Alexandra Bonina exercises for the lumbar region. How effective is Alexandra Bonina’s gymnastics for the spine and joints? The best exercises for the back and all parts of the spine

Hello, dear readers. If you are bothered by back pain - constantly or at least sometimes - be sure to read this article to the end. It contains everything about the best exercises for the back from Alexandra Bonina.

Osteochondrosis - no!

I can’t say what percentage of the population is susceptible to various types of osteochondrosis, probably quite large. I can judge this by the number of requests on this topic in search engines. If you put together what is searched on the Internet along with the words “osteochondrosis”, “spine” and “back”, there will be almost 2 million requests per month. This is very, very much.

This project is called - Osteochondrosis - no or all about the treatment of osteochondrosis ( Its author is Alexandra Bonina, a sports doctor and exercise therapy doctor. She has her own life story about what made her undertake a thorough study of the problem of osteochondrosis.

Even before the project was created “No to osteochondrosis” She studied a huge amount of material related to spinal healing and was amazed that despite the fact that this is a very common problem, few people clearly understand what it is.

As it turned out, there is a lot of literature on the topic of osteochondrosis, but all these manuals and textbooks have one common mistake. They are written in overly complex language using a large number of medical terms.

They contain a lot of unnecessary information that is not systematized and does not respond to the specific needs of a person who is in no way related to medicine.

This is how the OSTEOHONDROSY.NET project appeared, where you can find developments in the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, useful articles and videos related to the treatment of osteochondrosis.

What will you find on this site?

The best exercises for the back and all parts of the spine

Here you will find therapeutic exercises and sets of exercises for all parts of the spine, and also, depending on the stage - exacerbation or remission. In addition, it contains useful materials, practical tips and recommendations for therapeutic exercises.

Theoretical and health materials

Here you will find information about the symptoms of osteochondrosis in various parts of the spine, complications, exacerbations, causes and consequences of osteochondrosis.

In a topic dedicated to spinal health, you will learn all about the benefits of a swimming pool, proper nutrition, the effect of flat feet on the spine and its treatment, and much more.

There is also information on medications that can be used for osteochondrosis.

In chapter Prevention of osteochondrosis you will find everything you need to do and follow for the health of your spine - physical activity, daily good habits, the effect of the spine on other organ systems, factors that kill your spine and so on.


This section contains everything and a special report on proper nutrition for spinal health.

  • Healthy spine in 2 weeks
  • Secrets of a healthy neck
  • Eliminating thoracic osteochondrosis
  • Secrets of a healthy lower back
  • Sciatic nerve entrapment

Answers to frequently asked questions

Alexandra Bonina receives a lot of questions from subscribers and readers. She publishes answers to the most popular questions in this section. Take a look, maybe you will find the answer to your question.

Traditional treatment

Although these methods are not the most effective and have long been forgotten by many, they nevertheless work. This section contains folk recipes and methods for treating the spine.

If the topic of osteochondrosis is your pain and problem, then go to Alexandra Bonina’s website and study all the available and useful materials.

Good luck and health to you!

Physical therapy is one of the main methods of non-drug treatment of spinal diseases. Correctly selected exercises will relieve back pain and improve the mobility of the spinal column. As an option for a physical therapy course, you can choose Alexandra Bonina’s exercises called “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks.” We will tell you more about the treatment method below.

The main cause of back pain is degeneration of the intervertebral discs, which represent a layer of cartilage tissue. The reasons are different: age, impaired blood circulation, incorrect lifestyle, leading to changes in the correct curvature of the spine. Pain in the acute period is relieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, and antispasmodics. However, it will not be possible to reduce the frequency of exacerbations and improve well-being without exercise, so treatment of spinal osteochondrosis necessarily includes gymnastics performed regularly at home.

Alexandra Bonina has developed a series of exercises that include strengthening the spinal muscles. While practicing at the center for restorative medicine, the instructor mastered therapeutic exercise programs and based on them created her own cycle. When does gymnastics for the spine help:

  • Osteocondritis of the spine.
  • Spinal injuries leading to degeneration, pain and dysfunction of the spinal column.
  • Crunch in the back.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, the need to sit for a long time (when working on a computer, at a desk).
  • Poor posture.

Exercises will improve blood supply to the spine. Regular exercise helps relieve spasm of the muscular corset of the back and spine. The muscles relax and the pain goes away.

Contraindications to physical therapy exercises: exacerbation of osteochondrosis and severe pain syndrome. You should not exercise if you have a herniated disc. Physiotherapy exercises for any pathology, including diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) not included in the list, must be discussed with your doctor.

Physical therapy exercises are an excellent help in the prevention of osteochondrosis and degenerative processes of the spinal column. Diseases do not appear immediately, and persistent pain syndrome begins to worry when the changes have become irreversible. Therefore, it is preferable to start prevention at a young age, strengthening the intervertebral muscles, improving blood supply to the spine and its flexibility.

How to study courses correctly

The name says that the spine will be restored in 2 weeks. Despite the promise, it is wise to understand that miracles do not happen. In 2 weeks, Alexandra, using a video course, will introduce a person to the basics and basic exercises for the spine. Classes are conducted daily for 5 days, after which there is a two-day break and the course is resumed.

A course of exercises from A. Bonina can be purchased on disk or viewed by becoming a member of Alexandra’s closed group on her official website. When you open the disc on your computer, you are taken to a menu. Initially, the author recommends that you read the instructions on how to perform the exercises correctly without causing harm to yourself. This is followed by complexes of exercise therapy exercises 1–10. 1–5 are completed in the first week, 6–10 in the second week of training. Starting from the third week, the courses are repeated.

For those wishing to expand the physical therapy training program, Alexandra Bonina offers to purchase the theoretical basis of the classes - the book “Traffic Light” system.

For those wishing to expand the physical therapy training program, Alexandra Bonina offers to purchase the theoretical basis of the classes - the book “Traffic Light” system. The author's publication describes 86 available exercises to help improve your back health. Conventionally, the program is divided into 3 parts.

Elimination of problems in specific parts of the spine

In the first paragraph, Alexandra talks about individual exercises for the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, and additionally describes exercises with the subtitles “No arthrosis” and “Sciatic nerve.”

Restoration and strengthening of the entire spine

The second part includes a description of exercises for the entire spinal column. They are strengthening in nature. The bonus describes a proper nutrition program that helps restore the health of the spine and joints.

Improving quality of life

The third complex is aimed at correcting posture and restoring quality of life. Pain occurs precisely because of the disturbed architecture of the spinal column, which provokes muscle spasm, deterioration of blood supply and pinched nerve roots. Correcting poor posture will relieve these problems and return a person to an active life.

On Alexandra Bonina’s website there is a mention that she is a certified physical therapy and sports medicine doctor. The author does not provide official confirmation of education. However, the course of health-improving physical education does contain up-to-date information on performing exercises and will be useful for osteochondrosis.

It is preferable to perform the exercises every morning every day, giving your back 2 days of rest on the weekend. In the future, doctors recommend practicing physical education 3-4 times a week at a convenient time. To make your cycle more productive, you can simultaneously go swimming, switch to proper nutrition, adjust your body weight and give up bad habits.

Remember: non-drug treatment is approved by official medicine. Gymnastic exercises are recommended by the World Health Organization as mandatory for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. By regularly performing exercises, you will restore flexibility to your joints, prevent further degeneration, improve your health and get rid of unbearable pain.

Alexandra Bonina is a well-known specialist in the treatment of osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine, pain in the joints and back, as well as other diseases. Born on May 21 and lives in Yekaterinburg.

Few people know, but “Alexandra Bonina” is the girl’s creative and business pseudonym under which she works, and in ordinary life her name is Ekaterina Pecherkina. The path in the direction in which the girl is now working began in the 9th grade, when she firmly decided to enter medical school. And her decision was crowned with success - in 2006 she entered the Ural State Medical University.

Sasha began her medical career immediately after graduating from medical university: having received higher education, she completed 2 years of residency and practiced at the center of restorative medicine. At the same time, the girl began to master the specialty of a fitness and bodybuilding trainer, becoming fascinated by the topic of a healthy lifestyle. But few people know that, before becoming a specialist in the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, Alexandra Bonina herself experienced terrible pain resulting from this disease. Personal story .

Studying at medical school was not easy. Every day I had to study a lot, study various literature on the topic of medicine and health. Coming home from school, the girl sat with books until late in the evening, without thinking about the harm she was doing to her eyesight and spine. Over time, she began to notice that the muscles of her neck became less mobile, she could not move her neck normally, and stiffness appeared in her movements. The pain gradually moved to the cervical spine, and later a headache appeared. Sasha did not even suspect then that she had advanced cervical osteochondrosis and the only thing she could think of was to simply lie down on a cushion (it was placed under the neck) and lie there until the tension in the neck went away. When semi-fainting conditions began to occur, she turned to a therapist, who advised her to take painkillers. But being a medical student herself, Alexandra Bonina understood perfectly well that painkillers do not bring any benefit to the patient (only temporary relief), but only harm the stomach. The girl decided that if the doctors could not help her, she would help herself.

Having attended a lecture on the specialty “Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine” for the first time, she immediately decided on her future specialty, which Alexandra Bonina could not decide on since her first year of study at the medical institute. Having become acquainted with physical therapy (abbreviated as exercise therapy) and sports medicine, she learned that many diseases can be cured through therapeutic activities and movements (exercises). I learned that there are special exercises that you can do even when experiencing pain. The course of lectures on exercise therapy and sports medicine lasted only 3 weeks, but during this time she truly fell in love with this area and realized that she wanted to work with the rehabilitation of patients through exercise and sports. Alexandra Bonina began experimenting on herself, performing these therapeutic exercises, while simultaneously visiting a massage therapist and a chiropractor. And over time, the pain in the neck went away, and the condition improved.

Having got a job as a sports trainer and physical therapy doctor at a fitness club in her second year of residency, Alexandra Bonina realized that many people with back diseases simply do not know how to deal with them, and that health is not taking a mountain of medications, but systematic physical activity , practicing a variety of exercises with different levels of difficulty. Based on her experience working with people who suffer from osteochondrosis, she developed a training program for those who complained of certain back and neck problems, and who were diagnosed with osteochondrosis by doctors and forbidden to go to the gym.

In 2013, a sports doctor and trainer decided to tell people about her passions and convey to them what true health consists of. One fine day, she simply sat down at the computer and began to write her own Internet blog, dedicated to the restoration of different parts of the spine with osteochondrosis. Alexandra Bonina began to write her own thoughts and articles on this topic, and in parallel with them began to record separate videos with various exercises and analysis of questions on the topic of restoring health in osteochondrosis. This is how Alexandra Bonina appeared on the Internet, a specialist in the treatment of various diseases of the spine.

After starting a blog, Sasha began to receive letters from subscribers and readers who were interested in her vision of the problem of treating osteochondrosis. People asked if there were any ready-made complexes or physical therapy exercise programs that they could use to restore their backs? It was these first subscribers, blog visitors and YouTube channel viewers that gave the sports doctor the idea of ​​creating the first exercise program for restoring the cervical spine. This is how the first step-by-step video course “Secrets of a healthy neck” appeared. Version 1.0". Then, after the first reviews were received from people for whom the disc helped restore the health of their neck, other educational video courses were recorded for the remaining parts of the spine - for the thoracic (video course “Eliminating Thoracic Osteochondrosis”) and lumbar (video course “Secrets of a Healthy Lower Back”).

In addition, a sports doctor created a program to eliminate a very common and painful condition - CHF (pinched sciatic nerve). Dozens of people sent positive reviews about the exercises from this unique program, which has no analogues in Russia and the world.

Alexandra Bonina assures that a healthy spine is not only about regular therapeutic physical exercises. In addition to exercise therapy, it is necessary to monitor what we eat every day. After all, food directly affects the condition of organs, bones, joints, and cells. This is how a nutrition seminar was recorded, called “Secrets of proper nutrition for spinal health.” The seminar was also liked and helped many people, judging by the reviews.

This is how a comprehensive program for restoring health through exercise and proper nutrition called .

The author does not stop there, she is constantly developing, conducting new seminars, recording videos, publishing articles and releasing video courses. For example, in 2016, a video course on joint gymnastics was released, which helps older people restore joint health. Also in 2016, video courses on correct posture and the treatment of arthrosis were released. A complete list of all materials is located just below on the page.

Alexandra Bonina’s videos, which are distinguished by accessibility and simplicity, help people at home, without pills, doctors and grueling workouts, get rid of osteochondrosis of the spine, pain and discomfort in the joints, as well as other ailments. By performing exercises that are easy to perform and understandable to everyone, a sick person will be able to eliminate his problems and become healthy soon!

Currently, Alexandra Bonina is the only certified specialist in Russia who treats osteochondrosis online. She is a successful businessman, a sought-after physical therapy doctor, a certified trainer, fitness instructor, and continues to teach physical therapy courses for adults and children. Being a creator , she is confident that our whole life and health are only in our hands, and is ready to help anyone who experiences problems with the spine and joints at any age!

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Alexandra Bonina’s gymnastics courses are intended for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This type of exercise has proven itself to be most effective for cervical osteochondrosis and thoracic kyphosis.

Alexandra Bonina’s charging method is good because it does not initially require high physical training of the user. The entire exercise therapy course consists of simple exercises that can be performed at home.

Some exercises (for example, for the office) are more like a warm-up. There is also a complex of joint gymnastics.

1 Briefly about the author

The author of gymnastics for joints and back is Alexandra Bonina: a sports doctor and a doctor of therapeutic and preventive physical education by training. Alexandra also has skills in rehabilitation medicine (restorative medicine).

After graduating from medical school, Alexandra completed 2 years of residency in the listed specializations. After that, she interned at a medical center for rehabilitation medicine, while simultaneously studying to become a fitness trainer.

Now Alexandra works as a personal trainer and at the same time a sports doctor in a famous fitness club. When creating her gymnastics, Alexandra relied not only on her experience, but also on medical knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

2 General description: what is Bonina gymnastics?

Bonina's gymnastics is a set of exercises for all parts of the spine and limbs, designed for physically unprepared people. What does it mean? This means that the exercises from the course can be performed even by people who have not done anything before.

In addition, the physical education complex is designed for different age groups; both children and the elderly can participate in it. However, for elderly people, some exercises will be prohibited (only the simplest - basic - elements are allowed).

The purpose of doing such gymnastics is to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and peritoneum, strengthen and increase the mobility of joints, and train the ligamentous apparatus. In addition to training the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system is strengthened.

2.1 Who is Bonina’s gymnastics intended for: indications for training

First of all, the treatment course is recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. They are at risk of developing several dozen diseases of the spine and joints. But if you already have diseases, then this gymnastics will also be useful.

  1. Dorsalgia.
  2. Pain in the neck and lower back.
  3. Weakness of the muscles of the upper and lower peritoneum, spinal corset, muscles of the limbs and shoulders.
  4. Degenerative diseases (osteochondrosis, spondylosis).
  5. Spinal position disorders (scoliosis, pathological kyphosis and lordosis, idiopathic postural disorders).
  6. Joint diseases, including arthritis and arthrosis (including autoimmune etiology).

3 List of courses by Alexandra Bonina

There are 5 basic physical education courses from Alexandra Bonina, as well as one mini-set of exercises (morning exercises). It is not at all necessary to engage in parallel with all available sets of exercises: one course is sufficient to start.

3.1 Secrets of a healthy neck

The course is divided into two parts. The first part is the theoretical section, where the methodology of treatment using physical exercises is discussed in detail. The second part contains a description of the neck exercises that need to be performed.

This course poorly suited for the treatment of existing cervical diseases: it is more intended for their prevention. In particular, with the help of “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” you can prevent the development of spondylosis, spondylolisthesis and osteochondrosis of the neck.

The gymnastic elements from the course are very easy to perform and do not require much time. Most of the exercises can be done in ten-minute breaks between work, which should be especially useful for office workers.

3.2 Healthy spine in 2 weeks

It is impossible to completely improve the spine (if there are problems with it) in two weeks: the name of the course is metaphorical. The author implies that in two weeks it will be possible to partially put the spine in order and mobilize it for subsequent training.

We can say that this is an introductory complex that opens the way for the user to more intense back training. It is recommended for beginners who have not previously engaged in physical education (apart from basic five-minute gymnastics, this is not physical education).

This complex does not guarantee that your back will be cured of all diseases in two weeks: it is designed to improve your posture and prepare the back muscle corset for subsequent training. The course is recommended for taking before more serious training, or as a regular warm-up.

3.3 Morning exercises

Are you sure that you are doing morning exercises correctly? Most respondents will answer without a shadow of a doubt: “yes.” And most of them are wrong, since without a theoretical basis it is unlikely to be possible to perform morning exercises correctly.

This course does not just talk about the most effective and safe exercises for morning exercises. In addition, he also teaches how to perform them without harming health, in what sequence and for what duration.

He also teaches how to warm up just before your morning exercise routine. In addition to everything, the course describes tips on such activities, talks about the potential benefits of morning exercises, and possible negative aspects.

3.4 Secrets of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

One of the most common and painful diseases of our time is cervical osteochondrosis. It is common because most people in developed countries lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition to lack of mobility, most people have chronic overload of the neck muscles, since many people work sedentary. This course is designed to eradicate osteochondrosis of the cervical spine of any stage or form (except for those that are completely advanced and require surgery).

If you do not have osteochondrosis of the neck, but you believe that you are at risk (for example, you have an office job), this course will also be useful to you. It not only treats cervical osteochondrosis, but also prevents its development (not with a 100% guarantee, of course).

3.5 7 basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is much less common than cervical osteochondrosis. And if it does occur, it is usually combined (cervicothoracic or thoracolumbar osteochondrosis). In itself, such osteochondrosis is not as dangerous (as cervical or lumbar), but it can also be very painful.

The exercises from the course are aimed at eliminating any form of thoracic osteochondrosis. Be it classic thoracic osteochondrosis, or cervicothoracic/thoracolumbar osteochondrosis.

But what does “7 basic exercises” mean?

This means that the exercises in this course are universal, easy to perform and do not require any preliminary physical training of the user. The training system is suitable for both young men and elderly people suffering from osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.

3.6 Treatment course for osteochondrosis from Alexandra Bonina (video)

3.7 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises

Morning exercises are not as simple as it might seem: if you do it incorrectly, the results will be zero. In some cases, mistakes during warm-up can even worsen the situation (if there is some kind of disease), or lead to the appearance of diseases.

The course talks about the seven most dangerous exercises for morning exercises. Doing them means putting your health at risk. The saddest thing is that the exercises described in the course are extremely popular among ordinary people: many talk about them as “useful” and even “necessary”. This is the biggest danger of the exercises described in the course.

In addition to describing harmful exercises, this course talks about which exercises you should focus on.

Elena Polyakova

Alexandra Bonina is a sports doctor, physical therapy doctor and fitness trainer. She has a diploma from a medical school, after which she completed a residency and an internship at the Center for Regenerative Medicine. Currently, Alexandra Bonina works as a personal fitness trainer and sports doctor. This talented specialist is firmly convinced that a person’s health is in his hands. Osteochondrosis cannot be a death sentence. Exercise therapy, gymnastics and constant exercise are the secret to a healthy spine.

Alexandra Bonina is the author of methods aimed at combating osteochondrosis affecting the cervical or thoracic region, as well as the lumbar region, and at its prevention. They were filmed and are widely available on YouTube. The most popular courses on video are: “A healthy spine in 2 weeks” and “Secrets of a healthy neck.”

Improvement in a matter of weeks

The “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks” method is the first course recorded on video. It is a step-by-step instruction that describes the secrets of basic exercises for osteochondrosis of such parts of the spine as: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Prevention and treatment of this disease can be carried out at home, spending only one hour of your time on it. Alexandra Bonina talks about this in detail in her course. After performing exercise therapy for the back with basic exercises, it is possible to restore the functions of any part of the spine - cervical, thoracic, lumbar - in two weeks. Another name for this technique – “Your Healthy Spine” – suggests that Alexandra Bonina tries to individually approach each problem and help solve it in a short time.

“Your Healthy Spine,” which Alexandra Bonina offers, includes 10 sets of basic exercises and video training telling how and in what sequence they need to be performed. Video with detailed information:

Each stage of back exercise therapy must be performed during the work week so that the back can rest on the weekend. In the first weeks, five complexes are performed, then a two-day break, and then the remaining exercises are performed. After this, as Alexandra Bonina points out, everything repeats itself again. This video includes exercises that work all parts of the back: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Each movement is characterized by a certain frequency and duration.

The “Your Healthy Spine” exercises, compiled by Alexandra Bonina, are suitable for the following groups of people:

  • Patients who are in remission. The pain syndrome has passed or significantly decreased, but cervical, thoracic osteochondrosis or lower back diseases may soon appear with renewed vigor.

This video course, as Alexandra Bonina promises, will help increase the duration of remission and gradually get rid of the disease itself.

  • People with no exacerbations.

Such patients strive to avoid exacerbations in the future. Chronic osteochondrosis of any part of the spine - cervical, thoracic - or diseases of the lower back can occur without severe symptoms, but still cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, people who suffer from them want to get rid of these pathologies.

  • People who want to prevent the occurrence of diseases such as osteochondrosis, affecting the cervical or thoracic regions, as well as pathologies of the lower back.

There are patients who have only one part of their back affected - the cervical, thoracic or lumbar, and they do not want the disease to spread to other parts. For them, “A healthy spine in 2 weeks” and exercise therapy for the back will also be very relevant. After all, with the help of exercises we not only eliminate the manifestations of the disease, but also stop its further spread.

Let's consider contraindications.

Thanks to simple but effective exercises, the “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks” method, as Alexandra Bonina points out, has no age or gender restrictions. Numerous reviews also speak about this. The only contraindication for exercise therapy is considered to be an exacerbation of osteochondrosis affecting the cervical and thoracic regions, as well as severe pain in the lumbar region. In this case, it is necessary to perform special exercises, which, as Alexandra Bonina points out, are not in this video.

Results to be achieved:

  • Increased blood supply to the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, and lower back.
  • Normalization of spinal mobility.
  • There is no pain syndrome regardless of the affected area: neck, chest or lower back.
  • Restoration of working capacity.
  • No slouching.
  • Improved overall well-being
  • There are no muscle spasms affecting the neck, thoracic region, or lower back.

Improving the condition of the neck

The “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” technique and its exercise therapy was the result of the author’s fruitful work and his independent struggle with his own cervical osteochondrosis. This video provides recommendations for step-by-step exercises to help eliminate the symptoms of this disease.

Due to the fact that the cervical spine is very mobile, when it is damaged, conditions such as radicular syndrome, vertebral artery syndrome, cerebral ischemia, and glenohumeral periarthrosis occur. Most often, these manifestations occur in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. This exercise therapy course, compiled by Alexandra Bonina, will also be useful to young parents seeking to instill healthy habits in their children from an early age.

Conditions for which the exercises specified in the “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” method are indicated:

  • weather dependence;
  • frequent morning fatigue;
  • hearing loss;
  • weakening of memory;
  • visual impairment;
  • arrhythmias;
  • dyspnea;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sweating;
  • panic attacks;
  • stiffness of movements in the neck area.

Questions, the answers to which are revealed in the process of completing the “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” set of exercises:

  1. Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?
  2. What are the characteristic features of the neck?
  3. What are the factors predisposing to the development of cervical osteochondrosis?
  4. What exercises affect this disease?
  5. Are there any contraindications to performing the exercises specified in the method for osteochondrosis?
  6. What is the secret of exercises performed during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis?

The “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” course, compiled by Alexandra Bonina, is recorded on two discs.

  • First video.

It consists of the following sections:

  1. "Start". It tells you how to use the course correctly, describes the secrets of maximizing mastery of the material and performing the exercises.
  2. "Theory". This section of the course “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” talks about the disease itself, its manifestations, causes of development and possible complications. It also talks about how to properly perform exercise therapy depending on the exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis or remission.
  3. "Practice". It provides direct exercises that are performed either with or without detailed explanations, rhythmically and to music.

For patients in the acute phase or with vertebral artery syndrome, Alexandra Bonina in her course “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” provided slow, gentle exercises that are highly effective.

More intensive gymnastics is provided for patients who are in remission or who are performing “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” for preventive purposes. There are no contraindications for performing this technique.

  • Second video.

This video also consists of three sections: “Start”, “Theory”, “Practice”. The second disc of the course contains exercises with which we can eliminate glenohumeral periarthrosis. The gymnastics in this video, as Alexandra Bonina points out, is intended for patients in the acute stage, remission and involved in prevention. The disk also contains a theoretical partition, copying a similar one from the previous disk. There are also no contraindications for performing the “Secrets of a Healthy Neck” technique.

Alexandra Bonina and her courses play a big role in healing the body, fighting diseases such as osteochondrosis, and eliminating pain. Their effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous reviews.