Apple company biography. Steve Jobs: the story of the life and creation of the most famous Apple corporation. summer marriage and three children

Steven Jobs was born in the mid-50s in San Francisco, California. His Syrian father, Abdulfatta Jandali, was a teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin, and his mother, Joan Schible, was a young student at the same institution. On his mother's side, Steve has German roots. Joan and Abdulfatta were not married; the girl’s family was categorically against the relationship between the young people. Therefore, Stephen’s mother was forced to go to give birth in a private California clinic, and then give her son up to foster parents.

Paul Jobs and his wife Clara could not have their own children and happily adopted the baby. The biological mother put forward the only requirement: the boy must receive a higher education.

Two years later, Steve had a half-sister, Patty, whom Paul and Clara also adopted. Soon the family leaves San Francisco and moves to the small town of Mountain View. Here it was easier for Paul Jones, who was an auto mechanic, to find Good work and earn funds to pay for college for children. Paul tried to instill an interest in mechanics in his son, but Steve was much more attracted to electronics. Coupled with the fact that Mountain View is a center of high technology, we can say that Steve's future was predetermined in his early childhood.

IN primary school Steven Jobs had big problems with teachers. The education system itself seemed boring, formal and soulless to the child. Only after one of the teachers was able to find the right approach to the student, the boy began to study diligently and even skipped through 2 grades. While studying in high school, Steve attended a radio electronics club, independently assembled an electronic frequency meter, and even worked part-time on an assembly line at the famous Hewlett-Packard company.

When the guy turned 16, he began to have conflicts with his parents, primarily with his father, because of his passion for hippie culture, music and The Beatles, smoking marijuana and using LSD. At the same time, Stephen met his namesake, who was 5 years older than him. The guys become best friends, as both are interested in computers and electronics.

The first joint invention between Jobs and Wozniak was born when Stephen was still a high school student. They made a device they called a blue box, designed to hack the telephone network by selecting tone signals. At first the guys were just having fun, and then they started selling their product and made good money.

In 1972, Steve Jobs entered the private liberal arts college Reed College, which had a rich curriculum. After studying for only six months, Jobs quit studying because he saw no point in wasting time on meaningless activities. During this period, he was much more attracted to Eastern spiritual practices, vegetarianism, veganism and Zen Buddhism.

Apple Company

Stephen begins working as a technician for a start-up company, Atapi, which was engaged in the production of computer games. At the same time, Wozniak was working on creating and improving boards for his own personal computer. When the idea began to take shape practically, Jobs suggested to his friend that they create a joint computer company. This is how the company Apple, which later became legendary, was born. When working on the first version of the Apple I computer, Jobs showed himself to be an authoritarian, somewhat tyrannical and aggressive, but at the same time a leader who knew how to organize.

Founders of Apple

The first computer was primitive and more like an electronic typewriter. But the new board, which Wozniak developed in 1976, was already able to work with color, sound, and could connect external media. And Steve Jobs applied his leadership skills in promoting the device and was able to refocus production on creating computers for the inexperienced user.

It was his idea that the new Apple II owes its beautiful plastic case and neat appearance. Jobs also hired professional specialist according to an advertisement by Regis McCann, and everyone started talking about the new computer.

This was followed by the Apple III, Apple Lisa and Macintosh. From a commercial point of view, the company flourished, but discord and scandals reigned among the managers, largely due to the difficult character of Steven Jobs.

NeXT and Pixar

As a result, he was removed from work, and in 1984 Jobs left his own brainchild, but immediately organized a new company, NeXT Computer. The computers of this company offered the market exclusively advanced new products, slightly ahead of their time. But, like the latest inventions at Apple, they turn out to be too expensive for the mass consumer.

In parallel with this project, Steve Jobs, who had just become interested in computer graphics, bought the Pixar studio from George Lucas for $5 million. His original idea was to use animated films to advertise the capabilities of NeXT computers. But after the 1987 animated film Tin Toy won an Oscar, Jobs reconsidered. Later, this studio produced such famous full-length animated films as “Toy Story”, “Monsters Inc.”, “Finding Nemo”, “The Incredibles”, “Cars”, “Ratatouille” and others.

In 2006, Steve sells Pixar to Disney for $7.5 billion. However, he remained a shareholder.

Return to Apple

In 1996, Steve Jobs sold NeXT to his first company for almost half a billion dollars and returned to Apple as an advisor to the chairman.

Jobs's first achievement in his new capacity was the serial production of the new iMac all-in-one computer, which attracted attention with its unusual futuristic design. This device became the best-selling computer in Apple history, with about a third of copies purchased by users who had not previously owned computer equipment. Consequently, Steve Jobs was able to find for the company new market consumers.

The second successful step was the creation of the Apple Store - a specialized store selling Apple equipment.

The uniqueness of Steve Jobs was that he did not just keep his finger on the pulse of the times. He himself created a new era and dictated the laws of fashion in the IT industry. Realizing that the new century was becoming fast-paced, he set up the production of miniature devices that were perfect in their capabilities: the iTunes media player, the iPod music player, the iPhone touchscreen mobile phone, and the iPad Internet tablet. Each of these devices appeared before its analogues and imposed a standard and parameters on competing companies.

Many books and films have been written and filmed about Jobs. a large number of documentaries and feature films. The most interesting printed publication is the authorized biography “Steve Jobs”, published in 2011. The author of the book is American journalist Walter Isaacson.

Among the films, it is worth highlighting the documentary work “iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World”, which was filmed by the Discovery Channel and Feature Film"Jobs: Empire of Seduction", where the role of the legendary Jobs was played by the actor.

Personal life

In his youth, Steve was loving, as was expected in hippie culture. The first noticeable woman in his life was Chris Ann Brennan. Their relationship was difficult, the couple often quarreled and separated. In 1978, Chris gave birth to a daughter, Lisa Brennan, whom Jobs initially did not recognize. But after a DNA test he agreed to paternity.

Later he had relationships with Barbara Jasinski, who worked in advertising, with folk singer Joan Baez, with computer consultant Tina Redse, with whom he broke up after the girl refused to marry him.

The businessman’s only wife was Lauren Powell, who was a bank employee at the time they met. It is curious that, having proposed in 1990, Jobs forgot about his bride for several months, as he was immersed in another business project.

However, in March 1991, Steve and Lauren became married, and in September their first child, son Reed, was born. Four years later, daughter Erin appeared, and in 1998, little Eve. It is interesting that Steve forbade his children to use computers for a long time and limited the time they “communicated” with iPhones and iPads.

In the mid-80s, Steve Jobs found his biological mother and met his sister Mona, with whom he began to maintain friendly relations.

Illness and death

Steve Jobs made his last public appearance on June 6, 2011. Several years earlier, the businessman was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He fought it different ways, including alternative ones, but the disease won. Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011 surrounded by his family.

Name: Steve Jobs

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: San Francisco, USA

A place of death: Palo Alto, USA

Activity: entrepreneur, founder of Apple

Family status: was married

Steve Jobs - biography

It’s easy to talk about a person gifted since childhood; such is the entrepreneur and founder of the era of continuous computerization, Steve Jobs.

Childhood, family of the inventor

A native American from San Francisco, he was born into a scientific family. His father is a university teaching assistant, and his mother received her education at the same institution. There was no official marriage in the couple, since the girl’s parents were categorically against their acquaintance and life together. Little Steve was born almost secretly, and then he was raised by adoptive parents.

The Jobs couple were happy to pay attention to the baby, since they could not have their own children. The real mother wanted her son to receive a good higher education. From the very beginning, it seemed that the biography of an unwanted child could not be happy.

Steven Jobs - businessman

Soon the couple adopted the girl so that the boy would have a sister. The whole family chose Mountain View as their permanent residence and left San Francisco. The adoptive father was a car mechanic; he found a well-paid job to pay for his children’s education. Steve was not interested in mechanics; he preferred electronics. Although the town was small, it was believed that all the high technologies were located there. The boy's biography was predetermined. Stephen was not stupid, but his studies did not interest him.

One day a miracle happened: one of the teachers managed to instill diligence, and the boy completed two classes as an external student at once. The student was familiar with radio electronics, he himself managed to assemble a frequency meter using electronics, and worked in one of the famous companies. Like many teenagers, at the age of 16, a passion for hippie culture and the Beatles began. He started trying drugs and became acquainted with a guy much older than himself. Stephen Wozniak became Jobs's friend for many years.

The guys were brought together by their passion for computers and electronic equipment. They knew how to invent, and the first device they came up with was a tool for hacking a telephone network. The guys learned how to select tone signals. Then the device began to be in demand, and friends earned a lot of money. Steve Jobs had no trouble getting into a liberal arts college. But after 6 months he quits his studies, because at that time he was interested in the practices of the East and vegetarian food.


Steve gets a job at a computer game company. And an old friend creates boards and improves them. The two Stephens started their own company. In this duo, it was necessary to take leadership, and Jobs did it perfectly. This is how the biography of the first computers began.

The first specimens were primitive, but the partners continued to work on perfecting their creations. As a result, the improved Apple II has a plastic body and a beautiful appearance. Financially, the company prospered, but due to Jobs’s difficult character, scandals often arose between friends. Jobs quit, but immediately founded a new company.

Jobs retrained

Stephen bought out George Lucas's animation studio to create commercials, but his cartoons receive prestigious awards. Jobs creates animation, and after some time he manages to profitably sell his studio to the famous company Disney. He returns again to his beloved company, of which he was the founder. Managed to find a new market and always strived to act in the spirit of the times. He owns the production of a media player, a touchscreen mobile phone iPhone, and a tablet with Internet iPad.

Steve Jobs - biography of personal life

Steve had many beloved and loving women. The first was Chris Ann Brennan. Relations with her were always complex and confusing. When their daughter Lisa was born, father Steve recognized her only after taking a DNA test. Then advertising agent Barbara Jasinski, singer Joan Baez, and Tina Redse, who works with computers, appeared in the young man’s life. None of these women became Steve's official wife. Lauren Powell became the official wife; she worked in a bank.

A year after the marriage proposal, they got married. The couple had a son, Reed, and daughters, Erin and Eve. The father understood that electronic technology was harmful to the health of young children, and computers and phones were banned for a long time for Jobs’ children. Later, Steve decided to find his real mother and sister and began to communicate with them, something he had been deprived of since childhood.

Steve Jobs - Illness and Death

The entrepreneur was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer; all the treatment undertaken by his family did not produce results. The businessman died, the whole family was with him. Cause of death apple genius was struck by cancer. A film was made about Steve Jobs, books and memoirs were written. His biography is of interest to many screenwriters and directors. But we should not forget that this man had a talent not for entrepreneurship itself, but for invention and the latest computer developments.

Steve Jobs - documentary

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Place of birth: San Francisco, USA

Height: 188

Occupation: entrepreneur, pioneer of the era of IT technologies, founder of Apple, NeXT and Pixar

Marital status: married

Father : biological:
Abdulfattah "John" Jandali (b. 1931)
Paul Reingold Jobs (1922-1993)

Mother: biological:
Joan Carol Schieble (b. 1932)
Clara Jobs (Hagopian) (1924-1986)

Children :O t Chris Ann Brennan:

  • Lisa Brennan-Jobs (born 1978),

from Lauren Powell:

  • Reed Jobs (born 1991),
  • Erin Jobs (born 1995),
  • Eve Jobs (b. 1998)

Steve Jobs: biography

Today's issue is dedicated to the great entrepreneur of the previous and our generations - Steven Paul Jobs.

For those who prefer watching a documentary rather than reading, you can find out detailed information about the life of Steve Jobs from the video provided. This is the best thing I found on YouTube. I hope you find it very interesting.

Abdulfatt Jandali's father, a Syrian by birth, held the position of teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin. Mother Joan Schieble, a German by nationality, was a student at the same educational institution. The young people were not married, as the girl’s family was against their relationship. That is why Stephen's mother was forced to give birth in a private California clinic. After which he gives the child to foster parents to raise.

Steve was adopted by Paul Jobs and his wife Clara, who could not have their own children. The only requirement of the biological mother was that the boy should receive a higher education.

Two years later, Steve had a sister, Patty, who was also adopted. After some time, the family leaves San Francisco and stops in the town of Mountain View. In these parts, Paul Jobs found a job without any problems; he was an auto mechanic. It was necessary to raise money to pay for college for the children. Steve's father wanted to instill his son's interest in mechanics, but young Jobs was much more attracted to electronics. With all this, Mountain View was the center high technology. One way or another, this is where the journey of a great entrepreneur begins.

Elementary school was not an easy test for Steve; the boy had problems with teachers, although he was quite an intelligent student. Even in those years, Jobs Jr. thought that the education system was boring, formal and soulless. But everything changed when one of the teachers was able to find an approach to the restless prankster. As a result, the boy began to study diligently and was able to skip two grades.

IN school years Steve was interested in radio electronics and went to the corresponding circle. Among his inventions in his early years, one can highlight an electronic frequency meter, which he assembled himself. Thanks to his communication skills and his abilities, Steve Jobs worked for some time on an assembly line at the famous Hewlett-Packard company.

At the age of 16, like many other teenagers, the guy began to have conflicts with his parents, mainly with his father. The reason for the disagreement was Steve's passion for hippie culture, the music of Bob Dylan and The Beatles; Jobs Jr. also loved to smoke marijuana and used LSD.

At the same time, Stephen met Stephen Wozniak, who was 5 years older than him. The guys quickly became best friends, as they understood each other without difficulty, and they were both interested in computers and electronics.

It didn't take long before Jobs and Wozniak's first joint invention appeared. In high school they made a device they called a blue box that allowed them to make free phone calls. The essence of the invention was that the guys were able to find an approach to hacking the telephone network by selecting tone signals.

At first it was just fun, but then Stephen realized that he could make money from it. Their shop quickly closed, but the understanding that electronics brings money and the taste of excitement remained.

1972 Steve Jobs enters the private liberal arts college Reed College. The training schedule is very busy, so students had to devote a lot of time to preparation and classes.

After 6 months of training, Jobs could not stand it and quit college, seeing no point in wasting his time. During this period, his biography of a young man was much more attracted to Eastern spiritual practices, Zen Buddhism and vegetarianism.

Apple Company

Steven Jobs begins his work as a technician at the young company Atapi. She was engaged in the production of computer games.

During the same period, Wozniak was working on creating and improving boards for a personal computer, not yet for sale. But after a little time, Jobs began to get a picture of what could happen if he started selling such boards.

And so Steve invites his friend to create a joint computer company, which will later become the legendary Apple company. Below I give you the opportunity to watch a biographical film in which you can trace in more detail how the steps were carried out to create and implement computers.

While working on the first version of the Apple I computer, Jobs showed himself to be an authoritarian, tough, partly tyrannical, but at the same time a skillful leader.

The first development was primitive and more like an electronic typewriter.

And in 1976, Wozniak tried hard and created a new board that could work with color, sound, and could connect external media. Some may think that success came only thanks to Wozniak, however, we must not forget about the incredible organizational skills of Steve Jobs. He put a lot of effort into promoting the device and getting people to buy computers that weren't in great demand.

Steve was very critical of even the smallest design details. Thanks to him, the Apple II was equipped with a beautiful plastic case and a miniature appearance. Jobs was smart and understood what was required of him. For example, he hired professional advertising specialist Regis McKenna, and everyone started talking about the new computer.

Then the Apple III, Apple Lisa and Macintosh were developed. Judging by its financial position, the company rapidly developed and prospered. But, if you look at the picture at first glance, it was clear that there was discord in the company at the highest level. Constant scandals and strife, occurring largely due to the difficult character of Steven Jobs.

NeXT and Pixar

All the litigation led to Jobs being suspended from work!

1984 - Jobs leaves his own company. But he does not lose heart, but on the contrary, quickly organizes a new company, NeXT Computer. From this manufacturer the market received only advanced new products that no one else had. But at their price they were not available to the majority of consumers.

At the same time, Steve Jobs buys Pixar studio from George Lucas for $5 million. The main idea was to use animated films to advertise the capabilities of NeXT computers.

But when the cartoon “Tin Toy” was released in 1987 and won an Oscar, Jobs realized that he needed to work in a different direction. Later, this studio created such famous full-length animated films as “The Incredibles”, “Cars”, “Ratatouille”, “Finding Nemo”, “Toy Story”, “Monsters Inc.”, “WALL-E”, “Brave” and others.

2006 Steve sells Pixar to Disney for a whopping $7.5 billion. Despite all this, he remained a shareholder.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of mankind. And Pixar's cartoons are incredible.

Return to Apple

20th of December 1996 of the year Apple buys NeXT for $429 million, and Steve Jobs returns to Apple and becomes an advisor to the chairman.

A new development and achievement of Jobs's tenure is the serial production of the iMac all-in-one computer, which attracts everyone with its unusual futuristic design.

This miracle device broke all sales figures in the company's history. In addition, a third of buyers were not previously computer users. All this says only one thing: thanks to the development, a new consumer market has emerged. Steve was absolutely incredible!

The second successful step is the creation of the Apple Store, a network of retail stores around the world , who were engaged in the sale of Apple equipment.

So what made Steve Jobs unique? He not only kept up with the times, but he himself created a new time and dictated the laws of fashion in the IT industry.

For example, a businessman did not miss the opportunity and set up the production of miniature, but at the same time, functional and perfect devices.

  • iTunes media player;
  • Music player iPod;
  • Touch mobile phone iPhone;
  • Internet tablet iPad.

Yes, these devices are unrivaled around the world, but they were also released to the market earlier than their analogues, which leaves no chance for any of the manufacturers.

Have you ever heard of Russians mourning an American entrepreneur? I'm not, but it happened!

Many books have been written about Steve Jobs and many films have been made. I showed you a couple of them above.

Books about Jobs:

  • Steve Jobs and Me (I, Woz) / The True Story of Apple. Gina Smith, Steve Wozniak.
  • Steve Jobs. Leadership lessons. Authors: Jay Elliott, William Simon.
  • iKona. Geoffrey Young, William Simon
  • Steve Jobs in first person. George Beam.
  • Steve Jobs. Walter Isaacson.
  • Jobs' rules. Universal principles of success from the founder of Apple. Carmine Gallo.
  • Behind the scenes of Apple or the secret life of Jobs. Daniel Lyons.
  • Steve Jobs about business. 250 quotes from a man who changed the world. Alan Thomas.
  • iPresentation. Lessons in persuasion from Apple leader Steve Jobs. Carmine Gallo.
  • Becoming Steve Jobs. The rise of Steve Jobs. Authors: Brent Schlender, Rick Tetzeli.
  • A man who thought differently. Karen Blumenthal.
  • What is Steve thinking? Lander Kenny.

I recommend watching this movie:

Film "iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World"(“iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World”).

Personal life

You can understand how things were with Steve’s personal life by watching the movie “Jobs. Empire of Temptation”, the second video in this article.

Young Steve was loving, as befits the hippie culture. The first woman he loved was Chris Ann Brennan. Their relationship was not easy, it was complex, the couple often quarreled and even separated.

Today the subject of our conversation will be Steve Jobs: biography, success story this man who, from scratch, was able to achieve phenomenal success in business, steadfastly withstanding all the blows of fate. I am sure that in the biography and success story of Steve Jobs there are many role models and motivating factors, which is why, in fact, I decided to collect information and write this article.

So, Steve Jobs is a famous entrepreneur and IT engineer originally from the USA, who co-founded the equally famous IT corporation Apple Inc and was its executive director for a long time. Steve Jobs is called the pioneer of the American computer industry, the man who became its founder and determined the path for its further development.

At the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire, and at that time his fortune was already immediately estimated at over 250 million dollars. By the end of his life, he owned over $2 billion in Apple shares and $4.4 billion in Disney shares. In the year of his death, according to Forbes magazine, he owned $7 billion and was ranked 39th in the ranking of the richest people in the world.

This year the feature film Steve Jobs was released, telling the biography and success story of this brilliant man; its world premiere has already taken place and is showing high ratings and box office receipts. In Russia, this film can be seen from 2016.

Steve Jobs: childhood and youth.

Steven Paul Jobs was born in 1955 in San Francisco. Steve was not a wanted child, so his parents immediately abandoned him and gave him up for adoption. So the boy got adoptive parents, from whom he inherited the surname, and who gave him this name - Steven Paul Jobs. This was a family of ordinary workers and employees.

From early childhood, Steve Jobs demonstrated hooligan tendencies and reluctance to study at school. The teachers spoke negatively about him, and only one teacher was able to find an approach to this child. Mrs. Hill (that was her name) began to motivate Steve financially, rewarding him for good academic performance with sweets, toys, and even money. Thanks to this, Steve “came to his senses” and began to study so seriously that he even “jumped” the fifth grade and transferred to high school from elementary school a year earlier. At the same time, the school director suggested that Steve’s parents immediately transfer him to 2 grades higher, but they decided that 1 grade would be enough.

Meanwhile, Steve's adoptive father, who repaired old cars in the garage, tried to instill in his child the profession of an auto mechanic, but he did not like it. However, this is how the future IT leader acquired his first skills in working with electronics.

At the age of 12, an interesting moment occurred in the biography of Steve Jobs. He plucked up the courage to call Hewlett-Packard President Bill Hewlett on his home phone and asked him to help with parts to assemble a device needed for a physics classroom at school. Hewlett then talked on the phone with Jobs for about 20 minutes, as a result he not only sent him the necessary details, but also offered him a part-time job in his company, in which the so-called Silicon Valley.

Steve Jobs agreed. In addition to this work, he began to earn extra money as a newspaper delivery boy, as well as in the warehouse of one of the companies. Thanks to this, at the age of 15, Steve became the owner of a car, bought with his own money with the addition of his father’s funds. And a year later, Steve Jobs exchanged this car with an additional payment for a more expensive one.

At the same time, there were also negative aspects in the biography of Steve Jobs: he made friends with hippies and began using soft drugs.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

While working at Hewlett Packard, Steve Jobs became friends with Steve Wozniak, who was also interested in electronics and was 5 years older than him. At the time of their first meeting, Wozniak was already developing a strategy for creating a personal computer. This acquaintance in many ways became fateful for Steve Jobs.

At the age of 16, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak met a famous hacker at the time called Captain Crunch, who helped them create a device that allowed them to make free calls around the world. The basis for this development was the whistles that were included in the packages sold at that time. oatmeal“Captain Crunch” (hence the nickname). The hacker realized that they produced the right tone of sound, allowing him to connect to switching systems.

Soon, after an unsuccessful attempt, Wozniak managed to make such a device, which was called the “Blue Box”. At first, friends used it as entertainment, connecting to telephone lines and organizing prank calls. But then they came up with the idea of ​​making money from it. They were able to reduce the cost of one “blue box” from the initial 80 dollars to 40, then Wozniak began “mass production”, and Steve Jobs began selling Blue Boxes. Friends sold about 100 of these devices at a price of $150 apiece, made good money on it, but then were forced to stop this business due to unpleasant situations with the police and some buyers.

“Blue Boxes” created the basis for the future commercial cooperation of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak: the friends realized that by creating developments in the field of electronics necessary for humanity, they could make good money. After all, Wozniak is able to invent and create a new gadget, and Jobs is able to competently promote it to the market.

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs graduated from high school and went to college, moving to Oregon. However, after the first semester he dropped out, citing too expensive studies, which fell on the shoulders of his parents. After all, Steve then “wasted” the considerable money he earned on his own and spent it on entertainment, incl. and on drugs. Jobs later called the decision to drop out of university “one of the best decisions in life.”

Having dropped out of university, Steve Jobs was left without money. He couldn’t even pay for a dorm room, so he slept on the floor of his friends. To buy food, Jobs collected Coca-Cola bottles and traded them in for 5 cents apiece, and every Sunday he walked a long way to get to a free meal at the Hare Krishna temple. He lived in this mode for about 1.5 years.

Steve Jobs: working at Atari.

In 1974, Steve Jobs returned to California, where he met his old friend Steve Wozniak. He advised him to get a job at the video game company Atari, and Jobs took this advice.

At the company's expense, Steve Jobs went on business trips to Germany and India, where he successfully completed the tasks assigned to him. In addition, having arrived in India with his new friend Dan, he decided to follow the path of a pilgrim: from the very beginning of the trip, the friends exchanged their belongings for the rags of beggars and set off on foot, using the help of random passers-by. The harsh climate of the country even put their lives at risk several times, but they bravely endured all the trials.

Steve Jobs remembered his trip to India well because there he saw real poverty, completely different from what it was in the USA.

After returning home, Steve Jobs received a task from Atari to minimize the number of chips on the board of the company's new development: a video game machine. For each chip removed from the board, he was promised $100. Steve Jobs, in turn, entrusted this work to his friend Steve Wozniak, offering to split the payment equally, and he was able to reduce the circuit by 50 chips. But Steve Jobs deceived his friend, saying that the company paid him $700 for this work, and gave him half of this amount - $350. In fact, he received $5,000 from Atari.

Steve Jobs and Apple.

In 1975, Steve Wozniak completed the development of his first portable home personal computer model and demonstrated it to the management of Hewlett Packard. But they showed no interest in Wozniak’s model, since at that time no one even thought about home computers, and the computers themselves were associated with huge cabinets working for the needs of the military or large businesses. Then he approached Atari with the same idea, but even there his development was considered unpromising.

Looking at this, Steve Jobs invited his friend to create his own company that would develop and produce portable home computers, and Wozniak agreed. They also invited a colleague from Atari, Ronald Wayne, to their company, who was developing drawings of electronic circuits.

Thus, on April 1, 1976, Apple Computer Co was founded, the founders of which were business partners Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. To get money to start his own business, Steve Jobs sold the minibus he had at that time, and Steve Wozniak sold his programmable calculator. For this, all the friends received about $1,300 - with this money the company was created.

The aspiring entrepreneurs decided to locate the production itself in the garage, which was left to them by Steve Jobs' adoptive father. This garage became the first “production workshop” of Apple.

Ronald Wayne designed Apple's first logo, which included an image of Newton with an apple falling on his head. In the future, this logo was significantly simplified.

Soon after the start of its activities, Steve Jobs' Apple received its first order for 50 computers from one of the electronics stores. At that time, the partners did not have enough finances to purchase all the components for such a production batch, but Steve Jobs was able to persuade suppliers to defer payment, and borrowed part of the money from friends. Steve also recruited several of his friends and relatives to work on the order.

Three businessmen, together with hired staff, assembled the order in the evenings after their main work and were able to ensure delivery of the entire ordered batch within a month. They called their first computer Apple I. It was a regular circuit board with parts and didn’t even have a case. The keyboard and monitor had to be connected to this board separately. The cost of such a computer in the store then was $666.66.

Subsequently, Steve Job and Steve Wozniak called this order the most important in their lives. While working on it, Steve Jobs showed his business skills for the first time, because he took upon himself the leadership of the entire process and the resolution of all emerging issues.

Despite this successful start, Ronald Wayne soon became disillusioned with the job and decided to leave the business. He sold his 10% stake in the company to his partners for $800. So Apple was left with two founders: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Wozniak constantly worked to improve the computer model and soon developed a prototype of the Apple II, a device that became the first mass-produced PC in the world. The Apple II already had a plastic case, a disk drive, a monitor, a keyboard, and supported color images. Other specialists were brought in to work on the model: designers and electronics engineers.

Despite the fact that the Apple II was a clear breakthrough in the field of electronic technology, the partners could not find investors to finance the mass production of these gadgets: then both Hewlett Packard and Atari again did not consider this promising.

However, soon Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak still managed to find a major investor. It turned out to be Mike Markkula - he invested $92,000 of personal capital in the development, and also ensured the opening of a credit line for another $250,000 in largest bank USA. At the same time, he appointed his own managers to the company.

As a result, the Apple II was put into mass production and was simply a tremendous success: computers were sold in batches of hundreds and thousands of copies, despite the fact that at that time there were no more than 10,000 PCs in the world.

By 1980, Steve Jobs' Apple company had already become a recognized world leader in PC production, it had its own production workshops and a staff of several hundred people. The company's shares constantly grew in price, and a simple guy without education, Steve Jobs, as one of the shareholders, very quickly turned into a dollar millionaire and became one of the richest residents of the United States.

Steve Jobs and Macintosh.

In 1979, Steve Jobs was shown a Xerox development - the Alto computer, which allows the user to control processes by hovering a graphical cursor on the monitor. He was amazed by this technology, and he said that in the future all computers must work according to this principle. Steve Jobs himself also decided to develop and release such a computer in his company.

At that time, Apple was developing the Lisa computer, named after the daughter of Steve Jobs, and Steve decided to implement the innovation he saw in it. However, initially the cost of this model was planned to be no more than $2,000, and taking into account new technology, it no longer fit into this amount. Then the company's president, Michael Scott, removed Jobs from participation in the Lisa project, while simultaneously promoting him and appointing him chairman of the company's board of directors.

Soon after, Steve Jobs became interested in another development that was being carried out at Apple by engineer Jeff Raskin: he was working on an inexpensive computer, costing about $1,000, which he called Macintosh (from the name of his favorite apple variety, McIntosh). This device was supposed to combine a monitor, a system unit and a keyboard. Steve Jobs got the idea to add a graphical interface and a mouse to this computer and got Apple President Michael Scott to put him in charge of this development.

However, Jobs and Raskin had serious disagreements over the need for a mouse in the device. Their dispute went so far that both disputants were called “on the carpet” to the president of the company, who, after listening to them, nevertheless instructed Steve Jobs to complete the development of the Macintosh to the end, as he saw fit, and sent Raskin on vacation.

Soon after this, project investor Mike Markkula fired Michael Scott and headed Apple for a while. And Steve Jobs completed the Macintosh, creating it the way he wanted - using a mouse and a graphical interface.

Soon, Steve Jobs went on a business trip to Microsoft, where he met with its founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen, inviting them to Apple to inspect the development of the Macintosh. They liked the project, and the parties agreed that Microsoft would develop software for the Macintosh. Thus, the most famous program at that time, Microsoft Excel, soon appeared.

Steve Jobs personally developed a marketing plan to promote the Macintosh PC, which was aimed at selling 500 thousand copies of the product per year. At that time, Steve Wozniak had an accident, after which he was unable to continue working at Apple. Jobs understood that the success of the Macintosh would largely depend on him personally.

Steve Jobs purchased an apartment in Manhattan, where he soon met Pepsi President John Sculley. After talking with him, Steve realized that this man was well versed in business and could become a successful president of Apple. And Steve Jobs decided to lure John Sculley to his company. The phrase that Steve once told John, after which he agreed to move from Pepsi to Apple, became world famous:

Are you going to sell your sugared water all your life or do you want to change the world?

By that time, Microsoft programmers, working literally day and night, still managed to complete the necessary software to run the Macintosh within the given time frame. Steve Jobs personally presented this new product, demonstrating his oratory skills.

At first, Macintosh sales were simply stunning, but soon users began to feel a serious lack of software (then the only software was the Office suite, and Microsoft simply did not have time to develop new programs for the graphical interface). Then sales began to fall. Soon problems with the technical part of the Macintosh were revealed, and they fell even further.

Steve Jobs tried to shift the blame for this to others - in particular, to the new president of Apple, John Sculley, accusing him of failing to fully refocus on the computer business. He began to play various “behind-the-scenes games” with the goal of independently taking the place of president of the company. However, the project investor noticed this and fired Steve from the company.

So Steve Jobs lost his job at Apple, which he himself founded. In anger, he sold his entire stake in the company, leaving only 1 share for himself “as a souvenir.”

Steve Jobs after Apple.

After leaving Apple, Steve Jobs decided not to quit the computer business and founded a new IT company called Next. This company was immediately able to receive huge investments from businessman Rosa Perot - he invested $20 million in it. This is despite the fact that Steve Jobs did not even develop any specific one: the investor simply relied on him as an experienced and successful entrepreneur in the IT field.

However, Perot's hopes were not realized. Next's computers were not as successful as Apple's. There were some sales, but they did not bring the investor the desired profit and could not even recoup the investment. A lot of money was spent on promoting the company, but Steve Jobs was unable to “recapture” it. Nevertheless, Jobs did not lose hope and made new attempts.

So, in 1985, he acquired the Pixar company (its seller was George Lucas, the director of “Star Wars”). An interesting fact is that Lucas asked for $30 million for the company, but Steve Jobs negotiated down to $10 million, taking advantage of the moment when Lucas was in a critical situation and needed money. The Pixar company was engaged in computer animation and had at its disposal the most powerful computer systems for that time.

Steve Jobs hired artist John Lasseter, luring him away from Disney, and began producing animated videos demonstrating the capabilities of Pixar's hardware and software. The company subsequently released a short film, which was awarded an Academy Award. For a time, Pixar brought Steve Jobs a small income, but gradually the business became unprofitable.

However, this period became favorable for Steve Jobs's personal life: he met the woman of his dreams, Laurene Powell. Their acquaintance was very romantic, and soon, in 1991, the wedding took place.

At the same time, Steve Jobs signed a contract with the Disney studio, which included the creation and promotion of animated films. By that time, in the eyes of the press and public, Steve already looked practically bankrupt; no one believed that he could make his enterprise profitable. However, this contract was successful and made it possible to compensate for a significant part of the losses.

But in 1992, Steve Jobs realized that his company Next could not continue to exist without additional capital, and was able to persuade one of the largest investors, Canon, for the next tranche of financing - $30 million. Thanks to this, Next sales increased slightly, but in comparison with Apple they were still tens of times less.

In 1993, Steve Jobs made a difficult decision for himself - to gradually curtail PC production and transferred all the company's efforts to software production.

Steve Jobs: return to Apple.

By 1995, Apple also began to experience serious problems: it had already replaced several managers, but turnover was still falling, and its activities became deeply unprofitable. Apple investors wanted to sell the company, for this they negotiated with several major concerns (for example, Philips), but this did not lead to the desired result.

Steve Jobs and his Pixar, meanwhile, released the animated film Toy Story, which received great success. And the Next company developed a new operating system, NextStep.

Then the success story of Steve Jobs took an unexpected turn: his second company, Next, was bought by his first company, Apple. She needed the NextStep software itself, which became the basis for Mac OS X, and its team of developers (more than 300 specialists). The transaction amount was $377 million + 1.5 million shares of the company.

However, this acquisition did not immediately lead to the desired result. When it was unable to bring Apple out of losses, the board of directors fired the next president of the company, Gil Amelio. And taking advantage of the situation, his place was taken by... of course, Steve Jobs.

Having taken control of the company into his own hands, he immediately made a lucrative deal with Bill Gates and his Microsoft. Gates' company invested $150 million in Apple in exchange for several developments and the installation of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser on Mac computers.

Soon, Steve Jobs was again able to bring Apple to breakeven, and then to profit. In 1998, one might say, the revival of this company began. At the same time, his second brainchild Pixar released several highly successful films, including “Monsters, Inc.”

Then Apple worked successfully, with a profit, constantly developing, its shares showed stable growth. In 1998, the company released the first iMac, which was a great success and was put into mass production.

The first dedicated Apple Stores opened in 2001. Today, it is these stores that generate the greatest income per square meter of space in the USA and Europe; they also already have their own Apple Store on the Internet.

This was followed by the release of the iBook and iTunes, and the iTunes Store network of music stores began to develop. The success of iTunes contributed to Steve Jobs' interest in the mp3 player market, and so the first iPod was soon developed and released, then new versions began to appear.

Simultaneous use operating system Mac OS X again boosted sales of Macintosh computers, at which point they received their rebirth.

Well, a little later, Apple released the first iPhone, which became a real breakthrough in the IT technology market. It was first introduced in 2007. Sales of this gadget brought Apple revenue of 150 billion dollars over 5 years.

And even later, the iPad appeared: Steve Jobs personally presented it in January 2010. Already in March 2011, he presented the iPad-2.

In August 2011, Steve Jobs resigned as president of the company due to health reasons, but remained chairman of the board of directors. The stock market then reacted to this event by falling Apple shares by 5%.

And on October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died due to respiratory arrest at home, surrounded by his family.

IN last years During his life, Steve Jobs spoke a lot in front of wide audiences; his speeches were always long-awaited and were a great success. And many authors described his biography and interesting facts from life in their books.

This is the long story of Steve Jobs' success that I have. I hope that you were interested and were able to form your own opinion about this man, who has made many breakthroughs in the IT field. We have used many of the developments of Steve Jobs and his Apple ourselves and still use them today.

See you again at ! I wish you success in all your endeavors. Stay with us and receive a lot of useful and interesting information that will help you with this.

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, inventor, and industrial designer who is widely recognized as a pioneer of the information technology era.

Jobs gained the greatest fame as one of the founders of the Apple corporation and the Pixar film studio. Many consider him a true revolutionary in the field of mobile gadgets, as well as a brilliant marketer.

Education and first job

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, but was expelled after six months. This was due to the overly expensive education, which turned out to be unaffordable for his parents.

After leaving Reed College, Steve began to become seriously interested in Eastern spiritual practices. In addition, he refused to eat meat and repeatedly experimented with fasting.

An interesting fact is that Jobs liked to spend his free time with hippies, listening to The Beatles, who were at the peak of their popularity, with them.

In 1975, Jobs set about improving the circuitry for a video game. He had to upgrade the board, minimizing the number of chips located on it.

Atari paid $100 for the removal of each chip. But since Steve had little understanding of electronic circuit design, he was forced to turn to Wozniak.

As a rule, it took more than one month to complete such work, but he convinced his friend to complete the task in 4 days. As a result, after 4 days of intensive work, Wozniak was able to optimize the board for the game.

For such an outstanding result, the company paid Jobs $5,000, but he told his friend that he received only $700, after which he divided this amount in half.

Thus, he had quite a lot of money in his hands, which allowed him to quit his job.

Jobs's career

When Steve Jobs turned 20, he first saw Wozniak’s computer, which he created with his own hands. Then the friends seriously thought about selling such equipment.

However, this required start-up capital. By selling some personal items, they were able to save $1,300.

After that, the guys found a customer willing to buy as many as 50 computers from them. To complete such an order, they had to take out a loan, because they needed to purchase a lot of materials.

After 10 days, the inventors managed to sell some of the computers, which they decided to call “Apple 1”. The price of each of them was $666.

At the same time, IBM began mass production of computers. Then Jobs thought about how to get ahead of his competitor and emerge victorious in this difficult race.

Millionaire at 25

By that time, Wozniak was able to improve his PC, as a result of which Apple 2 was released. This model was faster and had a better design.

As a result, Apple technology began to spread throughout the world, and the number of their computers exceeded 5 million copies. This event became one of the most significant in the biography of Steve Jobs.

At the age of 25, he and his friend Steve Wozniak became millionaires.

The inventors did not stop at the achieved results, but on the contrary continued to modernize their products.

Soon a new PC "Lisa" appeared, which Steve named after his daughter.

Later, his colleagues Mark Marculla, who invested more than $250,000 in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and decided to remove Jobs.


After his dismissal, he began collaborating with Jeff Raskin. Together with him, he wanted to create a portable machine that would be small in size and could fit into a small suitcase. This device was later called the "Macintosh".

It is worth noting that conflicts often arose between Jobs and Raskin, since Jobs was already a very demanding and principled boss.

As a result, Raskin was fired, and later, due to disagreements, John Sculley and Wozniak also quit.


After this, Jobs formed the hardware company NeXT.

In 1986, he became the head of the Pixar animation studio, which produced many popular cartoons.

Soon Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million. The deal was completed in late 1996, and Jobs was introduced to the Apple team as "adviser to the chairman."

Return to Apple

The company immediately began to feel movement: production was reduced, followed by a series of personnel changes and reshuffles.

It became clear that Jobs would try to regain Apple, although he called himself only a “consultant” and in every possible way denied claims to power, citing his employment at Pixar and the need to devote more time to his family.

At the same time, Jobs quickly managed to bring people loyal to him to key positions in the company and acquired a clear reputation: he became an eminence grise at Apple.

A short time later, he received the position of manager of Apple, joining the board of directors. An interesting fact is that in 2000 Jobs was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the director with the smallest salary - $1 per year.

In 2001, Jobs introduced the world to an MP3 player called the iPod, which gained incredible popularity. The player had unique specifications, great design and large memory capacity.

After this, a series of striking events related to innovative developments occurred in the biography of Steve Jobs.

Apple introduced the Apple TV media player, and soon the iPhone touchscreen phone went on sale. Less than a year later, the company developed the thinnest laptop ever, the MacBook Air.

Jobs' genius

Researchers have always been interested in the question of why Apple products have long held leading positions in the global electronics market, leaving all competitors far behind.

When answering this question, it is impossible not to admit that this was only possible thanks to Steve Jobs.

Jobs attached great importance to the appearance and interface of his devices. Apple products were one of a kind and could not be confused with any other brand.

Steve always thought several steps ahead and tried to anticipate the desires of the consumer. It is worth noting that he often used other people’s developments, which he brought to perfection before implementation.

Can you remember one interesting fact from the biography of Steve Jobs, which fully reveals his talent as a marketer. In 2010, they introduced the iPad tablet as a full-fledged alternative to a laptop.

However, the public showed little interest in the gadget. The situation was further complicated by the fact that he actively advertised his netbooks, claiming that the future lay behind them.

This is where Jobs's oratorical talent showed itself. He described the iPad so masterfully that he literally forced people to buy it.

As a result, in just one year, more than 15 million people purchased the tablet, which was almost a record figure in the world.

Personal life

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs met Chris Ann Brennan, who was a hippie. Together they mastered various eastern practices and also hitchhiked.

In 1978, their girl Lisa was born. An interesting fact is that Jobs initially categorically denied his paternity, stating that Chris was not only dating him. As a result of legal proceedings and a genetic test, it turned out that he was the father.

When Lisa grew up, Steve got along quite well with her, and recalled the story of denying his paternity with annoyance:

“I shouldn’t have behaved like that. Then I did not imagine myself as a father and was not ready for it. If I could change everything now, I would, of course, behave better.”

In 1982, Steve began an affair with artist Joan Baez, but their relationship ended after 3 years.

After that, he met Tina Redse, with whom he fell in love at first sight. At that time, she worked as a computer consultant, and most importantly, she was also interested in the hippie subculture.

Feelings arose between them, but things never came to a wedding. When Steve Jobs proposed to her, Tina turned him down and their relationship ended.

In 1989, Jobs met and began dating Lauren Powell, who was a bank employee. A year later they decided to get married. Later they had a boy, Reed (1991), and two girls, Erin (1995) and Eve (1998).

Death of Jobs

In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The doctors unequivocally insisted on urgently operating on him.

However, he refused surgery for 9 months, preferring to use unconventional methods. Subsequently, he very much regretted it.

He gave his last speech on June 6, 2011, and on August 24 he announced his resignation as CEO of Apple.

Fully focused on fighting the terrible disease, he used different methods treatment, but he failed to overcome the disease.

Some researchers call Jobs “the greatest entrepreneur of our time,” and put him on a par with such personalities as Thomas Edison and.

Jobs statue in Graphisoft Park in Budapest

In 2013, the film “Jobs: Empire of Seduction” was shot, based on facts from his biography.

In 2011, Graphisoft unveiled the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs in Budapest, hailing him as one of the greatest figures of our time.

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