British lilac cat character. British cats always show character. All other features of the breed are solid advantages

And only occasionally do they allow themselves to be petted.

Does a British cat not sit on your hands because of its origin?

I will lie anywhere, but not sit in your arms

Maybe, The British dislike for excessive affection lies in the history of the origin of this breed . There are several versions about this:

  • Large gray cats with amber eyes were brought to British Isles by the Ancient Romans .
  • French sailors got huge gray cats from the monks of Grand Chartres to protect food cargo on ships from rodents. Their ships regularly visited the shores of Britain. Therefore, some cats could remain on the shore.
  • The breed of British cats with wide cheekbones, large expressive eyes and thick short hair was formed as a result of crossing settlers with local wild tabby cats .

Independent character of British cats

British cats have their own, independent and different character

Judging by the history of the origin of this breed, it can be argued that the independent spirit of the British comes from the harsh life on French ships, where none of the sailors coddled with them. Life among ascetic monks and proud Romans also left its mark on the independent character of these cats.

For centuries, their role was to live among people, mind their own business and earn their basic food.

Wild cat Tabby

The blood of the Tabby wild cat also played a role in shaping the self-sufficient character of the British cat.

Characteristics of a British cat

British cats are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. When handled skillfully, they even... However, adapting their behavior to the mood of their owner, representatives of this breed under no circumstances lose their dignity.

For these cats, freedom and independence are a priority

These qualities are more developed in British cats than others.. Despite the centuries-old history of the existence of this breed next to man, the animals did not completely submit to his authority. In many cases, the opposite happens: the cat inevitably dictates terms to its owner.

Excessive affection and squeezing is not for these aristocrats. They always keep a certain distance, not allowing anyone to violate its boundaries.

Royal manners

The British woman even lies like a king

British cats have real royal manners. Restrained by nature, they will not do what they do not consider necessary. All this does not mean that the British are too arrogant and prim. They love and appreciate affection, but accept it in their characteristic independent manner.

Cats of this breed are ideal for business people who are away at work from morning to evening, or even leave home for several days.

A mustachioed pet that knows its worth will feel calm and confident alone in the absence of its owners.

These cats demonstrate their affection when meeting their owner. Adhering to aristocratic manners, British cats will not get in the way, but will follow their owner around the house with dignity. They will happily play with the owner's children, lie next to them while watching the evening news, and allow themselves to be petted.

However, you shouldn't relax. The cat will not sit on your lap. And if you try to pick him up and force him to sit with you, it will lead to nothing. British cats do not tolerate familiarity. Therefore, they will gallantly dodge and, without unnecessary emotions, retire in English to where no one will disturb them.

The British woman doesn’t want to be held, she shows it all with her behavior

If a trusting relationship has been built between the owners and the British cat, you should not try to remake the adult animal to suit your whims and start accustoming it to your hands.

Otherwise, the cat will be wary of such attempts, and it will be difficult to establish the same contact with it.

You can try to accustom your kitten to holding hands. The sooner you do this, the sooner he will get used to it. However, if something goes wrong during the training process, and the kitten stubbornly refuses physical contact, no need to insist . Moreover, under no circumstances should force be used. In this case, the animal will stop trusting the person and begin to hide from him.

When training a cat, you need to act gradually and not force things. . It is important to carefully observe the kitten, understand when it is most inclined to contact and use this in further training.

Only affection, attention to the pet and observation of the owners can bear fruit . A skillful approach to the learning process and the desire to understand the character traits of your pet will help turn an independent, selfish Briton into a devoted friend.


Perhaps arrogant British cat someday he will jump onto your lap and delight you with his simple song. Despite their genetically inherent independence and self-sufficiency, British cats have the ability to be grateful and love their caring owner.

The most popular among cat lovers are the British. They captivate with their pretty appearance and thick fur that is pleasant to the touch. But not everyone manages to establish good relationships with these animals. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the habits of representatives of this breed to decide whether they are suitable for specific owners. Such cats have a difficult temperament and other characteristics that affect their adaptation in the family.

Character of British cats

The main quality of this animal is aristocracy. These pets know how to present themselves. Both short-haired and long-haired cats of this breed have a very important and respectable appearance. You will have to be very careful in raising such an arrogant animal so as not to turn him against you.

Breeders who understand the character of the British well, highlight the main features of their character:

  • Touchiness

Cats of this breed require respectful treatment. Even for pranks that appear slightly and only at an early age, they should not be punished very severely.

There is nothing worse than a British cat who is offended by its owner. She will not take revenge, but will stop making contact and begin to hide, making the owner feel guilty.

Under no circumstances should you use physical force on your pet, lock it in any room, or humiliate it for minor offenses.

  • Tolerance

Animals are able to get along well with small children and other inhabitants of the premises. They will not be the first to enter into conflict and reclaim their territory. There is no desire in their nature to prove who is boss in the house. Their important appearance speaks for itself.

The British cat will not be indifferent to disturbances in rest, sleep and physical pain. Therefore, a pet can quite reasonably bite or scratch someone in the household. This is a last resort measure caused by the desperation of an exhausted pet.

  • Love of solitude

Brmdancers prefer to sleep a lot in a quiet environment. They will be very offended by those who interfere with their rest. Owners should provide for this feature and, if there are small children in the house, provide the animal with a cozy bed out of the reach of peace breakers. A personal safe space is important for every British person.

  • Hidden emotionality

Despite their emphasized independence and reluctance to run to their owner at the first call, purebred cats are very sad when the owner is absent for a long time. When he appears, they will again pretend to be proud and unapproachable, so as not to show their weakness.

  • Stubbornness

The cat will never perform actions for which he is not configured at the moment. He will not sit with his owner against his will. The place that this cat has chosen is not easy to vacate.

Due to the characteristic features in their habits, these cats are considered evil and unsuitable for a family where children are growing up. In fact, the British have a very strong need for love and affection. They value freedom, personal space and good dream. Contrary to misconception, the character of an animal is not determined by its blue or black color.

Chocolate Briton - photo, description and character

Aristocrat behavior

Like all cats, representatives of this species have a special attitude towards the issue of hygiene. Already with early age kittens learn to lick themselves, paying a lot of attention to the cleanliness of their fur. They quickly become accustomed to the litter box and almost never shit in places other than their toilet. The same applies to fold-eared kittens.

Particular attention must be paid to the game. British people are often criticized for bad behavior and the desire to throw objects on the floor. This comes from a severe attention deficit. If the animal has nowhere to put its energy, it will really begin to rush around the apartment. At the same time, he will have no time to pay attention to such little things as dishes, books and other valuables.

To warn deviant behavior, it is important to spend more time on gaming moments. This can only be done when the cat is in the mood for communication and begins to call the owner to active actions. The owner should have a couple of toys that are common for all pets of this type in his arsenal. It is recommended to hang a small soft ball or mouse made of felt so that the pet can occupy itself when left alone at home.

British cats need a splash of accumulated energy and need active activities. But the emotional and intellectual components in communicating with people are required no less. For this reason, adult pets prefer to test a person's ingenuity by initiating a game of hide and seek.

If a pet has chosen an unusual object for entertainment, you should not take it away and hide it if there is no threat to the animal’s life. The cat itself will soon lose interest in the thing and find other entertainment.

Some people think the British are overly curious. But curiosity is a character trait of many pets. Therefore, if the owner does not want the cat to get into bags or grocery bags, they should remove all this from their reach.

Methods of re-education

Description of the characteristics of the breed and characteristic features does not guarantee ideal and patterned behavior in a particular pet. You will have to devote time and effort to raising him. Kittens, finding themselves in an unfamiliar place where there is no mother, begin to actively examine everything. It is necessary to understand the importance of this moment and not limit their freedom in exploring the world around them.

Character british cats valued not only by breeders, but also by those who want to have a cheerful, smart and independent cat at home.

The character of a British cat is determined by several criteria:

  1. Low level and activity;
  2. Playful mood;
  3. No need for constant attention;
  4. Moderate attachment to owner and home;
  5. High level of intelligence and independence;
  6. Relative ease of care;
  7. High level of compatibility with children;
  8. Absence of pathological and characteristic diseases.

The character of British cats does not depend on what type it is: shorthaired or semi-longhaired. The British cat was bred in England and is positioned as a fairly peaceful, independent animal that does not require special care and constant attention.

Such a cat will be an excellent pet for busy people who want to have a furry companion at home, while he will not suffer due to the constant absence of his owners.


The anatomical features of the British cat are quite wide skeletal system, plush wool and a large number of colors The most common color is called British Blue.. Considering that there is no standard color, the presence of a non-standard color is not regarded as a deviation from the standard characteristics of the breed.

Main character traits of a British cat

If we consider the main character traits of a British cat, it is worth noting friendliness and calmness. Such a cat will not suffer at home alone without its owner and will not do dirty tricks in order to attract attention. The character of the British cat is characterized by a calm disposition, but at the same time the cat meets its owners quite emotionally, and during the game you will be able to notice a surge of energy and love.

You will never be bored with such a cat, since she is quite unobtrusive, but at the same time becomes quite strongly attached to her owners, without reacting very painfully to a change of situation or the absence of other household members for a long time.


A house is a cat’s personal territory, where he will always feel comfortable. In addition, a distinctive feature of the character of the British cat is that he does not choose one owner, but considers the family as a single whole and treats all members equally.

This cat will delight you with his independence, since he definitely needs personal space - these are the habits of the British, which you will have to accept. The interesting character of the British cat attracts attention to this breed along with its unusual color and appearance. It is worth noting such features of British cats as the lack of love for long games; such a cat will not get a lot of pleasure from being carried in their arms, but at the same time they are quite sociable, they easily find a common language with other guests at home, even with a dog.

Main features

The character of a British shorthair cat can be described by several characteristics:

  • Calm;
  • Independence;
  • High level of affection;
  • Moderate activity;
  • Contact.

Having assessed all the features of British cats, you will understand that such a pet is perfect for families with a child, and the kitten will not bring you any special worries and will easily adapt to new environment and the rules of your family. Such a pet will delight you for many years with its play, love, affectionate mood and calm disposition.

Advantages of the British cat's character

The owner of a British dog can fully appreciate the advantages of this pet’s appearance, which ideally complement its pleasant character. Features of appearance this cat is a fairly friendly look, a large number of colors that can vary from pure black to tortoiseshell.

At the same time, the cat is quite large and looks solid; it exudes confidence and nobility, which, combined with a calm character, have ensured the popularity of this breed for many years.

Despite the fact that she is a fairly independent cat, a description of the character of British cats cannot be called complete without paying attention to the care that the cat shows to its house guests. If you observe your pet, you will notice that the pleasant character of British cats extends not only to family members, but also to guests, since the cat is practically not aggressive and extremely rarely shows hostility even to strangers.


British cats love to get away from the whole world and hide in their own secluded corner. However, this will happen exactly until they feel that the owner needs them. And in case if there is a child in the house, a cat will always calm him down and will take care of it as if it were your own kitten.

At the same time, if a cat is quite sensitive to excessive love and affection from its adult owners, then it will endure all games with the child patiently and heroically, realizing that the baby is not only its owner, but also a child in its own way. The character and habits of a British cat can be seen from childhood, because after you bring a kitten home, it will rarely crap in the wrong place or scatter food and toys, this is determined high level the cleanliness of the kitten and its character traits of British cats.

Characteristics of a British cat

If you decide to purchase a kitten of this breed, you should learn to accept and respect the character traits of British cats; they are inherent in all representatives of this breed, regardless of age and upbringing.

Firstly, such a cat is quite independent, so it is not suitable for those who want to constantly cuddle and play with their pet.

If you show too much tenderness and attention to a Briton, he will run and hide until he becomes aggressive. But at the same time, the character of a British cat will never allow her to show her weakness and show how much she missed you in your absence.

Watching such a cat, it is worth noting that the character of British cats is characterized by a certain aristocracy and arrogance, and you should also be prepared not only for positive emotions, in the sense that this character of British cats will never allow them to sharpen their claws on furniture or wallpaper , but at the same time. if she doesn’t like something, you will have to put up with all the preferences.


Besides, characteristic feature The character of British cats is stubbornness. If you hurt the pride of a British cat, the cat will definitely be offended, refuse to eat and may completely refuse contact with its owner, because obstinacy is one of the character traits of British cats. Also This breed is characterized by quite strong jealousy and if a new pet appears, the cat can also change its usual style of behavior and withdraw into itself, but if it is not limited and deprived of attention, then soon everything will return to normal.

To summarize, it is worth noting the following negative traits that appear in the character of a British cat:

  • excessive stubbornness;
  • rancor;
  • predominantly depressed mood;
  • demanding food and proper care.

This breed is great for those who want to have a pet, but at the same time need an animal that has a high level of cleanliness. Such a cat, due to its innate nobility, will never allow violations of hygiene rules - this is the character of British cats.

Another distinctive feature of the character of British cats is the need for sufficiently long sleep without interruptions.

Final characteristics

This characteristic of British cats can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you are constantly at work and want a calm and loving pet to greet you at home, then the British is the best choice, and the character of British cats will meet all your needs. However, if there are children in the house and you can be sure that such a cat will never show aggression towards him, even with increased activity she will simply leave and hide, thus regulating contact with herself.


The character of the British cat is an ideal choice for a family or single owner. Very often, what breed is called a cat that is ideal for a businessman, taking into account the character and habits of a British cat, ease of care, autonomy, independence and at the same time a large amount of affection and love that the cat gives to its owner - this is all the character of British cats.

When you come home, you will always meet a peaceful animal that has rested in splendid isolation while you were not at home and will happily play with you for a short time.

The character of the British cat does not allow her to be intrusive, but at the same time she does not lead to apathy and always breaks off contact on her own if you show too much love and care to her.

Do no harm

The character of British cats will not allow mischief, even if they harbor a grudge, this is expressed in the absence of contact with the owner. Despite its vindictiveness, such an animal will delight you because the character and behavior of British cats is characterized by unpretentiousness in care; the main thing is not to suddenly change the environment or the cat’s way of life and you will get a loyal and peaceful pet.

Fans of this breed also pay attention to the unusual appearance and how such a cat looks in the photo. He always looks well-groomed and noble, even a little arrogant, but at the same time quite friendly. When choosing a kitten of this breed, you should take into account the characteristics of British cats, namely whether the kitten is sanguine or melancholic, or belongs to another psychotype, because this will directly affect its behavior.

The British Shorthair cat is loved by many. This is one of the oldest breeds. Its history goes back to the 1st century AD. e. However, in its familiar form, this breed has been known only since the 19th century. And the best representatives of these cats are registered in special stud books, many of them are more than 100 years old.

British is popular not only in its homeland, but throughout the world. And the main features that this cat has are:

  • stocky body;
  • thick “plush” wool;
  • wide muzzle.

The most popular color of this breed is rightfully blue. However, today these cats can have other colors and patterns; a great variety of them have been developed.

Origin story

The British Shorthair cat traces its history back to Ancient Rome and Egypt. There they played the role of man's faithful companions. Historical chronicles have preserved a lot of information about powerful cats with sharp fangs and gray fur. There is a possibility that the British shorthair cat came from them. Thanks to the Roman legionnaires, these cats moved to the British Isles, where they began to interbreed with the forest cats that lived there. Such animals were very fond of the local residents (the British). This was due to their aristocratic appearance. The cat of the British breed had excellent hunting qualities, good health and excellent endurance.

The 19th century was marked by the fact that English experts, cat lovers, decided to create true British cats, the characteristics of which would be ideal. For this purpose, only the most beautiful cats were selected. Harrison Weier even created a breed standard on purpose, and later even organized the first exhibition of these cats. The British Shorthair cat was officially registered as an independent breed only about 100 years ago.

British: a variety of colors

British a cat can have a wide variety of colors. All of them are divided into the following options:

Accepted breed standards

The description of the British cat breed meets the following standards:

This cat breed may have the following disadvantages:

Now, even from a photo, you can determine whether it is truly British.

Description of the character of the British

The British Shorthair cat has its own unique character. It is unlike the habits and characteristics of any other breed. But, like anyone else, the British cat has its fans and haters. Every Briton values ​​independence very much. That's why they don't like it when even their owners pick them up, not to mention strangers.

A cat of the British breed does not allow affection to be shown towards them. In exceptional cases, they will allow themselves to be petted. Otherwise, the Briton will turn around, hide, and run away from his affectionate pursuer.

This breed is quite self-sufficient. Such the cat will never ask, cast a vote. If he wants to get food, he will sit for a long time waiting near his bowl.

The British are very arrogant. He will respond exclusively to his nickname. There is no need to say any “kiss-kit”, he will not respond to these clicks.

The British cat breed has a complex character. Main features:

British cats

Characteristics of British behavior

The British Shorthair cat must be raised for up to one year. At this time, you can instill in him some character traits. After a year of life it will be too late to change anything. And if a cat behaves badly, this is a consequence bad upbringing in childhood.

The Brit is acting very lazy. He can sleep for a very long time. In this case, the owner is forbidden to disturb him. Otherwise, the British cat will begin to show aggression and become irritable.

This noble breed means that its representatives spend a lot of time on their own appearance . Licking is a favorite pastime of these cats.

Despite the fact that the British breed is quite positive regarding its behavior and character, there are still features that cause a lot of discontent among British owners:

  • Scattering things and objects. Even in childhood, kittens need to be weaned off this “cute” behavior. Indeed, at first it looks charming both in the photo and in reality. However, in the future, flower pots, vases, etc. will be used. To do this, you need to treat your “favorite” things with special compounds.
  • Playing with the hands and feet of its owner. It is better to offer your baby a scratching post or special toys.
  • The British are incredibly curious. Therefore, they can easily be found in packages, new things, and hard-to-reach places. You can often come across photos like this that only cause tenderness.

The British breed is one of the most popular in the world today. Such cats attract attention not only with their cute appearance, but also unpretentious character.