Read what the Bermuda Triangle is. Bermuda Triangle: one of the main mysteries of our time, or an exaggeration of conspiracy theorists? About real difficulties

One of the mysterious and mystical secrets that has haunted humanity on Earth for almost a hundred years is the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

This concept was first used by Vincent Gaddis, an American writer, author of a book about sea mysteries. He determined the boundaries of this normal part of the ocean.

Where is Bermuda Triangle? It occupies an area in the Atlantic Ocean in the Sargasso Sea region, limited by the area of ​​a triangle, the vertices of which are located from Florida to Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

This place got its name after a series of mysterious disappearances that occurred in the 40s and 50s of the twentieth century in this region with ships and aircraft.

All versions about the Bermuda Triangle

Of particular resonance was the case of the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger aircraft in 1945, which took off from a US Navy base and did not return. The wreckage of the aircraft was never found. It is important that the flight took place in normal weather over a calm sea. After the plane disappeared, another plane was sent to search for them, which also disappeared.

Similar cases occurred in this area earlier and then periodically every year or once every two to three years.

In 1948, a British plane with a crew and 31 passengers on board, four hundred miles northeast of Bermuda, went missing after being reported to arrive at its scheduled destination.

  • 1949 An English airliner flying to the capital of Chile, Santiago, from London, via Bermuda and Jamaica. Radio contact with him was lost 380 miles southwest of Bermuda. The search for the missing aircraft yielded no results.
  • 1950 The USS Sandra sailed from Savannah to Venezuela. He passed St. Augustine, Florida and disappeared without a trace.
  • 1955 The yacht Connemara IV was found abandoned by crew and passengers 400 miles west of Bermuda. People have disappeared.
  • 1962 A U.S. Air Force cargo plane flying from Longley Field, Virginia, to the Azores never landed at its intended location.
  • 1963 A fishing boat with 40 crew on board set sail from Kinston, Jamaica and disappeared without a trace.
  • In June 1965, the plane and its crew disappeared without a trace in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of the disappearance are unknown.
  • 1967 A sports yacht crossing the Atlantic Ocean disappeared along with its crew near Bermuda.
  • 1970 A ship with cargo traveling from New Orleans to Cape Town never reached its destination port, disappearing without a trace in the vastness of the Atlantic.
  • 1973 The Anita cargo ship with a displacement of 20 thousand tons and its crew disappeared on the way to Hamburg.
  • 1984 The brig Marquez, a sailing ship taking part in the world famous sailing race, disappeared along with its crew in the northern part of the Bermuda Triangle, despite the fact that the ship was equipped with the most modern navigation system and technology.

And these are only the largest and most famous cases of victims of the Bermuda Triangle. In reality, their number is much higher.

Over the past hundred years, hundreds of objects have suffered accidents, shipwrecks and the complete disappearance of hundreds of objects in this area. There are cases when people left ships in an unknown direction for no apparent reason and without any traces.

Unable to scientifically explain the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle with the disappearance of objects, for many years conversations and rumors have been circulating around this topic, explaining what is happening with the influence of aliens.

Since the discovery of mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle area, dozens of different kinds of scientific expeditions and research companies have been working in the region.

The number of hypotheses that at least somehow try to find an explanation mysterious phenomena known triangle, is quite large, but none of them has resulted in a scientific theory capable of explaining the tragic phenomena occurring in the area.

Below are the current scientific explanations for this anomalous phenomenon.

Methane emissions

  1. As is known, at the bottom of the world's oceans, under the water column, there are hidden deposits of methane in the form of gas silicates. In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, such gas storage facilities reach enormous volumes due to the fact that there were once clusters of active volcanoes here. Maybe. That some of them are still in effect. At enormous pressure (at a given depth several hundred atmospheres) sea ​​water changes its structure and becomes a solid substance resembling snow.
  2. Gas silicates, when the temperature-pressure relationship changes, also undergo changes: they turn into gas, gigantic volumes of which rush upward, causing the formation of huge bubbles that can capsize a ship. Then the gas rises into the atmosphere and, also changing its density, causes aircraft crashes.
  3. In addition, the bubbles, vibrating at the frequency of infrasound, have a detrimental effect on the human psyche, often causing him to panic. Hence those mysterious legends about mysterious ships abandoned by the crew.
  4. M ethane bubbles in billions, when they rub, cause electrification and local distortion magnetic field Earth. Airplanes lose course in such conditions.

Lava eruptions from the ocean floor

In this area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the bottom has a very complex structure: it contains arrays of deep-sea depressions, shallow waters, an intertwined system of sea currents and intricate atmospheric circulation.
The geological structure of the bottom is also very complex: shelves with shallow banks (only a few meters deep) intertwined with the continental slope, marginal and median plateaus, deep straits, abyssal plains, deep-sea trenches. A sharp contrast in diversity for such a relatively small area of ​​the world's oceans!
So at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there is a trench with a total area of ​​186 sq. km - the deepest part of the Atlantic with a depth of 8742 m. And this is all against the backdrop of shallows.
In this area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, at the bottom of the oceanic trenches, where several continental plates and one oceanic plate come into contact, a sudden outpouring of hot lava occurs, reaching temperatures of more than 1000 degrees.
Bottom water, seeping along the fault of the mid-ocean ridge and there being heated by lava to a temperature of +500 - 600 o C, but without boiling, due to the high pressure of several hundred atmospheres, rises up to a depth of 700-900 meters, where it begins to boil and turn into steam. A column of water vapor, escaping into the atmosphere, creates that anomaly, forming a powerful funnel hundreds of meters deep, which terrible force it sucks up ships in a few tens of seconds.

The process of steam emission from the depths generates powerful electrical potentials, magnetic disturbances and anomalies, which may well influence the passage of time, strange glows, the latter so often witnessed by eyewitnesses.
All the phenomena that occurred at the crash site and described by people who managed to escape completely fit into the theory of vortices of very strong magnetic fields, leading to various consequences: from interference in the operation of on-board equipment to lighting effects. Air maps also warn about the danger of being exposed to magnetic fields in this area.

Penetrating into the atmosphere, powerful hot steam, coming into contact with its cold layers, also causes anomalous zones, air craters, into which unfortunate aircraft fall. Movements in such zones are very rapid; aircraft located even on the borders of these zones are thrown hundreds of kilometers to places where they could not possibly end up. At the same time, the usual flow of time slows down.

Infrasonic vibrations generated in water

During a storm above the surface, the flow is disrupted at the crest of the wave, which causes rarefaction and thickening of the air, modulated in the form of sound transverse and longitudinal vibrations and propagating at the speed of sound. This is a phenomenon of infrasound or the so-called “Voice of the Sea”, the propagation of which produces powerful infrasound radiation reaching in the range of 6 Hz. Without encountering significant obstacles on its way, the “Voice of the Sea” can fill space for hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

Thus, the crew of the ship. Even being a thousand kilometers away from a raging storm can drive you crazy from this kind of 6 Hz vibration. Something similar could have happened to a group of tourists in 1959 and in the mountains of Buryatia on the Khamar-Daban ridge in 1993. A person under the influence of infrasound experiences a feeling of anxiety, developing into fear and panic, and forces the person, without hesitation, to “flee” from the disaster area .

Radioisotope processes in the atmosphere and ocean

The presence of many active volcanoes located near the Bermuda Triangle in southern Mexico, as well as on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, which emit into the atmosphere millions of tons of substances containing, in addition to ash, gases, various gas compounds, also isotopes. When such gas clouds enter the atmosphere, they disintegrate into powerful electromagnetic radiation, flows of charged particles, and vortex flows. Intranuclear energy is transformed into the corresponding types of powerful physical fields, affecting humans and mechanisms in the most negative way due to high level energy release.

Golfstim water vortices

The hypothesis was proposed by N.A. Kozyrev, a Soviet astronomer-astrophysicist who supported the theory of the Englishman A. Eddington. The essence of the theory is this: everything existing laws movements are just an approximate form of exact physical laws that humanity has not yet discovered. Eddington put forward a theory about the direct relationship between the direction of time and the expansion of the Universe. He called this phenomenon “the arrow of time.” When the absorption of matter by black holes ends, then, perhaps, the arrow of time will turn in the opposite direction, and expansion will be replaced by compression.

Kozyrev, supporting Eddington, believed that time is a physical factor, and its course is determined by the linear speed of rotation of the cause in relation to the effect. Time - physical factor- must obey the basic laws of physics, for example, the laws of absorption and reflection.

Kozyrev’s laboratory experiments cannot be compared with the powerful vortices that the Gulf Stream spins. Their diameter can be hundreds of kilometers. Supporters of Kozyrev’s hypothesis are confident that it is water vortices that are the cause of the luminous or white circles and white fog that eyewitnesses describe in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Space twists against the arrow of time - the course of time changes. As the passage of time changes, the weight of the aircraft or ship also changes. Maybe instantaneous weight changes are the cause of some disasters? Website

Black holes

Swiss scientists, having studied the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, have identified unusual funnels, which, both in their action and in mathematical and physical parameters, resemble cosmic “black holes”, and just like black holes suck in ocean water and light. Another important analogy is that everything that falls into this funnel disappears without a trace and forever.

The discovery will help solve many problems related to the World Ocean, in particular the disappearance of ships and aircraft.

So, there is no doubt about the presence of the anomalous zone of the Bermuda Triangle, but is this area alone characterized by such disastrous properties? Similar properties in the ocean were noticed in the area of ​​the so-called “Devil’s Sea” between Japan and the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, which is located at the latitude of the Bermuda Triangle and is also considered a dangerous area of ​​the world’s oceans. And also according to the theory of I. Sanderson, an American researcher of unusual phenomena, there are about 12 such zones in the world. Moreover, two such zones are designated on land in the central Sahara.

In all these regions, similar anomalies were observed: crashes and disappearances without a trace. Vehicle, mysterious deaths of people, mass strandings of cetaceans, mysterious suicides of antelopes rushing into the sea, inexplicable bird migrations.

Another important point: all zones are in the halo of habitat of previously ancient highly developed civilizations.

It is interesting that in the 21st century, fortunately, such catastrophes in the known region have not been observed for a long time.


All the above hypotheses, due to the lack of a precisely constructed scientific basis cannot be accepted as a theory to explain the Bermuda Triangle anomaly. However, this has happened more than once in science: today it is not perceived by our minds, but tomorrow everything is accepted as a new theory.

Only further research will help to reveal the essence of the mysterious catastrophes occurring in the notorious area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, and to shed light on the mystery of what is happening there, which has been troubling the minds of people for so long. Scientific research and observations in these regions, as well as the development of science in general.

Website “Pulsating Earth. Bermuda Triangle: the cause of disasters.

Website “ Bottom of the Bermuda Triangle"

Website “ Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle and the passage of time"

The bottom topography in this area of ​​the ocean is well known. It is even known what is located here under the bottom at a depth of several kilometers. Numerous drilling and geophysical surveys have been conducted offshore Florida, the Bahamas and Bermuda. Currents, water temperature, salinity and the movement of air masses over the ocean are phenomena and processes about which thousands of pages have already been written. And in this regard, the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most explored parts of the World Ocean.

Indeed, many expeditions were sent to the Bermuda Triangle area, but not, however, as lovers of the mysterious are trying to convince us, to lift the veil over its secrets, but to study the Gulf Stream, the influence of ocean waters on weather conditions, to study the seabed and its mineral wealth, as well as geological structure earth's crust deep under the ocean floor. Proponents of the Mysterious Triangle are right about one thing: this is a very complex area of ​​the ocean. It is home to huge shallows and deep-sea trenches, a complex system of sea currents and intricate atmospheric circulation. And we will be convinced of this later. Let's start with a description of the seabed, then move on to the sea surface and end with the atmosphere.

In the Bermuda Triangle we find the following forms of seabed relief: shelf with shallow banks, continental slope, marginal and median plateaus, deep straits, abyssal plains, deep-sea trenches. Rare diversity for such a relatively small area of ​​the World Ocean! We can, with a certain degree of approximation, indicate what part of the bottom is occupied by individual landforms:

abyssal plains35% shelf with shallow banks25% continental slope and foot18% marginal and median plateaus 15% deep-sea trenches 5% deep straits2% seamounts 0.3%

The proportion of each of these forms was determined by planimetry of a large-scale morphological map of the seafloor. Just look at the morphological map to see that the Bermuda triangle can be divided into two parts:

southern with the Florida shelf, the Bahamas banks, straits and the deep-sea trench of Puerto Rico. In this part, the topography of the seabed looks very rugged: extensive shallows alternate with straits and deep ocean depths; northern with a more uniform bottom topography. The wide shelf gives way to a spacious deep-sea plain, in the north and east of which there are seamounts and a fairly large Bermuda Plateau.

In the Bermuda Triangle, both in the eastern and northern parts, there are several seamounts. Some of them have names, others are nameless. Seamounts are more or less cones correct form. They rise above the bottom plane by at least 150-200 m and higher. The lower cones are called submarine mounds. In plan they have a round or elliptical shape, their diameter ranges from several kilometers to several tens of kilometers. The slopes of seamounts are steeper than the slopes of mountains on land, their slope is most often 10-30°. Forty-degree slopes are no exception.

Seamounts have regular, uniform slopes, sometimes complicated by several terraced steps. In the first case, the mountains look like simple cones, in the second they look like huge plinths, from which several smaller cones rise. The base of the large seamounts very smoothly transitions into the ocean floor. Some seamounts hide their peaks deep underwater, while others protrude above the surface in the form of islands. However, in this case, the definition of “seamount” is completely appropriate, because what rises above the ocean level represents only a small part of what is hidden under water. The islands, which give the entire Bermuda Triangle its name, are the tops of seamounts rising from the surface of the Bermuda Plateau. The material of seamounts, basalt, is hidden from our view because the mountains are covered with thick coral reefs. Some seamounts rise alone on the ocean floor, while others form groups. It should also be noted that in the Atlantic Ocean there are significantly fewer of them than in the Pacific, where their number is about 2000 (in the Atlantic Ocean there are only a few dozen of them). In the Bermuda Triangle itself, within its classical boundaries, there are no more than 5 seamounts.

Seamounts are certainly a very interesting phenomenon, but in our time they are no longer mysterious at all. They were formed in the same way as basalt mountains on land - as a result of volcanic activity. In places where a hot spot or some kind of crack appeared on the seabed, basalt began to pour out. Underwater, it quickly cooled, and the lava flows grew one on top of the other until mountains several kilometers high were formed.

On the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle there is also a deep-sea trench - the deepest part of the ocean floor. Based on the island with which it neighbors, it is called the Puerto Rico Trench (on the morphological map it looks like an oval black spot in the lower right corner of the triangle). The Puerto Rico Trench has the greatest depths in the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Its depth is 8742 m. This is at the same time the maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean. Underwater, or deep-sea, trenches are long elongated depressions with an asymmetrical shape in diameter. The slope located closer to the island (in this case, Puerto Rico) is steeper, approximately 8-10°, the slope facing the ocean is flatter, its steepness is 3-5°. The Puerto Rico Trench is medium in size.

Its length is 1550 km (for comparison, the length of the longest trench on the globe, the Peruvian-Chilean trench, is 5900 km, and the deepest, the Mariana Trench, is 2550 km). But the Puerto Rico trench is very wide - up to 120 km, and according to this indicator it is one of the “leaders”. Mariansky, for example, is twice as narrow. The total area of ​​the bottom of the Puerto Rico trench is 186 thousand km2.

The deepest parts of the oceans are always, in the imagination of science fiction writers, a refuge of mysterious forces and unknown creatures. The Puerto Rican trough seems to be made for such fictions. However, at its bottom there is nothing mysterious or supernatural, only silts, volcanic ash, in places layers of fine-grained sand, and in the sediments and above them there are special deep-sea organisms, for example sponges, sea cucumbers ( sea ​​cucumbers), worms.

Well, in the water column there are deep-sea fish. It should also be added that the Pacific Ocean holds the lead not only in the number of seamounts, but also in the number of deep-sea trenches. There are at least 20 of them, while in the Atlantic Ocean there are only 4.

Under the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there are mainly sedimentary rocks - limestones, sandstones, clays. The thickness of their layer ranges from 1-2 km (Bermuda Plateau) to 5-6 km (Bahama banks and their surroundings). The average rate of sedimentation is approximately 6 mm per 150 years, i.e. we can say with confidence that over the past 120-130 million years, little has changed in the nature of the bottom of the triangle.

So, what can we say in conclusion? And the fact is that the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is very interesting from the point of view of geology and geography. Here, in a small area, many forms of relief of the seabed are concentrated, which is not found in almost any other place. Here are other striking features characteristic of the Bermuda Triangle:

1. The northernmost ones are found here Coral reefs in the world

2. The limestone platform that forms the basis of the bottom of the triangle is a unique geological formation. An almost six-kilometer layer of limestone was deposited here, and for 100 million years the same natural conditions remained virtually unchanged as at present.

3. The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean, and is located in close proximity to the Bahamas Banks, where the depth is on average only a few meters.

Those who are of the opinion that mysterious disappearances do occur in this zone put forward various hypotheses to explain them: from unusual weather phenomena to abductions by aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis. Skeptics, however, argue that ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle occur no more often than in other areas of the World Ocean and are explained by natural causes. The US Coast Guard and Lloyd's insurance market share the same opinion.

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    ✪ Vysotsky-About the Bermuda Triangle


    The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, navigation instruments fail, ships and planes disappear, and no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous territory for humans instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it. In May 2015, the Cuban coast guard discovered an uncrewed ship in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. It turned out that this ship is the SS Cotopaxi, which disappeared without a trace in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle in December 1925. During the inspection of the ship, a diary of the captain, who at that time served on the SS Cotopaxi, was discovered. But the journal did not provide any information about what happened to the ship 90 years ago. Cuban experts are confident that the logbook is genuine. The document contains information about Everyday life crew. They contain many interesting details recorded before the date of the ship's disappearance, that is, before December 1, 1925. On November 29, 1925, the SS Cotopaxi left the port of Charleston, South Carolina, bound for Havana. Two days after leaving, the ship disappears, and nothing is heard from it for almost a century. Cuban authorities said they will conduct an investigation and try to solve the mystery that surrounds the disappearance and reappearance of the ship. However, it later turned out that all the information about the mysterious ship was an invention of journalists. Some publications still tried to get confirmation of the facts from official sources, but instead were only forced to print refutations. Ships disappear everywhere - anywhere in the ocean. This has always been the case - at least until the invention of effective means of navigation and communication. But in the middle of the 20th century, some clever journalist did not have enough material for another yellow newspaper, and he decided to come up with the “Devil's Triangle”. They say that in this ill-fated triangle, ships and planes disappeared too often. He even managed to give examples of such “disappearances.” Of course, the readers of the tabloid press, as always, did not give a damn about the fact that ships were also disappearing and sinking at any other point in the ocean. In general, many people liked the idea and took it up. We began to collect stories from pilots and crews of ships that had been there. Although the most famous story gained fame under slightly different circumstances. Five bombers took off from Florida in December '45 and never returned. A twin-engine seaplane with rescuers flew out to search for them, but it also disappeared. But before the bombers disappeared from the radar screens and communication with them was lost, interesting recordings were received. Separately, it is worth mentioning the panicked muttering of the pilot about “strange water” and “white waters”. This phenomenon owes its origin to the vast shallow waters of the Bahamas. The hot tropical sun heats their water to 35 degrees Celsius and white calcite crystals evaporate on its surface. They explain the appearance of “white water” in the Bermuda Triangle. It was after this disappearance that stories about the “triangle” began to appear. This was followed by the disappearance of several ships and one plane, which were inflated by the press to incredible proportions. For about half a century, the tabloid press was full of headlines like: “The mysterious disappearance of a plane in the Bermuda Triangle” or “The frank story of a miraculously surviving sailor from a missing ship.” Also, journalists did not hesitate to publish outright anti-scientific nonsense, such as Atlantean intervention or a black hole. In general, there are, as usual, many theories, and, as usual, they very rarely come from the lips of real scientists. Aliens, Atlantis, Double Bottom and Parallel Worlds. The only relatively sane hypothesis is that in the depths of the ocean, in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, Cthulhu is fast asleep. From time to time it creates inexplicable ripple effects. the gas rises to the surface, causing the density of the water to drop sharply and the ship to sink. This hypothesis also suddenly explains the disappearance of planes. Airplanes are made to fly in the air, and not in all kinds of methane, where the wing does not hold up and gasoline does not burn. By the way, the same missing bombers were recently found. All flaps were set for landing, that is, the pilots noted a sharp decrease in lift, and the altitude reserve was slightly more than none, which confirms the methane theory. There is a simpler explanation - the pilots got lost, they ran out of fuel and had to land on the water; of course, the pilots lowered their flaps. This is confirmed by the last radio transmission that somehow reached the control room. But in fact, judge for yourself: the water area of ​​this very triangle is one of the most “loaded” with transport in the world. In addition, a huge number of hurricanes and cyclones originate here, that is, the weather in the triangle, to put it mildly, is not the best in the world, as in any other weather education center. In addition, the Sargasso Sea is not particularly convenient for navigation. Therefore, the chances of disappearing here are much greater. So, the Bermuda Triangle is not at all a unique phenomenon - just north of the Devil's Triangle there is a real cemetery of the Atlantic - the outer shallows, and a little further north - the wandering Sable Island. More ships sank in each of these areas than in the Bermuda Triangle. It is also worth adding that, by a strange coincidence, since the nineties, the number of missing people in this triangle can be counted on one hand. This is noteworthy because it is associated with the development of control and recording technology. The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is an artificially fabricated hoax. It arose from sloppy investigations and was then further developed and perpetuated by authors who, with or without intent, used incorrect theories, faulty reasoning, and all sorts of sensationalistic revelations. This Legend was repeated so many times that it was eventually accepted as being true.


The Bermuda Triangle was first mentioned by writer Vincent Gaddis in 1946 when he wrote an article for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19.

Associated Press correspondent Edward Van Winkle Jones mentioned the “mysterious disappearances” in the Bermuda Triangle; in 1950, he called the area “the devil’s sea.” The author of the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who published the article “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle” in one of the magazines dedicated to spiritualism in 1964.

In the late 60s and early 70s of the 20th century, numerous publications began to appear about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz, a proponent of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, published the book “The Bermuda Triangle,” which collected descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after its publication that the theory about the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle became especially popular. Later, however, it was shown that some facts in Berlitz's book were presented incorrectly.

In 1975, the skeptical realist Lawrence David Kusche (English) published the book “The Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality” (Russian translation, M.: Progress, 1978), in which he argued that nothing supernatural or mysterious was happening in this area. This book is based on many years of document research and interviews with eyewitnesses, which revealed numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.


Proponents of the theory mention the disappearance of approximately 100 large ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to disappearances, there have been reports of intact vessels being abandoned by the crew, and other unusual phenomena such as instantaneous movements in space, anomalies in time, etc. Lawrence Cousche and other researchers have shown that some of these cases occurred outside the Bermuda Triangle. About some incidents it was not possible to find any information at all in official sources.

"Avenger" flight (flight No. 19)

The most famous incident mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945 and never returned. Their wreckage was not found.

According to Berlitz, the squadron, consisting of 14 experienced pilots, mysteriously disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather over calm seas. It is also reported that in radio communications with the base, the pilots allegedly talked about inexplicable failures of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects - “we can’t determine the direction, and the ocean looks different than usual,” “we are descending into white waters.” After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them - the Martin Mariner seaplane - also disappeared without a trace.

According to Kushe, in fact the flight consisted of cadets performing a training flight. The only experienced pilot was their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, but he had only recently been transferred to Fort Lauderdale and was new to the area.

The recorded radio communications do not say anything about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor reported that he became disoriented and both compasses failed. Trying to determine his location, he mistakenly decided that the link was over the Florida Keys, south of Florida, so he was asked to navigate by the sun and fly north. Subsequent analysis showed that perhaps the planes were actually much further east and, heading north, were moving parallel to the coast. Poor radio communication conditions (interference from other radio stations) made it difficult to determine the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly west, but failed to reach the coast; the planes ran out of fuel. The Avenger crews were forced to attempt a water landing. By this time it had already gotten dark, and the sea, according to reports from ships then in that area, was very rough.

After it became known that Taylor's flight was lost, other aircraft were sent to search for them, including two Martin Mariners. According to Kushe, aircraft of this type had a certain disadvantage, which was that fuel vapors penetrated into the cabin and a spark was enough for an explosion to occur. The captain of the tanker Gaines Mills reported that he observed an explosion and falling debris and then discovered an oil slick on the surface of the sea. Atlantis, movement through holes in time or fractures in space and other paranormal reasons. None of them have yet been confirmed. Other authors try to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.

Their opponents claim that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft disappear in other areas of the globe, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of the disaster may prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Finding debris at sea is not an easy task, especially during a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is unknown. Considering the very busy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle area, frequent cyclones and storms, a large number of shallows, the number of disasters that have occurred here that have never been explained is not unusually large. In addition, the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle itself can lead to the attribution of disasters to it that actually happened far beyond its borders, which introduces artificial distortions into the statistics.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and planes by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the breakdown of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot stay afloat and instantly sink. Some suggest that methane rising into the air can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density, which leads to a decrease in lift and distortion of altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stall.

Experimentally, the possibility of fairly rapid (within tens of seconds) flooding of a ship found on the border of a gas release was confirmed if the gas is released in one bubble, the size of which is greater than or equal to the length of the ship. However, the question of such gas emissions remains open. In addition, methane hydrate is found in other places in the world's oceans.

Rogue waves

It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. rogue waves, which are believed to reach a height of 30 meters.


It is assumed that under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated at sea, which affects the crew members, causing panic and hallucinations, as a result of which they leave the ship.

Welcome readers of the site “I and the World”! Today we will talk about what the Bermuda Triangle is and what secret lies in it? You will find out where and specifically in which ocean this dangerous territory is located, why everything disappears there, its location on the world map and why it is dangerous.

Every day planes and ships cross the borders of this anomalous zone. Every pilot and captain is in danger of not arriving at their destination, but this place cannot be excluded from the life of the whole world, since thousands of tourists travel through it every year. Many people simply don’t talk about the Bermuda Triangle for fear of incurring “wrath” from the depths of the ocean.


Who first discovered the Bermuda Triangle to the world? In the middle of the 20th century, the American E. Jones published a brochure called “Bermuda Triangle”, but simply no one noticed it. The facts of its existence were discussed only a few years later, when in one of Charles Berlitz’s books the stories of mysteriously disappeared ships were described in all colors.

Name of the mysterious place

What does the mysterious zone look like and why is it called that? The coordinates of this unusual place: part of the Atlantic, between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. If you draw a line between these points, you will get a triangle with an area of ​​4 million square meters. km. But people talk about missing objects even beyond the borders of the “terrible figure”, which numbers more than a hundred sudden disappearances.

Why does everything disappear here?

True, the death of ships cannot be explained by mysticism: there are many shallows, a huge number of fast water and air currents, and cyclones and hurricanes are born too often. Another mystery of this place is the warm Gulf Stream current. What happens when warm and cold air collide? They form fog, and overly impressionable tourists tend to see this as something scary, dangerous and mystical.

It is also impossible to explain the mystery of this place due to the peculiarities of the relief under water, which does not allow parts of sunken objects to be found. Science is also trying to explain the secrets of the death of ships and planes by the formation of huge methane bubbles on the surface of the ocean, which emerge from oceanic cracks under water. In a bubble too low density and when an object hits it, it immediately goes to the bottom.

The photo from space shows air masses forming vortices, rushing in a circle at speeds of up to 50 km/h. They raise columns of water up to 30 meters high, which fly at incredible speed and fall from great heights onto ships. There is no chance for a small object to survive.

There is also information about infrasound signals that the ocean emits, warning of the imminent occurrence of a storm. What happens if you get into the zone of such signals? They begin to put psychological pressure on the brain, causing the most terrible visions in people’s minds. After this, the person flees by jumping overboard. An empty ship can drift for decades before being accidentally discovered.

The legend about the Mysterious Atlantis, which was located in this triangle, also plays here significant role. As if it is she who sends signals from the depths, causing interruptions in the systems of ships and aircraft.

Another interesting fact is the opinion that in this area space is curved and objects fall into the 4th dimension. It is not known for sure whether such time gaps exist, but there are cases when planes disappear from radar for several minutes and then appear again. Some people notice this and some don't.

And recently, American meteorologists, having examined photographs from satellites, came to the conclusion that hexagonal-shaped clouds hover over the anomalous zone, which “explode” and form air currents rushing down at speeds of up to 270 km/h. Such a wind, hitting the surface of the water, can raise waves up to 40 meters in height. They capsize ships and disrupt the navigation of liners.

Unsolved mystery

For many decades now, scientists around the world have been trying to solve the puzzle of the Bermuda Triangle, but to no avail. It’s sad to look at photos of sunken ships - it’s so scary to suddenly die for no apparent reason. But if you don’t believe in all these mysteries, feel free to go here for a dose of adrenaline.

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And we say goodbye to you until the next mysterious articles. Please share the information with your friends. Goodbye!

« Ph'nglui mglvnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh vgah'nagl fhtagn", which means: "Here, in this house, in the city of R'lyeh, the dead Cthulhu sleeps, waiting in the wings».

Howard Phillips Lovecraft « Call of Cthulhu»

The Bermuda Triangle is a real phenomenon of the 20th century, the mystery of which has been wrestled with by scientists, as well as ufologists, psychics and representatives of a number of other dubious professions for decades. Only a person who has spent his entire life in a bunker has never heard of an ominous place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes disappear. The stories of sailors, residents of nearby areas and some representatives of alternative science, richly seasoned with fantasies, cause an unhealthy chill on the back and forever discourage anyone who had previously planned a vacation somewhere nearby from traveling to these places.

There are many versions of the reasons for the loss of transport in these waters. Some believe that people and equipment are being abducted by aliens, especially since the version of their existence has been significantly heated up. Others suggest government conspiracy, the dominance of pirates, the influence of ghosts and poltergeists, divine intervention and other speculations. Scientists are more skeptical and offer much more down-to-earth versions.

The Bermuda Triangle is, of course, an imaginary line that runs through Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico to form a triangle (some seriously suggest that the Bermuda Triangle can be seen). The ocean in these places is incredibly lively, there are a lot of resorts and remarkable places that attract tourists. Even superstitious captains have to grit their teeth to navigate their ships through the Bermuda Triangle (Devil's Triangle, as some religious people like to call it) to earn a living. However, rumors about the paranormal features of this part of the Atlantic are greatly exaggerated - the vast majority of ships and planes overcome this area without any incidents. But there is always a chance to go to sea and not return.

It is human nature to exaggerate everything. Both for selfish purposes and from a lack of understanding of the world around us. However, there is no smoke without fire. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle really exists, albeit not on the scale that is portrayed in literature and cinema.

What is the Bermuda Triangle

From unofficial sources, the mysterious disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle area became known in 1840. According to rumors that have survived to this day, then the French ship Rosalie washed up on the shores near Nassau, on which there was no crew, but the ship itself looked completely serviceable. The sails on the ship were raised and it looked as if the ship's crew had simply disappeared in an instant. In the 20th century, skeptical people refuted this story, but the sediment remained.
The topic of the Bermuda Triangle began to be returned to in the middle of the last century. This was influenced by a number of unexplained events that occurred in these waters, as well as journalists who, for the sake of beautiful headlines and creativity, called an area of ​​​​about 4 million square kilometers the place where Atlantis disappeared.

Charles Berlitz, an American writer who published a book with facts about the Bermuda Triangle in 1974, had a great influence on public attention to the phenomenon in Bermuda waters. In it, Berlitz collected known cases of mysterious disappearances of vehicles in the area, and also tried to analyze the events and come to their reasons. The book became a bestseller not only among the American population, but throughout the world. It was from this moment that the public, which has always been greedy for all sorts of hoaxes, showed interest in the problem of the paranormal region in the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, the Bermuda Triangle is not really a triangle, no matter how punish it may sound. If you analyze all the missing vehicles in this area using a map, and then connect the lines, you will get more of a diamond or something similar, so the area does not have strictly defined boundaries. If there is something mystical in this place, then you should not feel safe when going beyond the triangle.

Known cases of missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle

If the problem of the Bermuda Triangle is exaggerated, it is not too much. Mysterious events really took place in this area throughout the 20th century, some of which even scientists are still unable to explain. There are many sunken ships on the ocean floor in these places, and even more ships and aircraft have never been discovered. We tried to collect the most strange disappearances and crashes of vehicles in the ominous Devil's Triangle.

The disappearance of the Avengers. Link 19

Perhaps one of the most controversial and mystical events associated with the Bermuda Triangle occurred on December 5, 1945. Berlitz wrote about him in his book. On this day, a flight of five Avenger torpedo bombers took off from the Naval Aviation Base in Fort Lauderdale to perform a routine training flight. The weather was excellent: calm, clear sky, excellent visibility. 14 highly experienced pilots (some with 2,500 hours of flight time) set off along the standard route for the air base to drop bombs on a mock target and return home. But they didn't return.

At 14.10 local time, the torpedo bombers left the base, after which experts can only judge what happened from the entries in the radio communication logs. An hour and a half after the start of the flight, radio conversations were detected at the airbase, in which the squadron pilots were anxiously talking about the fact that the navigation devices had failed, all the compasses had failed, and the flight had gotten lost.

The leadership of Fort Lauderdale gave the order to establish contact with group 19, and after half an hour the rescue unit managed to contact the leading link, Captain Taylor. The commander confirmed that he had no navigation and could not see land below him. The planes wandered around the Bermuda Triangle for several hours, after which they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down on the surface of the ocean. After that, all communication with the crews was lost.

The airbase authorities immediately sent two Mariner rescue seaplanes to the area where Unit 19 was supposed to splash down, but on different routes. One of them, board number 49, after reporting that it was arriving in the area of ​​the bearing of the missing torpedo bombers, suddenly disappeared from the radio air. It was never possible to establish contact with him.

At 21.20 local time, the captain of one of the oil tankers located in the Bermuda Triangle area sent a message to the coast guard that he saw an explosion in the sky, which later left an oil slick on the water. The tanker crew did not find anything under the explosion site.

The airbase headquarters at that moment grabbed their heads and gave the order to the second Mariner to fly to the coordinates of the oil slick indicated by the sailors from the tanker to try to find the wreckage of the rescue aircraft. When board No. 32 “Mariner” arrived at the scene, it could not find any debris or even an oil stain on the water. If there was anything there, it disappeared without a trace. Further searches for Flight 19 also did not bring success, and the remaining Mariner had to return to the air base with nothing. To this day, none of the planes have ever been found.

Such mysticism was no longer part of any framework, and the US authorities ordered one of the largest search and rescue operations in history. 300 army aircraft were scrambled to comb the area. 21 vessels with the latest bearing-finding equipment went to sea. Ground searches were also carried out with the help of teams of volunteers who were supposed to look for aircraft wreckage washed ashore. To no avail. People could not find anything that would indicate the fate of Flight 19 and the rescue plane.

Missing US Air Force C-119 military transport aircraft

On June 6, 1965, a C-119 long-range military transport aircraft disappeared from radar screens near the Bahamas. He was supposed to deliver four mechanics to Grand Turk, but never made it to his destination. The last radio message from C-119 on the ground was received when it was approximately 180 kilometers from Grand Turk, after which the connection was lost.

The entire local coast guard and military were mobilized to search for the missing plane, combing 77,000 square miles a day for five days, but with no success. The plane disappeared without a trace.

This is one of the few cases of missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle that has been linked to alien abduction.

Disappearance of the Cyclops

If the disappearance of planes in the Bermuda Triangle area can be associated with a banal crash, then the disappearance of huge ships without a trace is not so easy to explain.

In March 1918, the US Navy troop transport ship Cyclops set sail with a cargo of manganese ore from the port of Rio de Janeiro towards the North Atlantic States. There were 306 passengers on board this huge ship, not counting the crew. Throughout the entire voyage, there were no alarm messages from the crew. The ship was last seen near the island of Barbados, where it made a short stop. After that no one saw him.

The search for the missing Cyclops lasted for decades, but neither the wreckage, nor the hull of the ship, nor the bodies of the dead passengers could be found. The ship disappeared without a trace.

The mystery of the Rubicon ship

One of the most mysterious events related to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle occurred on October 22, 1944. Then the US Navy discovered a Cuban cargo ship called the Rubicon, which was drifting independently in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. When the military boarded the ship, it turned out that the only living creature on the ship was a dog. The team disappeared without a trace.

The Rubicon was in excellent condition, with no visible damage from the storm or anything else, the crew's personal belongings were in place, and the galley looked as if the crew were about to eat. The only entry in the ship's log was made on September 26, when the Rubicon entered the port of Havana. There was not a single lifeboat on board the ship.

The main version of the disappearance of the Rubicon crew is an ordinary storm, which forced the crew to urgently escape from the ship, but the order that reigned on the deck and in the cabins indicated that the storm could hardly have caused the disappearance of people.

Disappearance of a Douglas DC-3 passenger plane

The Bermuda Triangle continued to take lives. On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappeared without a trace in this area, carrying 29 passengers and 3 crew members.

At first, the flight from Puerto Rico to Miami proceeded as normal, the crew kept in touch with the ground and there were no signs of trouble. At 4:31 a.m. local time, the captain of the plane told dispatchers that he was approximately 50 miles from Miami and would soon arrive at his destination, but for some reason this message was not received in Miami, but it was intercepted by a dispatcher from New Orleans, who forwarded the information to Miami airport. After this, many attempts were made to call the crew members of the Douglas DC-3, but they were unsuccessful. Communication was lost, as was the plane.

No debris or traces of a crash were found in the area of ​​the aircraft's intended route. Most are inclined to believe that the disappearance of the plane is associated with a UFO.

Reasons for the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle

Both scientists and mystics and conspiracy theorists put forward a lot various reasons crashes and disappearances of vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle area. Among dozens of crazy theories, those that intersect with other speculations and facts characteristic of human culture stand out.

There are entire groups of people who claim that responsibility for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle lies with the inhabitants of the missing continent - Atlantis. Others believe that in this area there is increased activity of UFOs and aliens who are secretly studying life on our planet. Skeptics put forward their theories, which look quite scientific, against the backdrop of the words of conspiracy theory lovers.

However, the coast guard and insurance companies unanimously claim that the Bermuda Triangle is no different from other areas of the ocean, and the percentage of disappearances of ships and aircraft in it is the same as in other parts of our planet.

Magnetic distortions and anomalies

Regular reports of navigation equipment failure in the Bermuda Triangle area indicate that a magnetic anomaly of incredible strength may occur in this area. Some believe that this occurs when tectonic plates move, which creates electric and magnetic fields that affect both devices and humans. This theory has many opponents among both scientists and doctors, despite the fact that it looks very scientific against the background of fiction from other conspiracy theorists.

rogue waves

Another theory for the death of ships in the Bermuda Triangle was the version of rogue waves that occur in these places with enviable regularity.

Rogue waves (rogue waves) arise spontaneously and are isolated in ocean waters. Their height can reach 20-30 meters, and such a colossus poses a mortal danger to any modern vessel. Even the strongest hull of the ship may not be able to withstand the water pressure that a wave hits the ship at high speed, which makes the chances of survival almost zero.

Such waves can occur even in complete calm and are not related to weather conditions. However, this theory does not explain the deaths of planes in this area.

Release of huge bubbles of methane

There are versions of scientists that in the Bermuda Triangle area there is a possibility of the formation of giant methane bubbles from cracks on the ocean floor.

Experimental studies have shown that a huge and solid bubble of gas, such as methane, when appearing under a ship, can create a condition where the ship simply falls into the void under its bottom, after which the ocean waters instantly close over its mast, not giving a single chance of surfacing.

Such a theory could also explain the dead crews on ships that were discovered several times in these latitudes. Methane could easily poison people without any visible damage to their bodies.

Also, the release of methane in huge quantities can cause plane crashes. Flammable gas entering aircraft engines explodes, leading to disaster.

Again, this theory does not explain why researchers often fail to find a single piece of debris from a missing ship or plane.