What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and who needs them. Not treatment, but recovery. What are dietary supplements, how are they useful and who needs them? Indications for use

Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) remain the subject of ongoing controversy among doctors, pharmacists, legislators and consumers. The range of opinions ranges from the mandatory inclusion of dietary supplements in every person’s diet to their complete ban. What is the real place of supplements in maintaining health?

What is a dietary supplement?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 29-FZ dated January 2, 2000 “On the quality and safety of food products,” biologically active food additives are natural or identical to natural substances intended for consumption simultaneously with food or for inclusion in food products.

Dietary supplements are not medicines and cannot replace healthy food, but they are quite capable of supplementing it with components necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The diet of a modern person is not able to fully meet the need for vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other useful ingredients. Abroad, dietary supplements are widely used to replenish missing nutritional elements; in developed countries they have become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. In our country, approximately 5% of the population regularly use dietary supplements, and even these people do not always clearly understand exactly what effect dietary supplements can provide.

What kind of supplements are there?

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has divided all dietary supplements into three groups: nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals, and probiotics.

Nutraceuticals- these are essential food components: vitamins, minerals, some amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc. Such dietary supplements complement a proper diet.

Parapharmaceuticals contain substances that have a targeted physiological effect: organic acids, bioflavonoids, biogenic amines, glycosides, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, enzymes, tannins, etc. Many of these components are included in medications, but in significantly larger doses. Parapharmaceuticals are used to maintain organs and systems within the physiological boundaries of functional activity.

Probiotics normalize the composition and biological activity of intestinal microflora.

There are also many combination drugs that combine the properties of different groups. It must be borne in mind that even parapharmaceuticals, despite a certain proximity to drugs, do not have a therapeutic effect on diseases. The scope of their use is maintaining the functional state of the body and preventing diseases. The use of dietary supplements as an auxiliary element in complex treatment and rehabilitation is permissible only after consultation with a doctor. Recommendation of dietary supplements for illnesses has practically the same purpose as a doctor’s prescription of a certain regimen, diet, spa treatment, or physical activity.

Under the guise of medicine

However, it is sometimes difficult for ordinary people to understand that supplements that look like tablets, capsules, pills and drops are not medicines. Especially considering that today on pharmacy shelves various dietary supplements take up no less space than medications.

The perception of dietary supplements as medicine is not limited to external similarity. Some supplement manufacturers have put a lot of effort and money into promoting them as medicines and calling them almost a panacea.

Today such positioning is prohibited by law. But this does not prevent cunning “consultants” and “specialists” from telling people in personal conversations or over the phone what is prohibited from being written on packages and circulated in the media. And patients, especially older ones, often believe them...

However, it was not only advertising gimmicks that contributed to the confusion. This was also helped by the simplified procedure for registering dietary supplements compared to drugs. The certificate of state registration of dietary supplements was issued by Rospotrebnadzor, and not by the Ministry of Health, as in the case of medicines, and the main criterion was the safety of the supplement. A number of studies, including expensive clinical trials, were not required. This state of affairs has stimulated some manufacturers to register as dietary supplements products that could well be called medicines.

Now the registration situation is changing. Rospotrebnadzor tried to abandon the function of registering dietary supplements that contain ingredients included in the State Pharmacopoeia. But at the same time he made a reservation that this only applies to substances that do not have “food traditions”. The technical regulations of the Customs Union require all currently existing dietary supplements to undergo re-registration by February 15, 2015, and representatives of the antimonopoly service advocate that dietary supplements be registered on the same basis as medicines. Time will tell what will come of all this in reality.

Choosing the right dietary supplements

At one time, the reputation of dietary supplements was considerably tarnished by manufacturers from some Asian countries, who sold dangerous to health products under the guise of dietary supplements, containing psychotropic drugs and even worm eggs.

Now such scandalous incidents have become very rare, but consumer attentiveness is never too much. To protect yourself from disappointment, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Consult your doctor about the advisability of using dietary supplements in each specific case.
  • Go to the website https://fp.crc.ru/ and familiarize yourself with the register of dietary supplements that have passed state registration. If the additive is not in this document, then it is better to refuse the purchase.
  • Do not purchase dietary supplements in dubious places or from hand - only in pharmacies.
  • Before purchasing, carefully study the packaging, which must indicate the name of the dietary supplement, the manufacturer with coordinates, the ingredient composition, the number of the state registration certificate and the date of its issue, information about the main consumer properties and contraindications, information about the quantity of dietary supplements in a unit of consumer packaging, expiration date , date of manufacture, storage conditions. The packaging must contain a warning that the product is not a medicine, as well as a mark on the market. But indications of environmental friendliness, quick effects on diseases and similar advertising gimmicks should raise doubts about the integrity of the manufacturer.
  • You should not trust the words of “consultants” that dietary supplements will provide you with an easy gait in case of severe arthrosis, get rid of a tumor, restore vision in case of cataracts, normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension “with experience” and other similar “miraculous” healings.
Heart and vascular health
ls@site marked PM (indicate your full name, postal address and telephone number in the letter).
This article does not pretend to be the ultimate truth. Everything that is presented here is only a combination of our own observations, read reviews, articles and other literature.

Triiodothyronine- the most active form of thyroid hormones. In bodybuilding it is used to speed up metabolism. Basically, this drug is used during the drying period, however, there is a practice of taking T3 during the mass-gaining cycle. Triiodothyronine also has the property of binding to adrenergic receptors, which also has a beneficial effect on the process of lipolysis.


Before taking this drug, I strongly recommend taking tests, in particular: TSH, T4, T3 (T3 is not necessary after the course)

Also, I highly recommend reading THIS, namely the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
The question arises: Why?
The fact is that it is knowledge of the symptoms that will allow us to correctly determine the effect of T3 and regulate the working dosage. Our task is to enter into “mild” hyperthyroidism.

Dosage: You need to enter the course gradually, usually the dose starts from 25 mcg (half a tablet), however, there are unique cases when it is divided into 4 parts (12.5 mcg). The dosage is gradually increased, every 2-4 days.
Personally, I advise (it’s also written in the indications) to leave the working dosage at 75 mcg. This is the dosage that worked great for me, maybe someone needs more, but more on that later.

IMPORTANT: During the course you need to monitor body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure readings.
A slight deviation from the norm, upward, is a signal that we have entered that same state. If your temperature is already over 39, and your heart rate at rest has exceeded a hundred, this is a signal that you have begun the process of burning out your mass, and therefore and the thyroid gland itself. It is worth reducing the dosage (gradually)

Duration of admission: Personally, I recommend taking T3 for 3-4 weeks (I took 3 myself). Many people advise 4-6 weeks. There was a practice when pros took T3 for 3 weeks, but the doses were 200-225 mcg (what were they trying to achieve?)

AAS: This would be a smart choice if after the course you don’t want to look like you know Buchenwald.
A moderate dose of testosterone will significantly reduce muscle loss.


"the conversion of androgens to estrogens in tissues increases and the content of circulating sex hormone binding globulin increases, which increases the ratio of estrogens to androgens. These hormonal changes can cause gynecomastia in men"

Personally, I felt it, but not significantly. I highly recommend stocking up on IA.

Beta blockers:They begin to eat them at a clearly increased dose in T3. The reason, I think, is clear, heart rate and pressure are off the charts.
I strongly advise against taking beta blockers, as this will reduce the effect of T3 (since one of the mechanisms of lipolysis will be blocked). It would be wiser to reduce the dose of T3, I already mentioned this.

Clenbuterol: Initially, maple was recommended as an anti-catabolic, so as not to fall asleep on the T3 cycle. However, I never found sources with evidence that maple has anti-catabolic properties. Taking maple on a triiodothyronine course will only have a fat-burning effect on your wallet.

A little about T4:
Naive dumplings, having read about the miraculous properties of thyroids, buy up thyroxine in batches.
There is a separate category of people who have read a little more and, along with thyroxine, swallow packs of iodine-containing preparations in the hope of a “miraculous conversion”. However, there is an opinion that when using exogenous thyroxine, the conversion to active triiodothyronine is reduced. Again we are only burning money.

PCT: It’s stupidly simple. A tablet of iodomarin a day in the morning, before meals. I can’t say specifically the duration of treatment. 2-3 weeks, I think, will be enough.
In about a month, it’s worth getting tested - TSH, T4.
Why don't you need to take T3? Here's why..

“The basis of modern diagnosis of hypothyroidism is the determination of the level of TSH and free T4 in the blood. The dominant role is given to the determination of the level of TSH. Determination of the level of free T4 is not mandatory. A study of the level of T3 for the purpose of diagnosing hypothyroidism is not indicated, since its decrease occurs mainly only after a decrease free T4"

A little past:
Previously, T3 could be easily obtained at the pharmacy. The most popular was triiodothyronine from Berlin-Chemie.
Alas, as far as I know, the last batch dates back to 2010. Last year, when I asked him at the pharmacy, they looked at me like I was the last drug addict)

History also knows such a drug as Cytomel. It’s a pity I don’t know much about it, I only know that it was very popular among bodybuilding.

Well, how did I forget about it, a representative of the T3 class, which is really easy to get in our time.
Meet me, tsitover)

Result: The drug is very interesting and probably attracts a lot of attention. In my opinion, it should be used in extreme cases (Although there is a study where a woman took exogenous thyroid hormones as much as 6 years and then your own hormones recovered) But you shouldn’t hope that you’ll be lucky in the same situation.
Gr is more preferable for drying, but this is a costly business.
But living, in principle, is expensive, and we only have one health.

Success and health to everyone. And most importantly - PRESS!)

On the site you can always buy dietary supplements that are produced by well-known companies and are useful even for practically healthy people. We offer products that are created on the basis of safe raw materials and are thoroughly tested before implementation. They are certified and prove their properties during use.

Anyone can order dietary supplements in our online store. You just need to find the product you need in the illustrated catalog containing detailed product descriptions.

Why take nutritional and dietary supplements?

Biologically active food additives allow you to:

  • improve health;
  • ensure the coordinated functioning of organs and systems of the body;
  • replenish the lack of amino acids, micronutrients, vitamins, fatty acids, essential oils and other beneficial substances;
  • reduce the calorie content of food consumed;
  • reduce the risk of various types of diseases;
  • cleanse the intestines of toxins.

Dietary supplements are those drugs that also provide opportunities for:

  • increasing the body's resistance to external influences;
  • binding and removing substances that negatively affect the body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • cell rejuvenation;
  • weight loss.

Almost every dietary supplement is a whole complex that makes you a healthier person. It contains a unique set of components.

We sell dietary supplements recommended not only for adults, but also for children. You can choose supplements that are not only useful, but also that you like. Hematogen and other bars, for example, not only have a positive effect on the body, but are also favorite products of people of different ages. Can't live without honey? Have they replaced sugar recently? We will also offer this healthy sweet in various packaging.

Our catalog of dietary supplements will satisfy the most demanding needs. Means for the prevention and treatment of various diseases, available to everyone, will demonstrate their effectiveness after just a short period of use. You'll be surprised at how useful they are.

It is better to take dietary supplements after receiving a doctor’s recommendations, but biological ones can be prescribed to anyone who always wants to look young, attractive, fresh and cares about their health.

Where to buy dietary supplements?

Of course, it is better to buy dietary supplements at a pharmacy. Only here you will be offered truly high-quality products. You can safely trust these dietary supplements to take care of your health. Pay attention to the product descriptions, read the indications for use and contraindications. Do not use the products if you have an allergic reaction to at least one of the components!

Choose dietary supplements now and place your order.

“We have a special approach to cancer. I’ll tell you right away my view on these things. There are already a huge number of observations that ultra-large doses can help resolve metastases and cause tumor regrowth.

There are many such results. I don't pretend to say that this is a cure for cancer, it is a powerful immune booster! And although there are different theories about cancer, scientists agree, first of all, that it is a means of reducing immunity. This is what we are seeing. So, in order to powerfully increase immunity in this case, superdoses are needed.

And here, as it were, I shared the approach to the use of these products in oncological malignant neoplasms. There is an element of metastasis. Or so. The first and second stages are one thing. The third and fourth are different. That's just it.

This means the first and second, although you cannot be sure that there are no metastases there, but still, at least 10-12 per day. I say everything a day. 10-12 detox, 10-12 antiox against the backdrop of the entire classic case, and plus a restorative complex - all together. And for a long time. This is for at least six months, then the dose may be reduced. After repeated examination, there really are no metastases anywhere.

If there are metastases or grade 3-4, I’m telling you practical experience, you won’t read this anywhere!

This means that there really are overdoses here. 30 detox, 30 antiox per day. At least 20 per day. Against the background of the classic in a triple dose and plus a restorative complex. The only thing is, if a person is hypertensive, then we seem to reduce tonics, these are, and. These are tonics. No matter how much you need to tone them up, these can be regular doses. This means at least 100 capsules per day. And this is the only way to resolve metastases and cause tumor regrowth.

This is already a lot of practice. I see several such people. A year and a half ago, one woman was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer; they did not want to operate on her because the tumor had grown so large that there was no way to remove it. I had to do several sessions of radiation therapy and chemotherapy under cover. She constantly drank these doses of, as I tell you, detox and antiox.

They are also used during chemotherapy. This is absolutely true. This makes it possible for these people to easily tolerate chemotherapy. And people who don’t know our products say, “But detox, it protects the cell. Doesn’t it protect the cancer cell?”

Paradox. This is wrong. Because it improves immunity! And it stimulates the body itself, the immunity of our body, the body makes itself worse - it won’t start preserving a cancer cell. It preserves our cells. And when immunity increases, this means it has a detrimental effect on the cancer cell. We need to look at this moment from the other side.

And this woman drank huge doses, more than 100 capsules a day. This was a necessary measure. Radiation chemistry covered by our products.

Because a huge number of scientists have a negative attitude towards chemotherapy. Because it kills immune cells, especially young immune cells. By killing the immune system, we kill the body.

But listen to how oncologists talk. I'll tell you this in a simple way. They reason correctly that there is no salvation, there are metastases, they will definitely consume the entire body, this process will spread if chemotherapy is not given. Yes, it’s 50/50. Either the person will survive after this chemotherapy, or he won’t survive. But from their point of view, there is no other salvation.

Now, these products, by the way, the Herzen Institute, the Oncology Institute in Moscow are already working on these products, and there will be reports at conferences, many institutes are already doing candidate and doctoral theses, even the Institute of Transplantology, but more on that a little later. So, imagine this product, it powerfully improves immunity and promotes the resorption of metastases. This is salvation and there is no need for this chemotherapy, which can kill a person. Do you understand?! I told you some complex things in simple words.

It’s just that many oncologists don’t know about it. And there is a chance to save a person with chemotherapy - they do it. But very often, as I already said, chemotherapy kills the remnants of the immune system and kills the person.

And many scientists believe, this is data from a conference of the Medical Center under the Administration of the President of Russia, that chemotherapy is justified only for lymphoid tumors. In all cases, in many – no!

But when patients ask me, I do not have the right to cancel what is prescribed for them. I tell them - I can tell you, I do not have the right to cancel or prescribe what oncologists recommend to you. I can tell you what I would advise to my very close person. Knowing this subject completely differently, and having extensive practice, I would advise using these products instead of chemotherapy.

So, I'll go back to that incident. Then it was like a necessary measure in order to try to shrink this tumor, in order to make surgery possible. And the operation really became possible. It was done. Metastases, of course, remained. The woman was discharged. She continued to drink in large doses. She's been drinking this for a year! And now she drinks according to this scheme: for a month she drinks 20 and , triple classic and restorative, and for a month she rests, i.e. He drinks the usual dose of classic and restorative, and only we take a break for detox. Now you can do it.

In general, if there is no oncology, I usually recommend interrupting the detox. Because it has a “first wave effect”. After the break there seems to be a sharp jump in this effect. There are such observations about detox.

But this does not apply to oncology. There is no time for these observations, no time for these subtleties. There is a person to be saved there.

And this woman was examined, in the spring, now after a year, not a single metastasis was found in her.

This is a chance for a huge number of people suffering from cancer. This is true. Practice shows this. And there are many such results.”


Pshennikova Tamara Vasilievna, doctor with 22 years of experience, more than 15 years of work with natural products in the CompanyVISION. Laureate of the first State Prize “Healthy Generation”XXI century”, awarded in May 2002 for personal contribution to the improvement of the nation.

She underwent special training at the Medical Center under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Teaches at advanced training courses for doctors at the Medical Academy named after. Sechenov in Moscow.