What does the shape of the nose mean? The character of a person based on the shape of the nose: what does it tell about the owner? A girl, woman, man has a long nose: what kind of character

The article contains the most common signs regarding determining character by the shape of the nose.

The proportions of our face and overall balance depend on the type of nose we have. Physiognomists have long used the shape of the nose as the main feature to determine a person’s personality traits. What can you tell about your interlocutor by looking at his nose?

The relationship between the length of the nose and a person’s character:

The length of the nose is the starting point in determining character. It is believed that this part of the face should ideally occupy a third of its entire length. If the nose exceeds this length in size, then it goes into the category of long, while a short nose does not reach the third part of the face in length.

What is the character of a person with a long nose?

  • The owner of a long nose is balanced and strives to achieve power. A person with a long nose has refined taste and an excellent sense of humor. This is an active person.
  • You can rely on such a person, because his responsibility is elevated to a superlative degree. Among the properties that complicate communication with such a person is his stubbornness.

What is the character of a person with a short nose?

  • The owner of a small nose is impulsive, open to communication and attractive in appearance. A person with a short nose is characterized by flexibility of character. It is important for him to receive approval for his actions from close people, especially when it comes to relationships with his significant other.
  • In work, it is important to receive approval from your superiors. The owner of a short nose is an open-hearted optimist.

What is the character of a person with a long and large nose?

  • The owner of a large and long nose is stubborn and headstrong.
  • Such a person knows how to earn money and has high demands on others, especially for those who are lower in status.

What is the character of a person with a long nose with a slightly downturned tip?

  • The owner of a long nose with a downward curved tip has an analytical mind. Distinctive features are courage and determination.
  • A person with such a nose is courageous and capable of quickly making informed decisions in extreme situations. A person with such a nose easily achieves career heights if only he sets himself such a task.

What kind of character does a person with a fleshy nose have?

  • The owner of a fleshy nose is endowed with creative abilities. He is sincere, passionate and incredibly attractive to the opposite sex.
  • His generosity and intelligence help to find like-minded people in his favorite business, and such a trait as his willingness to come to the rescue and direct all efforts to protect the victim helps to gain new useful acquaintances and true friends.
  • If the owner of a fleshy nose is a representative of the fair sex, then her main qualities boil down to the following: they are good housewives and caring mothers.

What is the character of a person with an upturned nose?

  • A person with an upturned nose has an excellent sense of morale. This is an optimist and a sensual nature.
  • The owner of a snub nose is characterized by sudden changes mood, however, such changeability does not prevent them from charming others in the first minutes of communication.

What is the character of a person with a Greek nose?

  • A person with a Greek nose is characterized by some stubbornness. He is hardworking and responsible. It is difficult to argue with him, because confidence in his own rightness is his main feature.
  • However, if you praise such a person, it turns out that behind the mask of inaccessibility lies a rather subtle and vulnerable nature.

What is the character of a person with a small nose?

  • A small nose can tell a lot about its owner. For example, that its owner has a flexible character. Such a person is capable of making compromises.
  • He is open and radiates optimism. A person with a small nose is easy to offend. He needs the support of loved ones and their approval.

What is the character of a person with a straight nose?

  • A person with a straight nose has a strong character. He has a clear mind and exceptional aesthetic perception.
  • He understands the intricacies of art and everything beautiful. As an employee, such a person is purposeful and successful.

A girl, woman, man has a hooked nose: what kind of character?

  • A nose with a hump is not a flaw, but a beautiful facial feature that emphasizes the individuality of its owner. The shape of a nose with a hump is considered aristocratic and sophisticated, which affects the character. Suffice it to recall the story of the beautiful Nefertiti.
  • A person with a hooked nose, regardless of gender, is brave and decisive. His judgments are rational, and his attitude towards finance is reasonable and logical.
  • The income received is not spent just like that. Those with a hump nose are sensible. They devote a lot of time and attention to family and loved ones.

Humped nose and character

Characteristics of a woman with a hooked nose:

Representatives of the fair sex with such a nose are distinguished by a good mind. They are ambitious and strive, despite everything, to achieve personal happiness. The latter is guaranteed to bring success in work, business and any endeavor.

A girl, a woman, a man has a snub nose: what is his character?

  • A snub nose differs from a snub nose in that it is more rounded and fleshy in shape. A person with such a nose is easy to communicate with, because the interlocutor inevitably gains confidence in him.
  • The owner of a snub nose is distinguished by eloquence and calmness.
  • He simply exudes reliability and readiness for mutual assistance, even if their work and business suffers as a result.
  • The snub nose gives the face a special charm. As a rule, such a nose is found in people with Slavic roots.

A woman’s snub nose: meaning

  • Representatives of the fair sex with a snub nose are distinguished by optimism, kindness and responsiveness. Such ladies are energetic, with a rich imagination and a penchant for adventure, which makes them participants in dubious adventures.
  • Snub-nosed women give themselves over completely to love impulses, without thinking about the consequences of their romances. Such women tend to change men like signets, because they are not constancy. The support of family and friends is important to them.

A man's snub nose: meaning

  • Men with snub noses are generous and kind. In their work they demonstrate such qualities as accuracy, scrupulousness, and responsibility.
  • People with snub noses are natural extroverts. They do not tolerate intriguers and gossips in their environment, therefore in the team they are valued as decent and fair.

A girl, a woman, a man has a wide nose: what is his character?

  • The owner of a wide nose is emotional, loyal and devoted to his family. Such a person is charming, kind, easy-going. Both men and women with a wide nose are characterized by increased sexuality and a love of travel.
  • Doing household chores is in the foreground for them.
Wide nose

A girl, a woman, a man has a straight nose: what is his character?

  • Holder straight nose indifferent to the “high”. Such a person has a materialistic mindset and is down to earth.
  • A person with a straight nose (regardless of gender) constantly strives for the unattainable, and at the same time she has inflated demands.

A girl, a woman, a man has an aquiline nose: what kind of character?

  • The owner of an aquiline nose is a born businessman. Such a person has a special sense of income. He is able to make profitable transactions without making mistakes.
  • A person with an aquiline nose can also be an excellent teacher. If the owner of an aquiline nose chooses teaching, then he devotes himself completely to work.

A girl, a woman, a man has a narrow nose: what is his character?

  • A woman with a narrow nose has a tense love relationship.
  • At work, he shows himself to be a responsible person, someone you can always rely on, with high efficiency. The owner of a narrow nose knows how to value her own and other people's time.
  • A man with a narrow nose is vulnerable. However, in response to an insult, he is capable of a caustic and vindictive reaction. Having met his soul mate, such a man becomes a good spouse and an excellent lover.

A girl, a woman, a man has a duck nose: what is his character?

  • A person with a duck nose is not susceptible to depression. He is always optimistic. Such people cope well with the role of presenters at various events and feasts.
  • They have a developed sense of humor. They are characterized by gentleness and easygoingness, the need to help others.

A girl, a woman, a man has a big nose: what is his character?

  • By nature, people with big noses are domineering and strong. Their hard work and perseverance often bear fruit - a high position or rapid advancement up the career ladder, and they achieve all sorts of benefits on their own. If someone offers help, they refuse.
  • A man with a big nose is an excellent leader. He is responsible, educated and wise. In any professional environment, he acts according to long-term plans, relying solely on logic and common sense.
  • A large nose hanging over the lip indicates the owner’s tendency to gossip.
    If the nose widens downward, then you can rely on such a person in difficult times.

A girl, a woman, a man has a small nose: what is his character?

  • The owner of a small, neat nose, regardless of gender, is a harmonious and disciplined person. Accustomed to discipline in the family, such a person undergoes training at school or institute with medals, diplomas, and awards.
  • However, he does not become a "nerd". He is characterized by punctuality, methodicality, an amazing sense of morale and healthy irony. Such a person does not betray his other half and is constant in his feelings. He tends to think logically and decisively in difficult situations.

A girl, a woman, a man has a sharp nose: what is his character?

  • The owner of a sharp nose is intractable and assertive. In his judgments he is harsh and categorical. A person with a sharp nose, regardless of gender, strives to be a leader.
  • Treats the weaknesses of others condescendingly.

A girl, a woman, a man has a potato nose: what kind of character?

  • A representative of the fair sex with a potato nose seems at first glance to be a simpleton. However, this impression is deceptive. This lady is smart, quick-witted and prudent.
  • It is characterized by the penetrating power of a ram, therefore it achieves its goals by moving ahead. At the same time, such a woman is not interested in the feelings of other people, which affects relationships with others. Potato-nosed women are sociable and have a developed sense of morale.

A girl, a woman, a man has a long nose: what is his character?

  • The owner of a long nose is distinguished by his foresight, rational and conservative view of things.
  • This nose is considered the “thinker’s nose.”

Video: The shape of the nose tells everything

It has long been a known fact that the shape of a person's nose can tell some of a person's traits.

There are a great variety of nose shapes, but there are eight main types:


The Nubian nose is distinguished by its length. The back of such a nose is almost straight, and the tip is directed downward. People with this form are often curious and very optimistic. “Nubians” try very hard to help others and create ideal conditions for those around them. Many people like people with Nubian noses; they will always find a solution to any problem.


This name came about as a result of observing Greek ancient sculptures. The Greek nose is very narrow, long and straight. “Greeks” do not always like to be in the spotlight. They are very practical and loyal to their loved ones. It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.


Many people compare this nose shape to a bird's beak. Its back is curved and its tip is directed downwards. Such people are very creative, very selfless. They are passionate about defending their principles, risking everything to achieve their own goals.


This type of nose is very similar to a hook nose, but its tip is even more pointed. People with such noses are brilliant organizers. They are always honest and responsible in their work, and always systematically achieve the necessary goals.


This nose is quite small and graceful, slightly snub-nosed. Its form is quite common. Owners of such a nose are very spontaneous in their decisions, which sometimes displeases others. These people have a very strong and cocky character, they immediately move from talk to action. They almost always try to get what they want.


This nose is very common in Asia. Its shape is almost perfectly straight, slightly flat. The tip is rounded and the nostrils are quite wide. Such people have a very strong character. They are very cunning, secretive, passionate and temperamental, usually hiding their thoughts and grievances within themselves and under external goodwill. It is very easy to provoke the anger of people with straight noses. It is very dangerous to have such people as your enemies.


This type of nose has a small bump on the back. This form is not very common; it is quite difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with such a nose are distinguished by their friendliness, isolation, generosity, and desire to solve the problems of others. Owners of this form are very sensitive, they are easily offended or offended, but usually few people know about it.


The name is not the most pleasant. However, the character of such people very often turns out to be soft and loving. The back of such a nose is curved and the tip is rounded. “Look-nosed” people are very focused on what they are doing in the moment. They are great listeners, protectors, best friends and partners.

Physiognomy experts say that the shape of the nose can determine a person’s character. This statement is not accidental, because this part of the body occupies a central place on our face and serves not only as a conductor of oxygen to our lungs, but is also a fulcrum for assessing the balance and proportionality of the entire face. So, what can his nose tell about a person?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the shape of your nose.

A long nose have those who are prone to different talents. Long-nosed people have aptitude for art and science. They strive for spiritual self-realization. They should not engage in commerce and business, since, according to experts, complete failure awaits them in these areas of activity. The thing is that people with long noses, as a rule, have a conservative outlook on life and are very cautious about any innovations. The lot of such people is calm and measured image life.

Short nose- This is a sign of some limitation and superficial attitude to life. Such people are not inclined to burden themselves with obligations. They live only for themselves, and often neglect the moral principles of society.

Upturned nose endows its owner with frivolity, mostly in relationships with the opposite sex. Owners of such noses do not strive for serious relationship and prefer for a long time stay free. They also do not show much responsibility in their work. Such people value their freedom and independence.

Snub nose reveals a person who is generous, good-natured and wasteful with money. People with such noses, as a rule, live one day at a time and do not want to think about the future. They enjoy life and appreciate what they have.

Thin, bony and high nose speaks of arrogance and pride. Owners of such noses usually strive to subjugate everyone around them to their will. At heart they are real tyrants.

Aquiline nose indicates ambition and activity. Owners of such noses do not create illusions and live in reality. They set a specific goal and strive to achieve it. As a rule, people with such noses quickly achieve career heights and success in the love field.

The shape of the nose is not the only thing that can tell about a person’s character. It is worth paying attention to the tip of this part of the face. Special attention You need to pay attention to two types of nose - with a convex, full tip and with a forked tip.

Convex nose tip speaks of the kindness of its owner, generosity and kindness. A person with such a nose is always open to communication and ready to help in difficult times.

Split tip nose indicates a doubtful, indecisive and closed nature. As a rule, people with such a nose have a hard time in life. On the one hand, they are very smart, talented and capable. But because of their modesty and uncertainty, they cannot realize all their talents and achieve success.

Career growth and success in life can be judged by the wings of the nose. If the nostrils are large and wide, then this is a sign of ambition and even obsession with one’s work. Such people go straight to their goal and quickly achieve success.

Small nostrils They also talk about career success. Luck is favorable to such people.

Flat nostrils They give away a person with weak energy. Owners of such nostrils tend to experience failure in terms of money and work. They are very susceptible to circumstances and other people's opinions.

So, the shape of the nose, its location and general form can tell a lot about a person's character and talents. However, if you look at the face as a whole, you will discover a lot more useful information and will have an excellent understanding of physiognomy, which will allow you to get to know the person faster and better. Did you like the article? Then be sure to put

23.09.2013 11:16

What do you pay attention to when you first meet a person? Probably more...

There is such a relatively young, popular science as physiognomy. Deals with the study of facial features and their correspondence to a person’s character. In fact, it goes deep into the past. Hippocrates himself used this term in his works. IN Ancient China the nose was treated with particular respect. In one of the treatises he is called the “emperor of the face.” Physiognomy believes that the characteristics of the nose can tell a lot about a person.

photo from the site http://www.ganc-chas.by

Nose shapes are varied and individual for each person, despite the fact that everyone has the same one. Nose shapes can be divided into certain types. Among them, the most elegant is the thin nose, a sign of intelligence and refined taste. Natures have a certain innate aristocracy and nobility. A person is sensitive to himself and to others. Capable of working hard. He approaches love responsibly. Able to listen and hear other people. Values ​​his time and the time of others.

Classic shape

There is also a generally recognized classical (ideal) form. As follows:

  • The bridge of the nose is straight, without bumps;
  • No wrinkles in the area between the eyes;
  • Smooth, rounded tip shape;
  • Nose with symmetrical nasal wings;
  • Medium size nostrils.

Nose is sharp

Persons with a sharp nose are also characterized by “sharp”, “prickly” character traits. This is the most obvious example of how the nose really shows the character of its owner. Such people are quick-tempered, harsh in communication, and categorical in their judgments. Sometimes it is impossible to come to an agreement with them because of their stubbornness. They stand their ground until the last. They are ready to achieve their goal no matter what. They love (and they are good at it) to make jokes. However, they have a tendency to be leaders and to be condescending to others’ weak points. They are generously gifted with musical talents.

Upturned tip

A nose with an upturned tip is characteristic of gullible and simple-minded people. They love communication and are always ready for it. Impulsive natures. Impressionability is inherent. They are no strangers to curiosity. The upturned tip speaks of a wasteful nature and difficulty in accumulating money.

Roman nose

Owners of the Roman form inspire confidence and reliability. You can really rely on them. They are serious, principled, and a pleasure to deal with. In addition, they are proud and independent, they know what they want and move straight towards the goal. Personalities with a nose with a Greek shape are leaders and dictators. They remain faithful to their friends and are merciless towards deceivers. Good family men, they know how to manage finances. They are characterized by sarcasm.

Potato nose

A nose with a potato-shaped tip speaks of the openness and simplicity of a person. His friends love him for his good nature. He is responsive. Knows how to run a household. Loves comfort and convenience. Most often, these are phlegmatic natures. They are non-conflict, try to avoid quarrels and squabbles. In childhood they are slow and often get sick. They are popular with people of the opposite sex.

Eagle nose shape

A nose with the shape of an eagle beak belongs to individuals prone to analysis. They are demanding of themselves and demand the same from their partner. Attractive. In relationships they are calm and balanced. Show high level erudition. Self-confident, firm in decisions. These are purposeful natures. They manage finances skillfully. Good friends and partners, interesting conversationalists.

Determining character by the shape of the nose

When determining a person’s character, the science of physiognomy focuses on the form, which includes such a characteristic as proportionality.

Exist different types nose depending on the type of face, the shape of the nostrils, proportionality and other characteristics.

  • A short one of small size speaks of its owner’s openness, kindness, and cordiality;
  • Thin and long indicates sensitive people who respect themselves and others. They are serious. They have an innate sense of dignity;
  • Upturned is typical for capricious, frivolous individuals. They are impulsive, impetuous, sociable;
  • A nose with a deflection distinguishes extraordinary, very talented individuals. Modern, easy-going, creative. They are characterized by self-control, flexibility, adaptability;
  • Asymmetrical - natures have a complex structure. They are fickle and have a lot of talents. Having found harmony with themselves, such individuals are able to “move mountains”;
  • A “potato” nose is a sign of thriftiness and love of convenience. Such people are warm and friendly.

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose

Did you know that the nose has a back? It is the outer area just under the bridge of the nose. It is the junction of both nasal sides. The structure of the back can tell a lot about its owner.

  • A back with a hump is typical for creative, extraordinary people. They constantly produce new ideas. Erudite. There is a nuance in the localization of the hump.

When it is located close to the tip, its owner is mobile, able to quickly make decisions and act.

When located in the center, its owner is noble and has a sense of justice. Able to support those who need it.

When the nasal curve is located at the bridge of the nose, such a nose speaks of a person as capable of aggression, ready to stand up for himself.

  • A convex back characterizes an inveterate individualist. A person works quite successfully alone, not subordinate to anyone. Does not tolerate power over himself. Hardy, ready to work hard, which is what he does.
  • The high, wide back is distinguished by the well-known “Greek nose”. First of all, these individuals are strong-willed and purposeful. They clearly understand what they want and achieve it. There is a certain amount of stubbornness, which adorns them more than is a hindrance. Great leaders.

What is the tip of the nose silent about?

An important element in characterizing a person is the tip of the nose.

  • Curved up characterizes an impressionable, emotional person. Please note that if he is held up very high, do not trust your secrets to this person;
  • Pointed upward speaks of wastefulness, a frivolous attitude towards money;
  • The tip directed downwards indicates the owner's suspicion and prudence. It is good to do financial business with such people.
  • If your interlocutor has a sharp tip downward, be extremely attentive and careful when communicating. This form often reveals people who are tough and selfish;
  • There are tips like an eagle's beak, which gives a person the image of a “predator”. This is no accident. They are very cunning and capable of taking revenge. You also need to be careful with such people;
  • When the tip looks like it is drooping, this may indicate a person's preoccupation with sexual issues;
  • There are split ends. They belong to individuals who are in constant search, often changing jobs. For such a person it is very important to be emotionally satisfied with his work activity. Modesty and shyness are inherent;
  • Sharp-nosed individuals are characterized by self-control and reflection. They are often musically gifted.

What do the nostrils symbolize?

  • Small nostrils distinguish a person who is not wasteful. He is careful with money. That's a sufficient amount for him Money. The motto is: “There is never too much money”;
  • Large nostrils distinguish a generous person with great ambitions. He is characterized by rancor and arrogance. Sometimes he takes on more than he can handle;
  • Round nostrils are characteristic of individuals capable of dedication. They are generous without demanding payment for this generosity;
  • Nostrils in the form of a rectangle indicate the conservatism of its owner. Everything is fine with his money;
  • Triangular-shaped nostrils are characteristic of stingy and extremely thrifty people;
  • Narrow and long are characteristic of people who are able to support emotionally. They are characterized by empathy. They are good friends.

It is impossible to say unequivocally: this is a “beautiful nose” or this is a “correct nose”. Yes, there is a standard that does not mean beauty at all. Each is beautiful in its own way, precisely with its individual “irregularities” and asymmetry.

So, now you understand a little and can determine the character of a person by the shape of his nose. Apply this knowledge in practice. Observe people from a physiognomy perspective. You'll see, this is very interesting.

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about our inner world. We have already talked about how to determine character by the shape of the foot or the length of the toes. Now it turns out that you can find out about a person even by his nose! Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir from David Ben-Gurion University of the Negev conducted an interesting study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.

It turns out that you can identify eight main shapes of noses, and depending on this, you can learn the main character traits of a person.

Nubian nose

A long nose with a downward pointing tip is called Nubian. People with this nose shape are usually friendly and sociable. They are inquisitive and always strive to learn something new.

Greek nose

The Greek name is a straight narrow nose, which can be seen on ancient statues. People with such noses are mostly practical people. The main trait of their character is loyalty. True, winning the favor of such a person is not so easy - they are very critical in choosing friends. But for the sake of their loved ones, they are ready to do anything.

Hooked nose

A curved nose, reminiscent of a bird's beak in shape, indicates a person's great creative potential. People with this nose shape are inventive and talented, and also fanatically devoted to their favorite work.

Arched nose

If the nose is not only curved, but also has a pointed tip, this indicates the person’s extraordinary organizational abilities. Such people are very honest and responsible; you can always rely on them in difficult times.

Button nose

Those with a small upturned nose are famous for their eccentricity. They like to act spontaneously, and in life they often rely on chance. In addition, owners of button noses do not like unnecessary conversations and immediately move from words to action.

Straight nose

A straight nose with a rounded tip speaks of the strong character of its owner. Such people are very bright personalities. They are passionate and temperamental. They are easily pissed off, but just as quickly they forget about all troubles and forgive offenders.

Aquiline nose

A slightly concave nose with a pronounced hump on the bridge of the nose indicates a person’s generosity. Such people are very sensual. You should be careful when talking to them, as they are easy to offend.

Crooked nose

Although a crooked nose is considered unattractive, its owners are the nicest people. They are kind and sympathetic. They are also excellent listeners, always ready to delve into a problem and help with practical advice.