What is the difference between bring and take. What is the difference between Bring, Carry, Bear and Take and their synonyms? Reinforcement task

    04 Oct.

    If you didn’t pass by while learning English, then most likely you are not confusing verbs bring And take : after all, they have a completely different translation - bring and take, respectively. However, teaching practice shows that as soon as the teacher asks to translate, for example, the word “give” into English, the student begins to go through all the “verbs of giving” -, give take bring etc. - while being fully aware of how which word is translated. This suggests that these words are also confused in the native language, not to mention English.

    Another example: the editor of an American linguistic magazine received a letter from a concerned father. He asked the columnist to explain to his school-aged children the difference between bring And take . This case, in turn, suggests that native speakers also have a hard time with these two words. Therefore, in this article we set out to put everything in its place.

    It won't be easy for us, because the verb take has about 30 meanings! However, the good news is that we only need one thing, the main one - “to move an object or person from one place to another.”

    John, could you take the children to school? - John, could you take the children to school? (i.e. “move them from home to school”).

    Verb bring has the same meaning, but with an additional condition: not only do you need to move an object or person from one place to another, you also need to stay next to this object.

    Can I bring the children with me? - Can I bring my children with me? (that is, I will not only “move” them from one place to another, but then I myself will remain with them, which cannot be said about the first example with the school, in which the children are “given over” to other hands).

    Another explanation of the difference is given in dictionaries: bring describes the movement of an object if the speaker or listener is already at the “destination.” Take describes the movement of an object if the speaker or listener is NOT at the "destination"

    • “bring it to London” - you are in London
    • “take it to London” - you are NOT in London

    If we are not talking about movement, then it is quite simple, because the meanings are completely different:

    • Bring me a glass of water please. - Bring me a glass of water, please.
    • Take this glass of water and water the flowers. - Take this glass of water and water the flowers.

    In addition, it would be useful to remember stable expressions. This option is the most reliable memorization mechanism, although it contains the meanings of words bring And take are rarely observed.

    Table. Difference between Bring and Take

1. to bring - to take - to fetch

to bring - to come with, to carry or lead. If you bring someone or something with you when you come to a place, you have them with you. If you ask someone to bring you something, you are asking them to carry or move it to the place where you are.
bring / bring / bring = I don’t have something, and I’m waiting for someone to BRING it to me
Please bring your calculator to every lesson.
He would have to bring Judy with him.
Bring me a glass of water, please.

to take - to move or carry sth from one place to another.
If you take someone or something with you when you go to a place you have them with you. If you take them to a place you carry or drive them there.
take / take / take (children) / carry = I already have something, and I myself am carrying it somewhere
It's Richard's turn to take the children to school.
She gave me some books to take home.

to fetch - to go and get sth from another place and bring back.
If you fetch sth, you go to the place where it is and return with it to the place where you were before.
bring / grab = I will go, take it and return with this item
Let me fetch a chair for you.

2. to cry - to weep - to sob

to cry - to produce tears from the eyes as a sign of sorrow.
The boy fell over and started crying.

to weep (formal) - to cry tears because of sadness or strong emotion, usually quietly and for a long time.
cry / sob (sobbing)
Weeping, the mourners followed the coffin to the churchyard.

to sob - to cry noisily while taking short breaths.
cry quietly / sob
She couldn't atop crying and sobbed herself to sleep.

3. to long (for) - to wish - to yearn (for)

to long - to want sth very much, especially when this used to happen or existed in the past.
really want, passionately desire (something), feel a need (for something), strive (for something)
He longed for the good old days when teachers were shown respect.
I long for you - I really need you.

to wish (formal) - to want strongly to do sth.
want something badly
Everyone has the right to smoke if he or she wishes, but not the right to ruin the health of those around them.

to yearn (formal) - to want sth so much that you do not feel happy or complete without it, but you know you are NOT likely to get it.
languish, yearn for (someone/something); want (smth.) very much
Above all the prisoner yearned for freedom.


A. take - bring - fetch

1. Come to the party and ___ your friend, I’ll be very happy to see you both.
2. Could you please go and ___ a piece of chalk from the teacher’s room?
3. It was my grandmother who ___ me to the theater for the first time.
4. We are meeting at 8 near the school, don’t forget to ___ your packed lunches with you.
5. It’s not so difficult to teach your dog to ___ sticks.
6. Father came home early and ___ a big beautifully decorated cake.
7. When I go travelling, I always ___ this bag, it’s very convenient.
8. My friend ___ me this magnet as a souvenir from England.
9. In the evening we used to go and ___ milk from the nearby farm.

B. cry - sob - weep

1. I held back tears because I didn’t want my friends to think that I was ___.
2. Brokenhearted she ___ silently at night not to disturb her family.
3. I always feel like ___ when I watch this scene at the end of the film.
4. From behind the door we heard a child ___ loudly in the house.
5. When Joan heard the happy news, she began to ___ tears of joy.
6. We were woken up in the middle of the night by a loud noise: it was little Andy ___ and calling his mother.
7. Please don’t ___, I’ll repair your doll, I promise.
8. She ___ hysterically her whole body shaking.
9. The girl __ quietly trying to hide her hitter tears from her friends.

C. long (for) - yearn (for) - wish

1. Duncan still ___ for his dead wife after all these years.
2. If you ___ really hard, maybe you’ll get what you want.
3, - Where is he now? - I only __ I knew.
4. Max waited for the taxi to come. He ___ desperately to be back at home.
5. They were the words she had secretly ___ to hear. Patricia was happy.
6. Though Beatrice knew she couldn’t have children of her own, she ___ for them.
7. ‘I ___ they could come,’ said Martin.
8. Boris ___ for the winter to be over.
9. Vera knew the family desperately needed her help, she understood she could hardly leave them, but she ___ to go to St. Petersburg to become a movie actress.

Links to videos explaining the difference in some words in this block:

What's good, guys! Today we will discuss the difference between “bring”, “carry”, “take” and “bear”: we will consider the use, meaning, exceptions, synonyms, expressions and, of course, examples. And at the end of the article you will traditions will be waiting for an exercise to consolidate.

As you know, we can take, carry and give different things. We usually carry clothes on ourselves, and carry objects with us (in a bag or in our hands). We also carry some things within ourselves, but in a figurative sense.

In English there are 4 words responsible for such actions: carry, bear, take and bring. Below we tell you how to use them correctly. Take a look.


Transcription/translation: / bring, deliver, bring, provide.
Meaning: means “to bring something to the place where the speaker is (to, towards the speaker) or to carry something in that direction.” Also “to lead someone to their destination.” Is an irregular verb.
Use: usually used when requesting the delivery of something to the actual location of the requested item.

The newspaper guy brings the newspaper to my house every morning.
Newspaper boy brings newspaper to my house every morning.
Next time don't forget to bring me a copy of your report.
Next time don't forget bring me a copy of your report.
Bring your friend to the party.
Bring your friend to a party.
C"mon, boy! Bring it back to me!
Come on, boy! Bring it give it back to me!

Expressions with "bring":

bring a charge- bring charges;
bring to account- bring to justice;
bring pigs to a bad market- fail; fail;
bring a bottle party- clubbing party;
bring to do- pull yourself together; decide;
bring to light- bring to clean water;
bring up- raise, feed;
bring on- attract, provoke (reaction, discussion);
bring over- convince; make you change your mind;
bring under- include (in category); bring under cultivation;
Bring it on!- Come on! Come on! Let's! Get started!;
bring someone to book for- call someone to account for something;
bring along- promote (growth, flowering); bring up; develop;
bring to attention- bring to someone's attention; bring out of stupor;
What brings you here?- What brought you here?


Transcription/translation: ["kæri] / to carry, to carry with you.
Meaning: to hold something in your hands and move it with you. ; pick up something and move it to another place; carry (something) by lifting, in the hands, on/in the body or in a car.
Use: we use it when we are talking about moving an object with us (in our hands, in our pockets, bags, around our neck, etc.), or when someone is carrying something. Typically used when talking about moving with something in your hands.

He was offered to carry my books.
He offered bear my books.
I carry my mother's picture in the necklace around my neck.
I I wear a photograph of his mother wearing a necklace around her neck.
He wasn't carrying explosives.
He carried explosives.

Important! If a person does not move, but holds something in his hands, then the verb “ hold" And if he’s just wearing something, then “ wear" Although the latter is synonymous with " carry».

"Carry" can mean " hold head" or " lead myself" in a certain way.

He carries himself like a warrior. - He behaves like a warrior.
She carries herself with dignity. - She carries herself with dignity.
How high he carries his head! - How high he holds his head!

Expressions with "carry":

carry one's point- defend your position; get your way;
carry everything before one- overcome all obstacles; have great success; succeed; emerge victorious;
carry away- to demolish (by wind); endure, captivate, excite;
carry about- to be worn; to have with you, to carry with you;
carry along- capture; captivate; encourage; to lift spirits; moral support;
carry forward- transfer to the future / to another account;
carry off- kidnap, take away, take away; to lead to the grave, to carry away;
carry on- commit; continue living; continue to lead; behave; conduct; (with) flirt;
carry over- Drag and drop; take over (possession); postpone something for later;
carry through- to complete, to bring something to an end; realize;
carry the can- be responsible; support regardless of the circumstances;
carry out= get done = give effect to - perform; accept for execution; realize; produce; repair;
carry someone's water- act on someone’s instructions/demand;
carry somebody back- remind someone of the past;
carry somebody off his feet- cause someone's delight; to greatly agitate someone; to greatly excite someone;
carry stiff upper lip- keep up the good work; don't lose heart;
carry stock- store supplies;
carry something too far- allow something to go too far;
carry the ball- act actively; bear full responsibility.


Transcription/translation: / carry, carry, carry out.
Meaning: boldly accept; endure (morally); to deal with something painful, difficult.
Use: refers to the literary style of speech. We use it when we talk about troubles, problems, or when we come to terms with something.

It doesn't bear the noise.
He is not transfers this noise.
There are things we believe we cannot bear.
There are things we think we can't stand.
In such a case the plaintiff has to bear the costs of keeping a judgment debtor in prison.
In such a case, the plaintiff is forced carry expenses for keeping the debtor in prison.
It was hard for him to bear solitude.
It was difficult for him endure loneliness.

Expressions with "bear":

bear with- to put up with something/someone;
bear on- relate; relate to; touch;
bear out- coincide; confirm; to reinforce; support; support; reinforce;
bear off- carry away; rule at sea; deviate; deviate;
bear up- resist; take direction; cheer up; support; support; cheer;
bear cross- bear your cross;
bear ill feeling- experience hostile feelings;
bear a grudge- to have a grudge against someone to hold a grudge against (someone);
bear down upon- influence; rush towards;
bear down on- approach; to approach; attack;
bear false witness- bear false witness; give false testimony;
bear fruit- to produce; to proliferate; give fruit; bear fruit;
bear garden- noisy gathering; drinking place; fights; noisy place;
bear in mind- should be considered; take account; taking into account; remember; keep in mind;
bear a bob- pick up the chorus in chorus; come to the rescue; participate;
bear a brain- be careful, prudent;
bear relation- relate;
bear insular nature- be closed;
bear in the air- a police helicopter controlling the speed from above;
bear market- market with a downward trend; a market in which prices are falling;
bear the brunt- withstand/take the main blow/heaviness/attack; bear a blow;
bear with me- hold on; do not hang up;
bear the palm- win;
bear witness- to witness smb. action; confirm smb. words; certify;
bear no relevance to- have nothing to do with.


Transcription/translation: / deliver, carry, bring, bring, take.
Meaning: implies the direction of movement “away from” the speaker.
Use: we use it when we say that we are taking something to someone, or when someone making the request is not at the destination.

Are we allowed to take library books home with us?
We can take away books from the library home?
Could you take this report to Peter's office?
You couldn't attribute this report to Peter's office?
We take our music seriously.
We we relate take your music seriously.
Just take things lightly, and take some risks sometimes.
Not accept take everything close to your heart and take risks sometimes.
Take her home, she's tired.
Conduct her home, she's tired.

Expressions with "take":

take for a spin- test; try;
take arm and a leg- very expensive; high price, exorbitant price;
take a shot at something- try to do (something); to risk doing (something); try your hand at (something);
take a swipe at- criticize; criticize; attack;
take a lot out of someone- take a lot of energy from someone;
take something missing- misinterpret; misinterpret; to interpret something badly;
take face off- remove makeup;
take fancy (to)- to like; like; to capture someone's imagination; (to take a liking);
take(one) around- show someone the sights;
take(one's) point- understand someone;
take someone apart- do not leave a living space on someone;
take(one's) eye off the ball- get distracted;
take a spill- get seriously hurt; plunk;
take a toll- cause heavy damage (to the economy), demand sacrifices, do your job;
take a pick- hit, prick;
take back- to take by surprise, to stun.

« Fetch" also means moving an object from one place to another, and can be translated as "bringing", "taking away" and "bringing", but in this case it is necessary go, take somewhere else and return:

Fetch me my newspaper from the kitchen.
Bring it my newspaper from the kitchen.
I have to fetch the children from school at 4 p.m.
I must take children from school at 16:00.

« Wear"we use when we say that we are wearing something on ourselves (clothes,
jewelry, accessories). For example: She likes to wear sweaters.

At the New Year party, Maria was wearing a red dress.
At the New Year's party, Maria wore a red dress ( carried Red dress).
I thought you could wear it, tonight.
I thought you might be in this tonight wear it's on yourself).

« Hold" means "to hold" or "to have an object with/on oneself", usually in the hands. When you are sitting, for example, or not moving, you can hold something inside yourself or harbor something inside (hold a grudge - harbor a grudge). During movement, "hold" is used less frequently.

« Hold on" in turn usually means to hold on to something, especially when there is a possibility that you will not hold on. This is a more emotional expression than just “to hold”. “To hold on to a cliff,” for example, when it slips out of your hands.

I held her phone while she went to the bathroom.
I held her phone while she was in the bathroom.
She holds a doll during the flight.
She holds(in hands) a doll during the flight.
I held on to her hand until we had to separate.
I held holding her hand until we had to part.
Hold on! I"ll get you some food!
Hold on! I'll get you food!
  • Haul- to pull; drag; drag; tow; transport; give a lift; summon (to court).
  • Hoist- raise (sail, flag, load); lift; set up; throw away; drag (a person).
  • Import- import, bring; enter; bring in; bring.
  • Lift- raise, elevate (in service); rise on the waves.
  • Move- move, move, move, relocate.
  • Transport- carry, move, transport.
  • Get- deliver, extract, grab, snatch, get.
  • Ferry- transport (by boat, ferry); transport; move (by boat, ferry).

Exercises to reinforce the topic

Now we suggest you do exercise to secure and write your options in the comments. And although the correct answers will be under the video below, we strongly do not recommend peeking:

1. My grandfather _______ heavy luggage yesterday, so he has a backache today.
My grandfather carried heavy luggage yesterday, so today his back hurts.
2. In fairy tales, princesses usually _______ beautiful long hair.
In fairy tales, princesses usually have beautiful long hair.
3. Many of them continue to _______ a heavy debt burden.
Many of them continue to bear heavy debt burdens.
4. Can you _______ me home, please?
Can you walk me home please?
5. I sincerely hope you will _______ me good news.
I sincerely hope that you bring me good news.
6. She _______ fights with her friends badly.
She does not tolerate quarrels with friends well.
7. Engaged couples must _______ a ring which is a symbol of their love.
Engaged couples should wear a ring that is a symbol of their love.
8. In the middle ages, knights _______ heavy swords to fight the enemy.
In the Middle Ages, knights carried heavy swords to fight their enemies.
9. I trained my dog ​​to _______ me the newspaper in the morning.
I taught my dog ​​to bring me the newspaper in the morning.
10. The veins _______ blood to the heart.
Veins deliver blood to the heart.

Right answers:

1. carried;
2. wear;
3. bear;
4. take;
6. bears;
7. wear;
8. carried;
10. carry.


Let's sum it up!

  • « Bring» used when requesting the delivery of something to the actual location of the requested item. Or when we bring someone to their destination. Shows the direction of movement “towards” the speaker. For example: Bring me that bottle.
  • « Carry" we use when we say that we carry something with us or carry something in our hands, on our back, around our neck, etc. For example: She was carrying a bouquet of flowers in her hands.
  • « Bear“we use when we say that we morally endure some troubles, problems, or put up with something. For example: It was difficult for him to bear such a loss.
  • « Take" we use when we say that we are taking something to someone, or when someone making the request is not at the destination. We also, of course, say when we take something. Shows the direction of movement “from” the speaker. For example: Take it away from me.

We hope that now all doubts are behind us. Happy verb usage!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

* (l), (l) (dialectal)

Derived terms

* fetch away * fetch and carry * fetch a wife * fetch up * prefetch


  • The object of fetching; the source and origin of attraction; a force, quality or propensity which is attracting eg., in a given attribute of person, place, object, principle, etc.
  • A stratagem by which a thing is indirectly brought to pass, or by which one thing seems intended and another is done; a trick; an artifice.
  • * 1665 , Robert South, "Jesus of Nazareth proved the truth and only promised Messiah", in ""Twelve Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions, Volume 3, 6th Edition, 1727
  • Every little fetch of wit and criticism.
  • The apparition of a living person; a wraith; one "s double (seeing it is supposed to be a sign that one is fey or fated to die)
  • * 1921 Sterling Andrus Leonard, The Atlantic book of modern plays.
  • but see only the " fetch"or double of one of them, foretelling her death.
  • * 1844 , (Charles Dickens), (The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit) , Page 236
  • The very fetch and ghost of Mrs. Gamp.
  • (computing) The act of fetching data.
  • a fetch from a cache