always calm, friendly and honest. Over time, he realizes that in the ranks of the Inquisition he can not only spy, but also change the world, ridding it of demons. He often clashes with Varric, who has a negative attitude towards the Qunari after the events of Dragon Age 2.


An elf robber who prefers to use a bow and arrow in battle. Since Seru was exiled by her people, she doesn't trust anyone. She joins the Inquisition to get answers to the questions that plague her. Which ones exactly are a secret. This is one of the most mysterious characters in Inquisition so far.


The Gray Warden is like the main character of the original Dragon Age. He devoted his life to the fight against evil, but he does not reveal what reasons forced him to do this. Blackwall is ready for an early death, because his life, like the rest of the Gray Guardians, was greatly shortened by the initiation rite. He uses a two-handed sword and heavy armor, and is always composed and taciturn.


Dwarf crossbowman who was one of the central Dragon characters Age 2. It was he who told Cassandra the story of Hawk, the main character of the second part. Although Varric and Cassandra strongly dislike each other, they were the ones who stood at the origins of the Inquisition.


A fanatical defender of order who seeks to restore balance between the Templars and mages in the world of Dragon Age. He will become one of the main character's first allies in the fight against the demonic invasion. She was trained as a Templar warrior, making her effective against mages.


A wizard who has excelled in the study of elemental magic, as well as necromancy. Gmbox wrote about him. According to the character's creator, David Gaider, Dorian was the first "fully gay" character in the series' history. The male protagonist will be able to build a romantic relationship with him. The developers describe him as a sarcastic outcast who wants to make the world a better place.


The head of magicians and a spellcaster close to the throne of the Empire. Vivienne achieved this position not only through outstanding magical abilities, but also through political intrigue, manipulation and conspiracy. She joins the Inquisition to protect her achievements and her place at the throne - in the event of the next apocalypse, her merits will be worth nothing.


Several heroes from previous parts of the series who will return to Inquisition, but not as fighting allies.


A mysterious witch, in whose “warm” company you could play through the original Dragon Age. The developers transparently hint that one of the main intrigues of the game will be connected with it.


Another old friend from the first Dragon Age. In the new game, she will lead a department of spies and special agents of the Inquisition. Religious and dedicated to her work to the last.


The Gray Warden from Dragon Age, who could become either the king of Ferelden or a simple drunkard. His role in Inquisition has not yet been revealed, but according to BioWare, meeting the main character new game inevitable.