Cisco eap fast module: what is this program and is it needed? Cisco LEAP Module - what is this program? What is the cisco eap fast module program?

A company that produces network equipment such as communicators, routers, screens, modems, routers, servers and much more. It is also a major manufacturer and leader in computer and networking technologies.


This is an American company that develops and sells network equipment. The main motto of the company is to provide the opportunity to purchase all network equipment only from Cisco Systems.

In addition to manufacturing equipment, the company is the world's largest enterprise in the field of high technology. You also ask: “Cisco - what is it?” At the beginning of its activities, the company produced only routers. Now it is the largest leader in the development of technologies for the Internet. Created a multidisciplinary certification system for network specialists. Cisco professional certifications are very valuable, at the expert level (CCIE) and are highly respected in the computer world.

The name Cisco itself comes from the city of San Francisco in California. The logo is a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge. The company has existed in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan since 1995. In 2007, the sales volume in the region greatly increased information security amounted to about 80 million dollars. And since 2009, there has been a research and development center in Russia.

This company is at the forefront of building extensive and very reliable indoor networks. The Aironet series uses security, high-precision controllability, and security when building a Wi-Fi network. This series has five access points, as a result, it helps in solving many problems. Such a network supports three standards: a, b, g, as well as 802.11n, so that it can increase as much as possible

You can change rights, add and remove users in a network of two or three access points manually. But if it’s more, then you need to use a device such as a controller. This intelligent mechanism not only monitors the operation of the network, but also, by analyzing the operation of access points, distributes the load equally among the access points in the network. There are two controller models: 2100 and 4400.

Cisco Academy Program

In the context of a progressive technology economy, knowledge in the field of networks and the Internet is provided by the network program of the Cisco Academy.

Of course, you want to know: Cisco - what is it? It includes materials from the Internet, practical lessons, assessment of students' knowledge. This program was founded in 1997 in 64 educational institutions. And it has spread to 150 countries. Program specialists prepare future teachers at Training Centers (SATS). Then the teachers teach regional teachers, and they teach local ones, and the locals teach the acquired knowledge to students. Upon completion of training, students receive certificates “Network Specialist” (CCNA) and “Network Professional” (CCNP). At this time, in addition to these certificates, cadets can also take courses in various areas. Over time, the program continually adapts to high standards.

Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)

Currently, business requires a quick response, so people are increasingly paying attention to the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS). So, Cisco - what is it?

The world's first platform where you can create data processing centers. It provides an intelligent, programmable infrastructure that simplifies and accelerates the right class of applications and services on the cloud you need. The system unifies model-based management, allocates appropriate resources, and supports migration to make applications faster and easier to deploy. And all this thereby increases the level of reliability and safety. What does this platform ultimately do:

  • combines different network resources and Cisco servers into one system;
  • increases application availability and performance;
  • minimizes services for operational work;
  • Optimally distributes data center capabilities to reduce cost of ownership.

Record-breaking application performance is achieved using the Cisco Unified Computing System.

Cisco Eap

Everyone wants to know: Cisco Eap - what is it? Let's say it's an advanced authentication protocol. Wireless packets of information are translated into packets that are transmitted over wires and sent to the authentication server and back. If necessary, such a system is used with a passive role as an access point. There are EAP methods:

  • LEAP;
  • EAP (PEAP)-MS-(CHAP) version 2;
  • PEAP Generic Token (GTC);
  • EAP over Secure Tunnel (FAST);
  • EAP tunnel of carelessness (TLS);
  • EAP-Tunneled TLS (TTLS).

EAP runs under iOS. He especially feels verbal attacks, not new types of attacks. You just need to develop a strong password and change it periodically. Now let's look at Cisco Eap Fast - what is it?

EAP-FAST is a program developed by Cisco Systems. An EAP method such as Leap has proven itself well among IP phones and is supported by FreeRADIUS. Ask: Cisco Leap Module - a program for authorizing Wi-Fi users. Vulnerable when calculating lists of MD5 password bundles.

Cisco Peap Module

We are interested in: Cisco Peap Module - what is it? A very simple, at first glance, program for timely cleaning Windows from various outdated and unnecessary registries. This cleaning improves system performance. Supported by different OS like Windows Vista/7/8/Server 2012.

Programs pre-installed on the laptop. Why are they? What are they doing?

The HP laptop came with pre-installed software from CISCO:

Cisco LEAP Module Cisco PEAP Module Cisco EAP-FAST Module

What kind of programs? Why do we need Cisco Module? Is it possible to remove them?

EAP-FAST (Extensible Authentication Protocol - Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling) is a CISCO IEEE 802.1X EAP that provides protection against external network attacks.
LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol)
PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol)

These are established protocols for advanced (extensible) authentication in Wi-Fi networks from CISCO. If the computer for “home” use is not connected to a domain and is not used to access “cunning” WiFi access points (RADIUS server that allows you to set for each...

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You have a question: "Cisco - what is it?" This is a company that produces network equipment such as communicators, routers, screens, modems, routers, servers and much more. It is also a major manufacturer and leader in computer and networking technologies.


This is an American company that develops and sells network equipment. The main motto of the company is to provide the opportunity to purchase all network equipment only from Cisco Systems. In addition to manufacturing equipment, the company is the world's largest high-tech enterprise. You also ask: “Cisco - what is it?” At the beginning of its activities, the company produced only routers. Now it is the largest leader in the development of technologies for the Internet. Created a multidisciplinary certification system for network specialists. Cisco professional certifications are very valuable, at the expert level (CCIE) and are highly respected in the computer world.

The name Cisco itself comes from...

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"Cisco LEAP Module - what is this program?" - a request that identifies you as a person who actively uses network equipment. In this particular case, we mean Cisco products. Moreover, it is not necessarily iron. Maybe you just installed one of the software supplied by this company.

Cisco is a company whose clear specialization is network equipment. It was founded in 1984 by a married couple: Leonard Bosak and Sandra Lerner. It all started with the production of network routers. It is impossible to call the company a pioneer in the industry. But it is worth noting that Cisco is the first company that was able to make a multi-user router commercially successful.

Serious changes overtook the company in 1990. Investors took the reins into their own hands, after which the company's founders left it. For this, Bosak and Lerner received $170 million. In their place...

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You have a problem with food: “Cisco - what is it?” This is a company that produces such limited equipment as communicators, routers, screens, modems, routers, servers and much more. He is also the main developer and leader in computer and edge technologies.


This is an American company that dismantles and sells property. The main motto of the company is to have the opportunity to purchase all the necessary equipment from Cisco Systems. In addition to its advanced capabilities, the company has the world's largest enterprise in the field of high technology. You still say: “Cisco - what is it?” At the beginning of its activity, the company only manufactured routers. Now we are the greatest leader in the development of technologies for connecting the Internet. She created a multi-profile certification system for fakivtsev along the lines. Cisco professional certifications are even more valuable than those of an expert (CCIE) in the computer world.

The name Cisco itself comes from the city of San Francisco in the state of California. The logo is a copy of the bridge...

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Cisco warns users of its UC (Unified Communications) products not to wait for support for Windows 7 until the release of version 8.0 products, which will appear in the first quarter of 2010. A dozen other products will only receive support for Windows 7 with the release of version 8.5 in the third quarter of 2010, with support exclusively for the 32-bit version of Windows 7.

Only three UC products from will receive support for 64-bit Windows versions 7, and even then using a 32-bit emulator. These three products are Cisco UC Integration for Microsoft Office Communicator, Cisco IP Communicator, and Cisco Unified Personal Communicator. Communicator products are client-side multimedia applications used with Cisco Unified Communications server products.

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This 46-day video course is updated as of 2018 and contains 49 video lessons ranging from 17 to 65 minutes.

Welcome, I am your teacher Imran Rafai, today we will start our series of lectures with the topic “Network Fundamentals”. This video course is ideal not only for those about to take the Cisco Certified Network Professional exams, but also for those who are interested in networking or want to start a career in networking. The CCNA certificate is very valuable and I encourage anyone who strives for excellence in this field to obtain this certificate because it has great importance to assess your professionalism. Before continuing, I will ask you to focus on the first 3 days of training, because in these days I will be covering fundamental concepts that will become the basis of your networking career and will be useful to you, maybe even 20 years from now.

Feel free to ask me questions, write directly to me through the contact form on the website or visit my pages on social networks:

So, let's start with the simplest question - what is a network. When I ask my students this question, I often get answers like: “The web is Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, etc.,” which is everything you see on the icons on this slide.

But social network- this is not the network we are going to learn about, and not the one I will talk about. What we're interested in is the network between computers, the basis for applications like Twitter and Facebook, because all networks are built on the same principle.

We will study just such a network as shown on the slide, and if we have time at the end of this lesson, we will talk a little about the applications used here. When I created this slide, I wondered how I could explain the concept of networking to students who are just about to study the networking industry without using a lot of technical terms.
I can’t tell it in this way: “this thing is connected with this thing or with this thing.” I thought about what I need The best way to explain the concept of networking and remembered a story my teacher told me when I was learning about networking. It was about how in the old days kings exchanged messages. They handed the message to a messenger, who rode on horseback along the roads and paths, then passed the city gates, entered the chambers of another king and handed him the message. If we draw an analogy with a computer network, then a message is data that can be anything: a .doc or .excel file from MS Word, an image, a video. The roads along which the messenger traveled are computer networks. Of course, a computer network is much more interesting than a simple paved road, but we can conclude that the reason for the invention of the computer network was the need to establish connections between computers.

In this picture you see Windows computers, Linux and iMac, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, pocket PC. On the top right you see a web server, a database server, a file server. Despite the fact that all these devices operate under different operating systems, they communicate with each other absolutely without problems. This is the magic of a computer network, which runs on a global standard called the OSI networking model. This standard clearly states that anyone who manufactures computing devices must ensure that they communicate with each other using a common language of network communication.
Let's take a closer look at how the Internet works. In this slide you see the basic model of the network, these are 2 computers connected by a cable.

In this case we have a Cat 5 network cable, you can see what it looks like in cross section. These cables are different color- blue, red, or some other. Under the protective shell there are 8 thin wires that are connected to an RJ45 connector. On the back of your computer, if we are talking about the PC system unit, there is a socket for connecting this cable, which is located on the network card. In this way, two computers can communicate with each other, and this underlying network is called an Ethernet network. I'll try to write this word on the screen with the mouse, I'm very good at it, maybe for the next video I'll buy a stylus to write in more legible handwriting. So, by connecting 2 computers with this cable, you will get a very simple network, but what if you have more than two computers, say 5? In this case, you will probably need more network cards than one computer usually has.

In this case, all computers communicate with each other through a network device - a switch, or hub. A switch and a hub are completely different devices, they have different functions, we will look at them in the following video tutorials. For now, it’s enough for you to know that through such a network device, in this case these switches, computers can communicate with each other.

The guy on the left has a document that he wants to send over the network to the guy on the right. All he has to do to do this is send the document via his IP address You ask, what is an IP address? An IP address is how computers recognize each other on a network. We'll talk about these addresses in future video lessons, but for now just remember that they are computer identifiers.

Another important reason The reason why people use computer networks is through the use of devices such as this printer. Let's say it's a very expensive printer or scanner that a company has purchased, and unless we have a shared network, it can only be connected directly to one computer. Let's say that this user prints no more than 1 page per day, and all other users in this company print up to 2 pages per day. Then the company will be forced to purchase personal printers for each user, and their use will be minimal. Therefore, the company invests money in network infrastructure, which allows it to have only 1 expensive and high-quality printer for all employees connected to the network, and thus saves money and makes the most efficient use of the budget allocated for the IT sector.

This is the basic requirement for computer networks and the main reason for their use.

So, a computer network in an office, or even in one room, but usually this is a network in one company, is called LAN - local area network. This is a network that is located in one geographical area. Let's say your company has two offices - in New York and Boston.

To connect them, you create a network between two offices of your company. Of course, if you have a lot of money and have received permission from the authorities, you can independently connect these offices with a cable, laying it underground from New York to Boston. But most companies don't have that kind of money or the desire to spend it that way, so the best way to do it is to connect both offices to a local ISP, or Internet Service Provider. ISPs already have fairly powerful networks between them with high throughput, so your data from the New York office travels over the network to the local ISP, then is forwarded to the Boston ISP and from there to your Boston office. Therefore, a computer in a New York office can easily connect to a computer in a Boston office using an ISP.

This creates a wide network, and by “wide” I mean a large geographical area connecting many local networks. It can be spread throughout the country, it can be organized in different cities of the same country, or in different countries. Essentially, everything is LAN.

How does it work, how do you connect your computer to your ISP? Usually you have a small socket on the wall to which the cable from your network card is connected, and on the other side your company's switch is connected to it. There is an underground cable running from this outlet to the ISP, and the same underground cable is running between the ISP offices in New York and Boston. In Boston, a similar pattern is repeated - an underground Internet cable from the ISP office enters the company office and is connected to the outlet where the router is connected, to which the office computers are connected.

This is how a LAN network works. The Internet also uses an ISP because the Internet is nothing but a very vast LAN network that covers the entire world in which there are many public resources. Google says that “the Internet is a global computer network that provides a variety of information and communications media, and consists of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.”

This is such a long definition. Thus, the Internet is a combination of many local networks. You have a LAN here, here and here, all connected to each other. American networks are connected to European, African, Asian, Indian networks, they are all connected to each other - that is what the Internet is. If someone from India wants to contact New York, the data will go along this path, and if the connection between Europe and the USA is interrupted, then the data will go along a longer path through Africa and South America. So, the Internet is a set of mutually connected local networks.
Let's talk about the apps I already mentioned. There are many Internet applications, and we all use applications such as Skype, eBay, CNN, YouTube.

This figure shows a very small proportion of Internet applications; you know a much larger number. Consider how, for example, YouTube, which is owned by Google, works.

Google has set up a public server somewhere on the Internet that is accessible to everyone, so if I want to watch a video on YouTube, I go to my web browser and type The process that happens in the background is much more complex, but we will try to simplify it and show how it works in the following video tutorials.

Let's say that when someone types and presses “Enter,” the computer sends an HTTP request to YouTube's public server. When the server receives this request, it thinks, "great, it's an HTTP request, so I'll send back an HTML file." It creates an HTML file and sends it back to me. My browser takes this file and says, “I know what this HTML file is, and I know how to process it to show a video from the YouTube site.” The same thing happens with eBay, CNN, Skype. This is how the Internet basically works: there is a public server that contains the files that your computer requests, and those files are sent to you in response to the request. This is how the Internet helps to globalize the information world.

Before discussing the Internet, let's consider its most important property - speed. Let's discuss what is the difference between a bit and a byte. A bit is the minimum piece of information that a computer understands; it can be 0 or 1. A byte is a unit of information consisting of 8 bits.

So one byte might look like this: 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1. People often get confused about these units, so remember: data is always measured in bytes. When I say I have 1 GB random access memory, this means 1gigabyte of RAM, but when I say the speed that I have 10 Mbps, it means that I have 10 megabits per second transferred. Thus, data is measured in bytes, and data transfer speed is measured in bits per second. If you confuse these two concepts, you will have a hard time. If I say bytes per second, it means 8 bits per second. So remember that speed is always represented by a small letter b - this is a bit, and the size is capital letter B, this is a byte. One kilobit = 1024 bits, just like 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes.

Let's look at an example. How long will it take for a 128 KB file to transfer over a network at 1 Mbps? Let's convert the file size from bytes to bits: 128 x 8 kilobits = 1024 kilobits, or 1 megabit. Thus, at a given connection speed, the transfer time for a file of this size will take no more than 1 second.

If you understand the difference between bits and bytes, then it will be very easy for you to understand the content of the rest of the video lessons. If we are talking about speed, we need to mention three more important factors, which slow down the speed. All these factors are always interconnected. When you connect the cable from the router to your computer, it reports that it is connected to the network at a speed of 100 Mbps. For today it is maximum speed, which the LAN network card can provide. But don't forget that the speed we're talking about is the speed between your computer and the router. Your internet connection may have a speed of 1 Mbps, so if you are trying to connect to the internet at 100 megabits, you will not succeed because the internet can only carry 1 megabit. Let's say you want to transfer a file from your Bangalore office to your New York office. So your file through the gateway router arrives at a speed of 1 megabit/s to the Internet provider in Bangalore. The ISP in Bangaolra is connected to the ISP in Mumbai with a high-speed link capable of delivering speeds of 100 Mbps.

The speed between the Mumbai ISP and the Dubai ISP is slower because there is a line between them that only provides 10Mbps, but there is again a 100Mbps connection between Dubai and Cairo. Then between Cairo and Madrid there may also be high-speed Internet, then the speed drops and so on. This is what happens on the Internet, which is a bunch of routers with different data transfer rates. Even if I have a 100 Mbps high-speed connection in Bangalore, the transfer speed between the Bangalore and New York offices will be determined by the minimum connection speed on the link, in this case the speed between the IPS in New York and the computer in New York office, that is, 1 Mbit/s.

This is how internet speed works. Of course, in reality the connection between Bangalore and New York does not occur through Mumbai, Dubai and Cairo, I have given these cities as an example, and the actual data path may be different. But in general, data packets travel this way from one place to another. Thus, the speed depends on many factors, including the speed at different parts of the network route. So, the second critical factor is delays. Let's assume we have another office in Boston, I'll place it to the right of the New York office. When sending data from New York to Boston, it travels through fewer nodes and therefore it will reach its destination much faster. The conclusion here is that if the distance between two devices is large, you may experience communication delays.

So if you go to or from Singapore, the network will not direct you to the Google server in the US, but to the server closest to you, maybe an IPS server in Singapore itself, and the delay will be negligible. But if the connection between Cairo and Dubai is severed, a longer detour will have to be taken from New York to Bangalore, possibly via Russia, China and India. This is a very long process, and here a third factor arises - accessibility, that is, the availability of the necessary resources for the operation of the Internet.

Availability means that all connections between servers must be up and running.
Another thing we will discuss in this video tutorial is network topology. There are three fundamental types of topology: star, ring, and bus.

"Star" is one of the oldest computer connection schemes that exists to this day. Here, all computers or devices are connected to a central switch. If one of the computers loses connection with the switch, this will not affect the connection of the remaining computers, but this computer will completely lose connection with the network.

In a “ring,” each computer is connected to another, and if the connection between two neighboring computers is interrupted, they can still communicate with each other through the next computer.

In a “bus”, each computer is also individually connected to the network using its own small network device. Thus, if one section of the network fails, computers located nearby will be able to communicate with each other, but will lose communication with computers on the network segment located behind the damaged section.

Let's see how this is implemented in modern world, returning to the first slide with the network image. As you can see, the switch and the three computers closest to it are connected into a common “star” topology network, and the servers located in the upper right corner are connected to the switch in the same way. In almost the same way, mobile devices are connected to a WiFi AP. The two central switches are connected using a “bus” circuit, so if the connection between them is interrupted, the devices on the right will be able to communicate with each other, but will not be able to communicate with the left segment of the network. Sometimes switches are connected by additional communication lines, so even if the connection in one section is interrupted, communication can be carried out over other segments of the network.

Thus, in the real world, a hybrid or mixed network topology is used, which uses both a star, a ring, and a bus.
This is all the information that I wanted to present to you in our first video tutorial. If you don't understand something, you can always watch this video again. Feel free to contact me at the above contacts, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch our latest videos. You can also visit our website. That's all, see you in the second video lesson.

How to build corporate infrastructure class using Dell R730xd E5-2650 v4 servers costing 9,000 euros for pennies?

Cisco warns users of its UC (Unified Communications) products not to wait for support for Windows 7 until the release of version 8.0 products, which will appear in the first quarter of 2010. A dozen other products will only receive support for Windows 7 with the release of version 8.5 in the third quarter of 2010, with support exclusively for the 32-bit version of Windows 7.

Only three UC products out of 50 available in Cisco's arsenal will receive support for 64-bit versions of Windows 7, and even then using a 32-bit emulator. These three products are Cisco UC Integration for Microsoft Office Communicator, Cisco IP Communicator, and Cisco Unified Personal Communicator. Communicator products are client-side multimedia applications used with Cisco Unified Communications server products.

One Cisco user, who wished to remain anonymous, is upset by the delay. He said that Cisco became a Windows supplier when it developed desktop UC applications like the Unified Attendant Console, however, Cisco does not promise to make this utility work on 64-bit Windows 7. He believes that the company's lack of support for 64-bit versions Windows is discouraging companies wanting to upgrade their fleet to Windows 7 from using Cisco UC products.

Another user commented on the blog saying that it is possible to launch Cisco UC products today if desired. Another anonymous user wrote: "I understand that many UC products will likely run on the 32-bit version of Windows 7. I'm more concerned about how they will work on the 64-bit version of Windows 7. 64- bit OSes became available with the advent of Windows XP, although 64-bit processors became available to the general public only in last years. However, most desktop computers and laptops purchased in the last 2-3 years were equipped with 64-bit processors. Cisco is now developing applications for desktop computers as well, so the company is responsible for supporting desktop OSes used in enterprise environments!"

Microsoft sent Windows 7 to press on July 22. And from then on, Windows application developers have access to latest version OS program code. It is strange that from that moment Cisco did not bother to ensure support for its products in the new OS.

According to information from the Windows 7 Compatibility Center, four Cisco desktop applications have been certified for Windows 7, namely: Cisco VPN Client v5, Cisco EAP-FAST Module, Cisco LEAP Module, Cisco PEAP Module. These modules are designed to handle the transfer of authentication credentials and are used in conjunction with VPN.

Blogger James Heary claims that Cisco is the first major VPN vendor to provide support for Windows 7. VPN support for Windows 7 covers client applications for IPSEC and SSLVPN. In fact, the Cisco Anyconnect 2.4 SSLVPN client supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7. And according to Microsoft, the Cisco VPN client 5.0.6 only supports the 32-bit version of Windows 7.

IN Lately Active Internet users are increasingly faced with the appearance of unknown programs on their PCs: no one intentionally installed such software, but the programs somehow ended up on their work computer. A striking example of such software is the Cisco EAP-FAST Module, Cisco LEAP Module or Cisco PEAP Module program. At the same time, most users do not understand what kind of program this is? and is it needed - what if deletion will lead to other applications not working?

What is Cisco eap fast module?

If you have previously connected to a network domain or, then the appearance of the cisco eap fast module program among the working software is not surprising: this program is an authentication service using secure tunneling (eap-fast) - a type of eap from Cisco.

This service allows authentication through the global network according to the IEEE 802.1X standard. eap-fast also provides protection against various network attacks.

What is this program and is it needed?

If you have never used Cisco products before or connected to a network domain, then you can safely delete it. Initially, this program was intended for Cisco wireless infrastructure.

Typically, Cisco eap-fast is relevant for users or organizations that cannot meet security requirements regarding password policies, do not want to use digital certificates in their work, or do not support different kinds databases. In such cases, eap-fast will protect against a variety of network attacks, including man-in-the-middle attacks, authentication spoofing, AirSnort attacks, packet spoofing (based on the victim's responses), and dictionary brute force.

If an organization uses (such as WPA or WPA2, which includes the 802.1x standard for authentication purposes), and is unable to enforce password policies and does not want to use certificates, then it can easily implement eap-fast to strengthen overall security.

What is this program and can it be removed?

Sometimes, when reinstalling drivers for a wireless network adapter, the installation of Cisco eap-fast is also enabled, but the process does not proceed beyond this - the installer freezes, and the wireless network remains inaccessible. Possible reasons This “behavior” lies in the incorrect definition of the network card itself or the model name.

To prevent and eliminate such problems, it is advisable to periodically scan the system for viruses using antivirus programs such as Dr.web CureIt.

After all, when you reinstalled the system, you could receive already infected drivers and installers. At the same time, standard antiviruses, such as Kaspersky, can simply skip infected files by adding them to exceptions - and, accordingly, give them almost complete access to the system.

If the drivers were installed using the installer, you must first remove this program through the Control Panel in “Programs and Features” (for Windows 7 and higher) or “Add/Remove Programs” (for Windows XP) and again.

If all else fails, you should try Everest program(aka AIDA) to determine the correct device identifier, which can be used to find the correct drivers. This can also be done through the standard Device Manager by going to the device properties and selecting Information, but this will be easier and more convenient to do with the Everest program.

How to uninstall a program

For complete removal Cisco eap-fast module use the Add/Remove Programs Wizard from the Control Panel. The step by step guide for removal is as follows:

  • - open the start menu and go to the Control Panel;
  • - select Add/Remove Programs for Windows XP or Programs and Features for versions of Windows Vista, 7 and 10;
  • - find the Cisco eap-fast module program and click on it. For Windows XP, click the Change/Remove tab or simply click the Remove button;
  • - Follow the removal instructions until the process is successfully completed.