The Bermuda Triangle and other mysteries. The Bermuda Triangle: a successful fiction or the harsh reality of the world's oceans. What are the true mysterious facts about the Bermuda triangle, and what are the myths about it?

As long as humanity has existed, for the same amount of time it has been constantly accompanied by secrets and mysteries associated with anomalous natural phenomena or random coincidences. In both cases, events acquire resonance, becoming overgrown with rumors. Many of them turn out to be a common coincidence, while others become legends. The situation is similar with the Bermuda Triangle, the mystery of which continues to trouble the minds of people of various categories, starting with zealous advocates of the anomalous nature of what is happening, and ending with hardened skeptics.

This state of affairs was greatly facilitated by the press, radio and television. It was at their instigation that in certain areas of the world's oceans the history of maritime disasters acquired an ominous and mystical connotation. So is there really a mystery to the Bermuda Triangle? Are we dealing with an artificially and skillfully invented fiction, or are there really mysterious and dangerous zones for humans on our planet?

Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

The disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle is always accompanied by a mass of curious and interesting facts. To date, the exact scientific explanation there is no happening in this area of ​​the ocean, and it is unlikely that there will be. At all times there are the strongest storms, impenetrable fogs, magnetic storms, and weather anomalies caused death large quantity sea ​​vessels. In the modern era, the list of maritime disasters has begun to be replenished with cases of aircraft deaths that, for unknown reasons, crashed over the surface of the sea.

Many years ago, when people did not have sufficient knowledge, the loss of ships at sea could be explained by anything but scientific facts. Disasters at sea were often attributed to God’s wrath, to the machinations evil spirits. The history of navigation is replete detailed descriptions sea ​​shipwrecks, where a giant sea monster was blamed for the disappearance of people and the loss of ships. Many missing ships were attributed to the machinations of the devil and evil spirits, as in the case of the legend of the Flying Dutchman. These stories were passed down from generation to generation, acquiring new fantastic details and incredible facts. It has always been convenient for people to give the tragic death of people an aura of mystery and mysticism.

It is not without reason that some of the supporters of the fantastic version of the nature of this object call this area of ​​the ocean a gateway to another dimension, based on indisputable evidence and facts. Shipwrecks were often preceded by serious failures of the power plant and breakdowns of navigation equipment. An excellent reason to consider the occurring disasters as something unusual was the mysterious disappearance of people. Any serious accident at sea, be it an airplane or a ship, leaves behind a lot of traces. In the Bermuda Triangle situation, not only were there often no traces of the disaster, but also precise data about the crash site.

In fact, much of what we deal with when studying the history of maritime disasters and airplane crashes has a simple scientific and technical explanation. Behind all these crashes and every loss of life there is always something hidden. Either this is a raging element, or someone’s evil intent. Skeptics allow deliberate distortion of facts. For what purpose is this possible? In order to obtain sensational material or conveniently hide traces of a crime. To understand many controversial issues, it is enough to move from legends and theories to bare facts. Are the waters of the Bermuda Triangle really dangerous for humans for many years, and why do aircraft and ships mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle?

Proposed disaster area: actual situation

To begin with, the area in the world's oceans, which has such an ominous history, is quite vast, and it is located at one of the busiest transport intersections. Presumably, the boundaries of the disaster zone are a huge area of ​​​​the Atlantic Ocean, located between the southern tip of the Florida Peninsula in the West, Bermuda in the north and the island of Puerto Rico in the south. Simply put, we are dealing with a vast area in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. The total area of ​​this vast space reaches 1 million km.

Ever since the time of Christopher Columbus, who discovered America in 1492, where Bermuda Triangle, was the busiest area for maritime traffic. There are simply no other routes for shipping and airlines to bypass this disreputable stretch of ocean. All ships and airliners plying between Europe and the American continent are forced to navigate through these mysterious waters. In this regard, one detail is curious. With such a high traffic intensity, when thousands of ships ply the waters of the Bermuda Triangle every year, and dozens of aircraft fly in the sky every day, the actual number of disasters and accidents remains at the average statistical level.

Shipwrecks occur much more often in the East Asian region, and the English Channel (English Channel) is generally considered the most dangerous area for maritime shipping. As for airplanes, passenger, transport and military planes fall with equal regularity in every corner of the planet.

For those who are well versed in the intricacies of geography and marine tourism, the Bermuda Triangle on the world map is not difficult to find. It is the busiest tourist area in the Western Hemisphere. The main and distinctive feature of this area of ​​the world's oceans is its tourist attractiveness. Warm air masses dominate here, and sea water warms up to 25-30 ° C. The weather here is sunny and warm for more than 300 days a year, and sea water is highly transparent and clean.

Along the entire perimeter of the Bermuda Triangle are the most popular areas for marine tourism. The Florida Peninsula is an area with a strong tourism industry. Millions of tourists from the United States and Europe annually visit the Bahamas and the resorts of Puerto Rico. The Bahamas are a favorite destination for divers who are not afraid of the mystery of this territory.

No geological anomalies have been found at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. In this area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the seabed has a characteristic structure and is not a tectonically active area. There are plenty of other areas on our planet where geological and volcanic activity can lead to catastrophic consequences.

In other words, the region of the planet that interests us is fully integrated into the global system of communications and civilizational benefits. It can neither be isolated from the rest of the world nor excluded from the habitat of modern human civilization. Everything that happens in the Bermuda Triangle with ships and planes today is nothing more than statistics. The death of people is always a tragedy, but in such cases the incident should not be attributed to mysticism. In the Bermuda Triangle area there are real dangers that threaten humans. Frequent hurricanes occur here, bringing danger to entire countries and all coastal regions. Don't forget that this area shakes regularly. News of strong and frequent earthquakes occurring on the island of Puerto Rico and Jamaica is much more common than information about missing ships and planes.

Basic theories of anomalous behavior of the Bermuda Triangle

In order to have a complete understanding of what the Bermuda Triangle is, it is enough to discard all unscientific hypotheses and assumptions. Among the most noteworthy theories in the scientific community, the following hypotheses predominate:

  • Giant wandering waves, often 30 meters high, can pose a danger to ships in this area;
  • the ocean surface has the ability to generate infrasonic vibrations, which negatively affects the human psyche;
  • the presence of giant methane gas bubbles in the water column, which affect the density sea ​​water;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions caused by the influence of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream;
  • curvature of space and geomagnetic anomalies.

The listed theories also include the fact that the features of the seabed topography make it difficult to detect the remains of ships that have become the object of a shipwreck. The story of giant rogue waves has a right to life. Such phenomena occur quite often in the practice of world navigation, but their location should not be attributed exclusively to the Bermuda Triangle area. Such waves are much more common in the Bay of Biscay and in the northwestern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan.

Infrasound waves do have harmful effects on humans and other living organisms. It remains only to find out how such an effect occurs on the surface of the ocean. As for gas bubbles, such geological objects are a common occurrence in the earth's lithosphere. In the depths earth's crust contains huge deposits of methane, which is a product of the breakdown of organic compounds accumulated over billions of years. Periodically, large accumulations of gas escape from the earth's thickness and rise to the surface. It is impossible to say that in this regard the territory of the Bermuda Triangle is something special. Such processes are common in areas of intensive offshore production of liquid hydrocarbons, which are scattered throughout the globe.

Moving on to weather conditions that can cause accidents on ships and aircraft, there is no need to dramatize the situation. The level of modern on-board equipment on ships and airplanes makes it possible to control the weather situation along the route. In addition, ground services provide monitoring climate change not only in this region, but throughout the planet. No controller will give permission for an aircraft to fly in an area where dense air masses form over the ocean, where a hurricane or other active atmospheric phenomenon is forming. It is easier to explain the disasters that occurred with sea vessels by the difficulties of this region in terms of navigation. The airspace over the Bermuda Triangle area is saturated with air currents constantly changing direction. The situation at sea is similar. This area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean is replete with extensive shoals and reefs, which give way to deep depressions and flat areas. Due to the heterogeneity of the underwater relief, numerous currents arise in the ocean water column, capable of causing giant whirlpools.

One should not discount the phenomenon of “dead water,” which was observed in this area by Columbus’s sailors. As a result of contact with cold and warm water A thermocline appears at the boundary of sea currents. Its salinity varies depending on the seasons. This can lead to a sudden subsidence of the massive warm layer of seawater. Similar facts have taken place in world practice. Witnesses of ship accidents claim that such phenomena are not limited to the Bermuda Triangle area.

To summarize, we can conclude that the mysterious Bermuda Triangle does not exist in practice. In fact, this is just a greatly inflated, hyperbolized natural object to sensational proportions. The correct presentation of facts and the suppression of details create a picture of a distorted perception of the events taking place, adding drama and mystery to the incident.

The most famous stories of the Bermuda Triangle

Information about all cases of shipwrecks, disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Bermuda Triangle, and other data are included in all special reference books. It is believed that more than a thousand people became victims of various types of incidents that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle area, but there is no exact data on this matter. These are just guesses and assumptions.

The history of some disasters is interesting and truly mysterious. Consider the case when the huge cargo ship Cyclops disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle area in March 1918. The disappearance of the Cyclops with its entire crew and 306 passengers on board is one of the most inexplicable incidents in the history of world navigation.

Another sensation associated with the history of this mysterious place is associated with the disappearance of an entire flight of combat aircraft. In excellent weather on December 5, 1945, five Avenger torpedo bombers disappeared off the coast of Florida. All five cars first disappeared from the radar screens, and after some time disappeared without a trace. Not a single pilot transmitted a signal to the airfield about an accident on board. The most thorough searches yielded no results. Other planes were sent to the crash site to search, but no traces or wreckage of the planes were found.

On top of that, the patrol plane sent to search for the missing torpedo bombers also disappeared along with its crew.

One could spend a long time listing maritime accidents and aircraft crashes that occurred in this area. The story of the Bermuda Triangle is a kind of tribute to man’s desire and interest in everything unknown and mysterious.

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. It is called the Gateway to Another Dimension and the Sea of ​​the Devil. Everyone who gets here disappears forever.

What is the Bermuda Triangle and where is it located?

People learned about the Bermuda Triangle in the mid-20th century, when it became known about a ship that had disappeared here without a trace. This place is an anomalous zone where, for unknown reasons, ships disappear from radar visibility and crash.

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the coast South America: between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. If you draw imaginary lines on a world map between these places, a triangle is formed.

Why did he suddenly become mysterious: what is his secret?

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle has troubled humanity for more than 70 years. In 1945, 5 Avenger torpedo bombers with an experienced crew disappeared without a trace in this place.

The pilots reported a failure of navigation equipment. A few hours later the crew saw the ground, but were so scared that they did not recognize it and did not dare to land! The wreckage of the bombers was never found. Moreover, during the search, another aircraft disappeared - the Martin Mariner seaplane.

What are the secrets and mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle?

Anomalous activity in the Bermuda Triangle was discovered by the famous explorer Christopher Columbus. His team noticed that the compass needles were spinning wildly. Later, sailors were horrified by a giant fireball that fell into the ocean.

Later, researchers found out that in 1781-1812. here, for unknown reasons, 4 US military ships disappeared. Then people began to disappear from the ships.

With the advent of radio transmitters, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle only became more sinister. In 1925, radio operators of ships located in the anomalous zone received an SOS signal from the Japanese steamer Raifuku Maru. A frightened voice shouted: “Help!” The connection was broken, and nothing is known about the further fate of the sailors.

What was found at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle?

Canadian scientists have made a sensational discovery. At the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, northeast of Cuba, a deep-sea robot discovered the sunken Atlantis.

The mystery of the ocean depths hides roads, tunnels and buildings. There is a glass pyramid and a sphinx, and inscriptions are drawn on the walls of the buildings. Scientists have suggested that the ancient city could belong to the Teotihucan civilization. It existed in Mexico 1.5-2 thousand years ago.

What are the true mysterious facts about the Bermuda Triangle, and what are the myths about it?

Scientists are trying to explain the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, but in vain. More than 100 ships and more than 1,000 people disappeared in the anomalous zone. Some believe that they were sucked into magnetic funnels. Others believe that aliens or Atlanteans are involved. Scientists managed to explain several myths about the Bermuda Triangle:

    Giant rogue waves. They cause shipwrecks. Shipwrecks are not found because they fall into deep depressions on the ocean floor.

    Anomalous magnetic field. It is a myth. Scientists believe that in the past people did not know the features magnetic field Earth. In the 18th-19th centuries. the crews of the missing ships were unable to correctly determine the course using the compass and got lost.

    Abnormal weather. In the Bermuda Triangle, the Gulf Stream moves very quickly, often changing speed and direction. Because of this, vortices and funnels arise, which cause shipwrecks.

« Ph'nglui mglvnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh vgah'nagl fhtagn", which means: "Here, in this house, in the city of R'lyeh, the dead Cthulhu sleeps, waiting in the wings».

Howard Phillips Lovecraft « Call of Cthulhu»

The Bermuda Triangle is a real phenomenon of the 20th century, the mystery of which has been wrestled with by scientists, as well as ufologists, psychics and representatives of a number of other dubious professions for decades. Only a person who has spent his entire life in a bunker has never heard of an ominous place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes disappear. The stories of sailors, residents of nearby areas and some representatives of alternative science, richly seasoned with fantasies, cause an unhealthy chill on the back and forever discourage anyone who had previously planned a vacation somewhere nearby from traveling to these places.

There are many versions of the reasons for the loss of transport in these waters. Some believe that people and equipment are being abducted by aliens, especially since the version of their existence has been significantly heated up. Others suggest government conspiracy, the dominance of pirates, the influence of ghosts and poltergeists, divine intervention and other speculations. Scientists are more skeptical and offer much more down-to-earth versions.

The Bermuda Triangle is, of course, an imaginary line that runs through Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico to form a triangle (some seriously suggest that the Bermuda Triangle can be seen). The ocean in these places is incredibly lively, there are a lot of resorts and remarkable places that attract tourists. Even superstitious captains have to grit their teeth to navigate their ships through the Bermuda Triangle (Devil's Triangle, as some religious people like to call it) to earn a living. However, rumors about the paranormal features of this part of the Atlantic are greatly exaggerated - the vast majority of ships and planes overcome this area without any incidents. But there is always a chance to go to sea and not return.

It is human nature to exaggerate everything. Both for selfish purposes and from a lack of understanding of the world around us. However, there is no smoke without fire. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle really exists, albeit not on the scale that is portrayed in literature and cinema.

What is the Bermuda Triangle

From unofficial sources, the mysterious disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle area became known in 1840. According to rumors that have survived to this day, then the French ship Rosalie washed up on the shores near Nassau, on which there was no crew, but the ship itself looked completely serviceable. The sails on the ship were raised and it looked as if the ship's crew had simply disappeared in an instant. In the 20th century, skeptical people refuted this story, but the sediment remained.
The topic of the Bermuda Triangle began to be returned to in the middle of the last century. This was influenced by a number of inexplicable events that occurred in these waters, as well as journalists who, for the sake of beautiful headlines and creativity, called the territory, an area of ​​​​about 4 million square kilometers, the place where Atlantis disappeared.

Charles Berlitz, an American writer who published a book with facts about the Bermuda Triangle in 1974, had a great influence on public attention to the phenomenon in Bermuda waters. In it, Berlitz collected known cases of mysterious disappearances of vehicles in the area, and also tried to analyze the events and come to their reasons. The book became a bestseller not only among the American population, but throughout the world. It was from this moment that the public, which has always been greedy for all sorts of hoaxes, showed interest in the problem of the paranormal region in the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, the Bermuda Triangle is not really a triangle, no matter how punish it may sound. If you analyze all the missing vehicles in this area using a map, and then connect the lines, you will get more of a diamond or something similar, so the area does not have strictly defined boundaries. If there is something mystical in this place, then you should not feel safe when going beyond the triangle.

Known cases of missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle

If the problem of the Bermuda Triangle is exaggerated, it is not too much. Mysterious events really took place in this area throughout the 20th century, some of which even scientists are still unable to explain. There are many sunken ships on the ocean floor in these places, and even more ships and aircraft have never been discovered. We tried to collect the most strange disappearances and crashes of vehicles in the ominous Devil's Triangle.

The disappearance of the Avengers. Link 19

Perhaps one of the most controversial and mystical events associated with the Bermuda Triangle occurred on December 5, 1945. Berlitz wrote about him in his book. On this day, a flight of five Avenger torpedo bombers took off from the Naval Aviation Base in Fort Lauderdale to perform a routine training flight. The weather was excellent: calm, clear sky, excellent visibility. 14 highly experienced pilots (some with 2,500 hours of flight time) set off along the standard route for the air base to drop bombs on a mock target and return home. But they didn't return.

At 14.10 local time, the torpedo bombers left the base, after which experts can only judge what happened from the entries in the radio communication logs. An hour and a half after the start of the flight, radio conversations were detected at the airbase, in which the squadron pilots were anxiously talking about the fact that the navigation devices had failed, all the compasses had failed, and the flight had gotten lost.

The leadership of Fort Lauderdale gave the order to establish contact with group 19, and after half an hour the rescue unit managed to contact the leading link, Captain Taylor. The commander confirmed that he had no navigation and could not see land below him. The planes wandered around the Bermuda Triangle for several hours, after which they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down on the surface of the ocean. After that, all communication with the crews was lost.

The airbase authorities immediately sent two Mariner rescue seaplanes to the area where Unit 19 was supposed to splash down, but on different routes. One of them, board number 49, after reporting that it was arriving in the area of ​​the bearing of the missing torpedo bombers, suddenly disappeared from the radio air. It was never possible to establish contact with him.

At 21.20 local time, the captain of one of the oil tankers located in the Bermuda Triangle area sent a message to the coast guard that he saw an explosion in the sky, which later left an oil slick on the water. The tanker crew did not find anything under the explosion site.

The airbase headquarters at that moment grabbed their heads and gave the order to the second Mariner to fly to the coordinates of the oil slick indicated by the sailors from the tanker to try to find the wreckage of the rescue aircraft. When board No. 32 “Mariner” arrived at the scene, it could not find any debris or even an oil stain on the water. If there was anything there, it disappeared without a trace. Further searches for Flight 19 also did not bring success, and the remaining Mariner had to return to the air base with nothing. To this day, none of the planes have ever been found.

Such mysticism was no longer part of any framework, and the US authorities ordered one of the largest search and rescue operations in history. 300 army aircraft were scrambled to comb the area. 21 vessels with the latest bearing-finding equipment went to sea. Ground searches were also carried out with the help of teams of volunteers who were supposed to look for aircraft wreckage washed ashore. To no avail. People could not find anything that would indicate the fate of Flight 19 and the rescue plane.

Missing US Air Force C-119 military transport aircraft

On June 6, 1965, a C-119 long-range military transport aircraft disappeared from radar screens near the Bahamas. He was supposed to deliver four mechanics to Grand Turk, but never made it to his destination. The last radio message from C-119 on the ground was received when it was approximately 180 kilometers from Grand Turk, after which the connection was lost.

The entire local coast guard and military were mobilized to search for the missing plane, combing 77,000 square miles a day for five days, but with no success. The plane disappeared without a trace.

This is one of the few cases of missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle that has been linked to alien abduction.

Disappearance of the Cyclops

If the disappearance of planes in the Bermuda Triangle area can be associated with a banal crash, then the disappearance of huge ships without a trace is not so easy to explain.

In March 1918, the US Navy troop transport ship Cyclops set sail with a cargo of manganese ore from the port of Rio de Janeiro towards the North Atlantic States. There were 306 passengers on board this huge ship, not counting the crew. Throughout the entire voyage, there were no alarm messages from the crew. The ship was last seen near the island of Barbados, where it made a short stop. After that no one saw him.

The search for the missing Cyclops lasted for decades, but neither the wreckage, nor the hull of the ship, nor the bodies of the dead passengers could be found. The ship disappeared without a trace.

The mystery of the Rubicon ship

One of the most mysterious events related to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle occurred on October 22, 1944. Then the US Navy discovered a Cuban cargo ship called the Rubicon, which was drifting independently in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. When the military boarded the ship, it turned out that the only living creature on the ship was a dog. The team disappeared without a trace.

The Rubicon was in excellent condition, with no visible damage from the storm or anything else, the crew's personal belongings were in place, and the galley looked as if the crew were about to eat. The only entry in the ship's log was made on September 26, when the Rubicon entered the port of Havana. There was not a single lifeboat on board the ship.

The main version of the disappearance of the Rubicon crew is an ordinary storm, which forced the crew to urgently escape from the ship, but the order that reigned on the deck and in the cabins indicated that the storm could hardly have caused the disappearance of people.

Disappearance of a Douglas DC-3 passenger plane

The Bermuda Triangle continued to take lives. On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappeared without a trace in this area, carrying 29 passengers and 3 crew members.

At first, the flight from Puerto Rico to Miami proceeded as normal, the crew kept in touch with the ground and there were no signs of trouble. At 4:31 a.m. local time, the captain of the plane told dispatchers that he was approximately 50 miles from Miami and would soon arrive at his destination, but for some reason this message was not received in Miami, but it was intercepted by a dispatcher from New Orleans, who forwarded the information to Miami airport. After this, many attempts were made to call the crew members of the Douglas DC-3, but they were unsuccessful. Communication was lost, as was the plane.

No debris or traces of a crash were found in the area of ​​the aircraft's intended route. Most are inclined to believe that the disappearance of the plane is associated with a UFO.

Reasons for the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle

Both scientists, mystics, and conspiracy theorists put forward a lot of different reasons for the crash and disappearance of transport in the Bermuda Triangle area. Among dozens of crazy theories, those that intersect with other speculations and facts characteristic of human culture stand out.

There are entire groups of people who claim that responsibility for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle lies with the inhabitants of the missing continent - Atlantis. Others believe that in this area there is increased activity of UFOs and aliens who are secretly studying life on our planet. Skeptics put forward their theories, which look quite scientific, against the backdrop of the words of conspiracy theory lovers.

However, the coast guard and insurance companies unanimously claim that the Bermuda Triangle is no different from other areas of the ocean, and the percentage of disappearances of ships and aircraft in it is the same as in other parts of our planet.

Magnetic distortions and anomalies

Regular reports of navigation equipment failure in the Bermuda Triangle area indicate that a magnetic anomaly of incredible strength may occur in this area. Some believe that this occurs when tectonic plates move, which creates electric and magnetic fields that affect both devices and humans. This theory has many opponents among both scientists and doctors, despite the fact that it looks very scientific against the background of fiction from other conspiracy theorists.

rogue waves

Another theory for the death of ships in the Bermuda Triangle was the version of rogue waves that occur in these places with enviable regularity.

Rogue waves (rogue waves) arise spontaneously and are isolated in ocean waters. Their height can reach 20-30 meters, and such a colossus poses a mortal danger to any modern vessel. Even the strongest hull of the ship may not be able to withstand the water pressure that a wave hits the ship at high speed, which makes the chances of survival almost zero.

Such waves can occur even in complete calm and are not related to weather conditions. However, this theory does not explain the deaths of planes in this area.

Release of huge bubbles of methane

There are versions of scientists that in the Bermuda Triangle area there is a possibility of the formation of giant methane bubbles from cracks on the ocean floor.

Experimental studies have shown that a huge and solid bubble of gas, such as methane, when appearing under a ship, can create a condition where the ship simply falls into the void under its bottom, after which the ocean waters instantly close over its mast, not giving a single chance of surfacing.

Such a theory could also explain the dead crews on ships that were discovered several times in these latitudes. Methane could easily poison people without any visible damage to their bodies.

Also, the release of methane in huge quantities can cause plane crashes. Flammable gas entering aircraft engines explodes, leading to disaster.

Again, this theory does not explain why researchers often fail to find a single piece of debris from a missing ship or plane.

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is still alive. Despite the fact that many consider the problem of this area to be far-fetched and exaggerated, the presence of more than 200 incidents of the crash or disappearance of vehicles in these waters in the 20th century alone suggests that legends do not arise out of nowhere. The mystery will live on until the Devil's Triangle stops taking unsuspecting people with it.

Secret, magic, supernatural - all these concepts take us into the boundless world of secrets, magic, esotericism, fairy tales in reality, wish fulfillment, and sometimes fear and horror, but still it terribly interesting.

Everyone wants to lift the veil of secrecy at least a little bit about that world that is not visible to the eyes, but exists parallel to ours and to a large extent influences it. It is no secret that even people who are not subject to superstitions stop at the sight of a black cat running across the road, note the presence of the fact of the black dozen, do not sweep the crumbs off the table with their palm, etc.

The inexplicable is near us

There are many people who completely change their outlook on life after real mystical stories happened to them that simply have no explanation, but what happened is a fait accompli.
And what about the chilling stories of eyewitnesses about encounters with ghosts, werewolves and other representatives of the other world?

A bunch of unsolved mysteries and our planet earth keeps mysteries: anomalous places, unsolved secrets of the ocean, Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle.
There is still no answer to the question of what or who is hidden behind the abbreviation UFO, whether portals of movement in space or to another reality actually exist.

Official science does not recognize the existence of these phenomena because they are inexplicable from a physical point of view. At one time, science denied the presence of a human biofield, although since ancient times, people believed in the presence of an aura. What is truth and what is fiction, not everything can be explained by formulas and physical concepts.

There are countless legends, traditions and fairy tales in which animals are the characters. A whimsical, colorful perception of the world around us has been passed down from generation to generation. But in fairness, it should be noted that animals from fairy tales and legends often turn out to be the most ordinary animals - foxes, wolves, hyenas. Indeed, in times distant from us, reality and fiction coexisted peacefully side by side.

World of secrets- a place where we provide information that someone does not believe in, someone reads for simple interest. Others trust in to a greater extent, and put into practice the information received from the site world of secrets, for example, magic rituals.