BioShock Infinite. Walkthrough of the game (2). Walkthrough of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Complete walkthrough of the game BioShock Infinite in Russian Bioshock infinite secrets

BioShock Infinite is a vibrant first-person shooter with MMORPG and steampunk elements, in which science fiction takes precedence over the usual perception of the world. In this part of the series, the plot of the game does not take place in the amazing flying city of Columbia. The main character of BioShock Infinite is private detective Booker DeWitt. Finding himself in a difficult situation, he goes to Colombia to find a twenty-year-old girl, Elizabeth, who, as it turns out later, has supernatural powers.

In the BioShock Infinite knowledge base, all players will be able to familiarize themselves with useful information about the game.


Given that only two types of weapons and less than a dozen abilities are available to the player at a time, they can be combined with each other almost indefinitely. The abilities are very different and suitable for different situations - you won’t be able to run around with just one thing the entire game, and you won’t want to. A special highlight of the game is additional properties that can be purchased from slot machines from time to time. If there is no point in using a discharge on non-mechanical opponents, you can try to enhance it with a stun and a chain lightning effect, which will help deal with several enemies at once.

Regime 1999

Speaking of difficulty, this very mode, 1999, cannot be ignored. If on three standard difficulties the game is played more or less calmly, without much effort and the mandatory use of strategic and insidious tricks, then in 1999 this will not work at all. Unlike standard difficulties, which increase the damage dealt by enemies, their health, and the player's mana consumption, the new 1999 mode is unlocked after beating the game (usually enough once) or by entering the "Konami Code" (cheat command, use is not recommended). This mode completely rebalances the game, making it much more difficult and forcing you to play much more carefully. No jogging under bullets, which can be done without any problems normal level complexity, there will be no talk here - opponents will shoot, hang and hook you at every opportunity when you lose your vigilance. Jokes aside, it was not for nothing that the 1999 mode received such a name, because the developers wanted to provide nostalgic players with a breath of fresh hardcore, the way it was then, in the late 90s. And it should be noted that they succeeded in full.

How to quickly kill a mechanical patriot, mechanic and siren

Unlike the underwater utopian city of Rapture, with its narrow corridors, passages, ceilings and endless labyrinths, Columbia is an airy city. There is a lot of open space here, the sun is shining everywhere, you can see blue sky, even bad weather bypasses the “sacred” city. Fundamental changes in the concept of the game led to the abandonment of the previous rules: flying islands, air routes, airships, gondolas appeared, and the space for maneuver increased. All this had a positive effect on the combat system. Combat in Bioshock Infinite is highly dynamic. Throughout the adventures, Booker DeWitt will face many different opponents, among whom mechanical patriots, mechanics and sirens stand out for their power, intelligence and pressure. This “famous trinity” can greatly fray your nerves during the game, since if the main character is resurrected after an unsuccessful battle, the enemies also partially restore their health, which makes the usual tactics of pressure pointless. A weak shield and rapidly decreasing health do not allow you to act openly, and in large skirmishes and skirmishes, only the skillful use of abilities and the use of cover will help - this is the key to victory.

Mechanical Patriot in Bioshock Infinite

Appearance: Washington with a machine gun.

First appearance: Hall of Heroes.

Weak spot: coils on the back.

Effective energy drinks: Hypnotist, Killer Crows and Reflector, Devil's Kiss and Shock Jockey traps.

Battle tactics: active use of cover, weakening or pinning down with energy drinks, shooting in short bursts from powerful weapons (carbine, hand cannon, shotgun, grenade launcher) at the coils on the back and other parts of the body.

Mechanic in Bioshock Infinite

Appearance: iron Golem.

First appearance: Tshaniya Square.

Weak spot: heart.

Effective equipment: Electric Touch, Electric Fist, Flame Halo, Tinker Storm.

Effective energy drinks: Killer Crows, Shock Jockey.

Battle tactics: destroying all weak opponents before the battle, distance attacks, fast movement, active use of the air route before electric shock, shooting in short bursts from powerful weapons (carbine, hand cannon, shotgun, grenade launcher) at the heart.

Siren in Bioshock Infinite

Appearance: ghost.

First appearance: Gardens of Memory Cemetery near Comstock's home.

Weak spot: head.

Peculiarities: As long as Siren is transparent, she is invulnerable.

Effective equipment: Electric Touch, Electric Fist, Flame Halo, Brittle Skin.

Effective energy drinks: Pounce, Hypnotist and Reflector, Devil's Kiss and Shock Jockey traps.

Battle tactics: instant melee attacks with Pounce, slow advance with Reflector, active use of cover, fast movement, shooting in short bursts from powerful weapons (carbine, hand cannon, shotgun, grenade launcher), subduing ghostly guards with the Hypnotist or using the Devil's Kiss and "Devil's Kiss" traps against them. Shock jockey."

  1. Beat the game in the easier mode first. Familiarize yourself with the controls, battle conditions (other than battles, there is essentially nothing complicated in the game), level layout.
  2. As a rule, the game is saved upon entering a location and immediately after all enemies are killed. This can be used to use randomness more efficiently. When entering a new location, do not look into containers (barrels, boxes, etc.). Kill enemies, and only look after saving. If you don't like the content, reboot. The content will be different, but the enemies will remain dead. The places where the equipment is located are constant, but what kind of equipment is located there is determined randomly. There are only a few places where the equipment is fixed.
  3. Complete all side tasks, carefully search all locations. In particular, you should not miss new energy drinks (you can skip the Power Flow on your first playthrough) and tinctures. However, especially skip important points required to pass storyline, it’s impossible, but without additional ones it’s possible, but without them it’s not so interesting.
  4. Try not to die. Each revival costs $100. You will need this money to purchase upgrades for energy drinks and weapons. This advice is feasible - you can even never be reborn, and in case of death, start over from the checkpoint.
  5. Don't miss picks, especially early in the game. Then, in "Slums" you will find enough master keys to not think about them anymore. Rooms should be your priority, as they will contain various useful items and, often, lockpicks that will compensate for those you have spent. The safes contain only money (note that their amount is determined randomly, although the more keys the safe requires, the greater the maximum possible amount).
  6. Watch out for Salt. There will be times in BioShock Infinite where you'll want to use a variety of special attacks against your opponents, as often as possible. However, they all consume Salt - something like mana, which is required to power the Forces. If you spam forces, then the Salt will flow away irretrievably, which is not very good. Watch the amount of Salt and try to aim accurately, and not throw your strength in all directions in the hope of hitting at least someone. Subsequently, you will be able to pump up your powers to the level where they can be used in a chain from one enemy to another. Try to get them as quickly as possible. Although it is always appropriate to experiment with your own style.

Most useful equipment

Shirt "Winter Shield"— gives temporary invulnerability when jumping from an airway (and sometimes when jumping onto it). Since there is nothing stopping you from jumping onto the track again (except for the Mechanic - if he sends a current along the track, the hook will not be aimed at it) you can extend the invulnerability as many times as you like. In fact, in any location with an air route or cargo hook, opponents cannot hurt you. Just keep in mind that if you fall from a height, you still receive damage. If you fall into the abyss, you can also die.

Trousers " Ambulance» — speeds up the recharging of the shield by half and starts it one second earlier (if you think that one second is not enough, think again after the next death). In the absence of a “Winter Shield” or in locations without tracks, this is the most useful thing.

Boots "Firebird"— when you jump off the tracks, you set fire to all the enemies around the landing point. A very convenient thing that saves ammo and time

Boots "Embrace of the Vampire"— When killing enemies, part of your health is restored. Very useful if there is a shortage of first aid kits and food.

Flame Halo Hat- Chance to set enemies on fire when hit with a hook. Useful for saving ammo (in combination with Winter Shield and Firebird). It is better not to use it with “Vampire’s Embrace”, since there is a high probability that the enemy will burn and will not add health to you.

Hat "Storm"— if an enemy dies under the influence of the Devil’s Kiss, Shock Jockey or Mustang energy drinks, the effect of the energy drinks goes to neighboring opponents. Use it against large groups of enemies who need to be destroyed as quickly as possible (for example, when fighting the Siren).

Boots "Excess"- If you kill an enemy with much more damage than their remaining health, nearby enemies will receive a shock bolt that paralyzes them. Useful in combination with (or without) Tempest against groups of enemies.

Shirt “Bullet as a gift”— increases the clip by one and a half times (for all weapons except the Rapid Fire). Since the ammo in the clip and pockets are counted separately, it turns out that the maximum ammo also increases. But keep in mind - if you load up to the maximum, and then take off this shirt, then those +50% of cartridges in the clip will simply disappear.

Shirt "Nimble Hands"— increases reload speed by 50%. Useful in combination with a shotgun and sniper rifle.

Hat " Reliable protection» — gives temporary invulnerability after consuming first aid kits or food. Can be used in a similar way to “Winter Shield”, only the problem is that the food in the location is not endless. In addition, due to randomness, there may be no food in the vicinity at all.

2013. This game has stunning graphics, an original and interesting plot, as well as convenient gameplay. Of course, the developers could not leave fans without continuing the adventures of the main characters and released an add-on called BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, the passage of which will be discussed further.


The game consists of two separate parts, and thanks to them we will again dive under the water and find ourselves in the city of Rapture, so beloved by fans. But with us will be the same Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth, familiar from the original game BioShock Infinite. The time to complete the first part is about two hours, the second will take about five. The add-on is a direct continuation of the game and tells about another parallel world in which our couple will visit.

The second part of the game BioShock Infinite, the complete walkthrough of which is in front of you, has many secrets and hidden places. The developers themselves say that the first addition was invented for exploration and adventure. The second part of the journey focuses on puzzles familiar from the game BioShock Infinite. Walking through it in Russian will help you avoid getting confused and losing something important.

The events of the 1st addition will develop in the underwater Rapture during its heyday, a few days before its complete fall. Booker and Elizabeth will meet in another reality, because their destinies are connected in either world. In the second part we will visit Paris, where Elizabeth dreamed of going in the original BioShock Infinite.

Walkthrough. Part 1

Our adventure will begin with the detective agency where Booker works, and we will play for him. One day a young girl turns to him for help, and since this is one of the parallel realities, our couple does not remember anything about their previous adventures and begins their acquaintance anew. Elizabeth needs to find out about the fate of a girl named Sally, information about which the local artist Cohen has. But getting to him is not so easy, because this lover of chic and shocking invites only selected people to his parties. And in order to get to Sander Cohen's house, the main characters need to go to local stores in search of a party mask - it is this that is a kind of pass. It will not be difficult to complete the mission - while the charming Elizabeth is fooling the sellers, you can safely go to the back rooms and take a good look at them. There are only three stores in the area, and the mask will only appear in the last one. No matter what order you search them, you will have to visit them all in order to continue Burial at Sea.

Artist Party

Having grabbed a mask, we go to a closed club. It will be easy to recognize by its bright sign and living sculptures at the entrance. Having looked at the sights (and they are worth a look), we will continue to play through the game BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. We go straight along the corridor and find a staircase leading down. We go down and find ourselves on a very unpleasant scene with the participation of an artist.

He agrees to provide us with the necessary information only in exchange for a small favor. Now we have to portray a dancing couple, posing for a madman. But this will only be a bait: while dancing, our heroes will fall into a trap. But still, the artist will say, before deafening us, that the girl is in the stationery department of the local department store.

Smuggler Fontaine

Bound and stunned, our heroes end up where they wanted - to Fontaine's department store. After your release, you have to go through a difficult path, fighting off mutant people who have gone crazy from consuming plasmids, in order to find the girl Sally. Move from one room to another, clearing all opponents, and do not forget to use Elizabeth's help. Some locations are quite easy to get through, others will make you sweat.

It is not necessary to go straight through the rooms; sometimes it is worth using the tactics of hidden passage - this will significantly save time. Hide behind cover, sneak up from behind or shoot at everything that moves - the player himself has the right to decide which passage to choose in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea.

Lost girl

In the department store building you just need to follow the sign. We will find Sally in the store's pipeline. But in order to lure her out, you will need to heat up the pipes, leaving one cold one, along which the girl will move. But almost getting her hands on you, Sally will call Big Daddy. You should prepare for a difficult battle, because in order to defeat this brute you will have to work hard. During the battle, it is better to stay away from Daddy, but do not stand still and constantly move. There will be no shortage of ammunition, because your faithful companion Elizabeth will always replenish your ammunition. Big Daddy has a lot of health, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to kill this boss the first time.

After you win, go back to the pipe and pull out the girl. But at this moment Elizabeth will ask you to let Sally go. Now Booker’s nose will bleed, and inappropriately he will remember all his previous adventures in other parallel worlds, and he will want to ask Elizabeth for forgiveness. But he will not be able to do this. The flooding memories will dull his vigilance, and he will die from Big Daddy's drill. Such a sad ending awaits us after the end of the game.

Addition. Part two

Now we have to play as the charming Elizabeth. It should be mentioned that the further passage of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea is focused on stealth. So we move silently, hide in ambushes and destroy enemies by sneaking up from behind. Our dream has come true main character- She ended up in Paris. Wander around the city and talk to people. When you get bored, go down to the river and try to approach Sally. At this moment the girl will run, and we need to rush after her. At the same time, the weather will change, it will become cloudy, the wind will rise, and people will disappear somewhere. Sally will also disappear, and in her place will be a ball that will fly up to the door. Go inside, after the nightmare video, Elizabeth will find herself next to Booker and Atlas.

After the dialogue, you need to take the doll's head and leave the toy department. We climb over the fence and go down, removing the debris that interferes with our journey. Then another terrible video awaits us, after which we will find ourselves in a boat. Go back and pull the lever, now go down and, silently approaching, kill the enemy. This can be done if you do not step on broken glass. Go to the next room and jump into the ventilation passage. If you hook the hook onto the rope, you can collect all the coins and health. Then use the “C” key to silently land on the floor and kill another enemy. After watching the next video, open the lock and move forward. Near the huge door, pick up a crossbow and quietly, one by one, kill your opponents.

Another meeting with Booker

To continue Infinite: Burial at Sea, our heroine needs to get inside the Silver Fin restaurant. This can be done using a master key purchased at the store. If there is no cash, then return to the place from which you came and find a door behind which you will have to kill one enemy. There you will find three master keys. Open the lock, but remember that another mutant is waiting behind the door, and you should enter carefully.

Move on and quietly destroy the next enemy. After which we will meet Booker again and talk with him. We go forward, killing a mutant woman along the way. Now we have to open another lock, and we will need to do this without clicking on To do this, avoid hitting the blue font. To distract the mutants, you need to shoot at the left window, and then quickly run to the elevator.

When you see the guitarist, use hypnosis and set him on Big Daddy. While the fight continues, run forward using the hooks to fast travel. You won’t be able to get into the restaurant through the main entrance, but you can go through the next door and there you will find secrets hidden in this room: behind the cabinet that needs to be moved aside, there will be a secret hatch into the ventilation shaft. We boldly climb inside and disarm the trap using two master keys. If they are not there, then you can quickly run past the mechanism, which is very difficult to do, or use the “Hypnotist” and calmly move on through the BioShock Infinite add-on.

Walkthrough. Secrets of the Lutesov machine

Now you need to repair the found device, and for this you need a special plasmid. The arrow will lead to the goal, but Elizabeth will be trapped. After talking on the radio with Suchong, we dial the code, and we have the opportunity to complete the tasks necessary to start the machine. We find the required part of the plasmid and again go after the arrow. Below we find a freezing elixir, as well as a message that will open three more additional tasks.

We go back and meet Big Daddy in the large hall. We go around it on the left side and go into the room, where the second message awaits us. In the safe, which can only be opened with five master keys, there is a power-up plasmid. We follow the arrow again, collecting food and coins along the way. Take the elevator up, but remember that there are many enemies ahead. You can defeat them using the Hypnotist plasmid. This location is rich in modifications and various plasmids, so it’s worth exploring the surrounding area. Since there are not very many opponents in the location, you can slowly search for food, upgrades and ammunition - this will greatly facilitate your passage in the future. The goal of our task - a CO2 absorber - is located in a capsule in the middle of the room near a pillar with the number 3 on it; you can get there using a hook. All that remains is to return and repair the car. Pull the lever and go into the resulting gap - everything is so reminiscent of the original BioShock Infinite. This part will end with another video.

Fink's laboratory

After watching, we begin to carefully move forward. We find a ventilation hole, climb inside and, having advanced a little, climb out. Ahead of us is a meeting with four not very strong opponents. If you are confident in your abilities and have a lot of cartridges in your pockets, then you can enter into an open confrontation. But it is better to remove your opponents silently, one by one. Next we find the entrance to the office of the Fink Empire, inside there is one enemy who can be killed unnoticed from behind. We go downstairs, where we find a mechanism, but to start it, you need a key. You can find it if you go through the open door and go downstairs. Now we turn the hand on the clock to the word Work - the elevator door will open, which we enter without fear and go down.

Now you need to be as careful as possible, try not to get too close to the windows - otherwise your opponents will notice you. If you go into the right door, you can find a vending machine and replenish your supplies there. We follow the arrow further, trying to explore all the rooms to find food, money and plasmids. There won't be many enemies in this location, and finding the hair won't be difficult. Now we return back to the gap and quickly get rid of several opponents. We enter into dialogue with the District, after which there will only be a minute left for preparation. During this time, try to search everything around in search of plasmids and health, because you will have a serious battle with many enemies. The most effective in this situation will be “Santa Claus”. After victory, you can continue your journey through the expansion to BioShock Infinite.

Walkthrough. The final

Having finished the battle, we go to Fontaine’s office, to do this we follow the arrow. Along the way we will meet enough a large number of enemies, and to deal with them, it is better to use hidden combat tactics, because Elizabeth does not have that much ammunition. Sneak up from behind, hide behind covers and use skills. Having reached the goal, place the quantum particle in the device, after which another video will start, probably the most difficult in the entire game, and it is better not for the faint of heart to watch it.

All that remains is to find the “ace in the hole” in order to return Sally, the girl we are looking for. It will be difficult to do this, but it is possible. We follow the arrow and in one of the rooms we find a wounded Big Daddy. Now we need to move it, but Elizabeth is a fragile girl, and she will not be able to do this. We go back and read the note hanging on the wall, and another one lying on the table. We take them and return to the room with Daddy and the girls. It turns out that the only way to fix the monster is by injecting Adam, and you have to persuade the girls to help the Iron Guard, and then move on. In one of the rooms we watch the murder of Dr. Suchong, after which we find the code to launch the device on the table, go to Atlas and give the note. All that remains is to watch the video and find out the sad ending of this story. This concludes our walkthrough of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Congratulations!

Despite the fact that Burial at Sea lacks BioShock Infinite's signature “Battle in the Clouds,” the playthrough still turned out to be quite atmospheric, completely immersing you in this fictional underwater world. This game is worth playing not only for fans of the series, but also for gamers who like to play games with an intricate and interesting plot.

8. Soldier's Field.
9. Hall of Heroes.
10. In the Hall of Heroes.
11. Souvenir shop.
12. Return to the yard.

Walkthrough. Part 5 - Emporia

Chapter 30. Emporia
BioShock Infinite

We come to our senses in a crashed airship. We help Elizabeth open the hatch to the outside. Ahead, in a narrow alley, a familiar couple is playing the scribble. From the gentleman we receive a diagram of the head of the patriot robot. After this, the couple disappears. We push away the piano and move on.

Prosperity Square

On the pier we see peaceful white people crowding with luggage, trying to leave the islands and avoid meeting the colored revolutionaries.

On the right side we pass to the "Prosperity Plaza" sign. We are fighting the rebels. Near the building there is a cart with bags, under it there is the first master key.

We break open the door to the building. During the break-in, Elizabeth talks about the mechanical nightingale. She considered him a friend, since he brought her food, books, and in general was the only creature she saw in person. But then she realized that this was her jailer, and she hated him.

Port of Prosperity

Inside the building we see a destroyed statue and the scalps of all Comstock's assistants. (This is the work of a maniacal hunter who was initially hired to kill Fitzroy, but later went over to the side of the revolutionaries. We never meet him in the game, but his voicephones can be found). We can call a hook above the front door, jump along it to the upper platform, take the 2nd master key, Boots - Narrow View.

There is a locked door on the left, if we spend 3 master keys, inside we can take Extract (19) from the bath.

Let's go along right side, we go to the station. We fight with the arriving enemies. On the right pier we look through the telescope (31/37). We enter the gondola, at its doors you can take the 3rd master key. Let's go upstairs.

Chapter 31. Port of Prosperity

Along the way, we see a lady and a gentleman alternately appear and disappear at several intermediate sites. Here Elizabeth finally recognized them. The couple's names are Robert and Rosalind Lutece, the twins who invented the rifts between worlds and the unique engines of the sky city. According to the official version, they died during the experiment, but it seems that this did not kill them, but gave them new abilities.

We take the gondola to the Grand Central Depot station. Ahead we see locked toilets, and to the right of them there is a room with cash registers, inside there is a safe for 3 master keys (175 coins), on the table is the first master key. In the side room there is a warehouse where there is a new weapon - the Hailbreaker shotgun.

We pass along a long corridor, at the end we see a murdered man on a suitcase, and under him a voicephone (53/80). In the central hall, for 3 master keys we can open a safe (175 coins), for another 3 master keys we open the bar "The Salty Oyster".

Bar "Salty Oyster"

The surviving patriots barricaded themselves inside the bar, and we are fighting them. In the near right corner near the suitcase there is a 2nd master key. There are clothes under one of the tables Boots - Death from Heaven. There is a kinetoscope (32/37) installed in the side corridor between the toilets.

main hall

From the hall we go to the main station. We fight with many enemies who have powerful weapons such as grapeshots.

There is money and a 3rd lockpick behind the large Comstock statue in the back. In the left cash room is the 4th master key. In the right cash register there is a safe for three master keys (220 coins) and a voicephone (54/80).

(We listen to Lutece’s conversation on the voicephone. We learn that the twins Robert and Rosalind are actually the same person from different options universe, they differ in just one chromosome, which is responsible for sex. Only through joint efforts did they manage to open the first “window” between the worlds. Thanks to their invention, Comstock can “prophesy” - see the probable future).

Founder's Books Store

From the main hall we go along the corridor, on the left there is a dead end with a bookstore. To get inside, we spend 1 master key. Clothes inside on the center rack Shirt - Shock Jacket. On the shelf near the right wall near the large teddy bear there is a voicephone (55/80). We go down to the bottom floor of the store, on a chair we find another voicephone (56/80).

We pass through the turnstile (there is no going back here). To call the elevator you need a password. We return to the first table, examine the books, and find the combination “0451”. But at this time a melody was turned on, calling the Nightingale. We wait out the nightingale's raid, hiding behind the table, and only after that we enter the elevator.

Chapter 32: Downtown, Emporia
BioShock Infinite. Walkthrough site

Central channel

Our elevator is blown up, we jump onto the air route. We found ourselves in a multi-level square in front of a bank. Here we fight many enemies, including a mechanic.

On the left side there are several vending machines under a canopy, between them there are clothes Pants - Evil Goner. To the left of the entrance to the bank on the second floor there is a locked door, we spend 3 master keys on it, and inside we find a voicephone (58/80).

From the square there are two paths to Comstock's house, in the center you can enter the bank, all these doors open with a hairpin. There is nothing interesting in the bank yet. We go through the city along the left path.

Beggar Lane

At the exit, an ambush of several snipers awaits us. We can call our sniper position through the gap and clear the alley.

On the left you can use a hairpin to open the door to the Emporia Towers building. Inside we find 2 master keys.

We cross the bridge. We open the lock on the right, we find ourselves in a liquor store. We go down to the cellar, where the rebels have taken the place of the owners and are now exploiting the whites. We kill all the armed ones. On the right in the box we find the voicephone (59/80).

Harmonious passage

We pass by the huge building of the Cunningham Photo Studio until it is impossible to enter it.

Business district. Emporia "Downtown Emporia"

We fight in a square with a large bridge between the second floors. At the top left there is a locked building with red curtains on the windows. We spend 3 master keys, inside we get into the art workshop, take clothes here Boots - Atlantic Storm and voicephone (60/80).

Victory Square E.H. Comstock

We approach Comstock's house, there is a fingerprint lock at the entrance. The device mistakes Elizabeth for the First Lady, but the fingerprints don't match. To go further, you need to find the First Lady herself. We examine the statue opposite the gate; behind it in the flowerbed lies a voicephone (61/80).

Objective: Find Lady Comstock's grave

We leave the square to the right. At the left fence we find a telescope (33/37). In the burnt store on the left there is a safe with 3 master keys (200 coins).

Memorial Gardens

From the circular street we go to the center, through the building we enter the city cemetery. To the right of the exit from the building, near the stroller, there is a master key.

We go to the crypt in the center, through the gap we call the lock on the gate, we come close to the glass coffin of Lady Comstock. From the back side we remove the lock from the coffin. At this moment the light goes out and the voice of the Prophet sounds. The ghost of the First Lady appears - Siren.

Boss: Lady Comstock

The ghost constantly revives all the dead in the cemetery; killing them is useless (but you can complete cumulative battle achievements on them). You only need to pay attention to the ghost itself. We constantly shoot at her.

After the victory we see the Lutes twins, both digging up their graves. They suggest that Elizabeth's mother exists in an unusual state, and she can still be lured to her side. To do this, we need to close three gaps in the city associated with it.

Chapter 33. Gardens of Memory

From the cemetery we return to the circular road. Let's go further clockwise. We see a destroyed and rickety music store "Albert Fink's Magical Melodies". From the back we jump into the window. Inside we see a red gap from where music can be heard. Here we find a pair of master keys and a voicephone (62/80).

(Albert Fink, Jeremiah’s brother, worked here. He recorded other people’s music, which he heard through the gap. Jeremiah took his example, and in the same way began to steal new technologies from parallel worlds).

We fight with the enemies, after that we inspect the buildings. In the center there is a building with purple signs "Lutece Laboratory", we enter there.

Laboratory Lutes

We find the first special gap; an electrical installation is built around it. We activate the gap, and from there we eavesdrop on the conversation. (From the recording it turns out that Comstock is infertile, and his wife did not give birth to Elizabeth. The child was taken from a parallel world).

We go up to the second floor. In the bedroom on the table we take Extract (21). To the left of the bed we find a voicephone (65/80).

Market District

We continue walking through the market. The next building on the left is also locked, use 3 master keys to get inside, take clothes there Hat - reliable protection.

At the bottom of the street there is a burning Excelsior store, there we find a master key behind the left machine to the right of it.

We go down through the alley. We reach a cliff. On the left there is a locked Wilson Bros. & Company store, spend 3 master keys and take Extract (22) inside.

In the alley we enter a burnt, charred building. Inside we take the master key. We go down to the lower floor, we find 3 master keys in a box under the stairs, a safe (190 - 230 coins), and in the side room on a shelf near the wall lies manuscript(to decipher the text).

Along the market we return back to the initial station, enter the central door, and find ourselves in the bank.

Bank of the prophet

There are three kinetoscopes at the entrance, but all with old videos. We take the elevator to the main hall of the bank. In the side cash rooms there is a lot of money and a safe for 3 master keys. There is a fork in front of the large round door to the vault.

At the fork we go right along the ghostly tracks. We find clothes along the way Pants - Spectral Assistant.

In the bank vault, under the three statues, we see the 2nd special gap. From it we learn that Comstock ordered Fink to arrange an accident for two unnamed people. And earlier, Fink also arranged the murder of the First Lady. We listen to the recording left (67/80).

In the corridor to the left of the three statues there is a safe for 3 master keys (165 coins), a voicephone (68/80) is hidden behind it.

The massive round door of the storage room will open, we can go back directly through them. In the main hall of the bank you will once again fight with the ghost of the First Lady. After the victory, we get into the elevator and go out into the street.

Outside the starting square, take the left path again. We reach the Cunningham Photo Studio building, it is now open. We examine the last 3rd special gap.

(From the gap we hear a conversation between the Lutes and Rupert Cunningham. We learn that it was their “accident” that was caused by Mr. Fink. But this did not kill the Lutes, but turned them into interdimensional ghosts. They themselves cannot influence the development of events, but can appear at any moment , anywhere, and suggest the necessary solutions to others, which, in fact, is what they did from the very beginning of the game).

We take the left entry (69/80). There are three lockpicks in the dead-end room ahead.

We return to the gate to Comstock's house. For the last third time we fight the ghost of a lady. After the victory, Elizabeth will talk to her, and the ghost will open the doors inside for us.

Chapter 34. Comstock House
BioShock Infinite. Vicki

Behind the gate we go out onto the bridge to Comstock's house. Press the lever to lower the bridge. But at that moment the Nightingale flies in and throws us through the wall of the building.

Having lost consciousness, we appear in our room. Here with us are Elizabeth and a couple of Lutes. We go back to the real world.

While we are coming to our senses, the Nightingale attacks us. But at the last moment, Elizabeth saves us by surrendering to a mechanical bird. She is taken to Comstock's house.

Now you need to catch up with the bird. We jump down and cling to the hook. We pull the lever again and run across the bridge. But at this moment we fall into a gap and find ourselves on a snow-covered version of this bridge. Along the way, we hear Elizabeth's voice several times from the gaps.

In the hall we see a statue of Lady Elizabeth with a blade in her hand. In this version of reality, Comstock managed to raise his fanatical follower from the girl.

In the next room there are many people who are in an uncertain state - gray and with interference. By themselves they are not dangerous to us. But if we catch the eye of a special enemy in big helmet, he will set all these people on us.

The door in front does not open, but the elevator behind comes. In the elevator we listen to the voicephone (70/80).

Chapter 35. Atrium

We find ourselves in the living rooms. Here we see what we've come to ordinary people: they themselves do nothing, act only on orders, all rooms for them are marked as for the mentally retarded. We can go through this stage silently, if we don’t catch the eye of the overseers.

From the elevator we can turn left, there is a kinetoscope (34/37). Along the main path we go to the right in a circle. We go into the “Where we lie” torture room. On the left we go into the crematorium, listen to the holsophone (71/80). Elizabeth was tortured for a long time, but until the last she believed in our return.

On top floor we walk along the corridor. Before entering the room, look at the kinetoscope (35/37) against the wall. There are many robot heads in the room. In the “Where we learn” room we go to the far wall, there is a voicephone (72/80) on the table behind the column.

There will be a projector ahead with Elizabeth's recording. Six months after Booker disappeared, she reconciled herself and stopped resisting the plans of Father Comstock.

Before entering "Warden's office" we examine the dead end on the right, there is a kinetoscope (36/37) installed there.

Security Center

Having entered the center, we examine the first floor; here, near the turned on projector, there is a voicephone (73/80). There are clothes on the table opposite the stairs Hat - Stubborn Killer.

On the top floor in the director's office there is a voicephone (74/80) on a chair. We press the lever, this opens the doors on the very first floor.

Chapter 36. Director's office
Bioshock Infinity

On the way back we fight with the arriving enemies. We take the elevator back down to the gate. In the elevator in the corner there is a new voicephone (75/80). Now the gate is open, let's go inside.

We don't find Comstock in the director's office. This is a very distant future, and he has already died of old age. Instead, we are greeted by an aged Elizabeth. It was she who took us back to her time - to 1983. Here the flying Columbia attacked New York, and soon it will destroy the rest of the ground world.

Elderly Elizabeth gives us a message that we must convey to her in her youth. A sad example from this reality will save the girl from submitting to Comstock. In addition, on the piece of paper there is a secret code to turn off the Nightingale, because of which all our previous plans collapsed. Let's go back to 1912.

Walkthrough. Part 6 - Destruction

Chapter 37. Operating theater
BioShock Infinite

Having appeared in a new place, we immediately see Elizabeth. She was chained to an operating table behind glass, and now they are trying to brainwash her.

We need to turn off the electrical installation. To do this, go up the left or right path. Along the way we destroy the turrets and guards. On top of the two side chambers you need to press two levers.

After turning off the devices, Elizabeth immediately comes to her senses and opens a huge gap, from where a tornado hits the laboratory.

We go down to the first floor and enter the operating room through the broken glass. We give Elizabeth a message from the future. Together with her we organize an attack on Comstock's airship.

Let's go to the second floor and open the door with a hairpin. Opposite this door we can open another door for 3 master keys, inside we find the last Extract (24) and the voicephone (76/80). Behind another grate is an elevator.

Chapter 38. Hand of the Prophet


We find ourselves on the top floor. From the library we go out onto the balcony. In the distance we see a huge flagship airship - the “Hand of the Prophet”.

Roof of Comstock's house

We go to the neighboring roofs. We fight with mechanical patriots and police. After the victory, we open the lock with 3 master keys, inside we find a voicephone (77/80), two master keys and a safe (130 coins). We go to the right pier. Near the blue gondola on the left we find the last telescope (37/37). We board the gondola.

Air battles

On the gondola we gradually catch up with the “Hand of the Prophet”. Along the way we repel the attacks of several gondolas with police officers. We jump to them, clinging to the hooks, and then return to Elizabeth. There will be grenade launchers on the last gondolas; it is better to attack them from afar. We will destroy all attacking ships, fly in and land on the flagship ship.

Chapter 39. Hangar deck
BioShock Infinite. Walkthrough

1st deck

We find ourselves at the tail, on the first, lowest deck. Here we can go on the left or right side. Having reached the bow, we see that the entire air route is occupied by capsules with landing robots. To remove them, we return to the very beginning - to the tail of the airship, there we press the button on the remote control. After that, we climb along the air routes to the floor above.

2nd deck

There are locked rooms on the second floor. In the center in the tail section, using 1 master key, we can open the internal cabins, inside we find a voicephone (78/80). In the bow, for 3 master keys you can open the weapon storage, there we find clothes Hat - Leader's Cap.

Again we are looking for a panel with a button to reset the capsules. While they are being dropped, gondolas with police will attack us. Along the second air route we climb to the third floor.

Chapter 40. Engineering deck

3rd deck

Here we can see the plan of the “Hand of the Prophet” in section. We are on the central closed deck. Here we fight with enemies led by the Mechanic. In the next room there are two missile turrets. Having passed them, we jump onto the air route and go outside.

4th deck

On the command deck we examine the model of the monument tower. Hidden at its base is a Siphon device that limits Elizabeth's unique powers.

In the next room we meet Comstock himself. He tries one last time to persuade Elizabeth to listen to him. The Prophet blames Booker DeWitt for what happened to Elizabeth's little finger. Comstock tries to force Elizabeth away, but Booker intervenes and kills the old man by drowning him in a bowl. After Comstock's death, Booker himself begins to bleed from his nose (it turns out that he killed himself in this world).

Comstock's private quarters

We go up to the second floor of the deck. Behind a dark, inconspicuous door we enter Comstock's bedroom, there we take the voicephone (79/80). In the same next room we take a voicephone (80/80). A plan for moving in parallel universes is drawn on the board nearby.

Control room

We go up to the third floor, go out onto the captain's bridge "Bridge". There is a steering wheel inside, we turn the airship towards the statue-monument.

Revolutionaries begin to attack the airship. Now we need to deal with them too.

Elizabeth finally understands the meaning of the clue from the future - the image of the cage. She takes the whistle from the Comstock statue and plays a tune. Each letter of the word "CAGE" corresponds to the first letter of the note name. When the melody is played, the Nightingale flies in and begins to carry out our orders.

Chapter 41. Command Deck
Bioshock Infinity in Russian

We need to defend our airship from a superior enemy fleet. Specifically, you need to protect the glowing generator; its strength level appears.

In this epic battle, we can direct the Nightingale at our enemies. Its recharge indicator is indicated in the upper right corner of the screen. Reloading takes a long time, so we use the Nightingale only on large airships. We get rid of the arriving gondolas, mechanical patriots and ordinary enemies ourselves.

The best tactic in this battle is to place a lot of Energy Reflector traps around the generator, which will protect you from shots from regular enemies. We don’t pay attention to the enemies themselves, they appear constantly, and we aim only at airships and gondolas.

After the victory, the airship flies up to the statue-monument. We direct the Nightingale at the statue, it destroys the siphon, and Elizabeth immediately receives unlimited possibilities for moving between worlds.

The Nightingale again gets out of control and attacks us, but Elizabeth moves herself, Booker, and the Nightingale in time to the underwater city of Rapture (the setting of the first two BioShock games). The Nightingale is destroyed underwater, and we enter the transport capsule and float to the surface to the lighthouse.

Chapter 42. Sea of ​​Doors
BioShock Infinite. The ending. Explanation

We returned to the lighthouse where the very first part of BioShock began. Elizabeth opens the door with a key that suddenly appears.

We enter a space with an infinite number of beacons (a crossroads between different versions of reality). We go to the neighboring lighthouse; a road to it is being built right under our feet. So we go through a few more doors to remember everything that happened to Booker before.

Backstory to Booker's World

We find ourselves in a pond where a baptism ceremony takes place. Booker refuses to be baptized.

Behind the next door we find ourselves in Devitt's apartment, where we meet Robert Lutes. He came to take Booker's little daughter, Anna, in exchange for paying off his debts. We have no choice here; we give away our daughter.

The next door takes us into the boat, which is where the whole game began. Let's sail with Elizabeth and both Lutes. We go up to the pier and enter the lighthouse again.

We find ourselves on the streets of New York. Booker realized he made a mistake and is now trying to catch up with Lutes to get his daughter Anna back. In a narrow alley we see Robert Lutes opening a gap in a parallel world, there he is met by Rosalind Lutes and Comstock. Lutes places the child in Comstock's hands. Booker runs up and tries to take his daughter away, but the portal is already closing. As a result, Anna goes to another world, but in this world only one little finger remains of her, cut off by the closing portal.

(Comstock would later name the resulting baby Elizabeth. And due to the fact that the girl’s little finger remained in another world, it turns out that she exists in two worlds at once, and therefore can easily move between them).

Backstory of Comstock's world

We again find ourselves in the pond, where the baptism ceremony takes place. But this time Booker is ready to be baptized.

(This is the moment when Booker's choice influenced further development peace. Booker, who refused baptism, remained himself, and Booker, who was baptized, subsequently became a fanatical believer, took the pseudonym “Prophet Comstock” and persistently began to fulfill the prophecy about a new saving ark and the destruction of the rest of humanity).

Before the baptism, several copies of Elizabeth appear from different versions of reality. All together they are drowning us in the pond. (Thus they destroy the future Comstock and prevent all his atrocities). After this, all copies of Elizabeth cease to exist. (They were the result of Comstock’s actions, which is why they disappeared after him).

After a long pause, we reappear in Booker’s apartment. The hero opens the door to the nursery, and... this is where the game ends. We just have to figure out whether Anna is still alive.

(The branch of universe variants where Comstock appeared was cut off at the very root. He was drowned in a pond, and as a result Comstock never appeared, never built an air city, and never kidnapped a child from an alien world. And those universe variants where Booker remained himself, continued their measured existence, Anna remained to live with her father).

P.S.: The creators of the game “Bioshock Infinity” clearly took their inspiration from the books of science fiction writer Douglas Adams “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”.

This is evidenced by the number of levels, of which there are 42, which corresponds to the famous meme from the book - an unusual answer to “ Main question life, the universe and everything."

Also, gaps in space, parallel realities, a flying mechanical bird, many copies of the main character, specially collected at one point - all these are direct borrowings from the last fifth book of the series “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Mostly Harmless”. (Of the entire series, only the first book was filmed, so subsequent books are little known to the general public).

If you liked the game "Bioshock Infinity", we advise you to read the books by Douglas Adams.

Well, Easter eggs have always excited the minds of players, because it’s always nice to find something that, in theory, you weren’t supposed to find at all. The developers, in turn, are only happy to hide a variety of references to anything and everything in the game.

The famous science fiction book is referenced not only by the code 0451, but also by the New York of the future, which we find ourselves in. The year of Columbia's attack on New York is 1984. George Orwell's novel was called "1984".

Behind the first gap opened by Elizabeth (while she was still in the tower) you can see a cinema, the poster of which says that the sixth episode of Star Wars is now on the screens.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

After this scene, Booker will say: This job is getting worse all the time, which is also a reference to Star Wars, only this time to the fifth episode, where Lando Calrissian said a similar phrase: This deal is getting worse all the time.

At the beginning of the game, a woman can be heard asking a man not to compare her to the heroine of the book I Married A Vox Populi, which is a reference to the 1949 book I Married A Communist.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Actually, a replicated Easter egg with Rapchur in Bioshock Infinite. Everything is extremely simple: Elizabeth takes us through the plot in order to kill the Nightingale. BUT pay attention to the background: Little Sister sadly leaned over the dying Big Daddy. At the same moment, Elizabeth mourns her former guard. This scene seems to hint to us at the similarity of the relationship between Elizabeth/Little Sisters and the Nightingale/Big Daddies.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

You probably didn’t even imagine that even in the original Bioshock, released in 2007, there was a real reference to Bioshock Infinite, which appeared on the shelves in 2013. Watch the video and carefully follow the scale.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite Video

You heard that, right? The cry of the Nightingale, transported here by Elizabeth and dying in agony at the bottom of the ocean. Now it’s time to be surprised. It turns out that while you were dealing with Fitzpatrick in Fort Cheerful, somewhere in Rapchur, Elizabeth was killing the Nightingale and saving Booker. It turns out that the plot of the two games, although they do not intersect, is actually in contact with each other.

One can ask a fair question: did Levin really conceive the whole story with Columbia, Elizabeth and Nightingale during the creation of the first Bioshok, or did he simply cut out sounds from the first game and inserted them into the last? Most likely, the second option will be closer to the truth, because, as the guys from the Internet figured out, the Nightingale’s sounds are heard not only at the moment of Fitzpatrick’s death, but also after it, and indeed throughout the entire location, which means that the Nightingale’s cry was only creepy soundtrack in Fort Vesely.

There is also a very interesting Easter egg associated with the sound of Bioshock Infinite. In fact, in some locations songs performed by Elizabeth are played, but you won’t hear them in the usual way.

And to hear, you just need to speed up the game 10 times. To understand what we are talking about, watch the video below.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite Video

Interestingly, if you speed up the game eight times, then Booker will sing, and his words spoil the ending of the game:

"Time for me to drown

Time will finally catch up to me

Approximate unprofessional translation: “It’s time for me to drown myself in order to be reborn”

Most likely, Booker tried 122 times to save Elizabeth, but all these attempts ended in failure, and DeWitt's 123 visit to Columbia is the main action of the game.

This conclusion can be reached by remembering the code with the bells at the entrance to Columbia (1-2-2) and counting the number of notches on the Lutece board when they ask you to toss a coin.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

If you try to shoot at Rosalind Lutes, she will answer you with a mockery, saying that you missed. It all ends with her summing it up with a disappointing phrase: “I can go on with this forever. The only question is, can you continue?”

Obviously, Booker is a similar version of Jack/Ryan in a parallel universe, but perhaps he is also a distant relative of Ryan, because either Ryan himself or his relatives can activate the bathysphere, and, as we see, Booker easily activates the bathysphere.

At the beginning of the game, at the fair, a set of four "Wild Mustangs" is sold, which is a reference to the early E3 version of the game, in which it was assumed that the vigors would be used once, that is, they would be like grenades in those shooters of yours.

1999 mode is unlocked either by beating the game or by using the famous "Konami Code" in the main menu. This code is very famous: it has appeared in countless games (in the DLC Quest, for example).

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

The game has a lot of covers of fairly modern songs (read where they came from in Colombia - read here). Here are Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Tainted Love by Soft Cell (not Manson), Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival performed by a lonely African-American woman.

You can hear most of the covers, but this is not all, because, in fact, there are more of them, believe me.

After receiving the telegram from Lutes, look through the telescope standing slightly to the left. Through it you can see Robert juggling and Rosalind looking at him.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

When resurrecting Booker, Elizabeth uses a syringe similar to the ones used by the Little Sisters in Rapture.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

In the “Hall of Heroes” there is a map that is very reminiscent of a map of Disneyland.

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

Easter eggs and secrets of Bioshock Infinite

On the asphalt in front of the Lighthouse at the end of the game, there are tacky drawings of animals.