Sample pancake business plan with calculations. Purchase of furniture and equipment for a pancake shop. What equipment to choose for a pancake

Pancakes, as a fast food of Russian cuisine, are popular even among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. A business plan for a pancake shop with calculations will help you choose the appropriate format for the enterprise and determine the costs of opening.

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The main goal of any mono-format catering enterprise is to quickly and tasty feed the guest. To keep customers attractive and grow the business smoothly, the first step should be to focus on delivering core services.

Facility services:

  • baking and sale of pancakes;
  • sale of takeaway products;
  • sale of additional products: light salads, drinks;
  • delivery of pancakes to your home and office when ordering a certain volume.

The assortment of pancakes should be varied and meet the requirements of different customers.

Types of manufactured products:

  • sweet pancakes with berry and confectionery fillings;
  • hearty pancakes with meat and fish fillings;
  • premium segment: pancakes with caviar.


Small format catering establishments exist in a highly competitive environment. The presence of a large number of pizzerias and eateries makes it difficult to enter the market. But it is the organization of a pancake shop that can become an actual direction.

This is determined by the following features:

  1. Providing a healthy snack option. Consumers are increasingly concerned about their own health, study the composition of the dish and prefer natural products to semi-finished products.
  2. Development of interest in local cuisine. Russian consumers associate pancakes with cultural affiliation, which subconsciously inspires confidence.
  3. Ability to provide fast service. The average cooking time for a pancake is 7 minutes. Such food saves the client's time, which is appreciated.
  4. Sale of products at a low cost. The average check in a pancake shop is 200 rubles, which is lower than in fast food chain brands.
  5. The ability to attract different audiences and organize a business with a simple production technology without the need for special cooking skills of the staff.

Description and analysis of the market

An analysis of the market in Russia shows its low saturation, in contrast to the European and American ones. There are 150 people per one catering point in the USA, in Russia this figure is 930 people.

In general, the catering industry can be characterized as follows:

  • compared to 2016, despite the crisis, the catering market grew by 4%;
  • the most sustainable development is shown by fast food and street food establishments;
  • the main share of local eateries belongs to non-chain companies.

According to statistics, the annual growth of the Russian catering market is about 15%. With this indicator, 60% are fast food establishments.

The target audience

The following groups can become regular buyers of pancakes:

  • youth and students of nearby educational institutions;
  • middle-income office workers with an urgent task of saving time;
  • mothers with children who prefer sweet fillings and drinks.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of this type of activity can be:

  • rather low prices due to cost reduction;
  • periodic expansion of the range and its formation based on demand;
  • availability of always fresh products of high quality;
  • recipe developed by our own technology;
  • prompt service and high level of service;
  • the possibility of pre-ordering and delivery of pancakes.

Advertising campaign

A pancake promotion plan should be thought out in advance and may include various tools.

Among them:

  • outdoor advertising at the location of the institution;
  • interior advertising: signs and menu boards;
  • distribution of flyers with special offers;
  • holding promotions and tastings;
  • creation of elements of corporate identity and visual concept;
  • development of social networks and attraction with non-standard content.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the development of corporate identity and standards of communication with the buyer, for the correct positioning of the company in the market. Branding elements must be present on the packaging and uniforms of employees.

Corporate style elements:

  • name and slogan;
  • logo;
  • corporate colors;
  • fonts.


It is possible to open a pancake in several formats.

The choice of a particular type depends on the following factors:

  1. The size and population of the settlement. The minimum number of inhabitants is 50 thousand people. In a large city, you can consider opening both small establishments and restaurants.
  2. Location. In passable places it is possible to organize large formats.
  3. The amount of starting capital. To implement an idea with a small investment, a kiosk or diner format is suitable.

Features of pancake formats are presented in the table:

FormatCharacteristicInitial investment, million rubles
Restaurant of national cuisine
  1. Large format catering establishment.
  2. When opened, it requires a large number of permissions. You also need to have experience as an entrepreneur in the catering industry.
  3. In addition to a variety of pancakes, the restaurant's menu should include a large number of national, including delicacy, dishes.
From 3 000 000
  1. Medium format catering establishments.
  2. Assumes the presence of staff up to 10 people.
  3. The basis of the assortment is pancakes. But there are also light snacks and a variety of drinks.
From 1 500 000
Mobile pancake or food truck
  1. A trendy niche with the possibility of mobile movement.
  2. Associated with the need to obtain permits to conduct activities. However, the status of a mobile cafe is not enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. It is necessary to provide communications: water supply and electricity.
from 2 000 000
food court
  1. Food outlet in large shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Associated with the neighborhood of a large number of competitors.
  3. The menu has a wide variety of pancake toppings and drinks. It is possible to add an assortment of salads and desserts.
from 1 000 000

The photo shows various options for organizing pancakes:

Pancake restaurant Pancake Cafe Food Court Food Truck

The video tells in detail about the business idea "Opening a mobile pancake shop from scratch." Filmed by the channel "Peasant".

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pancake

In order to understand how to start opening a pancake shop from scratch, you need to determine the main stages of implementing the idea.

Step by step steps to open a restaurant:

  1. Analysis of the local market and competitors.
  2. Passage of state registration and the choice of the form of taxation.
  3. Obtaining permits from supervisory authorities.
  4. Room selection and preparation.
  5. Purchase of equipment and furniture.
  6. Search and selection of suppliers of ingredients.
  7. Personnel selection.
  8. Development of technological maps and menu formation.
  9. Development of an advertising campaign and positioning methods.
  10. Discovery and timely adjustment of unforeseen moments.

The documents

Necessary package of documents for registration of a pancake shop:

  • certificate of registration in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • certificate of tax registration in accordance with the selected system and OKVED;
  • registration documents in the Pension Fund;
  • contracts for disinfestation and removal of solid and food waste;
  • fire alarm maintenance contract;
  • permissions from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • product quality certificates.

The organizational and legal form of an enterprise can be both an individual entrepreneurship (IP) and a legal entity (LLC).

IP features:

  • involves registration of only a small format;
  • minimum terms and costs for registration;
  • the ability to choose a simplified taxation system with a tax rate of 15% (income minus expenses);
  • simple bookkeeping and reporting.

LLC features:

  • suitable for opening large formats of business and significant initial investment;
  • allows you to enter into contracts with legal entities.

Suitable OKVED codes for a pancake are:

  • 56.10.1 "Activities of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants."
  • 56.10.2 "Activities of preparing and/or selling food ready for direct consumption on the spot, from vehicles or mobile stands."

Room and design

Before you start looking for a suitable room, you need to determine its geographical location.

Good places to place a pancake:

  • central areas with a number of large office centers;
  • near educational institutions;
  • on the territory of railway and bus stations;
  • at the food courts of large shopping centers with high traffic;
  • in residential areas with developed infrastructure;
  • in parks and on the central walking streets.

The optimal area of ​​​​the premises for conducting activities is from 100 sq. m. with the presence of fire and burglar alarms.

Required areas in the room:

  • service and ordering area;
  • kitchen area;
  • sanitary zone;
  • utility rooms;
  • small storage areas.

The design of a pancake shop requires special attention and, often, 3D rendering. Even in a small room, the guest should be comfortable. The impression is made up of thoughtful details and the presence of corporate identity elements in the room.

The main features of the pancake house interior design:

  • ergonomics;
  • the use of predominantly warm colors in the decoration;
  • the presence of convenient branded dishes and cutlery;
  • decor that supports the style of the interior.

Pancake design examples:

Design with bright accents Pancake design in shades of green Laconic design of a pancake house located in a semicircular room Pancake house design in orange and black colors with ethnic elements

Equipment and inventory

After concluding a lease agreement for the premises, suitable equipment and tableware should be purchased.

The main list of equipment is given in the table:


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

price, rub.

crepe maker

Grill for pancakes


Bar and serving counter

coffee machine

Furniture for the visitor's room

Kitchen tools

Crockery and cutlery

Cash machine


Despite the relative simplicity of the technological process of baking pancakes, staff should be selected with experience in catering and knowledge of the specifics of a grocery enterprise.

An important selection criterion is the ability to communicate with the guest and the prompt performance of duties. Also a prerequisite is the presence of a sanitary book.

According to the calculations of the pancake business plan, the salary costs of the main personnel will be as follows:

Job title

Number of people

Salary, rub.

Monthly payment fund, rub.



Universal cook


1 25000 25000


cleaning service workers


Often, at the initial stage of organizing a business, the director performs the organizational functions of strategic and tactical management.

The main ones are:

  • organizes and coordinates the work of the company;
  • undertakes to ensure working conditions for personnel in accordance with labor legislation;
  • resolves emerging disputes;
  • manages property and profits;
  • searches for the best suppliers of raw materials and establishes a marketing policy.

The duties of a pancake technologist include:

  • development of recipes and their improvement;
  • updating the assortment based on demand;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • optimization of production processes;
  • development of work schedules;
  • checking raw materials for quality and compliance with standards.

The duties of a pancake accountant include:

  • control of all financial activities of the enterprise and business transactions with material and monetary resources;
  • making proposals to stimulate the work of personnel and increase labor productivity;
  • formation of economic motivation funds;
  • analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • registration of all types of financial flows.

Financial plan

The volume of financial injections and income of the enterprise will depend on the chosen format.

Sources of financing and start-up capital for opening a pancake shop can be:

  • bank loan;
  • state funding based on grants and;
  • funds of the investor (investors);
  • personal funds.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

According to entrepreneurs, any business related to catering should be started from a small format.

Costs for opening a pancake cafe:

Item of expenses

Costs, rub.

Premises rental fee

Repair at the request of all supervisory services

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining permits

Furniture and tableware

Equipment and household appliances

Purchase of raw materials and ingredients

Sewing uniforms for employees

Staff salary for the first month of work


Recurring costs

The company's monthly expenses consist of the following items:


The profit of a pancake shop in the format of a small cafe is calculated based on the planned attendance of the establishment based on market analysis. On average, the attendance of the institution is 80 people per day. Average check (includes a pancake and a drink) 250 rubles.

The company's income is 600,000 rubles. per month. Net profit - 145,000 rubles. per month.

Calendar plan

The pancake business plan includes specific deadlines for launching the project:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months
Market analysis+ +
Business plan preparation +
Registration of a package of documents +
Obtaining Additional Permissions + +
Construction/rental of premises + + +
Repair work + +
Purchasing and stocking + +
Recruitment +
Development of an advertising campaign + + +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The payback of the project at the given indicators is 10 months.

It is the possibility of a quick return on initial costs and the absence of global risks in organizing a small catering enterprise that attracts potential entrepreneurs. However, there are risks.

The main ones are:

  • unstable number of clients;
  • rapid growth and saturation of the market with fast food establishments of various formats;
  • frequent inspections by supervisory authorities;
  • rising cost of ingredients.

It is necessary to maintain a certain flexibility in planning and conducting the operational activities of the enterprise, adjusting to the demand of customers and their feedback. By setting high standards of service and service, you can earn a good reputation and receive a stable profit.


The history of the development of a pancake shop, which has existed for more than 10 years. From a small business to 70 points in eight cities of Russia. Author Yulia Soboleva.


Approximate data:

  • Initial costs - from 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2-2.5 years.
  • 20 seats, area - 50 m².
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we have compiled a detailed business plan for a pancake shop with calculations and talk about how to open a pancake shop.

For calculations, let's take a pancake house project in a "restaurant courtyard" with an area of ​​50 m² for 20 seats.

Market prospects and relevance of investments

If you decide to open your own business right now, be prepared to spend twice as much of your own time and effort. The crisis dictates its own rules and does not forgive rash steps. It is possible and even necessary to become the owner of a food business in the current economic environment, but you will have to think carefully about choosing a format. The simple formula “opening a restaurant” will no longer work. It's too costly and risky.

A pancake house is a great alternative to a classic restaurant or cafe. Its opening requires 2-3 times less funds; it is a fashionable single-product project with a national dish today.

Format value

Healthy fast food. Pancakes are considered as fast food based on a healthy diet.

National cuisine. It is attractive to both local residents and tourists, as part of Russian culture.

Service speed. Cooking time for a portion of pancakes with filling, a drink and an additional dish (salad or dessert) is an average of 10 minutes.

Affordable price. The average bill for a visitor in a pancake shop is 200-350 rubles.

Large audience coverage. At the expense of city guests, visitors with children (the same fast food, but without harmful dishes), students (inexpensive and satisfying), the working population (at lunchtime).

Convenient location. Pancake shops are opened in crowded places - shopping centers, the city center, "restaurant courtyards" or sleeping areas, where some residents have a lot of free time (grandmothers with grandchildren, young mothers on maternity leave).

Market Perspective

The catering market is currently at the stage of active development. Despite the fact that people in general began to spend less on eating out, the core of the target audience has already been formed. Now it is part of our culture. A full lunch, a light tasty dinner or a nice breakfast on the weekend, along with snacks between work or shopping, give the market growth prospects.

In Russia, the number of restaurants, bars, cafes is inferior to European and American ones. The market is weakly saturated. According to Rosstat, in the USA there is one food outlet for every 150 people, in Europe for 300 people, and in our country for 930 people.

For the next two years, the five most popular cuisines have been formed - European, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Caucasian. The popularity of Russian cuisine is also supported by large-scale events held in our country:

  • Olympics in Sochi
  • Formula 1 Grand Prix in Sochi
  • FIFA World Cup 2018 in Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Yekaterinburg.

Where to begin? Format selection

Pancake can exist in different versions - from expensive to budget:

Restaurant of Russian cuisine. Initial expenses - at least 3,000,000 rubles. In the menu, in addition to pancakes, a large selection of national dishes, including delicacies: caviar, "royal" varieties of fish, game, exotic meats (deer meat, bear meat, elk meat).

Pancake cafe. It costs about 1,500,000 rubles. The emphasis is on pancakes, but other traditional or pseudo-traditional dishes are added to the assortment: cereals, salads, soups, snacks.

Street kiosk or food truck. At the initial stage, it will cost 2,000,000 rubles. considering the car. The food truck is a market trend, but it will have to face certain difficulties. Firstly, there is a difficulty in obtaining a business permit - the status of a mobile cafe is not enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, at present street retail facilities are placed on the basis of an auction. Secondly, it is necessary to think over engineering communications, provide the facility with water supply, and the staff with a bathroom. Thirdly, for street food there is a “principle of one hand”. That is, the dish must be prepared and packaged so that it can be held with one hand, eaten on the go or sitting, but without the use of cutlery. With pancakes, this is not always possible.

Fast food at the food court. Costs - about 900,000 rubles. The menu includes more than 20 types of pancakes with different fillings, soft and hot drinks, desserts and several salads.

Franchise or own brand

This is a fundamental choice for beginners. Either you join an already well-known federal network, or you start a business from scratch, building your brand and finding your buyer.

Franchise Benefits

  • minimum risks - the business model has already been worked out;
  • a well-known brand - it is not necessary to acquaint consumers with it, less time and money are spent on promotion;
  • advertising and marketing support from the franchisor;
  • training at the expense of the franchisor;
  • well-established scheme of work with suppliers;
  • ready merchandising;
  • unified design of the outlet without the cost of developing a design project and corporate identity.

Franchise cons

  • constant deductions for the use of the brand;
  • it is impossible to realize your ideas;
  • strict adherence to the company's policy without taking into account changes in the local market;
  • restriction on the sale of a business;
  • at the end of the contract, the franchisee leaves the business.

To create your brand, there are two ways to choose from.

  • They look for the ideal room and develop a concept for it;
  • First, they work out the concept, and then they look for a room.


It is a document that reflects all the stages of opening an institution. This is a step-by-step guide that answers the following questions:

  • Where is your establishment located?
  • What is the target audience?
  • What are its competitors and how close are they?
  • What to offer the client?
  • How to select staff?
  • Which promotion method to choose?

The classic concept looks like this:

Market positioning

  • Unique selling proposition
  • Difference from competitors
  • Creation legend
  • Naming

The target audience

  • Client characteristic
  • Needs and values
  • Purpose of visit

Unique selling proposition

  • Detachment from competitors
  • Menu development
  • Advantages and disadvantages of your project


  • Evaluation of the selected place
  • Search and analysis of premises
  • Equipment
  • Design

Estimated quality of food and service

  • Supplier selection
  • Raw material quality control
  • Food production technology
  • Customer Service Form

Management structure, staffing

  • Recruitment
  • Studying programs
  • Management structure, incentive programs, system of fines


  • Opening announcement
  • Presence in the information environment
  • PR and advertising programs
  • Communication with the target audience before and after the opening

Development prospects

  • Project promotion programs
  • Opportunity to grow your business to a network
  • Introduction of new and additional services

A well-designed concept helps to avoid mistakes and unnecessary actions, saves you time and money.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop

A business plan is your project in numbers. With it, you calculate the costs, predict the payback and profitability of the business.

Let's calculate the initial expenses for opening a pancake shop

1. Development of the concept and business plan

It is extremely difficult to compile both documents independently and in detail. Therefore, we delegate authority and turn to professionals. Restaurant consultants will conduct marketing research and develop a concept and business plan based on it. Marketing research and concept - 80,000 rubles, business plan - 60,000 rubles.

Total - 140,000 rubles.

2. Room

You can rent a place at the food court, convert a separate room into a pancake house in a residential building, office or shopping center.

The cost of a place in the food court depends on the traffic and the status of the shopping center. The highest rates are at the centers a la "Mega" and "Atrium" - here the price reaches 1,000,000 rubles per month for 70 m². On average, you will have to pay at least 300,000 rubles for a place.

As for a separate room, the numbers are also different. In the Moscow region they ask for 10,000 rubles. per m², and in the center of the capital - 100,000 rubles.

The decoration of the premises is divided into three classes: cosmetic - from 1,500 per m², capital - from 7,000, VIP - from 15,000.

Total for finishing in average figures - 150,000 rubles. And the monthly rent is 200-300,000 rubles.

3. Design

Includes the development of an architectural, technological and engineering project.

An engineering project involves drawing up a plan for the placement of communications - water supply and sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning, power supply.

A complete project for 50 m² costs 85,000 rubles.

But you can also order a partial design. For example, only ventilation and air conditioning, if the rest of the work was done before you.

Technological design is the selection of equipment for business tasks, the scheme of placement and linking to engineering networks. The technology project can be obtained free of charge. For example, when ordering complex equipment in the company " MAPLE».

4. Equipment

For the production and serving of pancakes, as well as other items on the menu, you will need:


  • Dough mixer PIZZA GROUP for kneading yeast dough - 76,672 rubles.
  • Crepe maker ERGO two-burner (2 pcs.) - 43,400 rubles.
  • Mixer KITCHEN - 60 990 rubles.
  • Vegetable cutter ROBOT COUPE - 63 878 rubles.
  • Four-burner electric stove - 40,500 rubles.
  • Gaggia Titanium coffee machine - 61,200 rubles.
  • Boiler "Convito" - 5 950 rubles.
  • Bar mixer (for milkshakes) QUAMAR - 15 334 rubles.
  • ERGO juicer - 10 360 rubles.
  • Ice generator "Convito" - 43 680 rubles.
  • Production table (2 pcs.) - 8 088 rubles.
  • Three-section washing bath - 13,948 rubles.
  • Exhaust umbrella - 9 846 rubles.


  • Pancake stick (2 pcs.) - 90 rubles.
  • Pancake spatula (2 pcs.) - 88 rubles
  • Silicone confectionery brush (2 pcs.) - 254 rubles.
  • Silicone culinary spatula - 203 rubles.
  • Culinary bamboo angular spatula - 59 rubles.
  • Utility knife Chef Luxstahl (2 pcs.) - 1016 rubles.
  • Sieve 220 mm with a plastic handle - 269 rubles.
  • Corolla 280 mm - 214 rubles.

Crockery and cutlery (30 pcs.)

  • Small plate with margins "Sam & Squito" 160 mm - 2 940 rubles.
  • Small plate with margins "Sam & Squito" 215 mm - 6 000 rubles.
  • Dish with margins "Sam&Squito" 350x280 mm - 13 860 rubles.
  • Table fork Luxstahl - 3 750 rubles.
  • Table knife Luxstahl - 4 110 rubles.
  • Teaspoon Luxstahl - 1 590 rubles.
  • Highball glass 222 ml - 1 320 rubles.
  • Tea couple 220 ml - 5 250 rubles.
  • Coffee couple 120 ml - 3 780 rubles.
  • Table tray made of polypropylene - 2550 rubles.
  • White paper napkin 250x250 mm (400 pcs.) - 1 320 rubles.

Furniture (20 seats)

  • Underframe round (chrome) - the price is calculated on order
  • Tabletop "19 Beech Light" - 73 440 rubles.
  • Chair "Cafe" with a hard seat - 85,400 rubles.

Total equipment - 661,349 rubles.

5. Design and corporate identity

The design project of a pancake house consists of: project development, 3D visualization, selection of materials and decor, architectural supervision. Cost - from 1200 per m² for an object with an area of ​​50 m².

Total - 60,000 rubles.

Corporate identity is the difference between your establishment and hundreds of others. As part of the work on the style, they come up with a logo, corporate color and font, create a Logobook - a guide for using the logo.

The cost of the basic package is 50,000 rubles.


Let's move from financial tasks to legal ones. To open a pancake shop, you must select the form of ownership: or. If you are starting with a single project and do not plan to sell alcoholic beverages, we recommend.

IP advantages

  1. State duty at registration - 800 rubles.
  2. Simple registration procedure
  3. The charter, authorized capital, seal and current account are not required (but if you need to accept payment by bank transfer, then you need to)
  4. The maximum fine for an administrative offense is 50,000 rubles.
  5. It is not necessary to observe cash discipline and monitor the cash limit
  6. No need to account for the equipment used for business activities
  7. You can manage funds in your current account

Cons of IP

  1. Registered for one person only
  2. Responsibility for obligations with all your property even after closing
  3. An individual entrepreneur remains a responsible person and is obliged to sign primary documents even after signing a power of attorney
  4. Cannot be sold or reissued
  5. It is forbidden to produce and sell alcoholic products

To register an IP, you must: in the Federal Tax Service and pay insurance premiums.

The contribution amount is calculated as follows:

  • If the employee's salary is less than 711,000 rubles. per year, then you pay 30% of the salary. This is 22% to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), 2.9% to the Social Insurance Fund, 5.1% to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  • If the salary is more than 711,000 rubles per year, then 10% of the excess is paid to the Pension Fund.
  • The contribution to the Social Insurance Fund against industrial accidents and occupational diseases is 0.2% for catering.
  • Personal Income Tax (PIT) - 13%


Features of PSN

  • The average number of employees for the tax period is not more than 15 people
  • It is forbidden to sell alcohol
  • The area of ​​the visitor service hall - no more than 50 m²
  • No bookkeeping or tax reporting required
  • The amount of the patent is fixed


General rules

  • Create a staffing and work schedule
  • Select control scheme
  • Write job responsibilities
  • Draw up and conclude contracts
  • Conduct training: at the workplace, safety and fire safety
  • Provide employees with uniforms, work equipment, food


  • Director - 70,000 rubles.
  • Accountant - 50,000 rubles.
  • Forwarding driver - 30,000 rubles.
  • Universal cook - 35,000 rubles
  • Administrator - 40,000 rubles.
  • Cashier - 30,000 rubles.
  • Cleaners and dishwashers - 15,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback

For a pancake, as for any fast food, are characteristic:

  • Low competitive prices
  • Markup 150–250%
  • High permeability
  • The average check is 200–350 rubles.

The maximum payback period for this format is 2-2.5 years. If during this time the institution has not paid off, diagnostics are carried out in order to identify problems. They could be: staff theft, bad location, not meeting customer expectations, unpopular concept.

To enter the market correctly and exist successfully on it, contact HoReCa professionals for support. Company " MAPLE» has been opening and equipping catering establishments throughout Russia for 20 years. More than 1200 successful projects are a good guarantee of a successful start.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

The Russian public catering market has been actively developing in recent years: the annual growth is about 15%. At the same time, the fast-food market accounts for about 60% of the total restaurant business.

Café-pancake - the perspective of the catering market

One of the promising areas of the fast food market can be considered the opening of small restaurants or pancake cafes in your city.

The success of the pancake business does not need proof. A great example is the Moscow Teremok pancake network. This network includes about 140 restaurants and 65 pancake cafes throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg. And at present, the number of outlets of the Teremok network is only increasing. It is possible that soon they will even go to the international network. But when they started small...

In this regard, we propose to consider step-by-step instructions for opening a pancake cafe in your city.

Step-by-step plan for opening a pancake shop

First you need to decide on the future format of the pancake. The format or size of the pancake will depend on the following factors:

1. The size of the settlement / city. It is clear that in a small village it is not advisable to open even a small pancake shop. Another thing is a city with a million inhabitants, where it is profitable to open both a snack bar and a restaurant. The recommended population of the city is from 50 thousand people;

2. Location of the pancake cafe. The best places to place a pancake can be considered the central streets of the city, the presence of large office centers, universities, railway and bus stations, etc. nearby. It is better to open a snack bar where people need a quick snack, for example, train stations or universities, but it is advisable to open a restaurant in a large shopping or entertainment center where the visitor can have a quiet and leisurely lunch;

3. The amount of funds to start a business. If there are very few funds to open a business, then it is better to start with a pancake-diner format. You should not borrow large sums, issue unsustainable loans and put yourself at great risk. Start small. So you will understand the basic intricacies of the business without much risk, unwind and open a restaurant. Moscow, after all, was not built right away either.

Finding funding sources

After we have decided on the format of the future pancake, it is worth thinking about possible sources of funding for the project.

Possible sources of funding for the project may include:

  1. Bank loan;
  2. State support, including grants for starting your own business - 300 thousand. rubles. Also, in some regions, the state issues loans at 8% per annum, acts as a guarantor for loans in banks, subsidizes the percentage of overpayment on loans, and so on;
  3. Search for a potential investor in your business based on a well-written business plan;
  4. Personal savings.

How much money do you need to invest to open a pancake shop

Speaking about possible start-up costs, opening a small cafe - a pancake shop in a rented room will require from 700 thousand rubles:

  1. Repair, interior design development - from 100 thousand rubles;
  2. Equipment, including showcases, pancake makers, kitchen utensils, refrigerated cabinets, washing tubs, coffee makers, cash dispensers, etc. - from 400 thousand rubles;
  3. Furniture, including tables and chairs for visitors - from 100 thousand rubles;
  4. Registration of activities, permits - from 50 thousand rubles;
  5. Other expenses - from 50 thousand rubles.

If the plans include the construction of a pancake room or the purchase of a small pavilion (modular building), then the starting costs increase by 2-3 times.

Room search

When choosing a room for a pancake, you should pay attention to the location of the facility, the condition of the room, the presence of competition and the amount of rent.

The area of ​​​​the premises of a small cafe-pancake shop starts from 100m2. It must include:

  1. visitor service area;
  2. kitchen area;
  3. dishwashing area;
  4. utility room;
  5. toilet.

The room itself must comply with all SanPin, fire, environmental and electrical safety requirements for catering facilities.

Activity registration


Upon completion of the search for premises and investments, you can begin to register activities with the IFTS (tax).

As an organizational and legal form of a pancake shop, both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC can act. Open individual entrepreneurship(IP) is much easier than a legal entity (LLC). The list of documents, terms, and cost of registration of IP are minimal. But the opportunities for individual entrepreneurs are less than those of a legal entity.

Again, if your establishment is in the format of a pancake-snack bar, then it is advisable to open an individual entrepreneur (individual). If it will be a restaurant and investments in the business will be several million rubles, then it is better to register a legal entity (LLC).

Which taxation system to choose

As tax systems can act as USN and UTII. It is more profitable to use UTII, but this system has its own limitations for public catering facilities: 1. The area of ​​the visitor service hall should not exceed 150 m2; 2. The number of jobs should not be more than 100 people.

It is worth noting that the transition to a special taxation regime, that is, the simplified tax system or UTII occurs within 5 days from the date of registration of the activity upon application. If you do not submit this application on time, then you automatically become a tax payer under the general taxation system with all the consequences. So be careful.

For settlements with third parties, as well as for the convenience of paying taxes, you should open a bank account.

What equipment to choose to open a pancake shop

After registering the activity, it is necessary to conclude a lease agreement for the premises, carry out the necessary repairs and interior design of the future pancake house.

  1. Supply of raw materials and food products for cafes;
  2. Outsourcing of services, that is, cleaning of the premises, security (if required), accounting services.

Search and selection of personnel

The last on the list of tasks is the search for personnel and the preparation of a menu for a pancake cafe.

The pancake staff includes:

  • manager (administrator);
  • Cooks;
  • Cashier;
  • Waiters.

One of the important requirements for catering staff, in addition to qualifications, is the availability of a sanitary book.

The staff itself, especially the waiters, should look nice (dress-corre), be polite and friendly to every visitor and fulfill orders on time.

pancake assortment

The main menu of the pancake shop includes about 20 types of pancakes. The most common and classic are: pancakes with meat, potatoes and mushrooms, pancakes with ham, salmon, red caviar and sweet pancakes.

The mandatory menu also includes first and second courses, cold drinks, tea, coffee, and desserts.

At the same time, in the future, your cafe should not be limited to the classic set of dishes, as the monotony is always boring, and regular customers always want to try something new. It also doesn’t hurt to hold any promotions, for example, give toys to children when their parents order a children’s lunch at your cafe.


As soon as all the staff is selected and the menu is compiled, you can open a pancake shop.

In order for as many people as possible to know about you, you need to conduct an advertising campaign:

  • installation of a colorful sign: "We are open";
  • distribution of flyers and leaflets;
  • advertising in the media, social networks and city forums.

Do not forget that after the start of the catering facility, you must notify the local branch of the SES about the start of your activity.

How much can you earn

If the average traffic of a pancake shop is 100 people a day, and the average bill is 250-300 rubles, it is realistic to get a net profit of 50,000 rubles a month. With the right organization of the business, it can be recouped in a year and a half. An alternative option is a pancake on wheels. Watch the video.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business at the opening of a pancake shop

To register a business, you need to specify the OKVED code, which will depend on the format of the institution. Two OKVED codes will do - 55.30 - "Activities of restaurants and cafes" or OKVED code 52.62 - "Retail trade in tents and markets."

What documents are needed to open a pancake shop

To register a business, you will need a package of documents for registration with the tax authorities. You will also need permits from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Authority. You will need a lease agreement, and a garbage disposal agreement. Employees working in the kitchen must have health books. Do I need permission to open a pancake shop In order to start a business, you need permission from Rospotrebnadzor. You will need a license only if you open a pancake shop in the cafe format and plan to sell alcohol. Then you will need to collect an additional package of documents.

Business Technologies: Menu Features

The menu is one of the important components of a business plan. If your establishment will work as a fast food, pancakes with butter and sour cream and several types of pancakes with filling will suffice. If you want to open a pancake shop in the format of a cafe, you need to diversify the assortment. It is recommended to include:

  • first and second courses:
  • cereals;
  • salads;
  • pastries and desserts.

The menu should be designed in such a way that visitors can fully enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In this material:

Pancake cafe - a place for catering for a quick bite, buying food to go or eating directly at the establishment. Based on the name, the main diet is pancakes, which is a profitable business. Firstly, this is primordially Russian food, and recently patriotism is in vogue. Secondly, the dish is so versatile that it provides up to a dozen toppings and the same number of serving methods. When organizing your own business, you need to develop a pancake business plan, determine the target audience, locations and development strategy. Each item includes a few more additional steps, following which guarantees a quick payback and a stable income.

Description of the pancake shop, advantages and business prospects

The classic pancake house is a catering establishment with a diet that is voiced in the title. If a person comes in for a bite to eat, he clearly understands that there may not be a hot dog, a hamburger, but pancakes are always available. And this is a very right move for an entrepreneur, because theoretically a visitor cannot leave upset because of an incomplete assortment.

The principle of operation of the institution is similar to similar catering places:

  • compiling an assortment - the more types of pancake dishes, the better. This fact indicates the professionalism of the institution and its narrow focus. In the future, it will become clear which of the types of fillings is the most popular, and which can be harvested in small quantities exclusively for rare orders;
  • cooking - it is considered a huge plus if the pancakes are not imported, but cooked on the spot. Thanks to this, the quality and taste of products remain in their original form, which attracts visitors;
  • expansion of the assortment due to additional dishes and complex lunches - it is worthwhile to understand that not all people who go to a pancake shop want to taste pastries. Some people just need a snack, but pancakes are just an appetizer or dessert for them. That is why it is worth considering an alternative menu with enough first and second courses, and offering pancakes with drinks.

Business benefits:

  1. The uniqueness of the institution is that the pancake cafe is no longer a standard eatery with fast food, but a specialized service for the production and sale of its own products. If you achieve high quality and high demand, then the business will bring considerable income.
  2. A wide audience - pancakes and pancakes are loved by everyone, from young children to the elderly. The explanation is simple - this is homemade food, familiar to everyone since childhood.
  3. Stereotypes - even people's subconscious can be played when opening a pancake shop. The popularity of healthy eating leads to a decrease in the consumption of fast food. Moms rarely buy burgers and hot dogs for their children, McDonald's is bypassed, but pancakes ... There is hardly a single person who claims that this is junk food.
  4. Quick payback - with a good location, a wide range and high quality products, the business will quickly go uphill, pay for itself in 6-8 months and begin to bring substantial profits to the owner.

Of the negative aspects, one can only name the difficulty in organizing a cafe and high competition. Still, having located the establishment at a point with high traffic, in any case, you will have to coexist with a network pavilion for the sale of fast food or an ordinary fast food cafe.

The prospect of a pancake shop is the expansion of business in the form of opening additional branded outlets throughout the city.

There are 2 main types of products - pancakes and pancakes. Both those and others are very popular, but preference is still given to the second option.

Pancakes are thicker, fluffier and are an independent dish in combination with sour cream, honey, syrup, jam and drinks.

Pancakes are thin and tender, allowing you to use a variety of fillings. At the same time, production costs are much less than for the "big brother".

The technology is quite simple. Flour, milk, eggs and additional dough ingredients are used as products. Theoretically, at the beginning of the business, you can bake pancakes by hand in a pan, but this is too long. It is recommended to purchase a professional pancake maker, form a clear recipe and prepare products that will be recognizable from many.

Important: product quality has 2 types - GOST and TU. The first option eliminates the use of low-quality products and substitutes. TU also allows you to develop your own recipe and change the ingredients of a familiar dish. However, people trust technical conditions less than the state standard.

Regardless of the technology for preparing products, they must pass tests at the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

Pancake business plan: how to get started

After studying the theoretical part of business, it is too early to move on to organizational activities. Initially, you should weigh all the chances for the success of the business, assess the risks and analyze the market situation.

Market and competitor analysis

The fast food market is overcrowded and it makes no sense to argue otherwise. Despite this, the existing pavilions or cafes continue to work, and new outlets open regularly. This means that there is a demand, as well as a benefit for business owners.

The secret lies in the wide reach of the consumer. Fast food outlets are located in one place in several pieces, but you can hardly find 2 identical cheburek or hot dog pavilions. There are always differences in establishments - some are aimed at shawarma, others specialize in take-away meals, and others - pies, homemade cakes. In this case, the buyer always has a choice, excluding going to different places.

When analyzing competitors, you need to pay attention to both products and business format. A pavilion with takeaway food and the opportunity to have a bite to eat without leaving the cash desk is the most profitable and popular. To do this, you can open several seats inside the building or place food stands near the pancake shop.

Special attention is given to promotions and discounts. For example, 3 pancakes for the price of 2 is beneficial for the buyer. However, the entrepreneur initially puts additional costs into the product, which pay off with high demand.

Mode of operation - a lot of fast foods, working around the clock. It depends on the chosen location. If you plan to open a pancake shop next to competitors who sell goods 24/7, then you will have to do the same.

Cost of products - in no case should prices be higher than a competitor. If possible, you need to reduce them at least a couple of rubles, otherwise the start of the business will fail before it opens. The buyer, discovering a new point, hopes for cheaper high-quality products. He must get it.

Target audience of pancake

The age guideline for pancake consumers has no boundaries. It all depends on the location. If this is an educational institution, then the target audience is schoolchildren, students and teachers. An institution near or on the territory of the mall - all visitors.

The target audience at night is taxi drivers, passers-by, walking couples. The main thing is that the place provides for the flow of people even at late hours of the day.

Tip: you can attract an additional audience with the help of marketing by naming some dishes with original names - "Children's Pancake", "Student", "Family", etc. For children, you can come up with a special gift in the form of a toy. Fortunately, miniature figures of cartoon characters are sold in the same "Fix Price" for 50-100 rubles. The cost of the gift will be 5-10 rubles, and the impressions and desire to visit the institution will be months in advance.

Possible risks

The main risks are associated with low purchasing power and a long payback period for the business. This is typical for the following situations:

  • wrong choice of place;
  • high prices;
  • low quality products;
  • big competition.

By the way, problems are typical for any type of activity related to catering, so everything can be solved with a competent business plan.

organizational plan

It's time to move from theory to action. Beginning - registration of entrepreneurial activity, search for a place, obtaining permits from regulatory organizations. The end of organizational events is the opening of a pancake shop.

Franchise or own brand?

A franchise to open a pancake shop involves acquiring the rights to work under the logo of a well-known brand. At the same time, it is required to strictly comply with the requirements for doing business, up to the necessary inventory and the number of employees, not to mention the assortment.

Own brand - opening an institution on the terms that suit the entrepreneur. Roughly speaking, he is his own boss.

Franchising has both pros and cons. Main positive aspects:

  • quick payback due to brand recognition;
  • support in the advertising campaign;
  • work according to a clear plan;
  • assistance in organizing a business, including the search for premises.
  • high cost of the franchise;
  • the need for monthly interest payments;
  • lack of own style.

In this case, advice is not needed, because the entrepreneur must decide for himself how to work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the availability of funds. You can open your own pancake cafe for 200-300 thousand rubles, and with a franchise, investments reach 4 million rubles and more.

It is worth noting the popularity of the brand, which is sold by franchise. Still, this is not a Kinomax cinema, not McDonald's, not Eldorado, whose brands are known in any city and village in the country. Pancake "Skovorodka" may be popular in the capital, but in small and medium-sized cities of Russia this name will not say anything to buyers, so even a franchise can go broke, especially with such investments.

Business registration, documents and permits

To open a catering point, you can register an individual entrepreneur or establish an LLC. For a pancake shop in a single copy, an individual entrepreneur is enough - the status is simply and quickly registered, it costs 800 rubles and implies doing business in full.

A legal entity (LLC) requires an authorized capital, a bank account, and stricter reporting. However, when working with suppliers who are also legal entities, you will have to establish an LLC. In particular, this applies to the franchise, because the conclusion of contracts, bookkeeping in this case will be much easier. The cost of registration is 4,000 rubles.

Reference: in terms of the speed of registration, the package of documents and the choice of taxation system, both statuses differ little from each other.

After registering the activity, you should contact the regulatory authorities to obtain permits for opening a business - SES, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection. It is necessary to fulfill all the requirements for organizational issues, bring the premises into the appropriate form and re-submit documents for the opening of the outlet. If there are no complaints from the theoretical and practical sides, then the entrepreneur receives the relevant papers in his hands, which must be kept inside the institution along with the document on registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Choice of pancake location

The main requirement is high permeability of people. Such a place could be:

  • market;
  • railway station;
  • City Park;
  • embankment;
  • cinema;
  • supermarket;
  • taxi stand.

Do not be afraid that there is already a fast food point in the chosen place. This means only one thing - the location is good and brings income to the owner.

Rent and arrangement of premises

Here are some options:

  • capital structure;
  • mobile pavilion;
  • pancake on wheels.

If the choice fell on a capital building, then it is recommended to pay attention to those buildings that were previously used for catering services. This will save you from expensive repairs, communications and other problems associated with paperwork and repairs. Simply put, if the point before that worked on fast food, then it complies with all legal norms.

Mobile pavilion - the convenience lies in the fact that wherever it was before, the frame can be transported to any chosen place. Minus - such trailers are not designed for seats and a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet.

The business plan for a pancake on wheels is no different from other options, however, you can exclude the point with the choice of location. The advantage of such a room is that it is not only mobile, like a pavilion, but can also move freely around the city at any time. It is very beneficial at the time of mass celebrations - city day, concerts, fairs.

Purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory

The minimum set of equipment for opening a pancake cafe:

  1. Fridge.
  2. Crepe maker.
  3. Tableware.
  4. Coffee machine.
  5. Washing.
  6. Showcase.
  7. Rack.
  8. Cutting table.
  9. Product packaging device.
  10. Mixer.

If a hall with seats is meant, then you will also need tables and chairs for visitors, a hanger, a bar counter and related equipment of the room.

Drawing up an assortment and a list of services

Mandatory assortment - spring rolls:

  • meat;
  • potato;
  • mushrooms (combined with the previous ingredients);
  • boiled condensed milk;
  • jam;
  • jam;

It would also be useful to diversify the list of dishes offered with pizza, pies, hamburgers, first and second courses.

Tip: the assortment directly depends on the status of the institution. If this is fast food, then you can do without lunch, limiting yourself to fast food. If the cafe is of an average level, then you can include salads, snacks, soups, hot dishes in the menu.

It’s not worth talking about drinks - juices, water, fruit drinks, tea, coffee, energy drinks are mandatory.


The staff of a pancake shop must include at least one seller and a cook. It is desirable that applicants have experience in the fast food system, as well as relevant education (for a cook).

The main criteria for employees:

  • pleasant appearance;
  • age - 25-45 years;
  • gender is not important, but it is recommended to take a woman for the role of the seller;
  • no bad habits.

Marketing and Advertising

In order for as many people as possible to learn about the opening of a new outlet, you should use the following:

  • advertising posts in social networks in city publics;
  • distribution of leaflets within a radius of 200-300 meters from the institution;
  • advertising on the radio will definitely attract taxi drivers and minibus drivers.

A commercial on local television in this case is irrelevant due to the high cost and lack of effect.

How much can you earn on pancake?

To understand the net profit and the payback period of the business, it is necessary to calculate the costs in stages.

Investment in the project

Investments at the start (in rubles):

  • rent of premises - 20,000;
  • repair work - 50,000;
  • purchase of equipment - 150,000;
  • paperwork - 10,000;
  • advertising with a sign - 15,000.

Result: 245,000 rubles.

Current expenses

Monthly expenses (in rubles):

  • rent - 20,000;
  • utility bills - 10,000;
  • salary (2 employees) - 40,000;
  • purchase of products - 50,000.

Result: 120,000 rubles.

Income and calculation of profit and profitability

The profitability of a business is calculated on the basis of the profit received minus regular expenses.

If we take a standard pancake shop with 50 customers per day and an average check of 100 rubles, then we can calculate the income.

The daily income is 5,000 rubles.

Per month - 150,000 rubles.

Obligatory expenses are deducted from this amount - 150,000 minus 120,000.

The net profit of the entrepreneur is 30,000 rubles per month. If we consider that on weekends and holidays the average check and the number of customers increase, then it is quite possible to judge income up to 50,000 per day.

Profitability - the ratio of net profit to dirty and multiplied by 100%.

30 000/150 000 * 100 = 20%

The payback period for a pancake cafe business, even with minimal profit calculations, will be 4-5 months.

Despite the high competition, the complexity of paperwork, the need to choose a room and place, a pancake business as a business is relevant and profitable. Even the name sounds in Russian and does not cause rejection, like Bistro or Cheburechnaya. In the future, a pancake cafe can be turned into a status establishment and open its own network for the production of branded pancakes.

Foreign hamburgers and sandwiches have become very popular amid the accelerating pace of life. However, they have a bad effect on the stomach, so a person begins to look for not only satisfying, but also healthy food. Authentic Russian pancakes are a great alternative to hamburgers. In the article, we will consider a pancake business plan with calculations and how to open an institution from scratch.

Symbol of national cuisine

Pancakes, as a symbol of national cuisine, do not need to be introduced even to foreigners, especially our compatriots. Only classical Russian cuisine has more than 150 types of this wonderful dish.

Popular varieties of pancakes are with cheese, chicken and mushrooms. Sweet fillings - cottage cheese, apples with cinnamon, honey, condensed milk, chocolate.

The cost of 1 pancake without sauce and toppings, made from high-quality natural products, does not exceed 1-2 rubles. The cost of a pancake is from 10-12 rubles, plus an additional bonus from the sale of toppings, drinks and gravies.

Before opening a pancake shop, study cookbooks, ask professional chefs who love to cook tasty friends. Gather a collection of the best recipes for pancakes and toppings.

Consider how to open a pancake shop yourself.

Format and location of the pancake shop

Successful, according to experts, both formats of pancakes - mobile and stationary. Location requirements are roughly the same for both formats: streets and other crowded places:

  • institutes, universities, other large educational institutions;
  • busy underground passages, exits of metro stations;
  • transport stop areas;
  • railway stations, bus stations;
  • markets, shopping centers, roads leading to them;
  • large office centers;
  • recreation areas, tourist attractions, parks.

The advantage of a mobile pancake shop is mobility. In summer, you can settle closer to a park or recreation center, in winter - on the avenue, a busy square. Another plus of a mobile pancake shop is a relatively low initial investment. The downside is the limited area of ​​the mobile kiosk, which narrows the assortment of pancakes. It will not be possible to equip full-fledged places for clients; you will have to be content with a tent with plastic furniture.

A higher level is a stationary pancake shop. It requires more financial investment and time, but allows you to expand and supplement the menu with various dishes of Russian cuisine - hot soup, soups, desserts and salads. It is good to make an interior in the national style in a stationary pancake shop, to create a cozy atmosphere that attracts additional visitors. Good ventilation, sanitary facilities, and plumbing are required in a pancake room.

For 1 seat you need 2 m² of area, for the kitchen - 10-15 m², for sanitary and utility rooms - 10 m². Choose options from 60 m². Large sleeping areas are also suitable for a stationary pancake shop. In the business plan, describe in detail the format of the institution, the requirements for the premises and equipment.

Business registration

First of all, register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. With a small business, an individual entrepreneur is more convenient. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is less (about 800 rubles). You will maintain simplified reporting, pay monthly fixed insurance premiums of 1,727.30 rubles, and transfer 1,444.04 rubles to the pension fund.

Then get permission from the administration to open or install a retail outlet, but first coordinate this with the fire and sanitary and epidemiological services. To resolve the problems of the initial stage, contact law firms that are professionally involved in the collection of permits, while you yourself focus on the selection of personnel and the purchase of equipment.


For a small mobile point, two employees in shifts are sufficient. For a stationary pancake you need:

  • cooks - 1-2;
  • kitchen workers - 3-4;
  • waiters - 3-4;
  • administrators - 2.


If you are not buying a ready-made business, but opening a pancake shop from scratch, consider all offers in your area of ​​suitable equipment. Often there are profitable sales of used devices in excellent condition.

Select the dimensions and quantity of equipment taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. List of required equipment:

  • Pancakes. Buy reliable professional devices, do not save on them. One- and two-station models of pancake makers made in Italy, Taiwan, China, and Ukraine are sold with an hourly capacity of up to 40 pancakes. Coating - cast iron or teflon. Some models can heat the finished product. The cost of pancakes is 10,000-12,000 rubles.
  • Professional dough mixer. Buy reliable German-made mixers with a power of 3.5 kW or more, with mode switching. The cost is 3000-4200 rubles.
  • Refrigerator or refrigerator counter. Keep raw foods strictly separate from cooked foods.
  • Counter for storing ready meals.
  • Vegetable cutter, blender, knives, shovels, cutting boards.
  • Coffee machine. Get a productive device to get more significant additional income.

In a stationary pancake shop, an electric meat grinder, a stove and other devices for making stuffing will be added to the list of equipment.