The girl who doesn't want to eat. It must have been a real shock for the relatives.

Zinaida Baranova and Olga Podorovskaya - prana nutrition

What distinguishes a person from the rest of the living world is consciousness. The consciousness and subconscious of a person, in interaction with physical matter, contribute to the emergence of parapsychic phenomena, which are called human superpowers. Superpowers include telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, levitation, extrasensory perception, etc. Another type of such ability is pranic nutrition. And there is a man who mastered this technique and proved with his life that living full life You can do it without food.

A 68-year-old resident of Krasnodar, Zinaida Baranova, talks about her experience of switching to prannic nutrition. According to Zinaida Grigorievna, she does not need food or water; she only needs solar energy and air to maintain the vital functions of the body.

After a series of tragic events in her personal life, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova began to experience depression. Nervous disorders caused cardiovascular diseases and joint disease, vision problems and radiculitis, after a medical examination she was assigned a second group disability. Life has lost its meaning. Ten years later, the woman decided to radically change her life. Over the next seven years she tried different kinds non-traditional methods of healing: vegetarianism, hardening, contrast procedures, lived on a water-broth diet for 40 days. All this probably helped her rise to a new level of spiritual development.

In March 2000, during Easter Lent, she had a vision of existing without food. She began the fasting process easily and joyfully. After two weeks, an “inner voice” recommended that I stop taking liquids. From that moment and for a month and a half, according to Zinaida Grigorievna, there was a deep cleansing and restructuring of the body, which was accompanied by great difficulties.

The woman’s health condition deteriorated sharply, her joints hurt, skin rashes appeared, and she felt weak. Then the condition returned to normal, a feeling of vibration appeared throughout the body, which was associated with the opening of new energy centers that began to absorb pure energy.

At this time there was a transformation internal organs, especially lungs and gastrointestinal tract. The transformed lungs and skin supply the body with moisture contained in the air. Also, her body receives all vital microelements from the air. Since then, she has managed without physical food, her body has found other sources of nutrition, it has learned to assimilate the unprecipitated energy of the Sun and air. Zinaida Grigorievna is not familiar with the feeling of hunger and the smells of food do not evoke any emotions.

Zinaida Grigorievna’s difficulties did not end there; over the next nine months she struggled with negative thoughts, and prayers helped her with this. For every negative thought that came, the woman read the “Jesus Prayer” three times. And waking up one fine morning, she felt an unknown grace, she realized that she was “born again.”

Some time later, at the insistence of friends, Zinaida Baranova passed medical examination in Moscow with Professor Chizhov. According to the results of the medical report, the woman has a number of pathologies of organs and systems. But she feels absolutely healthy, active and in good spirits.

After this, two more surveys were carried out, in Kyiv and Sofia, this time methods were used alternative medicine. The results of these surveys were surprising. In conclusion, it was noted that all organs, except the digestive organs, have high vibration activity. The digestive organs of Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova are in a preserved state, but they are not atrophied and will be able to accept and process food at any time. The biological age of Zinaida Grigorievna was determined to be 30 years old.

Caroline Hartz, an Australian mother of three, is 70 and looks great. The woman admits that 28 years ago she was literally addicted to sugar and sweets. “Most women over 50 believe that it is impossible to maintain their figure and weight. Even after 40, women who have children are sure that it is impossible to return to their previous figure.”

Caroline assures that anything is possible, you just have to really want it and work tirelessly. And, I must admit, her body is the best confirmation of her words.

“As we age, our metabolism slows down. This means taking control of your body, making healthy decisions and working on yourself a little more.”

“I think it’s very important to pay attention to what and how much you eat. Thoughtlessness always leads to excess weight. Enjoy every bite. This will help you avoid overeating."

Caroline Hartz has not eaten sugar for 28 years. She found an alternative - xylitol, a polyhydric alcohol in the form of colorless crystals that dissolve in water. In terms of caloric content, xylitol is close to sugar, in terms of sweetness it is close to sucrose, but has no biological value.

According to Caroline Hartz, obesity in Australia has already reached epidemic levels and one of the reasons for this is sugar.

“I gave up sugar 28 years ago. At first it was very difficult, because I was obsessed with sweets and could not live without them. I am sure that it is thanks to the fact that I do not eat sugar that my health is in in perfect order and I don't have excess weight" The Australian does not call for completely giving up your favorite foods and drinks - everything should be in moderation.

Sleep also plays an important role. Caroline Hartz tries to sleep at least eight hours a night to allow her body and mind to recover. The Australian also encourages meditation: “Every day before work I meditate for half an hour, it helps me a lot throughout the day. I have become calmer and more collected since I started meditating at age 65. It's never too late to start something."

Caroline Hartz advises women aged 20 and 30 to live life to the fullest. “Be happy, enjoy the successes of others and never worry about age. Don't listen to anyone, be yourself. Yes, life is far from ideal, come to terms with it.”

“There is no such thing as failure. It’s just a stone on the road to success.”

I haven't gotten into arguments about whether a man should pay for dinner for a long time. Because a completely different question now arises: should a woman eat this dinner?

Modern girls find it inconvenient and even impolite to feed. They can only be invited to joint reception carrot juice and subsequent cleansing enemas. A few lettuce leaves, a feather of fish, three nuts for Cinderella - in their holy hatred of steak they resemble the heroine of O’Henry’s story “Cupid in Portions”, who despised all men for their vile manner of dining.

I understand, of course, that they are not the only ones to blame for this; they are told from all sides how destructive an extra pound is for a woman’s destiny. I cannot explain the glaring contradiction between the fashion for gastronomic columns in magazines and the fierce fight against food waged by our female friends. Their cooking programs are clearly made just to show off in front of TV viewers. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a beauty sit down at the end of the show and eat, like a person, what she prepared in front of us.

But on TV, as you know, it’s a complete deception, but here, in life, at the table, any dish is fraught with a terrible hangover of guilt. A woman is suffering, and right next to her sits a piggy and eats, not holding back at all. Here the blatant lack of spirituality of men is clearly and expressively manifested. Everything screams for vengeance: the fish is too fatty, the fruit is too sweet and the oil is exclusively oily. But it's not that simple.

You want to be spiritual, my dear, listen to Lotman - in “Great Society Dinners” there is a phrase uttered two centuries ago about a woman at the table: if she eats, she may lose her charm, but if she doesn’t eat, she will certainly ruin the dinner . If I eat in front of you, then I eat not according to Bragg, but according to Bakhtin, not from animal egoism, but from a desire for joy, from a craving for national abundance. Hungry, skinny, angry and unhappy, fat man kind, like the brave and faithful Lamme Gudzak from Ulenspiegel or the wise Sancho from Don Quixote, who says so directly: “My fullness comes from good nutrition. Food makes us happy and makes us kinder, if we do not perceive it as the blood enemy of humanity.”

In O'Henry's story, everything ended well. There the girl Mamie found her simple girlish happiness - hunger helped her believe in steak. Her example is science to others. Nobody forces you, as they forced our grandmothers, to eat “with bread”, but why, why are you moaning over the list of desserts and asking which one has the least calories. I’m not asking about non-alcoholic vodka, but I could. No one is asking you, dear, to give up diets, forget about all your suffering and detoxes. But if you trusted me and went to dinner with me, I ask you to eat, if, of course, you want to be at least a little pleasant to me. Eat, because otherwise I will think that you are not willing to sacrifice a single calorie for me. Maybe you will be with someone else, oh, how I hate him!

Food can be torment, or it can be happiness, like any of our passions. The French, who love to eat, honor and praise them for this, say about food le premier et le dernier plaisir - “the first and last pleasure” given to a person. If you cannot enjoy the first, can I believe that the other pleasures mean anything to you? This is a terrible mistrust not of me (God bless you, beauty), this is a terrible mistrust of life, which has ordered that we eat for our own joy. You want to appear before me as an airy creature, a fluttering butterfly, so come and dance - because behind your fear of food I see terrible pictures of our future life together. When a person begins to get perverted pleasure from the fact that he forbids himself something, rest assured, he will soon find something to forbid someone else.

The reluctance to eat well is the same human misfortune as being deaf to music. I am convinced that from a woman’s attitude towards food you understand everything about her attitude towards sex. And don’t tell me that, in the end, we didn’t come here to eat, that we love dinner not for the food, but for the luxury of human communication. I have heard this sophisticated argument before. Let's go with you and go to bed and talk until the morning.

Not at all to reproach those around her, not at all for the sake of economy or the lack of food, Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova refused to eat and drink and for two and a half years now she has been fueled only by the Holy Spirit, the Sun, oxygen and nothing more. In other words, I switched to energy nutrition (which I will talk about in detail later). And, despite all the laws of physics and biology familiar to our consciousness, not only does she not die or faint, but she is also happy, sings songs and dances in the company of her friends. And, what is most paradoxical, she is not losing weight at all, and her health is much better than ours. But what distinguishes her from an ordinary eating person is the dazzling glow emanating from her body, and complete calmness about “her belly.” Agree, one of the most important and pleasant events for ordinary person is a meal, or at least tea, and there is nothing to replace such pleasure. Believe it or not, Zinochka (as her close people call her) is very happy with the changes that have happened to her. To her, the miracles that happen don’t seem like miracles at all - we, the dark ones, have never heard of such things, but Zinaida Grigorievna knows several thousand such people, they are called Sun-eaters. In the West they know about such people, they organize conferences with them, and material scientists are trying to put pressure on this phenomenon. But pressure does not work, because the matter smacks of mysticism and interaction with higher entities. Having learned about this an unusual person, I, just like you, probably quite rightly, had a healthy, protective feeling of mistrust and anticipation of contact with incredible secret knowledge. I was going to a meeting and expected to see something - either a mummy, or a mystic yoga emaciated and darkened. My imagination didn’t fly any further. And so: a very friendly, smiling, pretty, rosy-cheeked and slightly plump woman, with a ringing and clear voice, swam out to meet me. She took my hands, frozen from the street, into her warm and soft ones, and it seemed to me that I had been starving for a long time, and she was eating and drinking, and something to do with it that I don’t even know about, such strength and energy came from her handshake. I convey our conversation without hiding or transforming anything from you. And in anticipation of it, I want to assure you of the authenticity of this situation: those around me confirmed: Zinochka sits with them at the same table, but never eats or drinks, and many people love to invite her for this, they say there is no loss. In addition, having arrived at the conference where the “Maitreya” society, to which Zinaida Grigorievna belongs, was gathering, I lived next to her side by side for several days and I can say that she was not noticed either in food or drink. So let's get to the conversation.

Zinochka, is it true that you haven’t eaten or drunk anything for two and a half years? How could this happen to an ordinary common man?

The following examples have been recorded in history: I am not the first and, for sure, not the last. Nowadays in the world there are more and more more people, which with their unique qualities prove that human capabilities are unlimited. In March 2001, newspapers reported that Australian Jazz Mahina had been living without food for 7 years. She drives around different countries, conducts seminars and was in Poland this year. One of our friends traveled to Poland, met with her and invited her to Russia in 2003. She promised to come.

She has a website on the Internet, conducts seminars and teaches not so much how not to eat. The essence of her seminars is to establish unity with God. Only then, when he enters such a state, can a person move on, led by teachers. As they say in Agni Yoga, the student is ready and the teacher is ready for him. And the teacher will come and help. For example, I didn’t set myself the goal of living like this.

How did this happen? Where did it start?

This is quite a long process. Before this, I had very poor health - a 2nd group disability. cardiovascular diseases. The reasons for this were different, including the death of my 18-year-old son in 1980. My only choice was to look unconventional methods recovery. Then healing was already beginning to develop, but I didn’t go to any healers, I just started looking at health literature, including Malakhov’s books “Help Yourself.” I bought his 1st volume and, based on his recommendations, cleansed the body: intestines, liver, lymph nodes, joints. I underwent urine therapy - treatment with steamed urine. During the same period, I was engaged in physical labor in the foothills of the Caucasus: I mowed, weeded, dug, and built. Alone without assistants. My health began to improve, but in addition, I began to read a lot of spiritual literature. I started with “Bhagavad-Gita”, oddly enough, I realized for myself what God is - that this is the highest energy. I bought the Gospel. Alternating physical work with reading, I read it several times, emphasizing some new points each time. I read Klizovsky, Agni Yoga, and other literature.

How did it happen that you refused food?

I’m telling you the background, identifying the stages of spiritual formation. First, submission to the will of God. Establishing balance within is very important. Then - a conscious attitude towards the state of transmutation. You've heard this word, right? Precisely consciously, with trust in the highest leadership: no matter what happens. Next - living according to the divine commandments, this also means a lot. And the desire to help people: I wanted to tell, explain what I knew to people. Then I prayed: “Lord, help me meet like-minded people.” Suddenly I received an invitation to St. Petersburg, where I met the leaders and books of the School of Transfiguration. And I helped get acquainted with these books here, talked about what I learned. And so imperceptibly I embarked on the path of serving people. I was already a pensioner, and it was not difficult for me to find time for this, and financially it was possible - the trips were not so expensive. Since April 1996, there were meetings twice a year, I attended them all, brought materials, told people what they talked about. I had a small club in my apartment - there was physical cleansing, spiritual cleansing and chakra balancing, intensification of the transmutation process.

What does it mean that a person can go without eating for a long time? He must necessarily have a connection between his energy centers, his microcosm and the macrocosm. If there is no flow of energy, nothing will happen. Such things cannot be done through willpower. At a subtle level, the lungs were being transformed to provide the body with moisture from the air.

How did you understand what processes were happening in your body?

I am a biochemist by training. She taught at the institute for 20 years. And if we discuss this topic with my colleagues, then with a purely materialistic approach it is impossible to understand such things. I felt how my body and mind were controlled from above by our spiritual teachers. They told me that I could do this, that I should not be afraid of anything and boldly follow what I heard.

Every second I felt care, attentive control and constant connection with the higher ones, otherwise all this could not have happened to me. In order to feed on the energy of space, it is necessary for the subtle centers, which are responsible for the perception of prana from space, to work. At first I switched to the following diet: nettles, dandelions, currant leaves, juices and all this - in very small quantities. When the restructuring of energy centers took place, I heard the recommendation: “Try now without food.” I obeyed and stopped eating.

And you didn’t want to at all?

No. I felt good.

Were you surprised?

On the contrary, I was very happy, because it was the pre-Easter period, and I was glad for such cleansing. I thought: “Thank God, I’m not eating.”

Were you allowed to drink?

Yes, I was still drinking at that time. After 23 days, a recommendation followed: “Now try without water.”

I felt cared for and loved and refused water.

How quickly did you lose weight? How many kilograms have you lost?

I lost weight very slowly. My weight was about 90 kilograms, and now I weigh 73, but the weight loss process has completely stopped. For a year and a half my weight has not changed.

Exactly how long have you not eaten or drunk?

2 years 6 months.

And when you watch others eat, what do you feel?

To your health, bon appetit. When my children and grandchildren come to visit me, I can prepare something for them.

It must have been a real shock for the relatives?

Not only for relatives.

What about when it’s hot and everyone needs to drink a lot?

My body works completely differently. I feel complete prosperity in everything. Sometimes I can just rinse my mouth.

A person eats and drinks about two hours a day. It gives him great pleasure. To replace this pleasure, he needs to be offered something more “tasty”?

This is the energy that I feed on. And food is just attachment. Using my example, the teachers of Light prove that this is not possible.

This is not fasting or dry fasting. Water enters the body, but in a completely different way. As the Bulgarian healer Ivan Todorov explained to me, there are insects that build cone-shaped structures in the desert, in which at the very top there is a depression where a drop of moisture is stored, which is enough for them during periods of drought. These are approximately the structures he saw in my lungs. Moisture condenses in the lungs and the lungs then send it into the blood. I have normal sweating, if it’s hot, and salivation and urine.

How do ordinary doctors feel about this phenomenon?

But no way. They don't believe it. They say that an examination is necessary, and have already tried many times to conduct it, but I am not interested in wasting time and effort on it. Lack of faith is their problem.

For what purpose did they do this to you?

Each of us is a unique cosmic laboratory. We all go through individual path transformation and this is one of the ways. Now is the time when the sky is falling to Earth. Elena Ivanovna Roerich, Ivanov and other teachers warned about this.

Did something change after this in your spiritual development or did you feel only physical changes?

Of course, I feel a connection with the subtle world, with teachers. The aspects of communication have expanded, the possibilities of awareness have increased. I continue my active life, travel around cities and feel normal when there are no transmutation processes. They continue, they have not yet been completed, the process of deep cell cleansing is underway. Sometimes I feel a strong vibration of energies and then I just need to relax and accept them. I need to completely give up medications, and despite the fact that I was a group 2 disabled person, I threw away all the medications. I left only noshpa, allohol and brilliant green.

Jazz Mahin followed approximately the same path. She also says that you need to be in unity with God.

What does it mean?

This means adjusting yourself to balance, to humility, to submission to the will of God, to fulfilling the commandments of God, to being in service to people. And then the higher teachers will be able to help us.

Zinaida Grigorievna, are you not going to start eating again?

You don’t understand - I eat, only in a different way! And I am sure that soon there will be a lot of sun-eating people on Earth.

Interviewed by Marina CHERKASOVA