Libra girl cock description. Rooster-Libra

Natalia Boychenko May 28, 2018, 00:24

The combination of the signs of the Western and Eastern horoscope gives its owner extraordinary charisma and appearance. Thanks to his charm, he attracts men and women like a magnet. Moreover, Libra-Rooster understands everything about his magnificence and craves recognition with admiration.

Preferring company to loneliness, the representative of these signs is often in the whirlpool of what is happening. The element of the brightly fiery Rooster – noisy companies and parties. Thanks to his sociability and fun, he is surrounded by a crowd of admiring acquaintances.

Representatives of this sign have very few real, close friends, which is why he understands the value of friendship

You can turn to him in a difficult situation, and he won't refuse help. Along with excellent manners and politeness, he is endowed with an unusual gift of persuasion. They are born diplomats, as they are able to end a conflict with a few words and reconcile quarreling parties.

Despite the fact that this sign does not like quarrels and prefers to be in a calm atmosphere, it is prone to outbursts of anger and stubbornness. He will always speak out if his interests are unfairly harmed.

Libra-Roosters value true friendship

Characteristics of Libra-Rooster men

A man with this combination of signs definitely knows his worth. He knows how to present himself in society; he has no equal in elegance and beauty. In a secular society, he feels like a fish in water, so he strives for this. It is there that he can show himself and receive admiration.

In his youth, a Libra guy in the year of the Rooster is always surrounded by cheerful companies. At a more mature age, he loves to have intellectual conversations, conversations on life and philosophical topics. He knows how to make an impression and uses his erudition wisely.

These are quite peaceful natures that should not be offended by the offender. He will definitely take revenge, albeit over time, since he knows how to wait and weave intrigues.

Life cunning and diplomatic abilities help him in situations where a mediator and adviser is needed

According to the eastern horoscope, he is a contemplator. Libra gives a man the aura of a philosopher, waiting for a miracle. They meet the Libra-Rooster man in different companies, as he is a sociable person.

He attracts attention with his cheerful disposition, ability to flirt and carefree attitude towards life's difficulties. His attention is also easy to win, but achieving a long-term relationship is not so easy.

The Libra-Rooster man has a carefree attitude towards life's difficulties

Those who want to get this male into their networks will have to be patient. The first impression can be deceiving, as the man looks hesitant. In fact, his thought process is studying and drawing conclusions, is it worth continuing?

In relationships, he prefers a smooth development of events. He values ​​stability and does not tolerate understatement. He respects his soulmate, accepting her for who she is. At the same time, he expects that he will also be appreciated and accepted with all his shortcomings, since he is not going to change for the sake of someone.

For himself, he always remains an individual, and if someone decides to put pressure on him and cheat on him, a man can end such a relationship

Despite the duality of Libra, such a man is a reliable partner for marriage. He solves problems with composure, pays attention to children, and may even sacrifice his career to build a family. At the same time, he loves to give commands and teach life, which not every woman is able to withstand.

Having the character of a peacemaker, the Libra-Rooster man is a mediator between people, bringing relationships into balance. Despite the fact that he has no real friends, he is always surrounded by friends, among whom he is the center. At the same time, few people notice when Libra-Rooster men are not around. You can trust such a friend with secrets, he will always fulfill his obligations.

The Libra-Rooster man is a reliable partner for marriage

In finance, representatives of these signs will always stand on two sides of the barrier: those who are successful and those who have not achieved any heights. A career depends on whether a representative of these signs can overcome his indecision.

If he can not be afraid of failures and new things, he will always have money and build a career. Otherwise, he will remain working in a low-paid position for the rest of his life.

Disadvantages of the sign

Among the disadvantages of the sign is weakness in decision making. If he overcomes this, he will have a career, financial well-being and good luck in his family life.

Characteristics of Libra-Rooster women

By nature, women representatives of these two signs are very subtle and vulnerable. It is difficult for them to come to any decision without careful weighing and deliberation.

They do not like physical labor and prefer to earn money with their minds. Moreover, in this field they achieve great success. Women value those who are nearby, because it is from these people that they expect help in achieving their goals.

They easily agree with another point of view without being forced to do so.

The Libra girl, born in the year of the Rooster, moves through life easily. But to do this, you will still have to change your desire to frequently change activities. They have every chance of achieving success and reaching the top if they adhere to calm and self-possessed tactics. Their character can be called ideal, as they are easy to communicate and interesting in nature.

The Libra-Rooster woman thinks everything over carefully before making a decision.

In their careers, they are helped by communication skills and the ability to diplomatically avoid sharp corners. They know how to maintain distance from both colleagues and superiors. The Rooster is a sign of action, so female wards are always on the move. For them, the best proof is “less words, more action.”

Work and career come first for them. Their demands on themselves and attentiveness help them achieve heights in life. These are reformers by nature, as they strive to improve everything around them. They achieve financial independence only in adulthood.

They receive moral satisfaction from independence and the opportunity to spend money on beautiful outfits and jewelry.

They choose a companion for themselves forever, rejecting the polygamous approach. It is important for them to study their partner from all sides, so it is difficult to expect active actions from them. The purpose of family life is to create harmonious relationships and a full-fledged unit of society.

For a Libra woman born in the year of the Rooster to have a happy family life, she must stop criticizing her partner and lower the threshold of demands on her significant other. Learn to see the positive around you, and then life will become happier.

The goal of family life for Libra-Roosters is to create a harmonious and strong unit of society

Disadvantages of the sign

A significant disadvantage is the inability to keep one's mouth shut. They often express their thoughts out loud, which is not always pleasant or appropriate. They try to control everything instead of showing that they are the weaker sex.

Criticism of loved ones and inappropriate remarks also lead to discord and irritation

Love compatibility of Libra in the year of the Rooster

His partner should be bright and attractive, since she is an esthete, and he loves everything beautiful. In addition to appearance, a partner must have intelligence and a rich inner world. Representatives of the Western horoscope have these characteristics: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo. Love compatibility with them will be most successful.

For the Libra-Rooster man, family is important, so women with the same worldview will be suitable for him. Girls born in the year of the Ox, Snake or Dragon have the same qualities. Difficult relationships will develop with representatives who appeared in the year of the Dog or Tiger.

For a woman, a good partner is someone who will praise her and help her in her career growth.

Full characteristics of a Libra child born in the year of the Rooster

A child born during the meeting of these signs is very talkative. He knows how to appeal with words and express himself correctly.

Both the Libra girl and the Libra boy (in the year of the Rooster) are very observant and patient. He knows how to listen, but if you interrupt him, it can result in aggression.

Libra girls in the year of the Rooster may blurt out too much

In general, one cannot say that this is a talkative child, but the girl is capable of saying too much in a moment of stress. It is better if their future is connected with intellectual activity. They do not succeed well in careers where manual labor is needed, since they are not adapted to physical work.

The Libra-Rooster sign includes people born from September 24 to October 23 in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The Libra-Rooster combination gives rise to a surprisingly pleasant personality. combined with the irresistible charm of Libra, they attract others like a magnet. He has everything: charm, elegance, grace, beauty, even in gestures and facial expressions. In his opinion, everything should be perfect - every look, every gesture, every flutter of eyelashes. Yes, he spends a lot of time and money on personal care, quality things, a beautiful lifestyle, but the result is excellent.

Libra-Rooster is magnificent, he knows his worth, and therefore craves admiration. He knows how to communicate and always strives to be in the whirlpool of events. Parties, entertainment and noisy companies are his element. He loves to make a bright impression on people, is passionate about social life, and strives with all his might to join high society - only there he feels comfortable and happy. He is well mannered, polite and has excellent manners.

Libra-Rooster values ​​friendship and will be the first to help. In addition, he is endowed with an amazing gift of persuasion. He is able to stop any conflict with a word and settle the most difficult relationships. In addition, he is peaceful and does not like quarrels. However, Libra-Rooster can surprise with sudden temper and stubbornness. This happens if his interests and pride are hurt. He is always honest and demands the same from others.

Libra-Rooster, thanks to his charm, enjoys great success with people of the opposite sex. He was simply born to turn heads. He does not like loneliness and knows how to be gentle and romantic, reliable and attentive. His novels are beautiful and numerous, but he gets married quite late. In the family he becomes a reliable and sensitive partner, a caring father.

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Rooster is optimistic and cheerful. The desire to be in the center of attention and the love of spectacular actions, selfishness and vanity, the willingness to show potential and measure strength from the Rooster. The desire for internal balance, emotional restraint,... Events and actions help him gain inner freedom, practicality helps him choose the shortest path to the goal.

Libra-Rooster unerringly adapts to new trends, simply and naturally changing his views and preferences. He takes all the ups and downs in life for granted and easily gets out of the most difficult situations. Often, Libra-Rooster is the life of the party. He is able to cheer up a sad person by peppering his speech with jokes and jokes. He has excellent diplomatic abilities, thanks to which he easily gets into high society and finds a common language with high-ranking people.

His strongest trait is his ability to control himself. He never gives free rein to his emotions, knows how to distance himself from acute situations and observe what is happening from the outside. This allows him not only to maintain dignity and get out of difficult situations with honor, but also to find excellent solutions to any problems. Well-developed intuition helps to predict the desires of others. He strives for harmony in all manifestations.

Thanks to his hard work, steely will and desire to win, Libra-Rooster often achieves success in his chosen activity. Careers are especially successful in the fields of law, art and people management. Libra-Rooster is more of a public figure than a politician, more of an inventor-industrialist than a theoretical scientist and not at all a dreamer. Of course, there are no fruitless dreams in such a combination. He is a pragmatist, a practitioner, a writer of everyday life, a realist artist, a religious figure, a moralist. Whatever he does, an objective vision of the world and a practical attitude towards it makes him a socially significant person. Difficulties may arise in the decision-making process.

Libra-Rooster is bright and brilliant, very interesting, but often indecisive. Libra gives balance, and the Rooster forces you to fight for your place in society. He weighs everything, evaluates it, strives for equality. But this endless search for solutions to problems irritates others. It happens that he shifts his problems onto others.

In personal relationships, Libra-Rooster is shy. In the first meetings, he may give the impression of a quiet and closed person. For him to open up, the partner will have to make an effort. His perception and calm do not allow him to rush headlong into a relationship and decide on something serious until he weighs all the pros and cons. But, having created a family, he becomes a reliable partner who can be relied on in any situation. He invests a lot in the family, but he will expect the same from his partner. She will support the other half in everything, and in relationships she values ​​mutual respect most of all.

Libra Rooster woman

Born in the year of the Rooster, she is sensual and charming. According to the Eastern and Western horoscopes, she has an ideal character, combining the best features of Libra and the Rooster. She is characterized by gentleness and courtesy, diplomacy and correctness, sophistication and elegance.

The Libra-Rooster woman is very impressive and has a well-balanced penchant for external and internal beauty. But it is worth noting that behind the external charm lies a truly masculine character. She knows perfectly well what she wants to get from life and strives for it with all her might. She happily makes compromises, especially if it benefits her. However, she is strong in intrigue like no other. If you offend or tease her, it won’t seem like much.

In the professional sphere, the Libra-Rooster woman can safely be called a purposeful careerist. She is demanding, efficient, attentive and hardworking. She also has a desire for improvement, which makes her an excellent reformer. All this taken together allows her to quickly move up the career ladder and achieve the best results in life. She has enough healthy enthusiasm, mental activity, dexterity and worldly wisdom that everything goes well with the desire for partnership. To some, the Libra-Rooster woman may seem indecisive and insecure. But this is far from true. It’s just that before she takes on something, she analyzes and thinks for a long time.

In relationships with men, the Libra-Rooster woman is unusually seductive and sexy. She is able to easily start affairs and easily part with her suitors. She has more than enough admirers, and men appreciate in her not only her poise and tact, but also her ability to present herself.

He does not strive for marriage for quite a long time, directing all his energy to career growth. However, when you decide to start a family, you will approach it with all responsibility. She is characterized by the desire to build relationships not for one day, but for a lifetime. This is why it is important not to make mistakes. She chooses the man she needs, “tames” him, patiently waiting for his activity.

Once married, she becomes an ideal wife and mother. She is sensitive to her husband’s shortcomings, supporting and developing positive qualities in him. With this approach, she manages to create a truly happy family.

Libra Rooster man

Born in the year of the Rooster, he has excellent intellectual abilities and good memory. At the same time, he is tactful and well-mannered, knows how to present himself, is handsome, elegant and reserved. He loves communication, fun companies and intellectual conversations on various topics. She also loves to impress people, showing her developed intelligence and erudition. He likes social life, so he strives for high society in order to shine and show himself.

Life does not come easy to him and he has to constantly work to get the desired results. In general, men born with this combination can be divided into two types: losers and those who have achieved truly great heights. It all depends on his ability to cope with himself and his complexes, to overcome the fear of failure. Accordingly, the first type is always financially stable and can receive maximum privileges from life. And the second has to constantly fight for survival, which introduces complications in all areas of life.

For a man, this is not the easiest combination, constantly inclining him to search for compromises. Everything is good in moderation. It is worth remembering that the constant desire for peace at any cost can turn into unprincipledness, lethargy, apathy and laziness. What helps in this case is greater mobility and restlessness in external manifestations. It is on these contradictions that the life of the Libra-Rooster man is built. Today one thing will prevail - tomorrow another. Therefore, it is very important for him to find something he likes, or better yet, several. Then, switching from one to another, firstly, it will be easier for him to remain in the epicenter of life, and secondly, to feel the possibility of choice, i.e. a certain freedom.

The Libra-Rooster man loves money, knows how to earn it, but also spends it easily, living in grand style. He prefers intellectual labor to physical labor. Thanks to his sociability and ability to convince others, he will be able to prove himself well in the field of psychology, law or pedagogy. It is worth noting that he is in no hurry to take on extra responsibility, so he rarely strives for power.

In relationships with women, the Libra-Rooster man is a real seducer. Few people are able to resist the power of his charm. In addition, this is a reliable partner, capable of performing real masculine actions. However, he gets married quite late. Prefers beautiful, well-groomed women with good taste and decent manners, capable of behaving in high society. He is an esthete, loves everything beautiful and bright, so a woman must correspond to his ideas of beauty.

In relationships, he strives for equality, avoiding conflict situations in every possible way. For a relationship with him to reach a serious level, a woman will need patience. At first glance, he may even seem indecisive, but in fact, in his head there is a process of studying the woman and deciding whether to go further. But in marriage, he becomes a caring husband and father, capable of solving the most difficult problems. He spends a lot of time with children, paying important attention to education and training.

Easy-going, easy-going Libra-Rooster has a positive outlook on life and does not get upset over trifles. People like this sweet, calm person who is not prone to rash actions. Polite, attentive to others, distinguished by courteous manners. The union of a bright, cheerful Rooster and charming Libra gives birth to a harmonious personality. A person of this combination is impeccable, he has everything: charm, charisma, elegance. According to the combined horoscope, the Rooster-Libra is an esthete striving for perfection. In his opinion, everything around him should be beautiful: he cannot stop until he achieves the ideal result. Tries to make a favorable impression on others, communicates a lot with a variety of people.

Characteristics of Libra Rooster

People of this combination are true friends: they are always the first to help. They are peaceful, avoid quarrels in every possible way, and act as mediators in controversial situations. Libra Roosters spend a lot of time trying to rally close people around them. They treat them with great care and are not afraid to take responsibility. Friends can count on their help and support in any situation. Although Libra-Roosters, for all their external equanimity and restraint, are not as strong and invulnerable as they seem. They need care, expect kind words, and are not indifferent to compliments. Sometimes they can be quick-tempered and irritable if they encounter disrespectful attitudes. They may become seriously offended and even stop communicating for a while.

The optimistic, cheerful Libra-Rooster is not capable of aggressive behavior. He prefers long, confidential conversations rather than quarrels and scandals. Such Libras remain reserved, tactful, kind people, while acquiring a number of positive qualities characteristic of Roosters. They are energetic, active and very sociable, trying in every possible way to attract attention. Libra-Rooster takes change easily and does not lose his presence of mind if he encounters difficulties. He is not sad, but tries to find a way out of a difficult situation. He has excellent self-control and does not burden others with his problems. The Libra Rooster delights with his self-control: he maintains his self-esteem under any circumstances.

Libra Rooster Compatibility

The charming Libra-Rooster easily wins the affection of people of the opposite sex. This cheerful, erudite and very attentive person arouses not only interest, but also trust. Although he himself is in no hurry to open his heart. According to the love horoscope, Libra-Rooster is a timid and shy partner. He lacks self-confidence for passionate confessions. It will take a lot of time before he loosens up and begins to show signs of attention. But it’s never boring with him: he knows how to entertain and amuse.

Having entered into marriage, the Rooster-Libra completely focuses on his family responsibilities. She supports all the decisions of her other half, and if she does not approve of her actions, she tries to gently hint at it. He will not allow any quarrels or scandals in his family. He is attentive not only to his partner, but also devotes a lot of time to his children. You can discuss any problem with him: he will console you and give you the right advice. He spends a lot of effort and energy on arranging the family nest - he is a thrifty and homely person.

Libra Rooster Career

This person will have enough endurance and patience to develop the right strategy of behavior. Libra-Rooster will be able to achieve enormous heights in his career if he overcomes shyness and embarrassment. Sometimes he is too polite and diplomatic: he cannot point out shortcomings and mistakes to his colleagues. But his goodwill and tact help to win their trust. He is attracted to mental activity rather than hard physical labor. The Rooster-Libra will be able to succeed in areas related to communication with people: pedagogy, jurisprudence, management.

Thanks to his hard work and endurance, the Rooster-Libra manages to achieve a high position, maintaining good relations with colleagues. Does not enter into conflicts, does not look for reasons for quarrels, but simply works honestly at his workplace. Responsible and disciplined, tries to perform his duties in accordance with instructions. He has a rich imagination and a developed imagination, but still prefers to do specific things rather than soar in the clouds. Able to benefit people by engaging in social activities.

This man is passionate about social life, he is interested in everything that happens around him. Libra-Rooster cannot stand quarrels and scandals, so he tries to reconcile all his acquaintances without exception. Loves to talk, loves to discuss and argue on a variety of topics. Moreover, he listens to the opinions of others with great respect; he cannot be accused of bad manners. The Libra-Rooster man is energetic and hardworking, enthusiastically doing what he loves. This is a true professional, he only cares about the result, so he does not delve into squabbles and intrigues. Able to control his feelings and emotions, very patient. Women cannot resist the power of his charm, and besides, he is a reliable partner, capable of performing real masculine actions.

Wise Libra-Rooster women are able to find a way out of any difficult life situation. They never get discouraged, never give up and always encourage others. You can turn to them for advice at any time of the day, they will definitely help. Men appreciate in them not only poise and tact, but their ability to present themselves. These are spectacular women with excellent taste. They usually talk a lot and expect compliments. Suitors must remember this feature of theirs, otherwise the relationship will not work out. In love relationships they are looking for stability and reliability; they will not start an affair with a handsome but frivolous man. Libra-Rooster women, determined to create a strong family, take care of their husband and children with great pleasure.

Representatives of the stronger sex born during this period are distinguished by unique characteristics. The combination of the zodiac and Chinese horoscope gives them courage, tenacity and straightforwardness, softened by a gentle disposition. The calm nature of Libra is diluted by the pompousness of the Rooster, so men of this type sometimes seem strange to others.

Personality Features of Libra Men in the Year of the Rooster

They are prone to logical thinking, although their forecasts do not always coincide with reality. Libra-Rooster men love to dream and lead an active lifestyle. They have well-developed organizational skills and can realize themselves in many matters. But Roosters should beware of wasting energy. The prudence inherent in Libra helps to balance plans and actions for their implementation.

Character Rooster Libra

Such people love to be the center of attention. They are quick-tempered, but easily forget old grievances and quickly replace anger with mercy. The Rooster man is demanding in everyday matters, he loves order. People born during this period can work for a long time to gain wealth. Failures unsettle them, they begin to acquire complexes. The prudence and love of harmony inherent in Libra helps them recover. Roosters know how to make friends and easily find new friends.

Personal life of a Libra-Rooster man

The Libra-Rooster man is a reliable partner. He is ready to overcome difficulties in marriage while remaining faithful to his soulmate. If the qualities of the Rooster prevail, such a man will be the clear leader in the couple. His trust must be earned. This is not easy, but in return he is ready to reveal to his chosen one everything that is in his soul.

Relationships between a man and a woman are always quite complex. The characteristics and compatibility in love of each gender are special. People also differ in their zodiac signs. Astrologers know everything about what a Libra-Petu man is like X and what kind of woman suits him.

Characteristics of a Libra-Rooster man

The Libra-Rooster man is similar in character to a soldier. He is very constrained, taciturn and does everything only according to the rules. These guys never do anything spontaneously. And they are unlikely to decide to do something they were not taught. If anyone violates their charter, it will horrify them.

If a Rooster-Libra man is in a relationship with a girl or has a close friend, and one of them does something not according to his rules, then he will not hesitate to break the relationship. They are always loved more as a couple. That's why they part with their loved ones so easily.

The Libra-Rooster man always has his own opinion, which he formed along with the rules that were instilled in him from childhood. If someone expresses an alternative point of view, then the representative of this zodiac sign begins to get very angry. He can even push a person away from him. And in the end, he will simply be left alone.

The Rooster-Libra man is a very pedantic and hidden person. He loves order. But often his actions are too cruel and harsh. People don’t understand why order is so important to him and why he treats people’s feelings so connivingly.

The Libra-Rooster man loves order and rules only because without them he feels insecure. He does not know what to do in an unfamiliar situation, what decision to make. Unfortunately, they do not believe in themselves. They believe that their skills and knowledge are simply not enough to make the necessary solution to the problem that has arisen. If they have made a choice, then for a long time they doubt the correctness of his choice.

A Libra-Rooster man can achieve success in the professional sphere or, conversely, drift at the bottom of the career ladder all his life. The second type of guys are simply haunted by failures throughout life. And the reason for all this is their insecurity. The first type of men simply ideally chose their field of activity, which fully complies with the rules and order of their life.

Compatibility in love for Libra-Rooster men

This man’s relationship with a girl is built according to a strictly planned order. At every moment of life, a representative of this sign performs a certain sign of attention to his girlfriend. Sometimes such relationships drag on too long. This is if the chosen one is very patient and calm. If the girl somehow violated the dating rules, then the Libra-Rooster man may even break up with his chosen one. However, after this he will worry for a long time, although he himself initiated the breakup. It is especially difficult to cope with a break in communication if the relationship lasted long enough.

Family relationships for the Libra-Rooster man are one of the main goals in life. She loves rules and traditions. No one and nothing should violate them. Everything in a marriage should be stable. It may all be boring and gray, but the main thing is that it follows the rules. The Rooster-Libra man is a devoted husband. He does not cheat on his wife and demands the same from her. They are ready to do anything for the sake of their family. Even become better, although representatives of this sign perceive change very difficult.

According to the zodiac sign for the Libra-Horse man, women who were born in the year of the Ox, Snake and Rooster are suitable. But they should not start relationships with ladies who, according to the horoscope, belong to the year of the Goat, Rabbit or Pig. These women will not be able to completely obey rules and order.

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