What awaits the lion rabbit in. Rabbit – Libra

Year of birth: 1927,1939,1951,1963, 1975,1987,1999,2011

What awaits the Rabbit (Cat) in 2017?

You will be part of a series of transformations in the personal lives of others. Carefully analyze and evaluate events. You should be in charge. You may lose a friend. Soon you will do something that will stun your friends, and perhaps even yourself. Relationships with others leave much to be desired, problems arising from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your

Rabbit love horoscope for 2017 Year of the Rooster

The year will begin with nervousness in relations with a partner, because the Rabbit will be very busy with new plans and, most likely, will pay little attention to his soul mate. In the spring, this trend may even worsen. In the summer, interest in your career will subside a little - there will be a chance to improve relationships in your family or, if you don’t have one, meet a loved one.

And this will happen in the fall. Lonely Rabbits will feel a thirst for adventure in the spring and will frivolously change partners.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be very productive for Rabbits. They will demonstrate their business qualities, thanks to which they will achieve excellent results, both in business and in the field of interpersonal relationships. Those born in the year of the Rabbit will be able to move freely towards their goals and realize all their ideas and plans. The patron of 2017, the Rooster, will not bring them any problems or difficulties. Luck will accompany representatives of this sign of the Eastern Chinese horoscope throughout the entire period. Rabbits should beware of frivolity and making rash decisions that can interfere with the implementation of plans and lead to mistakes. This year, representatives of this sign must carefully think through their every step, check all the information received and avoid impulsive actions. They will spend most of their time at work, continuing to achieve the goal they set in the previous year. The Rooster will open up great prospects for Rabbits, which will take those born under this sign to a new level, both in social status and personal development. First of all, Rabbits will need to collect their thoughts, think about every step and be careful in all areas of their lives. This tactic will help avoid many mistakes that they will later regret. The rabbit is a domestic creature, which is why coziness and comfort are so important to him, both in the home and in relationships with loved ones. The Fire Rooster will give Rabbits a wonderful opportunity to solve their problems related to relationships and everyday life. But to achieve success in business and professional growth, they will have to pull themselves together, act quickly and urgently. Thanks to the energy and hard work that the Red Rooster will reward the representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope, they will achieve great heights in this area. The Rooster will do everything to ensure that the Rabbits are able to implement their projects and plans, but they will have to take full responsibility for their success, since the Rooster is a hardworking animal and does not like lazy people. But the patron of 2017 will provide Rabbits with everything they need to achieve success and financial independence. Unemployed representatives of this sign will receive job offers, and those who are not satisfied with wages or working conditions will change their profession or go to work for another organization. Those born under the sign of the Rabbit are affectionate and trusting people, they easily make contact and evoke a feeling of respect and tenderness in those around them. This trait will help them make like-minded people and new friends who will be ready to lend a helping hand at the right time. The personal life of representatives of this sign will be filled with romance and warm, deep feelings. Some Rabbits are expecting more offspring, which will make life brighter and more multifaceted. Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Rabbit (1963) Those Rabbits whose element is Water, in the year of the Red Fire Rooster, will become excellent generators of interesting and rational ideas that will inspire them to do important and promising things. Based on the fact that most of the ideas and plans will be large-scale, the Rabbits will not be able to bring them to life themselves without anyone’s help. Therefore, you will have to make a little effort to find a support group that will include organizers, sponsors or investors, as well as reliable performers. As for society, the team, Rabbits will play the role of peacemakers, since only they will be turned to for help, advice and asked for their opinions. Throughout the year, they will feel absolutely calm, confident, and a powerful wave of positivity and optimism will emanate from them, with which they will charge everyone around them. Water Rabbits will achieve maximum success in creativity, since the placement of the planets will promote the development of imagination and creative thinking.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Rabbit (1975) Those born in the year of the Rabbit under the element of Wood will spend the year of the Fire Rooster in communication. They will try their best to avoid loneliness, as they will need a reliable rear and protection. They will put a lot of effort into creating comfort and building trusting relationships, which will be the key to their success. This year, Wood Rabbits expect many trips that will give them a lot of new impressions, unforgettable emotions, new knowledge and experience, as well as interesting interlocutors, who in turn will play an important role in the fate of the representatives of this sign. All efforts of Wood Rabbits will be aimed at creating a strong family, giving birth to heirs, and establishing relationships with old and new friends, close and distant relatives. It is very important for them that someone is always with them.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Rabbit (1987) 2017 is a turning point in the lives of those born under the element of Fire. The patron of the year, the Fire Rooster, is favorable to them, and will do everything possible to ensure that the life of the representatives of this sign noticeably improves. Many Rabbits will have the opportunity to resolve housing issues, as well as pay off debts and loans. Their financial situation will gradually begin to improve, financial problems will disappear without a trace, and new opportunities will appear to realize their ideas and desires. Many this year will not only purchase real estate, but it is very likely that they will open their own profitable business, which will be built on doing what they love. This turn of events will pleasantly surprise the Rabbits, but there is no need to relax at all, because only what is earned through one’s own labor is truly valued.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Rabbit (1939, 1999) A distinctive feature of Earth Rabbits is the ability to find a way out of any current situation, avoid problems and survive in any circumstances. This quality will help them easily perceive fleeting information and keep up with the rhythm of life set by the Rooster. To achieve success, it is important for them to soberly assess their capabilities and not set unrealistic goals. Let it be something ordinary, but desirable and achievable. Otherwise, when the Earth Rabbit wants everything at once, disappointment and loss of self-confidence will await him.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Rabbit (1951, 2011) Metal Rabbits are creative individuals for whom what they have is never enough. They constantly raise the bar and strive to meet it. So this year, they will put forward too high demands on themselves and strive with all their might to justify them. Throughout the entire period, they will surprise and fascinate those around them with their countless talents and abilities. There will be no end to their possibilities. But all this is solely their personal merit. They can be rightfully proud of themselves. At the same time, Metal Rabbits need to be a little more loyal to those around them. Not everyone is born with such talents. Be more modest.

The eastern horoscope for 2017 for the Rabbit zodiac sign is a generalized astrological forecast of events for 2017 that are characteristic of all representatives of your zodiac sign. For a more accurate representation of the upcoming events of 2017, it is necessary to draw up a personal horoscope for 2017.

For those born under the sign of the Rabbit (Cat), the year of the Fire Rooster promises many opportunities, but it can also bring challenges. This is because the Rabbit and the Rooster are opposed to each other in the Chinese Zodiac. The Chinese horoscope 2017 advises the Rabbit to follow the natural course of events and maintain a positive attitude. Then difficult situations will easily turn into the opposite - good luck will come.

It may take you most of a year to get results, but the result will be in your favor. You will need a lot of patience and flexibility; minor troubles should not distract you from your goal. In the first three months, focus on developing and starting to implement your plans, then in the last three months you will reap the fruits of your efforts. What you should strive for is to find the best use of your abilities.

Love horoscope for Rabbit (Cat) for 2017

Love can make you happy. In your personal life you are most fortunate, despite the fact that in other areas circumstances will not be so favorable. People born under the sign of the Rabbit will be more attractive and charming than usual. If you have problems, they will most likely be associated with an excess of love, rather than with its lack. Married relationships and family life will be harmonious.

Rabbit (Cat) career and financial horoscope for 2017

Career and professional development can be difficult. Sometimes you will have the feeling that your efforts are not yielding results. The best strategy for solving problems is not vigorous action, but careful observation and careful steps. The stars recommend that the Rabbit not try to express himself brightly, but pay attention to improving relationships with other people. As already mentioned, the situation can turn positive in an instant.

Avoid taking risks with money and don't take questionable steps. Mistakes can cost you dearly. If you approach financial issues wisely and do not participate in adventurous projects, then your material well-being will increase by the end of the year.


Taking care of your health will become a priority. The year can bring a lot of stress, which will affect your health. If you lead a balanced lifestyle, both physically and mentally, you will have enough energy to take advantage of all the year's opportunities.

General horoscope
New useful acquaintances and fateful meetings, a lot of pleasant surprises and overcoming difficulties in the name of their goals await people born in the year of the Rabbit in 2017. In calm, balanced bearers of the sign, the Fire Rooster will awaken a thirst for travel, novelty of impressions and the excitement of the game. Horoscope for 2017 Rabbit warns: you need to be open and vigilant at the same time. Family worries will subside, careers will advance thanks to the foresight of the representatives of the sign. In business you cannot do without conflict situations, but in general everything will remain calm, thanks to the fact that Cats think through everything for a long time, calculate it, and do not rush into work thoughtlessly in order to redo it later. The Rooster will be especially favored by his “spontaneous brothers” in 2017. He can even “match” them: at the end of the year, the Rabbits, free from family ties, marry their soulmate. Family bearers of the sign will find the desired peace and long-awaited happiness by learning to compromise.

Work, career and money
2017 will be successful at work, but you will have to work hard. Make a rational proposal to increase sales and profits, discipline at work, show yourself in action. Beware of envious people: do not let any of your colleagues know about your plans, use your talent of diplomacy to resolve conflicts and gain your own benefit. For those who occupy a high position, the year is no less successful. Thanks to the Rabbits' diplomacy, respect for subordinates, the ability to conduct business and take justifiable risks, the business and enterprises of the bearers of the sign will prosper. Favorable times for concluding contracts will be spring and autumn.
An unexpected inheritance received at the beginning of the year and profitably invested in a business will bring a stable income, this will free the Rabbits from thoughts about the security of tomorrow.
The knowledge and skills acquired in matters of financial literacy and new business techniques will contribute to career advancement.

Love horoscope
Horoscope for 2017 promises many pleasant encounters for Rabbits, one of which will lead to a long-term relationship or even marriage. Rabbits will renew their connection with a previously interrupted love, whom they accidentally meet at a friend's party. Weigh everything up, maybe this person is your soulmate? The coin also has a reverse side: the Fire Rooster will not spare insincere and outdated relationships. Let go of the past.
In the summer, during your vacation, romantic meetings with a person are possible, but they will not lead to a serious relationship. During the year, visit public places more often and make new acquaintances. Rabbits easily bond with people due to their sociability. During this period, the relationship between the Rabbit/Cat and the Goat, Dog and Pig will develop successfully.
Already in the fall or winter, Rabbits will come to realize that a person is trustworthy, and they will want to spend their life with him.

Relationships and family
Even in the “rooster” year, family Rabbits will be able to maintain the balance and tranquility of their own hearth. Any conflict or quarrel that arises in the family will be resolved quietly and peacefully. The family budget in 2017 in the Rabbit family will not suffer from unnecessary spending. During the summer holidays, the whole family will go on vacation abroad, where the marital relationship will become even stronger.

Pay more attention to raising your children. Although they are obedient, control and strengthening connections and trust will not hurt. They may be added in the fall.
Visit your parents more often, they need you. In the fall, one of them will become seriously ill, and you will have to help and care for him. A friendly and strong family will become his support and path to healing. In 2017, a successful year for Rabbits will be the start of construction of a new home for the family or the purchase of a finished home.

Horoscope for 2017 Rabbit contains information about the evil “pranks” of the Rooster in relation to health in relation to the bearers of the sign. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, provoking friends to deviate from a healthy lifestyle and an incorrect diet will lead to a loss of strength in the spring and autumn, when the body is especially vulnerable to viruses. The Year of the Fire Rooster is the best period to turn to vegetarianism or a separate diet.
Rabbits should strengthen their immune system by hardening themselves, taking vitamin complexes, infusions and physical exercise throughout the year.
In summer, you may encounter intestinal disorders. Monitor the quality of your water intake to avoid them. Take advantage of every opportunity to be outdoors during the warm season. Mobility and optimism from meeting friends and family in a pleasant environment strengthen sociable Rabbits just as well as medicine and help fight the laziness that is inherent in them.

Chinese horoscope on 2019 is the year of the Rabbit predicts that the year of the Yellow Pig will bring passion, love, and the desire to create and do what they like to representatives of the fourth zodiac sign.

Career horoscope for the Rabbit sign

In the Year of the Yellow Pig, Rabbits will face various career opportunities, but all of them will be full of stress and tension. It is for this reason that carefully evaluate your abilities, supply of vital energy and time. In order to have firm confidence in everything and to nullify any overexertion, it is strongly recommended that you spend time acquiring new professional knowledge and skills. When agreeing to a new position or job, carefully evaluate your compliance with the required criteria!

Financial horoscope for the Rabbit sign

In 2019, the Yellow Pig indicates that hard and persistent work will only bring good results closer to the second half of the year. This means that a significant improvement in material well-being in the fall will not come as a surprise to you, but will be a logical result of the effort and time spent. It is not recommended to make additional investments in already profitable projects. The best thing to do is to invest your money in new investment ideas.

Love horoscope for the Rabbit sign

The connection between the zodiac sign Rabbit (Cat) and the Yellow Pig gives belligerence to relationships, suppressing feelings of trust between people. This means that in 2019 you will experience certain problems in social and love relationships.

If you are looking for your love, then you should take a closer look at the representatives of the Dog, Rat, Ox or Snake sign. If you are a woman and were lucky enough to be born in the year of the Rabbit, you will have a very good chance of meeting a suitable partner. If you are already in a romantic relationship, remember that there is a possibility of major arguments occurring throughout the year that could become a major headache for you.

Health horoscope for the Rabbit sign

Working too hard can undermine your overall well-being. Be wary of symptoms such as dizziness, migraines, and respiratory problems. Timely, proper rest is the main preventive measure!