Algorithm for first aid for fractures. Providing first aid for fractures: rules of immobilization. Features of bleeding in fractures

Algorithm for providing first aid for fractures. General tasks. The procedure for providing first aid in case of closed fractures. The procedure for providing first aid for open fractures. Assess the severity of the victim’s condition Reduce pain with an anesthetic Determine whether it is possible to move the victim before the arrival of medical personnel (in case of spinal injuries, the patient cannot be moved). Provide rest to the wounded Give anesthetic Immobilize the damaged area using splints (do not remove clothing from the injured part of the body unless absolutely necessary). If there is bleeding, stop it in a known way. Treat the wound. Apply a bandage to the wound. Immobilize the damaged area.

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Life safety 7th grade

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A fracture is a common type of injury in which the integrity of the bone is broken. Fractures are divided into complete and partial (cracks), as well as closed, when the skin remains intact, and open, when a gaping wound formed by bone fragments appears at the fracture site.

A fracture is a serious injury and always requires medical intervention, so in all cases where a fracture is suspected, medical attention should be sought. The purpose of pre-medical first aid for fractures is to ensure rest of the injured area (in order to prevent damage to muscles and tendons), to relieve pain if possible and to quickly transport the victim to the hospital to provide qualified medical care.

Signs of a fracture

The main signs of a fracture are intense pain, swelling and pathological mobility in the injured area. There are additional signs that depend on the type and location of the fracture, but in order to suspect a fracture, three main ones are enough, and sometimes even one - severe pain. The fact is that swelling is not always noticeable to the untrained eye. For example, in people with a dense build it can be difficult to detect, and in some cases it may not be too pronounced. As for pathological mobility, it also cannot always be detected, for example, if the fracture is located close to the joint.

A doctor will be able to accurately determine the presence of a fracture after taking an x-ray, and for first aid, any bone injury that is accompanied by severe pain that intensifies when trying to move will be considered a fracture. If it later turns out that the injury is less serious, for example, a bruise or dislocation, and first aid is provided as for a fracture, this will not cause any harm to the victim, while underestimating the severity of the injury can lead to very serious complications.

First aid measures for fractures

First aid for a fracture consists of immobilization, i.e. immobility of the injured part of the body, and prompt delivery of the victim to medical institution. When carrying out immobilization, it is important to follow the general rules:

  1. There is no need to try to reshape the injured bone correct form. This can lead to painful shock, as well as additional (secondary) injury to soft and hard tissues;
  2. If the fracture is open and broken sections of bone are visible, you should not try to “push” them into the soft tissue. In case of comminuted fractures, there is no need to attempt to remove or reduce the fragments. Immobilization should be carried out in the position in which the affected area was located at the time of first aid;
  3. It is impossible to transport a victim with multiple injuries, including multiple fractures, as well as fractures of the spine and pelvis. First aid for fractures of this type is provided on the spot, and delivery to the hospital is carried out by ambulance;
  4. With intense pain syndrome You can give the victim painkillers. Paracetamol, Analgin or any other over-the-counter painkiller will do;
  5. During the cold season, it is necessary to ensure that the victim does not become hypothermic, including that the injured limb does not become hypothermic. To do this, you can throw some warm clothes or a blanket over it, and give the victim hot tea (if possible).

Rules for immobilization for various fractures

Before transporting the victim to the hospital, the affected area must be immobilized so that movement in this area does not aggravate the injury.

Fractures of fingers and toes:

In case of fractures of the fingers or toes, for immobilization it is enough to bandage the damaged finger to the adjacent one.

Limb fractures:

For limb fractures, a splint is applied. The splint can be made from any available material that is strong enough to hold the limb motionless.

It is necessary to apply a splint, observing the following rules:

  1. The splint is installed in such a way as to fix at least two joints - located above and below the fracture site;
  2. There must be a fabric layer between the tire and the skin;
  3. The tire must be firmly fixed; it is unacceptable for it to dangle, because in this case, instead of a means of immobilization, it turns into an additional traumatic factor.

Rib fractures:

For rib fractures, the victim needs to apply a tight, pressure bandage to the chest, the purpose of which is to apply sufficient pressure so that a person breathes in to a greater extent due to the abdominal muscles - this will provide fixation and reduce pain, since the chest moves when breathing. You should not talk to the victim, since speech also leads to increased pain.

Fractures of the spine and pelvis:

In case of fractures of the spine and pelvis, as well as multiple fractures, the victim should not be moved; this should be done by people with sufficient qualifications. However, if this is not possible, in order to provide first aid for fractures of this type, it is necessary to make a stretcher with a solid base, taking maximum precaution, and transfer the victim onto it. It is necessary to place a fabric roll under the knees (folded clothing can be used), after which the patient is secured on a stretcher using wide bandages or fabric replacing them and transported, avoiding sudden movements.

First aid for open fractures

First aid for open fractures generally consists of the same measures as for closed ones, but in this case it is necessary to stop the bleeding, since large blood loss is more dangerous than the most complex fracture. To stop bleeding, apply a bandage and, if necessary, a tourniquet (see “First aid for bleeding”). It is advisable to treat the surface of the wound with an antiseptic (alcohol, iodine), but you should not remove scraps of tissue, splinters, etc. from the wound.

During accidents, emergencies and natural disasters, people get injured. Most often these are fractures, which are accompanied by painful shock. Success further treatment largely depends on how timely and correctly first aid was provided for open and closed fractures.

Main types of fractures

Most often, fractures are divided into closed and open. In the first case, the skin is not damaged, in the second, the skin is torn, and parts of the bone can protrude beyond the wound. At open fracture tissue infection occurs, so recovery is longer.

Based on the nature of damage to bones and adjacent tissues, they are distinguished: the following types fractures:

  • comminuted - the bone is destroyed with the formation of many fragments;
  • complicated – nerve fibers and internal organs are affected along with the bone;
  • displaced – bone fragments are displaced relative to each other;

The fracture can also be partial in the form of a crack. This violation of bone integrity is more common in children due to the elasticity of bone tissue.

Principles of providing first aid

Let's consider the algorithm of actions and rules first aid for broken limbs:

  1. Look around and make sure there is no danger to yourself and the victim.
  2. If a person is without signs of life, take resuscitation measures and only then provide assistance for a fracture.
  3. Call the EMS team.
  4. If there is arterial disease, take measures to stop it.
  5. Try not to change the position of the victim’s body and limbs, especially if a spinal fracture is suspected. If you need to remove clothes or shoes, do it carefully, starting with a healthy limb.
  6. Take measures to prevent painful shock.
  7. Provide immobilization.

Until the ambulance arrives, you need to stay next to the victim, monitor breathing, pulse and consciousness, and also try to calm him down.

Additionally read:

If the fracture is open, you need to carefully, without changing the position of the injured limb, stop the bleeding by choosing the most appropriate method. The area of ​​skin around the wound needs to be treated antiseptic solution, then apply a clean bandage. After this, you can prepare a splint that must match the length and fix the injured limb. Before arrival, the victim must be kept calm. If the collarbone is fractured, you need to put a roller in the armpit, bend your arm at the elbow, hang it on a scarf and bandage it to the body.

Prevention of painful shock

Due to damage to soft tissues and nerve fibers during a fracture, strong pain. If you do not provide assistance in this direction, it may begin traumatic shock, which is life-threatening.

To avoid this condition, you need to:

  • give the victim 3-4 tablets of analgin or 1-2 tramadol (or another painkiller);
  • apply a cold compress to the injury site - ice, snow, etc.

The development of painful shock is facilitated by general cooling of the body, so during the cold season the victim must be covered. Immobilization also helps prevent shock.

Immobilization rules

Immobilization is a set of measures aimed at ensuring the immobility of the injured limb. For this they use various tires, including those made from handy materials - sticks, boards, rods, etc.

First aid for pelvic fractures

A fall from a height, an accident or an impact can cause a fracture of the pelvic bone. First aid in this case is provided before the arrival of the emergency medical service team. To do this you need:

  1. Take measures to prevent traumatic shock.
  2. Place the victim on a hard surface.
  3. Give your body a “frog” position. Bend your legs at an angle of 45 0 at the knees and hip joints, slightly apart to the sides. Place a soft cushion of clothing or blanket under your feet.

If necessary, a person can be transported in the “frog” position to a medical facility.

As is the case with other fractures, it is necessary to monitor physiological indicators, monitor the pulse rate and breathing. You need to talk to the victim, try to calm him down, and if he loses consciousness, turn his head to the side to prevent asphyxia from vomit.

General precautions

Often, eyewitnesses to the incident do not have special knowledge and therefore, when trying to provide first aid to the victim, they make gross mistakes. Incorrect actions can increase recovery time and, in the worst case, cost the victim his life.

  1. Give something to drink or eat, except in cases of preventing painful shock.
  2. Try to straighten the injured leg or arm.
  3. In case of an open fracture, remove bone fragments from the wound.
  4. Without the need to move the victim or change the position of the injured limb.
  5. Set broken bones yourself.
  6. Pour iodine, alcohol and other agents directly into the wound (they will cause a painful shock).
  7. Use contaminated materials to treat wounds and dressings.

The arriving ambulance team must be informed about measures to prevent pain shock. Information about pain medications or alcohol may be helpful if general anesthesia is required for subsequent treatment of the fracture.


  • Buyanov V.M., Nesterenko Yu.A. "First Aid" (7th edition, 2000)
  • D. V. Marchenko “First medical aid for injuries and accidents” 2009


It’s useful for everyone to know what you should be like urgent Care for fractures, since his life may depend on it. Injury lower limb– this is a consequence of an industrial or domestic injury, in the event of which it is important for the injured party to help in a timely manner, through coordinated actions to prevent complications.

What to do if you have a fracture

On the Internet you can find a huge number of videos that show in detail the algorithm for providing first aid in case of open or closed fractures. If everything is done correctly, there is a chance to prevent the patient’s painful shock and damage to the integrity of the soft tissues. Timely provision of first aid for fractures promotes rapid restoration of the damaged bone and reduces the risk of displacement of such hard structures.

What to do if you have a fracture

Actions must be quick and coordinated, but the main thing is to understand what to do. For example, the first step is to exclude any movements of the victim, and be sure to immobilize the suspected focus of the pathology. Otherwise, the clinical picture only gets worse. Before helping with a fracture, it is important to make sure that the bone is injured.

To do this, listen carefully to the patient’s complaints, in which he reports the inability to move the injured arm or leg, an acute attack of pain, and other symptoms. There is no doubt that this is most likely a fracture. If no visible wound on the body is visualized, it is closed; and in case of integrity violation skin and opened bleeding - open.

What not to do for fractures

When applying a splint to a damaged area of ​​the skeleton, it is important not to attempt to arbitrarily set the bone. Otherwise, the injured person experiences painful shock, and soft fabrics are injured and bleeding begins. In order not to aggravate the clinical picture, in case of first aid it would not hurt to find out what should not be done in case of a fracture. So:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to transport a patient without first applying a splint to firmly fix the affected area.
  2. Questionable alternative medicine should not be used to treat fractures, since the patient needs the help of a certified traumatologist.
  3. You cannot ignore the signs of a fracture, referring to a simple bruise. This problem does not go away on its own, but improperly fused bones lead to serious health problems.
  4. To fix the splint, it is better to use thick material or bandages, but not tape or other sticky surfaces.
  5. It is not recommended to avoid medical assistance, since one of the mandatory measures for the successful treatment of fractures is the application of a plaster cast.

How to determine a bruise or fracture

Some patients doubt that the bone is broken. It’s easier for them to believe that it’s a bruise that will go away after a couple of days. To dispel all doubts and eliminate dangerous delay in this matter, the characteristic symptoms of a fracture are presented below. This:

  • attack of pain at the time of fracture;
  • painful shock when trying to move the damaged area or when transporting the patient;
  • swelling of soft tissues, formation of a hematoma at the site of bone injury;
  • deformation of the affected area;
  • open bleeding (for open fractures).

As for bruises, the pain is temporary and weakens when exposed to cold. The swelling goes away within the first day after the impact, and the joints retain their partial mobility. If the patient is put to bed and adheres to bed rest for at least 24 hours, the next day the positive dynamics are obvious, which cannot be said about closed and, especially, open type fractures.

Immobilization for fractures

The use of rigid clamps for this type of injury is mandatory; this is the first aid to the victim. If such an orthopedic device is correctly applied, the patient can be transported without problems, first to an ambulance, and then to the emergency room. After determining the area of ​​damage, immobilization of limbs or other skeletal structures is as follows:

  1. If the femur is injured, the splint is placed on the inside of the injured limb, the ankle and knee joints are fixed. The splint should reach the groin, where a soft cushion should be placed as a stop.
  2. If the lower leg is broken, it is necessary to prepare two splints - for the outer and inner surfaces of the injured limb, which are tightly bandaged together. Ankle and knee-joint fix.
  3. If the collarbone is broken, prepare a scarf on which to hang the sore arm. When the need to apply a bandage arises, retract the forearm and secure it tightly in this position.
  4. If a rib is broken, a tight bandage is applied to the chest (in the sternum area), but first the victim must be given painkillers and urgently call an ambulance. It is necessary to ensure breathing through the abdominal muscles.
  5. In case of a broken finger, there is no need for a splint, since the fixator becomes the adjacent healthy finger, to which it must be tightly bandaged. Additionally, give the victim a pain reliever.
  6. Fractures of the pelvic bones lead to damage internal organs characteristic zone, therefore it is possible internal bleeding, pain shock in the patient. You need to spread your legs in different directions and place a soft cushion of clothing under your knees.
  7. If this is a severe skull injury, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, apply a tight “Cap” bandage to the source of pathology, and then immediately transport the victim to the hospital.
  8. Splinting of the jaw for a fracture is carried out during urgent hospitalization of the patient; unauthorized measures to realign the bone are strictly contraindicated.

Types of transport tires

This is an important means of transport immobilization, which functions as a durable and hard pad. Splints for fractures have different classifications, but one purpose. Traumatologists distinguish the following types:

  • improvised tires (made from scrap materials);
  • specially designed (purchase at a pharmacy).

According to the design features of the tire there are:

  • staircases;
  • pneumatic;
  • plastic.

Providing first aid for fractures

If there is no doubt that this is not a dislocation at all, you need to act quickly. It is necessary to take a board as a material at hand, which can be used to firmly fix the injured bone. Additionally, you will need painkillers, local antiseptics, bandages and cotton wool. If necessary, you can use the participation of another person. First aid for fractures is a guarantee of a quick recovery for the injured party.

First aid for an open fracture

In such clinical picture an open wound is visible on the surface of the body; venous or arterial bleeding is possible. The first step is to prevent large-scale blood loss by the patient, and then immediately carry out immobilization for further transportation of the victim to the emergency room to provide professional medical care. So, you need to do the following:

  1. Disinfect the open wound.
  2. Apply a pressure bandage or tourniquet to avoid large blood losses.
  3. Apply cold to the bruised area to relieve swelling and reduce the intensity of bleeding.
  4. Additionally, give the victim analgesics in the form of Analgin, Tempalgin.
  5. Apply a splint and wait for doctors.
  6. In case of an open fracture with bone displacement, the first step is to exclude unauthorized attempts to straighten the damaged structure.

Providing first aid for a closed fracture

These types of injuries occur at every age, and with proper first aid they do not entail serious orthopedic problems. Distinctive feature injuries - no visible wounds or bleeding. The sequence of first aid for closed fractures is as follows:

  1. Immobilize the damaged bone.
  2. Choose an object that will become a rigid fixator.
  3. Tape it to the damaged area with a bandage or dense material, but do not try to correct the damaged bone structure.
  4. Additionally, apply cold to the sore spot against swelling.
  5. Give the victim an analgesic as a pain reliever.

First aid for a spinal fracture

This is a dangerous injury that can cost a person his life. If done incorrectly and without first aid, the victim may remain disabled forever. PMP consists of immobilizing the patient in a position that provides minimal load on the injured vertebrae. First aid for a spinal fracture includes the following procedure:

  1. Carefully place the victim on a hard surface on his back.
  2. Give a pain reliever.
  3. Place cushions made of dense material (can be made from clothing) under your neck and knees.
  4. Secure the patient's body and then transport him to the traumatology department.

First aid for broken limbs

If you are unlucky enough to injure your hand, even the victim himself can provide first aid. After this, immediately go to the emergency room. Fractures of the limb bones are tightly fixed, and for this it is recommended to use a scarf or bandages. If the forearm is injured, you will need two splints for fixation - on the outer and inner surfaces. Upper limb should be immobilized, while it is important to reduce the load as much as possible.

What to do if you have a broken rib

Injuring the chest is especially dangerous, since its cavity contains several important organs, systems. Providing first aid for rib fractures must be timely, since internal damage and large-scale hemorrhage cannot be ruled out. It is important to understand that the focus of the pathology must be immobilized, and the ribs move when breathing.

It is necessary to apply a tight bandage of elastic bandages to the chest. In the absence of such, you can use a sheet or other dense material, which is secured with a belt. After such manipulations, the patient will immediately experience long-awaited relief, as he will begin to breathe through the abdominal muscles. Then he urgently needs to be taken to a traumatology department, preferably in a horizontal body position.

Assisting with a clavicle fracture

This dangerous place, which is difficult to capture. First aid for fractures of the shoulder girdle consists of placing a small cushion under the armpit and hanging the affected arm on a scarf. In this case, it is important to tape the injured limb to the body with bandages, and transport the victim to the traumatology department in a sitting position. Otherwise, displacement cannot be ruled out. First aid for a clavicle fracture should be provided by a physician.

Assisting with a hip fracture

If you are unlucky enough to damage femurs, the first step is to immobilize the person. To do this, lie on your back on a hard base and be sure to give pain relief. To provide first aid for a hip fracture, you need to perform the following simple manipulations:

  1. Place two identical splints on the sore leg and wrap them tightly together with a bandage for further transportation of the patient.
  2. If there are none, tape the larger limb to the healthy one, but first place pads made of a thick layer of cotton wool between the bones of the feet and knees.
  3. Transport the victim exclusively in a horizontal position. Upon arrival, the first thing doctors can do is use special inflatable tires.

Video: Types of fractures and assistance

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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First aid for fractures and their types. How to provide first aid and immobilize the patient

First aid for fractures should be carried out with extreme caution, precision and accuracy. The fact is that in case of inept or hasty actions, there is high risk worsening the injury. The main thing to remember is that under no circumstances should you try to restore the functionality and anatomy of the damaged area on your own.

First medical aid (FAM) is always carried out only in compliance with certain rules, without unnecessary initiative and action, which is especially important for serious back injuries, hip joints, spinal column and ribs.

The fact that a person’s bone integrity is compromised can be clearly determined by the appearance of swelling at the site of exposure to the traumatic agent after half an hour. In addition, there will definitely be a bruise or hematoma, which depends on the degree of damage blood vessels and the extent of hemorrhage under the skin. Sometimes visible deformation of the injured area is determined.

Let's look at how to properly assist with a fracture.

At the very beginning of your actions, regardless of the type of injury, it is necessary to completely unload and immobilize the damaged area of ​​the body. In medicine this is called. This will prevent further displacement of bone fragments and reduce the degree of pain, and stop bleeding.

You should also immediately take care to ensure that the wound does not get infected from environment. This important point in those cases. when first aid is provided for an open fracture.

First aid for fractures occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. Initially, the injured person is examined, his condition is assessed and an ambulance is immediately called.
  2. If they have drugs from the analgesic group, they should be given to the patient;
  3. If the fracture is open, then the skin around the wound must be treated with a disinfectant (peroxide, furatsilin solution, chlorhexidine or Miramistin);
  4. After this, be sure to lightly dry the surface of the wound with a sterile cloth, but you cannot remove anything from the wound, nor can you set the fracture yourself;
  5. If possible, you should use a special wound dressing kit (it is important not to apply a tight bandage);
  6. Then you can begin immobilization with materials with a smooth and hard surface;
  7. Now you need to carefully place a splint under your leg so that it does not change its position and secure it with a bandage;
  8. If the ambulance cannot reach the victim, then after all the actions the patient is transported on a stretcher.

Bleeding can happen with any injury. If the injury is open, then bleeding occurs due to the fact that large vessels and soft tissues were injured in the process.

It is very good if the person providing assistance knows the difference between arterial, venous and capillary bleeding, because these concepts will help determine whether a tourniquet needs to be applied and how to do it correctly.

If an artery is damaged, the blood flows massively, often with pulsations, and its color becomes bright red or scarlet. In this case, the tourniquet must be placed above the location of the wound on the shoulder or thigh (even if the wound is located on the forearm or lower leg). Venous bleeding is not so active, the fluid comes out slowly, in a stream. And its color is like a ripe cherry. The tourniquet should be applied below the wound site.

If the patient has a closed injury, then it is necessary to stop the bleeding local means. Most often, frozen products are used. This can reduce pain, swelling and the size of the hematoma.


First aid for limb fractures differs slightly in the algorithm of actions from other injuries. However, in this case, it is paramount to pay attention to immobilization of the limb, for which splints are also used.

When applying them, you must adhere to one rule - they must be fixed in two joints located nearby (above and below the damaged bones). For example, if a person breaks his lower leg, then the splint must be secured at the foot ankle joint, and hips with knee.

A fracture is always accompanied by pain, so before immobilization the victim must be given any medication, otherwise the patient may experience an attack of painful shock. As the most effective and affordable drugs, it is recommended to use drugs from the NSAID group: or, Nise,.

When providing first aid to a person who has broken a limb, you should remember that clothing should not be removed under any circumstances. The splint is applied over trousers and other things. If you need to treat a wound, then it is only permissible to cut off small sections of tissue, which will allow access for antiseptic manipulations. If you remove clothes, there is a risk of displacement or shifting, as well as an increase in the number of fragments and bleeding due to injury to blood vessels. As a result, the patient's pain will increase, even to the point of shock.


First aid should be carried out taking into account the rules and actions described above. If a person has a broken lower leg, then a splint should be applied, which is attached to the area of ​​the foot and ankle joint, as well as the hip and knee. If there is an open wound, it must be treated with an antiseptic, which prevents infection and the subsequent development of complications. A sterile bandage should also be applied.

If the foot is injured, it is necessary to immobilize the toes and ankle joint with a splint.

Probably the most difficult first aid, because it is very difficult to diagnose if there is no special education. But alone characteristic symptom nevertheless, there is - the position of the victim will be on his back, and his legs will be spread apart and bent at the knees. This is the only way he can reduce severe pain and prevent shock.

For such injuries, it is unacceptable to use splints, and the victim can only be transported to the emergency room on a rigid stretcher, in the same position in which he is. To support the position, dense soft cushions (from pillows or clothing, foam rubber) can be useful.

Video: First aid for a closed fracture


  1. Traumatology and orthopedics. Textbook for students medical institutes edited by Yumashev G.S. Publishing house "Medicine" Moscow. ISBN 5-225-00825-9.
  2. Kaplan A.V. Closed injuries to bones and joints. Publishing house "Medicine". Moscow.