Qi klim tablets side effects. Qi-Clim is an effective remedy in the fight against menopause. Applications and dosages

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Cyclim. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Cyclim in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Cyclim analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of hot flashes, neurocirculatory dystonia and other manifestations of menopause in women, also during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Qi-klim- a product of plant origin. Cycloartane triterpenoids, incl. shengmanol, acetylshengmanol, have a hypotensive and sedative effect, increase myocardial contractility without affecting heart rate. In combination with saponins and phytosterol, they exhibit hypolipidemic, antioxidant and angioprotective activity.

It has an estrogen-like effect due to binding to estrogen receptors of hypothalamic neurons (acting on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system). This leads to a decrease in the release of GnRH and a subsequent decrease in LH secretion from the anterior pituitary gland. A decrease in the release of gonadotropins leads to the elimination of psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular disorders that occur during the premenopausal and menopausal periods and are caused by a sharp decrease in estrogen production with a simultaneous increase in the secretion of LH and FSH.

Increases diuresis, increases the secretion of digestive glands, relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines and urinary tract, has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

With regular use of products with phytoestrogens, the symptoms of menopause are alleviated and the appearance of the skin improves even without the use of cosmetics. It has been proven that if you use products with phytoestrogens once a year for 3-4 months, this will delay the day when more drastic methods of correcting age-related changes will be needed. And with the onset of menopause, such funds should be with you constantly. And may we not have power over time! But we have the power to help ourselves maintain youth, beauty and health.

Anti-aging face cream Qi-Klim contains black cohosh phytoestrogens, retinol and hyaluronic acid. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, restores skin firmness and elasticity, helps eliminate dryness and pigmentation.

Beta-alanine is well tolerated and does not lead to weight gain.


Dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes + excipients (Cyclim).

Water + Soybean oil + Lipoderm + Glycerin + Liposentol multi (vitamin complex) + Black cohosh and wild yam extract + Hyaluronic acid + D-panthenol + Allantoin + excipients (Cyclim face cream).

Water + Soybean oil + Glycerin + Lipoderm 4/1 + Liposentol multi + Extracts of black cohosh and wild yam + Ethyl alcohol + D-panthenol + Allantoin (Cyclim body cream).

Beta-alanine + excipients (Cyclim Alanine).

Water + Argireline + Soybean oil + Lipoderm 4/1 + Glycerin + Liposentol multi vitamin complex + Tera-Vital + D-panthenol + Wild yam extract + Lecithin + Hyaluronic acid + excipients (Cyclim Botoeffect Cream).

Vitamin A + Vitamin E + Vitamin C + Vitamin B1 + Vitamin B2 + Vitamin B6 + Calcium pantothenate + Folic acid + Rutin + L-carnitine + Selenium + Magnesium sulfate Black cohosh extract + Motherwort extract + excipients (Cyclim vitamins for women 45+) .


  • neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) of the hypertensive type;
  • mild arterial hypertension;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • climacteric neurosis;
  • tides;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia.

Release forms


Face cream.

Body cream.

Instructions for use and method of use


Taken orally, the course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Alanine tablets

Adults: 1-2 tablets per day. Duration of treatment - at least 1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.


Apply face cream with light massage movements in the morning and/or evening onto the skin of the face, neck or other areas of the body.

Apply body cream with light massage movements in the morning and/or evening on the skin of the arms, legs or other areas of the body.

Qi-Klim cream must be used in courses of 2-3 months.

Vitamins for women 45+

Adults: 1 tablet per day with meals. Duration of treatment is at least 2 months. If necessary, the reception can be continued.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions;
  • transient pain in the stomach.


  • hypersensitivity to black cohosh and other components of the drugs;
  • estrogen-dependent tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

No clinical studies have been conducted.

special instructions

Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For gastritis with increased secretion, use with caution.

Drug interactions

Analogues of the drug Cyclim

The drug Cyclim has no structural analogues for the active substance. The drugs are a biologically active additive (BAA) produced by Evalar and contain a unique composition of active ingredients.

Analogs by pharmacological group (drugs for menopause and menopause):

  • Allitera;
  • Bellaspon;
  • Bravinton;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Vitaprost forte;
  • Gynodian Depot;
  • Hormoplex;
  • Grandaxin;
  • Deprim;
  • Dermestril;
  • Diazepex;
  • Divigel;
  • Divitren;
  • Duphaston;
  • Individual;
  • Inoclim;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Klimadinon Uno;
  • Climaxan homeopathic;
  • Climact Hel;
  • Klimaktoplan;
  • Klimalanin;
  • Klimara;
  • Klymen;
  • Climodien;
  • Cliogest;
  • Crinon;
  • Krategus;
  • Menopace;
  • Microfollin;
  • Napoton;
  • Nervochel;
  • Nikoshpan;
  • Nobrassite;
  • Novo Passit;
  • Nozepam;
  • Ovariamin;
  • Ovestin;
  • Pauzogest;
  • Premarin;
  • Proginova;
  • Relanium;
  • Remens;
  • Rudotel;
  • Saguenite;
  • Sibazon;
  • Sinestrol;
  • Telektol;
  • Triaclim;
  • Feminal;
  • Femoston;
  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Chlorprothixene;
  • Qi-klim Alanine;
  • Estrimax;
  • Estrovel;
  • Estrogel;
  • Estrofem.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Every woman at any age dreams and strives to be beautiful and attractive not only to others, but also to herself. The modern cosmetics industry produces a variety of products for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, including very effective creams, serums and other products.

But with age, the female body needs not only external care, but also the use of medications internally. This is due to the fact that the hormonal system no longer works as efficiently and needs support. In this case, hormonal agents and products containing phytohormones come to the rescue. The last group includes the dietary supplement Qi-klim, which will be discussed further. Reviews about Qi-klim can be read at the end of the article.

Composition and main action

The main active ingredient that has a therapeutic effect is dry cohosh extract. . This plant contains phytohormone, capable of having an effect on the body similar to the effect of the hormone estrogen. At the age of 45–50, the production of this hormone decreases significantly, which leads to a condition such as menopause. This process is irreversible, but a woman is able to stop these physiological changes by using appropriate medications.

Menopause and its drug treatment

The menopause is a time when the female body needs estrogen hormones. These hormones are responsible for beauty and women's health. With their shortage, the following processes occur:

  • sleep is disturbed;
  • mood worsens;
  • hot flashes and sweating occur;
  • skin and other body tissues fade faster;
  • heart rate increases.

During menopause, a woman feels unwell. On top of everything else, the psyche is also aggravated - it seems that life is coming to an end and will no longer be filled with bright colors.

The most important thing in this difficult time is to pull yourself together and take care of your health. And the drug Qi-klim is ready to help.

Like any medicine for oral administration by Evalar, Qi-klim is a dietary supplement. This suggests that this drug should be taken exclusively with food. One tablet a day for at least three months is what the Qi-Klim instructions say. After six months of use, it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist. The therapeutic effect occurs after 2–4 weeks, which is due to the peculiarity of the drug - the duration of accumulation in the body.

The visible effect of the cream also occurs 2–4 weeks after application. It makes the skin more elastic, radiant and well-groomed.

Together with Qi-klim, the use of vitamin-mineral complexes during menopause is indicated to improve the general condition. These include the drug Climacyclin, which, in addition to minerals and vitamins, contains isoflavonoids and iridoids, which also help the female body during the difficult period of menopause. Klimaxan is another drug containing black cohosh. It belongs to homeopathic medicines and may well become a replacement for Qi-Clim, being its partial analogue.

Contraindications and side effects

The main side effects of the drug are an allergic reaction and individual intolerance. Contraindications are due to the ability of its substances to affect uterine tissue, which prohibits the use of Cy-Clim for estrogen-dependent tumors, endometriosis and uterine fibroids. If there is a predisposition to these diseases, then the use of dietary supplements should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

During menopause, a woman has a difficult time. Symptoms associated with hormonal changes in the body can disrupt the usual rhythm of life. There is a solution to this problem - the use of additional substances that replenish missing hormones. Qi-klim copes with this task perfectly. This dietary supplement has virtually no contraindications, and after examination and exclusion of these contraindications, the patient can safely use this drug.

Victoria Petrovna, obstetrician-gynecologist

The drug "Ci-klim Evalar" is prescribed to women for menopausal disorders, during premenopause, menopause, etc. The product relieves hot flashes (“hot flashes”) and helps with high blood pressure. "Qi-Klim" has sedative properties, it has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. The drug calms the heartbeat, eliminates headaches, and reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

The main active ingredients of the drug are extracts of black cohosh and wild yam. Wild yam extract contains the plant hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, which is called the “fountain of youth”. In the body, this substance is involved in the synthesis of estrogen and testosterone. Black cohosh extract is a natural phytoestrogen that helps normalize hormonal levels.

Magnesium, which is part of Qi-Klim, is necessary for the functioning of antioxidant enzymes and collagen synthesis.

The drug also contains hyaluronic acid. This is the main component of the skin intercellular substance, which provides skin elasticity. It is the best moisturizer that allows you to “rejuvenate” and maintain the good condition of the dermis.

Retinol, which is part of Qi-Klim, promotes faster renewal of the epidermis, stimulates the natural production of collagen, and reduces wrinkles. By preventing excess melanin production, it lightens age spots. Allantoin, D-panthenol, vitamin E have a moisturizing effect, which is necessary to normalize the regeneration processes of skin cells. Grapefruit essential oil has a refreshing effect and stimulates blood circulation.

How to take Qi-klim Evalar

"Qi-Klim Evalar" is taken with meals, one tablet twice a day. The course of taking the drug is at least three months. Long-term use of Qi-Clim enhances its effect. After 6 months of use, it is recommended to take a break.

According to reviews, the drug is well tolerated, in some cases allergic reactions are possible.

"Qi-Klim Evalar" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation). You should not take the drug if you have estrogen-dependent tumors. For uterine fibroids and endometriosis, taking Qi-Klim should be carried out under medical supervision.

Before starting a conversation about menopause, you need to make it clear to the woman that any age is beautiful in its own way, and that life should be enjoyed, trying not to pay attention to any common opinions and prejudices. This period of life is wonderful because you can live for yourself, do what you really like, and not have to prove anything to anyone. The only thing that can overshadow this age is the arrival of menopause. This time lasts from 2 to 10 years. Fortunately, modern medicine produces products that can help ease menopause. That is, such a problem is completely solvable, and if it is solvable, then it is no longer a problem.

First of all, it is worth noting that the purpose of Cyclim 45, instructions for use of which will be discussed below, is not a medicine, but a Dietary Supplement to food, which makes it less safe to use.

In order for such a supplement to really work, you cannot cancel the principles of proper nutrition, otherwise there will be no effect from taking it.

Action and description of Qi-klim Alanine

This medicine can relieve the female body from hot flashes and excessive sweating. The product can also relieve headaches, including severe ones, control the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and keep blood pressure normal. The medicine can normalize sleep and put in order the emotional sphere of a woman’s life in order to increase her efficiency and cheerfulness. During menopause, bones become incredibly vulnerable, so the drug solves this problem by saturating the bones with calcium and making them less fragile and prone to fractures.

Attention! Even before you start drinking these pills, you need to understand that it has a cumulative effect.

This means that the results from taking it will not appear instantly. You will need to wait a few weeks, only then will there be a noticeable improvement.

The instructions for using Qi-klim Alanine are compiled in some detail and highlight the following effects on the woman’s body:

  1. Increases cheerfulness, gives strength to live and look at the world positively.
  2. Maintain normal hormonal levels.
  3. Protects the body from aging.
  4. Helps not to overwork, protects from stressful situations.
  5. Relieves depression and irritability, which are characteristic of the menopause in general.
  6. Protects against osteoporosis and prevents calcium from being washed out of bones in large quantities.
  7. Supports normal and healthy sleep, makes it easier to fall asleep.
  8. Maintains proper metabolism and does not allow a woman to gain excess weight.
  9. Preserves libido and sexual desire.

Forms of release of the drug

Cyclim Alanine is available in the form of tablets, which are recommended as a means of replenishing the amount of missing hormones during menopause. There are vitamins Qi-clim Alanine, they are prescribed as a general tonic for the menopause.

Keep in mind that the instructions for using Qi-Clim Alanine are somewhat different from using the Dietary Supplement itself.

As for vitamin Qi-klim, they can be used in combination with a dietary supplement. There is also Qi-Klim cream for external use, which helps cope with dry skin and age spots on it. Qi-klim cream can also be used as a cosmetic product to ensure that the skin during menopause remains smooth and beautiful, since Qi-klim cream has no contraindications for use and is not a drug.

Ingredients of the drug Qi-klim 45

This drug has the following composition:

  1. Vitamins A, C, E- needed to maintain healthy and youthful skin. Supports heart and cardiovascular health.
  2. Phytoestrogens. These are safe analogues of female sex hormones that are part of Qi-clim Bio and help replenish their missing amount. They prevent the manifestation of aging of the body, maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. They help reduce the manifestations of menopausal syndrome (irritability, sweating, hot flashes, headache, bad mood, etc.).
  3. Motherwort extract. This component is needed in Qi-Clim Bio in order to facilitate falling asleep and ensure healthy sleep. Motherwort also helps get rid of bad mood, nervousness, and supports the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  4. Magnesium. Needed in Qi-clim Bio in order to reduce the impact of stress factors on the female body, creates a positive psychological mood.
  5. Kartinin And climalanine. They charge the body with positive energy, improve metabolism, and effectively fight fat deposits on a woman’s body; Cy-Clim Bio is especially effective in the hips and abdomen.

Indications for use of the drug Qi-klim Bio

Cyclic vitamins for women over 45 years old are prescribed to those who are having a hard time going through menopause, as well as to those who have undergone surgery on the reproductive organs and now need a period of rehabilitation.

Attention! Qi-Clim vitamins for women over 45 years old can be taken only on the recommendation of the attending physician and not by everyone, since before prescribing it, a medical professional must clearly assess the woman’s condition plus the level of her sex hormones.

All women taking the drug should be regularly monitored by a doctor. That is, to the question of whether it is possible to take Qi-Klim Evalar without a doctor’s prescription, there is a clearly negative answer.

The most important reason why people are prescribed to take Cyclim Evalar after 40 years is a deficiency of the female sex hormone estrogen. In some sources you can find information that this hormone is the hormone of youth. That is, with enough of it, a woman looks young and attractive, and when there is not enough hormone, the aging process begins. Many women perceive this as a real tragedy. And this is not surprising, because wrinkles appear on the skin, hair loses its attractiveness, nails begin to break and peel, and a fairly serious amount of excess weight appears.

Taking Qi-Clim tablets will help stop these processes and preserve women's youth.

Attention! In developed European countries, taking such drugs at the age of 40-45 is considered quite normal, which is why women 50-55 years old living in these countries look much more youthful and attractive.

How to use the dietary supplement Qi-klim 45 during menopause?

This drug is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day, this should be done with meals. The course of treatment with the drug is 3 months, since this drug has a cumulative effect. However, the doctor can prescribe an individual treatment regimen with this medication depending on the woman’s well-being and the level of her sex hormones.

If your doctor has prescribed you Qi-Clim Evalar cream, then you need to apply it externally, with light movements. It is applied to the skin in the morning and evening, that is, twice a day. If you use the cream regularly, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, an increase in its elasticity, and an attractive appearance.

The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription, but this does not mean that it can be taken and used uncontrolled.

Contraindications to the use of the dietary supplement Qi-klim Evalar

The drug Qi-klim, the contraindications of which are quite serious, should not be taken in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to at least one component of the drug.
  • The presence of tumors, both malignant and benign.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Qi-Klim tablets are contraindicated; as for the cream, this issue is discussed with the doctor individually.

Analogues of Qi-klim

There are no analogues of Qi-klim, since the product contains unique substances, and other manufacturers have not yet been able to reproduce this composition. There are other drugs used for menopause, but their composition is very different from Qi-klim.

That is, there is no point in looking for a complete analogue of Qi-klim.

Thus, as for the drug Qi-klim, it is a fairly effective drug for combating the symptoms of menopause. The effectiveness is manifested in the fact that the product is presented in various dosage forms. And its unique composition allows you to solve almost all the problems that face a woman who has entered the age of menopause. That is, if you are experiencing problems with your health during menopause, then you have a direct route to the doctor: for tests and various types of examinations, and if you really need it, the doctor will prescribe some kind of auxiliary remedy.

Useful video on this topic:

Instructions for use

QI-CLIM instructions for use

Dosage form

The liquid is light brown in color with a characteristic odor. During storage, turbidity and sedimentation are allowed.


To obtain the drug use:

Active ingredient:

Cohosh racemosus rhizomes with roots liquid extract* - 12 g, which is equivalent to 2.4 g of cohosh racemosus rhizomes with roots.


Saccharin - 0.050 g, peppermint leaf oil - 0.004 g, ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 95% - 28.125 g, water - 59.821 g.

* Cohomo racemosus rhizomes with roots liquid extract is made from cohosh racemosus rhizomes with roots, ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 95% and water; the ratio of raw materials to the resulting extract is 1:5.


QI-CLIM® has an estrogen-like effect, exhibits sedative properties, and has a therapeutic effect on the autonomic nervous system.

The use of the drug helps to weaken or completely disappear the symptoms of malaise during menopause.

The therapeutic effect of QI-CLIM® develops gradually and appears after approximately 2 weeks of treatment.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.

In rare cases, pain in the epigastric region may occur.

Possible weight gain.

Very rarely there is a feeling of tension in the mammary glands and menstrual-like bleeding.

Selling Features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

The drug should not be used for more than 3 months without consulting a doctor.

The drug contains 35.0-40.0% ethanol (volume). A single dose of the drug (30 drops) contains 0.33 g of absolute ethyl alcohol, a daily dose (60 drops) - 0.66 g of absolute ethyl alcohol.

If pregnancy occurs, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

During storage of drops for oral administration, turbidity and precipitation may occur, which does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Shake before use!

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:

During the period of use of the drug, care should be taken when performing potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).


Vegetative-vascular disorders during menopause, pre- and postmenopause (hot flashes, increased sweating, sleep disturbance, increased nervous excitability, mood changes, apathy, etc.) as part of complex therapy.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, alcoholism.

Cannot be used to treat patients with estrogen-dependent tumors.


Liver diseases, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, brain diseases (use is possible only after consulting a doctor).

Pregnancy and lactation:

The drug should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Drug interactions

Interactions with other drugs are currently unknown.

Prices for QI-CLIM in other cities

Buy QI-CLIM,QI-CLIM in St. Petersburg,QI-CLIM in Novosibirsk,QI-CLIM in Yekaterinburg,QI-CLIM in Nizhny Novgorod,QI-CLIM in Kazan,