Pregnancy and edema: causes and treatment. What and how much to drink? Treatment of edema during pregnancy: eliminating a dangerous condition Edema during pregnancy, what to do

Almost every woman looks forward to the birth of her own child. That is why pregnancy becomes one of the most long-awaited and joyful events in life, gradually changing your whole life and even your worldview.

However, any joy of future motherhood is easily disrupted by constant health problems, such as morning sickness, mood swings and other disorders. One of these complications that can easily ruin everything is swelling. They usually appear after the fourth month, making the last months simply unbearable.

Typically, such problems are only physiological in nature, and therefore, if you make an effort, you can get rid of this problem quite simply. Below you will learn about how you can easily cure swelling that occurs during this period not only with the help of medications, but also with simple folk methods.

How to correctly determine the presence of edema

During this period, especially the last three months, swelling is considered quite common. This happens due to the body’s reaction to the formation of a child and, as a result, a violation of water-salt metabolism.

However, determining their presence is quite simple and there are several ways to do this:

  1. The simplest and safest method is simple pressure. Just press your fingers into the skin and see if they leave a dimple. If the skin quickly becomes smooth, then you have no problems with swelling. But if there is unevenness, then most likely there is a problem of swelling;
  2. McClure-Aldrich test. If you have no problems with injections, then you can use it. To do this, you will be injected subcutaneously with a special saline solution and the time it will take for it to resolve will be recorded. If it takes more than 35 minutes, then you have a swelling problem;
  3. Very often, swelling is completely impossible to see with the eye, so if you think there is a problem, then to diagnose it you should take a very close look at your weight gain. As a standard, it should not exceed 400 grams per week. If it is larger, then there is swelling. Of course, this is only true if you continue to eat standard food;
  4. The method of studying diuresis is one of the most popular for identifying edema. To do this, the entire amount of water that the woman’s body received per day is compared with the urine excreted. The norm is to excrete only ¾ of the volume consumed.

Types and causes of edema during pregnancy, why they are dangerous

At its core, pregnancy cannot be called a disease. However, during this period, the woman’s body undergoes quite strong changes compared to its initial state.

This is why quite a large amount of fluid is often retained. In fact, this process is quite natural and begins almost from the very beginning of pregnancy.

So the body gradually begins to stock up on water, which is necessary for the formation of the child, as well as the functioning of the placenta and amniotic fluid. At the same time, water is also necessary for the normal functioning of the female body.

However, there is a possibility that this volume of liquid will become larger than required. This is precisely the main reason for the appearance of edema. However, there are other reasons:

  • overweight;
  • changes in water-salt balance and thyroid disease;
  • renal failure;
  • disruption of normal blood circulation in the body;
  • varicose veins

Only a doctor can determine the cause of such a problem. Therefore, you should immediately make an appointment, because it may happen that you have not only a physiological problem, but also a pathological one.

At the moment, the classification by type will distribute them according to severity:

  • swelling on the lower leg;
  • swelling of the feet or lower abdomen;
  • swelling of the face and hands;
  • dropsy, that is, pathological swelling.

Below we will look at what to do with each of them.

How to quickly get rid of puffiness during pregnancy

To get rid of swelling as quickly as possible, there are several fairly simple remedies.

However, each of them must be pre-approved by a doctor.

How to quickly relieve swelling during pregnancy? Will help:

  1. Diuretics, or diuretic tablets, are a very effective, but at the same time quite harmful substance for the female body. It is best to choose them in the form of tablets rather than syrups, because they contain alcohol, which the unborn child does not need even in such a tiny amount;
  2. Special ointments and gels, which, thanks to the substances they contain, rutin and heparin, help to quickly relieve swelling.

Using first measures at home

Of course, when edema appears, it is better not to self-medicate and turn to professionals, that is, doctors. However, there are several emergency measures that will help with the solution.

  1. For example, one of these options could be a fasting day. They should be carried out only after agreement with the doctor and no more than a couple of times a month, otherwise they can harm the unborn child. This day is best spent on an apple or kefir diet. Of course, porridge for breakfast is also allowed, because the fetus will also require nutrients. For drinks, you should drink rosehip tea without sugar or plain green tea.
  2. The second emergency way to get rid of edema is physical activity. Pregnant women should not do any complex procedures and regular light exercises will be enough. There are specially designed exercises that are aimed at getting rid of all excess fluids in the body. They are usually done in a supine position and should be short. It is advisable to sign up for this period in the pool or in a special water aerobics group;
  3. Diuretic decoctions will be the remedy when the first two do not help. There are not only herbal decoctions, but also special medications that will help with this problem. Usually they are prescribed only after consultation with a doctor and must be of plant origin. That is why during this period you should never self-medicate.

Swelling in the legs during pregnancy: solutions

Swelling in the legs is the most common problem among almost all women. It is in this zone that swelling begins its initial march through the body.

This happens due to a strong increase in pressure in the veins that are located in the legs. As a result, stagnation appears in the body, which leads to the formation of problems.

Despite the fact that these are the mildest swellings in terms of severity, they should not be ignored, because the most severe complications can occur.

The question of how to relieve swelling in the legs during pregnancy should be answered by your doctor. He is obliged to determine the cause of the disease and the simplest and most effective methods of treating it.

At the moment, to treat this problem, it is best to use special gels and ointments:

  • Essaven;
  • Troxevasin Neo;
  • heparin ointment.

Their use will help strengthen the capillary system of the legs if they are applied externally to the site of swelling 2-3 times a day. However, due to external use, these ointments usually do not have any special contraindications.

However, there are some folk remedies that will help treat swelling. Eg:

  1. Contrast baths will help not only with fatigue, but also with swelling. Just keep your feet either in hot water (5 minutes) or in cold water (10 seconds). It is advisable to do the bath with the addition of salts;
  2. A foot massage after an evening shower will become an indispensable remedy. It can be done either with a special ball or simply by stretching your legs with your hands from your toes to your thighs. You can also use ice cubes for massage. Just make them from herbal infusions, such as eucalyptus or mint;
  3. If you have varicose veins, you can apply steamed elderberry leaves to your legs.

Of course, this is not a complete list of home remedies for treating swelling of the legs, but they are the most harmless.

How to relieve hand swelling during pregnancy

Most often, the problem of swelling of the hands occurs in those whose work involves activities such as sewing, modeling, knitting, or spending a lot of time at the computer. This disease is quite easy to notice, because even the shape of the fingers often changes, so it becomes very difficult to put on rings.

This problem occurs due to the following reasons:

  • hormonal problems, that is, changes in the endocrine or thyroid system;
  • a sharp increase in blood circulation;
  • gestosis.

As you can see, any of these reasons is good enough to visit a doctor.

Diuretics such as Phytolysin will also help. However, most often, simple normalization of the drinking regime and gymnastics are suitable for solving the problem. However, there are also some traditional methods. For example, this is the use of lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks. You should also completely eliminate salt from your diet.

Swelling of the face and nasal mucosa during pregnancy: causes and treatment

In fact, swelling of the face and nasal mucosa during pregnancy becomes not only a nuisance for a woman, from which it is desirable to quickly get rid of, but also an aesthetic problem. When the face begins to slowly swim, it simply plunges any woman into shock, so she thinks little about the medical side of this problem. And in vain.

This usually indicates problems with the kidneys and, in general, a danger to the normal course of pregnancy.

Usually this swelling begins in the eyelids, and then spreads to the nose. This is how swelling of the mucous membrane gradually occurs, which is accompanied by a runny nose and constant sneezing. This all leads to the fact that the baby may begin to experience a lack of oxygen.

In addition to the use of diuretics, such as Canephron tablets, Furosemide may be prescribed. However, diuretic teas and ointments, for example those made with horse chestnut, are usually used for treatment.

There are also simple folk methods that can quickly make your face more pleasant.

  1. The simplest method is regular ice. It should be packaged in plastic and applied to the swelling for 30 minutes;
  2. Cucumber mask is also an excellent decongestant. Even simply applying circles of this vegetable to the problem area will help here;
  3. A compress with calendula decoction should be applied to the swelling for just a few minutes and moistened again. Repeat the procedure 4 times;
  4. A potato or honey mask may also help. In addition to relieving swelling, they will also have a tonic effect.

Features of the treatment of edema in the later stages of pregnancy

In the last months of pregnancy, the amount of accumulated fluid reaches its maximum, so internal edema may appear. It is during this period that gestosis is most likely to appear, which can lead to death of both mother and child.

During this period, the use of medications can have a very bad effect on the child, so diuretics are usually prescribed only to hospitalized mothers. They are prescribed only by prescription with the least amount of side effects. Decoctions of birch leaves and parsley can also be prescribed.

Prevention of edema

Despite the fact that any woman can expect swelling, there are measures that will help get rid of it quickly. Of course, it is advisable to simply undergo preventive measures, which will completely solve this problem.

There are several simple rules that will help you quickly get rid of their presence:

  1. Pregnant women should forget about a sedentary lifestyle from the first months. This is what can lead to water stagnation. Therefore, move a lot and do exercises;
  2. When resting, be sure to provide some elevation for your feet. Leave your legs in this position for at least a quarter of an hour a day. This will not only help get rid of leg swelling, but also cope with fatigue;
  3. When you shower, be sure to intensively massage your body with a washcloth, paying special attention to your feet;
  4. Carefully monitor your diet; during this period it would be better to give up fatty and sweet foods;
  5. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, but it is better to listen carefully to your body;
  6. Buy a special decongestant gel, for example, Trombless Plus.

So, by adhering to these simple rules, any swelling will quickly go away.

Under no circumstances should the problem of edema be left without the attention of your doctor. The pregnancy period itself is very responsible, so you should be very careful not only about your health, but also about your unborn child.

However, if you correctly follow all the instructions and engage in prevention, you can easily avoid this trouble.

Additional information about swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be found in the following video.

During pregnancy, the volume of fluid circulating in the body almost doubles. So it would seem that there is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman expecting a child sometimes suffers from edema. But doctors consider them an alarming symptom, especially if they are accompanied by increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

So, if the wedding ring does not fit on your finger, and your shoes have become too small, immediately consult a doctor. And you must definitely follow the recommendations that he gives, because self-diagnosis and self-medication will not lead to any good. But prevention is available to every expectant mother.

Eliminate salt

Why? Table salt contains sodium. This element has the property of retaining water in the body. The more salt, the more fluid will remain in the tissues.

How in practice? Remove from the diet (or greatly reduce the dosage) pickles, herring, sauerkraut, black bread, sausage, not to mention such unhealthy, in every sense “garbage” products as crackers, chips, snacks, smoked meats and canned food. It is better to cook even familiar dishes without salt or under-salt.

Important: There is no need to be afraid that you and your baby will not get enough sodium: this element is found in many products in its natural form or in the form of salts.

Eating for two is not only unnecessary, but also undesirable. I'm only 10 kg. gained during this period. Nothing bothered me, but in the last month my legs started to swell a little. The doctor advised rubbing in Thrombocide gel, because... it is safe and effective. I got rid of this problem very quickly.

18.07.2016 11:59:08,

“Important: The average daily caloric content of food intake should not exceed 2800–3500 calories. That is, the expectant mother does not necessarily have to “eat for two.” - if you eat 3500 kcal a day you can become an elephant)))) however..

19.05.2013 12:00:51,

Total 4 messages .

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Many newly pregnant women know that during pregnancy their legs, arms, and face may swell. And it seems that this is considered normal, because this happens often. But why then do doctors so diligently monitor and always pay attention to whether their patient is edematous? Could “pregnant” edema be somehow dangerous?

Edema is a condition when excess fluid collects in the tissues. We notice this in the form of swelling, which primarily appears on the face and legs, but also during pregnancy the arms, abdomen, and lower back may swell.

In fact, edema during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and has its own explanations. Firstly, the body’s need for fluid is constantly increasing, so the further it goes, the more a woman wants to drink. A significant portion of the weight gained during pregnancy is fluid. Secondly, sodium accumulates in a woman’s body - in blood vessels and in all tissues except bone. And sodium, as you know, attracts and, thus, retains water in the body. This is how swelling appears.

Swelling nose during pregnancy

First of all, fluid retention in the tissues manifests itself on a woman’s face: it becomes rounded, the eyelids swell and visually the eyes become narrower and smaller. Often, renal edema begins with swelling on the face, requiring treatment, which is discussed a little below.

Among other things, the nose also swells. But it is not at all excluded that such a symptom has a different nature. Problems with nasal breathing are a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women. Often we are talking about a “runny nose during pregnancy,” which is caused by hormonal changes. In this case, the nasal mucosa swells, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, itching and dryness appear in the nose - the woman experiences severe discomfort.

Rhinitis in pregnant women can manifest itself at different times of the day (for example, only in the evening and at night or throughout the day), at different stages, and in some cases accompany the entire pregnancy. But after childbirth, this unpleasant companion will disappear. The main thing now is to find an effective, safe remedy for a runny nose and nasal congestion. In itself, a runny nose in pregnant women is not dangerous, but it can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which is very undesirable.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy may well be an allergic manifestation. Analyze all your recent actions and assess the likelihood: perhaps you need to find the source of the allergen (new washing powder, flowering plants, etc.)

Sometimes swelling of the nose and lips appears already from the first weeks of pregnancy as the earliest sign, although much more often such nasal swelling occurs already in the last weeks of pregnancy. In general, everything is quite individual: many expectant mothers do not experience anything like this at all.

Swelling of hands and fingers during pregnancy

Swelling of hands and fingers is much more common during pregnancy. The woman feels tingling in her fingers, burning in her wrists, numbness in her hands. A clear sign of swelling can be considered swelling of the fingers to the point that it becomes impossible to remove the ring. Another way to check for swelling is to press your finger on the skin of your hand: if a dent remains, then you can talk about swelling.

Women who work a lot with a computer mouse and keyboard or are engaged in other activities that require repeating the same actions many times, for example, knitting or modeling, are more susceptible to the formation of hand swelling during pregnancy. In this case, the so-called tunnel syndrome develops: the fluid accumulating in the wrist puts pressure on the nerve passing here, causing pain.

Gymnastics for your arms and more rest will not hurt you at all.

If swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy is combined with other swelling - of the back, sacrum, lower abdomen - then you should notify your doctor about this.

Legs swell during pregnancy

However, most often the legs swell during pregnancy. They swell noticeably, and it becomes incredibly difficult to put on your old shoes, especially if you’ve walked a lot before and taken your shoes off. The first sign of swelling of the feet may be a mark on the ankle from the elastic of the socks.

In most cases, leg swelling during pregnancy appears in the third trimester and is not dangerous. Almost every pregnant woman experiences swelling of the legs to varying degrees, so there is no need to worry too much about this. But they can also be one of the signs of late toxicosis - a condition that is definitely dangerous for both the child and the woman. Therefore, this fact cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Talk to your doctor about how to prevent and treat swollen feet—it's actually easy to do at home.

If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and along with the legs the arms, face, stomach and lower back swell, then you should visit the doctor immediately.

Edema during pregnancy: folk remedies

Usually, if the cause of edema in a pregnant woman is eliminated, it will disappear on its own within a few days. To do this, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt, not to overwork, ensure normal rest and avoid exposure to the sun.

It is a mistake to think that you need to drink as little as possible. Today, doctors no longer advise pregnant women to reduce the amount of fluid they consume in case of swelling. After all, it is impossible to live without fluid now; it is simply necessary for the normal development of pregnancy, and besides, a sharp reduction in its amount will lead to the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate water in reserve. So you should still drink enough - at least one and a half liters, excluding soups and fruits. It is best to drink clean water, maybe with the addition of lemon; cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are also very useful (they have a diuretic effect). But give up coffee now.

Eliminate all provoking factors. Eat less salty foods (first of all, exclude sauerkraut, pickles, herring, black bread, salted nuts, olives), spices, carbonated drinks, foods containing large amounts of sodium (tomatoes, seeds, nuts), avoid fried foods , smoked. Instead, increase the amount of protein in your diet. Once a week you can spend a fasting day on apples and juice.

Don’t walk in the heat, don’t get overtired, don’t sit in one position for too long, do physical exercise (if there are no contraindications, of course). Good rest and walks in the fresh air are of great importance. Place your feet on an elevated surface while sleeping. Taking the knee-elbow position for 5-10 minutes will help alleviate the condition.

In folk medicine, there are many different recipes for combating edema:

  • Diuretic herbs help well - bear ears, bearberry or lingonberry leaves, horsetail, cherry stalks, hawthorn flowers and berries, kidney tea - no more than one glass of decoction or infusion per day and no more than 1 month.
  • Decoction of dried apricots: pour boiling water over the dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink this compote 30-40 minutes before meals.

There are many other folk recipes against swelling. Just do not resort to treating edema with medications, for example, diuretic tablets. However, any action should be coordinated with a doctor, and herbal medicine is no exception.

Cool foot baths also help: the water should not be icy, but not warm either. Keep your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lie on your left side and rest a little, raising your feet above heart level. Try not to lie on your back at all. If there is someone to give you a foot massage, then that’s great! After the procedures, the swelling should go away.

In this case, we are talking about physiological, that is, “normal” edema for pregnant women, which affects approximately 75-80% of expectant mothers. They do not pose a threat to the fetus, although such manifestations should be eliminated. But swelling during pregnancy is not always so harmless. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not take the necessary measures, then problems will begin.

Edema with gestosis

In general, edema during pregnancy is one of the three most striking symptoms (late toxicosis). Therefore, most often they appear in the third trimester. The more swelling you get, the greater the risks you and your unborn baby will face.

There are 4 degrees of gestosis, in which swelling manifests itself in different ways:

  • I - dropsy of pregnancy. In addition to edema, there is a general weight gain, weakness, and fatigue.
  • II - nephropathy of pregnancy. In addition to edema, protein in the urine or increased blood pressure may also appear. If all three symptoms are observed simultaneously, the condition is considered threatening for the woman.
  • III - preeclampsia. In this case, changes in the fundus and brain are associated with nephropathy.
  • IV - eclampsia. Convulsions begin - the condition itself is extremely dangerous for both the woman and the child.

However, that's not all. In addition to gestational edema, cardiac and renal edema can also develop during pregnancy, which often manifest themselves earlier than in the third trimester.

Cardiac edema can occur if a woman has heart problems. Moreover, they are always located below: from the lower back and below. A medical examination reveals that the liver is enlarged. And before the appearance of edema, the woman experiences shortness of breath and increased heart rate, and her lips may turn blue.

Unlike cardiac edema, renal edema begins in the face, bags under the eyes are characteristic, and later both arms and legs may swell. The reason is the woman’s kidney diseases in the past or those that have developed now, during pregnancy, which need to be treated.

When is swelling a threat?

If you are dealing with physiological edema, which disappears after eliminating the provoking factor, as we wrote about above, there is no reason to worry. But as soon as you notice that the swelling does not go away on its own (you wake up swollen in the morning), and that in addition to your legs, your arms, legs, hips, stomach, and lower back are also swollen, then immediately tell your gynecologist about it.

Rapid weight gain (over 20 kg in total or more than 300 g per week) is also a serious cause for concern, so you need to weigh yourself regularly.

The degree of swelling at home can be checked as follows: press with your finger in the area of ​​the lower leg, where the bone is covered only by skin (without muscles) - in front at the bottom of the leg. If the skin immediately returns to its place, everything is fine. If a dent remains there for some time, swelling is evident, or rather on the leg.

In an outpatient setting, you may receive necessary tests or a McClure-Aldrich test to determine swelling.

Why is swelling dangerous during pregnancy?

In most cases, pregnant women experience physiological swelling. It does not pose a threat, in fact, like dropsy in pregnancy. But such manifestations should not be left unattended.

If a problem arises, that is, we are talking about the second and further degrees of gestosis, then it must be solved. Even if the pregnant woman feels fine, swelling along with other symptoms is an alarming signal. Ignoring it threatens to disrupt the connection in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system. This, first of all, promises oxygen starvation of the child with all the ensuing consequences. If serious complications occur, it may even be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema during pregnancy, as a rule, begins with the recommendations described above, mainly with the normalization of sleep and rest patterns and diet. The attending physician will certainly monitor weight gain, and will also recommend that you monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted by the body.

Much will depend on the results of the analysis. If protein is detected in the urine, especially against the background of high blood pressure and shortness of breath, the woman will be offered hospital treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the cause of edema, improving the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and uteroplacental blood flow. Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed - magnesium, vitamin E, lipoic acid.

Edema during pregnancy requires drug treatment only when it is accompanied by dysfunction of important organs (liver, kidneys, heart), since diuretics during pregnancy can only be used in extreme cases due to a large number of contraindications and side effects, as well as possible toxic effects for the fruit.

In each individual case, the prescriptions will be different, so treatment for edema during pregnancy can and should only be prescribed by a specialist and only based on the results of a full examination! There is no need to worry about prescriptions, because during treatment the potential risk and probable benefit are necessarily compared.

Be healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I had terrible swelling since 6 months of pregnancy. All arms, legs, stomach, face were swollen. I gained 2-3kg in 1-2 weeks. The doctor’s only answer was “eat and drink less.” Although she drank and ate so little. My legs hurt terribly, I lay down and woke up with pain. Walking was difficult and painful. I read a lot of information about edema, and came across an interesting article about the benefits of lemons. I started drinking water with lemon. I have completely given up plain water and only drink it with lemon added. After some time, the swelling went away and my legs didn’t hurt. I recommend it to everyone.

From Guest

I also used Venolgon 911 gel, after work, when I simply couldn’t feel my legs, I took a contrast shower and smeared this gel, such a pleasant chill went down my legs. Swelling and fatigue go away very quickly.

From Guest

I have been saving myself from swelling for several years now with the pharmaceutical balm venolgon 911, it relieves swelling in 25 minutes, improves blood circulation, my legs feel light, I did baths before, they helped, but usually in such situations there is no time, but I quickly applied the gel, rested my legs a little came in order. And during pregnancy I smeared it in the last months.

Swelling, large or small, of the hands, feet, and swelling of other localizations in one way or another accompany most pregnancies. It is a rare woman who has carried and given birth to a child and does not face this problem. Edema is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space of tissues and organs. This manifests itself as swelling in one place or another of the body. The swelling itself may either not manifest itself at all or only cause discomfort. However, this may be a sign of another formidable pathology. Edema syndrome accompanies many diseases of different organs and systems of the body: inflammatory, cardiovascular, renal, endocrine.

During pregnancy, edema is associated with increased permeability of capillaries - the smallest vessels, which leads to the leakage of fluid from the bloodstream into the tissue.

The most common areas to swell are the fingers and toes, as well as the ankles. The condition is aggravated by hot weather. It is easiest to notice swelling in places where rings are worn on the fingers, where, after removing them, circular grooves remain that persist for some time. Swelling on the ankles and shins is easy to check yourself. Using your thumb or index finger, press on the skin in the area of ​​the front surface of the leg or ankle, pressing it against the bony protrusion. If there is swelling, after the finger is removed, a depression visible to the eye remains. If the hole is not clearly visible, but a slight impression is still felt when holding a finger, this is the mildest degree of edematous syndrome, often called “pasty.”

It is necessary to distinguish between physiological and pathological edema during pregnancy. There are no clear criteria for separating these two concepts; the boundary is very fluid, and diagnosing a particular woman is difficult even for highly qualified specialists. Nevertheless: physiological edema, as a rule, not pronounced, have a pasty character and are most often localized in the area of ​​​​the hands and feet. They, unlike pathological ones, do not lead to the development of complications and either go away on their own or accompany the entire pregnancy, without causing much trouble to the woman, except for worry about the impeccability of her appearance.

Pathological edema are part or symptom of a broader concept - gestosis. At the same time, the classic triad of symptoms for this disease is the development of edema, proteinuria (excretion of protein in the urine, which is absent normally), arterial hypertension (increased blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg). The name comes from the Latin word - pregnancy, and reflects the essence of the disease. That is, this pathological condition is caused by pregnancy itself and does not occur outside of it. The reasons for the development of gestosis, despite the close attention of scientists and doctors for many decades, are not fully understood and depend on many factors. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, but there is still no consensus on the true reasons for its occurrence. The only certainty is that the disease is directly related to pregnancy. This condition never occurs outside of pregnancy and when it ends, most often a successful recovery occurs.

Degrees of edema

Clinically, pathological edema in pregnant women is classified according to degrees, or stages, which are also included in the diagnosis.

Hidden edema is manifested by increased weight gain, nocturia (frequent night urination), decreased diuresis (the amount of urine excreted, normally not less than 30-40 ml per hour, depending on the amount of fluid consumed).

Visible swelling:

1st degree - legs and hands swell;

2nd degree - swelling moves to the abdomen;

3rd degree - swelling spreads to the face;

4th degree - anasarca (generalized edema).

Swelling usually begins in the feet, often in the ankles. As the disease progresses, swelling spreads from bottom to top. However, sometimes the hands swell first, only then the feet, less often the swelling is localized on the face and hands. When the face swells, its features become coarser, and swelling on the eyelids is especially noticeable. The labia often swell. In the morning, swelling is less noticeable. More precisely, we don’t see them, the liquid doesn’t disappear anywhere, it’s just distributed more evenly throughout the body during the night when we sleep. After all, we usually do this in a lying position. During the day, due to the fact that we are more in an upright position, swelling, according to the laws of physics, “flows” down and is localized on the lower extremities, reminding us of pain and fatigue of the legs, marks from shoes and socks. There may be accumulation of fluid in the cavities inside the body (hidden edema).

The severity of edema syndrome often does not correspond to the severity of the disease. Even with severe edema, a pregnant woman may not have any complaints, and her general condition remains satisfactory. However, in more than 90% of cases, the disease progresses to the next stage, and symptoms of hypertension and proteinuria appear.

The risk group for the development of gestosis includes:

Women whose previous pregnancy was complicated by the development of gestosis;

Pregnant women with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension), diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders (obesity);

Young (under 18 years of age) pregnant women, first-time mothers after 30 years of age;

Those who suffered from toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy (vomiting of pregnant women, drooling, etc.);

Pregnant women with detected hidden edema;

Pregnant women with multiple pregnancy;

Pregnant women with occupational hazards;

Pregnant women with unfavorable social and living conditions.

Complications of edema during pregnancy

Swelling itself, as mentioned above, can only cause cosmetic concerns, in contrast to the edema that accompanies gestosis. The most dangerous complications of gestosis are preeclampsia and eclampsia - a generalized convulsive seizure that can result in respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest and death.

Preeclampsia, that is, the condition preceding the onset of eclampsia, is characterized by the following symptoms:

Pain in the head;

Deterioration of vision;

Nausea and vomiting;

Pain in the liver and stomach;

Hearing loss;

Speech difficulties;

Fever, hot flashes, sweating;

Skin itching;

Excitability or drowsiness;

Tearfulness, inappropriate behavior, motor agitation.

If any of these signs occur during the normal course of pregnancy without edema, proteinuria and hypertension, the likelihood of developing eclampsia is minimal, but if the symptoms of gestosis are obvious, there is a threat of severe complications.

Eclampsia is the most severe stage of gestosis, characterized by the occurrence of seizures of a generalized or isolated (limited) nature. Anyone who has ever seen an epileptic attack can roughly imagine what eclampsia looks like. There are, however, other forms of eclampsia, including non-convulsive, when the clinic is limited only to the unconscious state of the patient. The presence of the above signs of preeclampsia or eclampsia requires urgent medical attention.

Gestosis can be mild or severe. An optional condition is the presence of the classic “triad” of symptoms. The manifestation of the disease can be limited only to edema or hypertension, as well as two or more symptoms in addition to the classic ones in various combinations. Most often, of course, the disease occurs in mild forms. Sometimes, however, severe forms may occur unexpectedly. This can happen in weeks, in rare cases it will take days and hours. When a severe form of gestosis occurs, not only the mother suffers, but also her unborn child. The decision to prolong pregnancy is made individually, based on the condition of the mother and fetus, with the interests of the former being placed first. In case of a life-threatening condition, the only effective measure is emergency delivery, since no other treatment methods exist.

Management of pregnant women with edema

Pregnant women with edema are given increased attention at the management stage in the antenatal clinic. She systematically monitors weight dynamics, monitoring indicators of the cardiovascular system (blood pressure), kidney function (proteinuria). Everything is aimed at preventing complications. Preventive medicinal complexes consisting of herbal infusions are often prescribed.

The prophylactic complex includes:

Sedatives (valerian rhizome infusion 30 ml 3 times a day, motherwort herb infusion 30 ml 3-4 times a day), sedative infusion 1/2 tablespoon 3 times a day;

Improving kidney function (“Kidney tea”, birch buds, bearberry leaves, lingonberry leaves, corn fish extract, horsetail herb);

Normalizing vascular tone (hawthorn flowers, fruits, extract).

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

To prevent the development and progression of edema, a rational work and rest regime, walking in the fresh air, naturally taking into account weather conditions, are recommended. A nutritional correction with a predominance of the protein component, rich in vitamins and microelements, limited in the content of table salt and spices is necessary. The amount of fluid consumed must be discussed with your doctor. Moreover, it depends on the dynamics of edema, weight indicator, and the clinical course of gestosis. Independently reducing or increasing the consumption of juices, tea, and other drinks can lead to a worsening of the condition. It should be noted, however, that strict control over both fluid intake and diuresis is necessary only for pathological, fairly pronounced edema.

An important point is the correct choice of clothing. It must be breathable, that is, it must consist, first of all, of natural fabrics. Collars, belts, cuffs, and elastic bands that treacherously tighten your body and force you and your baby to suffer from a lack of oxygen for the sake of dubious beauty are not allowed. Swelling of the lower extremities causes increased fatigue in the legs. Shoes should not be bought “end to end” with the hope that “the natural leather will stretch.” Pregnancy is not the right time for experiments. Orthopedic shoes and insoles are welcome. Frequent rest, during which the legs should be kept in an elevated position, often helps with swelling of the lower extremities. A foot massage performed by a future father will be both pleasant and useful.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

It should be clarified that from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, there are no reliably effective measures for the prevention and treatment of both edema and gestosis in general in the world today. Therefore, any doctor faced with this problem prescribes treatment based on the specific situation, based on his medical experience and numerous recommendations. You should be critical of all methods of treating edema and gestosis, in particular on the Internet, especially if they guarantee a 100% cure. Never take any medications, even the most harmless ones in your opinion, including herbal medicine and folk remedies, without consulting YOUR doctor. I also think it’s a mistake to consult “outside”, with several specialists who will undoubtedly contradict each other.

It is necessary to prepare for pregnancy in advance, choose in advance a competent specialist who is right for you, who can answer all your questions, listen and tolerate you, and help relieve the fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Based on a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient, the baby has a greater chance of being born strong and healthy.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Nikulichev D.V.

Swelling of the legs during late pregnancy: what is dangerous and how to treat

The last months of pregnancy create a feeling of immediate happiness, but the elevated mood from hormones can be overshadowed by a serious problem. Swelling of the legs in pregnant women in late stages– this is not such a rare occurrence. The growing fetus requires more space in the abdomen and displaces internal organs, causing swelling in various parts of the body. They can be a physiological norm or, conversely, dangerous for the child and require treatment.

  • Why does swelling occur?
  • Attention! Summer
  • How to relieve swelling in the heat
  • What can cause swelling in pregnant women?
  • Consequences
  • Swelling of the hands
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Facial swelling
  • Pastiness of the genital organs
  • Drinking regime
  • Treatment
  • Local therapy: gels, creams for swelling during pregnancy
  • Treatment in hospital
  • Therapeutic diet and sample menu
  • Exercises and gymnastics for home
  • Treatment with folk remedies and recipes
  • Diagnostics

Causes of edema, what is wrong with the pregnant body

Edema appears due to a sharp enlargement of the uterus: water accumulates in the body, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels are compressed, the passage of oxygen to the extremities is blocked, the outflow of urine is disrupted and stagnation occurs in the bloodstream.

Most edema occurs in women bearing a child for the first time, but the first child is not the main cause of pathology.

During gestation, progesterone levels increase. Its main effect is relaxation of smooth muscle muscles. And this type of muscle tissue is present in most internal organs:

  • in the vascular wall of veins and arteries;
  • in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, gall bladder, bile ducts;
  • uterus;
  • in the ureters and bladder.

Progesterone is the main cause of edema. All others are secondary or dependent on the influence of this hormone. It is because of it that heartburn, constipation and swelling occur during pregnancy.

Other causes of edema in pregnant women:

  • Chronic diseases: cardiovascular (increased load), endocrine, genitourinary systems, vascular diseases - or deep vein thrombosis.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of salty foods.
  • Tight clothes and uncomfortable shoes: leggings,...
  • Protein deficiency (hereditary or due to poor nutrition or loss of proteins due to gestational nephropathy).
  • – toxicosis in pregnant women. In addition to edema, hypertension (increased blood pressure) appears. Adult women at risk: (from), pregnant with twins or triplets, smokers, suffering from episodic seizures or with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Fluid accumulation occurs from bottom to top, so the first swelling appears in the legs. Pasty feet look like thickening of the skin, swelling of the subcutaneous layer of fat. Easily distinguishable, since the protruding veins on the leg are completely closed, folds may form. Usually the swelling looks like in the photo.

To check whether there is an accumulation of sweaty plasma on the lower extremities, you need to press the soft tissue with your thumb to the tibia. This bone is located on the front surface of the lower leg. If after pressing for 3-5 seconds a depression remains, this is swelling. Moreover, the degree of swelling is higher, the higher the pressure remains on the hole.

Preeclampsia is dangerous because it causes swelling of internal organs, including the placenta, which can impair the exchange of oxygen between mother and fetus. Late gestosis is a threatening condition for both. Therefore, the woman and the obstetrician-gynecologist should be wary in his presence. If the condition is confirmed in severe cases, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and intensive treatment is prescribed.

Attention: summer and heat

When talking about the reasons for the development of edema syndrome in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to mention the time of year. In summer, especially in the heat, swelling develops faster, stronger and more difficult to remove. This is due to the physical effect of heat, which has a relaxing effect on blood vessels:

  • blood flow slows down;
  • perfusion pressure in the vessels increases;
  • more fluid sweats into the intercellular space.

Therefore, if the 3rd trimester of pregnancy occurs during the hot season, your actions should be aimed in advance at preventing the appearance of edema.

What can you do in the summer to alleviate the condition?

You can remove or alleviate swelling with a contrast shower for your feet. The temperature difference will allow the vessels to “play” and return to tone. Such hardening exercises are the best way to prevent swelling of the lower extremities in the third trimester.

What can cause swelling in pregnant women?

In addition to the feet, the hands and fingers, face, mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and genitals are susceptible to swelling. Hidden edema is the most dangerous during pregnancy. They are distinguished by the absence of external symptoms: the body does not get tired, muscles do not ache, skin thickening is invisible, but weight is rapidly gained. Therefore, in the antenatal clinic where you are being observed, before visiting the obstetrician-gynecologist, they must carry out a control weighing.

Since edematous fluid accumulates in the intercellular space of internal organs, a chronic disease can determine which part of the body is in greatest danger. Mothers with cardiovascular disease are more likely to have swelling in their legs, lower back, and feet. In women with kidney disease, any organ can be affected, including the face and hands.

The average period for the occurrence of edema during pregnancy is . But later swelling is also possible, and even. And the early ones - from .

What are the dangers of edema in late pregnancy?

Edema in the last month of pregnancy associated with chronic diseases causes rapid weight gain (about 300-400 g per week) and is dangerous if it quickly spreads throughout the body. Swollen organs compress blood vessels, sodium and oxygen metabolism is disrupted, the baby does not receive enough nutrients and may be born premature. To exclude such consequences, pregnant women are constantly monitored in the hospital.

Significant risks to the fetus arise only when the woman does not report swelling and allows it to progress.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

The most common location for swelling during pregnancy is the legs. Fluid accumulates in the body and, under the influence of gravity, falls down to the ankles.

At night, when a woman lies in a horizontal position, the fluid moves higher up her legs and the swelling may decrease in the morning. This condition is normal for pregnant women. Slight tingling and short-term numbness of the extremities are possible. Exercise also helps with morning pastiness.

You can reduce mild swelling on your own. During sleep, it is recommended to elevate your legs - place them on an additional pillow.

You need to be less in an upright position without moving, wear comfortable shoes (especially if flat feet are diagnosed to any degree), do foot massage or exercises, wear compression stockings and drink 1.5 liters of fluid a day in small portions.

If the swelling remains the same size in the morning or other parts of the body begin to swell, you should inform your gynecologist. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be an indirect sign.

Swelling of the hands in pregnant women

There are two ways to determine whether there is swelling of the hands during pregnancy or not:

  • In the morning, put the ring on your finger; if there is swelling, by the evening swelling will form around the ring, and the jewelry itself will be more difficult to remove;
  • take a tight elastic band and put it on your hand; when there is swelling, after a few minutes the skin under the elastic band is pressed in, and after removing it, a dent is still visible for some time.

Swollen hands usually do not cause discomfort. Your fingers hurt if you type on the keyboard for a long time. To avoid swelling when working at the computer, just place your elbows on a flat surface, preferably with a soft pillow, and give your hands a rest every 10-15 minutes.

Simultaneous swelling of the arms and legs is a sign that the cardiovascular system, along with the lymphatic system, cannot cope. In late pregnancy, the heart experiences increased stress, and venous blood is poorly “pumped” from the extremities to the heart. Due to high pressure, the walls of the veins expand and small holes are formed through which fluid leaks into the intercellular space. At the same time, thrombophlebitis worsens. Inflammation of the veins can be suspected if one leg is swollen more than the other.

If swelling of the fingers does not go away on its own, the doctor prepares a strict diet and monitors the fluid entering the body. In advanced cases, medications that increase blood flow in the kidneys and vitamins B, E and A are prescribed separately.

Facial swelling

Facial swelling appears later than anything else, sometimes before childbirth. In the morning, slight swelling of the eyelids is noticeable. In severe cases, the area under the eyes constantly swells and the contour of the face changes.

In the early stages, a runny nose or nasal congestion develops, which sometimes accompanies the pregnant woman until the very beginning. The face often swells when the salt load increases at night. You should avoid eating salty, spicy foods.

Swelling of the face is dealt with in the same way as swelling of the arms and legs: a strict diet, fluid control, baths, moderate physical activity.

Swelling of the labia

Swelling of the genitals at 9 months is not always dangerous; more often the fatty tissue increases to make it easier for the child to pass through the birth canal. But such enlargement of the labia is not accompanied by a constant feeling of discomfort.

If, along with swelling, the vagina constantly itches or the discharge takes on a green or yellow tint, then we can talk about infection and infection. In this case, additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are individually prescribed, then medications are prescribed.

If the swelling causes discomfort, but the discharge is normal, a general diet, drinking regimen and a warm bath are prescribed.

Drinking regime for swelling

In the third trimester, blood circulation increases by about 40%, which is why the body requires more fluid - about 1.5 liters per day, including first courses, juicy fruits and vegetables. Moreover, during a full lunch, it is important to reduce the amount of salt to 1.5 g, it has the property of retaining liquid. In the morning and evening you should drink a glass of kefir or. and it’s better to drink hawthorn infusion or kidney tea. If it is difficult to adhere to the drinking regime, and the body constantly requires more water, you need to drink; you cannot starve yourself with thirst during pregnancy.

You need to know that fluid in the body retains not only salt, but also sugar. Therefore, the diet also includes the exclusion of sweet dishes. But most of all, the formation of edema in pregnant women is influenced by the sugar-salt complex. These two products potentiate each other in the development of edema syndrome.

To get rid of edema during pregnancy, it is forbidden to take diuretics (diuretics) on your own. If you choose the wrong drug during pregnancy, the body will begin to remove beneficial substances, depriving both the child and the mother of macroelements. Only a doctor can prescribe a diuretic based on tests.

Treatment: medications and rules of administration

During pregnancy, the following medications are allowed to be taken under medical supervision:

  1. Triampur (for heart, liver and kidney diseases) – 2 tablets/day. morning and evening for 20 days;
  2. Canephron – 1 tablet 2 times a day before meals for 15 days;
  3. Eufillin – 0.15 g, 2 times a day;
  4. Hofitol (organic preparation based on artichoke) – 3 tablets/day. before eating;
  5. Furosemide – 1-2 tablets/day.

Excess medication in the 3rd trimester affects the baby. The exact dosage can only be prescribed in a hospital. Any of the drugs is supplemented with diuretic products: oatmeal, eggplant, celery or. In severe cases, only medications help.

Local medications to relieve swelling

Local remedies - heparin-based gels and creams - help fight edema syndrome. It improves the rheological properties of blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and restores the vascular wall, thereby helping to avoid swelling in pregnant women on the legs, arms and under the eyes on the face.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy with creams and gels without the consent of the doctor is prohibited!

Treatment of edema during pregnancy in a hospital

In case of severe edema syndrome, hospitalization of the pregnant woman in a permanent hospital or day hospital may be recommended.

In the hospital, if necessary, vascular drugs are prescribed and administered through a drip. Treatment with Pentoxifylline and Eufillin is carried out in this way. In short, these drugs will help the kidneys filter out excess fluid accumulated in the expectant mother’s body and cope with edema.

Previously, the drug magnesium sulfate (magnesia) was prescribed for this purpose, but progressive specialists are gradually “moving away” from it. Its effect is insignificant and questionable in terms of fetal health.


The table shows acceptable dishes for each meal; the diet is based on the preferences of the pregnant woman.

Table 1.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime
Muesli with milk, or boiled eggs, or 100 g of cottage cheese;

Juice and apple or berries

Vegetable or seafood soup or beef soup

100 g vegetable salad or rice side dish.

2-3 slices of black bread, cucumbers.

Drink juices or compotes.

Apple, pear, assorted berries, a piece of watermelon or melon, dried apricots (your choice). Kidney tea Rice side dish with cutlet or boiled fish.

Treatment of edema in late pregnancy with folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help cope with swelling; they can be taken along with a course of medications, but it is important to notify the doctor about this. The course of folk herbal medicine includes various tonics and sedatives:

  • cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks from fresh or frozen berries;
  • tea or infusion of lingonberry leaves;
  • (without sugar, you can with honey), it is important to choose high-quality tea;
  • A decoction of bearberry helps to remove excess fluid, drink for no more than 10 days, long-term use may irritate the muscles of the uterus;
  • , lavender, jasmine or other herbs as an addition to water;
  • For treatment, use a decoction of dill seeds or add seeds to food;
  • corn silk for kidney disease.

Diagnosis of pastosity: how to determine whether there is fluid retention or not

To identify edema during pregnancy, doctors prescribe the woman a daily amount of water and monitor the amount and condition. By comparing the rate of consumption and output, one can conclude how much fluid remains in the tissues, and therefore predict the appearance of edema. Pastosity in a progressive form affects the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and throat, a constant runny nose occurs, turning into rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa). Rhinitis in pregnant women does not require treatment.

A blister test is used: injection of 0.2 mg of saline into the forearm. The greater the body's edematous readiness, the faster the blister resolves.

Urinalysis according to Zimnitsky (normal in brackets) shows the average volume of urination (60-300 ml), the ratio of daytime and nighttime diuresis (3:1), the ratio of excreted to ingested fluid (75-80%). For analysis within 24 hours, a urine sample is taken every 3 hours 8 times, starting at 9:00. The first portion is flushed down the toilet, the rest are collected each time in a separate jar, stored in the refrigerator and taken to the hospital in the morning. Diuretics should not be used during the analysis.

If a pregnant woman’s body is predisposed to edema, then it will not be possible to avoid it, but it can be prevented and recognized in time by undergoing examinations in the hospital, especially in the 3rd trimester. It is not the swelling that is scary, but the lack of desire and desire to treat it.