Diagnosis of the body's condition. Analytical Health Test Online Social Health Test

Healthy image life - myth or reality? Is it feasible in the realities of our lives? Can our daily diet really contain sufficient amounts of all useful elements, and will jogging in a park next to a highway or an industrial plant provide us with the necessary physical activity? Do fruits and berries bought at the market really contain only vitamins, and not representatives of distant corners of the periodic table? And if there is a vital necessity introduction of vitamin-mineral complexes into the diet, then where to start?

We present to your attention the NSP analytical test, created to help you assess the state of your body's systems. An analytical health test allows you to identify those loose screws that urgently need to be fixed first in order to prevent devastating consequences.

Possible analytical test results:

"Unsatisfactory"- shows that the system is already affected or will soon lead to illness.
"Satisfactorily" - this system is a risk factor and can lead to disease.
"Fine"- the system began to malfunction and should be restored.
"Very good"- this body system works without failures, you need to work on maintaining it.

How to work with an analytical health test?

Note the states that you experience. For example, if you are experiencing a lack of energy, you should answer “Yes” to the item “Lack of energy, loss of strength,” etc. And be honest with yourself. Good luck!

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If going to the hospital is not your favorite activity, but you care about your own health, then this article is for you.

website offers several simple tests that will help monitor the condition of the body.


Close one eye, take 3-5 steps back from the monitor and look at the circle. Note, whether some of the lines become darker than others. If yes, then this is a reason to check with an ophthalmologist, as astigmatism is likely to occur.


Sit quietly for 5 minutes, then place 4 fingers on the inside of your other wrist. Feel for your pulse. Time 1 minute and count the number of heartbeats. For children over 10 years old and
for adults, including the elderly, the norm is 60–100 beats per minute.
A higher or lower number may indicate problems with blood pressure. However, do not rush to make diagnoses yourself; it is better to consult a doctor.


Pour into a glass cold water and dip your fingers there for 30 seconds. If your fingertips turn white or blue, your blood circulation is impaired. A sharp decline temperature (or stress) causes spasm in the vessels that supply blood to the fingers and toes, nose and ears. As a result, these parts of the body no longer receive enough blood and they become numb. You should avoid sudden changes in temperature.

Respiratory system

Light a match and extend your hand with the match in front of you. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, while trying to blow out the flame. How many attempts did it take you? If there are several, then it is possible that your respiratory system weakened. Possible reasons: smoking, lack of exercise, any chronic diseases respiratory tract.

Fluid retention

Take a few minutes to take these simple tests to assess your health. The test was developed by Russian and foreign physiologists.

Take a few minutes to take these simple tests to assess your health. The test was developed by Russian and foreign physiologists.

Are you a healthy person or not?


A healthy spine, one can say without exaggeration, is the basis of our health. Check this now and in case of any irregularities, consult an orthopedist for advice.

So, we undress to the waist and look at our beloved self in the mirror. Is one shoulder higher than the other?

Now we turn sideways and look carefully at top part backs. Does it form a “slide”? Are your shoulders sloping and your chin jutting forward? If “yes,” then you have clear signs of poor posture.

Now bend forward and try to touch your palms to the floor, and let your assistant run his finger along the spine and look at it carefully - all the vertebrae should be lined up. Bend to the right or left is a clear sign of scoliosis. This disease is by no means harmless, as some might think. since it can lead to disruption of the correct location of internal organs.

We sit on the floor, spread our straight legs to the sides, and put a ruler between our feet - zero division at the level of the heels. Slowly bend over, arms extended forward, do not bend your knees. Let's see where we have reached.

More than 15 cm is an excellent result, if from 5 to 15 cm this is also not bad, but it is worth paying extra attention to developing flexibility and strengthening the back muscles. Well, if the result is less than 5 cm, then this indicates very poor mobility of the vertebral joints and low elasticity of the ligaments and muscles.

A healthy spine, and especially its cervical region affects the quality of blood supply to our brain and, accordingly, its functioning.


First, let's determine the heart rate. To do this, let’s sit down and sit quietly in silence for 5 minutes. Then take your hand and place the four fingers of your other hand on the outside of your wrist. Feel for your pulse. Time your watch for one minute and count the number of heartbeats.

The norm is 60-80 beats per minute.

Less than 60 beats is a sign of bradycardia. But for athletes it may be the norm. If you last played sports as a child, it is better to consult a cardiologist.

Above 80 beats is a sign of tachycardia.

This frequency can also be a reaction to stress and overwork. In this case, it is recommended to check how your heart tolerates the load, but be careful, if your pulse is much higher than 80 beats, it is better to consult a doctor: perform 60 jumps in 30 seconds and immediately measure your pulse.

The less it differs from the resting heart rate, the better. An increase in frequency by 3/4 of the value at rest indicates an impairment in the ability of your cardiac system to adapt and the risk of heart failure. It is recommended to conduct an examination.


Usually deviations in work thyroid gland accompanied by trembling of the fingers, but the person almost never pays attention to this.

To detect tremors, you need to close your eyes, stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers to the sides and ask someone to place a sheet of tissue paper on them. If the leaf begins to tremble distinctly along with your fingers, you should visit an endocrinologist.

Respiratory system

A breath test is considered to be as objective as a body temperature reading and will be a much better indicator of your health potential than a reading. blood pressure. But unlike measuring pressure or temperature, it is simpler and does not require the use of any equipment.

Stange test - determines the maximum duration of breath holding after inhalation.

Gench's test determines the maximum duration of breath holding after exhalation.

Take a stopwatch.

While sitting, take 3-4 deep breaths in and out. Then inhale deeply, then exhale and hold your breath. U healthy person The delay time is on average 25-30 seconds. Athletes can hold their breath for 60-90 seconds.

Rest for 2-3 minutes. Take a few normal breaths in and out, then inhale (about 80% of maximum) and hold your breath. Record the time using a stopwatch. The average for a healthy adult is 40 seconds. In trained people this figure may be higher.

In case of chronic diseases of the lungs or heart, or fatigue, the delay time for inhalation and exhalation can be sharply reduced. If this happens, repeat the test after resting. If your result has not improved, then you should consult a doctor and do a more thorough examination.

Light a match and extend your hand with the match in front of you. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, while trying to blow out the flame. How many attempts did it take you? If there are several, then it is possible that your respiratory system is weakened. Possible reasons: smoking, lack of exercise, any chronic respiratory diseases.


Your tongue can tell you a lot about your health.

The changes that occur with it help doctors establish not only the presence of stomatitis and caries, but also identify early stage diseases of a number of internal organs.

Home diagnostics are best done in the morning. Normally your tongue has pink color, shiny, evenly colored over the entire surface, a thin white coating is acceptable.

If the entire tongue is covered with a whitish coating, then this most often indicates a previous cold or gastritis. If the coating is yellowish-brown - bad job liver and gall bladder. If the tongue is red, as if polished, like the corners of the mouth, this is a sign of a deficiency of B vitamins. published

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Sometimes people avoid preventive examinations due to lack of time or fear of doctors. But there are ways to get information about the state of your body without leaving home. With their help, you will understand that it is time to turn to specialists. Or make sure your health is okay.

website I have collected several simple and quick tests that you can take right now.

1. Endocrine system

One of the most important indicators of health is waist size. Take a measuring tape and measure your waist (2-3 cm above the navel). Normally, it should not exceed 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men.

People who exceed these levels are 5 times more at risk of type II diabetes. In Japan for thin waist They even fight at the state level: since 2008, there has been a law according to which those with a large belly undergo special slimming courses.

2. Brain

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a marker or pencil, and the help of a friend. Draw a clock face on a sheet of paper and ask another person to tell the time in hours and minutes, such as 10 hours 10 minutes. After this, add arrows to your drawing so that they indicate the indicated time.

This test involves enough a large number of processes in the brain. The work includes those departments that are responsible for hand movements, spatial and visual perception. Therefore, the inability to draw a clock face or position the hands correctly may indicate incipient dementia.

3. Spine

For this test you will need two scales. Place them parallel to each other and stand with one foot on the first scale and the other on the second. The numbers should turn out, if not exactly, then at least approximately equal. If the values ​​are very different, this indicates that your hip bones, spine or head are off-center. It’s time for you to see a therapist, who, depending on the nature of the deviation, will refer you to a specialist.

4. Respiratory system

Take a look at your nails - they can say a lot about your health. If in Lately nails began to flake and crumble more, white stripes appeared on them - this is not only a cosmetic problem. This condition may indicate a lack of B vitamins, iron, and even impending osteoporosis.

6. Vision

The familiar table in the ophthalmologist’s office is far from the only way to check visual acuity. Stare at the window frame for 30 seconds, then close your eyes. And then alternately open your left and right eyes. If the picture you see with one eye is blurred and the lines are no longer parallel, you may be at risk of macular degeneration - dangerous disease leading to loss of vision.

Take the second test near the parking lot. Move 20 meters away from any car and try to distinguish its license plate; if, no matter how hard you try, you can’t make out the numbers and letters on the license plates, it’s time to see an ophthalmologist.

7. Hearing