Without drugs and doctors, recommendations for parents. A healthy child without drugs. When hardening children, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

"Without drugs and doctors"

There are plenty of home remedies that can help significantly relieve colds. If you have a cold, stop drinking cold liquids. In particular, ginger tea is very useful for colds. Every 4 hours, try to drink half a glass of warm milk with turmeric, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of ghee. This remedy is also effective if you have a sore throat. Gargle warm water with added salt (1 tbsp. warm water+ 1 tbsp. spoon of salt). A mixture of equal proportions of honey and turmeric is an amazing remedy for colds. Use this miraculous mixture 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. Try not to eat or drink anything immediately after drinking this mixture. Needs to be done at night following procedure: Heat a teaspoon of ghee (until room temperature), lie down and use a pipette to drop 2-3 drops into each nostril. Please note - the oil should be warm, not hot.

Three wonderful magical remedies will strengthen your child’s immunity and protect him from frequent colds.

1. Adaptogens. These are substances of plant or animal origin, which at the same time tone and stimulate the child’s body. This is a tincture of lemongrass, eleutherococcus, and ginseng root. You can give 1 drop for each year of the baby’s life. Don’t worry that these solutions contain alcohol – in such small quantities they cannot harm your child.

2. Natural juices, fresh juices. Store-bought juices that have undergone heat treatment do not have this effect. But fresh juices will saturate the child’s body with easily digestible vitamins and minerals. Viburnum and cranberry squeezes are especially useful. Dilute pure juice in half with water, and then add honey.

3. Herbal teas. Pour an equal amount of linden blossom and dried raspberries into a thermos (you can then add raspberries grated with sugar to the linden tea), let the tea brew for an hour. Let your child drink half a glass 1-2 times a day shortly before meals.

How to treat a cold without medicine? Did your child catch a cold and get sick? Let's put aside the new items for now pharmaceutical industry and take advantage of the gifts and secrets of nature.

How to reduce fever without antipyretics?

Reduce the temperature below 38 degrees medicines Not recommended. If the temperature is low (up to 38), prepare a herbal decoction of elderflower flowers, birch leaves, plantain, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula. Soak a diaper or sheet in the broth, wring it out and wrap it around the baby, and cover it with a warm blanket on top.

How to get rid of a cold? If your child does not have a fever, give him a hot foot bath. Steam your baby's feet. Pour into a basin hot water, add dry mustard and steam baby legs for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the water temperature (from 37 degrees to 42). Then wet your feet well, lubricate them with goat or badger fat(my mother’s neighbor keeps goats, so I rub this product not only on my feet, but also on my back and chest) and put on warm woolen socks.

How to treat a runny nose in a child? I recommend treating a runny nose using the old proven yoga method. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt with a glass of boiled water (not hot) and, using a small enema, rinse the child’s nasal passages one by one. You can also irrigate your nose with a solution of ¼ teaspoon of honey and 5 teaspoons of water. Make sure that the child does not throw back his head and all the water from his nose flows into the sink.

How to get rid of a child's cough? At first we drank syrups in bottles, then, abandoning this useless task, we breathed in the old fashioned way over a pan of hot boiled potatoes, covered with a blanket. It was fun, but challenging and not suitable for small children. Then, realizing the necessity of such an acquisition, we bought an ultrasonic home inhaler. Things went well. 10-minute inhalation with herbal decoction of eucalyptus or mineral water Borjomi worked wonders. Also, expectoration stimulates drinking plenty of fluids. Brew elderberry flowers or plantain at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and give your baby warm tea with honey.

How to relieve a sore throat? If the child is already old enough and knows how to gargle, prepare him gargles: decoctions of chamomile, sage, solution baking soda or honey (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon lemon juice. The child gargles his throat 5-6 times a day. You can add a few drops of propolis to the rinse solution. Propolis has remarkable anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. If a child even swallows a little infusion, it’s not scary. Useful and healing liquid will only rinse the nasopharynx well.

Important rules for treating colds in a child:

    All thermal procedures can be done only at normal body temperature.

    Essential oils, balms, herbal infusions and beekeeping products should be used very carefully if your child is allergic.

    Before treating your child's cold without medication, talk to your pediatrician.

Remember two simple truths:

    Being healthy is as easy as not being healthy!

    It is necessary not to fight diseases, but to maintain good health

Consultation for parents "Health without drugs"

There are plenty of home remedies that can help significantly relieve colds. If you have a cold, stop drinking cold liquids. In particular, ginger tea is very useful for colds. Every 4 hours, try to drink half a glass of warm milk with turmeric, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of ghee. This remedy is also effective if you have a sore throat. Gargle with warm water with added salt (1 tbsp warm water + 1 tbsp salt). A mixture of equal proportions of honey and turmeric is an amazing remedy for colds. Use this miraculous mixture 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day. Try not to eat or drink anything immediately after drinking this mixture. At night, you need to do the following procedure: heat a teaspoon of ghee (to room temperature), lie down and drop 2-3 drops into each nostril with a pipette. Please note - the oil should be warm, not hot.

Three wonderful magical remedies will strengthen your child’s immunity and protect him from frequent colds.

1. Adaptogens. These are substances of plant or animal origin, which at the same time tone and stimulate the child’s body. This is a tincture of lemongrass, eleutherococcus, and ginseng root. You can give 1 drop for each year of the baby’s life. Don’t worry that these solutions contain alcohol – they cannot harm your child in such small quantities.

2. Natural juices, fresh juices. Store-bought juices that have undergone heat treatment do not have this effect. But fresh juices will saturate the child’s body with easily digestible vitamins and minerals. Viburnum and cranberry squeezes are especially useful. Dilute pure juice half and half with water, and then add honey.

3. Herbal teas. Pour an equal amount of linden blossom and dried raspberries into a thermos (you can then add raspberries grated with sugar to the linden tea), let the tea brew for an hour. Let your child drink half a glass 1-2 times a day shortly before meals.

How to reduce fever without antipyretics?

It is not recommended to reduce the temperature below 38 degrees with medications. If the temperature is low (up to 38), prepare a herbal decoction of elderflower flowers, birch leaves, plantain, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula. Soak a diaper or sheet in the broth, wring it out and wrap it around the baby, and cover it with a warm blanket on top.

How to get rid of a cold? If your child does not have a fever, give him a hot foot bath. Steam your baby's feet. Pour hot water into a basin, add dry mustard and steam baby feet for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the water temperature (from 37 degrees to 42). Then wet your feet well, lubricate them with goat or badger fat (my mother’s neighbor keeps goats, so I rub this product not only on my feet, but also on my back and sternum) and put on warm woolen socks.

How to treat a runny nose in a child? I recommend treating a runny nose using the old proven yoga method. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt with a glass of boiled water (not hot) and, using a small enema, rinse the child’s nasal passages one by one. You can also irrigate your nose with a solution of ¼ teaspoon of honey and 5 teaspoons of water. Make sure that the child does not throw back his head and all the water from his nose flows into the sink.

How to get rid of a child's cough? At first we drank syrups in bottles, then, abandoning this useless task, we breathed in the old fashioned way over a pan of hot boiled potatoes, covered with a blanket. It was fun, but challenging and not suitable for small children. Then, realizing the necessity of such an acquisition, we bought an ultrasonic home inhaler. Things went well. A 10-minute inhalation with herbal decoction of eucalyptus or Borjomi mineral water worked wonders. Also, expectoration stimulates drinking plenty of fluids. Brew elderberry flowers or plantain at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and give your baby warm tea with honey.

How to relieve a sore throat? If the child is already old enough and knows how to gargle, prepare gargles for him: decoctions of chamomile, sage, a solution of baking soda or honey (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water + 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The child gargles 5-6 times a day. You can add a few drops of propolis to the rinse solution. Propolis has remarkable anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Even if a child swallows a little infusion, it’s not a big deal. The useful and healing liquid will only rinse the nasopharynx well.

Important rules for treating colds in a child:

All thermal procedures can be done only at normal body temperature.

Essential oils, balms, herbal infusions and bee products should be used very carefully if your child is allergic.

Before treating your child's cold without medication, talk to your pediatrician.

Remember two simple truths:

Being healthy is as easy as not being healthy!

You don’t need to fight diseases, but maintain good health!

Words from a wonderful teacherArkina: “If parents do not take an active part in raising a child, then they can easily destroy something that costs a lot of work and effort of educators.” - are still relevant today. No matter how perfect the program is, no matter how professional the teacher is, without interaction with parents kindergarten unable to solve many problems, because you are the main educators and children strive to be like you. And the main task is to prepare children for school. But a child’s education will be successful only when he is healthy.

“Movement is life” - these words are known to almost every person. The fact that physical activity is beneficial for the human body is indisputable. But not everyone understands how important it is for the formation of a person’s physical and mental health and how necessary it is to teach our children to lead an active lifestyle from an early age.

Currently, the number of children with poor health has increased significantly; more and more children are appearing with frequent colds, excess weight, and poor posture. This list could be continued for a very long time. There are many reasons for this situation, but one of the main ones is a sedentary lifestyle. At home, parents prefer to keep their children busy with quiet games: best case scenario drawing, intellectual or other board games, or, at worst, watching TV shows or videos. And this is quite understandable: parents want to relax after a hard day at work, the apartments have a lot of furniture and little space, and “a child, running around, can get injured or break something. It’s better if he sits – he’ll be calmer.”

In every little child,

Both in a boy and in a girl,

There are two hundred grams of explosives

Or even half a kilo

He must gallop and jump,

Grab everything, kick your legs,

Otherwise it will explode

It is unknown why.

This funny song from the cartoon confirms the intense physical activity characteristic of preschool children.

Today I will give you a series useful tips and recommendations that you can apply at home, which should help not only increase motor activity, but also physical, mental and speech development generally. They can be useful to you in the need to develop the movements of your babies and make communication with your child interesting and useful not only for him, but also for you. The personal example of parents for a child is more convincing than any arguments and The best way do it with him.

To improve children's health, I use various techniques:

Elements of kinesitherapy, “Dance with greetings”, “Dance with clapping”, “Squat dance”

We walk on our toes

And then - on your heels,

Let's jump happily

Squat dance!

“Minutes of pranks” awaken the imagination. The formation of motor imagination and meaningful motor skills are inextricably linked with the development of expressive movements in children. By imitating various movements, the child naturally “transforms.” There is no need to explain how to relax certain muscles. The child bends his back plastically, like a cat or a dog, jumps like a bunny, waddles like a bear, etc.

Games to imitate given movements:

Walk like a red maiden (raise your head proudly, lower your eyes like a swan)

Walk like a good fellow (with your shoulders back, hands on your hips), etc.

Finger exercises and dynamic pauses, as they promote the development of attention, memory, and have a beneficial effect on the child’s speech. The hands become more mobile and flexible, which helps future schoolchildren master writing skills. They are very emotional, fascinating, reflect the realities of the world around us - objects, animals, people, natural phenomena. Many games require the participation of both hands, which gives children the opportunity to develop interhemispheric interaction, as well as spatial concepts (orient themselves in the concepts of “closer-further”, “up-down”, “right-left”, “above-under”, etc. .

Physical exercise "Masha the Confused"

Masha is looking for things, (Rotate one way)

Masha is confused. (Rotate in the other direction, to the starting position)

And not on the chair, (Arms forward, to the sides)

And not under the chair,(Sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed (Hands dropped)

(Tilt the head to the left - to the right, “threatening” with the index finger)

Confused Masha!

Physical exercise “Winter”

How interesting it is for us in winter!

We're going on sleds in a crowd,(Imitate sledding)

Then we'll play in the snow,(Imitate sculpting and throwing snowballs)

We all put on our skis together,(“They put on” skis, “take” poles, “ride”)

Then everyone started skating(Image ice skating)

Happy winter days!(Point thumb up)

- Fi short story "Deer has a big house"

The deer has a big house, (Hands above your head - depicting the roof of the house)

He sits and looks out the window. (We support the cheek with our right fist, and support the right cheek with our left hand.)

A bunny runs across the field, (Running in place)

There's a knock on his door: (Imitation of knocking on the door with each hand in turn)

“Knock, knock, open the door, (Stomping feet, hands on the belt)

There's an evil hunter in the forest." (Hands on the belt, turn right and left)

“Bunny, bunny, run in! (Inviting hand movement)

Give me your paw." (We stretch out our hands with open palms)

- Physical exercise "Missing pens"

My pens are missing. (Hide your hands behind your back)

Where are you, my little hands? (Look around, looking for lost hands)

Show yourself to me again. (Show hands)

My legs are missing.

Where are you, my little legs? (Hide your legs, tuck them under you and sit on them)

One two three four five -

Show yourself to me again. (Stand up on feet)

- Physical exercise "It's cold and windy outside"

It's cold and windy outside,

Children are walking in the yard

Hands, hands rub,

Hands, hands warm. (Children rub one palm against the other)

Little hands won't freeze -

We will clap our hands.

This is how we can clap,

This is how we warm our hands! (Clap their hands)

So that our feet don't get cold,

We'll stomp around a little.

This is how we know how to stomp,

This is how we will warm our feet! (They stomp their feet to the beat of the words)

- Physical exercise "Bunny"

Come on, bunny, come out! (We perform inviting movements with our right hand)

Come on, gray one, come out! (We perform inviting movements with our left hand)

Bunny, bunny, dance, (Hands to the side, dancing, we turn around ourselves to the right side)

Come on, gray one, dance! (Hands to the sides, dancing, we turn around ourselves to the left)

Clap your hands (Clap hands)

Stomp your feet (Stomp our feet)

And spin a little (Turn around ourselves)

Bow to all of us. (We bow low)

Bunny, bunny, watch out! (We threaten with our right hand)

Under the bush is a sly fox. (We threaten with our left hand)

He wants to grab the bunny, (We hug ourselves with both hands)

He wants to catch a bunny. (Repeat the movements)

Bunny, ears perked up (Using our palms we depict “ears on the top of the head”.)

And run to the hut, (Running in place)

Hide at home, - (We squat in place, hands on knees, head down)

The fox won't catch you. (We raise our right hand up and down)

This is how the sun rises (Raise your hands up)

Higher, higher, higher. (Stretch)

By night the sun will go down (To squat)

Below, below, below. (Hands down on the floor)

Good good,

The sun laughs.

And under the sun for us

Life is fun. (Clap your hands. Smile)

- Physical exercise "Porridge-malasha"

Porridge-malasha, you are so good (Right hand clenched into a fist, perform small stirring movements in front of you, as if stirring porridge in a saucepan with a spoon)

If you add a glass of milk. (With your left hand, as if holding a glass of milk, “pour” it into an imaginary saucepan)

(Put “butter” into the pan with your right hand, then “sugar” with your left hand)

And we give this porridge to children. (Children bring both palms to their mouths)

Porridge-malasha, you are so good (Right hand clenched into a fist, perform sweeping movements in front of you, stirring the “porridge”)

If you add a jug of milk. (With both hands, as if holding a jug of milk, “pour” it into an imaginary pan)

We put butter and sugar in the porridge.

And we give this porridge to adults. (Children bring both palms to the mouths of the adults participating in the game)

Porridge-malasha, you are so good (Two hands clenched into one fist, perform wide sweeping movements in front of you, stirring the “porridge”)

If you add a bucket of milk. (With two hands, as if holding a bucket of milk, “pour” it into an imaginary pan)

We put butter and sugar in the porridge (Put “butter” into the pan with your right hand, then “sugar” with your left hand)

And we give this porridge to the giants. (Raise both hands up and show the “giant”)

- Physical exercise "Studying our body"

One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body! (children walk in a circle, stop)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy (show the back with both hands, then the stomach)

Legs (stomping feet)

Pens (stretch arms forward and rotate hands)

Eyes (index fingers of both hands point to eyes)

Mouth (index finger right hand point to mouth)

Spout (the index finger of the right hand points to the nose)

Ears (index fingers of both hands point to ears)

Head (put hands on head)

I barely managed to download it (shakes head from side to side)

The neck turns its head (clasp your neck with your palms)

Oh, I'm tired, oh-oh-oh!

Forehead (fingers of both hands stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples)

And eyebrows (index fingers run along the eyebrows from the middle to the temples)

Here are the eyelashes (index fingers show eyelashes)

They fluttered like birds (children blink their eyes)

Rosy cheeks (palms stroke the cheeks in the direction from the nose to the ears)

Tufted chin (finish the movement started on the chin)

Hair is thick (with the fingers of both hands, combing hair like a comb)

Like meadow grass.

Shoulders (touch the right shoulder with the right hand, and the left one with the left)

Elbows (without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward)

And knees (bend over slightly and slap knees)

For me, Seryozha, Lena (straighten up and spread their arms to the sides, gesturing at other children).

Consultation for parents.

Volyakova T.A, teacher of MBDOU "Yulduz kindergarten"

To do without drugs and doctors, it is necessary to harden children from birth in order to increase their resistance to the effects of low and high air temperatures and thereby prevent diseases.

The main effects of hardening procedures:

    strengthening the nervous system,

    development of muscles and bones,

    improving the functioning of internal organs,

    activation of metabolism,

    immunity to the action of pathogenic factors.

Hardening means are simple and affordable. The main thing is to discard many of the ingrained prejudices of grandmothers and parents and not to bundle up the kids and not be afraid of fresh air.

When hardening children, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

    carry out hardening procedures systematically,

    increase the exposure time to the hardening factor gradually,

    take into account the child’s mood and carry out procedures in the form of a game,

    start hardening at any age,

    never perform procedures if the baby is cold, that is, do not allow the child to become hypothermic,

    avoid strong irritants: prolonged exposure cold water or very low temperatures air, as well as overheating in the sun,

    choose the right clothes and shoes: they must correspond to the ambient temperature and be made of natural fabrics and materials,

    toughen up the whole family,

    hardening procedures combined with physical exercise and massage,

    Never smoke in the room where the child is.

The main hardening factors are natural and accessible "Sun. Air and Water".

Tempering air procedures

Airing the room. The air temperature in the baby's room should be from 20 to 22 °C. Ventilation in winter can be done in the presence of a child. By opening the vents and windows, a decrease in air temperature of 1 degree is quickly achieved. Ventilation is repeated 4-5 times a day in winter, and in summer the access to fresh cool air should be constant. Through ventilation is carried out when the baby is not in the room.

Walks. In summer, newborns can be taken outside from the first week of life. The duration of the first walks is from 20 to 40 minutes. In our climate zone, children in the first weeks of life can be taken outside at an air temperature of at least –5 °C for 15-30 minutes. I gradually increase the duration of walks to 1-2 hours. Babies over 3 months tolerate frost well down to –10 °C. And six-month-old children can walk even in temperatures as low as -15 °C. Until 2-3 months of age, it is better to hold a child in your arms rather than in a stroller in winter to prevent hypothermia.

Air baths during swaddling. The baby is left naked on the changing table, preferably in a prone position for 2-3 minutes. Gradually, by the age of 6 months, the duration of air baths should be increased to 15 minutes, and by a year - to 30 minutes. Weakened children are accustomed to cool air gradually: first, only the arms and legs are revealed, and then the body to the waist, and after a few weeks, the child is left completely undressed for several minutes (for example, 5 minutes 3-4 times a day). In summer, air baths should be carried out outdoors in the shade of trees.

At the first signs of hypothermia and the appearance of goose bumps, blue lips, and restlessness, the baby should be dressed immediately!

Water hardening can be carried out as local or general procedures.

Local procedures include washing, rubbing, dousing, and baths.

Hardening is only effective when cold water is poured over a warm child.

Traditional water treatments

For children from birth: general baths with dousing. Bath the child as usual at a bath water temperature of about 37 °C. Prepare water for the first dousing in another container at a temperature 10 °C lower than in the bath (about 26 °C). Take the baby out of the bath, hold him in the adult’s palm with his back up and first pour cool, prepared water over his feet, and then along his back along the spine to the back of his head. Sometimes babies even scream or “groan” in surprise, but then quickly get used to the procedure. After dousing the child, they get wet and wrap him in a simple and flannelette diaper. After 15-20 minutes he is changed. It is recommended to reduce the temperature of the water for dousing every 3-5 days by one degree, reaching a water temperature of 18-20 °C. Older children who are adapted to the procedure themselves require dousing with colder water after a warm bath or shower.

When dousing your baby, say: “water off a duck’s back, thinness off (child’s name)!”

Washing, washing. Lasts 1-2 minutes. Initially, they are carried out with warm water (28 °C), and then every 2-3 days the water temperature is reduced by 1 degree - to 22 °C. Make sure your baby's feet are warm before washing! After the procedure, wrap the baby in diapers for 15-20 minutes. And then they change clothes.

For children, general wet wipes. First, the child’s skin is prepared for the upcoming procedure. To do this, rub the baby’s body, arms and legs every morning with a dry flannel diaper or a piece of woolen cloth until Pink colour. After 7-10 days, you can start wiping with water. A terry cloth mitten or towel is moistened in water (35-36 °C in winter and 33-34 degrees in summer), lightly wrung out and wiped hands - from fingers to shoulder, legs - from feet to thigh, chest, stomach, back. In this way, a combination of the effects of massage and water is achieved. Immediately after wiping, wipe the wetted part of the body with a towel until the skin becomes slightly red. Once every 5 days, the temperature of the water for rubbing is reduced by 1 degree, bringing it to 28 °C. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes. It's better to do it before nap. To enhance the reflex effect of water on the skin, you can use a salt solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water).

Intensive hardening methods

Intensive hardening methods include those methods in which there is at least short-term contact of the body with snow, ice water or frosty air. An intermediate place between traditional and intensive hardening is occupied by contrasting procedures. At chronic diseases upper respiratory tract in children, tonsillitis, adenoids, it is preferable to use contrast procedures.

Main types of contrast hardening procedures

    contrasting foot baths,

    contrast rubdown,

    cold and hot shower,

  • Russian bath.

Contrast dousing of legs: Place two basins with enough water so that its level reaches the middle of the shin. In one basin the water should be hot 38-40 °C, and in the other during the first procedure - 3-4 degrees lower. The baby first immerses his feet in hot water for 1-2 minutes and flounders with them in the water, and then “jumps” into a basin with cool water for 5-20 seconds. This way you can change hot and cool foot baths 3-6 times. Every 5 days, the water temperature in the second basin is reduced by 1 degree, bringing it to 17-12 °C. For weakened children, the procedure should be completed with a basin of hot water, and for strong and healthy children, with cool water. Come up with your own fairy tale or funny story for the kids to carry out contrasting procedures in the form of a game or performance.

Cold and hot shower can be used for children over 2 years of age. In this case, the baby stands under the “hot rain” for 1-2 minutes, and then under the “cold” rain for 10-20 seconds. Alternate 5-10 times.

Many children tolerate walking barefoot in the snow well after adapting to dousing their feet with cool water. It is important that there is soil under the snow, and not concrete or asphalt. Go out with your baby when the snow falls, wearing comfortable shoes (felt boots) that are easy to take off and put on. Run with your child. If his cheeks are red, then the baby’s feet are warm. Take off your shoes and place your feet on the snow for a few seconds. Blot it with a clean towel, put on your shoes and repeat the same with the other leg. After the procedure, you need to run or squat a little more.

"Without drugs and doctors"

Consultation for parents.

Educator: Volyakova.T.A

November 2012

"Active play in a child's life"

Consultation for parents.

Educator: Volyakova T.A.

October 2012

Consultation for parents

"Health without drugs"

Prepared by: teacherIqualification category Popova Anna Ivanovna

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Solnyshko”, Serafimovich, Volgograd region.


TARGET: Introduce parents to new health-saving technologies to improve the health of preschool children; contribute to their implementation in family education children.

Dear parents! We are glad to welcome you!

The words of the wonderful teacher Arkin: “If parents do not take an active part in raising a child, then they can easily destroy what costs a lot of work and effort of educators” - are still relevant today. No matter how perfect the program, no matter how professional the teacher, without interaction with parents, the kindergarten is not able to solve many problems, because you are the main educators and children strive to be like you. And the main task is to prepare children for school. But a child’s education will be successful only when he is healthy.

“Movement is life” - these words are known to almost every person. The fact that physical activity is beneficial for the human body is indisputable. But not everyone understands how important it is for the formation of a person’s physical and mental health and how necessary it is to teach our children to lead an active lifestyle from an early age.

Currently, the number of children with poor health has increased significantly; more and more children are appearing with frequent colds, excess weight, and poor posture. This list could be continued for a very long time. There are many reasons for this situation, but one of the main ones is a sedentary lifestyle. At home, parents prefer to keep their child busy with quiet games: at best, drawing, intellectual and or other board games, at worst, watching TV shows or videos. And this is quite understandable: parents want to relax after a hard day at work, the apartments have a lot of furniture and little space, and “a child, running around, can get injured or break something. It’s better if he sits, he’ll be calmer.”

In every little child,

Both in a boy and in a girl,

There are two hundred grams of explosives

Or even half a kilo

He must gallop and jump,

Grab everything, kick your legs,

Otherwise it will explode

It is unknown why.

This funny song from the cartoon confirms the intense physical activity characteristic of preschool children.

Today I will give you a number of useful tips and recommendations that you can apply at home, which should help not only increase motor activity, but also physical, mental and speech development in general. They can be useful to you in the need to develop the movements of your babies and make communication with your child interesting and useful not only for him, but also for you. The personal example of parents is more convincing for a child than any argument and the best way to work together with him.

To improve children's health, I use various techniques:

Elements of kinesitherapy, “Dance with greetings”, “Dance with clapping”, “Squat dance”

We walk on our toes

And then - on your heels,

Let's jump happily

Squat dance!

“Minutes of pranks” awaken the imagination. The formation of motor imagination and meaningful motor skills are inextricably linked with the development of expressive movements in children. By imitating various movements, the child naturally “transforms.” There is no need to explain how to relax certain muscles. The child bends his back plastically, like a cat or a dog, jumps like a bunny, waddles like a bear, etc.

Games to imitate given movements:

Walk like a red maiden (raise your head proudly, lower your eyes like a swan)

Walk like a good fellow (with your shoulders back, hands on your hips), etc.

Finger exercises and dynamic pauses, as they promote the development of attention, memory, and have a beneficial effect on the child’s speech. The hands become more mobile and flexible, which helps future schoolchildren master writing skills. They are very emotional, fascinating, reflect the realities of the world around us - objects, animals, people, natural phenomena. Many games require the participation of both hands, which gives children the opportunity to develop interhemispheric interaction, as well as spatial concepts (orient themselves in the concepts of “closer-further”, “up-down”, “right-left”, “above-under”, etc. .)

- Physical exercise "Masha the Confused"

Masha is looking for things,(Rotate one way)

Masha is confused.(Rotate in the other direction, to the starting position)

And not on the chair,(Arms forward, to the sides)

And not under the chair,(Sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed(Hands dropped)

(Tilt the head to the left - to the right, “threatening” with the index finger)

Confused Masha!

- Physical exercise “Winter”

How interesting it is for us in winter!

We're going on sleds in a crowd,(Imitate sledding)

Then we'll play in the snow,(Imitate sculpting and throwing snowballs)

We all put on our skis together,(“They put on” skis, “take” poles, “ride”)

Then everyone started skating(Image ice skating)

Happy winter days!(Point thumb up)

The deer has a big house,( Hands above your head - depicting the roof of the house )

He sits and looks out the window.( We support the cheek with our right fist, and support the right cheek with our left hand. )

A bunny runs across the field,( Running in place )

There's a knock on his door:( Imitation of knocking on the door with each hand in turn )

“Knock, knock, open the door,( Stomping feet, hands on the belt )

There's an evil hunter in the forest."( Hands on the belt, turn right and left )

“Bunny, bunny, run in!( Inviting hand movement )

Give me your paw."( We stretch out our hands with open palms )

My pens are missing.(Hide your hands behind your back)

Where are you, my little hands?(Look around, looking for lost hands)

Show yourself to me again.(Show hands)

My legs are missing.

Where are you, my little legs?(Hide your legs, tuck them under you and sit on them)

One two three four five -

Show yourself to me again.(Stand up on feet)

It's cold and windy outside,

Children are walking in the yard

Hands, hands rub,

Hands, hands warm.(Children rub one palm against the other)

Little hands won't freeze -

We will clap our hands.

This is how we can clap,

This is how we warm our hands!(Clap their hands)

So that our feet don't get cold,

We'll stomp around a little.

This is how we know how to stomp,

This is how we will warm our feet!(They stomp their feet to the beat of the words)

Come on, bunny, come out!( We perform inviting movements with our right hand )

Come on, gray one, come out!( We perform inviting movements with our left hand )

Bunny, bunny, dance,( Hands to the side, dancing, we turn around ourselves to the right side )

Come on, gray one, dance!( Hands to the sides, dancing, we turn around ourselves to the left )

Clap your hands(Clap hands)

Stomp your feet (Stomp our feet)

And spin a little(Turn around ourselves)

Bow to all of us.(We bow low)

Bunny, bunny, watch out!( We threaten with our right hand )

Under the bush is a sly fox.( We threaten with our left hand )

He wants to grab the bunny,( We hug ourselves with both hands )

He wants to catch a bunny.( Repeat the movements )

Bunny, ears perked up( Using our palms we depict “ears on the top of the head”. )

And run to the hut,( Running in place )

Hide at home, -( We squat in place, hands on knees, head down )

The fox won't catch you.( We raise our right hand up and down )

This is how the sun rises(Raise your hands up)

Higher, higher, higher. (Stretch)

By night the sun will go down(To squat)

Below, below, below. (Hands down on the floor)

Good good,

The sun laughs.

And under the sun for us

Life is fun. (Clap your hands. Smile)

Porridge-malasha, you are so good(Right hand clenched into a fist, perform small stirring movements in front of you, as if stirring porridge in a saucepan with a spoon)

If you add a glass of milk.(With your left hand, as if holding a glass of milk, “pour” it into an imaginary saucepan)

(Put “butter” into the pan with your right hand, then “sugar” with your left hand)

And we give this porridge to children.(Children bring both palms to their mouths)

Porridge-malasha, you are so good(Right hand clenched into a fist, perform sweeping movements in front of you, stirring the “porridge”)

If you add a jug of milk.(With both hands, as if holding a jug of milk, “pour” it into an imaginary pan)

We put butter and sugar in the porridge.

And we give this porridge to adults.(Children bring both palms to the mouths of the adults participating in the game)

Porridge-malasha, you are so good(Two hands clenched into one fist, perform wide sweeping movements in front of you, stirring the “porridge”)

If you add a bucket of milk.(With two hands, as if holding a bucket of milk, “pour” it into an imaginary pan)

We put butter and sugar in the porridge(Put “butter” into the pan with your right hand, then “sugar” with your left hand)

And we give this porridge to the giants.(Raise both hands up and show the “giant”)

One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body!(children walk in a circle, stop)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy(show the back with both hands, then the stomach)

Legs (stomping feet)

Pens (stretch arms forward and rotate hands)

Eyes (index fingers of both hands point to eyes)

Mouth (the index finger of the right hand points to the mouth)

Spout (the index finger of the right hand points to the nose)

Ears (index fingers of both hands point to ears)

Head (put hands on head)

I barely managed to download it(shakes head from side to side)

The neck turns its head(clasp your neck with your palms)

Oh, I'm tired, oh-oh-oh!

Forehead (fingers of both hands stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples)

And eyebrows (index fingers run along the eyebrows from the middle to the temples)

Here are the eyelashes (index fingers show eyelashes)

They fluttered like birds(children blink their eyes)

Rosy cheeks (palms stroke the cheeks in the direction from the nose to the ears)

Tufted chin(finish the movement started on the chin)

Hair is thick (with the fingers of both hands, combing hair like a comb)

Like meadow grass.

Shoulders (touch the right shoulder with the right hand, and the left one with the left)

Elbows (without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward)

And knees (bend over slightly and slap knees)

For me, Seryozha, Lena(straighten up and spread their arms to the sides, gesturing at other children) .